my computer is experiencing EXTREME DIFFICULTY for NO APPARENT REASON but i am ready now >>702310 >>702308 i messaged him through discord guess he doesn't get notifications doubt i have the proper email to reach him anymore
This show is a real "The real treasure is the experiences we had along the way" kind of show. I wonder if they'll even be on Isekandar before the show's over.
he CLEARLY feels! just look at how annoyed he is! also he looks fluffy so he probably isn't cold! don't hate on yourself so much!
hello i was asleep
Hi Moon sorry for waking you. We've got about ten minutes left in RobiHachi episode ten. Unless Rika has other plans we're probably gonna do episode eleven after this.
>>702345 don't you wish you had a fireman mode? >>702347 oh ok i thought maybe the ring woke you up since you posted right after but maybe not it did go to voicemail
Kind of. It would be a good security in case of an emergency.
>>702350 it's on vibrate, i forgot to turn it up but it might have woken me
Being Yang is suffering.
Now who are these fucks and why are they chasing after Robby or Hatchi.
>>702359 yeah he has a pretty sweet gig for sure if i was robby i wouldn't mind getting captured by him >>702360 when i'm like 80 i'm going to go on a space cruise tour and be like "wow when i was 20 i thought this would never happen" just believe space travel will happen
>>702393 oh to actually answer your question though, yeah, you did! But I still got my rock! Nobody has to know I stole a rock, they don't even ask questions in the TSA check-in, and I've got worse things through customs anyways! I need the rocks so I can give them to Saku.
>>702426 It's probably about the best you could get. Unless you actually want to do violence or something. If everything works out in your favour though even something like that would probably end up going well for you anyway.
That one kick from Saitama really did a number on Garou. Though I guess Death Gatling's arranged a really good team to go up against him too. But it's a surprise to see him in such dire straits.
cliffhangers don't really work for OPM why are they still trying
I don't think it's as big a deal for these serious plot sides. Like when it's Saitama, yeah, it's dumb to make it cliffhang on him in a precarious position because his whole shtick is he's too strong to lose. But it's a bit more exciting with something more grounded like Garou.
if you only showed this one episode to someone they would think Garou was the protagonist >>702440 I guess if nothing else it gets people to talk about how pointless it is Cliffhangers almost always generate some kind of buzz, right?
Yeah, I kinda want to go too. Two of the friends I went to Japan with took a trip to an onsen near Kyoto on the day I went with other friends on a road trip -day trip to Nara and Osaka. I was more than happy to go on the trip but it's a shame I had to pick between the onsen or the day trip.
>>702466 well he IS the best boy >>702468 i want to go to hokkaido it seems really peaceful Game Center CX did a special where they went from the southernmost point of Japan to the Northernmost point and played a game at each place The part where they were in the northernmost inn, in hokkaido, some 10km from the apex of Hokkaido, looked really nice. I bet bathing in hot springs when it's so cold feels really good!
I've been in a hot tub when the air temperature was probably somewhere around -10C. It's probably not quite the same as a hot springs but it's a fun experience.
There's a point when you transcend incompetence and become just adorable.
i'm gonna watch dororo now since i didn't watch shit yesterday >>702491 no problem i may or may not be around tuesday from now on, not sure what the hell is going on with my schedule if i work the second shift on tuesday that means i can watch on tuesday but if they have me coming in on wednesday's first shift i can't >>702493 yeah i'd rather have a goddamn set schedule for 60 hours than what's going on waiting around not knowing if i'm going to work or not is really aggravating i don't need that extra stress and unknown factor
The finale will be fun!
>>702492 Hopefully they settle the scheduling turbulence you've been going through. At least then you could plan around it.