End of season's coming up soon too. So there'll be a week or so of show drought. I'm gonna have to go look to see if there's any good movies to watch that have come out.
>>701789 I don't think the series on a whole is saying it's wrong for him to take it back. But there are characters that will think him wrong for wanting to sacrifice a whole kingdom for his body. And I don't necessarily think they're unwarranted in thinking that.
I don't think this series is trying to make any drastic claims like that.
This is quite a dramatic stage they've set for the finale.
I guess he'll probably get his eyes in the finale.
okay fairy gone 10 okay lets start!
Fairy Gown
I had a hunch there was gonna be a dramatic death in Dorothea after that one episode where they all were buddy-buddy at the bar. Though it took a bit longer to deliver than I thought it would.
yeah they're a little hamfisted in their setups it felt unnatural for a reason
what a lovely scenery though
There's a decent amount of work put into the visuals. It's a nice-looking show.
the OST kicked in like something big just happened when he said that
is this a branch-off of a different storyline or universe
I'm fairly certain it's not.
i could see it being pretty good as a complement to a larger story, like a side story or background, or like if marlya was the daughter of somebody in another story
it just feels like it's missing something as a standalone i got no idea
Maybe there's some multimedia aspects to it that we don't get since we only see the anime. A lot of anime-original shows these days have complimentary LNs or manga.
sensei is really adorable i got a bunch of screencaps that episode
okay do we want to hunt for jan? or wrap up early
He got back to me and seems busy. If we only do three shows tonight we'll be one show over, so it'll be easy to catch up. Plus tomorrow is a lot of shows Jan doesn't watch so we'll have it easy tomorrow.
I thought this post-credits stuff was going to be a bit about Sensei freaking out after the fact about how close they were in that fake kiss. But instead it was more Senpai so I'm good with that.