Thread #699764
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Bottom Identity
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/moe/ is my boyfriend!!
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I am not going to pay your share of the bill
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hello hello
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>>699768 Rika-chan!
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Hello fearless leader.
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FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/13 (ๆจ) 22:39 No. 699772
>>699764 (OP) Don't tell fish!
wish is wife moe is bf what is weird or wrongabout that?
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fish is on the other side of the country she'll never know
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yeah just keep it on the down low then nobody will get hurt, obviously
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Best fucking justice song for real
panties were posted two threads below so I'm posting this have fun
yeah they really went to town in that tread probably because they didn't know any better
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I'm telling mom!
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>>699779 no panties here
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/06/13 (ๆจ) 22:55 No. 699783
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don't break the RULES
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Too bad Rika always just posts hello hello and then never posts again every day or she could save us from this fate
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We're left to fend for ourselves like a pack of dying wolves now
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>>699786 is 100% lord of flies here
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>>699784 I watch for awhile too.
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>>699789 >She says without acknowledging people posting lewd images Wow.>>699791 She's become so cold.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/06/13 (ๆจ) 22:58 No. 699791
>rika just watches while we struggle and suffer
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Yeah, don't post lewd stuff.
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Do you not have mod privs anymore or something?
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I can't wait for this weekend. This week was way too long. I ended up with 6 additional client hours I wasn't expecting which is accompanied by an extra like 5 hours of paperwork and notes. The IQ test I did on that 6 year old today really exhausted me, too.
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>>699793 I do, I was being lazy. It's a lot of trouble to go up there and delete it.
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>>699795 Oh, you should have just said so. I didn't actually care about the image, I just wanted to give you a hard time.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/06/13 (ๆจ) 23:09 No. 699797
you give a hard time yo do the hard time
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Fish got mad at me today for calling her dad a dick lol
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even if he's being a dick, saying that to a girl can make her feel conflicted
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She's a bit of a daddy's girl.
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He basically threatened me. That's why I said he was a dick.
women want me fish fear me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/06/13 (ๆจ) 23:22 No. 699803
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You keep hanging around my daughter and you're gonna be sleeping with the fishes. Wait shit
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Nah, I haven't seen Fish in a thousand years so there's no sleeping going on!
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A good topic came up in group today how old is a cougar also the male version of a cougar is called a "rhino"?? i dont get it>>699804 where is she
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>>699805 she's in california for an indefinite amount of time that's a weird thing to talk about in group
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oh gosh, that's stressful i know someone who went to california they turned into a bad person because of it>>699807 it was just a short interjection for a couple minutes a couple girls were saying a cougar is like blanche from the golden girls, like 60-70 i thought that was weird other people thought it was like 40-50
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>>699808 fish lived in calirofnia most of her life she's from palo alto rich town her mom's got breast cancer i think 40-50 yeah
oh no sorry to hear that my aunt has breast cancer and i should probably see her or something but idk family is hard
A cougar is definitely 40-50
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Fish is really close to her family so it's different. They actually have, like, good relationships. Weirdos.
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this aunt of mine is married in, not blood related, so she's actually really sweet and kind. i feel bad my uncles are all getting old too it's stressful to think about when will you get to see her again?
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Whenever she shows up, I guess. Wakaranai
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Yeha, you should probably see her.
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My image got deleted. I know who did it.
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And I see the whole fucking front of white panties when I go in that thread.
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Yeah, I deleted it. Don't post lewd stuff!
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Right on cue. Good stuff, mod-san.
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Well, hopefully I can see Fish soon. I'm doing okay, though.
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>>699820 i hope you're able to
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Yeah pk, if you still here Nokk still my spirit animal
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>>699820 is jan doing okay? he hasn't been responding to my texts is he mad at me
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Jan's fine. We're in voice chat right now. I don't think he's mad at you
okay im glad he is well
>>699822 nokia
>>699824 Tell that nerd to come watch anime with us.
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tell him to stop being so sad that his mmo boyfriend broke up with him jk don't tell him this shit he can find out on his own
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>>699827 tell him you're self
I tried! I think he missed the message last night ;_;
i told him and he said okay
Sometimes it takes so much time just to get my coffee here. I'm already like five minutes past break, geez.>>699833 Because we've got Fruits Basket and RobiHachi to watch! And maybe JoJo but that's probably less relevant than those two.
he wants to know why you want to tell him that
why does he want to know why tilde wants to tell him that
Tish Whoops Today in my class we had a guest speaker from the university archives. You might've enjoyed being able to pick his brain better than I could, Moon.
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no posts in 11 minutes, certified dead as fuck
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still see 3 obvious panty posts in that thread lacking hard are we?
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I think tilde is still here hey kirara and tilde, this 2 hour long video is better than the force awakens, the last jedi, and the coming rise of skywalker combined>>>/watch?v=-Z0S0Z8lUTg enjoy.
I'm still out and about for night class; kinda hard to watch stuff. I'll look into it when I'm home.
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Take care that you do no more harm with an open palm than with a closed hand.
Ideally I'm doing absolutely no harm regardless of my hands.
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Ideally. But you bring change to what you do, whether it be bad or good.
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And how you deal with love is what determines your character.
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Bad love. How do you deal with bad love? I try to put them towards something better.
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I don't know you anymore Kirara, you're breaking my heart
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You're going down a path that I can't follow
>Pokรฉmon Sword/Shield won't even have the coding support for Mega Evolutions or Z-Moves I didn't really care one way or another on Z-Moves but Mega Evolutions were a really cool complexity added to the games. On top of the cut Pokรฉmon from the games I'm kind of bummed about the games now.
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Nintendo shit, who cares.
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>>699852 you're bein kind of antagonistic today what's wrong
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How come I don't remember who solari is?
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I wielded power lke you can't imagine. I saw all possibilities, spreading outwards touching everything else. And only when it was ripped from me, did I truly see it.
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>>699854 he's been here a few years but doesn't speak up often i dunno
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I am but a mirror to only show you what your eyes canjot /cannot yet see.
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Oh man someone in my neighborhood is grilling souvlaki and gosh it smells delicious.
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Well rika-chan, I never really talked to you. Might be a reason there.
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now fish is mad that i forgot to tell her that a client was being inappropriate in a session what an angry fish
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Kirara you don't exist in a vaccum
a fighting fish
vac-cum the hottest new product
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The true lesson of strength is to not take any power that isn;t your own. It will make you weaker. It will make your empty shell worth nothing, worth but a speck of sand. Find your inner strength, then you can make anything you want happen.
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Is your niisan still around and causing chaos? you seem a little distressed lately im very confused what you mean by onisan versus niisan but okay i think i understand better
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Nope. My niisan is the only good one. Both of my onisans are the fucking destructive ones. Wish my niisan was here, wouldn't bve some dumbass rn. The only power I need is myself.
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If you turn away from others power, the true lesson of strength. Then you will learn so much.
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? the true lesson of strength is to turn away from strength that is not your own. Always be on your guard, otherwise you might learn something.
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That's why you're still alive~
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Im always on guard. Im not really good at being a human being though so I don't think I'm a useful sample I think you do need to get power from others too, probably i dont really know
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then you don't learn anything new, don't you.
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your inner strength must be so weak then. sorry. But maybe you will learn to take responsibilities for everything you do.
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I am but a mirror, to show you what your own eyes cannot yet see.
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Those implications don't make any sense
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You take so much strength from everyone else. What is your own strength? tell me.
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i'll pass im strong enough i don't need it validated>>699885 are you going to be out late i'll set my alarm later if so i don't want to get up just to wait
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good. don't validate me. I'm on this raptors game rn Glad both of you got sentient.
How's it looking? I figure half this city's going to riot either way but I'd rather they riot happily than not.
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>>699885 Raptors will win tonight? That might be a riot but it wouldn't be worse thanb losing come on tilde
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4-2 like I predicted. I must be an oracle. Like how I predicted you being with me
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 02:00 No. 699888
Is ToN around? I found a manga he might like.>>699889 How did you know?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/06/14 (้) 02:00 No. 699889
is it more loli
>>699883 Nope, class ended early and my out plans fell apart so I'm home for the night. Anime should probably start at normal-ish times.
he likes lolithings
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 02:01 No. 699892
>>699889 Well she's like 14 so she's just barely not a loli.
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There is no fucking way you all didn't learn inner strength in this entire 10 month stretch I have been telling you all
more like lol
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/06/14 (้) 02:04 No. 699896
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1164x1164, 0073478a1700f36fda629d3762e391ed.jpg )
>>699892 That's not strictly how loli works but I'm not here to talk semantics
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I saw that pic 25 time tone come on.
nothing wrong with the classics
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I saw that waaaay to fucking much but like this is what happens when America (the USA) gets fucking killed in the NBA finals>>>/watch?v=lI-ZEq6A-c8
Nothing wrong with the class icks
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I want to taste a B-BOSS
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 02:24 No. 699904
Search [iqdb] (244 KB, 1920x1080, [EggPain-Raws&ANK-Raws] Sansha(…).jpg )
Dorothy in Smash when?
>>699902 this is creepy when did you take this picture of me and how did the camera read my thoughts
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Where is your inner strength can you tell me? or would it compromise you
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where isn't it it's everywhere
>>699907 inside moon duh where else is moons inner strength gonna be
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could be nonexistent but that's up to them yo now I know PS4 doesn't have an optical cord what a garbage console
Just use your optical nerve instead.
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Hope that wins me a PUBG game if it doesn't you suck ass tilde
Just business as usual when it comes to being me.
tilde, don't suck ass it's really unsanitary
Don't worry I only suck the most sanitary of asses.
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FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 02:46 No. 699918
This manga is really good.
what if you crit on a kabedon`?
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I died top 8 squads so you're top 8
I'll take what I can get.
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still didn't tell me either 3 of your inner strengths good. Mine is my own. I can assume yours is too.
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this is my inner strength
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already dated comics? you're lying to me.
if you talk about inner strength, what you're talking about is already gone you're just talking about a shadow
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You're telling me you accept other peoples power that isn't your own.
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that concept doesn't mean anything it's a nice sentiment but it's not real
>>699927 this
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Are you ready to give up that ideal? To be willing to believe in an ideal is to be willing to betray it.
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my ideals have always been constant if you're just monologuing and exploring thoughts out loud that's fine, but because you're being cryptic i can't tell if you're doing that or trying to instruct me on something im just me even when i change, my ideals don't
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impermanence is the way the universe shows its love
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uhh I won't ping yu'all but since kira and tild are still here>>>/watch?v=-Z0S0Z8lUTg here you go im going to play shootan see ya
oh cool i can't watch it now but i will tomorrow
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good luck shootan tear em up>>699933 are you bedding
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go to bed both of you your soft bodies need it
Sleep is for the week
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Challenge your ideals. Don't be such a tool.
>>699934 yeah it's like 3 hours past my bedtime wwww
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the application of your ideals is inherently challenging them i use them every day in the construction of new theory i dont raelly know what you're suggesting>>699938 wwwwwww i think im gonna quit this venlafaxine it's too quiet in my head and i can't think. i want the noise back good night
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Look at the other side of them. See what it reveals. Insightful.
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 03:14 No. 699941
>>699938 Wwwwww
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You're so cute when you don't challenge anything you've been taught.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 03:16 No. 699943
Search [iqdb] (252 KB, 1920x1080, [Doki] Outbreak Company - 06 ((…).jpg )
im self-learned sorry
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 03:17 No. 699945
>>699943 Kek Reminder that that was written by the same guy who wrote Chaika.
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>kekking in 2019
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 03:20 No. 699947
>>699946 People still do it in WoW
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 03:23 No. 699949
I put the kek in kekkonsuru.
who are you quoting
Search [iqdb] (166 KB, 848x1199, D4NEMfwUYAADz3M.jpg )
super cute omg this is why I still love you
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 03:26 No. 699952
>>699950 >who are you quoting Who are you quoting?
that's none of your business
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 03:29 No. 699954
>who are you quoting -Moon 2019
>>699949 kek-kone
>>699952 "Hu"
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Do any of you play DbD? jk. all of you would get fucking embarassed in that game never mind lol
dicked by daylight
>>699957 well yeah since it is embarrassed
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>>699958 you would get dicked by daylight
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Escape that bitch so fucking easy wish this guy with his boomer reflexes could learn it from this board
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 03:43 No. 699962
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>>699962 >>>/watch?v=8v9M9TzTh2c
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and then 4-2 prediction I had for the Toronto Raptors came through. So easy. it's like I can also predict your life, fellow sufferer.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 03:46 No. 699965
>>699963 >>>/watch?v=UGoGwlNmZUQ
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fuck off australian this is Canadas time
Guess it's time to burn Toronto to the ground.
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nah it's time to celebrate didn't daft punk tell you shit? FUCKING CELEBRATE
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 03:48 No. 699969
Search [iqdb] (โซ, 29s, 2.8 MB, 488x406, god hates Australia.webm )
>>699966 Fite me
>>699968 Yeah that's what I said.
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have a good sleep tilde since you don't care about sports and shit maybe look at my Kreia video?
I might check it out in a few. Thursday nights are the night I watch some nerds play D&D so my focus is a little occupied. But I think they're running a break shortly. Ah it's nearly two hours long, yeah, that might need a larger time allocation hah hah.>>699973 I woke up at like 16:30 today I'm definitely not tired even remotely right now.
Search [iqdb] (519 KB, 1250x1250, 65378173_p0.jpg )
don't watch it when you are tired what the fuck watch it when you're on all cylinders
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It is actually ALWAYS Finland time! fuck you anglofags
Oh I can hear people already starting off fireworks.
Search [iqdb] (835 KB, 800x1119, 71668189_p0.jpg )
>>699972 then after this raptors making history you can watch why episode 7 8 and 9 in star wars are irrelevant
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 03:52 No. 699977
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] New Game! - 11 (…).jpg )
>>699974 The fun never Finnishes
Search [iqdb] (134 KB, 534x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>>699977 Funland
>>699976 Oh if that's what this is all about maybe I won't. I'm not particularly interested in another person's tepid take on why they're upset at what Rian Johnson did.
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1210x1800, 64133289_p0.jpg )
jk come on what tf that video is good in it's own. no matter my own opinion on the new star wars trigoly.
>>699978 >>>/watch?v=39tcgd-pYGo
>>699978 >>>/watch?v=hWBbdLF7Em4
Search [iqdb] (220 KB, 883x1200, D42B8Z5U8AIQLpM.jpg )
7. 8 and 9 are bad though. It's honestly objective. Even Rogue One is better than all of them.
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Thrawn trilogy is the actual sequel
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 03:57 No. 699986
>>699984 nice image.
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 652x960, e97a03a364c0112d.jpg )
These fireworks are spooking my cat. I don't appreciate that part of the celebration.
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hold them maybe
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you have a job, do it. sheesh it makes me sad that some of you can't even do something simple
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eat the fireworks
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wahh i wont watch this video because someone said the new trilogy is bad lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 621x800, 8d0b319cf9cb2d5a37d6688947cd3a03.jpg )
>hey guys my name is angrycritic14214124 and welcome to my ten hour video essay on starwars yawn
Search [iqdb] (402 KB, 493x649, 41408228_p4.png )
>hey guys my name is cumcritic5426 and today im going to have a semen expert guess cheap vs. expensive semen brands
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 04:17 No. 699995
Aren't there brands of livestock semen though? Someone should really do that.
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 04:17 No. 699996
>>699993 I found a good manga
Search [iqdb] (240 KB, 1417x2048, volleyball.jpg )
>>699994 >welcome to another review from your host cocksock69 and today we're going to be comparing ridged and smoothed dildos >>699996 Good for you what's it about >>699998 Two hours is a lot of time dude He could be playing video games in that time
Search [iqdb] (761 KB, 781x1000, 62969815_p0.png )
wahh I heaqr the same voice for more than 20 seconds and then I get autistic
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 04:18 No. 699999
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 04:18 No. 700000
Suck it pk
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 04:19 No. 700001
>>699997 A demon who needs to feed on hman men by having sex with them and sucking the life out of them. But the demons fight eachother over territory a lot and have different powers.
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1500x2118, 70418849_p0.jpg )
so just admit 2 hours is too much for you and yield the loss? like from then I would know for real your actual level of thinking
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 04:21 No. 700003
>>699997 It's also in full color and has good art. It has a heavy Western influence as well.
two seconds is too long for me to listen to someone talk about a series i don't give a shit about
Search [iqdb] (566 KB, 461x648, 46325490_p0.png )
lou's cat review got deleted from youtube the whole channel got deleted damn
anime >>700005 โ
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yucky for three of you then. I am but a mirror, who's only purpose is to show you what your own eyes cannot yet see.
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 1080x875, bravosnyder.jpg )
hey guys welcome to my 5 hour long analysis of the symbolism in Batman V Superman
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 568x1022, D4fNMUIU0AAIIjb.jpg )
troll me more. goodbye
>>700006 purge is ongoing
>>700011 i'm sure it's an interesting video but i haven't even seen two of the new movies
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 04:37 No. 700029
>>700013 shut up hazy
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 596x447, numberone.jpg )
>>700031 I'm not Hazy, and to prove it I will proclaim that Godzilla 1998 sucks ass
>>>/watch?v=Ihr0y7ayGV0 old nostalgia
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Can't you just comfort me with your being the song is nice but
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well, i mean, you keep blaming me for not talking to you enough and then blocking me and all that it puts me in a really weird spot i can't do anything
Search [iqdb] (655 KB, 1100x825, 73133342_p0.png )
I denied you of opportunities. don't you still have my discord tag? I won't be as selfish as last time.
Search [iqdb] (3.8 MB, 1920x1080, 75109165_p0.png )
The more I see, the more I really do feel it is hard. Even just to open up to strangers. You have to give up a piece of yourself to them. Evene just to keep a facade. Datura#6636 here
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 563x860, 14391e84988cc21176ba29920e973f7f.jpg )
yeah, exposure and risk are implicit to the process it's pretty exhausting to churn out a thoughtful message after being yelled at just to say it's been blocked and won't be seen let me get through my week of therapy ive got issues im getting through and i can't have those kinds of disturbances right now sorry but i have to be kind of selfish
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I wish you success in it
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and now I know who to kill cause of those fucking twofers not watching that kreia video. heheheheeeeeee
Search [iqdb] (445 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] RobiHachi - 09 (…).jpg )
star wars is boring dude
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maybe it might teach you something about yourself? instead of banging your head against something LMAO
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i don't think i'm gonna learn anything interesting from a goofy hollywood scifi movie
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it would teach you something about self-harm boy
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pshhh i'm already an expert at that
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and do you know when to stop that? like
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we played the same game christ almighty
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i told you i'm an expert! of course i know when to stop!
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who did you love\ visas or handmaiden
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>handmaiden doesn't she have a name?
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Brianna. What I would name my daughter
Search [iqdb] (436 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Fruits Basket ((…).jpg )
pretty nice name buddy i don't think you could get away naming someone "visas"
Search [iqdb] (761 KB, 781x1000, 62969815_p0.png )
and yet I would die for someone named Visas bro tf you on
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huge baka. maybe I might buy overwatch in the future~
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jan-san~ i bet we both suck nihilus' power.
Search [iqdb] (283 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Be(…).jpg )
>>700113 she'd die for you, it's only fair >>700128 i know how it feels to suck the life out of everyone and everything near me too
wow me too
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 800x2162, 72535440_p0.jpg )
and yet we learned from that. all 3 of us, it doesn't matte rthe power we think we get, we can just kill what blocks us, then achieve what we want.
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Hope you realise this soon. Or I'll have to do all the heavy lifting~
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dororo - 19 [72(…).jpg )
i don't think your assessment of me is at all accurate
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True. Only just because you didn't play kotor1/2 isn't your fault tho. Might just be mine.
Search [iqdb] (3.7 MB, 2480x3507, 69722921_p0.jpg )
oh, you would want to get all the power you could get, moon-sama. feel free to chime in jan-san
Search [iqdb] (472 KB, 1386x1960, 75106579_p0.jpg )
my words don't mean anything.>>>/watch?v=MV_3Dpw-BRY delete this. delete all of my posts
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well it's like>>>/watch?v=eimgRedLkkU I only remove yoy // you because I'm scared of you. You have so much hold over me you don't realise it. Datura#6636 Thw=erer // there you go I hear that violin whether I think of Jan or Kann>>>/watch?v=2yC2AR23xQk heartbreaking
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He's a really nice guy, what are you afraid of?
Search [iqdb] (340 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Fruits Basket ((…).jpg )
>>700172 That's a nice song Video's a bit quiet for some reason, though>>700177 kannyagi
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keep me alive fuckers jk see u in 10 mins
>>700177 Tempai nya!
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>>700182 ok, im giving you my energy. take it all!
Search [iqdb] (229 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Fruits Basket ((…).jpg )
The Messenger is really good Tight controls and the soundtrack is hot
I wonder if Cybelle's going to go off the deep end with her yandere-ness for Tuesday.
Oh whoops this isn't the right thread for that.
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horse armour mod
Horse amour mod
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 700x875, D3d2HCSU8AImP1l.jpg )
>>700195 How many times do you want to die
Horse amore mod
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 419x460, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
horse is a funny word
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you're really on 17 tear old memes? fucking move on
Search [iqdb] (298 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Fruits Basket ((…).jpg )
>>700205 how many can i get for $3.86
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! time. The I would have to protect you rene-san
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>>700209 I am fucking 1000 tear old memes
Search [iqdb] (6s, 497 KB, 300x532, z0Ir1BD.mp4 )
if only moe wasn't so fucking dead and kircheis was here
We were alive earlier. You were just too busy playing DIGITAL SPORTS!
>>700224 If only Rika were here....
Apparently the first cannabis death has been recorded in the US.
I bet they got shot while high and they're recording that as a cannabis death
Search [iqdb] (159 KB, 428x535, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Imagine if you were forced to listen to that "I feel good tadadadada song" but it was just the tadadadada on infinite loop
Search [iqdb] (137 KB, 1280x1599, 75089199_p0.jpg )
>>700228 Apparently they vaped too much and because they only found THC in the person's body they recorded it as cause of death. I mean they do that for nearly every drug where other cause of death can be found.
*no other
Search [iqdb] (428 KB, 600x590, 1517946014245.png )
>>700232 Gotta get that hamburger patty quickly browned!
>>700230 How do you die from vaping I don't know shit about drugs Do they drown on all the vape they're inhaling >>700232 Give me one good reason why this isn't viable
That is pretty gross.
>>700234 Higher concentrations of THC in vape vapour is what I think they recorded it as.
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did you believe raptors could get a world record
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lol. keep going. acting like history wasn't made. Are you that stupid? all 5 of you? really?
I don't care about basketball
Search [iqdb] (123 KB, 354x469, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
no one cares about basketball
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nobody does but canada won nobody in this world cares about hockey but it goes through
Search [iqdb] (369 KB, 695x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
and finland won ice hockey world champonship wee
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and who gave a fuck about that? \tell me pk
Search [iqdb] (404 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Fruits Basket ((…).jpg )
canada has a basketball team?
holy shiiit
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>>700243 a statistical error
>>700244 We've got one team in the NBA, the Toronto Raptors.
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lol and they fucked you up sorry america
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pathetic shit still love you jan
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cry more to me. I can accept it. Would anybody else accept it? No. Just me.
Search [iqdb] (226 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Fruits Basket ((…).jpg )
114-110 goddamn what a show
The game five that if Toronto won would have had them close off the series in Toronto was a single point difference. I was talking with some people from class about it and apparently the bars and places that were airing that game went fucking nuts when Toronto lost, hah hah. It would have been nice to close the game at home but a win's a win I guess.
Search [iqdb] (5.0 MB, 2149x3035, 63267531_p0.jpg )
yeah and?
Wow this thread is nerds
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 500x704, D8A3sLQU8AAlpGL.jpg )
You're the biggest nerd, you sloppy toppy
>>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM watch at your own peril
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nobody watches your spam links PK
Search [iqdb] (393 KB, 1280x720, [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 10 (W(…).jpg )
>>700253 gratz canada hoopball champions>>700256 the fuck lol
>>700257 I know your name is nobody, but why point it out?
Search [iqdb] (722 KB, 1020x1428, 70857139_p0.jpg )
do you honestly think someone even watches one minute of your links? no. gonna tell you that now.
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>>700260 Everyone
>>700256 >the guy with the trumpet fucking LOL
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1320x1800, 72160917_p0.png )
nobody looks at them pk. Just gonna tell you that now~
Search [iqdb] (146 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Also what is with mr sunshine over here? who pissed in his shit cereals this morning?
Search [iqdb] (384 KB, 1280x720, [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 10 (W(…).jpg )
god pissed in my life get it life the cereal
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
And you are so edgy cool that you take it out on everyone why not release that sealed demon in your right eye while you at it
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1146x1674, 63841600_p0.png )
just stop posting links pk lmao
>>700265 I kind of like Life cereal. It's not amazing but it's decent as far as cereals go.
>>700267 >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM>>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM>>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM>>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM>>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM>>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM>>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM>>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM>>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM>>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM>>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM>>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM >>>/watch?v=24pySkBn7gM
Search [iqdb] (2.3 MB, 1289x2100, 55010924_p0.jpg )
holy shit, I didn't even have to do anything you did it all
Search [iqdb] (387 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Fruits Basket ((…).jpg )
>>700268 isnt it just Chex?>>700269 some of those links aren't embedded properly for some reason
I think Life is a blend of flours from a variety of grains, and maybe a little more sugary? I dunno I can't remember if I've ever had Chex.
Search [iqdb] (178 KB, 463x576, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>>700271 prolly some formatting error
Search [iqdb] (297 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Fruits Basket ((…).jpg )
>>700272 I don't really eat breakfast cereal so i got no clue i've never even had life
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 848x1200, D8fnjwBWwAIsjPo.jpg )
cute how you act like I'm your enemy. Do you really want me dead that bad?
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 306x315, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>>700274 Who'd actually name their cereal "life"
Search [iqdb] (217 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 10(…).jpg )
>>700275 im gonna shoot you. bang bang>>700276 idk who would name their cereal fucking "grape-nuts"
>>700277 and pull my devil trigger
coincidentally finnish word for cereal is "murot" coming from "muru - pieces/bits"
Search [iqdb] (32 KB, 355x355, grape nuts.jpg )
this shit has no grapes and no nuts in it what the fuck is grape nuts supposed to mean
and "kiitti muroist" thanks for the cereal is a saying
>>700280 maybe the founder was named grape?
Search [iqdb] (758 KB, 1191x1684, 67338227_p0.png )
go to fucking bed pk
checkmate I am in bed hahahaha
i am not actually
Search [iqdb] (629 KB, 793x1323, 65358372_p0.jpg )
close your fucking eyes? like fucking calm down
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 615x619, ultra instinct loli.jpg )
>>700284 >>700285 now i don't know what to believe
>>700286 wat
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 2000x3200, 71877615_p0.png )
nobody looks at your links pk~ hope you know that~
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>>700289 checkmate, you do
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 600x1117, D7B-FZuVsAAVMgB.jpg )
Haven't clicked on a single of them, so checkmate for you
well you are a nobody and you said "Nobody looks at your links" so...
Search [iqdb] (878 KB, 1416x1003, 73359374_p1.png )
And then the fucking 20 rest of us doesn't, so like take a hint
so I shall post another dozo>>>/watch?v=rk6tmfNsPpk
Search [iqdb] (835 KB, 800x1119, 71668189_p0.jpg )
Take a hint pk~ see y'all dumbasses later
Damn you must love my links you tsundere
Search [iqdb] (367 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Be(…).jpg )
i look at them
Search [iqdb] (222 KB, 632x897, 70193508_p0.jpg )
Jan looks at pk's links~ im done then KILL ME FUCK
Search [iqdb] (253 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Fruits Basket ((…).jpg )
>>700299 well i'm nobody so you're not explicitly wrong
i saw the tie fighter one before, nice animation
Search [iqdb] (3.0 MB, 2480x3304, 71150712_p0.png )
wtf you talking about this doesn't solve whether I det to put his being in my game or pk's game
Search [iqdb] (161 KB, 470x556, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>>700301 wish the guy did more stuff
Otaking is a legend Did you ever see his six part documentary on anime translations His R-type animation is pretty great too
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 900x1516, 71887721_p0.png )
uh no if we wasn;t a good killer he isn't on my radar how fucking pathetic can he be lmao tell me please maria
okay whatever you say gaylord
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Search [iqdb] (276 KB, 533x590, 73798786_p0.png )
so he isn't worth shit thanks for tellig me you fuck
Search [iqdb] (298 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Fruits Basket ((…).jpg )
otaking kind of sounds like Maria does irl or maybe my ears are so fucked
okay I didn't know that could be creepy as fuck, but turns out it is but apparently when a senior citizen using a walker walks VERY slowly just past your window it kinda is creepy as fuck
Search [iqdb] (725 KB, 1280x1280, 71958898_p0.jpg )
all your DbD tips are trash. Holy fucking fuck. makes me fucking sick really
>>700311 but here is one anyhow "have you tried to play good games?"
>>700309 yeah I think your ears are fucked mate
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 1478x1942, 70547246_p0.jpg )
specially you finny make me crippled with your strats you typed in
Search [iqdb] (364 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] RobiHachi - 09 (…).jpg )
>>700314 no way man i swear>>>/watch?v=RJuPiTdW940 like skip to uhh 1:49:10 when hes talking about the sun being alive in mario or whatever swear to god
>>700316 he sounds way too British to be me But DO the hills in mario have feelings? Do the clouds DIE when it rains?
Search [iqdb] (242 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Fruits Basket ((…).jpg )
>>700317 when you dig up a hill in the mushroom kingdom it fucking screams and bleeds mud and thats pretty fuckin metal
>>700318 When it rains it's actually the clouds crying while they become nothingness
>>700317 what if you gather rain water and drink it? is the cloud still sentient while it is being CONSUMED by you as water?
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>>700319 >tfw fading away while you never knew what it was like to touch the ground
>>700321 Touching the ground is the last thing they feel man >>700320 Well it'll just get peed out and eventually become a cloud again anyway
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What if rain is just clouds pissing?
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That would just be your fetish? dumbass
>>700323 It's just god pissing on humanity
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both of your fetishes then god you both sicken me
What if it you were not all nerds, mario would stop cry?
>what if you were not all nerds, mario would stop cry? Oh no, Kannagi studied Japanese so hard she forgot english
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none of us can do a mario run with no deaths. good luck with that ish. a heheheeeee
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>>700328 such l language studies
>>700330 It's the law of equivalent exchange
>>700331 well shit.
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>>700329 wat that shit is easy you can warp to the last world
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 08:23 No. 700334
>>700332 Soon you'll be posting in /moe/ in english but entirely in katakana
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this doesn't get you a good run like pleasssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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any% is any% im not about to actually PLAY the game
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wtffffffffff. I can't take over with you. I keep hearing this dead by daylight theme and that makes shit hard to concentrate on
>>700334 you missed the L joke
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imagine ghostface going up to your face pk
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ghostface is just a random college dude not really a big time slasher threat
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>>700338 listen to this instead this game is awesome>>>/watch?v=u3DVs2XS50A
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 08:29 No. 700343
>>700339 Everything I do is on purpose.
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kadotit tarkoituksesi mage
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The both of you could do better.
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I still occasionally get confused going to the fridge>wait why do I have a bottle of rum here >oh right, ice tea
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You know you can't avoid me for long~
>>700347 >why does a finn have a bottle of rum Isn't it obvious?
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>>700349 yeah btu the rum is gone
>>700350 Where?
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>>700351 china
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he's saying you're a fucking alcoholic
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>>700353 Being an alcoholic and being Finnish are the same thing really
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and change up rum to like whiskey
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whisky is a winter drink rum is for summer
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can you even shoot a HK4
i can shoot an rk
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do you even have the shoulder strength to spray an HK416A5
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spray? the fuck you hit with every bullet bullets are expensive
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barely 50 bullets wasted so... i guess not
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you get 5 clips each having 30 bullets and there are 170 million russians
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>clips goodbye
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I feel the good in you~
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this guy has the best stories
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hmm seagull just trashed a small jackdaw, grabbed it in its peak and flew away with it
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this all resulted from being cowards
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well you know what they say
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I would move heaven and hell and anything in between to get to you?
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didn't know seagulls were predators inbefore hitchcock's birds was a prophecy
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please don't feed those fucks birds or I will kill you honestly
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>>700371 i guess? i don't know what they say
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I mean bread. lol. don't fucking feed them bread. i will hate you til you stop existing.
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>>700373 you don't need to feed them they'll steal shit on their own
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>>700374 they say cherish me, cutie>>700376 yeah then they go for the bread pile that some dumbass puts up makes me regurgitate
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seagulls here are wonky damn dive bombing food stealing bastards you hold food n your arm and they will dive bomb snatch it
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that's what you got and toronto go the fucking night of their lives lmao what a perspective
Imagine a Canadian riot Like 1000 tildes grouped together
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he don't give af about sports the fucking c ity is shut down lady maria I can't even describe it
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I mean none of y'all have seen me running high on adrenaline and communal energy. It's a disaster zone downtown though yeah I dunno if I want to be down around there.>>700380 >1000 Try scaling that number up. A lot.
>>700380 all apologising
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>>700383 >sorry you suck dick at basketball eh
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I can imagine you on adrenaline easily
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pk shut up. if connor mcdavid was in those hockey finals you would have been fucked up hard. chill.
But he wasn't And so the future refused to change
>>700382 lotta fuckin leonards out here
>>700386 literally who
>>700388 Kawhi Leonard is currently one of the Raptors' boys in the limelight. 'Course everyone wants his jersey.
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best hockey player in the world I don't know any finnish players name so like lo
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that is btw a question that has bothered me always why theh ell don't they have the championships like 2 or 3 weeks later so that stanley cup is FUCKING OVER
kawaii leonard
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bark souls
>>700393 Real talk when I was trying to figure out his name that was definitely one of the pronounciations I tried out. Neither me nor the friend I was out with knew how to pronounce his name, we ended up asking the two people sitting next to us at the bar how to say his name.
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must feel good to lose america
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lost a national championship souls
>>700396 how do you lose a whole country??
haha what championship was going on
>>700395 I prefer it to ka-why leonard
>>700399 NBA
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haha it feels good to lose whats going on
>>700400 I think it's actually "Ka-Wee"? Not toooo sure though by the time we asked I was already pretty well into the night and pretty woozy.
>>700401 oh, really? i thought that was a US-only thing the only sport i pay attention to is baseball
>>700403 Now that's just silly
Canada has a single NBA team, the one here in Toronto. If anything it's actually a similar situation to what's up with baseball, hah hah. So whenever Toronto's doing well in basketball or baseball the whole country tends to rally behind our teams. It's like the only time Canadians seem to like Toronto!
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troll harder america lost so fucking hard does it feel nice?
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i dont really care about basketball>>700406 omedetou
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still lost what does that change
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I dunno? I don't even like America. I literally call for its abolition almost daily
Kirara I thought you'd rejoice over America losing something
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maybe you got a machinehead kirara
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>>700411 i do think it's a little funny but i think canada should be abolished too the only sports i care about is baseball i like the dodgers
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You'll be stripped down for parts first
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>>700413 Yeah but priorities man Gotta take down America first You could take down Canada and we wouldn't even notice It'd be like taking down New Zealand who gives a shit lmfao
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Nah, he's an anarchist, he won't do anything. Corpos will doo // do all the heavy lifting from here on.
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>>700415 Losing basketball isn't going to help abolish a nation!
>riichi two discards in China's next you cat >>700417 maybe not but it's a start You'll break their spirits>>700419 Beat them at American Football in front of the white house and their president commits suicide out of shame
You'd probably have to beat the Americans at baseball for that. It's the American Pasttime, after all. Basketball is a sport of Canadian origin anyway.
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You just need to develop a resistance to 9mm bullets in order to beat the Americans
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You don't need to go to war to beat America>>700419 >>700418 Yeah, the president will just American Seppuku (that's when you shoot yourself in the stomach a bunch of times) if you beat football
>>700421 what a waste of bullets
oh shit Jessica Jones S3!
I don't know who's to blame for it but something is keeping the American American Football teams and the Canadian American Football teams from playing together. Probably the scale of funding and economic investment. Canada does have an American Football league that competes for the Grey Cup, but there's only like ... nine teams in the league?
Dumb cat dealing into an open chinitsu Like geez laweez slow tf down
remember when the owner of the Patriots got caught in a sex trafficking ring and used his money to ensure the media barely spoke about it damn american football is cool
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>>700424 cuz we don't have enough money to integrate with the USA baka
>>700426 remember when they cheated at the championship of their sport and didn't lose their championship title because they had enough money
>>700427 Yes that is what I meant by "Probably the scale of funding and economic investment".
>>700428 In a way, American football really is representative of America
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Answered your own question. Feels good don't it
Canadians on a whole are more interested in Football Football than American Football anyway. Not necessarily football here at home but there's enough people who have moved here from international countries that there's interest in leagues in Europe and whatnot.
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no fucking way you mean the soccer shit yuck if I see any more plays of people falling down in some fake injury shit makes me regurgitate
why are you so hostile
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super energy form the win tonight. ur welcome to put the name back on
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reo is the best girl
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>>700436 >is
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>>700437 Wow great image dude Guy you got that from must be super cool
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>>700438 yeah he is pretty cool you might have seen him on /m/ talking about his waifu kamille
>>700437 does he die in this episode or something thanks
ใฃใโผ๏ธ Fascinating
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>>700439 >waifu >not husbando
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>>700440 nah there's a new best girl in town
>>700443 oh sweet
I would like to fall in love How nice
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>>700442 there's no way he's a husbando with a name like kamille
>>700445 what's stopping you
Everyone's talkin about waifus this husbandos that imoutos them I just want to grill for
>>700447 Dislike
Also Id have to go outside.
>>700449 turn that dislike into like
>>700446 What might you be implying there
Also also not have my wingman tells girls that I like eating eggs more than cheese
Even though its true
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lmaooo i can't believe that was 6 months ago
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>>700453 what the fuck
>>700456 Right what the fuck do I follow up with from that
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>>700452 honey, kamille is a girl's name
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>>700455 That was pretty fun though. Not as pretty as her though.
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Still fucks me up that I know you're born a day away from me. Crazy.
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>>700458 >tfw you'll never smash Kamille and whisper in his ear "guess it really was a girls name huh"
>>700457 [eyebrow wiggle] yeah i know all about eggs
>>700453 We need to get lunch again some time Blue. There's always more eggs to munch on!
Search [iqdb] (465 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Fruits Basket ((…).jpg )
>>700457 you follow up with excusing yourself to the bathroom and leaving that bar
>>700457 You cook her the best goddamn eggs she ever eats
>>700465 Its a god damn cheesesteak shop. ...they might have had eggs there.>would you like ... No no.>Can you scramble an egg in my steak?
>>700466 I'm sure they had some egg burgers>i need to borrow your eggs, it's for love
>>700466 >in my steak
This was a mysteak
you made him a steak
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 702x295, Miss Steak.PNG )
wawa has pretty good egg and steak breakfast hoagies
Im gonna wash my face ad gt me a chicken cutlet
Actually. I sould boil an egg first. Or should I just cook it normally.. But if I cok it normally, Itll be cld by the time I get my cutlet. Hm
get a chicken parm, no parm
Get yourself some cream of FUCKIN' tomato.
>>700476 Ill cream that fuckin tomato of yours
That was gross I apologize
Search [iqdb] (397 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Fruits Basket ((…).jpg )
>>700477 now THIS is a pickup line
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cream of tomato is one of the 7 cursed wonders of /moe/
It's just one of those wonderfully unscripted aspects that come from life.
I will prepare eerything for egg scrambling. And then get chicken cutlet. And then scramble egg
How eggciting.
Search [iqdb] (268 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 10(…).jpg )
son of a dog and camel
One egg o two... One should be fine
Why not both?
Id do three if i wasnt getting a chicken cutlet This is me holding back
this isn't even my final eggform
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 10(…).jpg )
when you don't know the wifi password
>>700486 "i wont hesitate bitch"
>>700493 They've got to save Toi from the DA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DARKNESS
>>700493 When hina wont acception you :(
hina!!! why you do this to meee?! HINA
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>>700501 hey tonebonemalone
Do not bone malone Neither pre nor post nor present
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/06/14 (้) 11:23 No. 700504
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why not
They just sell boiled eggs here.
Why did I crack this egg
You've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette!
gotta crack a few skulls to make a brainlet
>>700506 if you don't break your shell you may never be born More mahjong #flip (false)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/06/14 (้) 11:40 No. 700510
Courtesy of the Geese
Cold Geese: La Loose of the Rebellion
>>700510 haha cool im starting chap3 of the story it's fun
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/06/14 (้) 12:08 No. 700514
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I'm glad you're enjoying it
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Ton Daichis voice is so whiny What a loser Gonna 5star social link Io If only Atsuro were here...
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/06/14 (้) 12:08 No. 700516
>>700515 It's ok because Daichi is whiny
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/06/14 (้) 12:08 No. 700517
Junko is the only character whose voice I really dislike. His actor is solid but a light voice when his JP voice was so deep is such a strange choice.
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see you this evening, /moe/
Good evening
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hell yeah motherfucker>>700519 have a good day!
>>700517 now Joe, he has a quality VA
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 12:28 No. 700523
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/06/14 (้) 12:33 No. 700525
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/06/14 (้) 12:36 No. 700526
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alright that's one I just need like 50 more for dark quartz
>>700524 man is not sweltering
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Hey tilde Guess whats getting a poster Its my favorite swimsuit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/06/14 (้) 13:15 No. 700529
You can buy it for just 500 nut?!
How do I redeem those
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/06/14 (้) 13:15 No. 700531
A jug usually works
Windows NT Dollars
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 13:21 No. 700534
I thought they were Neo Tokyo Dollars?>>700532 Do you know the band Superchunk?
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 13:22 No. 700536
They are really good, I saw them live this past Sunday.
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>>700533 Koni wchi wa
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 13:23 No. 700538
>>700535 Check out this music video.>>>/watch?v=bkUeYLHiz58
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 13:23 No. 700539
Is the cat the lead singer. very rad
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 13:23 No. 700541
>>700540 Watch it and find out :^)
>>700537 Ahh, A Kannagi even further beyond
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>>700542 The beyond nagi
>>700538 that was a cool video
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GUN what if you had a gun
I'd sell it and buy a switch
where's the gun controller for switch your move nintendo
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>>700546 from the makers of GUN BOMB what if you had a bomb
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adam saddler presents
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>>700550 there are many things you could do with a bomb none of which I can explain here without kokoros dad paying me a visit
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I am behind on manga, what is there>Tonikaku cawaii this is great>massage chapter oh no>I wanna massage my wife too oh no>Next chapter is about massaging his wife No stop
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 17:22 No. 700559
>>700558 Blue I found a really good manga. It's in full color too.
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im holding something more precious than fine ore baby im holding you
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what kind of train station doesn't have a waiting room or something to keep out of the chill not even the toilets are open
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 18:57 No. 700562
>>700561 Your train stations have toilets?
most of em do I'd say
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four degrees c
I might rewatch higashi no eden. I have an urge to rewatch a whole bunch of anime now.
>>700564 wish it was that comfy
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 406x349, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>>700562 Our emtro stations have some high level toilets now they even have "insert needles here" slot turns out, if you offer free, easy to use, clean toilets for people, they don't puke and shit and pee everywhere, making the station lot more pleasant to use and save you a lot of cleaning time and money
well they probably still do that but not as much as they possibly could have
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 19:32 No. 700569
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is there any real point to keeping a MAL other than proving you have the biggest e-peen when it comes to pissing contests with other weeaboos online
Search [iqdb] (912 KB, 2774x4096, D9B3A1IVUAAbTb0.jpeg )
isn't it good for tracking what you watched
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 19:35 No. 700571
Search [iqdb] (209 KB, 1920x1080, [RH] GATE - 04 [0A772031].mkv2.jpg )
But I archive almost everything I watch anyway. Can just look at what's on the hard drives
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so much work
>>700568 I think their best feature, is how the floor is a grill, with water running down there so if someone makes a mess, it half cleans itself already
>>700571 just draw your 9x9s in paint then so you can be elitist and on another level of irony
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hey /moe/ good evening
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 19:47 No. 700576
Search [iqdb] (333 KB, 1920x1080, Harukana Receive - 04 (1920x10(…).jpg )
every square in the 3x3 is beach volleyball
>finally found out how to advance this story jeez
or maybe not?
Search [iqdb] (177 KB, 460x597, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>milk plastic an another note, I guess we entered the week when my street light doesn't know is it supposed to be on or off fuck it is too bright
how are you supposed to milk plastic
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>>700575 good evening Moon
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/14 (้) 20:21 No. 700582
>>700567 >turns out, if you offer free, easy to use, clean toilets for people, they don't puke and shit and pee everywhere, making the station lot more pleasant to use and save you a lot of cleaning time and money Not in the US lol
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 20:26 No. 700583
Search [iqdb] (170 KB, 1920x1080, [Nii-sama] Himouto! Umaru-chan(…).jpg )
>>700582 But you can laugh at those socialist cucks stuck in their Commie Shithole paying with their OWN money to clean toilets that OTHER PEOPLE have used. That isn't freedom. That isn't what America is about.
>>700582 you read this?
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>>700582 Guess it falls down to either culture or just sheer volume of people
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 20:34 No. 700586
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] THE iDOLM@STER (…).jpg )
it was a running joke with the exchange students that the best way to get a free night's accommodation was to get picked up by the police and put in the drunk tank because the drunk tanks in Finland were nicer than most cheap hotel rooms
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i might run a study with one of my colleagues at my second clinic examining the efficacy of some of the novel interventions he's been working on mite b cool id mostly be doing the stats and research side and he'd be working the interventions and stuff
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>>700586 this is true
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 20:38 No. 700589
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>>700587 Would it be published? and then you'd be like a Real Proper ACADEMIC
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>>700589 That'd be the goal! I'm already published, though. I have two posters and a symposium, and a study in the manuscript phase that's close to publication. My dissertation will probably get published, too! I've presented research at academic conferences! Well, criminal justice research.
every goal is a hole
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 20:44 No. 700592
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>>700590 Yeah Well I've got a Cert 3 in Food Hygiene Management.
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>>700592 Is that the highest cert?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 20:47 No. 700594
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For food hygiene, yeah. One could say that I'm at the TOP OF MY FIELD.
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I thought your field was law
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 20:48 No. 700596
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yeah but nobody pays me for that yet
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I don't get paid either. Even though I'm doing doctorate level work for 30 hours a week.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 20:50 No. 700598
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anyway, ANYWAY, it's neat that you get to do the study.
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Yeah! The novel intervention is some kind of running/endurance therapy. That is, therapy and running at the same time. It would be a really interesting intervention if it works, which he says it does. He just doesn't have numbers to prove it yet.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 20:56 No. 700600
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is this also with your kayaking, marathon running man-crush?
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Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 21:02 No. 700602
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>>700601 there there I'm sure Senpai will notice you.
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He's already noticed me! He came over to my desk to tell me about his intervention
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/14 (้) 21:07 No. 700604
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if you run and talk at the same time, aren't people like, gasping for breath an' stuff?
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Haha now I'm being asked to write a grant>>700604 I think they do a jog-walk-jog-walk kind of thing. Eventually they'll be able to talk while running, though.
writing a grant looks hard
tell them you only do bobs
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show bobs
Bobs bobs! Get yer bobs here!
this robot is cool
He gets knocked down But he gets up again
he will bring them down
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hello hello
Hey ho Riko Happy weekend
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>>700615 okaeri rika nee-san>>700618 i have, but not real ones my sister has written a bunch though working with the natives in wyoming
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>>700615 Hi Rikka. Rika. Weird question, but have you ever written a grant proposal? I figure if anyone on /moe/ has, it'd be you.
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hmm I know someone who does grant proposals but I've never done one myself.
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I guess I'm going to be writing one soon.>>700617 You've written fake ones?
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>>700620 yeah for a class
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Oh, cool. If this actually goes forward can I maybe run it by you?
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I'm so tired. What an exhausting week! I got 18 client contact hours this week. And worked like 40, not counting school and my dissertation. I feel really good, though. I feel healthier than I ever have, and stable too, even though Fish is gone.
same it's been intense
you got through your first week of the php good job!
i thought group would be lame its cool though
im glad i hope you can get a lot out of it
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How many shots did you get of Shiro.
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im gonna catch up on that this weekend hopefully i only watched episode 1 fish didn't like it
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>>700634 I'm not done
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Kouenji says something extra dangerous this episode.
Also have you been keeping up with the Kaguya manga?
No, I'm behind
>>700636 so what you are saying is "yes"
>>700639 Catch up you dork.
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Do I not want to be loved...
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>>700643 do you love yourself
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>>700646 yeah, i'm pretty cool
>>700647 then you must want to be loved
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>>700642 uhhhhhhhh technically speaking it's impossible for someone to push themselves you can push against a wall or ground or surface but what you're doing to yourself in that instance is called propelling
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>>700648 We shall immediately copy other bigger chains and forget what actually made this business a success
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>>700649 big Drax energy
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everyone in group keeps asking me what mathematicians do like idk what to say maths it's pretty straightforward i honestly can't relate to them for the most part only like a small cross section of myself does
Would it make more sense if they asked something like "how is the maths applied"
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look at this fuckin weirdo
using that thing as a headrest
oh phil
>>700657 cute
>>700659 he went there
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phil is great
>>700662 "your punchlines will be a little bit sad" "I know"
it's the perfect punchline
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How often when say putting food items you just used back to their places you find yourself doing it silly like putting milk in the cupboard sugar into fridge and so on
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for Tony
did we have some weird conversation about dolljoints on here or was someone freaked out by them or something we as in moe in general
Search [iqdb] (127 KB, 649x950, 69377733_p0.jpg )
uh, im big into balljoint dolls i dunno if that was it maybe someone else was freaked out by them idk
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/06/15 (ๅ) 01:23 No. 700669
>>700666 dorothy is great
oh well it's not important oof it's been a long weekend so far hopefully I can take a sigh of relief soon>>700671 that's cute I do like sideways hat girl
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/06/15 (ๅ) 01:24 No. 700671
Search [iqdb] (608 KB, 1500x2121, 62356254_p0.jpg )
did somebody say doll joints
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/06/15 (ๅ) 01:27 No. 700672
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she's top tier cute
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The big dolls are nice The ones with the fancy clothes
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/06/15 (ๅ) 01:29 No. 700674
Search [iqdb] (5.1 MB, 4766x4522, 70927342_p15.png )
big doll
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So one thing that I always found silly about the tomb raider game is the 2015? one the first of the reboot series anyhow is the main plotpoint of the ancient queen needing a vessel and that being one of the crew members and Lara's bestie but wouldn't just any woman worked, or was the queen really picky about her "dresses"? Maybe if one of the ancient documents said it only works on blood relation or her own people or something, it would make sense there is oen that does say she is picky, but when you are a rotten corpse spirit, I think you'd take any other option and then later on find a more suitable body
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ayyy I hate how compulsively I check whether the door is locked
don't worry it's not as compulsively as i check if your door is locked
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oh that's good at least I know someone's got my back
I just hope they give my back back one day
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>>700677 I do that all the time sometimes I am like few metres from the bus station and I sprint back to make sure the door is locked and then sprint back to the stop to still make it to the bus hell sometimes when I walk past my door I check if it is locked while at home
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/15 (ๅ) 02:12 No. 700684
>>700683 yeah, I don't think it's all that uncommon I will drive away and go a 100m or so and then turn around to check sometimes I'll do that a few tines too>>700686 cool
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/15 (ๅ) 02:14 No. 700686
Found this while cleaning.
FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/15 (ๅ) 02:14 No. 700687
Search [iqdb] (2.3 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20190614_210635.jpg )
Fuck Something broke I can't see any web pages but can see my keyboatd
okay that is actually pretty neat
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the soles on my shoes got all fucked up yesterday so this morning i quick bought a new pair on amazon after seeing that i got paid i didn't really have time to shop for any but i knew i needed some to be shipped out asap to arrive monday so i had to order some before i left i just got a cheap pair because im poor i hope they fit and work well no articles should ever be poorly made, but if there's any that can be poorly made, it's not shoes shoes need to be good
I could use some new loafing/walking shoes. The running shoes I've been using since 2016 have worn out the heels to the point that I'm actually walking on uneven soles.
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FormerRei@mobile 2019/06/15 (ๅ) 03:25 No. 700692
Finished cleaning my room Well, it's not truly finished but I got a lot done and now it is no longer a fire hazard. Well Not as much of one, I do have a few hundred pounds of books in there.
Moon are you still awake majsoul friendlies or nah
sorry my brain is pretty rattled i don't think i can think that much tonight
okay that's cool
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Addicted to what a dick did
what can I say
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You got your back to me, baby it's finished
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I'm worthless, don't know what's my purpose I thought it was you but all I seem to do is hurt you
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you don't hurt me i really appreciate the sentiment im just going through weird things right now and have kind of shut off
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anime >>700702 โ
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>I honestly see you moving to Utah in 1.5 years swear to god my friend is telepathic almost like I want to see some salt flats
the salt flats are my favorite thing in the country the utah bluffs are really cool too
see salts sea salts by the sea shore
>lord isshin has succumbed to his illness Looks like I've got the bad end
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Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/15 (ๅ) 07:25 No. 700773
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Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/15 (ๅ) 08:05 No. 700775
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I've been meaning to play NieR for a while now and I'm glad I finally did. The A route, at least. I kind of cheesed the last boss though. Just running around in circles and using the lock-on homing missiles but I figure if he can kill me in one shot that's fair game.
>>700776 โ >>700776 โ >>700776 โ
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/15 (ๅ) 08:30 No. 700778
but what if we just stayed in this thread?
>>700778 What if we went beyond the boundaries of a threads natural life?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/06/15 (ๅ) 08:32 No. 700783
Search [iqdb] (2.2 MB, 1980x1575, 73986722_p0.png )
What is a "thread" really If you go down far enough, every post is interconnected and shares a certain, basic universal connectivity It's all made up of the same web-space, after all the fact that we segment it into separate, distinct thread lines is really just an illusory function of the brain to help perceive reality and survive But if you strip it all back, far back all is one, really. And some call this One-ness "God" Others the 'laws of nature' But whatever it is, you can escape the fact that deep down all posts are connected beyond the boundaries of threads.
ehat if you aรถl suck a cock and stop being french>>700776 โ
>>700783 What if we just stayed in the one thread? For a week? Maybe even a year? What's the diffrence?
>>700785 Space-time continuum woud probably break