Let's do a /moe/ train robbery We all stand in front of the train and stop it with our collective strength That's the real power of friendship Muscle mass
Can we have a scene where Garfield meets John for the first time Like he's in Johns kitchen Eating out of his lasagna pan And John shines a flashlight in his face and Garfield looks up and goes uhhhhhhhhh meow?
>>700814 Oh this would be good for the nightmare montage John goes through He feeds Garfield a lasagna and he's told that Garfield needs two more Then four more Then eight more John can't keep up and Garfield devours Odie, then Nermal, then Liz Garfield consumes all
i want to write a movie that starts off like a harmless comedy about a guy and his cgi pets but slowly transitions into full on psychological horror
You know that Jim Davis wrote a screenplay that was a little like that It was a garfield movie about the apocalypse. But Garfield and the other animals can't warn the humans because they aren't allowed to talk to them.
Kirara 🍄
my garfield is the apocalypse
Kirara 🍄
my garfield is an endless parasite, immeasurably powerful he feeds on fear and despair and once his target is reduced to a husk, he moves on he cannot be stopped he cannot die because he himself is death
Kirara 🍄
all the trailers for it will look like a family friendly movie
>>700818 The movie ends with planet earth turning into Garfield
>>700819 It needs to hit all the beats for a talking animal family comedy movie Like think of the sonic trailer and just do that
Kirara 🍄
garfield is the reason we haven't been contacted by aliens and soon he's going end us too
tagline: he is insatiable
little shop of horrors but the plant is Garfield
Kirara 🍄
where's my lasagna, jon? garfield... where's odie? my lasagna, jon. bring me it.
John, Odie, and Garfield are sent into space on a colonisation mission. In a freak accident they lose their supply of lasagna. Garfield begins to go hungry, and can no longer tell the difference between friend and feast
Kirara 🍄
the possibilities are endless that's why i need the rights to Garfield
The early Garfield comics were really brutal with how much of a loser they made Jon out to be.
John seems to be like a surrogate for Jim so it makes me wonder if he had self esteem issues
Kirara 🍄
Trivia: “The name Jon Arbuckle came from an old coffee commercial I remember hearing. I’d also used the name as an ‘expert source’ to add ‘credibility’ to my speeches. When I created the comic strip, the name just seemed to fit the kind of poor sap who would get stuck with a cranky cat like Garfield.”
Kirara 🍄
Dr. Liz is Garfield’s vet. She treats Garfield like a patient and used to treat Jon like the plague. But then a minor miracle occurred: The good doctor somehow developed immunity to Jon’s “geekitis” and succumbed to his dweeby charms. Of course she’s aware that Jon is still a loser — he couldn’t find his shoes, so he painted his feet black —but now he’s her lovable loser.
i mentioned i use mahjong as a way to temper my racing thoughts and to bring myself into a controlled environment a couple other girls got really excited and said how they love mahjong but they assume mahjong is the solitaire game where you match tiles i didn't really have the heart to tell them it isn't
mahjong solitaire is pretty cool you stack the tiles in complex structures and you have to match tiles to remove them and reveal the lower layers
ive reached out to a couple people in group but im a little worried at how quickly attachments are forming to me especially for the manic ones who have families and stuff i feel like it could get really ugly for me if im not careful
There are some people in my groups that make friends with each other and hang out outside of group, and it works for some of them, but sometimes they start bonding over unhealthy things they have in common and become resistant to treatment because they're reinforcing those unhealthy behaviors in each other.
There's nothing wrong with bonding with someone over a shared problem, obviously, we do that a lot, haha. But people without much insight can start to reinforce those problems, you know?
yeah, there's one girl who i bond with quite well because we both have the same kind of anxious energy and cope somewhat similarly she likes a lot of those weird things that i like, like antiquing and thrifting we might go to the history museum or something
that's all fine, but she's also a gambling addict and not good at gambling from what i understand and im a successful gambler who's frustrated that i can't gamble because of the laws and she's a mom of two and her marriage is barely hanging on so it seems really dangerous to me. even avoiding the topic of gambling, my patterns could rub off and trigger one of her impulses
like she'd go to a casino or something which is just dumb i dont consider that gambling. it's just paying for entertainment but others don't see it that way and it can fulfill their sense of it
i wanted to show her mahjong, since for me it fills that void kind of well. the involvement and competition is there, and it's essentially a gambling game but rather than be an outlet for those urges for her, it might trigger those urges more and make her want to go somewhere she can use money
they're also all really normie i didn't notice it inside of group because we're on a common thread but outside of talking about our core struggles i realize there's not a lot in common
people are askin what im gonna do over the weekend and text me what im doing and stuff im laying here with a heating pad, reading asco abstracts while listening to weeb music im gonna play videogames and watch anime later and im gonna sleep im not gonna add you on facebook
there's a lot of dysphoria going on with the classes im trying to figure out i think im gonna hang out with my other online group a lot over this weekend so i dont lose myself
>>700860 that's a good point it's hard to gauge what will be okay when you're getting to know someone knew who has triggers like for me, y'all know that even though im in recovery, drinking around me is fine and won't trigger me but with someone you don't know well yet it's hard to know what's okay so you end up holding yourself back and not connecting with them fully
another issue is that a lot of clients have co-dependency problems and they can end up co-dependent on group members pretty easily
>>700861 you feel like you're not you when you're in the groups?
yeah. the therapist knows but i said that it's not on the table for group so there's a superficiality to the connections i can make in group, the same as it would be interacting with family members or something i feel pretty guilty about it since everyone else is opening up so much, but even without that there's still a lot i can't do in group they advised me to leave the trauma for individual therapy with a trauma therapist and not get into that in group because it's probably going to mess with everyone too much and without that, there's no basis to understand the rest of me, so it's just kind of walled off until i get home
i have managed to save up enough money to buy a switch and mario maker 2 on release which i have wanted for a long long time the IRS chose this month to bully me though do you think it's fine if i go for it anyway instead of giving them that money i really dont want to give them any money. they're assholes and they're being unfair
Oh, do they have EMDR there, by chance? My PHP has two EMDR certified therapists that do it regularly and they have really good efficacy.
I think that's fine. It's important to do things that are good to yourself. I know you've been talking about that game for years, so you should get it if you can.
they dont have any emdr therapy there or anything they can do for trauma besides individual sessions, group, or chaplain stuff they can help set me up with a trauma therapist or emdr therapist which they havent done yet, but i'll ask again on monday
i have one therapist who keeps asking if ive considered whether im manic and then the psychiatrist keeps telling me that im absolutely not, since other professionals would have caught it if i was it's really confusing
emdr is really powerful. i was reading through documentation on like 40 people one of my colleagues has done it on and it seems really impressive. she tells me usually emdr can "resolve" trauma in just one session there's a really high chance of secondhand trauma for the clinician though
yeah those mixed messages are weird i think the way you've described your fast thoughts sounds manic but ive never really had the impression that you're manic
i think i have hypomanic periods, especially when i start getting deep into my maths or crypto there's a lot of rush that starts coming when you're digging in stuff and trying to break things or when im gambling, which i havent done in years, but it's all controlled
i feel like i have really good control of my environments and channel all that energy in meaningful ways if i wasn't able to do that then i think it would get manic >>700867 nope. do i have to request that should they be doing that i have you listed as my emergency contact by the way, hope that's fine
hypomania wouldn't surprise me. i get hypomanic periods too it's higher energy and feels good but it's not like mania, you know
at my php, we're trying to test most people. im the only one who is qualified to administer or interpret most tests there other than my supervisor who doesn't do any assessment anymore lots of places don't do assessment in their php or iops
they're probably at least doing something to track progress like an SCL-90-R or GHQ or PCL or OQ45 or something where you are but those aren't really clinical assessments
yeah i don't mind being listed
the psych was like "when you're in these periods where you're up for more than a day at a time, do you feel like you're high on drugs?" im like "what? i dont understand" "does it feel like you're high on drugs when you have those moments" "ive never been high on drugs i wouldn't know" "yes, okay, but does it feel like you are high on drugs" lmao it was so frustrating
and "what specifically do you do during these periods" specifically? i do anything i work or eat or engage in my hobbies or do anything i dont understand what you mean by specifically the only thing i said was that i sometimes do math and lose track of how much time passes, other than that nothing specific "okay, well your psychiatrist would have found out if you were manic so i dont believe you are" (i didn't even suggest i was so idk what the purpose of it was)
i think people get really confused when i say i do math too they probably just think of doing some problems out of a book and not being involved in a very energetic group discourse among a dozen other people all hurriedly working on something exciting and feeling the validation of making a breakthrough and sharing it with everyone to move to the next hurdle that it's sometimes for really neat things like breaking crypto i think they just dismiss it as me being weird
I'm just gonna hang out and refresh myself. I'm still working on the Ass Creed DLC. Going to the zendo tomorrow and I'll see what he thinks about my answer to the koan he gave me. What about you?
what i put on the weekend planner sheet yesterday was Saturday - read asco Sunday - dissociate
a couple people chose to be admitted over the weekend, which i could have done i probably should have but i wanted to take kratom so i came home instead and had to show i had healthy weekend plans im surprised they okay'ed that
Kirara 🍄
they said dissociate was a healthy weekend plan? lol
well it wasn't a formal "okay"ing of it like signing off on it, but we had to read it off in group to the therapist every day on the morning assessment i list dissociate as my "healthy coping skill" and in the "things i can do if im feeling unsafe" list i also put it in my hobbies and interests nobody's really said anything about it yet
Kirara 🍄
haha that's funny maybe they're just waiting to get to know you better before they talk about that
well if they don't want to give me my adderall, there's not much choice this effexor has taken all the noise out of my head, which is bad for me that noise is how i function there's no internal compression at this point to keep anything solidified it just makes all the trauma louder and more disruptive in my thoughtspace since i dont have any noise to cancel out those waves, and to keep anything discretely in focus i don't really have any other option if i want function
they keep talking about "a new normal" too like yeah, i might need that noise, but since it was causing dangerous impulses then i have to find another way to function but i dont understand why i just need my meds, the ones they by policy don't prescribe i dont need new coping skills. i just need a continuum of care and to get set up with some trauma therapy
i will say though that having the racing thoughts toned down has been helpful for some self reflection i didn't realize how contageous my anxiety was and how unfair i was being to other people around me a lot i feel pretty bad about a lot of it, but moreso than that im grateful to have friends like you all through all of it
Well, I mean, there's sort of a normal, where we can say some coping skills are healthy, some aren't, etc. You're kind of an eccentric, so the general baseline they are aiming for might not be what you need. I think the skills and stuff they'll teach you will be helpful even if you don't stay at that general baseline they're aiming for. Being able to operate at that level is an important skill even if it's not the level you operate at typically.
Like, when I went off my Vyvanse for a few months, I was able to explore a side of myself I had never explored before and I learned a lot that I wouldn't have learned otherwise. Eventually I was ready to return to my meds, and now I'm operating at the level my Vyvanse lets me, but I have all kinds of bonuses from when I went off it, too.
Next time I go off it, I'll have bonuses that my meds gave me, too.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
bep day bep day bep day bep day bep day bep day bep day bep day
i can def function without it. i made almost a thousand dollars over one weekend without my adderall. im super functional without it i just can't control when, and i tend to spiral into a hypomanic state and stop being able to manage baseline responsibilities
>>700881 Well, my point isn't actually about medication. It was just a pertinent example that I could give easily. I'm just saying that even if you don't need new coping skills, learning and mastering them will be helpful even if you don't use them typically. Being able to operate at a "new normal" has tons of benefits that improve your ordinary "normal".
Like operating without the noise for a while will be useful and give you benefits for when you go back to the noise.
yeah of course they're great i love their savory butter rolls too they make like long hawaiian rolls you can use to make small sandwiches out of. i used to get those and boar's head roast beef, wildflower cheddar, and brown mustard and have little picnics and make sandwiches at the park they're really good
i really want to make a nice dinner for /moe/ i might ask some people from group if they'd like me to come over and cook something for them a lot are too depressed to cook or clean for themselves and ive really been yearning to cook for someone
Kirara 🍄
maybe you could bring in some food if the therapists are okay with it
we're all gonna play animal crossing together, right? RIGHT
we're all gonna play the new terraria patch together, right?
we're all gonna make fun of rika and sugoi for being sluts on /moe/, right?
just like it's 2011
It'll never be 2011 again, Bang.
but but 2011 was before the suffering before understanding true mediocrity before coming to terms with just how painful each and every day has to be can't we just go back
Kirara 🍄
2011 was fucking dumb the best time to be alive is right now
i mean my life situation in 2011 was just as fucked as it is now, but maybe if i could do it over again maybe things wouldn't be so bad as they are
maybe i'd still have hope
You've got to make your own hope. Can't be expecting rewinding time to bring it to you.
you can be an actual nazi or animalfucker on twitter and they won't do anything but the second you're rude to a corporately owned account, that's just too far
>>700942 it's pretty fucked up twitter has information but they don't preserve its fidelity of flow it makes me really upset
also if you say "shut the fuck up TERF" you can get banned
twitters rules are so???? Like remember that guy who mass reported the stfu terf image, then people counter reported his posts and he got banned? Which is great and all that guy can go fuck himself, but it seems so inconsistent
i need help with something but i dont know how to ask for it im not saying i want to ask for it here but maybe that situation itself is familiar to someone here, needing something but not knowing how to ask for it
I would tell the appropriate person the situation and hope they reach the same conclusion in regards to whatever it is I need help with
id feel like im being really burdensome to do that
Kirara 🍄
i don't think we can live without burdening other people
>>700951 I mean it depends on the context but I would not consider someone a good friend if they weren't willing to do that. And if it's someone acting in a professional capacity then it's probably their job to listen to that anyway
no, it's a friend, not a professional and yes, the fact that they are willing to do that is why it feels burdensome they'll feel obligated to i feel as though it's my obligation to use their time respectfully that i should figure out as much on my own as possible before resorting to asking for help otherwise im asking them to spend their time in a way im unwilling to spend mine, and that's not very respectful of their time
>>700955 is it offensive for me to treat friendships that way im so worried about being adequate that i take a lot of care not to be annoying to people to be as considerate as i can
does it instead come off as me not valuing the friendship or something because im more distant i got told off a lot when i was younger for getting too attached to people and not giving people space im really nervous about doing that now, especially here with you guys since i value you all so much
>>700954 you phrased it as needing help with something though If it's something that you can't handle on your own then you're a LR a //// already at the point where you should talk to them
I don't think it's necessarily offensive but you're hurting yourself.If they're your friend they probably want to help you. Would you not want to aid your friends? Would you be mad if a friend asked you for help? Even if the cost of helping was too high for you to do so, I doubt you'd blame them. So I think it's contradictory to think this way. If we lived in a world where people didn't ask each other for help because they were worried about being bothersome it'd be the opposite of mutually beneficial
>>700960 Even if it's not equally sided I still think it's valid to ask them. If you can't be open with someone in a friendship then what good is it
>>700956 I don't think it comes off as you not valuing the friendship or anything. It just feels very formal. I don't see friendship as a formal kind of relationship, it has always seemed very casual to me. I think it's important for friends to be able to be open with each other and to carry each other's burdens. It seems normal to me to do that. I mean, yeah, we all trouble our friends sometimes but if we're real friends, I don't know if that's a problem.
Of course, I'm a very informal person. I'm very casual even with acquaintances and I try to treat everyone like a friend. Our interpersonal styles are very different. I've never felt like you didn't value our friendship, though.
>>700957 i would feel really honored if they asked me for help. i don't really see that ever happening though. it's probably not an equally-sided friendship i tend to get a lot more attached to people than they are to me.
>>700959 some people are really busy dealing with their own burdens though, you know and id help them also of course but they hold their cards pretty close to their chest so i can only ask for one-way things really
i wish i were better at maneuvering the finer points of // stuff
>>700963 Yeah, but whatever. We have to help each other even if we're busy. I don't believe that anyone can carry their burdens on their own in this modern world which makes you carry so much weight. If you try to do I // it alone, you'll just get crushed.
>Basically, he lived the traveling tournament life and it was ass, he wants to be like Zero playing JRPGs with 5,000 viewers and an arabian prince that donates $500 for him to eat a salad. lmao
i got karma'd so hard talking shit about losing then I duo queue with my longtime lover then we fucking LOSE now I hate myself and my skill, my expertise and my passion for anything, video game or otherwise FUCK MRGEFDSBERTB
it’s fuckin hottt here maybe i should go to australia come december
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
i ordered a whisky ginger and the bartender made it and then asked, “fruit?” >dafuq is he callin me gay? anyway i got an orange slice on this for some reason
why would he put a slice of vegetable on your whisky
Ginger and orange is pretty nice though. Dunno how it blends with the whisky though.
He even Tweeted "No one should be credited with anything ever"
Though shortly after he did follow up with "Always credit everyone" Though I guess that one can be interpreted to both be a good thing and an utterly stupid thing.
Either way yeah he's a dickhead.
>>701030 I still don't think hes credited the artist yet
ahh morning cola only things better being m-beer and coffee
Morning Coda
morning skoda
>>701033 For all we know they could have gotten one whole patreon subscriber out of it
me and my friends are always very respectful of each other and its really nice but i yearn a bit for the typical young male friendships that consist of constantly insulting each other and finding joy in bothering each other
>>701060 yeah I have the Suika and Sayaka and a Saki figure Same lady from before has some more touhou figures listed I might get Figmas are weak though the plamo are cooler
>>701062 Reimu and Sakuya Might get Sakuya and her Homura, don't care about Reimu Maybe if I ask her out I can get married and not have to pay for her figures
Most of them I got before "normie franchises" other than dbz were a thing.
If I have time later (it's 3am here lol) ill count em.
I have a bunch of cleaning to do though.
>>701071 When I say "normie" I'm really referring to stuff like dbz Something like, for example, Konosuba, may be popular but I wouldn't call it normie
Lol I found something really funny on the dining room table when i got home a few minutes ago.
I actually have a (probably, hopefully, maybe) working computer with a zip drive.
I remember a gas station I visited a while ago had them still I asked to buy them but because they couldn't scan them they wouldn't let me have them should've shoplifted them while I had the chance
>can't even sell them >still hold onto them for what purpose
I don't even know they really just had a bunch of junk sitting around on their shelves
>>701066 i can't even talk shit about this because i probably have around that many stupid amiibos lot of them are just decorating the bookshelf now though
I just want an inkling amiibo >an All the inkling amiibos
>>701088 can't you order it online from GameStop? they got the girl inkling there at least
>>701096 i got that jojo and d&d one too haha mine also seems to think i want to see each and everyone of the 100 boku no hero blog posts published to comicbook every day for some reason at least it's relented with the kotaku shit
me too i used to have a beautiful flowing sides or ponytail but i couldn't keep up with all the work and i chopped it all off to make it easy to deal with
I've kept my hair reasonably long for probably close to fifteen years now. For the longest time it was something people would make fun of me for or ridicule me for not cutting it. Granted I don't keep particularly great care of it so it's probably a little messy. I like it long though, it's comfortable for me.
hey tilde are // have you ever been to the royal ontario museum? that girl from pbs eons is the scientific illustrator there she's got a lot of cool stuff scattered about there
Not recently, no, but a couple of times. The ROM is a really nice museum. They've got a lot of opportunities for students and kids to enter cheap or even free. I should look up when their student day is and take advantage to go again, the last time I went I messed up and arrived with like two hours before closing, which is hardly enough time to properly enjoy a museum.
They've got this really neat exhibit which shows furniture and interior design through the ages, starting from like early Medieval Europe into like mid-1900s Western Anglosphere. I think there's a decent bit of archaeology stuff too.
The ROM's a short walk from the Art Gallery of Ontario too. Now there's somewhere I've never been. I've walked past it several times and I've been ridiculously close by countless times but I've never actually gone in. You could hit up the ROM in the morning, spend the afternoon at the AGO. And then close off the day by enjoying a meal at the Japanese eatery I really like which is pretty much right next door. There's a lot of personality to that corner of Toronto and I haven't spent nearly enough time in the neighbourhood.
where's everyone at tonight it's sunday evening we should all be snuggled into our homes and procrastinating as hard as we can before monday comes
Yeah, I don't know. I've been home all day. Probably should have gone to the library earlier today since I'll have to dodge the Raptors' championship parade crowd tomorrow, but it'll probably be fine.
>>701208 My weekend was good. I started playing Nioh again to get help set my mood for my upcoming campaign. Sensei wasn't at the zendo this morning so we just did a 45 minute zazen instead of zazen, kinhin, zazen. It was pretty chill.
i think i probably lost my contract i haven't done any work in like 10 days or something since whatever day i went to the hospital i got sent some stuff a couple days ago that i agreed to take, but then got a follow-up email asking me not to work on it
i probably either screwed something up for a client or it's because i ignored the recruiting stuff for too long i want to tell the company what's going on but i dont really know how or if it matters
>>701215 nope but i can't wrap my head around what i want to say really that's been happening a lot lately i tried emailing a friend about something important, but after typing a whole bunch of stuff it still wasn't clear what my concern was then i had to send more, and im a neurotic mess about that stuff i end up becoming overbearing for people really quick by overcommunicating
I called my dad for Father's day We talked like an hour It was nice I was trying to explain koans to him but I don't think I can explain them to anyone without sounding crazy
oh yeah, father's day i forget about that i wish i was closer so i could visit my dad's grave site but it's maybe better that im not hope everyone else is enjoying it and treating their popses well
My dad went out golfing with his long time friend from college. They've known each other like thirty years now; it's kind of wild.
ive known sammy, bang, sugoi, rika for almost 8 years now whoa kun too since late 2011
ive known kannagi over 10 years i still talk to souseicretary a bit i wish she would come back and post more i think ive known lobster over 10 years but it may not be the same person, i dunno. probably not
>>701228 yeah /moe/ really is a family to me rika's been more of an onee-chan than either of my real ones they are always hurting me you guys are always healing me
>>701229 i dont think my tech-fu is high enough level to get the jokes haha
>>701230 Something about that face-pulling is setting off my Uncanny Valley something fierce. It makes the smiles stretch too much I think. Combined with the wide open eyes it just generates severe unease vibes for me.
Aesthetic uncomfortableness aside though, it's a cool bit of cultural trivia.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>701231 I think you'd at least understand the one about the toaster
>>701257 no my sister is moving back in tonight. I specifically would only use my com[uter in the basement instead of my room becuase I'd stay up too late if I had it in my room.
basement living is trash. next place I get, it's fucking going to be on at least the third floor. just glad i don't get mice, cockroaches or bedbugs fuck them die
i had to live in a basement for about a year there was no heating and there were open cracks to the outside so it got deathly cold in the winter i had to use extension cords to try to do my work there with freezing hands there was mold, spiders, centipedes
i actually began farming the centipedes and made a little terrarium for them to sleep in so that they'd eat all the other bugs they were pretty cute; i like centipedes im not sure how there weren't mice prob because cats
i dont want any bugs in my room but spiders spiders are friends
spiders keep drinking my blood. I don't blame them, really. My blood is delicious
>>701262 I had cockroaches crawling around my sleeping body around 2016/2017 ish. made me fucking insane. now you see the effects
oh, those little german cockroaches? yeah, those are everywhere it gets really bad we had the big fuckers that fly, but they don't mob like those germans you just see one scurry around doors and windows a lot and they're very gross you know, they didn't have that disgusting brown color naturally that's from generations of living in substrates of human trash ever since we started concentrating filth for them to breed in
These weren't even brown, more like yellow. Prob got sprayed down from a plane. Nevertheless, they got rocked by the exterminator, those fuckers had to come here like 5 times just for bedbugs and roaches. And now the spiders have taken over. Motherfuckers that love to drink my sweet blood like go away I got enough of that
my roommate is pretty filthy, so it makes me nervous that we'll acquire bedbugs or something especially like i had an air mattress, a nice one, and he broke it in exchange he found me a spring mattress from his landlord and gave that to me but idk how clean this thing is, it could have had bedbugs, or the couch he got and there's trash everywhere i cant even clean up if i wanted to
i really just wanna live somewhere clean. i'm happy to clean up
i found a mole or something in the house today. the cat was chasing it around and it was squeaking a lot. i think it got in from exposed foundation, but i can't be sure. this house has water damage and stuff, it's really gross
>>701265 The larger cockroaches are rare but not absolutely absent. Though the only time I've ever seen one was it airing itself in a city steam grate downtown in the middle of summer, so it's super rare and they probably only thrive in the larger cities here that have lots of year-round warm spots.
>>701269 Voles are pretty common 'round these parts too. My cat's always catching them outside and chewing on 'em, leaving them around the front steps.
as long as you're not itching when you sleep, or lay down a lot, then they defo aren't there. Is it like hoarder crowded with mess there? I have seen a few of those situations in a couple of my friends places. As long as the fucking bugs aren't killing your life, you can live, but try to clean up one spot you always see from your day to day. anything. it will help, immensely.
>>701271 it's not hoarder crowded, thank god there's a lot of cans because michigan has can deposits so you're not supposed to throw away cans or bottles i can deal with some bags of cans, even though they're kind of in // an eyesore
but there's like cardboard boxes and recyclables everywhere mail never gets thrown in the trash or anything it just gets left out boxes and wrappers don't get thrown away, just left out dishes stay stockpiled in his room for probably months before cleaned up idk how often he cleans trash out of his room, every few weeks maybe
he's depressed so i understand it can be hard, but i think some things he legit doesn't know how to do
oh, I always take the cans back here, because of all the alcoholics that accumulate them. not even like one area where they throw their shit? just all over the place? even fucking big stuff like boxes and lots of wrapper accululation? i know how it feels to just chuck shit away without giving a fuck, but a strategy needs to be set so that trash buildup doesn't affect your health. there's no way you can live comfortably with all of that shit hanging around.
yeah, so it isn't nagging. it's making a change. you both can start now, but it isn't really your full burden. you have to share it.
I don't think there's a can return deposit here, but there's some kind of glass bottle return? At least for the liquor bottles, though we don't actually cash in on the deposit hah hah. Every now and then when the box of them gets too sizeable my mother puts it out on the curb and some guy comes by and picks them up. I think she's asked him about it in the past and she's happy to let him take them but I don't know where the deposit return is.
>>701275 boxes like soda can boxes just bunches of empty boxes next to the trash can that get really cumbersome to deal with
i really don't wanna nag this hard though about my roommate, that's not what i was trying to do. i was just describing stuff it's someone who has actually visited /moe/ in the past so i wouldn't want him to by happenstance come here and think im always talking shit about him
Toronto has a full-scale recycling program though that might be why there's no can deposit. All that aluminium is already accounted for in the system.
>>701275 share what, his trash? idk why i clean up my stuff
>>701276 yeah im thinking about asking someone if they want these cans i really hate having bags of cans around i wash all of them out before putting them away because ants, but that takes a lot of time
>>701280 idk it's bottlenecked right now it's a bunch of big shipping boxes that i can't just throw away idk when recycling gets picked up. i should check into that
and then there's a lot of stuff that was like his mom's stuff she passed away, which was when/why i moved in i'm not gonna go through that. that's not my business
Even though it's not your responsibility it has to go away. it // if it's a too cumbersome task to deal with then you need someone able to do it. so, him.
>>701279 Well it's worked out for us. I guess you'd have to know someone in the area that has a passion for deposit collecting unless you want to just put them on the curb like we do. Even if gas is cheap you do have to take in quite a lot of deposit items to make a decent return on the endeavour.
i feel like the new med might be making me really impatient i can't stop tabbing over and checking things every couple minutes checking for replies in discord, email, /moe/, steam even though there's clearly nothing there
i wish /moe/ were thriving
Is this the same one you've been on recently, or is there a new new one?
well I'm here. I'm just doing like 4 things at a time too, haha. like looking for new goddamn pics
>>701284 they started me on an SSRI on tuesday when i started PHP it's helping me not have racing thoughts and impulsivity i think there's been some positive improvement in my outward affect as a result and im not neurotically worrying to everyone
but i'm also really sleepy a lot and feeling kind of understimulated im still on my bupropion though so there's a little bit of stuff going on but without the noise in my head, i get really restless it's taken out all the noise in my head, so now i have to keep looking for stimulation externally
i can't really even finish a youtube video, i keep pausing and doing something else
on that type of med, you definitely need something to take all of yout time up. to focus on anyway. i did it this morning and I cleaned EVERYTHING in my vicinity. I couldn't do anything else. it's like a free auto-pilot medicine. then the crash comes oh well. feels like a story.
>>701286 I don't think the SSRI I've been taking has been really making me particularly sleepy, though it's always hard to tell whether the lethargy I'm feeling is from something like that or my inability to keep a sleep schedule on or off drugs. I kind of get the having to keep pausing and doing something else though; there's certain combinations of activities that I just can't get a grasp on. In particular unless the active activity I'm doing is something focus-gripping, like Mahjong, my brain gets impatient even just listening to music. I've ended up putting old Twitch stream VODs on so I can hear someone talking, which seems to not give me the problem music does. Still the problem is I can't really remember what it's like to need stimulus when I wasn't taking the SSRI, since ... it's just not something I bothered to remember. I didn't, and really still don't, keep track of myself like that. It makes getting asked questions like if something is improving my quality of life or not hard to answer because I just don't have that information.
it's helping my fixations and racing thoughts a lot though i had a tendency to get fixated on certain concepts and really couldn't let go of it before i think im a lot warmer and better at being a person now
not a single caller shouted at me today which makes it a great day
wow that is a nice day i hate being shouted at
Yeah I like it best when I don't get shouted at either.
As well, even.
>>701372 yeah it's the worst I hate it people get so mad over things that are totally out of my control And I can't really blame them but being guilt tripped for others mistakes really fucks with me
I played games. Ate Got to work on time And am about to sleep Day: Good
>>701490 well if this consoles you im going to be having pain pain pain pretty soon right now wish me luck
samu, you here? remember that elon tweet you posted? with 2b? it looks like elon is in trouble for posting that art without crediting the artist, and had to delete it
VR fighter needs a disclaimer on having at least 20 square meters of room so you don't blast the shit out of some glass thing you had laying somewhere also i didn't play smash since brawl hows it like
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
ultimate is really fun we are living in a smash golden age 2019 baybeee
Kirara 🍄
what the fuck is a banjo kazoozie anyway
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
denwa bango koizumi
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>701511 it can't be stopped it's self-sustaining now
what the fuck just ask for power weapons and find the rc-p90, spray them when you screenlook where they are and you're coming in peeking 101 you're the one asking me about rainbow six siege prefire with a gun that shoots a lot of bullets really fast easy wins
i got two individual clients today and THAT'S IT but i'm gonna go score an IQ test or maybe two at least one oh wait i have to administer an MMPI today too
pretty brutal a girl in group was opening up about a recent assault so the facilitator kind of edged me on a bit to open up about mine and bond over that the girl ended up leaving upset to go home early though so i had to open up to three known people and three new people i'm not really big on the new people. one of them seems to be a methy one-upper kind of person
im not really pleased about opening up in an emotionally vulnerable environment about something so heavy two of our group were inpatient so not in group today too. it would have helped if they were there
Yeah, I can imagine it's an unpleasant time. I kind of feel it's a bit in poor taste to put pressure on someone to open up about difficult topics in a semi-public situation like that.
you kind of just ignore the details and use nondescript words like assault, assailant, event it's surprisingly mechanical they didn't necessarily put pressure on me but they could see me visibly distressed by what the girl was saying so they offered me the chance to express what i was feeling a little bit
it's been an emotionally exhausting day another day i haven't heard from my work i think i lost my contract probably
no, that doesn't seem beneficial to me having unresponded emails is an agonizing feeling for me i don't want to send something unnecessary and then be awaiting a response apprehensively that might never come that would interfere with my stuff i think
everybody else is not working during all of this we're not supposed to work during it really
Do you know if the others are in as knife-edgy a financial situation as you though? I know you've been told not to work during the PHP but that feels like a priority the institution downplays because of an assuption of stability.
it's kind of fine you'll remember i worked a buttload the week or so beforehand i should have made enough to cover me until the 15th of next month from now
kirara helped me out a little bit too i need to focus on getting better i really don't want to die
That's good to hear. You've got plenty of experience now; I'm sure there'll be other contracts you can pick up once you're through the program. Plus maybe the hospital will know of some other avenues you can look down. Centres for medical health seem to have a lot of information on stuff like that.
Are you going to have to put off getting Super Mario Maker because of all that though?
sadly, i think so i just can't afford to use that money for that i probably should spend it on a tax person fast ive got a week until i have to respond to the IRS maybe less
im not sure if they can garnish paypal funds but if so, im really fucked
>>701636 how much does a tax person cost im lookin at the link now i run the risk of paying a tax person to tell me there's nothing that can be done, though
if the irs garnishes me through paypal somehow, im so fucked i'd have no way of aquiring any money whatsoever i'd have to pull this thousand out and use it for bills in cash and live off nothing else until it gets entirely paid
if i could just get returned onto my meds i can do about 200 a day no problem maybe a little less if it's freelance on rev it'd suck but i could go through a month of hell and pay most of that off and arrange small payments thereafter or something
but there's the issue of saving money so i have somewhere to go when march comes around and i have to leave this lease. i wish i hadn't started going down this train of thought, it's too spirally and interconnected. you can see why i get impulsive frustrations at my situation and wanted to stab myself after walgreens screwed up my meds out of sheer negligence and then screwed up again by requesting a new script from my doc
Oh wait shit IRS
https://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc308 I've had this in my tabs for like a month now; my dad sent me an email with a link to it like a day or two after I asked him about ammending your past returns. I dunno if it's all that useful to you but it does look like it lays out the procedure for ammending your past returns. So if a tax person does identify that you overpaid on previous returns it's definitely something I think you can go through with.
>>701635 Yeah, sorry, I can understand. Some times I feel like I rely on the world operating exactly how I need the variables I don't have any particular effect on to turn out, a bit too much. And when something I can't control doesn't work the plan I've got in mind just goes to shit.
I'll ask my dad what kind of money a tax accountant or whatnot usually costs; I don't have that information immediately on hand.
thank you for the link by the way
Though keep in mind there'll likely be a difference in costs between Canadian and American tax people.
eva on netflix on friday social media is gonna be so shitposty i hope a ton of normies watch it and never stop talking about it they're going to be like "damn im asuka" instead of "damn i want to fuck asuka"
They're gonna go "Damn I'm Asuka" when really they're Shinji.
Kirara 🍄
asuka has her breakdown after the angel gets inside her head "literally me"
Maybe I should take the opportunity to actually watch Evangelion.
Kirara 🍄
>>701647 It's reactions like this that is PART of the reason I never actually have hah hah
Where's the fun in pretending to do things you can have be REALITY.
Kirara 🍄
watch the fucking show, shinji
To make it even better I've also seen the first two Rebuild movies despite never watching the television series.
even i watched evangelion and i havent watched an anime since zombieland saga
>>701652 Why would you ever watch a sequel to a series without seing the original first?
>>701654 why would you ever play no more heroes 2 when you havent played one maybe because the disc wouldnt work and it’s playable without the original anyway
A new fish and chips place opened up in the small strip mall that's pretty much right at the entrance to my neighbourhood. They also do gyros and souvlaki wraps/sandwiches. If it's good I hope they stick around; there isn't really anything quite like that within walking distance here.
>>701659 Oh I saw this a way back. The Splatoon music is ridiculously good.
one of my goals for my upcoming Space Japan campaign is to have almost entirely music in the style of traditional japanese music with the exception of music used as themes for foreign characters or bosses
well other than a song from kamen rider and JUST ONE LIFE
it's just a shame that most of my HIGH LEVEL toku references will be completely missed by my players well, all of my japanese culture references i bet of all my players only Pk has seen Seven Samurai
Kirara you should put in a boss fight against a kaiju Specifically Gigan, the best kaiju
Would you watch a JoJo tokusatsu?
Kirara 🍄
>>701665 lol gigan i'm not planning on any kaiju unless you count like orochi who i guess is like the OG kaiju
>>701668 some of it but overall the sekiro OST doesn't really match my tone, sort of there are a few tracks i might use but nioh OST is way better and more my style
I haven't heard anything from the Nioh OST yet. The game's been on Steam for a while, I should pick it up some time and play it.
Kirara 🍄
it's really good and the sequel is coming out soon
3rd was the best >>>/watch?v=YJOJJra5ZuI a french cop gets dragged into feudal japan as demons invade modern paris while main character is jacked into modern day paris
I went out of my way to accommodate a client so she can complete her court mandated therapy in time for court by scheduling her in today when I normally wouldn't be willing to see a client. She no-showed and then texted my work number 2 hours later saying she was sorry and "I hope you're not mad at me* "
>>701683 It doesn't get that bad here, unfortunately. I much prefer long days to long nights. It's easy to block out the sun. Plus I can sleep just about anywhere so it doesn't really matter how sunny it is.
>>701684 So she's going to have to go into court without having completed her court-mandated therapy? What's the result of that?
>>701686 She might. It's too late for me to reply to her today, but tomorrow I'll give her the option of coming to our southern office (we usually meet at northern office which is 30-40 minute drive from south office) tomorrow evening after 4:30 or Thursday at 7:00pm. I guess I could offer her Wednesday at 10am. But I don't think she'll be able to make any of those because she can't drive. I can't go to the northern office today and she was near the southern office today, which is why tonight could have worked.
I don't know what will happen. It's up to the judge. It's possible she could get violated and go to jail again. Or the judge could just tell her to finish it.
This client has some boundary issues, which is why I'm kind of hoping to get her out of therapy soon. From the beginning, she didn't really need the treatment the judge mandated for her. So all I've really done with her over our 14 sessions is help her cope with going to jail and help her move towards leaving her abusive boyfriend.
But after she became certain she's going to leave her boyfriend, she's been coming to sessions dressed less conservatively and I /// and she's just kind of being weird like trying to get me to tell her about myself during sessions and stuff. She's been pretty resistant to me setting boundaries.
It's not at all uncommon for clients to develop an attachment to their clinician, but it's a little uncomfortable.
I might have become more sensitive to it now that I'm in a serious relationship. Before I might not have noticed it because I didn't really care about that stuff. I dunno. I don't really get why people take that kind of interest in me unless they know me incredibly well. To strangers, I'm sure I just seem like a weirdo. But I guess I'm a weirdo who is about to get // to be a doctor.
heh. I needed to submit one of the assignments for this stupid coding thing I'm doing so I googled the name of the guy and this is the first thing that comes up: https://the-riotact.com/david-ritchie-pleads-guilty-to-taking-photos-of-women-without-their-knowledge/1903
It's probably a different person. Probably. Same city though...
btw I want a d20 that has just "perkele" on each side
>>701710 also if it is "gay hell" shouldn't they import a lot of saudis and make it into arabia or fundamental christians and whatnot make it actual gay hell