Thread #700702
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owo what's this friday night anime what a treat!
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I'll watch while I can. I have a friend who may show up and if that happens I'll need to go.
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that's great sounds like a fun time! i'll see if i can grab tilde oooh nice timing
Oh uh I was not prepared for this. Give me a second.
Fairy Gone --Episode 9-10 Fruits Basket Hitoribocchi JoJo's Bizarre Adventure RobiHachi Senryuu Shoujo
We're only like three shows behind the weekly actually no I'm dumb math- Oh wait no I'm double dumb yeah we're only like three shows behind the weekly run. So if we do three shows tonight we'd be back to doing four shows a night by Sunday.
Search [iqdb] (468 KB, 689x651, ありまなつぼん - カリおっちゃん描いたらでる!!.jpg )
works for me! do we have jan?
Probably not. I don't think he's regularly around even when we were regularly doing stuff on Friday.
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 563x798, 9ac75558018d58d595cd31c2e3684486.jpg )
im not seeing him. probably fairy gone and hitoribocchi huh? i dunno
I mean even if we do two shows tonight we'd only have one night of five shows next week to be on top of things. There's plenty of wiggle room.
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1000x1427, ばらむ - カリオストロ.png )
okay then fairy gone 9 fairy gone 10 bocchi
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so fairy gone 9 oh sorry okay lets start!
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fairy gone
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to tbh honestly im not sure i can stay awake if we watch fairy gone back to back
We could maybe JoJo instead. Or just do two episodes.
i think it's fine
Search [iqdb] (272 KB, 720x1000, アキネ - 世界で一番可愛いのは.jpg )
well fairy gone is boring so O I'm fine with either jojo or 2
wow he's strong jojo is fine or 2
The action scene OST tracks for this show are really nice though.
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I usually save jojo for jan but we can watch it if it's not a big deal
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they need to figure out how to make their action scenes tell a story it's kind of fluff how it is
RIP OZz Ozz even. Why two z's.
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okay jojo okay lets start!
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Trish's seiyuu is pretty good at sounding like Narancia.
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this is pretty fun
How bizarre.
hahaha wow the lady and the baby that's terrifying
Oh yeah I'd heard of this hah hah. Polnareff gets trapped in the turtle.
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wow he's a turtle now
What's wrong with hairy knuckles anyway.
Oh that's why Diavolo was moving around in the open so much. It was Bruno in his body.
Chariot Requiem kinda looks like Joseph Joestar really.
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 966x1200, 54f2e3b7eeb8c1f342aabebfc6faf364.jpg )
i think i may have a bear outside are we gonna do three? im awake jojo helped wake me up>>700744 it's fine he wouldn't wanna come in here
KUMA SHOCK Maybe go make sure your doors are locked?
Depends on if Rika's still around or her late-night friend's come around yet.
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 703x714, ghost yomi (3).jpg )
bocchi! okay lets start!
Bocchi is such an adorable goof.
Tappu tappu shita
Wow Nako don't bully Bocchi like that.
Wa ha ha
The kind of jobs a "middle school girl" could do are probably kind of dangerous in real life. I guess when you're sufficiently rich you can just create safe jobs.
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 1446x2000, 75084946_p0.png )
i did babysitting and sometimes manned a cashier in middle school not really jobs though
Probably not in what was probably ... Actually grade seven is probably a normal time to do babysitting.
wow that looks like a lot
Looks pretty tasty for a snack though.
Hah hah yeah. There's -There seems to be a decent number of Japanese schools that keep classes consistent throughout the grade advancements. I was pretty much stuck from grade four to grade eleven with the same classmates because of the Gifted program so I'm kind of familiar with that feeling.
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 563x798, 9ac75558018d58d595cd31c2e3684486.jpg )
i kind of want to do one of those
They look kind of charming. Maybe I should try one with some friends next time I'm in Japan.
Search [iqdb] (134 KB, 773x773, 1331289419202.jpg )
Wow she's wearing garters that's racy
Yeah I saw them earlier in the episode. I guess they're really going hard with the ojou-sama-poi.
Search [iqdb] (25 KB, 563x405, 2526c86c1443a3cc0b71d5092041c77a.jpg )
it's been a friday night treat thank you! have fun rika-chan
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1000x1192, 1399502673594.jpg )
okay thanks for anime!
Yeah a real exciting surprise. Have fun Rika.