>>698746 I wonder how easy she will be most water trainers have been easiest fights there are *gyms
misty being prolly only exception in g/s, due to being post game content and starmyu
well that one scald using motherfucker in bw2 was a pain, but that was only because I have 100% chance of getting the status effects moves do in pkmn games
I made myself kind of nauseous walking home from the bus stop reading my phone. Ufgh I think it was motion sickness. Haven't gotten that in a good while.
Apparently the new Pokemon games will have a limited regional PokeDex and you will only be able to import Pokemon into the game that are in that regional Dex. Which means there's going to be some Pokemon that are impossible to get in this generation.
Eastern fans all seem pretty upset over this. Nintendo of America posted a Tweet about the new games and had to take it down because the comments were being flooded with people angry over that.
>>698757 I think it'd be a little bit unfair on Gamefreak to expect every pokemon in the new game There's a lot of pokemon
>>698759 Except Gens I-IV are already all modelled in Pokemon Go, of which the models in Sword/Shield seem to use. So they already have their work done for them for at least half of the can you let me finish my post. On top of that, in Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon, you could acquire every Pokemon available up to that point, in
>>698760 you know I didn't even start typing until you finished Oh you're still going I'm not even gonna bother
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I will be sad if I can't get my favorites.
Fuck this Internet man.
>>698760 in ADDITION to an UNUSED walking animation for every Pokemon. You couldn't even SEE Pokemon walk in that game. So it's definitely not about not being able to do the work or whatnot.
I'd also be surprised if they didn't have most of the Pokemon already modelled, since it's pretty obvious they want to put them all in Go. So no, I do think
>>698763 it's fair to expect Gamefreak to put every Pokemon in the game, considering space and resources SHOULDN'T be an issue. Pokemon is one of the world's highest-earning brands there is a piss-poor excuse for not alocating more resources to the project to consider what is assumed to be a standard of Pokemon games: that you can catch them all.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>698764 Muk, Magnezone, and Mawile would be the top three
As someone who doesn't want to overwork people if they're trying to make a deadline or whatnot, I can get it if for some reason they can't have everything crammed into the new gen immediately, but as a fan it is disappointing. But I'll live.
not too eerie. painfully tired though i can't stop yawning and my body feels so heavy. my thoughts aren't racing so that's helpful, but im used to being a frantic, nervous wreck so that part's a little disorienting i'll end up gaining weight if i stay on this i think i dont want to do that
Yeah I can imagine. Do you think you can persuade them to put you on something different?
hmm i asked for it it's the venlafaxine i was on in the past a long time ago the SSRI ive been thinking about switching back to it since like november but hadn't really had the healthcare access
i'll be taking it in conjunction with my SNRI now which i have not tried yet i'll see how that works out in the morning the doctor was saying it's probably the wellbutrin causing my anxiety and frantic mood but i was trying to convey that's just me not being depressed, that im always like that it's not very fun but it sure makes me feel things well so i like being me having passions and things i care about matters a lot to me
Yeah. I haven't experienced a particular improvement on the Sertraline so I'm worried it's not good for me.
>>698777 yeah im not really a fan of SSRIs the anxiety for e // me is extremely functional. i tried explaining that to the psych and i think she understood it wasn't good in the past when family was around and i couldn't be me but now that i can be me, anxiety is a high-functioning channel so i don't really need my anxiety meds and im okay with SNRIs
but this time is kind of different, i need to start actually seeking treatment for traumatic stress so im ignoring the problem if i just try to stay in that high-functioning realm where i can create a noise barrier between me and the world
>>698781 I can kind of understand that yeah. I was worried about my anxiety but I think it might be depression that's more in my way than the anxiousness.
snri definitely helps me more when it comes to feeling things, which is what depression isn't so in terms of antidepressant functioning i think it's a lot higher. but it's possible to feel too much too and be an obsessive nervous wreck that starts stressing everyone else out to be around there's tradeoffs
im not sure if i can work on these meds i feel so lethargic. i can focus a little better but only because there's no noise i can focus but it's not a very sharp focus
My umbrella is fabric but umbrellas aren't really helpful in Florida, you know.b I just wear a raincoat. The rain is sideways here, so it'll just get under your umbrella.
splishing and splashing in a raincoat
I kinda want to get a rain suit, I haven't worn one before. The yellow one seiba wears is kinda cute!
Uhhh Smash4 Pikmin >>698969 Yeah that too And uhh Bayonetta I think And breath of the wild The Zelda Musou Majora's Mask hd probably a couple of other games too
Kirara 🍄
didn't wii u have mario maker?
oh zelda musou and smash thats why i got it
Sasuga ToN
Have either of you played Mad World? It's really good.
it's too frivolous for me it's all smiling and joy and you bind the ceremony with a kiss? i dont really get it it's a happy event but it's also a really serious event
i dont really see how it's taking it serious when you put yourself at financial risk to have a really lavish wedding right before you need to make serious commitments together im pretty sure at Thai weddings they dont even smile Thai people never smile in public, only in closed social settings
>>698993 today went okay, but we watched a TED TALK for activity therapy i was so unenthused but it's fine. those are always lame but for the second group session today we had a guest facilitator or somebody standing in, i dont really know, but she was so bad at it that she upset a lot of people and we ignored her for the rest of group and facilitated it ourselves. she ended up leaving at some point but nobody paid attention to it so idk when it was it was really bad i dont know how she got there. i got the impression she didn't have any qualifications and lied in order to get the gig or something
The 40th anniversary of disco demolition night is a month from today. I'm a little bit excited, i might try to go to the sox game to get the limited t shirt.
Argh It's near Pitchfork, i might not have the money.
man /moe/ i'm going through some very bad external problems right now
>>698993 wtf why hasnt this one appeared in my feed yet
>>699000 hmm i think three. maybe four. one was really standard american wedding, overly expensive and raunchy and shameless one was a more conservative american-ish one that was in a rural setting and it was smaller/fewer people and didn't try to be really fancy. i liked that one. then my sister had one that was held at the garden of my mom's house, not an actual church or anything, and she had a really unconventional blue, short wedding dress. i actually really liked it. it was just family. i didnt really like her husband though. he's gone now.
and then i saw a thai one which i was really enamored with. thai people have big families though so it was a lot of people.
>>698999 yeah, this 18 year old kid that's there just asked people how they were doing because he was tired of it being awkwardly silent and we've actually developed some pretty okay group dynamics so it wasn't too difficult he actually did a really good job at asking useful questions and being supportive and not making stuff seem overwhelming, but just simple questions like are you sleeping better. he asked one lady if she slept well and she said three hours and he's like "better than one. that's good" like it was really smart in just focusing on the small positives. i thought it was cool of him.
>>699001 I've been in 7 and I think no two have been alike, butn one have been overly massive or annoying I think my top pick would be my cousin's they had rented a kind of a villa for it and then there was the afterparty for the closest kin, with a giant sauna and karaoke through the night
My uncle's wedding from mother's side was kinda amusing the actual marriage happened at a civil office in helsinki, that only his sister's families attended and maybe someone close to the bride but then the actual "wedding" was in latvia close to the home region of my aunt it was a memorable trip since we spent like a week there, swam in the ocean, nearly got speared by a giant boar and so on of the actual wedding I remember very little
The best wedding I've been to was the one on an old plantation in south carolina. It was the best because there were live alligators wandering around. Also the cake was good. The most recent wedding I went to had a cake I couldn't eat and was black tie so I didn't enjoy it as much.
>>699005 she just came in and was like "okay let's go around the room and talk about what brought you in here" like that's it, so flat and she used our last names in calling us out which is protected information so that was pretty fucked up
the 18 year old failed his first year of college, so he started talking about that and the facilitator was just talking about choices and how every day we have to make choices and it can be difficult to make the right choices, and sometimes we make the wrong choice like choosing to play instead of study (in reference to him) lmao it was so offensive and inappropriate
i had to cut in and say how there's no choices going on there, that he's shifting into a new environment with pressures he's not capable or prepared to cope with that he doesn't have the tools and preparation to approach the task in a constructive way. there was no choice involved fuck it made me so angry
is that the actual "saying"? I was thinking of something equilevant to a finnish saying "vääntää rautalangasta" lit "to twist an iron wire" meaning "you have to REALLY explain even simple things to someone" or that some task is just needlessly taxing despite being simple
>>699010 probably. one facilitator is really good, and the nurse who does the education segment is really cool even though the education materials are pretty lame idk if it's a nurse, maybe it's an np or something i have no idea
i might get to talk about a few things, but there's a lot im def not going to talk about in group i can't tell what's the effexor and what is help from the therapy but im not having racing thoughts and impulses but im used to those things so i don't know how functional i can be like this
Kirara 🍄
>>699012 i think you'll learn to function like that it'll def be a challenge though
>>699024 WEll yeah most don't get it still reminds me how 2016 was a contest between trump age 70 and hillary age what? 80? and hillary's main rival was the... what ws his face sanders? age 80+
>>699027 Our oldest president was 82 when he retired and he was elected for the final term without an election so tells you about how "democratic" he was
Kirara 🍄
what's term limit in Finland?
6 years, 2 terms since 1984 after new elections and when people noticed that >we don't want another Kekkonen, EVER
Kirara 🍄
1984 huh coincidence? i think not
>we were lucky that he had the best interests of the nation is basically the final verdict of his dictatorship also we are the only nation in the world who has had a CENTRAL PARTY DICTATOR
There's not really a term limit for Prime Minister here hah hah. Technically a good leader and a good party could serve indefinitely. They never do though.
>>699033 same but realistically no one will be head of a party for that long
And since a majority party is dependent on its party members winning seats, it doesn't even matter all that much if you have a charismatic Prime Minister. Once the party members start losing seats the Prime Minister is on the way out.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalevi_Sorsa our longest serving prime minister never concurrently, mind you
I think only Actually right now not one of our parties has had a long serving chairman Aftet Timo soini quit, that was the longest serving chairman at the moment, and he FOUNDED the party the age of big name charismatic monoliths seems to be over here for now
well there is the Master, but who knows if he will stick in politics that long
oh yeah im not a leader in that commie org anymore i stepped down since someone else was willing to do stuff so now im free well, they're not even commies they're just social democrats but yeah feels good
>tfw it was 2 seats away from The Master is the prime minister of Finland
>>699039 oh yeah listen to this Master, Jussi Halla-Aho ran in the capital with I don't remember what let's asy candidate number 50 in the "greater capital region", which is a sperate voting block, there was a random commie running with number 50 who suddenly got something like 500 or so more votes than usual, and if he had been a true finns member, would have been elected
some fucking twats didn't bother to remember that capital and greater capital regions are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS was damn comical
final result was 40 seats for SDP, 39 seats for Finns wonder how those people felt, realising their oopsie made sdp win the elections
Ofc the SDp result was pathetic as hell they have one of the least likeable, least charismatic leaders at the moment would any competent guy been leading them, they'd have gotten most likely 45-50 seats instead
they didn't really "win the elections" more like "everyone else lost"
Nintendo really goes over the top for E3. Aside from the main recorded Direct they do on day one, during the whole convention they run livestreams of game content and interviews with developers. So there's a bunch of gameplay from things like Daemon X Machina, Fire Emblem, Luigi's Mansion, and so on.
ofc Finns party wouldn't have been able to form a government realistically no one at the moment would want to work with them except national coalition, but they will work with anyone if it gets them into the government
Would have been fun to see master in power and see if he actually is a decent guy, a carreer politician or an asshole
you're gonna // oh, for anime naito episode 10 was really gay very high quality as always they're such a good couple but im longing for yang-san to win, you know? poor yang-san has fallen in love with such a loser
are they like drumsticks? im trying to understand >>699067 we have lots of frozen ice cream treats i sometimes get these strawberry shortcake ice cream bars they're like $3 for 6 of them that's probably about the same as you're talking i think i don't eat them very often
>>699068 oh these those are good. i like them i dont eat ice cream much though
and fillings ofc you don't have those kinds of boxes?
>>699066 I don't either that much I ate one during out last boat trip and then the one before that was prolly... last year during summers I like buying it a lot more tho
especially when I lived in tapiola, since they had those good ol' ice creamv endors selling proper cones with rum-raisin or "ye olde" vanilla or even tar icecream
these are what i'll get sometimes if i have to work overnight i like to have sweets for some reason
if i dont sleep, i start needing some sugar >>699073 they're very soft. that white texture is like really soft it is not heavy, but it's really enjoyable to me they make really chocolatey ones, and like Reese's and Oreos dessert things like this, but that is too much for me i don't like milk chocolate really.
I miss ice cream trucks tho I don't think they operate here they sold the best ice creams boxes here tho, bit more pricy than stores, but the quality was worth it
>>699072 I more ment the overall packaging for example the Signature Cake Coating tag or the Great since 1920s or Ice Cream truck favourite thing or "america's favorite" or naturally and artifically flavored
all of that just shouts "AMERICA" to me on theb ox I think I have actually seen a similiar product here, though sold separately
it's a cheaper product. it's not very high quality
<- this is what i really like to get if i can find it. i dont go to the big market where they have it often www.talentigelato.com they have a whole lot of really good flavors
Huh now that I realised, they only have "red berries" flavour and not "forest berries" anymore since years ago I guess having a finnish only flavour wasn't profitable anymore.
>>699078 soft they are morel ike eating ice-cream sticks
I soemtimes wanna buy these from sheer nostalgia, but it is kinda embarrasing to buy such an obvious kids treat as an adult
wheres the klondike bar at
the most amusing thing I can remember about being a kid, and there being ice cream as breakfast and then all lactose intolerants or such, would get >>699082 something like this while everyone else got a >>699081 and since LI is quite rare here, especially with kids, it usually was like 2 kids out of 30
And then everyone looks at them all jealous that they get a much tastier popsicle than the rest
this video is crazy >>>/@nvanderklippe/1138747496941756416 ive been places that got tear gassed where there were "professional" protestors and none of them ever tried this or even talked about it
what, dousing it? that's going to depend on what type of tear gas it is, i imagine china might be using different stuff than we do here
>>699101 There's a comment in there about that Supposedly they're shooting "pellets" rather than cannisters there, which is why dousing it in water works
>>699100 I remember how I used to do a lot of tinkering with broken electronics as a kid and early teen but then I just stopped due to well there being no spare parts that were cheap and available at your local hardware store hell there wasn't even a local hardware store anymore I'd have to travel upwards of 10km to get one and I live in the CAPITAL of all places and they didn't even sell stuff you'd use to tinker around with the modern electrogizmoes
things nowadays aren't built to last or be repaired by yourself or the corner store repair guy but to be replaced
>I didn't have the latest granblue osts until now >however this means I saved the kickass moon monster battle theme for the third campaign nice
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>699100 kek although in their defense, when it comes to fixing electronics at least, stuff these days is designed to be harder to take apart I'm trying to take apart a usb snes controller right now and there's some weird plastic fastener holding it together even after I unscrewed everything but on the original snes controller you could just unscrew everything and lift the top off.
Kirara 🍄
>>699103 >>699102 apparently dousing it works on canisters in the US too they heat up to like 500 degrees and the heat is used to disperse the gas apparently so forcing it to cool through spraying water can disable them is what someone told me
ofc i won't be testing it because i wont be in a situation like that again on purpose
>>699101 heh, I remember back when what was it called... Stormcloudsgathering guy was quite relevant and he was passing around his "guides to protestors" he had listed several methods of neutralizing tear gas grenades, how to counter effects and so on guess no one ever read them wonder what he is doing nowadays
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
oh yeah crushing up tums and mixing it with water and pouring it into your eyes helps
>>699107 I think biggest issue in most protests here is how they use grenade launchers to shoot them those pack a quite a kick to them
Kirara 🍄
>>699109 you can just use milk mixed with water too
Kirara 🍄
>>699111 someone almost got killed last year because a cop shot a canister into their head penetrated their helmet
"here" as in europe, our cops aren't like that >>699113 yeah in paris protests if I recall right
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>699112 yeah but you can carry around tums and water all day much easier than milk cause you should have water with you anyways
Kirara 🍄
>>699114 no, this was in the US portland i believe
anyhow the grenade launchers they use are military gear I mean, yeah you can USE them for protest,s but then you have to aim real far away aim too near and the grenade can still be travelling at insade speeds they are afterall originally designed to launch HIGH EXPLOSIVES and those aren't ment to land near you
if I remember right, the grenades they use won't even detonate, untill they have flown like 30-50 metres
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
OHHHHHHHHHHHH IT WAS A SCREW HIDDEN UNDER THE QC STICKER well luckily this thing is broken anyways
>>699107 cooling from 500 degrees for a whole canister seems rough you'd need quite a bit yeah i wonder if you can just use a fire extinguisher? not really since that doesn't cool as much as it just smothers
i wonder if you could use like flax oil or something >>699124 oh maybe i didn't think about just getting rid of it yeah
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
well I don't have the tools to diagnose this thing so its going into the electronics recycle box
>>699122 I think the main point is to just cool it enough for it to slowly release the gas instead of quickly and then toss it aside like in the video
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>drop a screw >it bounces off the floor and right into the box I was going to put it in noice
Homemade fish and chips, only we didn't have any potatoes at home. So substituting potato chips for the chips part hah hah
oh man I Am Mother had such a generic "twist" oh i was programmed to value humans above all else that's why i killed all of them and decided to make my own and raise them to be the best humans can be
By now it's such a foreseeable AI snag you'd expect programmers to take fringe events like that into account.
seems to have favourable reviews, though a low score
btw kirara you seen a movie called "Life" is on flix
Kirara 🍄
id say this was a pretty decent movie
nah, what's Life?
astronauts in near future pick up life sent from mars and it turns out bad and they all in space just effect wise it is quite good enough watch and is a quite decent enough scifi-horror, which is damn rare
Kirara 🍄
the ending of the movie was too optimistic though i think it didn't really make sense a human character being inconsistent is one thing but AIs should be written to be consistent generally, you know
And if you ever want to get into watching bad horror movies to laugh at them "Final Girl" that movie is just a "the fuck am I watching" but that is an acquired taste
and it isn't just bad or weird as a horror movie but as a movie altogether not to mention it feels like they kicked the cinematographer out at 20 minute spot or pumped him full of LSD from thatp oint on or her from around the 20-30 minute spot of the thankfully what 1:20m movie things just get weird not in the "hey this is a good weird" just weird I spent more time thinking the fuck was the director and cinematographer thinking than what was going on the screen
it does have a few good scenes, tho and the general idea isn't bad
but I think generally there is a point to watching bad movies at times and not just script wise, but technical wise etc just to see what the good movies actually do right and so on your appreciation of them raises even further
Wish you could hear the beautiful music that plays when I queue for a game in this
>>699144 wouldn't that kind of magic staff be really inconvienient the top heaviness would for example make that posing near impossible, unless she has monster strenght too
and if you have monster strenght, why not make the staff into a polearm at that point
I'm glad they used the Bowser joke for introducing Doug. He's no Reggie but to be fair no one but Reggie can be Reggies. Seems to be suitable personable at least.
im getting a deli turkey sandwich and custard tomorrow for my hospital lunch i can't wait
nobody wants their hospital lunches lmao it's all so gross i could take a lot of it if i wanted
even when decent, mass made food isn't that "good" really
Kirara 🍄
im getting 15 hours with clients this week it's exhausting haha 9 hours of group therapy, 2 hours of a psych eval, 4 hours of administering IQ tests it's so much haha oh wait also 1 hour of individual therapy today so that's 16 client hours no brakes on the therapy train
i did some consulting this week too WAIT 18 client hours this week because i did an assessment on Monday too
I was afraid you'd finish that with "tomorrow" or "today"
>>699175 gosh that's quite a bit are you getting paid for those or do you just get that certain amount or whatever is this for the thing you dont get paid for i guess i dont really know how your stuff works now that i think about it
i haven't had any work at all the past week i still haven't done that recruiting stuff idk even what to tell my client at this point i tried just doing it last night but im so tired all the time from this med i can barely stay awake
Kirara 🍄
>>699177 i work for free at my second clinic which is were most of my hours come from only did 10 hours at my first clinic over the past two weeks so they'll pay me $100 or so im pretty sure im going to be able to get a real job at the location im at now, my second clinic, after i get my doctorate and i might be able to stay on as consulting during my internship and get paid for that
>>699178 god traineeships are "legal slavework" no matter where you go
Kirara 🍄
yeah im going to save the clinic like $1000 a year with changes im making too they should give me that $1000
i hope you are able to get a real job there they are asking a lot of you at the moment, or you're volunteering yourself for a lot anyway and while they individually might be cool folks, the organization itself might not really want to pay you if they dont have to
Kirara 🍄
my boss will want to pay me after i have my doctorate well, he already offered to pay me for marketing services he just can't pay me because of the way practicum works i cant get paid for the job with them
Kirara 🍄
ill be fine if i can get some sleep might not be able to unless i go downstairs and tell gilbert to fuck off though he's blasting rap
sleep is important though with how hot it is there it must be a challenge
i see none in that weather image like July, the crab month, our cancerian month I know ur a cancer like kirara too like this shitt is going to fuck us up hard. Hope u enjoy it like I can
How many time do you want to die? How many ways do you want to die?
none since I will live forever
and it will suck but someone's gotta do it write a good everlasting record of it for the future past so people can read it and go "huh so the first 10 billion years are all right, but the ensuing 101000000000000000 years sucked"
You used to do a
hey I broke images
nah, they knew what I wanted to do.
But, you used to do a little but a little won't fly. Right before you hit your prime. I swear we fell in love not the first time
it's a cyberpunk 2077 debuff where you get less movement speed prob
nah, I'd think it makes you glow in the dark a and slowly kills you but I guess a speed debuff would be good too but I'd love if it was "you also glow in the dark from your wounds"
yeah then they prob see your glow in the complete dark maybe need a healing item to take it off stealth problems
aah,. I still remember the first record >>699256 this actually released that year too I bought it from FreeRecordShop, a once big time record sellign shop here, that just went bankrupt cause people bought less and less records so it was on sale when they were clearing the stores and warehouses and the "ON SALE" sticker covered the S of Kiuas so because of the Ye Olde font it seemed to read Kiva instead Kiuas - sauna stove Kiva - nice so I am just Nice, I have to buy this so I bought it
well wasn't disappointed bought all their records and went to see them live 4 times, last of which was their final farewell gig
>>699300 No it is a water demon who eats children and unfortunate swimmers a formless shapeless being residing in any pool of water that awaits for a careless dipper and then pulls them underwater to eat them
if you are thinking "the fuck he talking about" Sin was born from my betrayal and death became out of her from the same betrayal worshipping sin or death or both means worshipping me
not that worshipping me gains you anything but I don't mind it
>>699360 Naw tht is how it works no use trying to do it otherwise, that ain't gonna give you anything not that worshippin sin, death, evil or anything of the sort will get you anything
I can't believe I get to hear >>>/watch?v=WPAnYTrnwQ4 until september it makes me want to protect the people I love more. the 0 people i love anyway see y'all later ugly asses
whether or not what the person said is true or false isn't what i'm criticizing i'm criticizing that in response to being accused to not fact-checking or doing a legal review on something published by a major online news source, the owner said that
which is clearly the wrong answer to someone asking you if you did your due diligence
I mean actuaslly what is there to be surprised about this shit everything in touhou manzai hs been decided for for in 10 years in the future unless you do most recent shit
$15 each way. it's a little unreasonable it's 6 miles i feel like it shouldn't be that much that's lyft anyway, i haven't checked uber i thought uber in general was worse, but maybe it's cheaper
>>699471 hm i dunno the mirror got broken off we could go pick up a replacement right now and fix it but he's stressed out about it so i can't really force it i dont think either of us has enough for the replacement right now anyway.
i should get paid over the weekend but i really don't want to waste 25-30 bucks a day on transportation i can't walk six miles unfortunately.
>>699470 Well, I'm going to send you $90 which should keep you going for a few days. If you need more after that, I can send some more, too. I'm in a really good place financially right now and I think this is important for you so I want to do what I can to help you go.
>>699475 i didn't ask for this thank you i might not need it but i'll hold on to it either way i still have 35 which should be enough for today i'm supposed to tip drivers right oh that's done in the app they won't see me doing it okay
>>699478 You're welcome. Hopefully your roommate can get his mirror fixed pretty soon.
Yeah, you can tip in-app or with cash. The drivers get 100% of the tip even if you do it in-app, though, so you don't have to tip high to make sure they're still getting some of it. For Uber and Lyft, you usually tip around 10%.
im gonna pay two dollars more for lyft uber has weak policies with their drivers and i dont like stranger danger i know it's statistically rare but i manage to hit every statistical anomaly that's out there >>699484 is that supposed to be idaho
>>699480 yeah idk i think he's going to take it into a shop i really don't want him to waste the extra money it's not hard to replace yourself if you have the part maybe i can convince him later
>>699491 well, the whole housing unit is broken off not just the mirror but yeah that's still easy you just need to unfasten it from the inside and take it out he's pretty stressed out about it though and doesn't want to talk about it
oh yeah and
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN5cg7a6ReCV17nngbm0IwQldy1-rfmTn here is SAFER WAY TO WATCH THE NEXT EPISODE
i see the part available for 45 dollaridoodles and if he has the tools i could replace it for him in about 10 minutes shame i don't have that time right now to save the money for the trip oh well
i'll be happy to not drive today it'll be easier on me
She's pretty solid. However I'm waiting on the inevitable loli or grass leader that will take away my attentino.
>>699538 you should get rid of it let me know if you need help
There are people who rush to make RP accounts and lewd rp accounts and I found out that many people who made Sonya twitter accounts ended up rebrandong to make it a Nessa account
So anyone here actually been watchinf the 2hu manzai?
Sonya's still more my style but I'm happy people are enjoying Nessa. There'll be plenty of content of both after all.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>699545 Did my mom just offer to relieve me sexually
Do you ever think when this shit hit the brink it suddenly made this happen Do you ever wonder if we fell in with another that this would never be happening
You guys want to watch a silly RPG with a dumb protagonist
Good luck on the 25. Stay focused on your goals and your life will work out smoothly. Don't be like me, on 6 pills and shit. Turning 26 is going to be crazy and stupid
no, im doing adhd and dysgraphia assessment on the kid i provide a wide range of assessment and counseling services ranging from the 9 hours of group therapy im leading this week to the 6 hours of assessment im doing this week
>>699716 thanks for the encouragement although I don't really have goals to work towards I guess that can always change >>699746 nope we were talking about july babbies I turn 25 in july
>>699745 Goals could just be whatever you're most interested in right now. Some sort of stepping stone for whatever you feel is what you're most skilled at. I myself am just good at taking care of the little familia, and playing shootan games. So maybe I might go pro, be the oldest pro in the scene with the rest of the 16-22 year olds. Makes no difference, I can still fight well.
weird use of language there what even would be a "head of a house"?
>>699755 Guess there isn't a head of the house anymore.
>>699758 For a patriarchal family, the father, matriarchal, mother. For one that doesn't adhere to a particular gender bias, probably the eldest or some other communally approved person.
I suddenly started thinking, who'd be the "patriarch" of my family, and it just turns immediately dark when you go "well the eldest son hang himself so... I guess my father"