Thread #699272
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Fairy Gone --Episode 9-10 Fruits Basket JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Kenja no Mago RobiHachi --Episode 9-10 Senryuu Shoujo Senko-san Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
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Jan tonight?
I sent him a message, so we'll see I guess.
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hmm looking dead so far!
Yeah, not sure where Moon's around.
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I'll try pinging him with a mail
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hmm no reply I remember it offten being dead on this night
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well let's at least do tate yuusha and senko-san tate yuusha! okay lets start!
Give me a hot minute. Okey dokes I'm ready.
Time for the beach episode.
Oh no another group of people who think Naofumi is the devil reborn.
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He has a really bad reputation.
All the other heroes are so damedame.
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They seem to not have parties anymore, either.
Seems like there's a lot of team improvement the Heroes need to do before the next Wave.
If they're just squabbling over hunting grounds.
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These two seem a bit shady to me.
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hi sorry sleepy
Heyo Moon. We got eight minutes on Shield Hero.
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hi moon, good timing!
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haha, he's stuck with the shield on even in beach gear
Those are some really silly dive suits.
I was expecting from the PV for this episode that it would be the swimsuit episode. I guess we'll see more next week though.
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so we have moon now? let's do kenja yeah we'll just do 4 okay lets start!
>>699311 Did you keep awake Okay good hah hah
hai hai im here
It's a bit late so we should probably only do four shows, plus maybe Senryuu. I can't promise I won't be out late tomorrow but I'll definitely not be stupid late like I was last week. I had to walk home from the bus station because I missed the last bus and that's not that fun.
So he's basically turning humans into demons to overthrow the bourgeoise.
uh so i dont see the problem with that
Yeah they're not doing a very good job of giving him an evil motivation, hah hah. He's a bit villainous in nature but his objective is sympathetic.
Oh, the good foreign land he adventured to is the one the MC and his friends live in. And the asshole empire he's been conquering is just some other corner of the world.
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this feels a little bit unnatural kind of horrifying all the same i suppose
It's being laid on a bit thick. I mean all in all it's hard to see him as a bad guy for wanting to get back because of this, but still.
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This show is a bit
yeah it sure is
Yeah hard to argue with that.
It's such a lame unit name hah hah
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not sure how to feel about all that
I hope Rika's net didn't just bop out in the middle of that post there.
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nope sorry! hard to avoid jan shots okay well with te time being what it is let's senko>>699350 We can do senryuu okay lets start!
If we do Senko now, what would be the fourth show?
we can start i hope jan is okay
I guess it would be best to ask Kirara if he check in. Jan was on Discord for a bit earlier but didn't respond to me. Might've just missed the message thuogh.
Being Japanese salaryman is suffering
Boushi to coato Boushi is such a nice word for hat.
Snow day!
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snow sure is magical for the people who dont have to deal with it much
Yeah, hah hah. It's a pain for those of us that have to endure months and months of it.
I was waiting for her to dive right in like a fox.
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wow I guess she can get sick too
i want a kotatsu
Yeah they seem nice. It's gotten to the season that it's too warm for them but I imagine it would be ridiculously cozy in the winter.
Well she just kind of showed up fast.
does she have a permit for those
Probably. She is Head Inari from the looks of it.
This one sure is a tease.
A four-tailed fox is probably pretty powerful though yeah.
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keikaku fox
How ominous.
Suupaa Senko-san Taimu!
Gosh amazake in an igloo really does sound like maximum comfy.
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senryuu shoujo! okay lets start!
Like pottery
From a really winter episode to a really summer episode.
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Owls sure are cute.
haha wow what a scheme
Their club president is a real schemer. It's always when her plans go wrong that things go well though. This is a really overdone plan though.
Fireflies are really charming. I haven't really seen a lot of them since I was a kid though.
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ive never had any shortage of them it would be a pretty magical experience if it were like this though i suppose that would be kind of neat and fun
Maybe if I take a dusk walk through the valley this summer, I might see them. I dunno if they're really around though, but there's a diverse variety of bugs in the nature down there.
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they were almost a nuisance in missouri they get everywhere especially on your windshield thanks for anime nighty night yall
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thanks for anime!
Yup yup, thanks.