Thread #698776
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im just gonna make predictions, these aren't my suggestionsAce of Diamond, black clover one punch cinderella, and senryuu
Ace of Diamond Black Clover Fairy Gone --Episode 9-10 Fruits Basket Cinderella Nine JoJo's Bizarre Adventure YU-NO One-Punch RobiHachi --Episode 9-10 Senryuu Shoujo
>>698778 Those first three are probably definites yeah. I guess we'll see when Rika CHECKS BACK IN
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oh hi sorry got distracted ace of diamond black clover yuno fairy gone 9 cinderella we'll change it up if jan appears
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okay ace of diamond okay lets start!
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i already need the time my MPC borks out a lot nice, thanks i guessed exactly right
0050 00:55 1:00
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there's really a lot of pressure on the catchers
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Yeah Catchers drive the pitchers. It's an important part of ths series.
I thought the concept was that they were the ones getting driven. If you know what I'm saying
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it's a variable dynamic pitchers can be loose cannons sometimes and the catcher has to be the responsible one with good judgment
Sawamura's a real goof.
Oh I guess this episode is also showing his good qualities too.
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black clover! yeah 87 okay lets start
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87 right? my gosh
Kuso Kuroba
I wonder if she's gonna drag them all on another dumb training camp.
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black clover also has really good OPs
i enjoy them
I'd say only has really good OPs.
Oh who could have ever forseen this turn of events.
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>>698803 Oh I meant in addition to dororo, black clover also has really good OPs we were talking about dororo's OP last night
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yeah i really like dororo's op
Oh the edgelord did join up with the Black Bulls. I was kind of expecting it but good to get confirmation.
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>I've been a member this whole time I guess this is pretty Yami-poi though.
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Oh how unexpected he was on their team the whole time haha
Huh, so does that mean Finral also passed the exam? Counting Zora, that means the Black Bull has five members in this squad. Meaning they actually make up the largest number of people here.
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that's a good face
If the king wasn't such a fucking git you'd almost
feel bad for him.
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Looks like we might actually get a few episodes of plot
oh this is pretty what is this
The time when all these people were elves before the Wizard King slaughtered them all.
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elves have it coming yuno okay lets start!
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Uh huh YU-NO what it is
Probably shouldn't split up. If the hypnotized Sensei shows up it'll make it easy for her to hold the Ojou hostage.
Oh he got another one of- Wow man do you have to make a dirty joke out of everything. -one of the jewels for his time remote.
>We'll make it out of here safely They're totally not going to make it out of here safely.
Wow those subs were really mess there. Really messy even.
Yeah because pulling random old-ass swords out of stones is always a good idea.
youre gonna get tetanus ya dummy
Well I guess that sword came in useful fast.
Ah yeah, Sensei caught up with them.
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oh yaeh I forgot she got brainwashed
>Didn't know how to get in He literally just used a sword as a crowbar come ON. How stupid can you be.
Man this guy's a real twit even in this route.
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im pretty sure lightning can't flip over a haulage truck
Yeah but what about MAGITECH lightning.
huh okay why the double death >>698842 haha
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she's probably okay
He can rewind time yeah she's probably okay.>>698841 It's just showing that he needs TWO (2) plans to ensure she lives.
oh yeah that's a good point it's a lot like ghost trick people are really stubborn about dying even when you try to save em
Wow that rusty old sword came in use AGAIN.
Mystery girl to the rescue.
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So a single sword blew the whole thing up.
It's kind of a surprise the thing endured eight thousand years in that case.
Aw I was hoping she was going to slug him too.
Wow his dad is kind of an ass.
Time for another route! Wonder who he'll be chasing this time.
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they've got two episodes to wrap this up? or is it yeah okay that makes sense
Nope this is a two-cour show.
>The Secret Under the White Coat I guess the next arc is the slutty school nurse.
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best girl's arc is over fairy gone ep 9 ah shit one punch man! let's do that instead okay elts start!
Did you intend to save One-Punch Man or did you just not see it? I'm fine with Fairy Gone but that did strike me as weird. Okay One-Punch Man then. Moon might need a moment to download it?
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nope it was in my predictions so i downloaded it
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waiting until the end for saitama to show up really backfired when they lost a week now it's really awkward timing
Though on the other hand maybe it'll have given the animators a chance to polish this episode up nicely. The quality on this season has been kind of slagging in recent episodes.
you say that but the first post-OP scene looks cheap ehh okay i'll stop complaining
I mean it was a maybe. I wasn't particularly hopeful.
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haha Saitama is so funny
He just wants to punch things. And actually have a challenge for once.
yeah, they capture the humor well enough that's what matters
Hah hah. Another person wanted to be his disciple.
How terrify- Did they just imply he keeps his cellphone up his butt.
he is a prisoner that's what you gotta do
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>you're bored so why don't you take up dancing instead that's a good suggestion
King is dishing out a decent amount of good advice.
Saitama should go see a psychiatrist. Sounds like he's pretty depressed.
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he's going to get saitamaed again
So far he hasn't ONE-PUNCH'd Garou though. Only one-chopped and one-kicked.
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the one where saitama's just shopping and he runs into him is one of my favorite parts in the webcomic
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haha zombieman looks a lot more zombieman poi in color
Yeah the skintone works well. In a black and white manga he'd just look like a normal human bean.
Oh that's unpleasant.
Hah hah this is also kind of unpleasant. I wonder if cooking the monster cells prevents them from having transformative powers. Guess that's what the afternote was implying.
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i would assume it doesn't count they looked like they were living cells before cooking would have killed the tissue and just became food
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okay cinderella! okay lets start!
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i hope they used their extra week well for this episode and did some cleaner animation
Don't put any money on it.
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i was in the wrong thread haha oops
It's an endearing show but gosh it's pretty lazily animated.
Man no one wants them to have a baseball team.
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to be fair im not sure they should have one i mean look at this girl here
the nekomimi girl i mean
It's fine they just don't make her pitch and things'll be fine.
She doesn't stop nya-nya-ing
that hose animation haha wow
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This always makes me think of field of dreams.
I guess all these girls are other characters from the mobage.
Ends well that all's well
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that's all tonight right thanks for having me good night, yall
Probably. It's past three, and we got five shows in. More than enough.
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yep, thanks for anime!
Arigato you