it's a good game for sure i thought the alternate route/end where you have to kill everything was annoying and a bit of a letdown though the normal route is a lot better its kind of like opposite day LISA so i thought you'd like it
did you ever finish lisa the joyful it's a lot shorter than the first i wish i could go back and experience those for the first time again
nope, i never did finish it something about it just didn't hold my attention like the first one did i'm not too sure why maybe the smaller cast or something
maybe i'll finish it someday, there's a lot of games i play halfway through and then don't touch for years especially if something else comes out i was waiting to play
same applies to shows and books and all sorts of other shit actually me and maria go like months without watching gundam sometimes haha
Yeah guess Rika's partying too hard. Might mean we'll do the five shows a night for a bit again. I also think Fruits Basket didn't air this weekend either.
>>697124 Fucking same >oh boy this rpg is quite nice >story's really picking up >combat's very interesting >I'm so excited to see where this goes And then I never touch it again
>>697132 >pick game up two years later >need a wiki open in another window to understand what all the gameplay terms and systems mean
>>697131 never i got that other guy hooked on XIV its over man
>pick game back up 2 years later >no idea what the fuck is going on in the story anymore
>>>/@Hota_ruby/1137152246037094400 I do too, I browse >>697142 it was a fun old game back in the day you play as an alien that just fucks with the general human population
>>697165 The real mahjong is the exhilleration from screwing over other players along the way If there's nothing riding on the match there's less tension It's fine to play friendlies but it doesn't have the same rush as something you're invested in
there are zendos all over the US a lot of them don't have zen masters and even fewer have roshis my sensei isn't roshi yet but he still studies with his roshi
He started me with one called mu it's the first koan in gateless gate A monk asked Joshu if a dog has buddha-nature and Joshu said "mu" which sensei said means "nil, none, nothing" Joshu gives other answers depending on who asks
Sensei says I have a find my own answer that comes from my gut and I can do that by becoming mu
oh 無, yeah I've heard of that one. 無 is used a lot in zen and buddhist literature I've read in Japanese.
I dunno! I think I got an answer but I can't figure out why it is. When I was doing zazen after he assigned me the koan in dokusan I got something. I'm gonna keep working on it, though. I just have to become the koan.
No, but sensei said the analyses of it online usually miss the mark. He said the people who really answer it don't put it online as an analysis because it's something so personal to them that it can't be analyzed. It's something that comes from your gut and you can't solve it with logic or by thinking about it. That's what sensei said at least.
>>697229 You can't work much while you're in, right? If you need a little money to help you get through the program, let me know. I'll do whatever I can to help.
i'll probably lose my contract over that period i say that all the time though
i'll get like 1100 on the 15th for that weekend i went all out i guess that's not really very much but it is to me i hope they'll prior auth, i dont want to spend 100+ on meds i hope they'll eveen give me my meds et cetera, et cetera, nothing new just contageous anxiety
will i start getting my meds right away so that i can go home and work in the evening it's been over two weeks i think i can work and i can function but i can't control my compulsions at all
im totally unconcerned with losing my contracts or breaking laws or anything just to do my things when i went in for mental health crisis they kept asking for why i want to hurt myself, but i never even said i did there are other crises that exist
there was one girl at inpatient who was screaming so bad she coughed up blood and passed out it was like 30 minutes of blood-curdling screaming i feel like they thought i wasn't genuinely in need of help because i was tame and cooperative compared to everyone else
they even asked me a few times to leave my room because "this isn't a prison, you don't have to be in there" but i like confined spaces they make me feel safe
>>697236 you'll most likely get meds on the first or second day if it's anything like mine usually the first since it's part of the admission procedures to do a biopsychosocial and psychiatric interview
>>697239 nezuko is a good girl but all these bad men are after her
>>697240 what kind of stuff was // is in assessment in the first day like what's the psychiatric interview consist of
those things are very frustrating for me because they'll ask a question like "why are you here" or "what caused you to go inpatient on [date]" i don't know how much time we have or how much focus they want to spend on that question i can answer it in the immediate of what triggered a crisis, or answer it in the pressures that put me in such a vulnerable state to begin with
when i answered towards the latter one, they would start talking over me because it was too long or too detailed when i answered towards the immediate, they never got to important stuff and the later interviewers were like "why did you leave this stuff out when talking to the social worker"
i feel like my burden as the patient shouldn't be that high getting accurate and useful information shouldn't fall under my discretion and careful judgment of their job i feel like things are always like this, though, for everything. like when making phone calls to blue cross or doctors i have to prepare myself to do their job for them before i even call
it doesn't necessarily need to be accurate during a biopsychosocial, we're just looking for any kind of reference data that we can use to anchor our initial approach we fine-tune whatever comes next based on how you're doing in the program and what you're doing, saying, etc i always tell clients not to worry too much about specifics and to just give me whatever they can
for example that guy whose mmpi i posted a photo of the other day never told us about the ghosts he was convinced are following him around and one of which wants to kill him, but when we explored the mmpi results with him, he opened up about that so we just said, well, that gives us another direction to approach from him not telling us earlier didn't matter
idk about the psychiatric interview because ive never sat in on one. our psychiatrist does those. i know she asks about past medication history but she goes into other stuff and im not sure what exactly. but in a PHP, all clinicians usually communicate a lot we have like 10 clinicians in our PHP and IOP programs and we talk throughout the week and also meet for two hours every Friday to discuss clients
is this supposed to be suggestive i can't even tell it doesn't seem like it to me
>>697243 i feel like im going to forget stuff that's important. im a really in-the-moment person if that isn't apparent. i forget whole chapters of my life, even ongoing ones, if it's not what im thinking about at the time like i probably won't even think to mention something about my family because i spend as much time trying not to think about family as possible when im out and in a diff environment, nothing's stable and im probably not going to recall anything important or remember very much of it because it's so different from where im mentally at 95% of the time
that's also why i struggled so much in a traditional school environment but am beyond capable in my own time studying privately
here is a good one oh "couldn't get response" it's TOO BIG here's the downscale but now you can't see the detail
>>697250 that's good i always worry that makes me seem like im lying about stuff, not being able to remember things im not really a facts person though
>>697251 you can explain to them that you might remember relevant stuff later if you think that's good for them to know but it's not really important we expect clients to not remember stuff and even to purposefully not tell us things sometimes doesn't really matter as long as we learn it eventually we don't really expect anyone is malingering unless there's a bunch of court stuff going on like a divorce or something and even then we don't really care as long as you're doing well
>>697253 medicaid wanted me to do BRIDGES at CMH the lady at CMH said it'd be a horrible environment for me because it's mostly in group and people there are like violent type psychotic oh yeah inpatient shipped me over to CMH like i thought they would, just for me to spend the night there and get a referral back fucking medicaid man idk at least it's something
>>697247 I don't think it's really suggestive but it's definitely drawn by someone that really likes thighs. Though the anime also really shows off Nezuko's legs so there's an argument for accuracy there too.
>>697255 the legspread though like this i guess i didn't even realize this was supposed to be suggestive until someone pointed it out
>>697257 cmh was sposed to give me three-day supply of meds but they gave me three adderall that's like a day and a half since it's not XR i gotta save one for monday so i can go to this and stuff so i really only got like one but they gave me 6 ativan with the instructions to take 1/2 pill twice a day for three days so i got a six day supply of that
>>697259 doesn't that make people impatient how can they then proceed to painstakingly draw a detailed image over like 6 hours maybe thats why a lot of R content is low quality
some people be horny
>>697258 a labor of love my friend it’s what fueled my comission guy to make such good decisions on the dress design and whatnot the man is fueled by horny
the backless concept for the sundress was entirely him, and ill explain it since you dont play granblue but backless clothing is common dress for erunes, which that character is
some kind of horny smart
Kirara 🍄
>>697258 that's so weird that they gave you only 3 normal adderalls haha it doesn't make sense but i guess CMH be like that
>>697265 yeah idk if they meant to do 3 ativan and 6 adderalls or what cuz they gave me 1.5 days and 6 days instead of 3 of either
tbh my old psych had be set up on a two-month refill, so 20mg twice a day was actually supposed to be 10mg twice a day over twice as long, for insurance purposes but since stopping drinking i had to up myself to 20mg i hope i can get 20mg twice a day scripted alcohol actually helped a ton with my deficits, same way clonidine did
>>697267 welcome to applebees, but we're fresh out of apples and bees so idk what to say
i’ve been done eating and waiting to leave this applebees for like half an hour
>>697266 that would be cool if you could id probably switch to addy twice a day over vyvanse if addy didn't fuck my heart up
not only did they forget my card but when they finally got me the signable receipt they had put back on the duplicate lemonade that was already removed
i want to see nezuko's abs >>697272 that's awful i know being a server can be hectic but cmon
>>697271 yeah ive got a smaller heart than normal and it's compressed against my ribcage it's probably really dangerous but i dont care too much about that
>>697274 yeah, another server went back for it once she realized she left it
when she came to give me the payable check that had the correct receipt, i extended my hand to give her my card but she had turned to take care of the booth in front of ours. so i politely waited until she was done but then she walked off
my bluetooth usb for my computer was labelled delivered after saying it would be delivered today when i ordered it yesterday before the allotted time it is not
Oh, if I could open a voice chat with support I would fucking rag them out and get permanently banned Maybe a good thing that I can't get it back for now.
Yesterday and today, it's all, oh, you're going to get an inch of rain! Horrible thunderstorms! It'll start at 1:00! at 1:00, they're saying it'll start at 2:00 then 3:00 then never
well, you know what they say
I really wanna play mahjong with moes, I've been playing a bit more now
>subscription has to be cancelled by cancelling autopay through google play instead of managed on the website directly man there goes a few bucks i didnt need to spend sigh
>>697331 we can probably get a game together soon nobody's been around this weekend really
i fuckin knew I was getting blisters but I kept running anyway maybe part of me even WANTED THE PAIN
but now I've got to pay the price. Huge swollen bloodblisters along the side of both feet it's kindda gross and it hurts a bit to walk. ] >>697338 get hype
"wake the fuck up, samurai. we got a city to burn." ahh im gonna collapse civilization with keanu im so excited!
>>697341 one of my colleagues is a crazy runner who just regularly runs until his feet are raw and his nails are coming off and then he keeps running on it dude has a bunch of world records for running he's fucking insane god damn spartan shit
>>697342 I remember listening to a podcast where a guy was talking about running an ultra-marathon he finished the race but then he was in a wheelchair for the next two weeks.
It's a bit like that when you get in the zone, I guess. You don't really feel it at the time with all the adrenaline an' stuff. It's the day after that the problems begin.
>>697347 yeah I work with this dude dave jones now he's absolutely fucking insane i love him this dude has mental strength and resilience like ive never seen and his whole thing is that if you work your body hard enough and withstand enough pain you can harden your mind enough to withstand anything but without avoiding anything
right now he's using that method with a bunch of vets with ptsd who are having trouble returning to the real world and his crazy shit is working wonders
he's like the amazing rival of the shonen protagonist who learned the value of hard work and started going even harder
dude got a master's in social work and worked with it for a few years with some really great jobs then he just went 20 years without using it and now he's back and hasn't missed a beat he's so crazy
ass creed's atlantis dlc takes you to one of jupiter's moons. what the fuck.
Ah I was wondering "where" the place you travelled to in it was going to be.
Kirara 🍄
this is so weird
Kirara 🍄
i guess after killing a cyclops, a minotaur, and medusa, nothing phases Kassandra though she handles all this like a champ
She's got to get in the practice she needs for how she appears sagacious in front of Layla at the end of the game.
Kirara 🍄
trying to figure out how to get into atlantis, layla relives some of deimos' memories and at first she's like "no i don't want to torture anyone to death" but she ends up getting super into it. i got a bad eel
gross but necessary question: do I drain the blisters in my feet out and then tape them up or leave them... whole and unmolested
Do you have some kind of anti-bacterial cream?
If you're gonna be walking a lot there's a good chance they're gonna pop at some point anyway. And regardless it's probably gonna hurt a bunch to walk popped or unpopped.
But the cream would be good to prevent them from getting infected.
>>697376 We have one. Right in the middle of the country. It's a gift. A sacred shrine. A generous tribute from the Free, Capitalist wonderland of America.
Once a year, all the boys and girls make a pilgrimage they ride their family emus and go visit the holy site of K-mart.
I think the way it works is that they sell off the franchise name, for like brand recognition but then it's owned and operated as its own separate company.
yeah well we actually don't have Walmart so kmart is like our walmart.
In that it's where all the bogans go to buy plastic chairs at three in the morning.
>>697383 have you seen the last blockbusters twitter
The new XBOX console promo they showed today is really corny. All these people on the development team just spewing hardware facts about the machine that just sounds like a specs debriefing but it's toned like it's some beautiful new revolution.
>>697390 I doubt the hardware leap will be that great
Eh if I have the money I'm considering picking up the next Playstation console. It'll have backwards compatibility with PS4 so I'll be able to play all the games I've missed on it. Microsoft has been signalling they're broadening their game accessibility to PC so I don't lose much by not getting one of their machines.
imagine having slow eyes honestly how can you survive in the new world coming up being owned by nothing but corporations like you need to see the drones overhead pinging you and the military police cars rolling up on you baka janai
wakaranai Her mom's got breast cancer and they're working all that stuff out, so I can't rush her.
Ah I see. I guess that's the luxury of being rich; you can just catch a one-way ticket somewhere and figure out when's best to catch the return flight later on.
what's to stop robots froms biting down and pulling it off honestly. at least get a platonic one from your bros, that's a good way to make conversation
It hurts every time I move it due to the fact I jumped over shit and landed like a retard but I guess I fucking enjoy the pain And since there's nothing to satiate my desires for companionship Pain is all I fucking have lmao
cause you prob bet on all black or all red like a fucking ignoramus numbers my boy watch the numbers and conclude what area of the board the roulette ball will go in wait this is too high level for you, keep betting colours then
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
>>697448 alright 50% life savings on 23 50% in bitcoin
haha clients always ask me about my sobriety and im like "uhh i detoxed on my own without any treatment during or after so i got sick for a month and then had unbearable cravings for a year and a half" and almost every single time, the clients are like "glad im not you"
why not skyrim battle royal battle royale with swords and axes and stuff would be way more interesting than guns just straight up dark souls pvp battle royale style
Oh Devolver is later on today too. Their conferences are always a fucking roller coaster. That'll be fun,
All these Japanese people presenting in Engrish. How adorable.
Oh gosh she's ridiculously endearing. Send help.
Woah this game looks hella nifty AESTHETICS
Guess the gameplay will be coming later.
This bit they're doing with Bethesday fans has a weird lighting or camera that's putting some really distracting white circles in the peoples' pupils.
>Add dragons to Fallout Didn't they try that for Fallout 76?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Thanks I'm thrilled that the game has dragons
>Our year-long story that features greed, revenge, catpeople, and dragons One of these things is not like the other
I thought dragons appearing in Skyrim was supposed to be a historical event that hadn't happened for thousands of years. Isn't ESO only a couple centuries before the mainline Elder Scrolls games?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
gonna make me some SKOOMA
Necromancers are in ESO now. Guess Peakay is gonna have to play it now.
Gosh I wish ES catpeople didn't look so weird to make characters of.
>Catperson did not land on their feet like a proper cat should WEAK
These fucks that just WHOO everything these people say are ridiculously obnoxious.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's probably just going to be a Fallout Online game.
Oh it's just a mobage MMO.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I can't believe they just resurrected the fucking dead
Wait is this an actual cartoon?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Commander Keen is like an ancient game I think
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah like an old ass series
Ah it's an old id IP. Guess they've just been sitting on it.
There's probably like One hard core commander keen fan And he's going nuts right now Bethesda's just made his dream come true
Na-zi SCUM Geez this guy said that with a passion.
Soleri did you block me or something
>Arkane Prey 2 Prey 2 Prey 2
Aw guess not.
That's still kind of a neat premise though.
>>697505 It's in continuity with Doom Doomguy's grandfather is Commander Keen.
It kind of irks me that Bethesda claims a lot of id stuff as part of "their" accomplishments.
the gungeon arcade cabinet was really fun looking, I might actually head to an arcade to try it out once they ship they're real good at surprising me in these things
hallo mein backpack et luggage haf been lockked in a storeeg lokkah for ee past 12h and my fone ist ded it ist such a base existensse, having no screens
you know if you aren't skillin runecrafting that you should be
>>697647 fishing right now gotta get lobs so i can skill combat
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Fishing lobs as a non member sucks ass
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Damn. If i knew moes were going to start playing i would have given my bank to then *them And not some lvl 5 jackass around lumbridge who said he liked Sailor Moon
>>697657 yeah it is pretty crap but it's convenient to get lobs at karamja docks while skilling combat on the lessers in the volcano and free, so i did it a lot when i was a dumb kid with no monies
>>697681 you just gotta get a system going what's the inventory limit, 27 right go fish 27 lobsters and have scrubs come trade you at the docks 20 notes for 27 lobstersand you give them the fare for their efforts they make some scrub cash and you like triple your lobster output
wait what there are lessers in karamja? i didn't gather everything you meant in terms of raw fishing that's what i did though back pre-members
>>697683 it's 28 slots but while skilling on lessers you usually keep an axe and tinderbox and lobster cage on hand to fish more food and chop trees for logs to cook the food on since there isn't a bank nearby closest bank is a ferry ride and like 2 or 3 minutes walking to restock so after 50 or 60 fishing it's faster to just fish lobs to keep killing lessers >>697683 i mean the lesser demons that are inside the karamja volcano they're i think the strongest monsters you can kill in f2p runescape i didn't have members most of the time when i played so i skilled on them a lot with my 80-90 melee stats
i was one of the first few hundred players to get 99 fishing in f2p classic i dont think members was even a thing at the time, maybe it was i got accepted into a clan based on it but i was like level 40 combat lmao i couldn't do anything i just fished and gave the clan a bunch of fish for their training and wars and stuff and i started a bunch of shit on the forums all the time because i was like 13 years old
i really miss those days i still have one of those guys as a friend this much later but i dont talk to him much >>697688 wait yeah there was def members at the time i remember because i stole a bunch of passwords and logged into people's accounts and it was like a bunch of members shit i couldn't use or drop trade to me so i just dropped it on the ground and left it lmao
>>697686 damn nice I think they added members in like 2003 but it didn't really give you much extra until they released runescape 2 in 04 and partitioned f2p/members parts of the world map more just let you use a few skills that were members exclusive like herblaw
i was in a clan for a little bit because someone i knew invited me for having like 115+ combat in f2p but i got kicked for saying someone was a "bitch nigga" and i never joined a clan again until 2016 when i tried the evolution of combat update and i got kicked for saying nigga once again
apparently saying that one word is an instant kick for those bitch niggas
that word sure cycled through post-ironic usage back into legitimacy fast for a while on the internet, even here on /moe/, it got diluted to the point where it held no meaning i think that's good to remove power from the word personally but like in the last year and a half it's a big deal again
you used to be able to tweet a recipe on baked potatoes including "wash them real good and pop those niggers in the oven for 45 minutes" and nobody thought a thing about it because it was just dumb
wow i still have my forum account it's been 15 years lmao this clan still exists it's a new forum though
fuck im gonna go mess with them
it's the weirdest shit dude. after like a year or two, jagex just deletes my account, like 2008 or something i think then some other person joined runescape in like 2009, decided on the name that was my account, and it was available since my account was deleted then they played runescape for long enough to get their stats and applied to join the same clan that i was part of everyone thought it was just me being really weird and pretending to be someone else, which does sound like something i'd do
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
>>697619 yea i had to kill time and hang around until they opened at 9am
thank god i had reserved a hotel already last night
>>697693 yeah it’s been nice just puttering around getting a feel for the map here and eating herring
when are you coming back it's been too long i miss your warm embrace
samu did you imagine that in the larger part of a decade that /moe/ would still be up and that a lot of the people from the first year would still be posting
>>697689 honestly i only ever hear people use the word nigga if they're like 18 or some shit and mostly it's people that aren't even black maybe it's different elsewhere but it seems kind of funny people don't seem to care too much when people use it where i live but it might be a product of the society here >>697690 i can't even remember by now it was like 14 years ago or some shit all i remember is that their site had the feldip hills music playing on it they probably don't even have a site anymore it was some bullshit nobody clan perfect for a bullshit nobody like myself
i feel like it's not that people care when it's used as much as that it just looks trashy when someone talks like that it gives me the vibe of an 18-year old white boy drinkin monster and playin cowaduty over xbox live and shouting obscenities at people for taking his sniper rifle or whatever COD has
same with the kids who say like "get raped" in fps or dota to sound hard like whatever man ive heard you cry literally cry when you lose your lane you aint hard
>>697697 i just checked out the old forum, it's got like no new posts in almost 12 hours DED i remember when i was there, even at 4AM it was bustling i miss the early 2000s 2019 is pretty good though
>>697698 >get raped that's baby shit when i was playing league i would tell people shit like "i'm going to skullfuck your dad then make him watch me kill your mom" kids these days don't know shit about talking shit
idk why i remembered it but you reminded me back in the day i was part of a sprite comic collaborative effort between popular sprite comic authors on an amateur webcomic site and one day the admin guy who organized the whole thing and started it, was a friend of mine, and had invited me looked at my profile and was like "dude are you really 13? i had no idea i thought you were older" so i was like SHIT HE KNOWS and deleted my account on the forum and recreated it with a fake age and was like "oh my b i dunno what happened my account just disappeared man" and he never talked about my age again man i was a fucking weirdo
idk that sounds like trying awful hard to be edgy like trying to be more vulgar doesn't really make anyone feel more offended personally it's never really seemed that funny to me either. like what's it, that fullmetal jacket movie, idk people cracking up at the drill instructor but like in a movie context it didn't really seem that creative
it's marginally funny in an actual training setting because you're there for like 12 hours focused on something then your DI comes along and blurts something stupid out that's completely unexpected, but in the movie it's like ehhhh maybe im missing something about that kind of stuff but it's a little boring my favorite thing has always just to tell someone to stop cumming on themselves it's like the "stop hitting yourself" thing when you're making someone hit themselves it just makes me laugh
// age stuff yeah i remember when i was like in 5th grade, 10 i think? i was really obsessed with anime turnpike and i would try to make a bunch of sailor moon fan sites on angelfire and i found this late 1990s-era DBZ fan site that was cool and they're like "hey we need help keeping the site up!" "must be familiar with HTML and PHP" so i sent them an email asking if i could help and they made me an account and i just like, made a few announcements about really dumb stuff like that i just got the DB GT subbed versions and i'm gonna watch them :3 the site owners were like wtf idk man im 10 years old then they took away my account haha they were probably like 20+ years old with careers in web development
>>697691 >Jagex deletes my account Fuck Jagex Simply seeing the name Jagex annoys me They fucked Ace of Spades and I will never forgive them
>>697700 the funny part about that story they gave me an admin account named Gohan, since it's dbz and i got an email from somebody that was just like "hey where do you get those cool moves" i think he thought i was the real gohan??
then i got another email from his parents saying "Sorry, our son is 11 and really likes DBZ. He sent that email from our account" i thought ok im 10 whatever
the early internet sure was a strange place im glad i got to grow up there
>>697700 i won't lie i was definitely just trying to be edgy for the sake of being edgy usually i was playing with a friend of mine who found that kind of thing funny so i said a lot of really mean stuff that was (mostly) just for shock value albeit towards people who were aggravating me
i always thought that drill instructor was pretty funny though wouldn't be surprised if someone ended up pulling a private pyle but it seemed endearing in a way and not much unlike the namecalling and jokes i'd get from my dad and uncle or cousins maybe i've been called a dipshit a bit more than is actually normal but it didn't strike me as too unusual
>stop cumming on urself top fucking lel
not really sure why i thought it was a big deal apparently he thought it was cool i was so young for some reaosn bu t i thought it was embarrassing oof the juice be hittin me bois i am faded
it's pretty generic to what the boot camp experience is like it actually got kind of annoying because the uncreative drill sergeants would keep using insults from FMJ i wanted to be like "yeah man heard that one before, like when i was 10. sorry"
yeah i really want to see a porn film where like some dude's gettin harassed while getting a handjob and it's like why are you cumming on yourself stop cumming on yourself, what are you a fag
>>697710 No idea! I might watch some anime and start a project. I'm thinking of practising programming, I haven't programmed anything in a long time. >>697711 Mornyaning
>>697712 Neato. I'm also trying to do a programming course at the moment, actually. Since Uni doesn't start again until August and I needed something to do. It's real basic stuff But I cert *get a cert that looks good on my CV
>>697714 Oh what does the course involve? I just practise usually by trying to do the google code jam or other contests online. I sometimes try to do the maths programming puzzles on project eular too.
did you get very far with that sudoku solver from before?
>>697716 That, I gave up after a while. I got too far ahead of myself and made something that didn't work at all. well I mean it worked to my mistaken idea of how to solve a sudoku
>>697715 It's REAL basic. The first assignment was using Google/MIT's app developer kit to make an android app that could flip coins. Second one was using Java to make a basic windows app that could calculate tax brackets based on simple formulas
>>697717 yeah, what you had worked it wasn't a programming issue, it was just framing the problem right and you dont do sudoku
it's surprisingly hard to try to frame sudoku logic into a format like that too
water you going to work on today >>697720 do you pay for this cert i need certs the cybersecurity certifications i want would cost like a thousand dollars
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I'm not expecting to learn anything useful. I really am just in it for the Cert.
i hate them all I HATE THEM ALL so i drink some more i love them all I DRINK EVEN MORE I HATE THEM EVEN MORE THAN I DID BEFORE >>697707 i can't fucking "ease up" i can't i can't do shit my only way out is death i choose the noose
>>697719 Yeah. I gotta pay for it. It's a bit of a scam tbh. Charging you to learn useless shit so you can get a job later. if I do the whole program it's gonna cost like 1.8 thousand dollarydoos.
>>697719 I think I'm pretty bad efficiency wise as a human being solving sudoku in the first place so trying to solving algorithmatically was gonna be an issue. plus I was trying to do all as a huge matrice manipulation
I am thinking of doing the and whatever past google code jam puzzles I think are interesting. making a working gas station was fun before but //
Hm, I am also kinda interested in making something with a real world application. I was messing around a lot with API and connecting to weather sites, discord ap i (I made a discord bot), etc maybe I can find some api to connect to for fun.
>>697722 i need to figure out how to get soe jobs im really good at information systems and cybersecurity stuff there's no way i can ever afford these programs for certification though oh well i can't afford to stress out about it right now i've got a big day ahead
go to the hospital then please it's not fair to shove it onto people here like i have been doing my hospitalization program starts in like four hours where im coping with these things myself
im too weak to know how to help you i can't help myself please use whatever resources are available
>>697724 yeah. I dunno, man. Hopefully something comes along. Eventually. Eventually. You're way too smart just to be doing transcription bullshit forever.
>>697732 it's no big deal hope your hospitalization goes well!
thank you
Kirara 🍄
you are breathtaking
He really snapped back that line in a fabulous way. I hope that was just some super-excited fan and not something planned. Though Keanu doesn't strike me as someone that would fly with that hah hah.
Devolver's not-conference was a rollercoaster as usual.
Bethesda's was hilariously dumb as per expected. I think they had like three or four mobage titles and content from stuff like Rage 2 and some promo stuff for Doom Eternal and Wolfenstein. That said they had a neat game premise from the devs that did Dishonored that might be fun, and there's this cool Japanese studio I guess Bethesda is producing for that's got this great premise for a demon-hunting game in modern-day Tokyo. Neither of those had gameplay footage though so whoooo knows.
Ghostwire looks kinda interesting but all the mobages were eh but I think mobile games are super popular with younger people now, I see a lot of people playing mobiles games now. The Timeloop game looks a bit interesting too.
The Doom game looks a bit like a jumping puzzle game to me!
They had zip all of Elder Scrolls VI or Starfield content but to be fair they also said beforehand there wouldn't be anything from them so, eh, fair's fair.
>>697752 Doom Eternal looked like Doom Game out of ten. I'm sure people that are big on the Doom games will find it a blast but I'm not as big on them as others.
Kirara 🍄
poor Bethesda
todd has really run them into the ground
My dark horse candidate was a Prey 2 announcement because that game was a fucking blast but no dice.
Oh right. Elden Ring is a bit interesting too. I never expected a collab between Miyazaki and G.R.R Martin
Yeah it'll be neat to see Miyazaki's dark fantasy and Martin's fantasy realism collide. Though from the teaser it definitely feels more high fantasy than what Martin's usually involved in.
haha this devolver conference is hilarious even though im still at the beginning
It starts at 100% and doesn't stop. I want to try whatever it is the creatives behind this train multi-track drifting wreck do when they're putting together the script.
Kirara 🍄
super tits awesome
... I just tuned into E3 on twitch. the fuck am I watching
Oh they're probably still running their Pre-Pre Show thing or whatever. It's some all night content they put up after all the conferences wrap up until it's morning enough to begin the legitimate panels.
>>697775 Yeah it's The Pre-Pre Show. Full on absurd comedy for all the people that don't sleep.
>>697776 I think they're all actual actors hah hah. Nina is definitely one at least; that's not even her real name.
Kirara 🍄
woah, carrion looks super tits awesome
Yeah I thought it was kind of a kooky bit of fun as a goop monster slinging along the ceiling. And then it went full on EAT EVERYONE and things got interesting.
Kirara 🍄
enter the gungeon arcade holy shit
Kirara 🍄
fuck there aren't any arcades here
Yeah there aren't many here. And since we're out of the country I can't imagine the chances of us getting one is good.
I have so many little images saved that I can't remember the original context or reason for saving them.
>>697829 Future Marsh isn't real. Neither is Past Marsh. Your anger is being created by a non-existing being, being directed at a non-existing being. Just step away. Free yourself from the chains of droll, inane mobage.
Kirara 🍄
it's impossible to do nothing you gotta do non-doing
nah that's a dumb question it must be arbitrary because it's always on a Monday for the long weekend.
All public holidays I think add a holiday to monday or friday if they fall on a weekend. I don't really pay attention
>The Queen celebrates 2 birthdays each year because British weather is so unpredictable. Although her actual birthday is April 21, she also has an official birthday that is celebrated every year on a Saturday in June. wow two birthdays gee
Kirara 🍄
fuckin end the monarchy why does she get two birthdays
I don't understand why she wanted to fucking haggle when she gets a room free and pays about the same for hot black tea on top of mountain for what she'd pay (even less) on high street UK
If anything, she should be paying way more just because she can.
Nepal-chan knew how to handle her, though! She was about to unleash a sick combo with her dual blades before english lady started begging
That is just abusive as fuck.
>>697867 I don't agree with the rock throwing. Those wooden sticks she was brandishing are fine, but it's way easier to misplace a thrown rock than a held stick.
I hope people find where that nepal store is and and pay her a lot more for her tea and pay for the room.
Trying to rip people off is pretty deadly too, I don't really object to rocks. that woman was obscene.
>>697869 i think the woman was reasonably upset i dunno if throwing rocks was too far
I do. Sure your lot might cheer if one of those rocks seriously struck the British woman, but in the case of a serious injury the Nepalese lady would have had much worse to reckon with than otherwise.
I dunno why the women running away decided to record even.
Kirara 🍄
>>697874 I wouldn't cheer if the woman was seriously injured. I just don't think the brit was in danger of actually being hit.
>>697875 It's generally security to record footage if an attack is going underway. Like, from this British lady's perspective, if she felt endangered by the Nepalese woman (which from the sound of her voice, she was), having video evidence of the incident would give credence to your side.
>>697878 Just weird to me, that if you are running for your lives (with your son) that you'd be recording behind yourself.
also being up a mountain too and having your son run ahead into mountainous terrain
if they’re already running from you i dont know if throwing rocks is really something i can approve of tbh
>>697880 Really? Makes sense to me. Kid stays reasonably close and the British lady keeps the -keeps herself between her son and the Nepalese lady throwing rocks. It's probably in the heat of the moment, the safest choice she could have made for her son.
By that point she had already been driven off and the point clearly made I don't get why she shared the footage though. Should have just learned her lesson and moved on
I dunno, having to work hard to provide your own living in a mountain while rich people come to where you live for food with far more money and opportunities than you and then say a free room and cheap tea is too much while knowing they could easily pay it, i feel like that is the worst offence here. the rocks don't even measure up. She and other like her would kill those people
Kirara 🍄
you gotta understand that nepal-chan isn't reacting to this specific incident the incident triggered this but this is the reaction to decades of oppression
i guess that makes some sense then
>>697883 I want more Fury and Danvers buddy-cop action. MCU please deliver.
Kirara 🍄
>>697888 i hope cap marvel 2 is fury and danvers buddy cops in space
Aw hell I was about to go Fury And Danvers: SPACE COPS We were on the same wavelength.
Today is gonna be so busy. I'm running two groups for the usual leader because they have a dentist appointment, and I'm doing an MMPI on someone. Plus I have a class I don't usually have this morning. Although at least it's not a 10 hour day like most of my other days this semester. Tuesday I'm busy from 8:30-7. Thursday from 11-7 Friday 10-7:30 It's a hard knock life for an early riser like me. But at least I'm having fun every day.
I spent all night typing up the Ethical Considerations for the group research proposal I need to do for my class. I'm a bit late on it hah hah; they wanted it in by Sunday morning. Though the project is due tonight at 23:00 so stiiiillllllll safe.
So much for getting back on sleep schedule track though.
Kirara 🍄
my neighbor is blasting old town road at full volume on repeat gilbert please lmao it's so loud
the new chapter in revue starlight came out in japan and everyone is saying it's about tendou maya ceasing to exist for some reason and kuro is all depressed and doesn't know why probably a few months until we get that chapter in ENG though