>aichan playing game that requires her voice >she starts singing another of her songs at the end >my instincts yell at me to sing the audience response from the live version oh no ive been hit with the aidoru virus
i also keep getting weather alerts and i mistake them for texts and get excited that someone i like might want to talk to me
kirara how do i get a copy of my current meds can i just go to walgreens and ask for a printout they're gonna fuck it up somehow and print out old records incomplete history or something
can i just bring my own pdfs in digital form do you think
it says to bring a copy of my meds i wish i just kept pill bottles but i got fed up with mess and threw them away
they probably arent going to take my word that ive been prescribed adderall for 7 years and ritalin for two years before that i wonder if i should go back to ritalin
Kirara π
>>697937 your own records should be fine if they need others records you can do a release of information and they can request those records
yeah just gotta call up my old clinic and get a release lmao that fucking place the call lines are open for like two hours
one thing that might be worth keeping in mind is theyβll take what you tell them and their own assessment of you and try to prescribe accordingly
Kirara π
>>697941 you don't have to, if you sign a release of information at the php, it'll go both ways they'll fax it over and the other clinic will be able to release your info to the php
Aichan has a giggle at the end of one of her songs and its fuckin cute ogkgm
Ah it is fine, my landlord remembered that he told me to get rid of new bed's plastic sheeting. for a moment, it thought it was going to be a real fucking pain.
Oh, cool.
I have big black's cover of sh's a model by Kraftwerk stuck in my head. *She's a model
im missing two of my inkings, the northern appalachians i made for sugoi and that ring system seascape i have rika's nipah, lobster's tornado, and asuka's trabaccolo
since texture and lighting and sheen are parts of the artwork itself, the originals were the photographs i took of them and sent what i have here are just components of the piece unfortunately i made those and took pictures of them from a shitty 2010-era cell phone camera in a sleazy motel in illinois while i was on my bike trip so they were really low resolution it was also a new technique i was trying out i dont think they turned out so good
maybe i'll get some things and try again after i get paid, make some owls
Fucking ice-cream truck made me feel like I was going insane, I thought music was loudly playing through my headphones, took off my headphones still music playing loudly outside is the ice-cream truck right in front of my house. freakin heck
I am so unproductive feeling right now. The qualifier code problem has me stumped even though I have a feeling it is super simple but my brain won't comprehend it.
just try programming a recurrent neural network to learn mahjong and play for you compete in competitions and win money this is like junior high stuff you should be able to do this
im kidding it's not junior high stuff that was a joke
I know, although sometimes I feel like I could probably do stuff like without any basis for the self-reproach for not being able to do stuff like that easily. To be honest! I bet some junior high (I have no idea what age junior high is) kid could probably do bullshit stuff.
it doesn't really matter what a junior high kid can do there are junior high students whove been programming longer and more actively than you so of course they will be better one of my biggest clients just learned how to program three years ago. he's had his business for 15 years, but in the last three years he's learned basic programming to do things like send out emails to subcontractors when new work is available, allow his clients to upload files to be done basic stuff that has changed his business a lot, that probably any 10-year-old indian kid could do
i was making websites in raw HTML and knew PHP when i was 10 i didn't know how to write a check until i was 22
these things are completely arbitrary you can learn them whenever
you also program better than me idk shit about code but i can make things easier to frame mathematically so the coding can be done at a basic level
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
is E3 really starting in like 80 minutes?
I did it. It was stupidly simple but since I'm such a noob at programming my solution is horrible lol oh it failed the automated check eeeh
oh god im supposed to run a trauma group in 30 minutes because the normal person who does it has a dental emergency but nobody can find the class materials all i know is that someone is going to present a "Letter of resentment" lmao
sounds rough
what exactly btw is a "dental emergency"?
Kirara π
like broken teeth, broken retainers, tooth pain, etc
Oh shit Genesis Noir. I thought the premise for this game was cool
Kirara π
i think a letter of resentment is just something you write from the heart about how much you resent the situation you've found yourself in or someone in your life or yourself but i have no idea lmao
Cool, the guys that did Divinity: Original Sin are doing Baldur's Gate III.
Hah hah Day9 so polite. Goes for a handshake with Frankie and having to adjust
Well damn. If Mercer is the main character of Dying Light 2 I really want to play it.
Matthew Mercer. He's a voice actor that's done a lot of voice work for anime and game dubbing, as well as voice roles in games. He's also the DM of the D&D stream I tune into each week so I have literal hundreds of hours experiencing his voice.
Hah hah Konami has a "special announcement" tomorrow at 18:30 PDT. Er 17:30 PDT. I wonder if they're gonna talk about a new Metal Gear without Kojima to try and overshadow Death Stranding.
>>698006 yeah well, who actually watches anime dubbed aside from maybe dbz
>>698016 just sightseeing or are you gonna get an escort i would want to be an escort in a country that actually protects their rights shame the US views it so poorly
Oh cool the new Watch_Dogs game has permadeath for characters. So you just switch to a new one once they die. Went from some limey punk to Very British old lady.
Sorry Moon you kept dealing into my hands in that game.
every time i do an mmpi, one of my colleagues wants me to sit down with her and i explain everything to her and basically teach her how to interpret the test lmao it's so funny
That blows ;_:
Kirara π
the hot wind blowing jagged lines across the sands
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
βwhatβs teri-yaki saaaus? dβyou think itβs spicy??β - random Brit in line
>>698056 tell him it is is made out of ... soemthing horrifying
Tell 'em it'll melt their tongue off.
Kirara π
tear you yak ee
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
i also saw a man plant his bicycle in the tram rail, go over the handlebars into a dive into perfect aomersault forward like what the fuck
Kirara π
he's living his best life
Ubi's just kind of been FPS-heavy so far. I guess the new Watch_Dogs was kind of interesting but I really don't care for all these FPS games.
Kirara π
any ass creed stuff yet
Not yet. They opened the conference with a demo of the Assassin's Creed Symphony that they're going on a North American tour with but that's the closest thing.
>>698067 Them ending with it might make me a little annoyed because it might mean they don't have gameplay footage. Teasers are cool and all but I like to see stuff from the actual game of games I want to actually play.
Yeah, I definitely want to see some gameplay. But how much gameplay do they need to show? It's probably going to be the same gameplay as Oddessy and Origin
>>698069 Well it's interesting to see how things have evolved. I'm also personally interested in the in-game environmental design and other aesthetical things from inside the game engine.
>>698040 They're selling it as a "You can recruit anyone in London to your cause" kind of game. You can use your LEET HACK SKILLS to pull up their life profile and see if their skills and life history is valuable to the way you want to play.
>>698089 ah not customizable, but anyhow multiple female options nonetheless...
Kirara π
>>698090 yeah there were some chicks in the multiplayer before unity but they said it was too hard to animate
>>698091 well the true issue was just "we are too lazy to do it" and then thought that was a good PR response Should have just said "it costs money so nah"
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
drinking kilkenny in an irish bar w CHVRCHES on futsuuuuu
Yeah it would be good for I dunno phone gaming or people who don't want to buy expensive hardware, but on the other hand any game that requires an expensive hardware might have issues with the streaming and ofc most multiplayer is ruled out instantly too
Stadia would also have a climb ahead of them, having to break in to a market that has been staked out by three major industry titans. And people who play PC games are usually already on top of the tech specs making the streaming function irrelevant.
It might be more useful in the future when 5G and so on is more common for example playing total war during trips on a cheap work laptop through it but or wait do you need to buy a specific goodle hardware stadia for it and it isn't just a service?
would you like to stream a fighting game while connecting to others via wifi
>>698111 hell no most fighting games already have quite bad netcode anyhow
>>698114 a potion belt like hat still seems dangerous especially with bare skin next to it >fall >crush a potion >glass cut >glass inside wound >potion heals wound >glass inside you, no potions left to treat the glass removal operation >die of infections
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
my D&D character has a potion belt but it keeps the potions in extradimensional pockets a la bag of holding
>No Assassin's Creed news Well RIP okay. Gods & Monsters might be fun but they showed us pretty much nothing of what it actually is.
btw I'd like to see what kind of monstrosities diablo 2 max level potion belts are... they had what 5x5 potions inside them so was your character actually wearing potion belts all rambo style or was it just one humongous belt?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
on the subject of D&D my character got her clothes and armor dissolved by a huge slime
also I wonder howyour body treats potions how much of it is consumed and how much of it is let out as waste would chugging a ton of potions make you really leaky a bit later? that would be quite an uncomfortable boss fight
Man Ubisoft's conference was pretty underwhelming. Way too much Tom Clancy content. Nothing from Assassin's Creed. Watch_Dogs at least had possible game footage and a neat premise and a bad-ass old lady but that was pretty much it.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>698122 they almost certainly have a lot of water in them and also during combat you would sweat a lot so you'd prbably sweat it out kind of like how if its really hot out and you drink a lot of water you won't need to pee because you're sweating it out that's the reason I pretty much never have to use the portapotty at the music festival I go to
>>698124 Yeah but not enough to sweat it all out physical labour even during hot days still results in you taking a piss occasionally, unless you are dehydrating yourself which will lower your efficiency
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>698125 well since we're talking fantasy rpg rules it would be reasonable to assume D&D and in D&D depending on the interpretations of the rules some argue that characters don't go to the bathroom because there's no rules about it
Then again I think more common use of potions is "pour on wounds" than drink, atleast that has been trend in many fiction I have consumed recently, but those are ofc japan biased >>698126 I think in general a gm forcing bathroom breaks would become a weird thing >pissforest
magical realm lets go
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>698128 see >>698121 I lost like 18,000 gp worth of magic armor
ANd now I am thinking is there a "piss and shit mod" for skyrim...
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
do you play my summer car?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
its a game about a >>698134 okay so do you press p to pee?
I live it
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
so funny thin, if you are using your phone as wifi-hotspot and are dling animu your phone will generate enough heat, to disable charging
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I don't have that problem because wireless networks here are bullshit and tethering can be expensive my network you have to pay extra to tether even though you're just using your data
I mean why the fuck would I pay 25-30β¬ a month to get one of the ISP companies to give me a box that is just "hotspot" I can't get any good physical connection here beyond old modem speeds of 20mb or so so why pay any extra for something my phone can do as well and also uses LESS power while doing it
but yeah dling 20gb of animu 3-9MB/s for extended time does drain the battery even when plugged in
>>698129 wow you got lewded and lost all your things
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>698141 no just the armor the dm went with a really literal interpretation of the rules since I would've lost like 60k gp if all my accessories got dissolved actually probably more than that the helm of teleportation alone is like 50k
same dm that killed you with some random critical earlier?
>just realised there hasn't been anything particularly lewd in ton's 2nd campaign
yeah itβs almost like im not putting lewd in it dohoho
>>698143 well not exactly technically or wait maybe it waS yeah although he said "even without the critical hit you still would've probably died after a few attacks" because his npcs are cheese
in fact when i think about it its my players who have been making my second campaign lewd at all with stealing Charlotteβs panties and telling her to flash the upcoming opponent
>>698160 hmm if there were underwater people or people who lived most of their time in water I think they'd wear clothing like swimsuits etc or rather... diving suits
>>698164 Nope, no Assassin's Creed game news. The absence honestly was kind of weird. Maybe they'll do a promo when they perform the orchestra.
The conference was kind of underwhelming. Maybe check out the Watch_Dogs segment if that's caught your interest, it was probably the highlight of the conference.
They have a studio in Quebec working on a game "from the creators of Assassin's Creed Odyssey" called Gods & Monsters but they had nothing from it besides a brief maybe minute and a half teaser. The rest was a ridiculous amount of Tom Clancy stuff and their usual uninteresting fare.
>>698166 of the actors from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is making a television show about a game dev studio that they've apparently partnered with Ubi for ... research? I'm not really sure why. Well the show sounds kind of funny.
Wouldn't it be amusing, if some anime did a side story with background characters something that is happening, but not clearly in the background and that develops as the episodes goes ie a romance or something
yo this black mirror new season starts off fuckin gay(?) as hell
Kirara π
haha idek what's happening the dude is playing a girl in this VR fighting game and the other dude are there but they're fuckin in the game instead of fighting is the one dude trans or are they gay
>>698202 Oh shit this reminded me of >>698179 this and SOA, how in the first season there was a guy pretending to bea girl, and his ingame bf, who then actually became a couple despite being reverted to their true otaku forms all in background
Kirara π
this dude can't focus on work he just wanna be an asian dude in the game and fuck his bro who is an asian girl
speaking of mormons, I still find it amusing that the mormon desert nation they once thought of founding is a possible nation that can be born in Victoria 2, with mods though, but nonetheless
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
this reminds me of that thing in the ghost in the shell manga where Motoko is having lesbian sex on vr and then batou connects to her and gets fucked up because he doesn't have the right nerves to feel what she's feeling I like that interpretation of vr better
Imagine actually being part of building up data for a VR thing that has sex as a feature
Kirara π
he forgot about his wedding anniversary because he's too busy fuckin his bro and they're both depressed that they can't fuck because of the wedding anniversary haha
>>698256 there was an episode where a lady's fiance dies so she gets a robot to replace him and it wants to learn everything about him so it can properly replace him but she gets freaked out and leaves him in her attic forever
>>698258 yeah but that's the closest to sex bots i think
>>698264 I think my favourite ones are the christmas one and then the eye thing where the guy goes over his wife cheating by watching past recordings from his cyborgeye
the waldo? mascot one was amsuing, but I think it was little bit too tied to current era politics
Kirara π
oh shit he told his wife and they turned it into a thing where she goes out and sleeps with a stranger and he sleeps with his buddy once a month
this reminds me of some, I don't even remember the shows name some wanna be x-files, but they write for a ufo magazine with actual aliens
and some episode was just chasing some alien parasite and then suddenly one of the main characters stumbles unto his parents doing the dirty with an other couple practicing partner swapping
I just fucking wonder what the writers were thinking there.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>698267 It would've been cooler if she has sex with him as a man in vr instead.
>open whatsup >billion messages why is it that each time my phone borks for a moment, all my background aps shutdown including whatshup and that since it doesn't beep at me, I never open it and then when I open it randomly, I have gotten gazillion messages but if it is just a normal weekend, there is maybe 5? Ofc I would prefer there to be 5 anyhow so it doesn't buzz
i feel awfully nervous about all this group will be scary
ganbare that is a quite thight schedule
Kirara π
>>698283 a lot of my clients tell me the groups seemed really scary at first but they start to really enjoy them except for that one dude who thinks he's haunted by a murder ghost. he's the only one who doesn't seem to like groups
do you know what the groups are? like today i ran a DBT mindfulness group, an assertiveness and communication group, and a grief group called Healing Heartache
>>698283 That's intense, wow. How long does the procedure run for?
>>698285 i got no idea. i only did assessment with the lady there today in just that setting the dysphoria was debilitating i felt nauseous afterwards idk how im gonna last a whole day
i probably shouldn't talk about it on here anymore im just feeling vulnerable and wanted to acknowledge it with someone uffffff idk who these people are going to be i can barely talk to you guys comfortably let alone randos with sensitive stuff at least
>>698289 the groups work best when people allow themselves to be vulnerable
Even if watertight, you're basically allowing a liquid ideally kept at fairly high temperatures RIGHT AGAINST your phone.
i like how that chick's like yeah i'll just let this weird dude walk up to me and pour something from his phone into my drink this seems fine "hey i can pour a shot of coffee from my phone would you like to try it" lady cmon
Kirara π
brewing my coffee at 140 degrees in my phone what could go wrong phones aren't known to explode or anything
>>698290 >taking it to 60C ... but it doesn't even reach good brewing temperatures
>>698296 right idk why but im bothered that old news from a couple years ago get recycled on twitter so easily and there's public response to the event like it's just happening right now like that kickstarter was forever ago but there's gonna be people sayin "smh things are getting worse every year" or other nonsense
>Final Fantasy VII Remake will be two Blu-Ray discs >Standalone Midgar game?
>>698303 part 1 69,95 part 2 69,95 both have 2 season passes for additional content, like the condor nest, underwater stuff, the china continent and so on
>>698303 Midgar is the best part I don't mind this too much tbh
hmm seems like this year too, I have several cuckoos nesting nearby
They're still only teasing Tifa hah hah. Assholes.
This English guy they've got has such a "Brah" voice. It grates on me a bit.
I've got some friends that
are probably losing their collective shit if they're watching this live right now.
with the ff7 remake, I can only think two options how it will turn out a huge success or a huge failure no way can it be anything in between
wasn't the ff7 movie pretty average and unremarkable i feel the opposite, that it's probably just going to be whatever it can't really be a huge success just by virtue of being a remake
ff7 simply came out in a different era than we live in today graphics and everything else aside, its concept was a lot more fantastical for our generation at that time video games have progressed a lot, especially in JRPG grindy-ness they've refined that process a lot and it's more satisfying now
i think it'll be good, but i think remakes generally can't break into "huge success" status it's gonna be novelty for a lot of folks who are gonna think "oh i gotta check out a live stream of it when it's out and see what it's like" and then watch an hour or so and think "oh that's cool, gonna get back to my other focuses now"
maybe im wrong i don't really play games much anymore. i just watch other people play them im too lazy to play it myself
Fans loved it it even got a BD remaster with new scenes, remade animation and so on and that sold very well too but yeah, it never reached beyond the crowd of ff fans, so that is the hurdle of ff7 even if it is good, but not that good, it will be a failure, because it won't sell to anyone except nostalgias
Which is why I kinda think the two extremes are the only options either it will sell to fans, who will like it to love it, but it won't reach the large audience, thus not get ROI or it will sell to fans and new people and then become a huge hit
>>698312 Yeah and they have completely redone all the mechanics and so on which is another risk, are the new mechanics they introduce going to be well received do the fans go "I liked the old stuff" as well many sqeenix mechanical changes especially in Final fantasy series have many times been poorly received
>>698312 Resident Evil 2 remake sold 5 million copies in first month and that was a similiar complete remake down from everything of an old classic and with lot less hype around it, since ff7 remake has been in the rumours for god knows how long and now in making for atleast 3 years
>octopah pc good news for whoever doesn't own a switch I guess
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
its like $50 on steam or something way too much
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>crystal chronicles remastered hold up I'm gonna fucking nut
It wasn't that great. Like definitely enjoyable but
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah but childhood
>>698319 far from anything worth buying just for slightly less -slightly more resolution.
I'd go providing I had sufficient disposable income. Being able to test out demos and be there in person sound fun. It wouldn't be something I prioritize spending on highly but the experience is enticing.
maybe if I lived a short distance away from it I'd consider it but to travel there, book hotels and so on naw the demos will be in closer events to be tested a bit later anyhow
Oh SHIT Travis and Laura. Man I want to hulk out voiced by Travis.
Or wait is he not the Hulk? Oh yeah he was Thor. Zip zappity
>All planned expansion content comes at no addiitonal cost Man they're doing a good job selling this Avengers game.
>>698335 isn't it fun how THAT is a marketing point now
I don't think developers should be obligated to provide all new content at no extra cost. Even before DLC was a commonplace thing there were paid expansions for games.
Another year Another Square conference with no TWEWY2
>>698337 I am not saying that all expansion etc should be free I just find it amusing how it is a MARKETING POINT it being presumed that any additional conent will be dlc or seasonal passes and so on
And I'm saying it has always been a marketing point that all future content will come at no additional cost to the player.
>>698338 Unless there's some agreement for a wider publishing I would doubt we'd see anything regarding more TWEWY or spin-off games outside of a Nintendo press release.
Although the secret ending cutscene in Kingdom Hearts III teased
>>698342 >wider publishing >nintendo press release Eh? Why? It's not like Nintendo owns it I really don't expect it to ever happen since TWEWY was such a unique and well made game that a good sequel would be very hard to pull off Considering their cameos in DDD and KHIII Shibuya I do expect them to have something to do in the next KH game, so it's not like Square forgot its existence
What was the most recent fun example >game will have no micro-dlc or something and then it did have cosmetic dlc "but it wasn't micro-payto-win-dlc They didn't lie and nobody really minded, but it was just so amusing "exact wording" case
Now I bet there's like, one or two massive fans of the Saga games who are going apeshit right now Good for them
>>698372 I like the strange vocals unfortunately I don't have a song that won't annoy you >>698412 my gf back off kiddo I presume she is the fate version of the swordsman Miyamoto Musashi
>>698425 both of these are pre chill, but it gives me more of a card mood than a reaction mood, which I'm in rn >>698439 I only took 1 minute of this >>698469 too short >>698470 a fucking claSSIC fuck
ih you haven't asked anybody for a massage yet? it's actually super regular for anybody to step on your back to straighten it out do it sheesh get that physical therapy for free
im afraid if i sleep now i'll oversleep and miss the first day of my thing it's in three hours and 15 minutes and im having spider issues at the moment so im a little paranoid about falling asleep here
>>698493 i can but it's a risky move i don't trust my half-awake self to make the right decision to get up i could easily fall back to sleep in between turning off the alarm and actually waking up
if i miss this, insurance won't cover it and i might be liable for a large bill
>>698493 >an alarm if it ain't seven you aren't waking up
I'm picking up programming again and doing google code past puzzles. my brain is so bad at reading through the objective text, I have take ages to figure out what I am being even asked.
somehow i avoided being spoiled about keanu even though like literally every thumbnail had his face on it and i watched it 12 hours late i guess it's possible
>>698557 why is everyone saying this is it just a meme at this point or do people really love him
>>698558 He's not in it Is he Am I blind I actually do really like Hawkeye and I think his opening scene is one of the best in Endgame But he ain't in it
hawkeye is in marvel ultimate alliance lmfao im done see ya
Imagine playing co-op and you get stuck playing black widow
>>698552 my toe I had a large piece removed tomorrow I get the rest fixed up and a permanent thing to stop it reoccurring >>698557 he's out mixing cocktails in the korean war
Kirara π
>>698561 since they're gonna have a bunch of heroes and start with 5, you'll never have to worry about that luckily
>>698576 they're saying that they expanded midgar but are they not going to expand anything else? are they going to shorten the rest?
>>698578 mitebcool but I doubt it Then again there are no rules anymore
>>698579 I can see them focusing their expansion on midgar while keeping everything else the same just because Midgar is iconic and it might be easier to just expand the one city since they can reuse certain assets
Kirara π
the new combat looks really fun im still not sure about ff not being turn-based though i liked the combat in ff15 but still
>>698580 maybe that would be pretty disappointing though
>>698581 I don't mind Final Fantasy not being turnbased. For aa long timr Square's been shifting to flashy setpieces and spectacle, and I think that works better in a game when you feel a little more in control of that immediately than just giving commands. I think they should keep making turn based rpgs, but on the scale of stuff like bravely default or octopath
Kirara π
yeah that's a good point
There's just a sort of incongruity between the triple A setpiece with a shitzillion hours of rendering put into it, set to a traditional turn based battle I'd be happy to see it go back to turn based battles if they scaled things back, but I don't think they're interested in that
I also don't think we'll be seeing a Final Fantasy XVI for a long time
>>698676 i'll find out i guess it was really four hours of group, but that was with breaks, lunch, and activities/education that were still done in the same group setting i felt a lot of weird things that were kind of contradictory which probably helped me
a lot of stuff that's like "yes, i know this information how is it supposed to help me?" but it ended up helping me in a way realize that my standards are set way too high for myself because my expectations of others were really too high like now i feel like im always making a big fuss when i don't have to i guess, whereas I kind of projected a lot to the rest of the world and assumed perception was so contrived and complicated for everyone
that's probably why im always having comunication problems
That's interesting; I've never done much therapy stuff let alone group therapy so it's interesting to hear stuff about it. It's good to hear it's helping you in some ways though.
group setting is pretty insecure feeling, but it helped to know it's kinda normal to be fucked up and i can quit beatin myself up for not bein perfect i always felt like i was struggling to meet basic standards and just keep the base line going, and helping others do the same where possible but the reality is more that i was being a perfectionist that stresses out about all the small details and makes other people miserable for not also doing so
or that words directed to me aren't being yelled at me or used as chastise it feels that way almost all the time usually, even when i know it's not
but the therapy itself was kind of menial at least today's
I've been in a php group therapy setting before and it can be really helpful.
>>698684 seeing some of the group facilitators today and their verbiage made me think of you though it made me wonder how many things you say are in that same vein
a lot of them were really reaching hard to provide some positive affirmation one lady kept reaffirming feedback but would elaborate and reveal that she completely misunderstood what was meant another one was just that very typical "that's great. nice words. that's very insightful. what does everybody else think about that."
i didn't find any of that helpful, but i found it helpful to have to cope with what i was observing occur and realize that not everybody's perfect at their jobs and things don't just completely go to shit if you don't do everything perfectly right i feel like i didn't understand how laid back the rest of the world is the isolation is probably really bad for me
I can't stand these anime protagonist kids This dude just runs through the middle of an actual battlefield pushing away soldiers trying to get to someone.
>>698686 haha im really bad at positive affirmations. sometimes im just like "great" or "yeah, exactly" but I don't really reinforce specific things in the normal sense because it feels so awkward If someone is doing really good I'll tell them I'm honestly happy to see how they're doing after group, not in front of the others
yeah real life is pretty laid back generally everyone is incompetent so it can't be helped sometimes haha
>>698690 how do i get in on that real life thing i feel like i should be making a lot more money with a lot less work
the psych interview was really frustrating because she kept asking me to be specific about stuff i didn't have specifics about like what specific compulsions i have. idk lady any type or what specifically makes me think bupropion is a good antidepressant for me, what specific activities i do when im at higher energy levels she was trying to figure out if i have manic episodes and asking if i ever feel like im high on drugs fuck, lady, ive never been high on drugs i have no idea ive stayed up three nights straight working on crypto or doing some kind of team effort which was exciting to me sure, and ive felt euphoric sometimes from that but ive never had ecstasy or been "high on drugs" in that 3-day bender kind of context, or at all
they still won't give me my adderall though, even though it would help with my compulsions
>>698691 It's a game. The Last Remnant. I played it a long time ago at my friend's place but we didn't get really far. But it's so dumb. this kid runs through a fucking battlefield where two armies are colliding on each other and he's pushing past people to get to someone who he "thinks" looks like his sister.
>>698696 they said a lot of times "we dont generally prescribe controlled substances " so i dont know. i understand why they don't as a policy, since if you do then you're opening the floodgates they're going to have me sign a release tomorrow morning, but idk man that old clinic is such a fuckbox they'll probably lose the request or respond to it three weeks later
their lines are open from 9am-4pm, but the lines are down from like 12-2 for lunch almost all the time, and after 2 they never answer before noon they'll answer after you're on hold for 40 minutes, which is a huge waste of the staff's time here trying to chase a release and idk what they'd be able to do with it anyway. i think the psychiatrist didn't like me very much and thought i was being evasive with answers, but i recognize that is probably an illegitimate belief based on those standards mentioned earlier
like, is it common to ask how you know what a prescription drug is every time she's like "do you know what hydroxyzine is?" yeah "how do you know what that is?" "Have you heard of Cymbalta?" duloxetine? "how do you know what Cymbalta is" like who doesnt know what Cymbalta is it felt really unimportant
a very good friend of mine who i used to hang out with once a week or more hasn't hung out with me in over a month and doesn't hold conversations anymore and i'm starting to feel like it isn't temporary anymore and i'm very sad now
it's a children's game where they sit in a circle and then one goes around tapping them on the head or shoulder saying "duck, duck, duck, (and then at random, choosing someone for no reason) GOOSE!" and then whoever is the goose is supposed to chase them around the full circle and if they don't catch up with them before they complete the circle and sit in their seat, then it is their turn to go around saying it
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>698712 Ankkoja, Ankkoja, hanhia >>698711 well, you know, his loss. You can't let other people's approval dictate your SELF WORTH