
Thread #69183

Not synched.

Bottom Identity
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my thread
Gotta kill yourself now
go away floop
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are you okay
Fantastic Breasts and Where To Find Them
Your lewd journey across pixiv
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100% worksafe
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I should probably restart my computer.
Everything's moving slow.
Or maybe just close Chrome. Let's see.
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Almost forgot to get my Arena Orb and feathers.
Hi Kannagi.
this was a good movie
10 minutes and then shops will be OPEN!
I can buy all sorts of terribly delicious things and I guess I will get some cider. Weekends are days of relaxation!
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see you in a bit moe!
sate it hardx
>I need another Lon'qu so I can transfer Vantage onto Takumi
>get one
aw yeah
i kinda want nian
but i have too many kois
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Now I just need Two Hectors that I can give Distance Counter to Eldigan and Lucina and I'll have a nice fucked up team.
look at me hector
hi hector
what are your teams
im gonna focus on eirika ephraim julia and nowi i think

Isn't this just two very tall buildings that happen to connect.
Hardly an innovative design
Are you sure you're just not mad they're totally lifting the name of Big Ben
>Big Bend
It is a hilarious name.
I remember hearing about how americans didn't know that benders = homosexuals in slang and they were confused by why the the last air bender was so hilarious to us
what about big benis
I thought this was a joke at first
It is a joke. People with lots of money who build things like that are a joke.
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>final battle of arena 7/7
>bought to wipe team without casualty but hector with vantage wipes your team like kirito
vantage is the scariest skill in the game
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I cant deal with hector that easily with my team
i need to make eirika stronger
how does the top work
oh wait I'm retarded
anime died
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Ryoma w/ Vantage is terrifying and I just got mine to Vantage 3.
And his sword is Distance Counter. It's just terrible for everyone involved.
Lucina doesn't really need Defiant Spd, she's pretty fast already but gets double teamed. Vantage/DC would be great.
Or Death Blow
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I almost Tharja up to level 40.
Kamila is almost 40 too.

I might drop my Cain and Elwood even though I have had them in my main team for most of the time.
Woops I lost the moe tab for a moment.

I might make my team more varied. It is basically one green and 3 reds
That fast fatbutt
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you should give lucina swordbreaker
to make swordbreakers cry
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That's a good idea for all those lords actually.
This essentially clears out all of the lords that are on par with her speed.
My problem though is that it only works when above 50%
So it'd stop one or make it really difficult to approach.
Distance Counter/Vantage would make approach difficult altogether.
Oh wait, her Falchion DOES heal so maybe SB isn't so bad.
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im probably gonna try to put swordbreaker on eirika maybe
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Need more evil oneesans.
Camila and Tharja are fun
You don't deserve Florina you evil oneesan.
Wow rude, she is one of the few I even deigned to give level 20 to!
effie with brave lance is super good
wow, you're terrible.
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I shut my eyes for just a second and suddenly it's six hours later.
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Yeah, it's a pretty sweet trick.
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I didn't ask for this. I didn't mean for it to happen.
also your blewd is showing
>wings of mercy hector
RIP my chain
i might try to get a triangle adept for eirika
but i dont think that many units have it
hector is my weakness
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I got 5 star Roy recently.
He was the only real decent unit I got recently though.
new one
looks nicer
Oh you get special messages when you get a character level 40.
Nice desu ne
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Only when they're 5 star but yes.
oh i didnt know it was only 5*
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I got Camila and Tharja to level 40.
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my head hurts so bad from all the work this week
now that i'm off work i dont know what to do with myself or how to relax
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It will soon be upon me
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oh man
whadja get
Japan Centre Sweet Red Bean Mochi, 270 g, 8 pieces
Wagashi Japanese Bakery Chestnut Dorayaki, 120 g
Japan Centre Sakuramochi Cherry Blossom Rice Cake, 65 g
ooh those sound good
i used to get these brown sugar ones
they were so good

what server are you on nerd i installed this stupid game
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Wow, you get 15 minute notices on your deliveries?
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I can track it on google maps thing from the depot to my house!
Kalpedia thing
* I think
Lemme check

Dorayaki is nice.
Two pancakes with azuki and chestnuts inbetween
Kalipedia yep.
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Are you super high leveled already or am i gonna be able to play with you
what class you got
i guess you can make many characters anyway huh
Am I meant to eat the leaf with the sakura mochi.
.. I don't think so
I have some low level ones, my main is level 83
It doesn't take long to level up in tree of savior
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wow i cant catch up to that
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sorry donnie
so umai
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That takes care of his double attack problem, huh?
it's weird because the illustrations are so beautiful and the animation is so hideous
he couldnt double a paper bag
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hello kirara you're late today
I nearly ate everything..
I only have singular mochi left.
wow that didn't take you long at all
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My stomach kinda hurts.
My boss ants me to come in 3 hours early and then 2 hours early the day after ending at the same time
Is it legal to work 15 hour shifts I told him ok
bang's new computer
j ust woke up
hi hi
bang's new computer
i've worked literal 18 hours shifts
so probably
I'm not salaried, of

If that makes any difference.
bang's new computer
I'm not either
I just like money
Oh cool
It's probably fine then
i think you can't force someone onto 16 hour + shifts
but if you consent to it then it doesnt really matter
i know surgeons for instance aren't allowed to work more than so many hours in one shift, because their rest time is mandatory and then they can still be put on-call if they're an ER surgeon
Don't you have like contracted times?
feels a bit weird to suddenly get a huge shift
ive personally done 30 hours straight before
but it was hard
i can't be straight for that long at once
I don't have a real concrete schedule, I work whatever shift is necessary. Generally I do the same shifts each week with maybe an extra shift or modified hours as available, rarely I have to do a different person's shift to fill in.
One of my co-workers has a doctors appointment that day so I'm coming in early to relieve her and the other extra 2 hours are just because he felt like it. I'll be relieving him that day I believe.
My regular schedule is already in overtime so any extra hours are worth about $20 each, so I'm happy to oblige.
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My messed up sleep schedule is going to be really messed up now.
I wonder what I should do about that.
Try to sleep more like a normal person?
Why is it messed up is the first question I guess
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I went to take an hour nap earlier and it turned into a six hour nap.
bang's new computer
wow that's weird because that's literally exactly what i just did
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Sometimes these things happen.
It's rare for them to happen to me though.
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it's weird, now that i'm out of my prescribed stimulants and racetams, i can't sleep
i could take an adderall and fall asleep right now for 10 hours
but i havent had any in months
i can never sleep for more than two or three hours at a time without stims
I hate when that happens
I RUINED EVERYTHING a couple weeks ago doing that when we were supposed to play ToN's 13th age game
bang's new computer
it used to happen to me all the time but this is the first time in a while that i haven't been disciplined about sleep
i blame that i had coffee for the first time in forever
bang's new computer
i've pretty much given up sugary drink, i haven't smoked in a month, and i've mostly got rid of caffeine, until the past few days
i better kick that again before it becomes a habit
quit that caffeine shit
that's harder on the liver than alcohol is imo
bang's new computer
i usually go about a month or two without caffeine nowadays and then have one every once in a while
Hey moon, how's ToS treating you?
terrible, i keep getting jailed as jester every time
I used to do something like that
bang's new computer
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town of salem is kinda fun
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OK that's a good joke but you know what I mean
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i havent broken any terms of service lately
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My stomach hurt when I woke up too.
I didn't expect to sleep 6 hours with food still in it.
I kinda slept in a weird position too since I just plopped down on the bed in my clothes and stuff.
>2 weapons as 9S
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Where's blue he seemed upset that Kannagi had Florina so I have to mention it too
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I'd trade Blue a florina if I could!
bang's new computer
wow you must have been tired
i can't sleep in regular clothes unless i'm dying
Hai hai
I can sleep anywhere, anytime, anyplace
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I have Florina too.
She's four star.
bang's new computer
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Well, my lounging around clotes are really comfy.
I was just wearin pajama pants and a t-shirt.
I take off the pants to sleep.
bang's new computer
i wish i could do that
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I can do it all unwillingly too!
bang's new computer
well that's what i normally sleep in
well pajama shorts usually because texas
bang's new computer
oh noooooooooooooooooooooo
bang's new computer
sleeping without pants > with pants
but i share a room with my youngest sister soooooooo
my lunging around clots very comf
just warring jam pant
bang's new computer
bang's new computer
I absolutely love flying my space ship but it's kinda of sad that it's a solitary thing.
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i get my clothes all sweaty if i sleep in them
>sad that it's a solitary thing
Being able to solo is great.
Games that force you to join up with people should explode!
I don't like sleeping with clothes on.
It's pretty uncomfortable.
bang's new computer
What about games that don't force you to do either but allow both?
Then you should solo. Making friends is for real people. and normies.
and normies should explode
What about games that don't have online multiplayer but require an internet connection anyways
bang's new computer
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Don't let that stop you.
bang's new computer
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typical rika
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bang's new computer
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2d mmos are SHIT
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Yeah well so are you
Hey fuck you RO was a fucking masterpiece
bang's new computer
g a r b a g e
bang's new computer
wait so you're awake at 0730 on a saturday
that's not common right
what the hell are you gonna do
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I was awake at 3am on a saturday!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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did you miss the part where rika SLEPT FOR SIX HOURS INSTEAD OF ONE
bang's new computer
yeah i did
but i'm just now realizing the implications of something so unheard of happening
when i die this is the picture i want framed at my funeral
please respect my wishes moe
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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It means that you get a FULL DAILY DOSE OF RIKA 24/7
K I'll leave it by your grave too
bang's new computer
well actually i'm going to be at work from 11-8ish
bang's new computer
speaking of which i don't want to work
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>working on the weekends
I'm so sorry
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high twintails!

Probably try to sleep some more in a little bit.
It's the only way I get to play your stupid geimu
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Hey you know you love my campaign.
I ordered take away and it hasn;'t arrived yet despite saying it'll be here by half past.
3 minutes late is unacceptable
bang's new computer
i was also thinking of going back to sleep except that i have work in 3 hours please kill me
Is execution style fine by you
whatcha order
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Sleep for 3 hours, get ready at the last minute.
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sucks to be you!
bang's new computer
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i don't even care just make me die
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I should consider actually playing more fates
bang's new computer
this is actually very likely
Subway delivers

Yes it is quite fun when we actually can all play together

I promise it will be very painful but over quickly
bang's new computer
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alright i'm gonna go take that nap
i'll see you all tonight /moe/
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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this is my life

remind me that you're top priority if we have to leave someone and do a side session
My sub arrived with some Loaded Nachos with Chipotle
Meatball subs are the best
I like their chicken teriyaki a lot
Firehouse Subs and Jason's Deli make better sandwiches for about the same price though
bang dont go yet
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh also JAN feel free to add that bird hat to your inventory
If you want to look it up it's in book of loot under the high druid
i havent had either of those but i really like marco's subs
even though they're a pizza place
i made them put so many gerhkin slices in
bang's new computer
wait why
A lot of places serve really good stuff that isn't even the focus of their business
Like church's chicken their chicken is alright but I go there for the biscuits and beans
bang's new computer
wtf telephone noises
sorry moon it's nap time
bang's new computer
goodnight /moe/
it was the sound of dialup internet
to whisk you away to good dreams
Oh yeah I forgot because it was late and I was drunk
I'll do it tomorrow probably I need to nap before work too Bye moo
Yes as usual
I'll be back at like 2 am Sunday morning
are ya workin all weekend
enjoy your napparoos then
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you might like this since you like birds so much
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Birds are funny.
He probably knows they're fake.
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you can really get a good vibe of their dino heritage when you see them lunge and bite like that
it's pretty majestic
If they did a show on OJ like Making a Murderer, would it be called "Making an Innocent"?
Wow that is an angry bird
>tfw two robots stand around talking shit about your mother, and people laugh at you for lashing out at them
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Hello again baby Kirara
I love orange juice
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I'm replying late, too.
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Yeah, super late.
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I had an active night. I'm tired.
Fell back asleep after posting!
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Active, huh?
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>sargon liked a comment I made
Granted it was on his post, but still
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Yes. We were up very late.
Until like 3 or 4.

You're makin it.
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Also, red alert OST is really good for factorio BGM
It has that same "mine, produce, increase wealth" feeling to it
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What did you guys do?
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Watched Netflix all night.
Red Alert 3 OST is best.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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netflix and chill?
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Oh, good for you guys!
Did you have fun?
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Yeah, it was a nice, relaxing night.
We were going to sleep in, too. No alarm.
I've woken up first and now I'm just lying here wondering how long that'll take.
But Netflix together was nice.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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what exactly is potentially anti-feminist about not having armpit hair

do they just not shave and feel unrepresented or something

because there's a quick solution to that
Oppressive man LEAVE
For ton
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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People are stupid and I hate them for it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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that is certainly a jon
Learn to love them for it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I can't
every time I start to cope more stupid shit happens
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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It's been awhile since you've done the netflix thing, hasn't it?
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I'm not sure how long it's been.
Maybe we'll start doing it more often.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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yeah what about it
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I'm happy for both of you.
You're normies now so you should both explode, but I'm happy for you.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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wow you just called Kirara a normie
He's actually going to explode
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How does watching Netflix make me a normie?
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Raiju bakuhatsushiro!
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Netflix is just about the most normie thing ever.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you already messed up Kannagi
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Netflix is a normie thing huh

Guess Blind is the most normie person evr
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Otaku use Netflix regularly. You don't know what you're talking about.
Maybe you're the normie.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
is that you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>otaku use netflix
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>local normie tries to talk his way out of exploding
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>local normie tries to call others normies to hide the fact that she's the normie
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In terms of association Rika feels kind of normie-poi
Kirara is like part normie and part non-normie
blue is just lewd
hm, I don't really know who is most neet of moe.
if it was me a few years ago! I would be unbeatable! I didn't even know what daylight was for months!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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You both should probably accept that you're both massive weeb normies
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It's a normie's world and we have to know how to navigate it.
Normies and us are just different species.
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Last night I looked at nendos and then fell asleep in an awkward position on my bed in my clothes.

While you were doing netflix with a member of the opposite sex!

I think we all know who the normie here is.
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Rika is making a pretty convincing argument here.
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You'd think.
Rika won't buy nendos, though.

I have 10+ nendos.
I just got a text that my subway will be here.
despite it arriving two hours ago.
Nice timing! thanks for the slightly delayed heads up.

Rika won't buy nendos?
This is clearly in your favour now! having all your waifu figurines around is important part of neet life.
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Relics of a non-normie life gone by.
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I have two nendos on preorder!

I also build gunpla
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He did netflix with a member of the opposite sex!
This is way more normie than him having a few more nendos than me.

I fell asleep drooling and clutching a stuffed animal that I got with a japanese game!
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That guy in Kobayashi goes drinking with a girl all the time and is clearly not a normie.
Or do you want to tell me you can run a circle as a normie?
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You are both kind of normie and non-normie at the same time.
If didn't have a job I'd not really go outside!

I don't have any real life friends! I just read manga and watch anime.
I sleep most of the time and my main big order recently was buying japanese mochi and sweets.

You have to have an unhealthy life mixed with an unhealthy disdain for normies!
I have plently of disdain for normies!
hi-riajuu pretending to be riajuu in public
Search [iqdb] (171 KB, 1280x1010, 1490044950528.jpg)
I agree with the parts of your post where you called Kirara a normie.
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 1061x511, Screenshot_20170324-172715.jpg)
I was just posting yesterday about how much I hate normies
Especially normies like this
They disgust me to my core
I wish they'd seriously explode
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (213 KB, 531x707, d261976a5ce1af2b73089a3d1d036800.jpg)
Half-full tank
Breakfast is eaten
My honey is at work <3 <3
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 733x1024, 1489681202173.jpg)
Normies need to explode!
Friends? they are just a social construct! no one needs them!

Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (499 KB, 834x1417, 5c0b0f0f8601e21a7a163f7b124d8861.jpg)
At least Kirara loves me too much to want me to explode
Although I think Kirara had like anime things on his desk I think, I remember something like that
or not
no idea
so many hash tags
also emoticons always bother me so much.
Search [iqdb] (142 KB, 1391x255, Screenshot_20170228-130343.jpg)
I really hate this shit
Search [iqdb] (4.0 MB, 4032x3024, 20170217_070546.jpg)
Search [iqdb] (2.8 MB, 4608x2592, 20161208_094722.jpg)
>God's Samurai
>Spess survival manual
Nice gunpla
I can't do those, they are time consuming
OH you have zoi-ko
nice desu ne
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 3264x1836, 20151123_163323.jpg)
Search [iqdb] (170 KB, 710x720, 1490078844589.jpg)
He passed his plumbing exam though. Aren't you excited?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I still don't know who this ribbon armpit girl is because you never answered me
It's from urara or something
ton rarely watches anime
Search [iqdb] (571 KB, 1120x1080, 1451587443254.png)
You aren't watching all the anime every season yet?
Wow you need help.
Search [iqdb] (43 KB, 317x492, 1489310239980.jpg)
I assumed you were being ironic.
Were you actually being retarded?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I never watch anime
Wow rude
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (492 KB, 689x974, ac25d14d6d905e0764ea901e9a9bd71d.jpg)
When I watch anime it's usually only when I make really bad decisions.

Like watching Zestiria every week

Or watching 75 episodes of Yugioh Zexal and then stopping.
Search [iqdb] (375 KB, 541x624, 1483216925199.png)
Your shit taste in anime needs to improve and then anime will naturally be a daily experience
Search [iqdb] (3.4 MB, 4608x2592, 20160720_175110.jpg)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (205 KB, 869x1181, c23b7506fbfcc08a67e97be00e566b5a.jpg)
Though there was that time I watched season 1 konosuba and that took several months
NI //
Nyan Nyan Nyan Ni hao Nyan
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (204 KB, 2322x2508, f076898ab87ee6204564f888700584bc.jpg)
I have way too big a video game backlog to watch all that anime!
As you can see, I am no normie !
I was wondering where ooyodo was
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 1053x744, 473d00a6ff6accf23ec0d692ca71fdd3.jpg)
Are you telling me to post my figs
nobody wants to see your squishy boobs sonico
Search [iqdb] (144 KB, 900x690, 1352283894306.jpg)
I guess I'll let you not explode for now.

Which two do you have preordered?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm not at the NEET's house I don't have access to his pair of half-scale sonicos
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 635x720, [HorribleSubs] Masamune-kun no(…).jpg)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 2587x2406, 5684eaad3c39f985ba16557c7ac2aed3.jpg)
>Having half-scale sonicos
>Having a display case of figures
>Having doujinshi out on display
>having a double sided bookcase full of anime and games
>No source of income

I shouldn't think about the NEET
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 599x702, gil no christmas.jpg)
Kirara also plays loads of mobages!
and not forget is super aidoru.

Search [iqdb] (317 KB, 861x889, 4459092.jpg)
And play weeb games
Bought a ps4 for weeb games!

Korbo and Saori.
Search [iqdb] (166 KB, 900x1200, TEITOKU.jpg)
The bread is big
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (5.0 MB, 2976x4175, 0a19ceaba77c258f467128385d6ef007.jpg)
I bought a ps4 for bloodborne
IT's still the best reason for it.

I got to finish Blazblue too so that's a plus
Search [iqdb] (589 KB, 960x3218, 1451341886442.jpg)
I brought a ps3 for the Atelier series.
and then brought the atelier series from Japan.
Search [iqdb] (194 KB, 600x600, 1480765403389.png)
Oh, you preordered Saori, huh?
Search [iqdb] (158 KB, 549x900, 21010777_p0.jpg)
That's right.
I might preorder Darkness when she gets a nendo.
Thinking about grabbing Megumin.
Search [iqdb] (951 KB, 500x281, 1434610329326.gif)
You're playing dirty!
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 420x580, 1356690737963.jpg)
I don't have any // earn enough anymore to buy figurines and things like that anymore
Search [iqdb] (823 KB, 715x1000, 60612962_p0.png)
But Saori is my favorite GuP.
It's not my fault you like her, too!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 880x1220, 2c09e5d2275a548c16328aa975ea9718.jpg)
It's a shame I want figures when nendos are all the rage and thus I will never get good figures of characters I want
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 1500x1500, 1467727100725.jpg)
Mako is the best GuP
Yukari falls close behind though
Fluffy and sleepy are so cute
Search [iqdb] (305 KB, 550x877, 1416631669934.png)
Saori's nendo is so cute.

My favorite is Saori. After her is Anzu.
Search [iqdb] (262 KB, 595x799, 50593711_p10.png)
Yeah! It's such a shame that only one of us will have it.
Search [iqdb] (753 KB, 1183x1200, 1490167836314.jpg)
Haha holy shit
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg)
I can't imagine the suffering you must be feeling, knowing that by the time the bet is over, all the Saoris will be gone!
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 488x680, [HorribleSubs] Idol Jihen - 10(…).jpg)
It's not against the rules for me to steal yours.
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 605x700, 1477502345828.jpg)
That's against the law, though.
And you aren't capable of stealing mine!

I'm generous, though, so I'll let you end the bet and not buy me a nendo if you admit I was right.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's not a crime if nobody finds out
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 515x646, [HorribleSubs] Idol Jihen - 09(…).jpg)
I have a contact in your very home!
Search [iqdb] (13 KB, 298x307, 1466555575355.png)
She won't do anything to make me sad on purpose!
Search [iqdb] (971 KB, 1280x720, 1459663761225.png)
What is the bet about?
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 507x533, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg)
This is a pretty tempting offer though.
I'll have to take it under consideration.

I bet him that I could go without buying nendos for a year.
With certain exceptions.
Search [iqdb] (261 KB, 870x1060, 1363953797995.jpg)
That is a pretty bad bet to make.
Buy nendos you want.

although you can wait for them to hit the bargin bin and get them much cheaper
Sometimes you can get them much much cheaper on Mandarake
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 600x800, 39994256_p0.jpg)
If /// The loser has to buy a nendo for the winnter.

Go ahead!
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg)
I'm taking it under consideration.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 450x641, 43880675_p4.jpg)
Hey Kannagi, check this out
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 1280x720, 1471354699970.png)
Haha, ah.
wow, is that real?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (401 KB, 583x906, 50435247_p6.png)
Yeah, it was posted by a trustworthy source
It makes me laugh every time
She's not an elephant
ah I wish I could see it and hear it
Reminder about "second yugoslavian war will start if eu bresks up"
Search [iqdb] (189 KB, 1280x720, 1488321094111.jpg)
After careful consideration, I have decided to reluctantly admit that you were right.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (902 KB, 667x1000, 42965233_p5.png)
Haha, that was fast.
I hope you enjoy your cute Saori!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara is ultra satifised
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 654x720, 1489907413042.jpg)
I considered considering it until December and then welshing out at the very end.
It's not often that I lose so enjoy it while it lasts!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (304 KB, 650x849, C7f451MXkAAiVBB.png)
Don't worry, I'll make sure to savor this.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
check this one out, kannagi
That pictures keep changing shades of purple to my eyes
Search [iqdb] (933 KB, 500x281, pukey.gif)
Dubs are horrible.
I try to keep my Japanese games in original audio!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
why is percival so beautiful
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (338 KB, 600x847, C6kxfVQVsAIeCZj.png)
Search [iqdb] (20 KB, 236x250, 1336009371206.jpg)
Americans have a weird inability to pronounce Japanese names in dubs.
either the names have the stress in the worst place or they get changed to "easier" japanese names or just english names
oh no
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's the director's fault; some dubs actually get those names right, I swear
>dual audio
problem solved
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (192 KB, 600x847, C7YNATTUwAAagCt.png)
It got delayed for two months which they said that wasso they could give it dual audio.
Search [iqdb] (278 KB, 450x511, 1460901216987.png)
Dual Audio is great.
Games that refuse to do Japanese audio need to get kicked in the dick
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I've heard that can be at the fault of japanese voice acting copyright laws when some things want dual-audio but don't get them
Search [iqdb] (15 KB, 300x400, Chihaya in prison.png)
It is usually to prevent reverse importation.
Sometimes the translations companies need to buy a license for the Japanese audio but it still sucks.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (1008 KB, 980x1150, 42546053_p0.png)
It can't be helped.
I can't wait for P5, though!
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 168x225, 1386343019788.gif)
It is kinda interesting that Dark Souls was in English.
For the Japanese I guess it added to the feel of the game.

I want to play it. I was going to buy it from Japan but I haven't really been able to slurge money for a white now.

Damn how did she fuck up sakamoto
I am even trying to fuck up saying it myself and it is really hard to say it like she is.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 500x698, 43880675_p0.jpg)
Nioh had amazing voice acting.
English-speaking characters spoke English and Japanese-speaking characters spoke Japanese.
They had real English and Japanese speakers do their own parts.
So when you're in London, everyone speaks English, but in Japan, everyone speaks Japanese.
Except for the two Londoners in Japan.
Hattori Hanzo knows a little broken English.
That sound really neat! I kind of want to play it!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
nioh is probably the best game i've ever played
you should definitely play it if you can
I want to go back to it but I want to play automata more
I just beat umi bozu so I'm not very far
It is on the PC right?
or is it console only?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
nioh is console only
shit dude
it took jan like 200 hours to get everything in nioh done haha
i've only put like 130 hours into it
I'm not sure how much time I put into it
maybe 10 hours or so
I've put a bunch into nier and most of it has been running around doing sidequests and grinding for upgrade materials
I'm maybe halfway through the 9S bit and I'm way overpowered because I threw on a bunch of drop rate up chips along with that auto pick up item chip
I have so much stuff now
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (317 KB, 506x488, 48815239_p11.png)
i want to marry 9S, no homo
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I want to do the sidequests but I want to do the main stuff too.
he hacked into your haato
so far I'd say just do the sidequests until enemies are a bit higher level than you then switch to the main
you'll lock some of them eventually but subsequent playthroughs it seems to keep your sidequest progress
yeah some of them were way higher level than me when I did them
I remember one they were around level 40 and I was only at 22 or so
Search [iqdb] (171 KB, 1280x1010, 1490044950528.jpg)
Oh yeah Persona 5 looks like it's going to be good.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
enemies are twice my level in one of these sidequests haha
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 600x600, CHzfVZIVAAAXknO.jpg)
Are you getting it?

Also, you're up so late!
It's 11:00!

yeah he did
i beat nier a tomato
so much despair
so much perfect nines
Search [iqdb] (500 KB, 1080x1080, 1482641408800.jpg)
What time is it over there?
Oh its 11
I guess I should read posts
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jean-paul and wise machine are my niggas
Search [iqdb] (274 KB, 514x617, 1489639334803.png)
Last night I shut my eye for a minute and it was suddenly 6 AM.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (752 KB, 700x911, 51871793_p16.png)
So now you're going to stay up late to reset your sleep schedule?

Lots of friendly machines
But they're only MACHINES
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 986x720, noukome97.jpg)
I plan on taking a short nap soonish so I won't lose energy tonight.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (42 KB, 580x403, C0so_UiVQAAtygo.jpg)
Good idea.
I have to start working pretty soon.
Search [iqdb] (949 KB, 1200x1000, 1484618406239.png)
Yeah, I did a bit of work earlier.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (961 KB, 867x1227, 50709102_p0.jpg)
Wow, working on the weekend.

I have to write 10-15 pages this weekend.
And then another 10-15 next weekend.
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 578x501, 1490411819002.jpg)
Some reports were sent to my real person email instead of my work email and I noticed them earlier.
So I took a little time to read them.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 600x635, 54531251_p3.jpg)
Someone I follow on Twitter who usually talks about video games in a normal 4chany way suddenly started posting about how a video game literally gave them an orgasm and now they've been spamming tweets about it for like five hours now, apparently.
It's so weird.
That sucks.
Search [iqdb] (14 KB, 266x214, question17.png)
There's a game that gives you orgasms?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (6.2 MB, 1771x2669, 56355003_p0.jpg)
Yeah, wanna try it?

I dunno, it was just some 2d platformer.
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 788x772, 1488860556024.jpg)
Oh, I definitely won't get an orgasm from a 2d platformer.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (428 KB, 600x600, 52867535_p1.png)
Me neither.

But this person keeps posting about how amazing it was and how horny they are now.
It's really bizarre. This person has never posted like that before.
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 275x417, 1451570794109.png)
I came back moe to a weird moment
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (357 KB, 650x918, C7iXkuSUwAEWPFx.png)
Every moment is weird here.
Search [iqdb] (261 KB, 870x1060, 1363953797995.jpg)
Well this >>69538 out of context was pretty weird
I was pretty confused. Especially it coming from Rika
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Search [iqdb] (376 KB, 720x1700, 1408016236280.jpg)
I am pretty sleepy. I guess waking up at 3am is a little too early
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (295 KB, 480x600, 59109805_p0.png)
i have to run to the gas station
left the milk out all night
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you left your milk out
Search [iqdb] (526 KB, 1250x1000, 60934039_p3.png)
These things happen from time to time.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 600x797, 4c2bc7c8866cc2f6f63b96361f7db1c4.jpg)
keep your milk refrigerated
it's the law
I don't think that's true
Gone off milk smells terrible
Search [iqdb] (3.7 MB, 4032x3024, 20170325_114237.jpg)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah that exists
Search [iqdb] (3.6 MB, 3024x4032, 20170325_114622.jpg)
>when the big powerades are on sale for $0.69
What do americans call the part below the dollar? cents?
is that 69 cents?

Ah okay!
Yeah, cents
I didn't know it had it's own symbol
In the UK we just have £ and p for pence
I need a quick nap.
See you in a bit moe!
Search [iqdb] (1 KB, 197x28, chrome_2017-03-25_17-07-33.png)
I'm a big shot
I got like 3 new followers from this one tweet
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (239 KB, 709x749, 55874990_p13.jpg)
It's a weird world out there.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 579x819, CySBP9cVQAAFnLc.jpg)
i might start writing medium posts
i've been really feeling the need to rant about censorship lately
What if I don't let you?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (320 KB, 760x760, 50435247_p4.png)
i'll complain about censorship!
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1157x1637, 4f594b702d3604299d9f04269e4d4d(…).jpg)
There being complaint about censorship is in a way proof that whatever censorship there is, isn't really that bad
or at least not thorough
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (42 KB, 580x403, C0so_UiVQAAtygo.jpg)
it can be bad even if it's not like big brother-tier haha
Search [iqdb] (398 KB, 1548x2244, c7d01529e327eca7a63396115293f3(…).jpg)
But anyway yes, rant
It's fun to rant and read rants

Are you talking about here, twitter, or some place actually called medium?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (6.2 MB, 1771x2669, 56355003_p0.jpg)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (428 KB, 600x600, 52867535_p1.png)
It's the biggest social journalism platform right now.
Like Twitter, but with content.
The titles are very uninformative on this thing's frontpage
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1000x1300, 54355650_p0.png)
It's social journalism, so the titles are kind of the product of society's trends. Right now, everyone knows that clickbait gets clicks!
Or more accurately, right now clickbait gets clicks and ends up at the front page
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1024x1024, 44480538_p0.png)
People read tweetstorms more than Medium posts quite often but have fun.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (301 KB, 413x800, 43353464_p3.png)
Yeah, but if you don't have exposure on Twitter, a tweetstorm doesn't mean your voice will be heard.
Doing a medium post and linking it on twitter increases the possible exposure, right?
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 800x875, C7Qjkm-U8AA-Hsy.jpg)
Have fun getting medium exposure.
And I don't think so. Unlike what Yuu and TN expect of people who actually use twitter, most people end up reading tweetstorms than medium posts. I mean, they've been doing it and they can see the metrics and the numbers and what gets passed around.
People are much more inclined to go tweet by tweet than to click on an article.
Yeah, but will you even read the article is a question on its own.
For the twitter userbase, the answer is reflected in what people are already doing.
i.e. still making tweetstorms and occasionally compiling it all into a Medium post.
Or doing both. Usually a Medium post is made after a relevant thread of tweets is already made.
The people who use twitter aren't dumb and already understand how the base consumes information.
I'll read an article over even 3 tweets any day
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (169 KB, 600x1274, 48885540_p0.jpg)
I guess that's a good point. I read a lot of tweetstorms.

I could do both.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (546 KB, 1200x779, 1ed00e333b17c5e962b741acdb703169.jpg)
>that actually killed me
>I just finished a quest
>I still have torchlight 2 installed
Search [iqdb] (815 KB, 1003x1416, レギュラ~ - ヤイアちゃん(54803574).jpg)
>my claim to fame in the infosec community is a crude joke
Swift why
>Muslim woman who was vilified for 'walking past Westminster bridge horror' reveals she HAD helped the victims and was phoning her family to let them know she was safe

Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Hey look
I called it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (370 KB, 789x1156, 49549844_p0.jpg)
yeah haha
poor girl
but the edits were kind of funny
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 800x1066, 99f794d64cfe9ea2214d521a540b3a(…).jpg)
Looks like SK was right again
>She was covering her face because the other side of the bridge had people under buses
So many hijaabs
i could bake an egg on this heatbattery in this trsin
Train even
This is hate speech, right?
I mean I know nazis aren't covered in hate speech regulation, but if it was any other demographic defined by what they think
I think it qualifies in finnish law atleast as "illegal threat"
It's directly inciting violence towards anyone with a specific set of beliefs
Replace nazi with anything and it is hatespeech
Man i wish it was legal to kick people who stand on the left side, the "people who are in a rush and want to run the stairs up or down", of escalators
>how to know if a finnish metro is older than 2004?
>plastic glass protecting from axmurderers [x]
Search [iqdb] (368 KB, 4092x2893, c3200235f40f211ae670c8e144de9a(…).jpg)
I already have more than a hundred more untagged images than before
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1161x985, IMG_1091.PNG)
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 1012x1012, ee1e707b4de5845817e72599f1f047(…).jpg)
People complain about Trump going golfing, but really isn't it better he golfs than does government work?
Penguin empire!
Too true
I wish I had a graph like this for my entire life
It spends money.
He can just stay home.
Search [iqdb] (2.9 MB, 400x225, 1477524002214.gif)
I know that feeling
my newest headset fix is more durable than the last
Keeps it rigid, too
Search [iqdb] (877 KB, 3507x3507, af9b59e4f908b30d00a7033081630c(…).jpg)
search everything is so goddamn helpful
best software download ever
First boot install tier tool
Search [iqdb] (157 KB, 635x1000, 1334427908629.jpg)
walkign stairs is pain
>istanbulers take care of their street cats, letting them come and sleep or eat inside restaurants, bars, and even mosques
I kinda wanna see this
city of cats
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
microsoft what are you doing
Antifa soon
It doesn't seem like it's much of a problem
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 575x1024, C7yBp28XwAAuCBJ.jpg)
>search: passwords
>search: classified
>get a ton of documents sho-
Wow ok
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 575x1024, C7yF48QXgAEeM56.jpg)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh no
>that's just Excel docs. There were 4000+ others
>That one has passwords for all sorts of IoT and other things. Some of them numeric, 2-digit.
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Oh, so microsoft fixed it?
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>I need to transfer this Excel doc to this other computer. Oh, let me use to upload it because sending email is a hassle.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>watch this thing you can barely see and there's no context also the camera moves away from it
I'm not really sure I can find a context where that's OK
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you can't even see him hitting anyone
all you see is the officer swinging a bike

it's completely possible that the cop swung the bike to get people to move away
You can infer that he didn't miss
the one guy who was already moving away?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the one guy who could also have just done something but we don't know because there's no context
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
kind of like how you thought it was wrong to shit on that muslim lady because we didn't know the full story like whether or not she had already tried to help anyone
this is the same as that, we don't know what is happening there
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No the thing here is I don't see a possible situation leading up to frame 1 where swinging the bike was reasonable
The guy is already jotting away as the swing starts
And he's the only guy close by
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>someone runs past you and hits you
>you swing your bike at them in retaliation as they move by
Not exactly the kind of response I expect from a cop on that
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Kinda like the freedom sprayer
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what's that?

you don't expect a cop to try and force someone to disengage with him?
spray for freedom
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
google's not helping me with that
>The thick, absorbent Freedom® Spray Mop microfiber pad deep cleans, as it lifts and locks dirt away. Machine washable pad. Choose your own solution.
Not by swinging a bike, at least
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if you got a bike in your hands, that's the best thing you got
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well it is like 3 4 years old now?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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>Finish another father servo quest
>Look back up
>He's giant now
Oh goodness what have you done
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I don't remember this at all
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There's like... a frame where it looks like it connects but you can't see it easily because the video is obscured in that corner by the video's timeline.
Like it hits the dude's bag, I guess. There wasn't enough properly applied force to make the person he hit actually get affected. He's holding the bike awkwardly and the thing moves so it's not so simple to do unless you actually THROW the bike at someone.
big boom about him just walking liek that while spraying protestors sitting in a square

and everyone went "VIOLENT COPS"
well turns out the protestors had trapped a patrol of cops inside that square and weren't complying on letting them go
so they turned to pepper spraya fter like an hour or so
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I'm having trouble seeing that. I'm not denying that he hit the guy and I think he probably did.
I'm just saying I can't make a judgment off of that video because there's no context.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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It seems like a lot of people were fooled by that viral fake news about the 14 black girls going missing in DC.

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If this is a legit shot of the netflix note L giving a public speech...
That looks like it's just an antifa thing
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I bet netflix note has some "WHITEWASHING" shouts at it, but I doubt no one is pissed that the
actually what nationality is L?
L is British, I think?
>When asked about L's ethnicity, creator of the series Tsugumi Ohba responded, "I think of him as a quarter Japanese, a quarter English, a quarter Russian, a quarter French or Italian, like that."
pissed that the only "white" character of the series is now played by a black guy
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I really don't mind
All the non-whites are played by whites, so it evens out
Besides, L's butler is likely gonna be white still
Watari was brittish that is where the L is english comes from
If they have watari
if L acts out in public, where does he need watari?
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I understand none of that sentence
arent they turning it into some live-action movie
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If they have watari at all in netbook
Since L >>69654 implied here
acts out in public, why would he need a liason like watari?
Everything says movie
but maybe (s)
Yeah, that's what we're talking about
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I thought it was a series.
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He'd still want a butler, dude
It's just a good way to get snacks and stuff
Hey speaking of things that said movie for a long time but then got a series

Still hype
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Light looks dumb
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That is my biggest issue with it
He looks like a fucking stoner
lol you don't even know
People are super pissed that L is black and that there is an Americanized ver of Death Note in the first place.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they should have just done a self-contained story in the world of death note
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L's race doesn't even matter at all

I can understand being mad it was americanized though
That's tampering with the story

BUT, it also means we might get a story that isn't the exact same, so we can enjoy it for the first time again
A completely new guy with note vs completely new detective
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In Japanese context, probably not.
In Americanized context, it does.
American Death Note means you're going to have a white dude killing lots of people in prisons to carry out his own justice.
And who populates prisons?
And what happens to L?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
or even make it a sequel, someone new finds a note like 10-20 years after original, takes place in america
i think near survived? use him or something
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Or make it all international
NEar and his successor to be hunt down the death note user who is as bad as the previous Kira
but with EVIL PLANS like world domination
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
adding in the advent of social media would make the new kira way stronger too
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First of all I was talking about L
Second of all, "mattering to racists" doesn't mean it matters.
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and how many public cameras there are and how easily they can be hijacked if you know what youa re doing

And just that, make Kira L like figure, just
K in youtube videos and all dat shit
We know and follow near L and his group trying to get to superhacker Kira
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh shit super hacker kira
kira is actually FOUR-CHAN
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
"Like how black"
- Blind
After eight on the chocolate scale of black
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>he takes suggestions from internet forums

Man we just made a perfect death note script base
let's mail it to Netflix
imagining a black guy sitting like L is kinda funny
It'll be fucking hilarious
>black guy and a stoner handcuffed together
It's just like my American comedies!
I am also talking about L.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah this sounds like a pretty interesting story to me
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I'd watch it
even if kira turned otu to be mooslim jihadist
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
and L is someone else?
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>Kira begins his tests by having Trump fire the missiles at NK, then blowing his own brains out on national television

The ratings will go through the roof so far it'll make your head spin
not sutherland
whatever the black guys name was
keith something
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
anime right and alt-right will destroy that shit
Can't do that
you can't force anyone to kill someone
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He's just launching the nooks
No it is still killing
that was thep roblem with the first death note movie
he had that female detective kill a girl with some shenanigans
it breaks the rules.
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Light made like autism level tests with the note, so he most likely tried all sorts of killing attempts
I need confirmation of this rule!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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what if hacker nu-light is member of greenpeace
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Dude it's fine the rest of the show will be divorced from Trump completely, but there will be that initial action to SPIKE the viewership and get everyone to watch the episode to see what this is all about
It's the shocker episode
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's a netflix show the viewership doesn't really matter that much
it's all released at once
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Oh, and I'm not sure you understood this but BLACK PEOPLE are angry that L is black.
More customers is always good
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
liberals all already have netflix anyway
Black people can be racist too, though
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Completely pushing that aside, it's not the point. The story itself, if it follows DN and doesn't completely derail into originality, is going to be this.
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I know it ends with L getting iced by a white dude, but really?
L is THE hero in the show, come on
"Whether the cause of the individual's death is either a suicide or accident, if the death leads to the death of more than the intended, the person will simply die of a heart attack. This is to ensure that other lives are not influenced. "
How thorough is this though, I wonder
If you have Kim Jong Il die of a heart attack, it will 100% lead to more deaths
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Writing a name can only affect that person's life span
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Yeah, I don't think they want to watch black guys in hoodies get blasted by white dudes on supernatural power trips where they kill more black people in montages.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU


if you say "person x will drop a piano into restaurant x full of people", person x will die of a heart attack instead
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Well if the humans ACT out because of that daeth, it is within their free will
but you can't write
"kimmie dies of heart attack 29th of march at noon, and before that he orders an a missile strike on Seoul"
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im sure they wouldnt make all the people who die from heart attacks black only
probably more whites will be killedo n screen
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Yeah but
There's a lot of situations on the border of this

If Guy A dies of a suicide, his wife might kill herself.
Does that count?
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Free will to act
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That's not going to make anyone feel better.
also he'd still die
of heart attack
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Can you link two deaths together to circumvent it?

Guy A is killed by Guy B at 10:30
Guy B kills Guy A at 10:30 then blows his own brains out
I mean, if it did
why didn't light dfo that...
"a guy drives a car at street and runs over this detective"
sure he'd do that
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How far into the future does it calculate, is also an issue
Can you use it to predict the future?
I think a month or so was max scheduling
No, no
If the action won't lead to deaths for another 20 years, does it still count?
the author probably really wanted to stop after L died
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I think it should've
but light needed to die, but...
who could bring him down at that point

in that way, the live adaption movie was nice, since it had light win with a good gambit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
like what, he causes damage to a bridge which will go unnoticed until the bridge collapses in 20 years?
Something like digging down a barrel of radioactive waste in the middle of a city should do the trick
Nobody knows about it
Human choices aren't necessarily necessary
But it'll take a really really long time
And it's a bit indirect
But it's 100% the cause
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Remember still
once your name is written on the note -> dead
the point is, that you can'ät manipulate someone into doing something that will affect the lifespan of others
but if you say "heart attack A now" and he is driving a car
welp yeah traffic accident and otherp eople will die too
but youc an't do
"heat attack A while driving a car at noon "
Can you manipulate them into killing others as long as you don't directly tell them
"while in the middle of a crowded mall, Guy A begins hallucinating that everyone else is a zombie, then dies of a heart attack later"
You haven't told them to kill anyone, that's gonna be a result of their own free will
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He wouldn't kill anyone just run out and die of heart attack then
or die before going tot he mall
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The bus scene where Light gets the FBI agents name is pretty much maximum pushing it
since he even has the criminals hoot a gun
But no one else dies
or is even harmed.
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Can he make someone take a hostage and then order someone ELSE again to murder?
But at that point it's the free will of the person he's ordering
Guy A takes Guy B's daughter hostage, tells Guy B to kill Guy C
To be fair the death gods literally never used the note any more thoroughly than writing one name every now and then, and even that was kinda looked down on
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once again
if that WORKED
it would've been used
Light went full autism and experimented the note
he actually knew MORE about death note and how it worked, than the death gods themselves.
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> Guy B to kill Guy C
well yeah he can
that is a good question
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Yes but Guy B still has free will
He can just not do it
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Just like people don't need to start a fucking anarchic power struggle if Kim Jong Un bites the dust
but they will
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I think it might work, but once again it is just "tells B to kill"
if B doesn't do it, then A can do nothing about it
But B doesn't know that, right?
Cause he's just a guy whose daughter was kidnapped, so unless the death note forces his free will one direction, he will kill Guy C
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I still think it wouldn't work as the command pattern would lead to someone's lifespan being affected
I think it might work with like
>guy A takes B's daughter hostage and tells B to walk into X place with suitcase
and A doesn't know what suitcase contains, and it is a BOMB
and you detonate it
but even then I think A would die of heart attack
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Yeah, but in the suitcase scenario, you have entered yourself into the situation, sso it's no longer a death note environment

You can definitely use people to do stuff for you that YOU then act on, Light did that all the time
But what I'm wondering is if you can cause death without involving your own person in the sequence
Remember, that the death note only takes the lifespan and adds it to a shinigami, if killed with note
so kinda anyone else dying because of "amusement" would just be waste of lifespan
but if you wrote "guys D through Z walk into mall and die of explosion"
then it could happen
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I think the "can't affect nonwritten lifespans" is quite absolute.
Not only does it follow the "minimal interference rule", but also prevents wasting of lifespan.
Since you know, shinigami die if they SAVE someone's life
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But then you have to question some other things
Can the deathnote affect people in roles of much power beyond just the heart attack or EXTREMELY basic things?

In fact, you can look at it this way
The killing of that fake L is what lead to both L's and Light's death in the end
There was human choice involved between, but so it is with the kidnapping scenario
Dnno really
maybe just reread the series and seee if it is approached
what was written in the note aws "guy dies"
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Oh yeah that's true

Hm, maybe it actually does factor in human choices as well
Yeah, I know, it just slipped my mind
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The death can result in more deaths, but what is written in a note can directly result in just ONE death
like say you heart attack a general, sure his army will suffer
but you can't write anything but "he will die"
the point is that the direct interference of shinigami always result in just one death per name written directly
if humans lash out and do shit, welp
Yeah get shinigami eyes and you can see who are going to die
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OH, oh but my dude
That can be used to predict the future!
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NONO listen
You don't need that

You have an army right?
You need to make a choice, you want a plan with 0 losses on either side
You tell your general to listen to WHICHEVER OF THESE 10 DUDES tells him their plan first
Each one gives a different plan
If one is able to say their plan, it will result in zero casualties and the action is a go
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"if theactions are impossible to do, the person will die of heart attack"
In the occasion where the cause of death is possible but the situation is not, only the cause of death will take effect for that victim. If both the cause and the situation are impossible, that victim will die of heart attack.
The situation of telling a general a strategy is entirely possible
It is doable, if you have a few strategies and you think one of them will result in no death, you can TEST THE FUTURE
what are you even going about
like writing 10 names and have them "tell general the master plan"
But they all have different plans of course

If any of them make it, the plan is death proof
Point is
yeah if they can say it
but most likely, it will be beyond their capabilities and they will just heart attack
and you lost good officers
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So you can predict the future!

They don't need to be officers
They can be privates
they don't say anything
they just die
if they can't come up with a plan with their own knowledge and capacities
they heart attack
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You can make people write with the death note
You can make them write a strategy of your own design, but all ten a different one
But if you also have the general enact the first one he gets, then ONLY the one which results in no death will make it, if any of them do
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In that case they relate the plan and then die
you aren't making anysense
And then dies

He will only be able to do this if the plan leads to no death, correct?
Now, if any of those plans make it, \\
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if the task or deed or even the cause fo death is impossible
heart attack
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Drawing a picture is easily done
but if you don't know say what a flabberjack is
you can't draw a picture of flabberjack
so heart attack no picture
i think i finally found it
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Oh my god hold on

You are deliberately not seeing this, I think

OK, you have a situation, fake but this is for demonstrations

Our guy, General has to make a decision.
He can order his one soldier to move into the enemy base, or he can order him to run the other way around

You take two random faggots off of the street, and you death note them to do this:
Guy 1 writes "retreat" on a piece of paper
Guy 2 writes "push" on a piece of paper
They then both hand their paper to the General, and then they both die
The general has standing orders to enact whichever plan he is handed first of the two

Guy 2 will obviously not be able to give him the paper first, because then the general will order one soldier to run into the enemy base, and death is a consequence
Guy 1 will maybe be able to hand him the paper, and if he does, that soldier WILL survive 100% confirmed future sight.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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My nap lasted quite awhile longer than I expected.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I guess all that sleep debt your weird schedule has given you is finally catching up with you.
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i really zonked out too and just woke up
when i started on this journey, i wasnt really sure what i was looking for. i didn't even know if there was a destination. but i woke up this morning and it hit me, it finally dawned on me
this is what ive been searching for all this time
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Well, I usually sleep heavily on Saturdays anyway. Just slept extra heavily on this one.
Considering that last week was the busiest week I've had in awhile I guess it's fine.

I probably got like nine hours today!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
are you sure this is what you've been searching for?
I just woke up from my nap and am still tired.
I left my computer on after all this time.
I am gonna just shutdown my PC and go back to sleep.

I find it mildly amusing you are all talking about naps!

Saraba moe!
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wow, our cycles are all synced up!
Unless the dude somehow takes the whole enemy base and everyone on it prisoner with a lognbow and a claymore
and then marches them all back while playing a bagpipe
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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It's good to spoil yourself sometimes.

Wow, you girls!

have a nice second nap
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If he takes the whole base then I mean that's fine too

The point is, you can see the future with incredibly high accuracy
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But something like that could work yeah
but something like
>make 10 dudes draw out the bestp lans they can think of
>hand them all to
you said in the >>69756
You just fucking assumed that
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Before I napped I watched a video about how to pee while wearing a victorian skirt cage.
It was actually easier than it looks.
>Each one gives a different plan
I never said they had to come up with it on their own
Why would you even assume that when we KNOW LIGHT MADE PEOPLE WRITE THINGS OF HIS CHOOSING?
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the final point is
even if the general is given plans
and he has to make a decision that leads in 0 casualties
however, if his capability or personality or whatever, make him unable to do say "retreat" because pride
he won
t do it
You are a very strange person!
this image always gets me
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Will you be wearing a skirt cage soon or something?
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Well we can death note the general to follow that order, and it's fine
He WILL enact the first plan
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Haven't you ever wondered? You even live in the place they come from.

Nah, youtube just recommended it for some reason.
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he will "follow the first oder he is given"
and if that order is "all out assault"
he will do that
and that will lead to other deaths
and then he dies of heart attack without giving the order
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kobayashi-san C(…).jpg)
So how is it done?
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No but that's the point
Because those orders are given through death notes, he will only get an order if it is a 0 casualty plan
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Okay this could work, but you'd go like through
god knows how many people to just get a good plan out
the death note can't affect that kind of thing
The death note can't make the guys with the plan give him the paper if they lead to deaths, because the general already has death note locking him to do the order
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The cages are pretty flexible.
So with one hand you grab up the front and pull it up to your stomach. Then you sit on the toilet from first (backwards from how you normally sit) and use your free hand to wipe when you're done.
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with the guys who give the papers, it doesn't matter what happens after
the line you have written is
>do task that leads to no deaths and is possible and then die
and they will do thart
and then the general will do
>read note that is given first and enact it and then die
if the note leads to death, he will heart attack
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i could really go for some beans and toast breakfast
even though it's 4 pm
Oh, that's true
Yeah the general has to be free of death note for this to work, and we just have to bank on him just doing it on regular human authority order
Basically, you can do that, but you'll need a fuck ton of generals to go through, so that the luck factor kicks in and you get perfect 0 casualty action
it can work, but man you need people
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 351x717, [HorribleSubs] Kobayashi-san C(…).jpg)
Sitting backwards on the toilet sounds so weird.
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So anyway have you heard of this guy Marx?
He wrote this book I think we should make a government out of
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Oh man, I could just see Stalin leading a war with a death note...
I get it
lots of prisoners
who just have the authority to enact a plan
and then a lot fo generals who give out plans to them
if they can enact the plan, no one can die of it
not you soldiers, but not enemies either
but caputre is as good

so if the person can enact the plan
it is fullproof
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Oh though I think a snag is that this death note action may lead to trust in the system, meaning it could in a way be run without the death note by someone, and that would end in death
So maybe it has a way to see that happening further down the line as a result of its own tampering with time, and it nips it in the bud
This is why we need to know the time limits of how far into the future it goes before it lets the action affect lifespans
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There's probably other ways to do it too.
She made it look pretty easy though.
"If you write, die of disease for the cause of death, but only write a specific time of death without the actual name of disease, the human will die from an adequate disease. But the Death Note can only operate within 23 days (in the human calendar). This is called the 23 day rule. "
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Yes, but that's how far into the future you can kill someone
Not how far into the future the death note continues monitoring the consequences of their pre-death actions
It's the difference between setting a timer to kill someone in 50 years and setting it to blow right now
No it means
a name written in death note will result in death in 23 days
"If you write die of disease like before with a specific disease's name, but without a specific time, if it takes more than 24 days for the human to die the 23 day rule will not take effect and the human will die at an adequate time depending on the disease. "
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Please don't sit on a toilet backwards because sometimes I've seen doo-doo on the front-inside of the toilet like before it actually becomes a bowl and it's really gross.
oh disease works
damn the rule pages are so hard to find info on because of wording...
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1280x720, [GJM] Urara Meirochou - 04 [22(…).jpg)
Wow, you watched a video of her peeing with the skirt cage on?
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Can you just give them ebola or something?
in the middle of a mall like "HAS EBOLA RUNS HOME DIES OF HEART ATTACK"
i wish i was a mama duck
>dies of aids, but fucks a prostitute before it
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I just want a show of Light testing out the Death Note for like 2 years before doing anything big with it
And the show is just those two years
Autismal testing of limits
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Lelouch's geass testing was amusing too
what happened to that girl who was ordered to write X daily on a wall?
probably still writing x to this day
It is a shame she wasn't shown breaking and entering daily the school grounds to write the X there in S2
that would've been fucking amusing
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oh yeah the geass is a bit more powerful in its orders, isn't it?
People will really give it 100% to get that shit done
or die trying
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can someone get death note ordered to wave a gun around in a crowded place for a long time, and then die of heart attack later
BUT, a cop happens to shoot them before that time
Is this possible?
"If you have traded the eye power of a god of death, you will lose the eye power as well as the memory of the Death Note, once you lose its ownership. At the same time, the remaining half of your life will not be restored. "
this has always been the biggest fuck you humins rule
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A good question
But I think the note manipulates reality enough to mak

the cop shoots them, but they die of cardiac arrest
maybe due to being shot but still heart attack
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Nah, she just showed how to do it.
She didn't t ake her knickers off.
Oh wait, yeah it will work, cause the note can't extend life
So if the cops are particularly trigger happy, they'll cap the guy
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I think it would do
>gets shot, is in hospital untill day of death
"Those with the eye power of the god of death will have the eyesight of over 3.6 in the human measurement, regardless of their original eyesight. "
Yeah I guess it's to make sure even blind people can use it
"You cannot kill humans at the age of 124 or over with the Death Note. "
"If a Death Note owner accidentally misspells a name four times, that person will be free from being killed by the Death Note. However, if they intentionally misspell the name four times, the Death Note owner will die. "
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Also what always bothered me about the death note finale, was why didn't light just try to write the names while holding the watch behind his back
He could've done that, since he already did a lot of odd position writing and whatnot
"The use of the Death Note in the human world sometimes affects other humans' lives or shortens their original life span, even though their names are not actually written in the Death Note itself. In these cases, no matter the cause, the god of death sees only the original lifespan and not the shortened lifespan."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 1280x720, [GJM] Urara Meirochou - 07 [61(…).jpg)
huh there can be just 6 death notes in human world at one time
if a 7th one pops up, it won't work untill one of the previous 6 is taken back or destroyed
So it CAN affect their lifespan
well the point is indirect effect
whatever is written can't but if say "dude heart attacks at work"
will lead to their spouse offing themselves
that works
In occasions where the cause and situation of death is written before the victim's name, multiple names can be written as long as they are written within 40 seconds and the causes and situations of death are not impossible to occur.
so you could stage a mass accident, if you are a really fast writer
You could do a flashmob that ends by all of them deepthroating a shotgun
That'd be fucking COOL
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yeah if they can get the guns

hmm the lenght how long you can manipulate someone and stuff aren't in the rulebook
but I think it was that "rule of 23"
basically, you can book stuff to just 23 days and make them do just stuff for that 23 days
It's america
They can get the guns
My question though is
Will they attempt to get the guns if they have to break in somewhere?
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Is there a list for which characters have the best stat weights in FEH?
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So even if you do cancer and have them act out
the death note could make them do stuff for just 23 days, I think
and afterthat they'd just slowly die of cancer
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Man we overanalysed this thing
we should somehow learn to profit from this
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We could make youtube videos
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Soo much editing
and actually having to write out a script
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I could do the script without problems
There's also the problem of having enough shit to go deep into
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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If you go here and click on "total", you should be able to see it.
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Well it could be fun to try it out
and post when we want and are not lazy
is not like we'd kick off into any big money untill much later if it becomes poplar
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That's true
And we could focus on a few things, but more than one thing in each
DBZ would neeed to have Namek episode after we get some sort of recognition
Opening with that wouldn't be right
for dbz we would have a good amount of shit already
>namek's location
>planet vegeta
>how dbz is actually the future or shit
yeah some bigger things would have to be at
>okay some know this, and this will make us a lot bigger
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it's more like, if we're gonna even do that on the namek shit, I'd want to already be known enough that it'd get views
That one specifically
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Oh yeah, I have that.
I'm trying to determine if my Florina is good.

Well, I guess it's more an issue where
I know my Florina is good, she's +spd -res
but Florina in general might not be good.
I like the "is actually 100 million years in future" thing too
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The future thing is pretty solid, too
I've seen other people talk about that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Can you use the ratings on that site for that?
Florina is an 8.5 so she's decent.
We'd have to double check all the math of course
Also is mob psycho anime original or adaption?
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Yeah, that website has ratings for everyone.
It's next to "total" where it has x/10.
It rates them all out of 10 in terms of their stats and innate skills.
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Oh, I see now.
That's pretty useful.
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it is bit pushing it but...
what the fuck dude
overlord movie doesn't look like it has much new animation
didn't even go shaft and fully reanimated it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Usually anime movies that come before a second season are just summary movies.

Some characters that are particularly good also have write-ups of their strengths and weaknesses.
Yeah but we only just realized this was a second season
We knew it was a summary though
But come on, they could at least animate it again for the big screen
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I don't disagree, but it's not common to do that, unfortunately.
at least there's an S2 to look forward to
>it is just lizardmen
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I'll be really mad
lizardmen and that loserboy from kingdom
I think it will mix the men of empire, lizardmen and then that novel where village girl gets army
and ainz just does ainz things
I'd rather the goddamn penguin than climb
Oh yeah
I think the author forgot to explain the mechanics of that horn entirely
He was like "for reasons that couldn't be found in the game..." and then just fucking forgot
Kinda like Togashi did with kite
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>"You have lived your whole life for this moment!"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
with how easy it is to regen hp I can see why there's a difficulty that just kills you
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YEah he just went "it can do WAAAGH, when....(i'll write this someday)"
I wonder how ainz reacted to the horn?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
antifa attacks in california again
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Yeah it was so weird
Yeah that too
Ainz has been established as the kind of person who'd take a real interest in that kind of thing
It was like his whole jam when he played Yggdrasil, he's had an interest and priority of knowing game mechanics drilled into him since day 1 of Yggdrasil, and he obviously got really into it or he wouldn't be the leader of the most powerful guild in the game
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Imats are you sure the 12 kidnapped girls is fake news?
TYT hasn't made any sort of story on it yet, it's weird

This would be such an easy signaling from them that they're not complete ideologues, to mention this and then they can point at it and go "see, we cover fake news from the left too"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
there are currently 22 missing minors in DC
nine of them are from 2016
most cases are resolved within 48 hours
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I love this shit game
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
also this data is from the 22nd and i read that as on yesterday, the 24th, there are 18 open mission persons cases in DC regarding minors
nine of which are from 2016

by simple math, it's impossible for 14 black girls to have been kidnapped in one day
since DC reports that their rate of children being declared missing is the same as everywhere else in the country, it's not possible that there were 14 children kidnapped in a 24 hour period if there were 22 missing children on the 22nd
well he did immediately secure them under his rule, though but
I would've loved to see him go "WOOOOOAH RARE EFFECT"
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Oh wait no
that was before that
there ahsn't been any shown interraction post Big Spell between ainz, nazarick and the goblin human village
Holy fucking shit dude
¨too bad you can't actually kill someone like that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I mean
He's using a broken +0 weapon so they don't die
You could DEFINITELY kill someone with it
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yeah but can you do thatk ind of slappign with any actual weapon?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
That IS an actual weapon
It's just at the absolute weakest it can be
for maximum shitposting
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aLL oh caps
All I really care about is stats though, since skill problems can be fixed.
strongest build
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg)
It's kind of a pain if you want to replace the skills of a character you have that is 4*, though.
It's not too bad if you get them as a 3*, but starting as a 4* super limits the number of inherited skills they can learn unless you grind their SP a ton.
YEah but what I mean, is can you still do thatk ind of slapfest if it deals like 100 per hit?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Damage doesn't have anything to do with preventing or letting someone move more.
Poise doesn't exist in DaS3 outside of hyper armor which won't save you really
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Dude I don't care about mechanics
it was clear that the banana version could stunlock someone
so can it do it
seems imba weapon
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's because there was a new patch
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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So here's a question no one may know the answer to.
If you teach a 4 star unit a skill, and then upgrade that unit to 5 star, will it retain the learned skill?
A from software game
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg)
I can check for you.
it will
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah definitely does
time travelling in 2 hours 52 minutes
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That's neat.
I've put brave bow on Setsuna and she's being pretty effective for me.
i'm trying to make Sheena good because she has an overall high stat weight but her low atk is making life difficult at the moment.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg)
I'm trying to make my Sheena really good, too.
She's already normally really good. Leveling her is kind of hard, though. You really have to dedicate leveling for her or everyone else outlevels her due to their movements.

I'm putting Emerald Axe on my Sheena.
I also gave her Swap.
you could try death blow on her
you'd have to get rid of svalin shield or whatever it's called though, that might not be worth it
I put threaten def on effie but I haven't gotten to see if it was worth it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I've got threaten atk on Sheena
it's been useful so far
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>dual-wielding moveset
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Man i feel like drinking
I wish our booze stores were open till 21, so I could've picked up some on my way home
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My problem with her is that she's having trouble killing things.
or they were open on sundays
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg)
Due to her movement, or?
Her attack is pretty good but I guess she has pretty poor speed.
Maybe quick riposte would help.
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It's her attack.
Maybe she has just had unlucky level growth but she does 0 damage to a ton of stuff.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg)
What's her level and attack?

Mine's level 30, 4*, has 28 atk.
Which seems about the same as attack from others around her level.
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Level 25, 25 attack.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Isn't that, like, really normal attack stats for a level 25?
My only problem with Sheena is that her low speed and movement makes it harder for her to kill stuff, but I'm leveling her with Selena who has reposition and my Sheena has swap to help with movement.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Also Selena's threaten speed 3 helps with Sheena's speed.
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I'm ultimately going to give her either threaten speed or threaten def.
I need to teach her some other stuff though, I've given her brave axe that she hasn't learned to help boost her offense.
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Have you tried making up for her attack with a ninja or something?
It's pretty funny, since the two are complete opposites
yup but people in the series do perceive tanya as major like
and both are majors

The opposites go fairly deep too
She's blessed by god
He's into occult shit
and german
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I was bit disappointed that alucard survived hellsing, though
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That's a good idea.
Most of my problems are stemming from the fact that every map today seems to be completely full of green armor enemies, which she can't damage.
So I'm using setsuna, tharja, and azama with her.
I was trying to have Florina in Tharja's spot, but I need Tharja to deal with all the armor knights.
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Character creation
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
implying that's even the craziest face
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg)
I've been having that same problem today.
My team for Sheena has Selena, Maria, and fCorrin.
fCorrin has been taking care of armored enemies for me.

But I'm not having much luck leveling today.
I might switch Selena with Jaffar.
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How about now?
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Is this not why you are here?
thanks you made me start watching gladiator almost
but first youjo senki
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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ME:A looks so bad that it's almost unbelievable
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Is shame andromeda is shit or seems like
I was bit looking towards it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg)
Me too.
It has some really good ideas behind it, like colonizing newly discovered planets in a new galaxy and terraforming them.
That's such a cool idea! It sounds so fun!

But the theme of the game was changed to A GALAXY WITHOUT DIVERSITY IS THE GREATEST EVIL OF ALL.
Oh yeah I should replay the final mission and get the ending I actually wanted
hmm maybe buy the dlc I don't have for ME2 and replay whole ME3 even

man I still remember how mad I got after I got some "we all die, future generations prevail" ending because of a DIALOG OPTION THAT WAS "fuck you machinekid"
I was gonna say "fuck you machinekid" and then I presumed i could go and make the choice
like actually walk and go shoot the damn thing
or something
but nope
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"Ah let me just descend these stairs"
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just exploring and shit would've been enough for a game alone
and then just add some ancient aliens and locals and colonists being dick to eachother
and you have enough plot for that matter
maybe even hint at something similiar to reapersm, but dealt with
who knows
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i can't believe they kept in colonization even with the SJW team they threw together
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There being diversity at all is the greatest evil
If everyone agreed, we'd all be a lot happier at the very least, and there'd be no war or nothing
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Sounds miserable

Yeah. So much wasted potential.

Maybe the gameplay isn't that bad, but everything else is so bad that I can't bear the idea of trying.
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Sterling said it was about the same as ME1 and he has only played that prior
and waslike "this feels like last decade"
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ME1 felt really old when it came out honestly
I couldn't get past the first few missions cause I just didn't like the gunplay or the controls
Or something

I don't remember, all I know is I assumed the real meat of the game was the dating sim, so I uninstalled
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Yeah but it was fun
when you got the heating down to "cools as you fire" and just ran and killed everyone and everything
especially the arrogant I AM GOD IA HAEV BLUE MAGIC and you just go "okay" and shoot them
+ the car exploration was fun
but fuck me2 resource gathering...
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I think ME2 was the best one despite its issues
yeah me3 improved on somethings, but the controls were so WONKY
I can't count how many times I died because of jumping out of a cover or something because DO EVERYTHIGN BUTTONS
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
me3 probably would have been amazing if they didn't casualize the combat so much (aside from bad ending)
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>no heavy weapons
I missed my nuke
that was the most USELESS heavy weapon
>1 shot depletes all power
>practically everything but final boss dies of it
>any use is practically waste
I did shoot at the final boss with it and it died
so it felt good
but it was kinda "okay I could use it, but then if I really need it later..."
and i used itl ike
once to test it
and then on the last boss
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ME3 had pretty much best missions though
main and side
ME2 was fun, but the main story missions were kinda drag at times
the side questing and character missions were awesome
and the shadowbroker dlc was great
I should've bought the other dlc mission for it
ME3 dlc mission were way too awesome, though the clone fight was kinda annoying
He just didn't die
Though ME3 had that issue where your cutscene self never used YOUR guns...
and also you sucked in cutscenes
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My brother visited yesterday, he tried to tell me the new ME is good.
I feel bad for him.
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I don't understand how people can delude themselves like that.
Maybe it's cognitive dissonance.
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>the moment where french viewers punched their monitors
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The strut
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>not even moving to annex france
you are bad nazies
they're not nazis yet
close enough
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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It's more WWI than WWII.
i had a rant about this already but anyhow
they have ww2 level tanks
and yet
"trenchwarfare standstill"
yeah right
Maybe they can't channel any magic into tanks, but they can in the rifles the trenchmen use
Like maybe theyn still have some mana, just not a lot
Just mages
which are all flying units
would make a standstill like the western front of ww1 impossible
they want to believe
Granted if you apply real world logic and situations to a fantasy world you're completely eschewing the fact that magic is involved.
In the end this world is supposed to have obvious parallels to WWI-era Earth but it is NOT WWI-era Earth.
>>67383 →
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>>70000 →
