Thread #697545
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Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Fairy Gone --Episode 8-10 Fruits Basket Hitoribocchi JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Kenja no Mago Kimetsu no Yaiba Kono Oto Tomare! Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin RobiHachi Sarazanmai Senryuu Shoujo --Episode 9-10
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hello hello Jam tonight?
Yes I'll have some nice raspberry jam.
I think that's Jan talking about the tacos right. Oh hi Jan what's shaking.
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i am here but also i am not able to watch anime tonight watch without me and I'll catch up don't worry
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okay there he is ahh oh okay kimetsu mayonaka sarazara bocchi we'll save some jan shows
>>697552 those guys were from Mexico visiting haha funniest shit I've seen in some time
>>697555 why would they order taco bell then
We should really do five shows unless you're particularly against it. There's a bit of build up.
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hmm five is fine what would you like to add?
Kono Oto or Kenja no Mago.
>>697556 no idea guess taco bell was the only taco place around they could get food at 11pm from they were all walking too so it's not like their range of options was very big i told them to go to taqueria mi mexico like five blocks away they're open late and good shit
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okay kono oto in slot 3 let's kimetsu! okay lets start!
hello anime thread my name is bang enjoy your animes
hi bang thanks for being a cool guy
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end of lsat ep was great
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i want to see nezukos abs i bet they're great
Tanjirou finally got ahead.
Arrow guy is really persistent for how close he is to total dissolution. Oh there he finally goes.
Nezuko kicked the ball that time!
there's no arrow guy though
Yeah but she gets to play ball now!
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I wonder if nezuko is going to have to win this, or if this psychological attack will work
hate when that happens
Looks like Michael Jackson really does have some sort of curse on his demons to keep them from saying his name,
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I guess the psychological attack worked in a more literal way than i thought
i liked her dang
Doctor lady's helpboy is really a nice guy who's just ridiculously grumpy all the time.
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This is a good show im not really that interested in the momma's boy's backstory though
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mayonaka okay lets start!
mayo we may want to start keeping an eye out for kannagi i think she wants to start participating in anime too not tonight per se though
Okay there we go. My Internet went out in the middle of Kimetsu and my phone's network is also down?
>>697590 Yeah I've got my general thread tab still open. I'll ask her if she shows up.
i feel bad for that little shadow blob
It's a pretty vicious way of dealing with an assortment of creatures that seem sentient.
Got to get the Olympic stadium all cleaned up in time for summer 2020!
Man this guy is a real unsavoury character.
>Do you keep this scar as a symbol of your hatred? I don't think most people have much choice in whether they keep scars or not.
you can cover them up or hide them with makeup
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Once they scar over you're stuck with them but you have some choice on how well they heal over.
The casual, work-way they're burning all these cocoons is kind of morbid considering we only shortly before saw what's in them.
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oh they got him too
She's kind of cute.
is this just kind of an average show for yall i really like it
Hm, I guess it doesn't quite fall into the "really like" category for me. There's definitely things about it I really like, such as the diversity in mythic and folk creatures. I feel the story content is interesting enough but the actual animation work is kind of so-so. It doesn't really serve to draw me in better.
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I think it's pretty average, unfortunately.
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it does seem average, but that doesn't stop me from liking it for some reason kono oto
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okay kono oto! okay lets start!
These two are so cute together.
Glasses has really levelled up in the past few episodes.
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this looks fun i wanna do a music training camp
I'd kind of be happy being able to play with friends. Though my sense of music is pretty weak and I'd probably get distracted by all the other sounds going on.
I guess Blondie's going to have a crisis of faith before too long.
Is this dumbass just gonna run off into the woods in the middle of the night.
Oh their club advisor is actually being an advisor for a change.
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i really can't not see sawako i get the tribute but it needs a little distinction
It doesn't help that it's been so long since we've gotten a really shoujo-poi character design style. Kimi ni Todoke is one of the more notable shows with that style in recent time.
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saraazamani okay lets start!
i thought we were doing bocchi i dont have sarazanmai
Do you have time for five shows Moon? If we can do five it can cut back on some of the stuff we Hm, okay. Okay Rika let's do Sarazanmai now. We'll bring you back in for Bocchi Moon.
i start php today you guys can do sarazanmai while i shower though?
yellowing up just for convenience
Oh yeah things really hit a low point last week.
Oh no the prince got TRUCK'D
Telling a pair of cops it was cops that shot your friend is probably a tall tale in the firs palce.
First place even.
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I like this crazy girl.
We've been getting more and more of her lately. It's fun.
Well RIP Masa. I thought he was going to betray onii-san but I guess onii-san beat him to the punch. Looks like onii-san's gone off the deep end though.
Things are going really Ikuhara all of a sudden.
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always ikuhara!
Wow that's a really early ED this week.
>>697640 this image hurts to look at when i expand it
Guess onii-san wasn't one of his self-proclaimed bad guys in the end.
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Wow, a death!
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bocchi! okay lets start!
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Super tsuyo-tsuyo Bocch!
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i wonder if they made all these sound effects themselves in a foley room that would be really fun i want to do that
These kids are all so goofy.
Ake Ome Dess!
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i want pancake buddies
If you visit up here I'll whip up some Tilde Family Pancakes for you.
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i have a jinbei somewhere they're really comfy
Probably not in early-January weather though, hah hah.
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she has so much hair
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Kind of makes me remember being a kid and doing stuff like that. Though it was more for myself and not for anyone to receive.
At this point they're barely shuriken anymore. They're more like discus.
they're kind of like those hexaflexagons
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okay anime friends thanks for having me I start doing PHP today they're gonna try to fix me wish me luck
Yeah, good luck with that Moon. Are you going to get a bit of lay down before you go in?
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work, rather i gotta be there for six hours but still make money to survive so
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thanks for anime!
>>697671 It's a hard knock life, eh. Good luck.
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it'll last for a couple weeks probably i'll probably be limited to four shows but maybe i can make some exceptions
>>697674 Oh sorry I missed the second half of this. We probably won't need to run five shows much. Between tonight and tomorrow I'll figure out how much we'd need to do to reduce the backlog; though it likely won't be more than a few days anyway.