that was a dope song wasn't it nope. I'm fresh to death rn and I actually had a teammate that was good so I guess I am going to church and confessing all of my vile sins wish moi luck
Good luck.
>>690731 NOT EVEN JESUS can absolve you of that wallbang my child
ever since I rung that demon bell with my girl I actually been dying with her more times in a day than I did to Owl during my entire run of that game GOSH
That's why you don't go ringing those demon bells dude.
I first thought that you undid the bell by just ringing it again so I played right down
>>690802 right down to the depths without realising I didn't turn it off
I didn't touch that ish because I learned my lesson with the champions covenant in DS2 Like okay make the first two bosses impossible for my dumb ass tyvm miyazaki
>>690771 fucking casual look at me look directly into my eyes stare into them absorb yourself in them i beat the game with demon bell on in NG and you can too, bitch
>>690826 bruh if a filthy fucking hanzo main gay fag boy like me can beat it you can too being drunk and high is no excuse either cause nibba i did it while i was ALL OF THE ABOVE you just need to immerse yourself in the RHYTHM
>>690829 if this loser here can kill true monk in 3 tries while toasted you can too just ask uhhh ToN, Imats, Tilde, PAN if you know dat boi they all saw it live and i layed the last boss low seven or eight shots in i don't remember exactly
>>690834 was it official, like there was a -- what are they called, the person who declares them married there was one of those that did that there, or was it just a VR ceremony
Moon mahjong with me and jan yay or nay
uh im in a silver south rn
damn what round are you on
>>690835 they had i think a guy who was studying to become a priest or something come and do it or so
>>690838 east third i'm dealer on east fourth btw i think they fixed the spectate region thing i haven't seen it again anyway im trying to hurry it but these guys are being THOSE kinds of players
i was in the lead be 15k in my game but then someone left and threw the whole game off someone else got like 5 or 6 dealer rounds just like you guys, including two sanbaimans in a row, one being a direct hit on me because i was trying to hurry and end the game and he was taking forever lost 104 points wish youda told me you started one dang
i'm gonna teach them how to breathe today the other clinicians are always saying the clients hate meditating but they make the clients "meditate" anyway but nobody ever teaches the clients to meditate and the only breathing they learn is from DBT skills where you're not even focusing on your breath, you're trying to observe the way breathing affects your body, which is not how meditation works my mindfulness group is actually gonna be a mindlessness group
i need my limiters my thoughts have been racing more and more the past few days and ive been feeling too much if i dont limit myself im going to vulnerate myself and melt
also thanks for playing mahjong moon i forgot to say that because i was talking to Maria about some bullshit
yeah thanks for playin im basically always down for mahjong
playing against people who came to play mahjong is much more challenging than playing people in final fantasy haha i actually won around half my games in that despite knowing about jack shit of the rules and optimization
oh that's right that's why you're playing haha i forgot about that
>>690889 what do you get for playing it in ff would it benefit you to learn it more or is it just for fun in ff14
>>690891 honestly, not much. you get some Manderville Gold Saucer points based on the rank of the game, which you can spend to buy a plethora of fun cosmetic apparel for your character, mounts, on training your chocobo for the races elsewhere in the saucer, mounts to show off how much time you've spent playing minigames, etc. you also get a title, Mahjong Master, for reaching nearly the highest echelon in ranked mahjong matchmaking, but I found out you can win trade your way to that and stopped trying to rank up for it. I was originally just doing it to earn points to buy an event exclusive mount, then just to waste time while playing what's already a huge time sink. my guild mates won't play with me anymore because I tried to explain basic rules like Pon and Chi and that's too advanced for them, so I just play random matches now and then.
>win trading for the title that's horrifying, what an awful system if you're going to give people recognition for their efforts invested, don't have an exploitable system like that
mahjong is in a weird place because it's a gambler's game without quantifiable investment, there's no exhibition of skill the way the hands are set up, the way the game is structured is all about risk/reward. if you don't have a reward, there's no payoff to merit risk, but also no penalty you just get people playing to pass the time, which is fine, but you don't get that level of DRIVE to where people are actually competing to read into each others' strategy. there's no meaning to winning by 40,000 or 90,000 in a friendly game other than bragging rights i guess
but your bragging rights can just be achieved by win trading so literally nobody cares lame
>>690893 yeah it seems really messed up to me even though I don't take it very seriously myself what's the point of a matchmaking system at all if you can queue up in a premade group of four and get rank points for winning sure people who don't get the win lost some points, but if you do it for long enough, everyone can cheese their way to the high rank prestige title. it doesn't become unavailable if you drop out of the highest Dan after you get it unlocked.
it's a pretty interesting game after you get through the intimidating sounding nomenclature, anyways. it's kind of like an exaggerated hold'em poker, to compare it to shit I've actually played a bit more. i don't think I've got the analytical mind to get very skilled at it though.
what's really neat i think is that there are different ways skill can manifest
like you can be really analytical, really technical with adherence to good form and just really good execution of traditional and conventional strategy (this is where the chinese players shine, adherence to groupthink, since relying on your own novel approach really has diminishing value when your population gets that big. it's been done enough to statistically be shown weak and you won't catch anyone offguard) or you can have really psychological approaches in trying to read players' tendencies and habits by their discards and plays. idk if you saw what i was telling floop, but i'll often not call riichi when i have good waits, and will call riichi when i have bad waits, even though that's kind of backwards to traditional risk/reward
but it works out for me a lot because i know if i use conventional strategy i'll be pretty obvious. nobody is going to deal those tiles while im in riichi. but they will deal that 8 pin which there's only one left of and all the 7 pins and 9 pins are played. who would wait on that tile? sometimes it ends up in the dead wall and not even coming into play, which sucks, but sometimes that suppression is enough to make them fold their hand and we'll draw and i'll get 1500 or 3000 points anyway. sometimes that 3000 point draw is worth more than my hand would be lmao
>>690896 I'm gonna wish for a mount that's such an incredible grind to obtain that people playing a Japanese mmo don't even want to sink that much time into grinding. I'm around one fourth the way there, after 6 weeks spending maybe 5 or 6 hours playing minigames per week, I guess? I'm not even going to ride it though. it's fucking ugly. >>690895 yeah, maybe my brain is just tired, but this sounds too high level for me. i prefer the simpler pursuits. find deer, shoot deer, feast tonight. gather wood, set fire, warm your sore body. good friends and the moment, you know.
im thinkin about finally getting a desk what i really want is just like a floating desk, but not flush with the wall. i want something i can fold up to the wall or unfold that extends orthogonal to the wall. it'd be easy to make it swivel too if needed this is actually so simple to do but i can't find anything like that. i'd make it myself if i had a shop and tools but obviously i dont i did have power tools but my fuckass sister had a garage sale and sold everything i ever owned anyway that's besides the point
it seems like a really handy thing, i wonder why people are so obsessed with making and buying really clunky and unaesthetic bullshit why as a minimalist can i not live in a home without a hoarder for once gosh
>>690899 it will make me happy when i get the useless byte on a server in California that says my character has this thing changed from 0 to 1 i don't know why
>>690900 if you say so i found it a simple skill honed easily enough almost natural were i entertaining notions of talent possessed inherently sometimes I wonder if my role in existing had been resolved before my inception or perhaps this society doesn't need me i usually contemplate living in isolation to have an easy purpose can't really do anything but what i do, for now i bet id self destruct if i get the time to think in peace on my own, though what am i saying lol
i would be willing to live in alaska subsistently hunt, garden, purify my own water, generate my own electricty and store it complete subsistence i have been willing to for a long time but i can't alone and so far nobody has fuckin wanted to so idek it's been an open offer forever
even things like having chickens when you have energy in the form of chemical nutritional energy for your body but it's not safely usable like wilted lettuce or food that's just not safe for you to eat you have a coop of chickens that you feed your own unedibles and they convert it into meat and eggs you can use chickens are biological energy storage system
who's farming? a garden isn't a farm the mainstay is hunting
farming is pretty fulfilling but too providing of security i want to live eyes on the horizon and feet on the ground i have to keep moving i need something there i need to do without necessity i do not live, i only persist it's stupid thinking this way, there's nowhere for me in my lifetime, as far as places I can go. damn, my mood sobered. I was feeling pretty nice.
does this look like an ok deal /moe/ 50 dollars for the grey felt one i feel like 50 bucks for an exercise ball is a lot but if it's good quality and isn't gonna fuck up as a seat maybe it's worth it the leather one looks really nice but thats an extra 50 bucks, but it's slightly larger
im probably gonna get it and this fuckass cat will sneak into my shit and pop it
Kirara 🍄
looks like a reasonable price to me idk about cats popping it, maybe it's thick enough?
it's probably fine this cat is such an asshole though and i just have to always assume something's gonna fuck up
i bought that nice air mattress and i reluctantly let my roommate borrow it for an anime convention despite me saying it's inflatable and not to let multiple people use it, several people used it and it broke im just not allowed to have things fucks
>>690911 it's really uncomfortable here yeah less uncomfortable than that feralcat infested shithole with that hateful relative before though so it's a step forward but im a minimalist and this shit drives me crazy michigan has a bottle deposit so all the cans and bottles are stored up but never wants to take them to the deposit place so there's no counter space or anything i basically can't even use the kitchen bc it's in such a neglected state and im unwilling to clean up someone's mess, but i end up doing it anyway because i need to live here too p sure there's mold because the back room floods when it rains the whole house smells abysmal
i bought a 12 pack of SOCKS i can't really do laundry very often unfortunately and i really don't like wearing old socks im an advocate for disposable socks
it'd be nice to not have to wear them at all! but this house is fucking disgusting and i can't do anything about that
just got off the phone with blue cross god this lady she was so strict about staying to her call center script that she gave very poor service just to make sure that the script questions were answered accurately even when they weren't relevant would only ask me questions to advance to the next stage of the flow chart and "i'll be with you in just a moment" i was unable to ask any questions without interrupting her script which she would then tersely answer but immediately focus back on the script to progress her flow chart or whatever
if my concerns don't fall within something they have a flow chart for then i guess they aren't able to understand the concern i mentioned why i was calling, and she's like "so is the purpose of your call today to request a change in primary care provider" fuck like can i at least get information about what the options are before being shoehorned ino // into making a formal request i dont know how your system works and i dont know who the providers are or where they're located or what their specialties are
like there's one clinic which is renowned for being LGBT allies and offer a lot of patient-focused care with that in mind but they didn't answer her call to them to verify information so she went on to the next one and assigned me to some family doctor at the hospital?? im so fucking lost
lmao as soon as i get done ending that phone call the doorbell rings i figure it's the keyboard a friend mailed me for my birthday for my work so that's good nope it's certified mail from the IRS with notice to garnish and repo by june 26th fuck this stupid life man i was just getting the nerve to make a call to schedule my appointment with my newly assigned doctor now i can't do anything
Call centres are really awful aren't they. They force the flowchart so hard that it's pretty much impossible to get anything out of it unless your needs fall under their options.
Kirara 🍄
>>690934 your wages are getting garnished? for taxes, or?
Kirara 🍄
group went well thought they might be bored at first but then i realized my group was actually just too calming
>>690936 i dont have any property and i dont have wages and i dont have a bank account idk whether they can seize something like a paypal account probably they can probably contact the company i work with and make them pay the IRS instead of me idk man i made 15k last year and never had more than 50 dollars in my bank account after paying rent on the first or electricity and stuff on the 15th they want me to pay them 4k now like idek how im supposed to survive i would have been homeless if i had even a few dollars less, and even then i had to borrow from you to pay rent a few times
i can declare hardship and make payment arrangements but man im barely functioning before that happened well enough to call blue cross to sort this doctor shit out im having a meltdown now and probably going to stay that way another month i cant make phone calls or sort through that shit and i dont have my meds either im gonna die thats all there is to it
is there a way i can get like a social worker or something to help me figure out what to do not with the irs in particular but like figuring out federal programs or whatever so i dont die
I don't know what kind of resources there are in place to help you Moon. Sorry I can't be of help.
Kirara 🍄
>>690939 possibly if you call 211 and ask they might have online resources you could use but idk what you'd search
this bitch not only did she just ignore my request for a primary care provider from the clinic i wanted close to me and sign me up for some arbitrary one i said i need a female doctor and she just assigns me to a doctor robert like i thought she meants dr roberts as in his last name but it's just a dude named robert god what the fuck
not dealing with this shit
im gonna have to go find one myself and submit the application online and wait 6-10 business days for them to get around to approving it this is so fucked up i have no recourse
appointment scheduled for july 25th i got it done, scheduled it but good god i have to wait two months i was hoping a pcp would help get me connected with the right care team but i guess i'll have to coordinate that myself
im really losin it and im suffocating /moe/ with my garbage again
It can be difficult some times to get the help you need with state-run health services. If things are evidently a pressing emergency it's often not a problem to get things expedited, but for other arrangements that aren't just like a general check-up with a family doctor or whatnot there's often not quite enough resources to go around. I remember Kannagi's was/been having issues with the NHS across the pond because of similar more focused concerns.
im just leveraging the irs thing against this im so worried about that i cant think to worry about this i dunno what the irs can do if they audit my company because im delinquent thats a big fuckup and i'll lose that job if they can take my paypal account which is the only way i can get paid, ill be unable to pay rent or buy food i dont own any property for them to repo besides my $800 laptop, which has been claimed in taxes for writeoff so maybe they could idk but then id be unable to work
Just had someone pull a four quads draw. I wonder if they did so intentionally or if they didn't know it was going to result in that.
you do get the dead wall draw // let me rephrase you do get to draw a tile from the dead wall before the DRAW takes effect so there is the opportunity for the tile you're waiting on to be there and you can win before the draw
that sounds really unlikely that your tile would be in there, but sometimes you're down to the last two or three draws of the game and you're waiting for that missing fourth wind tile it's likely to either be a dora indicator or in the dead wall
>>690949 I wasn't familiar with the draw order so I can see where you're coming from. Based on the way this game's been going I wouldn't presume that degree of expectation from this player though. I haven't really seen anything indicative of complex strategy so far.
yeah they probably didnt know in bronze rooms people just click shiny button well i say people but i mean cats
To be fair I also sometimes certainly click shiny button too. There's been some Riichi's and calls I've made that have messed up my hand or ruined my odds because my stupid magpie brain goes "oh shiny button".
>for inpatient press 1, for outpatient press 2 ummm i dont think im either of those? inpatient psychiatric care is like where you stay for a while right and outpatient is temporary management after a crisis right
like there's not the option for ongoing care
What about impatient
>>690956 outpatient is clinical care at a clinic inpatient is when youre hospitalized
isn't outpatient the acute setting well regardless they only say for outpatient substance rehab i really need ongoing care but i can't find it it's either come into the hospital for a full eval and stay a couple days (which i might do if i can figure out how) or temporary outpatient treatment. outpatient may not mean temporary but the word temporary is in the description for their outpatient care here
there is a thing at least at our hospital where folks can get admitted for detox purposes but i dont know if thats what youre looking for or related
im looking for ongoing treatment of chronic illness, not crisis intervention but i could probably use that too
>>690960 does that get like scheduled months in advance or is it something a person could get into relatively quickly in a crisis
I don't know how quick it is but I would assume relatively depending on bedspace At our place when we get those calls we forward them to behavioral medicine who also handles that.
Fifty-nine points 'till Adeeeept
508 points from expert it gets hard about here if you take fourth place in the silver room as adept 3 you're lookin at -100 or so there is a rank penalty the higher rank you are golds try to play in silver to grind points but ive seen em lose a ton too
technically, they already knew how to breathe but i taught them to use their normal breathing to calm down instead of doing big, stupid deep breaths like a mouthbreather
someone asked me if i thought the state of the world and everyone's worries about it were causing everyone to be stressed out even more and i was like "yeah absolutely. but here's something i think about whenever i get stuck thinking about stuff that doesn't affect me. when a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" and everyone said yes and i was like "haha wrong. the actual answer is that it doesn't matter because i'm not there and it doesn't affect me" and they were all acting like it was some mindblowing technique haha
i'm gonna get a cool japanese business card case and i'm gonna give out business cards to people they will be like "i can come to you for therapy?" and i will say "im not accepting new clients right now actually" and they'll be like "why did you give me your card then" and i'll just nod and walk away
>>691017 It's the idea that the answer can be "it doesn't matter" that they thought was mindblowing Usually we think that because we can answer the question, we should but the truth is that it doesn't fuckin matter if the tree makes a sound or not
>>691018 haha unfortunately i don't get to design my own they've already been ordered by my new clinic
>>691022 jarritos is really good but i think this is the best tasting soda i've had i can't seem to find it anymore though i was like the only person who bought it at my store haha
>>691024 every 7-11 got them when they were rolled out like a year and a half ago but most of them stopped carrying several flavors cause they didn't sell sucks mang
Kirara 🍄
>>691025 damn you shoulda informed me i wanna try that
Kirara 🍄 apparently they manufacture them on a rotation or something i should try the mango lemonade one
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
iirc you can custom order a bottle of jones soda with a picture you want printed on the label
why are the pockets on women's clothing so fucking small >>691033 i'd have to find that women's v-neck shirt too it's somewhere in my closet womens clothing is really soft for some reason
>>691027 oh guess they just discontinued that flavor damn >>691026 i posted about it a few times when i first tried it i think >>691035 i'm down i guess where are we goin
Geez, when I declined this barista's offer to leave room for milk in my tea I didn't expect her to fill it literally to the brim.
>>691037 we're going straight to hell, my friend where else would we go
>>691027 oh also the blueberry lemonade is really good i haven't tried the mango one but it's pretty popular too >>691039 well that's convenient cause i'm already headed there myself >>691041 yeah i am
>>691041 they're probably on sale 2/$2.22 i think that was listed as an all zone promo don't bother with the sour watermelon though that one is disgusting
One of the things I like about psychology is that there really isn't any situation where I'd have to play catch-up. It's pretty chill. I can just free up time on my schedule pretty much whenever I want to, too.
Even the groups I lead, I can find someone to take over them if I really need them to. Although it'd be irresponsible because I'm still working out my curriculum for my mindfulness group so I'm the only one who can do it right now.
>>691045 it tastes like liquified sour Skittles or something i couldn't even taste any watermelon flavoring it was too acidic
>>691061 Oh good I'm not the only person like this then. I just can't stand more than a few Skittles before my mouth just feels gross. Something about them is just vehemently disgusting.
Man all this Pokémon news is fucking weird. And they haven't even done the Gen 8 Direct that's coming early in June.
Kirara 🍄
apparently there are tornadoes in NYC right now faito, blue
London gets werewolves, NYC
gets tornadoes.
It was ridiculously windy here today
too, guess we got the north end of that windstorm.
There was an ad taken out on the subway promoting a food courier union. That is definitely a group of workers that definitely use an -that could definitely use better bargaining for quality improvements.
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
tornadoe? I hardly ever play touhou
How windy is it down there in the Big Apple, Samu?
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
I didn’t go outside today lmao sounds like i dodged a windlet
Yeah that sounds like an easy out for having to deal with it hah hah The wind was really going at it here this morning. I looked out the front door around noon and all the plants and trees in our front yard had this noticeable windswept look to them.
there's something I want to do it's something small and silly but I've built an anxiety up over it somehow just gotta bite the bullet I guess >>691084 look at all this hair I like when an artist does something like this
I don't think that would achieve the same effect as the incendiary grenade so I'll have to politely decline that offer. I haven't eaten eggs in like a month brewski.
Oh cool there's more things that happen when you do well in a Silver Room game.
>>691221 i mean you saw that right that had to be on purpose
also congratulations on adept
>>691224 I know it's the kind of thing you want to think is that way. But think back to Every. Single. Post. I've written directly below that has gone ignored. There's precedence for it just being a fucking unbelievable amount of not paying attention.
>>691225 i prefer to think it's deliberate since that means there's at least an impact being had, even if negative being unimportant enough to dismiss really hurts
there's something important that only her or lobster would know about and i know it's a bother for her, and lobster relates more to me anyway, but lobster is gone ive tried re-adding on steam and stuff but my requests are either getting timed out or declined and i dont think she uses that old email anymore i was hoping rika would know how to address that
but i said some stuff about lobster one time when i was being gaslit by hatemail-chan that made me think it was lobster doing it and i think they both don't like me for that. i'd want to clear it up as well as the misunderstanding it was based on
the truth of the matter is that neither of them even thinks or cares about it anymore, i dont think, and it never impacted them much in the first place because the relationship wasn't that valued to begin with so im getting a lot of vibes about that last part and it's bringing me down a lot
I can't say anything with specificity on old relationships but I earnestly don't think what it is now is deliberate dismissal or ignorance or refusing to answer out of spite. All it is, is that she rarely reads anything in the thread unless she's engaged in the show or if it's a direct question at her, with CLEAR indicators that she's the target, and even then it's a hit or miss. It sounds preposterous but I have a lot of contemporary experience flying off my handle because it can be impossible to get her attention at times. And maybe there's something to be said about that total absence of attention but like you said the other day, making
people choose might result in answers you don't like. Between watching shows and whoever else it is that captivates her attention during that time, anime-watching is a really poor time to get her attention unless you want to make a big scene about it like I do at times, which I don't think you want. I can really empathize with the frustration and emotional hurt but I also don't think it's intentional spite.
it wouldn't be spite, that's not the right word, but those semantics aren't important anyway
i really don't want to cause a scene, no, and im uncomfortable even occupying /moe/ in this way to discuss it really i also think im making it sound like the things mentioned above are the issues, which they're not im having a lot of emotional distress from the current life things that are going on and there are two people who are good at helping me through difficult times with emotional support really
but we're adults now and im probably supposed to have grown up more than this. i haven't gotten to see some people in years and miss them a great deal but the specifics around my situation are too bizarre for people typically to understand or appreciate i have to just accept a lot of things being lost people have grown up and don't have the time for the involved friendships we had when we were younger
it would be helpful for me though to know whether the gaslighting that occurred was real or not though it's bad for my sanity when people meddle and plant ideas to mess with people's heads that's why i have such uncertainty about simple things like whether being ignored was intentional or whatnot i can't trust basic interpretations anymore
>>691236 i'm positive speaking of which, in class today i was made to poke my finger to test my blood type i thought my classmates would make a bigger deal out of it but it went kinda whateverishly
Nope, not even South games can save me from this curse of third place games. I swear half these third placings have been because of the fourth player taking themself out without earning enough points to drag me down to fourth. Fuckers.
Of course another good chunk of them have been ME taking myself out in third place because the gap between first and second and third and fourth is so wide that I'm not expecting a strong enough hand to breach the gap.
>>691240 this kinda stuff happens a lot yeah it's why i put such a focus on defensive play. ive had many games where i come in second and get +30 without ever winning or losing //dealing into a hand
other times i get pushed into fourth without ever dealing into a hand also. someone will get tsumo while im the dealer and im down 2000 more points than the others, for instance and then rest of the game is them trading tanyaos and racing to 30k
Coming third isn't so bad One first can compensate for like, 3-4 thirds
I'm not bothered BY coming in third, I'm bothered by the frequency of it! Thirds have made up the majority of my Silver Room games.
my current pattern has been like 1st, 1st, 4th, 1st, 1st, 4th it's rough because im working so hard just to stay flat even. 4th is so penalizing for me as adept 3 in silver rooms it's 100 lost every time
but you gotta learn how to tread water before you can swim
i gotta come to terms with the fact that nier automata will never have a price drop they waited for an appropriate time for a price drop to occur, and then released game of the yorha edition to keep it up >>691247 it also goes on irregular sale on psn i've already played and beat it during a rent but i want to own it since it already owns a piece of my heart
It goes on irregular sale on Steam. They never seem to put it up for the seasonal sales but it's often up during a Squeenix sale or weird times during the year. If you want to get it on PC I'd recommend putting it on your wishlist and paying attention to your notifications. Dunno if the PSN has a similar offer.
>>691239 what they've never been poked with a needle?
>>691248 youd just have to piddle poke em i offered to poke one of my more anxious classmates for them even
>>691247 a wishlist sort of thing does not exist on psn no matter how much i wish it did tbh i feel quite strongly that the playstation store is very shittily designed >>691251 could be
Hm, maybe the times it goes on sale on Steam corresponds with sales on the PSN? Just a guess I have no clue. But if so you could use the Steam wishlist to keep track of it.
i'd rather buy it at full price than get steam
I'm not saying buy it on Steam. Just use the wishlist to keep tabs on sales for it and then check the PSN when it's on sale on Steam to see if the guess is correct.
i understood, its just that i don't want to download steam just for this single purpose
Oh yeah I parsed that poorly whoops. Stuck an "on" in there that didn't exist. That's a hitch in the plan.
i'll just wait for the next big japanese game sale ;_;
also need to get gravity rush 2 and persona 5 at prices that will leave me feeling good about the purchase ;_;
not even to play them, i just need the closure of owning them ;_;
>>691246 It went on sale like at least twice before I bought it. Or do you mean a regular price drop.
>>691259 listen listen i know i was just not confident enough t get it at the time also hey now a more definitive edition is out so i'm glad i waited
right now you're up against an expert and two adept 3s, tilde they're playin really smart too
i like to check ranks when the match starts, helps me out
Well not anymore.
I eye the ranks as I'm going in but there's not much to be done at that point. I'm not going to outwit someone with my level of experience so might as well just roll with the luck.
yeah, it can be a trap too to start thinking someone's lower rank so you can probably outplay them
All the people who are coming into the app with previous experience have to make that same ladder climb I do anyway.
Nah I meant to say Some Cunt with a knife tried to mug me
actually it was three guys but I beat two of them up then one of them got the jump on me and pulled a weapon and they said >give me your shoes. But we only want one 'Cus that's how the police catch you they look for Pairs of shoes no body thinks to try and trace a lone single.
I probably could have fought him off too, even with a knife since I'm a grade 10 blackbelt but then he turned around and grabbed a small child that was walking past and took them hostage. And then the stakes were just too high. But I'll get 'em next time. I remember his face.
Hey guys you"ll never believe this, some guy left his shoe behind at the gym I took it home and am currently making it into something useful Can you believe it though? What kind of dope leaves behind a shoe
>>691279 oh no don't tell me you've been infected by the gacha virus
ha! got 'em again. >>691298 they were when they were new. I bought them because I needed shoes with a firm, flat sole for lifting. they were gettin' a bit scuffed up and worn after a couple of years but still good.
>>691297 That's a good thing cuz you probably need it cuz you probably get a lot of burns cuz you're a LOSER
>>691303 well, you can't really resell my shoes although they wouldn't know that just by looking at them normal people can't wear these shoes without damaging their body
>>691301 Yeah. It's annoying. Also just annoying because losing a shoe is just so..... ME I'm always doing bullshit like this. Never careful. ugh. My life has too many moving parts. >>691305 imatts confirmed for goat hooves
Kirara 🍄
>>691304 don't be so hard on yourself you're not that bad
>>691307 wow that's your best attempt at a burn lmaoing @u
What if someone was very secure in being a bad person though
>>691313 >In 2011, Milat went on a hunger strike, losing 25 kilograms in an unsuccessful attempt to be given a PlayStation. Damn The prison abuse is real
>>691314 I dunno I think Eggman's a little more self aware than you think He's probably the kind of guy who'd call himself an evil genius then have a laugh about it, then he'd go do bad things and he just wouldn't care because the consequences don't affect him
>>691312 they wouldn't see themselves as a bad person they'd just see themselves as a person like eggman doesn't think he's the villain from my perspective, the jedi are evil
Yeah. He was in the news recently because they let him out of jail to get treated for cancer
which is dumb as hell as far as I'm concerned. I mean.. I'm a big believer in public healthcare and even a believer in decent treatment of people who have done terrible things
but when you're giving life saving surgery to a man who in many other countries would have got the death penalty for what he did
suicide is pretty unhealthy you've got me it's not much but that's more than nothing and jan and maria and tilde you've got a future even if it looks dark
in a few years ill have psychology money and you'll be living in my backyard in a shipping container, yo
the irs won't imprison me for tax delinquency they'll just strip me of all my rights and money while leaving me on the outside world that's even worse, it means im homeless and foodless and defenseless im gonna get raped on the freezing streets of detroit
yeah i got home a bit ago they opened a new store that's on the way home from work after trying to get licensed for like 2 years its a conbini but they sell all kinds of cool stuff and now i have a mojito
>>691387 conbini is convenience store they sell pre-mixed mojitos there, i haven't seen them in other convenience stores nearby it doesn't have anything to do with that i just found them myself hope this helps
>>691389 i plan to idle in discord until someone logs in to talk to and drink and play final fantasy i don't think 6 mojitos is enough for me to get fucked up on anymore >>691392 i guess we could play that too
>>691391 she has a long neck in many other scenes >>691393 i usually drink on saturday because my whole body hurts after working 16 hours and i wanna die but i saw this new thing at that store and wanted to try it i like mojitos and haven't had one in a while it's pretty good but could use more mint.
hellllll yeah there was actually one that came out last season but i dont think i saw you guys watching it at all
the recent ones changed a lot though. they're modernized a lot and have some cool ways they play into the aspects of the current meta but they lack a lot of the original charm like NATALIE BLACKSTONE and HANNAH WHITEHOUSE speaking of which i heavily advise against the dubs unless you really enjoy cringe
>>691402 it's fine im gonna call and set up an inpatient psychiatric thing if possible they do like a partial day stay and try to figure out the help you need and how to get you there i'll just need to wait it out until their next day and try to minimize damage in the meantime
you mushed your brains out on mahjong again didn't you
yeah it's kinda kidsy tbh but i have a lot of fun with it there's nostalgia factor but it's also got a lot of delicacy to it to appreciate and it's good for screencaps
>>691415 There's also some really stellar action choreography in at least the older series. I knew someone who was all over the animation director for those series.
In more contemporary times that director went on to work on the Kekkai Sensen adaptation and was a key creative for Kyousougiga, so they definitely have some solid directing chops.
>>691416 are you in your flannel fantasy discord i can't hang out with you there! unless you want to invite me that might be all quard though
>>691417 yeah that's a good point precure has had a rotation of really good production staff in varying aspects there's always been something lost in the transition to a newer style but it's always felt a step ahead of the tropes too it uses them but consciously, and always manages to do a few things well and have good characters (usually) i haven't seen all of twinkle yet, only one episode it's very modernized and the art style fits comfortable into a stereotype, and floofy pink magical girl hair isn't nearly as creative as nagisa's plainness
>>691419 no not yet i tried calling them up for more information but my phone did this thing where it stayed blackscreen when i tried to activate it to dial i couldn't press 1 for the automated system or hang up so it just followed through to an operator eventually and i had to ask them to hang up now im charging it idk what the problem is
it would be pretty me right now to have my phone brick permanently now when i need it most
>>691418 yeah i am was helping someone set up their keybindings and do some other stuff related to playing on gamepad since i'm one of the few in this group that does play with a controller now i'm healing in random dungeons for another someone
when i ordered that kratom for you, i did it in chrome because i couldn't get it to work on firefox and i never use chrome really so yesterday my boss (the o ne who hates kratom) told me to use our electronic medical records site in chrome because it doesn't work right in firefox so i open chrome and it's super speciosa there haha luckily she didn't see it but that would have been awkward
give em the ol' auck word man what a smug bitch though my psych would get really upset at me for using valerian root saying how it DOESNT DO ANYTHING (because clinical trials haven't shown it to have clinical effectiveness) clinical effectiveness is different than NOT DOIN ANYTHING
Kirara 🍄
my boss at my first clinic uses kratom lmao we were talking about it the other day the other boss is so anti-kratom that she pressured a local all-natural market into not putting signs up advertising that they have it
it's so funny how different people's attitudes are
it pisses me off that visa, as a credit company, has the ability (more ability than the government) to render online vendors unable to sell kratom they only care at all about their own liability and credit rating but make so many people unable to receive the stuff they need and even if people have other methods of paying besides credit card, the credit card ban for kratom means that the businesses suffer so hard in revenue that you're probably buying old janky shit because they can't afford to restock at reasonable intervals or stay fully stocked on all their inventory
Kirara 🍄
it's pretty harmful drives out all the good shit i think visa and stuff started all that because of DEA pressure though
haha, the unadjusted scores for our comprehensive exams got sent out by mistake the average was 70% which is the minimum score necessary to pass even though comprehensive exams are supposed to have about 90% pass rate, or rather, they usually do they sent out a follow-up email saying they weren't our real scores they haven't sent us our actual scores yet because they didn't filter out the bad questions that need to be removed yet
but my colleagues are really mad even though it got sent out by mistake they're all emailing our professors telling them that it was cool of them to send out those scores if they aren't our real scores even though it was stated already to be a mistake
someone even accused our professors of sending that out to purposefully harm them because we have complained that the test was poorly made
well if you just got a good score on the unadjusted version then you wouldn't really have any reason to be mad your own fault really haha coulda just been born with one set of genitals if you chose better dumbass
>>691445 Hmm Interesting scoring method, so do they remove some questions that clearly weren't answerable for the students or? I have never heard of similiar thins happening here, atleast in the capital
few times, i think twice in high school and one time in uni, i have heard of tests being redone, because they were clearly made so, that the students couldn't pass with their knowledge from lectures and course books
Kirara 🍄
>>691447 there were a lot of questions that didn't pertain to the topics we were informed the test would solely consist of and some of them weren't even coherently written. They got the questions from a third-party examination company and they failed to properly look over the exam before we took it. >>691451 haha ikr
>>691454 "in your opinion, how did it exactly go" is what I'd ask them
>>691449 >third party examination company man this sounds like those companies offering PROFESSIONAL DISSERTATION WRITING services and stuff just on the proctor end need an exam written for your phd students look no further we've hired the best we could find for 5 dollars an hour across the globe to do that for you
don't worry btw i didn't actually go and get methanol though i wanted to i knew jan would flake out and choose final fantasy over me anyway so i bought a bottle of coconut oil and some hot dogs and ordered a palate of inks on amazon so i can destress by painting pictures of owls in the upcoming week
>>691466 no, my wa2000 would never wear such an outfit!!
>>691463 that's good i figured you wouldn't actually buy methanol when you asked i thought you were joking actually and figured you just had some stuff you needed haha
>>691467 i really want to set everything aflame and destroy myself but at least being seriously heard is a big catharsis in itself if i can say how im feeling and be understood it helps, even if i dont intend to follow through, rather than pretending like im totally okay and like i have to hide it
>>691474 there's a fundamental difference in that enduring the pain still meant moving forward i have no forward my life is legitimately over and there's nothing i can do about it i have one paycheck to ride out and to figure out how to make my peaces before i just die at the end of june
>>691475 that's stupid, the only time there's no way forward is when you decide there's no way forward you're the one who decided that, but deciding it doesn't make it true
>>691479 you're right in that there's always a path forward insofar as i accept compromise to my investments and goals founded on my self concept this body will probably still be here proceeding forward with its life, but i won't be living in it at that point
It forms walls around one's spirit, and it can break such walls down. The mind makes some powerless, and gives strength to others.
Kirara 🍄
>>691480 there is no permanent "i". the you in your body even seconds of you is a different one from the one now even five seconds ago is a different one* you're not solid and unchanging , you're always constantly changing the future might not be the one you intended on that's true and it totally sucks but you can always be the you that exists now and instead of living in the future, live now none of us know what the future is going to bring the future you planned on having is and always has been imaginary. it existed in your mind, it was never the real world you can't lose that because you never had it life sucks and it's painful and im sorry to be a dick like this, but come on you're never going to be happy if you spend so much time in the past or the future as long as you keep putting one foot in front of the other, there's a path forward and whatever path you take, that's where you're going to be if you compare where you are to where you wish you were, how could you not be miserable? i love you, man, you're a great friend, so im sorry to blow up at you what's happening to you absolutely sucks it's fucked up but your defeatist attitude is going to make things harder for you. this post is totally selfish of me to make and maybe i shouldn't have made it but i hate that i can't do anything except post words on a imageboard at you but im gonna do it anyways because that's all i can do if you legitimately want to die and you've decided on that, i won't stop you because it's your life and your decision to make, but im not convinced you really want to. you act like it's just an inevitability like you have to die it's stupid
the neighbor locked her kids in the car so I let her use my phone - which was fine
but then she started crying an' shit and I had no idea what to do I'm so bad with that sort of thing. I can provide practical help but I have no idea how to comfort people
Have you looked into the Mahjong Soul online app at all? I know you haven't really played in years but if you enjoyed the game that app has a great English interface. It's made by the same people that made Azur Lane. Doesn't seem to have a phone app, or at least an Android app though.
>>691543 There's public cover but a lot of people still opt for private. and even within the public healthcare system you still have to pay bills for stuff. Apparently a ride in the ambulance gets you a pretty big bill I wouldn't know. I've never done it.
But you don't get crippled by dept the same way as I hear some stories coming out of the States
In all your years of stupid shit, you've at least not had to ride in an Australian ambulance, eh.
>>691542 i sent you an email about something it's not too important, i know your time is valuable but some day if you're off or somethin take a gander if you dont mind
>>691550 That's just some youtube clip I found. I'm pretty sure it's actually NZ and not Australia. I used to post it at Sugoi >this is what typical New Zealanders are like
Ah well I guess New Zealanders at least know how to have fun.
>once again entire car industry is provided to my glorious empire from a puppet nation it is convenient when a puppet becomes 100% provider of a product, in terms of you don't need to do it but it is just weird how it happens and so oft in the late game products, like cars especially when all the parts and materials to make cars come from my empire
>>691568 care for a friendly? maybe maria or floop are around
>>691571 I'll go if we got a set of four familiars.
>>691572 we can go against the ai if you want are you done with ai now? you can do multiple folks against ai
>>691573 Can you tweak the AI to normal without me leaving the room? The easy AI is ... really easy.
nope but i set it to 1 round at 100 points lmao it shouldnt take more than two minutes to end it
WOW absolutely crushed i guess you can just set it to 100 starting points no problem at all i got into tenpai at one point and was like "why can't i call riichi wtf"
you can turn tips off too which i think is neat, making it so you can't hover a tile and highlight all of them placed, or let you know when you're in furiten or give you the wait indicator when you're in tenpai those are all great tools and i love them, but i like the option of turning that off
maria is workin and floop unfortunately is a rabbit so maybe not right now maybe we can get four later
im drifty right now so im probably going to snooze before anime whether i want to or not you can email my doushio email to ping me if you want since i get notifications report also pings me but might clutter the others up
for the sake of smoothness i'll just mention it i'm on standby for the mental health emergency room thing for tonight so i might suddenly disappear to go there for the night i get to call and schedule an appointment for the partial one-day hospitalization thing tomorrow but they aren't open now so the lady was nice and told me just to call them at the ER if there's any issues
i can at least get an evaluation and medication with the partial day thing, which i'll have to do a couple times probably as it will take several months to wait for an appointment with a psychiatrist for ongoing care
i feel good about it though. i feel a lot calmer, though i am sedated im just gonna try to make it through anime without any issues but if i suddenly disappear don't freak out, it just means i had to go get help and everything is fine
I'll keep that in mind, though even if you can drop a "gotta go" I'd appreciate it, but yeah, I'll work it by feeling.
It's really annoying being on waitlists for psychiatric stuff. The problems can be really overwhelming in the moment and having to hold for months at a time does make it kind of feel trivializing, at least to me. I hope you can get some good help through them. i have a friend who works at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health here doing in-patient stuff and it seems to be the kind of job that really needs good social empathy.
of course, i just didn't want to seem cryptic or anything or have to explain during the viewing and make things awkward the lady at the ER was really nice. she was accomodating when i didn't understand and asked questions everyone else just would talk over me or not understand how i could be confused for not understanding that the inpatient hospitalization is different from the partial-day hospitalization and i need to clarify that BEFORE asking for information instead of after "how am i supposed to know what you're looking for if you're telling me the wrong name. we dont have a partial day inpatient. inpatient is the emergency department so you'll have to call them, we dont handle that here." fucking hell how am i supposed to give you perfectly precise information when i don't even know what your systems are
>>691583 Yeah I really get that. I get so anxious over not understanding how I'm supposed to do things and what the proper course of action I should be seeking is that it's really easy for me to slip into inactivity and incapacitating panic. Even the the thought of being told off or seeming like I'm wasting time by having them help me figure out what I need is enough to make it difficult for me to take the initiative in the first place.
man the other week when i was trying to set up my appointments and i finally sorted myself out to make the calls, it was really bad you know how i get nervous and play the "what if" game with like the worst possible scenarios you could think of and people have to tell me how im exaggerating, that that would never happen it's exactly what happened that time it was very very distressing and i wanted so badly to just have someone else know what happened but at the same time i dont even want to think about it it's going to throw me into hysterics and that's what i have to try to avoid doing
i need to sort this shit out and get on my meds. it's really unhealthy for me to be compulsive and hysterical like this and if i dont treat it i'll end up causing the same problems i did before so i -really- hope i dont have to wait several months to get treatment from the long wait on an appointment i'll progress a lot worse and i'll break /moe/
It might be good if there's a chance to express those concerns in the inpatient process to do so. I know it might be an unpleasant thing but if it's clear to them that you feel you need ASAP assistance, that's your best chance at getting the process expedited. Or even if they can't get you the ideal service they might know avenues you can follow to make the wait bearable.
>hey you're still able to work at 2:30 right? you can even work fifteen minutes early if you want > sure whatever time is fine >okay can you work at 2:15 then such is the illusion of choice
>>691610 Wow it's just like you're in a REAL video game!