Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics Great Russia has welded forever to stand! Created in struggle by will of the Peoples, United and Mighty our Soviet Land!
Unless you of course count that communism itself is evil
true but if you are new to moe and you manage to find it and the first thing you see is the soviet anthem you might get the wrong idea about what kind of community you’re going into
>>691810 dude how many new posters we get exactly?
we had four show up yesterday afternoon they didn't stay
and I wasn't even there to ruin it
>>691812 Do you know if Tilde's still awake? I'm home now if you two still want to play friendlies
my tendencies don't ruin new poster approach unlike what >>691810
and rest is over analyzis
he's not saying you cause those problems he's saying you could cause those problems by doing stuff like this OP people might come in and think the community is something different than it is and leave, or worse, stay because of it you might accidentally virtue signal to meguca and get a hoard of politically minded posters bringing their trash here
from onions to roses moon did you ever watch Johnny bravo?
the original cartoon? yes it was on when i was young i dont know if there have been new adaptations
I bet there are, but I have never seen them
it is kinda funny how cartoon network is kind of a... "forewarning" of what is to come, to hollywood culture of remakes, sequels and so on
good chunk of the cartoons that makes cartoon network "legendary" in the minds of our generation were actually all made by people contracted by CN or bought by them basically none of them were made by them
and when they began to be made by them
dexter's lab was iconic until the network rebooted it itself the continuation done by cartoon network was horrifyingly bad
im gonna buy a tiny washing machine it gets shipped to me and it's like 2 feet tall and plugs into your sink for water supply it's really cute
moon you're big on matthewmatosis right? He released a podcast recently with mechagamezilla It's really nice, he talks about how he started on video making https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJwIjoxfQ%3D%3D/patreon-media/p/post/27164288/e659e982e48e4f4884c909db2d8ecf88/1.mp3?token-time=1560384000&token-hash=sdh2OxaY-Tla9t_261PzV2lzy56pMBjJaUF1akrYxKQ%3D&ext=.mp3
i like to watch his reviews as something to destress to they're thorough enough to be satisfying for the brain to follow along to when it's not in real work mode and wants to wind down
he doesn't really provide a lot of genuine insight though i dont think i just appreciate his sense of restraint in his work
genuinely crying for the first time in weeks wish I was at the sydney opera house
>>691874 They're very relaxing in a way I've almost fallen asleep to them a few times Like yeah they're thorough and you can get something out of them, but I also find his voice and mannerisms in speaking really soothing
i cancelled those inks i think im going to buy a hand-crank washing machine and spin dryer i was going to buy an electrical mini-washer that you can hose up to the sink faucet but it looks kind of fun to do it myself
Kirara 🍄
neat ive never used one of those
ive been washing clothes by hand in the bathtub or a wash basin for a long time and using one of those washboards i shoulda known something like would exist though it's pretty cool
oh kirara i called up that access line last night once the regular facilities open today (in like 15 minutes) im gonna schedule an appointment for hospitalization they said i can go to the ER in the meantime if i can't wait until then and i could at least get meds
i had to sedate myself but it's ok i think im looking at studio apartments i might be able to afford and move into maybe i can find something really tiny for me for like 400 a month or something im feeling kind of excited about it even
>>691891 I remember seeing an ad that used the hashtag for some show with matt leblanc in it, when he was trying to rekindle his career absolutely cursed
thanks thats very thoughtful those really make it difficult when you gotta do like first + last + deposit, and you also gotta move all your stuff and set up internet and things like that it shouldn't be until next march
Lost my keys somewhere again And i am contemplating whether... oh i guess i did take it because no one in the house can find it either. Life sucks sometimes.
Kirara 🍄
>>691904 yeah the deposits are the hardest part financially
trying to think what else i need i should get paid tomorrow or saturday i really want a switch but some quality of life purchases should help me out more
im thinking about getting tatami floormats because this carpet is so fucked up and disgusting or a bedframe so im not just on a mattress on the ground or something i could use as a desk
man fuck this cat get away from that shithole before after a week here of NO CAT, the house smells like utter trash but i can at least breathe and think clearly without pet dander, can actually taste food had to give up my support cat which i had for my anxiety to come out here this dude wants a cat so just grabs one he found during his work shift comes back during his work shift and drops it off, wakes me up and i have to take care of it while he goes back to work, neverminding that i have like a 30-hour work thing coming up
now he just lets the cat do what the fuck ever and doesn't give it much attention so it tramples over everything down in my living area but that's not a problem for him cuz he's upstairs
>>691911 cats can be really annoying if lazarus weren't my cat i dunno if id tolerate him clawing my zafu so much
yeah i'd love my piece of shit cat but someone else's just gets in my way while im tryna work and stuff oh yeah and he's moving to japan in march so he is just like you'll take care of the cat when i leave right ???? no how i can't afford to buy cat food and litter, take it to vets i can't even take it to a vet cuz i dont have a car and i straight up said regardless that i do not want a cat. i love them but they have ruined my life
>>691918 i heard we're not getting soili back but apparently whatever that means is a secret and trying to explain Soili in three or four words i might be impossible
>>691919 well you manged to almost kill her os it became funny
i can get an electric mini washer with dryer for 80 dollars it's got its own spin dryer in it the manual washer i want is 50 dollars but i'd still have sopping wet clothes. a manual spin dryer is 50 dollars too. but it definitely works
im concerned that if i got the electric one, the spin cycle is probably garbage and the product altogether will not last long. but spin cycles don't fully dry clothes, so i'll need a drying rack. and ideally i'd like to get a fan too, to help them dry but also to aerate this fucking gross house
if i get all that stuff, i won't have any money to buy a bedframe or a desk im really bad at making decisions and determining priority
im more concerned that maria is a wannabe aussie woman this is news to me but i accept this
he aint but is how I remembered the "order"
Kirara 🍄
>>691931 bedframes have never seemed that important to me
Kirara 🍄
although ive had one for most of my life so maybe if i lost it, id feel differently
pop over at tano if you wanna hear the well it isn't good but I think it isn't that bad thing
sang by yours truly
>>691939 im on a mattress on the floor it's very hard to get in/out of bed and having it raised would also let me use it as a seat and work from there i mean, i fucking had a raised air mattress that was like 30 some inches im still so upset about that i even said beforehand "like, this is the only thing i own at all, please treat it carefully" then two hours later i get a call your mattress got a hole in it, must have been when you were folding it up or moving it to the car or something
>>691944 oh i love these i would love something like that, but not that monstrosity necessarily
having a raised bed means less spider issues too there's a lot of spiders here probably because the house is fucking filthy
this looks so comfy would be nice in a small place
>>691943 have you ever tried sleeping in a hammock? or would that be hard on your bones?
>>691944 just cant wait fir it to crash down and crush my son who is working underneath me
>>691945 that's beautiful see, i could live in that thing i wouldn't need two benches though, so that second one could be a storage space or minifridge or placement for a modest generator/energy source or like a 20 gallon water tank
i'd need a little extra space to bathe and such but yeah i'd totally be able to live snugly
>>691937 False news I have no desire to be Australian
>>691945 hammocks are nice yeah is there a good way to fashion one indoors in confined space
i wonder if anyone has ever tried sexing in a hammock i think conventional beds might have
advantage there
Kirara 🍄
>>691952 yeah, ive got a hammock in my room next to my bed. i take naps and read in it sometimes it's in a pretty small space but it works pretty well, i have it on a hammock stand since i can't put hooks in my roof or anything err, ceiling
and yeah i think beds are better for that
Kirara 🍄
in most situations at least
i use a lap desk, so i think a hammock may disallow some freedoms i have i want to improve my lap desk though because it's kind of shit right now i guess that should be my top priority tatamis can wait
instead of tatami i could get those martial arts pads that rubbery foam flooring they have at dojos they make them in intersectable squares so you can do whatever you want with em
Kirara 🍄
https://www.treklightgear.com/collections/hammock-gear/products/double-hammock i have this hammock they have an individual one for cheapwr and a compact for even cheaper it's really high quality
>>691956 oh yeah the desk might be more important since you need it for work and stuff
>>691957 yeah but i need laundry too i literally have no clean clothes left this might be the last paycheck i ever get though idk i should make it count irs could demand my company pay them my dues
Kirara 🍄
>>691960 laundromat isn't ideal, but could you do that for now?
there's not one in walking distance i was going with my roommate when he does his, but i can't always match my schedule up for that usually it's while im working or doing anime with tilde and jan and rika
im going to get one, im just trying to decide what's important the more i look, the more cool stuff i see so it's another option to consider i could hand wash them, then have a machine to spin dry them, or i could machine wash them, then wring and air dry with a fan, but i'd need to get a fan (which i want anyway) or i can get the electric thing for 80 bucks that washes and spin dries but might be a piece of crap that breaks. the manual ones can't break, and if they do, they still work.
i want a drying rack but im not sure where i'd dry it without the cat fucking it up he's gonna see clothes hanging and want to jump on them and knock them all over and they'll hit this gross fucking carpet
as fun as a manual washer sounds https://www.amazon.com/Avalon-Bay-Non-Electric-Apartments-Delicates/dp/B06XSD2CMC/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=eco+wash&qid=1559221001&s=appliances&sr=1-1 i think i should just get the electric thing
there are so many of them generally yeah, some have complaints about the spinner being shit but it's a low percentage of reviews there's ones varying in sizes, in how it drains the water, lots of stuff some say they're unbelievably noisy for some reason
but hey also tend to touch the same things so go for it anyway wwwww
Kirara 🍄
i looked at a YLYL thread on /gif/ the other day and it was all Facebook-tier or GAIA-tier shit 4chan has really declined
>>691972 there's ones like old people using the internet and there's channels that are just greentext 4chan stories, that's so simple to put together they're all a little meeeeh, nothing special
there's something about the shit kirara and i find, idk we're magnets or something, that just have that brainworm feel to them i think it's a really strong worm
lotta purple on the tl
yough laugh you lose I can make good jokes
whether you laugh or not we all lose
this weekend when everyone's around let's have a /moe/ ylyl thread mandatory participation
My mouse's scroll wheel scroll function no longer seems to work, but I can still push it down and have that function work. Which is at least better than like a week or so back where it was really messing things up with my mouse. But a lot of things I like to play use the scroll function too so it's annoying that it's busted like that.
if it did it was probably fuckin this person was genuinely terrible and then pulled some victim complex and is like why does everyone hate me it must be because i dont support the liberal agenda so im being bullied
but really they're bullying people all the time
Kirara 🍄
move schools because you're a bigot and people hate you
at least my new friends don't HATE me for having opinions!!
tbh that whole video sounds like a powell blogpost like i wouldn't be surprised if he made that
Kirara 🍄
probably is lol
it just totally glossese over the fact that she's against LGBTQ and everything is so victimization the whinges in her voice like she's about to cry, and painting this image of LGBT as a rough tough crowd of hoodlums who wanna beat her up god it's so goofy
i called and left a message at the number the lady gave me at the emergency department for the partial hosp program it's different from the number on the website and it's just some lady's phone voicemail so idk but i left it anyway. maybe i should have been more willing to take my meds and sedate before, this feels really normal i didn't realize how hysterical i am all the time
you know how if you call for an appointment or for customer service to look up your account or something you'll say your name, then spell it i did that in leaving a voice mail just now like what's she need to know how to spell it for lmao all she's doing is calling me back
Kirara 🍄
maybe they gotta log it or something i dunno, seems weird haven't heard that before
oh no i wasn't prompted to i just mean i compulsively did it, called some lady's phone and like hey i need to schedule an appointment my name is ____ [spells name]
I love this board death to 4chan death to krautchan death to 8ch death to image boards except this one
what is it that you like about this one what about zerochan
>>692011 the features the coziness the unabashed circlejerking the small userbase and the lack of kc tier ib racism (as far as i can tell) also the anime
kc tier ib racism whats that yeah being able to watch an anime live together is kinda fun better than just watching then hitting the general on /a/ after it's over
>>692022 who is they? /a/ radio? I have the album, the eps, the single mixes, and so on >>692023 I have been here before, a very long time ago. The other person is someone I invited along, he has not been here before. We won't intrude for much longer, we might start our own general thread for our own cj, to which you're welcome, or we'll go to another liverposting chan. It's a long story but I need to die.
>>692023 take your name off and come skinny dipping remember the old times
Like in real life, in Sydney. >>>/watch?v=z9uSPf9WDbw Was there the whole time at 4am just waiting for it. really worth. Had a good emotional response, that never happened in a long time.
fuck this smoky ass city is going to make me choke and die rofl Im done hahahaha this smoke hahahah what the fuck climate change what the fuck canadian government murder me
>>692024 you're not intruding at all! you two can hang out all you want. the only boardwide rule is to have fun as long as you're doing that youre fine
>>692036 That won't really work here. Most of us have known each other for so long that we can identify each other even when we're posting anonymously. We'd all have to change the way we talk!
Let's borrow each others syntax to really get the ball rolling.
>>692037 suspend your disbelief besides, that's where the new group comes in they'll do little things that'll make us think "oh thats definitely ton" or sugoi will show up and start imitating syntax to mess with people that's half the fun is breaking the stale system of conventions we use
>>692038 I feel a part of that apology should be directed at me too.
>>692040 We have such eaaeae we have a unique slang, let's say that. you won't see it on 4chan or so on, it mostly parodies ib slang / ib ideas / internet slang thanks aeafajfspafas for reading
It's almost like they realized that there's international people that are going to want to play them anyway and on top of those people, if they make it accessible to less-driven people, they'll make even MORE money. Practically no downside.
>>692047 Man I'm kind of curious, but at the same time, it's a mobage. And I still kind of have a mobage allergy.
Is this ib compatiable with audio files? If I upload one, will you be able to play it?
>>692047 tempting but i just deleted FEH yesterday because i cant keep having mobage control my life
I bet you still have GranBlue installed though.
we tend to do this >>>/soundcloud/cleararmor/doyoustillthinkaboutme for putting music up it's not the same as uploading since it needs to be on soundcloud, yeah, but i'll sometimes up to soundcloud as private just so i can post it it's a little roundabout
how would you like such a feature implemented? could maybe get it going
>>692058 thanks I'd have to ask my friend how he did. We belong to a sort of greater collective but the /pol/ & krautchan contagion have infiltrated unfortunately, it's become rather unbearable. My friend is the brain behind all the features for the board, there were a lot of them. >>692060 Ah. Basically the file would be appear as a clickable soundwave image. If the image If the AUDIO file has an image attached to it then that would appear. You would click the file and it would just play.
i mean what's it like on the user interface, that feature does it upload and play within the thread automatically or is it like opening an image or what im curious yeah that's basically what tano has they're the closest thing to our sister board a lot of overlap in userbase
Kirara 🍄
>>692058 There is a doushio fork that can host pdfs, sound files, etc., so what's really stopping us from having that feature is that Samurai doesn't want to add it in or just hasn't cared to.
>>692061 there are a lot of tools just sitting around in the doushio github not being used ive been taking a look at a lot of them and ive noticed sammy doesn't really want to put generic stuff onto the site, isn't motivated to there's a lot of extra work that goes into making features do really subtle things for aesthetics that nobody really notices, like having the image fade in when posted or how the thumbnails are rendered so even though it's // there's working stuff it probably feels unfinished or unsatisfying to him the man's a monster
>>692057 one vice that is significantly less baity with rolls with the ability to suptix and spark is far less terrifying than a gacha where what you want may never come
Literally every imageboard out there is a generic 4chan clone these days, with the same mindset and culture I guess it was always like this but now that culture has gotten worse
>>692064 me nostalgy for caturday 4chan epoch fuuuu
>>692064 well 4chan was a clone chan boards have a lot of conveniences about them for exchanging information and participating but yeah it's been a while, it could use some updating some people see these chan boards now, even with liveposting, and it looks like some ugly chatroom from a different generation, like using an old BBC or using relay chat for actual discussion
>>692065 I forgot what I was gonna say don't read this
>>692066 You're right, all of the early 4chan culture and memes etc were basically just taken straight from Futaba channel or Something Awful Nothing was ever original I know even the code was stripped straight from futaba but I like that aspect and won't complain about it because 1.0 Japanese internet
ive been using this board for like, uh almost eight years now ive got a lot of thoughts about how to update this style of platform but im sure we all do
>>692073 it's perfect as is for the purposes it serves it doesnt scale so well into larger populations or have smooth thread interlacing, so depending on the breadth of discussion going on and channel participants, it stops handling it well i think there are some fundamental changes that we could do to make it scalable in those respects without changing anything going on at the level we use it here on moe
>>692077 there could be purposes for it here too channel participants doesnt necessarily mean more people, but it could mean the number of channel engagements from the same people for instance, participating in one discussion but also posting separately from that, either directed or undirected
yeah of course we do that that's an example of what could be one person acting as multiple channel participants
but what im talking about isn't really an improvement for us and our /moe/ experience but just to make liveboards more updated to the evolving framework of the information superhighway
okay i cancelled that so autopay won't go through but my service is gonna end today and i just asked the lady at the hospital to call me back so i can make an appointment
i don't like that that's now a character trait about me i should let the better parts of my personality fluorish and stop projecting my self pity so hard
It kind of forms a fatalistic self-fulfilling prophecy. The kind of "look for all the negative things and you'll find them" aspect. I can fall real hard into that way too easily at times.
Yeah they win too much. Gets stale. They're what I call power creeps
There's like at least 11 wildfires maybe 100 km north of my ish so all that smoke is rolling in, it's yucky. I need that air filter mask like I was a japanese schoolgirl
Man I wish the bulls were still good
I don't really care for who wins or loses but at this point I'm tangentially invested in the success because irate sports fans are a problem when you live in a city.
Man I remember when the cubs won the world series It was such a big deal They should make it a holiday.
Also that sam year if i recall correctly the golden state warriors also blew a huge lead.
Oh Death Stranding might also be coming to PC. That'll be fun if true.
maybe i should make a rare disease twitter account and try to encourage awareness of how the diseases actually work that would be fun rare neurology cases specifically but urology too
My phone was loading /moe/ as you were typing that and it dropped disease so I was here wondering what constitutes a "rare Twitter account" hah hah Spreading awareness like that would be a good task though. Even a lot of common or often in the public view diseases have less well-known variants that don't get the attention or resources they could really benefit from. Like for all the nonsense about the ice bucket challenge from a few years back, ALS research did actually make progress thanks to the charity and chatter it created. Having something like that for other diseases could go a long way
today is such a world of specialization where it's difficult to communicate between fields, even within the same overarching field the amount of time it takes to specialize in one area is so extreme that you don't have much time for deep exploration of your neighboring fields of thoughts, but you do mingle with it a bit
there's really high value in being a courier of sorts between those fields, to use a little bit of cleverness to see analog and application one place being potentially useful elsewhere in math, for instance, to break down an idea behind a theorem and see how it can be useful in a seemingly unrelated problem altogether that these people dont know existed
or in the crossing point between medical practitioners and medical scientists and pharmacologists i think spreading awareness isn't just this surface level "hey let's have a myasthenia gravis walk to help raise money!!" but also just reaching into the subject as far as you can, attaining some knowledge, and making it publicly accessible
that's what i think the role of an archivist really is and why i call myself one, that even when doing mathematics i think of myself as searching for the information for a greater role that im playing
most knowledge is out there, but we just dont know where there's a place for it to be used a lot of work in math or like computational chemistry just comes from amateur people who do something completely unrelated in networking or something and see an approach to a problem that hasn't been thought of
i would really like to see the resurgence of academic bounties we probably will soon. if you dont have the time to spend toiling on a problem that's eluded you several years already, you and the relevant practitioners of the field just pool up 20 bucks each and put a 500 dollar bounty on that thing saves yall time (which is prob more than 20 bucks an hour) and stimulates the field at the same time and i'd love to be a maths bounty hunter that sounds fun
Kind of like the role of science informer or whatever they call it, people that take in the new scientific developments, reading new papers and reports from people in focused fields, and figuring out the best way to present it to the public, who might not be the best equipped to understand the heavy science jargon used in the initial releases. Knowing that, I can definitely see the value in being able to serve as an intermediary between two of those highly-focused field, yeah.
the case for rare diseases and medical stuff is kind of a uniquely interesting one there's no feedback from the numbers in math, superconductors dont have twitter accounts
but with a rare disease twitter you're extracting information from the researchers and practitioners, but also projecting the voice of the patients giving them an access point to be better understood by the world
Kirara 🍄
apparently i can accept my own clients and get paid by them at my second clinic idk how it works yet though
they didn't call me back and it's 7pm now i tried again too and it didnt go through but now im working so i cant fuss with it too much i told her to call me back but my phone could shut off at any moment and i think i dont even get voicemails when my service is off, do i? i know texts go to the dead zone
Whole crowd of people downtown chanting LET'S GO RAPTORS. Buncha people wearing jerseys and apparel too. The hype is real.
>>692120 Yeah, I'm not expecting much either hah hah I made a joke about the aftermath earlier and I was tempted to sub "if the Raptors lose" for when they lose. Apparently we're considered a contemporary hotspot for basketball talent but I'm not convinced it's enough to shoot for the championship.
Mahjong Soul Game Log: https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?paipu=190531-bff3addc-793d-43f1-8acd-37d1ff1da95b_a924760969 oh i didnt know that first part would be on there go to the last round or i can just go grab an image
I'm on mobile data I'd appreciate an image if you don't mind
PAN summoned meteors around himself to kill three mooks and drop himself to 0 so he could activate his passive to immediately stand back up with more hp than he had
Godzilla 2014 came so close to sticking it but then Bryan Cranston died and they dropped the ball
>>692170 >snobby about godzilla films Not speaking about Yui because I don't know them well enough, but I don't understand why anyone would take this attitude Showa Godzilla is full of whacky bullshit
Kirara 🍄
dunno why yui loves dumb fun
>>692170 nah, she was super looking forward to this because it looked like stupid, goofy fun
she's really snobby about godzilla films iirc err not snobby in the sense that every godzilla needs to be deep or nuanced or whatever, but that there's a proper way to execute the dumb fun, and that she has high standards in that regard this is all extrapolation from seeing her talk about film, and the godzilla franchise
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
raptors been on fire all game what’s gonna happen
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>692161 We'll band together and stop you with the power of friendship
I went out to a Japanese bar here with a friend. Neither of us particularly care about sports; we just wanted to hang and chat and the bar had some cool liquors.
The place had a television airing the game though. They also had a taiko drum that they'd drum on at hype momens. Moments even.
There'was this guy and girl sitting next to us at the bar. The guy was a Southern Ontario guy that'd moved up T-dot and worked in a bunch of Japanese restaurants and the girl was Japanese, on a one-year vacation from Japan to here. We talked a bit and the girl wanted photos with ... people, I guess? So I guess I'm a part of somebody's tourist scrapbook now.
>>692177 that's cool that they got on with the fever too in their own way
I mean 90% if not more of the people in the bar were into the game, hah hah Not only am I not a big sports guy, the aforementioned drum also just happened to be positioned directly behind me, blocking my view of the television. I couldn't even really watch the game if I wanted to!
hmm speaking of sports, looks like fruits basket has been put off for now because of the French open Do the Japanese like tennis all that much? I assume they do to some degree if they airing it at least
only one place in town that stocks bicycle tubes and they don't have my size guess I'll go fuck myself instead then
Better to fuck yourself than with a bicycle tube anyway.
>>692188 Oh that's pretty annoying. I hadn't heard that. Last weekend it interrupted Cinderella Nine, so I guess it's popular, yeah. Been a long while since sports interrupted anything I've watched, feels kind of weird.
This was probably the surprise enjoyment of the night. Squid and mountain vegetables. It was a tasty mix and there was a kind of dressing on top that made everything delicious.
The overall highlight of the night was probably either the ginger-seasoned karaage or the fatty grilled salmon belly, both of which were incredibly delicious. But they were both things I went in expecting to be delicious and they definitely were. I didn't have expectations on the squid dish but man it was great.
>>692207 Nope! That's Christmas! A friend of mine wanted to meet up for drinks. The place we did had deals on the salmon and squid dishes; they were only like four or six dollars. The karaage was a fair bit pricier but man it was worth it.
well I hope I don't do anythin g stupid. I just have all this energy from this dumb game. It made me want to think more and realise all of my moves I've done. And it hurt you in a way Me being a fucking idiota.
Treat me how you will want to. I just really need to have a line to you.
>>692257 mari mari you haven't even heard >>>/watch?v=d1acEVmnVhI this song describes my social life like when I want to add someone back and they refuse me
>>692263 Yeah that's some incredible amount of skill dude. Even with as much practice as you've had I don't think I could ever manage that.
There's an out of control trolley that's going to hit four people. You have the ability to pull a lever. what do you do
Kirara 🍄
i'm going to stop the trolley with my bear hands
zeno's paradox achilles races a turtle but gives him a head start because achilles is faster now the turtle is in front of him and blocking the way so achilles can't pass him how is this possible
im watching floop play mahjong while i work it'd be easier if i had a second monitor it's such a voyeuristic pleasure i get to see all his mistakes and he doesn't know im watching him hue hue just kidding he's playing well
Haha Let's cheer him on
im gonna watch the jade room games his game ended see what i can learn
>>692396 I'd like to be able to talk to someone of jade level after a game You see pros and high level people play, and you can learn from it and infer things, but it'd nnice to be explicitly told the reasoning behind certain actions they take
>>692399 Is there a new tournament? Players have been selected for the catbowl already
>>692400 Taihen Work hard and we'll all be waiting for you
hopefully i'll be there soon! im trying to grind out as much as i can before i apply for that tournament that i definitely wont get into
it's not like i had any chance anyway it's just the top 10 rated applicants at the time of selection a,d // and im sure at least 10 people in the top 100 qualify and applied
i want to get some ugly button-up shirts ones with weird, boring pineapple design stuff like that you know what i mean? they're really endearing even though they're so bad
Kirara 🍄
modest mouse has a great mushroom one but im not paying $100 for an ugly shirt to wear at work
>>692424 show up to therapy in one Like some really cheap $20 one with some run of the mill floral pattern It'll put your clients at ease knowing they're talking to a real g and not another suit
lmao getting my doctorate in a hawaiin shirt that's great
And cargo shorts! And don't forget the sandals Show up holding one of those little coconut cups with a straw in it and a lil umbrella
Your clients are sitting there talking about their anxiety and depression and people they've lost and you'll just be sitting there in your fucking hawaiian shirt
Kirara 🍄
i need them to be long sleeved button ups though because my style is i roll up the sleeves and don't fully button them it gives me a sort of casual look while still being professional but it's not enough i can go even further
Kirara 🍄
>>692428 "it is entirely reasonable for you to be upset" i say before taking a long, loud drink from my coconut
>>692430 "just like, take it easy man" you say while strumming a tiny ukelele
i dunno i haven't designed one yet it'd be kinda fun one side could be designed really feminine and meditative and the other side could be really masculine and primal and have a good slogan on there which reads like it's something pithy or punchliney like most slogans but it's not and it's actually just a meaningful thought without a punchline
Kirara 🍄
i should go thrift shopping this weekend
>>692445 a dragon goes all out even against a slime
it's got a really careful line to tread you know how some shit just sounds mystic and new agey to the point where it seems hokey and disconnected from reality and the converse would be to be so grounded in reality and cynical that you can't appreciate the motivations of those things you think are hokey it's gotta tread that line and make people self-conscious of both parts of themselves that they usually don't operate within at the same time
do they know that ungulates don't see green not that it even matters, the tall grass isn't about chromo camoflage it's about masking movement
Kirara 🍄
you could even just be completely basic and say it's because of the food chain why is that such a popular question
man im so triggered by JC staff's one punch man this week are you watching it not that im spoiling anything but they just dont get the show at all, the way they're working animation and buildup and everything is in the exact way that one punch man is meant to satire the sense of timing is all fucked up
Kirara 🍄
i didn't watch the new episode yet but ive read most of the (redrawn) manga ive had that feeling, though they're not good at keeping the tone shifts paced right
>>692466 asco is going on RIGHT NOW and im MISSING IT dealing with this dataset that's like patients who participated in the exercise program showed less intense symptoms of neuromuscular disease than those that didnt yeah no shit obviously the ones who are exercise are the ones who are able to and the ones that can't wont
thankfully it's not like a real trial or anything just one neurologist's opinion on exercise for a disease in which exercise doesnt change anything at all but being clinicians you'd think clinical trials and that organization of thought would be ground into their head but you still get people holding MDs who think this way idk
oh how did your game go i wanted to eavesdrop but i was bussy busy
Kirara 🍄
it was cool i ate both bosses one of them entrusted me to bring peace to the universe by ending all conflict and now he's inside me forever, we're one good game
how i go through like 8 matches and 3 of them having the same people that shittalk and make gay jokes with me and this place still only has like 15 new posts lmfao
rika and kirara are at work for instance
i am also at work i can post a little bit but nothing too distracting
uh is there like a ib for neets out there cause my validation levels are at an all time low rn
isn't there something you like to do in your own time read or consume media of some sort neet or otherwise, most people on these boards are pretty introverted a few hours of higher energy levels in the evening is good but it's taxing enough that we have to go back to doing us things
im just raging out because i finally got yelled at in my game of choice. it's fine if the post count is low or not, i just have an insatiable energy to go around and shake things up and just like that the post count rises listen to this when you work please yo this embed thing doesn't work for anything longer than 1 hour lmao embarassing
i use my ears to do my work so i can't listen to stuff anyway i need to be able to hear clearly without interference
transcribing eh. i wish they can make that only visual in the future. with real tech that can hear words and put it on a screen to be able to consume it faster. the tech now is hilariously abysmal
ive been working on a few things on the visualization of audio soundwave normalization and graph mapping to visual fields and things it's not like i'll be producing my own software out of it but im working on some of the mathstuff behind it i take my work really seriously, but my actual paid job less so
one thing im really interested in is projection mapping being able to sync audio to a visual diagram or such i think it really makes the whole experience better in all ways. humans just love it when something syncs up so why not make a visual show to accentuate the audio
go for it you can do it, why wait for someone else
I looked them over, yeah. I still haven't gotten any chance to run the gatcha so I'm a bit checked out of that part of the app. Some of the emotes I've seen people playing them use look fun though.
What the fuck? https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/nea4xk/great-news-you-can-now-pay-dollar50-to-hang-out-in-a-cafe-full-of-live-rats
nice job tilde i was waiting on 3/6 sou that east player got really fortunate with the quick setups. east games are a bit of a crapshoot but if you play defensively you can't do too bad >>692505 is this your picture that's beautiful wtf
That tile I drew after you called Riichi had me set up for two Han tiles of which there was two and four remaining of respectively. I figured I probably wasn't gonna endure for a better hand so I Riichi'd as a bit of a shoot for the moon. I have more fun playing aggressive which is probably why I get stuck in third or fourth so often. But it's just so satisfying to get a good return that I'm content to play that way.
im queuing south if you want to try again might find one before you get there though
That first Riichi I called that the East player Tsumo'd on I had three 2-Pin which would have netted me three Dora even before the Ura-Dora. That sure had me harrumphing.
sorry that was up for almost a whole 20 seconds my bad guys
>Kan a 9-Han >Dora is an 8-Han >Everyone spams shocked emotes
take a screenshot ya nerd
I didn't even win off it! ;_;
I'm at 9000 points and the closest other player is at 18800. Sure there's one more dealer round I'll get to play but as it's South 2 I doubt I'll be able to climb out of this fourth place spot.
Oh it's now 6900 to 27100. Yeah now I'm doomed.
hit em with a mangan youll be fine direct hit
just make it a dealer mangan
Yeah, I'll just tap my ruby slippers and draw al the tiles I need for a Mangan.
the ol tanyao pinfu closed hand special does it just need a dora or aka dora
open flushes are really strong too 5 han for an open flush that's 8k without any bonus han
Historically I have rarely had the luck to draw such hands when it's my dealer turn.
Well speak of the devil and all. Richii'd on a single tile wait that only had two left undiscarded and the third place player dealt into it hah hah. Got a decent Mangan off that.
no need to make these soulful feeling prophesies
>>692526 told you it would work out man trust me ive been playin a while i know how the game works
It's still another 10,000 points to beat second place though.
Ah and back into fourth thanks to fourth getting a Tsumo. So ends my dealer turn.
guess im just gonna cave in and wash my roommate's fucking dishes so i can use the kitchen it's been months no fucking joke
Like dishes that haven't been washed in months? Or is there just a constantly changing bunch that clogs up the kitchen space?
both changing only because im doing some of them fuck off rei
The more I complain about how miserable my luck is the more life sets out to prove me wrong.
That was only a Haneman because of three Ura-Dora off a Riichi too.
what did i tell you
If you tell me that I can get lucky I'm not going to believe you! I'm inclined from predecence to believe if things can go poorly, they will go poorly. Precedence even.
i didnt say anything about luck! mahjong is a game where one can bend the flow of the game to their will
Sure, I don't doubt that. But I wouldn't assume I have remotely the experience needed to do that consciously. So doing it out of coincidence is just getting lucky in the end.
subconsciously, things just work out better if you expect them to fortune favors the brave you wont get the under the river yaku on a dead hand with the last tile draw in the round if you plan on it not happening so forfeit the chance
and my roommate is not a piece of shit, he's a really good friend he's just got issues as we all do i make little complaints about bizarre things but really they aren't hostile sentiments
I can be a little sympathetic to his thing with the dishes too. It's really easy for me to forget about things like that if I don't pass by the sink or wherever they are often enough. Kind of an "out of sight, out of mind" thing. But having lived with between three and five other people for pretty much my whole life I'm also sympathetic to their messes getting in the way of me wanting to use the kitchen, hah hah.
I know it probably sounds irresponsible but it makes my life a lot easier if people remind me to take care of things like that rather than assuming I'm intentionally not doing them. Not that that's what your roommate is doing this is wholly my experience right now.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'm sorry for calling your roommate a piece of shit. Its just I don't think I've ever heard you say anything positive about him.
yeah i should be more conscious about how much i complain it gives off the wrong idea he's a real bro kind of guy really takes an interest and supports you and is loyal and stuff wants to just hang out and watch a season of something with you
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
urgh I saw a freaky looking centipede
was it a scutigera
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
yeah probably
i used to raise scutigera they're wonderful
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I like that they eat other bugs but I just find their appearance freaky I'm okay with most bugs I encounter I don't kill the centipedes or anythuing a*anything fuck well I wouldn't in the basement I might in my room although my room is terribly messy
>>>/watch?v=zSV42j8lccg Cool to see they're still using physical puppets and animatronics for the new Dark Crystal.
i got paid so i want to buy some very important workspace things i want either a lapdesk or an ergonomic chair so i can work upright more hours of the day my goal would be to go back to working 12/14 hour days so i can make real dollars
there are so many neat chairs and things i need help has anyone used those kneeling chairs where's onee sama we need a shopping trip
I don't have any experience with any unordinary chair designs, sorry. Which one do you think you would benefit from more in the immediate? If you get the lapdesk would that become redundant if you were to get the chair at a later date?
have you ever looked at some anime thighs and thought to yourself 'sweet merciful fuck I want those to crush my head until it nearly pops and I pass out from suffocation"
lately I've been working out twice a day. and instead of resting during the winter break I signed up for a computer programming course at the TAFE school.
So I need SOME time for shitposting and vidyagames and nothing else.
i got my phone turned back on now but i wonder if that lady called back or not that's really dumb to be in charge of psychiatric hospitalization intake and not return phone calls! if she did try to return it she woulda gotten a "this number is disconnected" or whatever that would probably be bad
Would your phone not keep track of missed calls while the service was off?
yeah, it wouldn't do that or receive voice mails it puts me in a tough spot because i dunno if i'll get a return call or not now, if she tried and didn't get through. but now it's the weekend so i dunno she had a whole two business days to get through to me
>>692578 >>692580 i usually call again if the number isn't working but if it was 2 days, i might give up and hope they'll call again wth a different number or something
i did call again to the center directly i dunno whats up when i called the emergency department they gave me all sorts of info about how it works and what to do but i followed those instructions and nothing happened
i have the option of just going to the emergency department for intake and then setting up an appointment for partial hospitalization on release, but that's really a lot roundabout
she told me i could come in if i need to between now and whenever i get the appointment scheduled, but i wasn't able to get an appointment scheduled so i dunno maybe i'll go tomorrow i got a shit ton of work done today and made a lot of money, and could have made more money but ASCO was going on so i wanted my brainstpace to go focus on that instead of make another hundo was getting tired at that point
Kirara 🍄
might be a good idea if you can putting it off won't do much good
which one /moe/ i have such a hard time with amazon because the photos are all bullshit and everything is misleading and customer reviews have tons of anomalous stuff the second one looks like it's way better but it's like 30 bucks more doesn't memory foam get like sweaty and soggy and stuff and get gross over time from heat
I would pick the first one then. it looks like it encourages good posture
Kirara 🍄
i don't think memory foam is supposed to get gross all the most expensive beds are made of it now it's supposed to be a high quality material i think i could be wrong
>>692587 Why would you not want the lever to be pulled You're more likely to be one of the five people on the track than the one person on the alternate track >>692584 I think top looks nicer
Kirara 🍄
>>692588 what if you're the trolley driver and you have to live with the guilt of their deaths maybe it's better to increase your chance of dying so you can live with yourself
>>692589 If I'm the trolley driver do I have a chance of dying? >>692591 Well then increasing my chances of dying won't help me very much then since if I was on the tracks I wouldn't have to worry about the guilt other than maybe survivours guilt
Kirara 🍄
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
So the trolley driver is immortal?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
man Tenchi Muyo is so damn good
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>692590 Have you seen Tenchi Muyo Ryo Oohki? *Ohki
Tenchi Muyo Ryo Ohki is the original Tenchi Muyo, its the one that everything else is a spinoff of or like takes place in an alternate universe that exists in its multiverse
dont you lolicon me. she is simply the best. That's why she got spinoffs. I have them downloaded and I always get to the part where her and her mom are singing and I never get to watch the rest because something. Official Tenchi Rankings Sasami Washu Mihoshi Ryo-Ohki Granddad Ayeka/Ryoko depending on what kind of drama I'm in the mood for the broom Tenchi sweeps with Mihoshi's partner whose name I don't bother to remember
wow But Sasami was the best. She went off to find her sister and then just settled down like it was an extended vacation. Chilled in the background. Played with her new pet cat. Cooked meals. Helped out. Had fun. Met a ghost through her mirror and hung out. >>692626 Wasshu told me it was a cat so I'm gonna believe her.
Kirara 🍄
>>692612 kimetsu airs tomorrow it should be up around 1pm est like usual
mmm that tfw when you can feel her thighs between your cock
alright look less than 24 hours ago Granblue released a skin for Six out of nowhere And now there's Nier in official art for shit and I'm fuckni I'm being pandered to I can't handle it
A vinyl release of something like that would be a cool collector's release. There's been a slight resurgence in an interest in things like analog music here so it's pretty often lurking in the back of my head. If I had the space and money I might meddle a bit in it myself.
In a couple of yours you can reply to helpful cries like "is there a doctor in the room?"
Weren't you already a doctoral candidate by virtue of being in a doctoral program?
of years*
Kirara 🍄
>>692737 no, i was just in a doctorate program a doctoral candidate is apparently someone who has completed all the coursework necessary to get their doctorate and just has their dissertation left
i think i coulda been a doctor sad doctor sad bones
I feel the language involved there could be a little less finicky. But good jobbu. Now you just gotta do taht darn dissertation.
oh congratulations i didnt read the context
Kirara 🍄
i skipped my dissertation meeting yesterday because it was going to be a waste of time and my chair didn't even reach out to me lol
Hah hah what is this Death Stranding release trailer. Man I really hope the rumours of a PC release are true I wanna play this.
>Kojima cameo-ing as the character that says "I'll show you the real thing very soon"
>>692747 I'm really looking forward to using it as a walking simulator I love the look of all those grassy plains and stuff like rappelling down crevices and finding caves and stuff Picking out different routes and stuff to get from point A to B, it's gonna be the greatest mountaineering simulator
that VA is the voice of Lucario and also Goku in Dragon Ball thing after 1999 *adult and teen goku
does anyone remember an old internet video where a guy is eating dog shit in his back yard and the camera guy is like "dude what are you doing?" and he's like "i'm eating shit" and camera guy's like "dude, that's DOG shit" and he's all like "EGGAUHGHAFUCK" and he runs over to drink this cup of piss and when questioned by the camera guy, he goes "i'm drinking piss to get the dog shit out of my mouth" and the camera guy's like "dude that's DOG piss" and he's like "AWWHGFKHHHE"
>>692913 They probably have such channels too, but I was in it for the MMO channels like aion, tera, etc. Now I'm just in a private channel with people I met there over the years >>692914 Yeah there's a ton of IRC servers that can only be accessed through hidden services. The ones I'm at has a ton of racist people though, so it's not really wholesome. It's easy to ignore most of the time though
i can't wait for my back pillow to come in my back is getting so stiff in bed and i have no chair for recourse i mean i have a chair but it's pretty bad
>>692928 it's a back pillow, one of those wedge pillows since i lack back support i dont think they make daki covers for those if they do maybe i'll consider it but im not willing to spend too much
Overcooked is a hilarious game to watch people play. They all just get so agitated over it. I should get it for the Switch for next time we get some people together so we can play it and be at each other's throats.