He's getting a bit of interface screw too. Guess his use of the HAET POWER is messing with it.
>>691649 Occasionally. Pretty much only when they need to draw attention to a particularly game-y feature.
I can't remember was the interface a constant in the ln/wn but in the manga it isn't
btw this is a nitpick but if the queen is the actual monarch, there wouldn't be a king but a prince btw a prince-consort just like queen-consort can never be the heir to the throne NO matter what
>Calling a husband and daughter trash and a bitch to the mother's face
>>691652 Eh, this is a fantasy world, they're not beholden to European linguistic standards.
>>691653 they otherwise follow very similiar european and otherwise other place medieval stuff
even chinese and japanese had similiar concepts
and arabians and so on
That doesn't make my statement any less true. Just because most fits a pattern doesn't require the rest to follow as well.
I know I just wanted to state that one out
the whole "husband of queen is not a king" already reveal what kind of a society it is if you ask me
At this point he's probably gotten way comfortable surviving on a meagre coin income that getting five hundred gold is probably a whatever thing to him really. It's like giving a skilled fisherman free access to all the pre-caught fish he could ever want.
damn this makes me want to spoil stuff
Oh no the wind blocked the CORE of what she said. What a silly trope.
did the MC have a fight with an off worlder in the anime?
I don't believe so, no. The most recent fights have been the pope, Fitoria, and the asshole noble that had enslaved Raphtalia before Naofumi met her.
some strong woman while they were facing a ghost ship?
This plan to clear his name will go wrong FOR SURE
>>691664 The closest thing to a ghost ship they've fought was the flying ship in the second Wave. Where a woman dressed like in Asian fashion but with an English word name fought all the Heroes.
I guess he's having revenge dreams as part of the curse.
>>691666 well guess i unintentionally spoiled a thing
I mean your question is pretty vague. These kinds of shows generally have plots you don't want to read too deeply into because they're pretty straightforward.
yeah this one especially but because it is quite straightforward, it can skip elements
Hah hah there was some guy in that audience that looked like the rival prosecuter from Phoenix Wright,.
OBJECTION you are using methods that we can't lie at
So she was acting independant of the Church? >>691677 That's not a question I'm expecting an answer with. I'm just musing over it. This is how I'd be posting no matter who's here, hah hah
what do you want me to answer that with with what I know that is spoilers, or what I really know that is super spoilers?
I think there is something weird goingon here. The church tried to kill her too. And she seemed surprised.
Ah she got revealed on her original plot.
She isn't really surprised she just is a liar
Yeah I guess that's fair. The Queen did say she's a pathological liar. People who lie compulsively will do it even if there's more sensible options available.
though there is more to that
and that is all I will say
Geez the Queen sure rules with an iron fist.
I mean yeah, the plots of the King and the Princess did endanger the Shield Hero and hinder his success and that's dangerous not just for the country but the whole world. So I guess it's their comeuppance.
Oh he's playing the bad guy again that's all he knows how to do
this thing was SO much shorter in manga, where you almost got the wrong idea of naofumi's ideals
I think having it like this in the anime makes it really clear how ham he's running with it too. Like the viewer has no doubt he's in part putting on a show.
this is MUCh better especially with the guillotines
I don't remember how the WN was but well you know how those are with skipping details
I don't know about the King but the princess got sold into prostitution slavery I believe.
And from anti-hero to full HERO MODE He's really the only one that's been taking the role seriously from the get-go.
He is the only hero of the four
btw did the anime have him not "realise" that the raccoon girl suddenly aged?
Yeah, kind of. There was a scene where you see things kind of from Naofumi's POV and he still sees Raphtalia as the rags-dressed little girl she was originally.
>>691703 I think it's been pretty solid. I only read the manga until shortly before Filo hatches so my comparison is kind of lacking,
wait is this going to continue straightforwards for a third season or how are they going to end this season in 24? episodes 26 maybe
I just don't see a way
Yeah I saw some people worried they might compress the next arc. As far as I know there isn't more anime confirmed yet but this is a pretty popular adaptation and there's plenty of material to adapt so chances might be good.
it is same as it was with Slime they just condensed SO MUCH into last few episodes and just skipped shit to give it a "nice wrapping"
>>691715 it skips steps and so on so in a way it is more efficient than the "everyone here" wait that everyone here " okay 3 2 1 go" but that one can never have false starts
not to mention needless waiting since there are the +1 markings
It's okay I'm the time master no one can be off time while I'm around.
god this anime just makes me want to listen to asmr
and manga too
The Super Senko-san Taimu bits at the end of each episode are particularly close to being ASMR too.
>>691727 she is the best though my bias at that is because she is yuri
jasuko draws yuri/shoujo ai
okay how would you splash the glasses off of a someone?
Makes sense, considering her taste in cosplay gear.
>>691731 Loose glasses could probably be knocked skywards by an upwards splash. My current pair slips up and down my nose pretty easily, i could see them getting hit off good hit.
I am ... 4 year old glasses wearer and I see noway of doing that
>>691732 aah, right if she is say "needs glasses to read" whatever that is in english
then yeah why would she wear glassess or her main ones at the beach I wouldn't I'd wear my 2€ cheap things that are close but no cigar
I don't know many male seiyuu off the top of my head hah hah. Suwabe Junichi.
He's got a few notable roles but the most notable to me is Archer in F/SN. He was also the male lead in that Isekai Shokudou adaptation a year or two back too.
tilds btw do you like asmr?
No strong feelings on it. I don't get overly excited one way or another listening to it.
My headphones are decent enough that I can get a bit sensory intensity from it which is fun and all. I can enjoy listening to it but I don't go out of my way to listen.
>tfw I have asmr jap stuff with earshell/earcupping on hotlink or other
Blue was shotgun for one drive when we were in Philly last and that gave him audio rights. So once he put on some ear-cleaning ASMR as we drove somewhere. That was a funny experience for a full car of five or six of us.
but really I doubt I am the only one who misses you you could pop up more than just chatting with kirara on the main threads and that doesn't mean "hi ton" or anything else said like "hi rika" and respondin to them jesus why am I teaching how to be human to someone else?P