Thread #691089
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Hello sorry /moe/ wasn't updating posts for me for some reason.
Ace of Diamond Black Clover Fairy Gone YU-NO Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin One Punch Man
Oh right I restarted my PC without tabbing back into /moe/.
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hmm Anyone else?
Jan's normally doing a graveyard shift on Tuesday nights so he'll almost certainly not be around. We could start with Black Clover and hope Moon comes 'round before it's over.
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okay then black clover okay lets start
Kuro Kusoba
I wonder how many more seasons they'll keep this on for. I guess it's reasonably popular but I also think it's approaching the manga's release. Plus it doesn't show up on season airing schedules anymore so it's hard to tell when it's done.
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They're trying really hard for big 3 status with it.
I saw a while back some talk that Shounen Jump's trying a new strategy of a Four Great Dragons of its magazine or something. Though when I tried to Google it for a second confirmation I couldn't find anything on it so amybe it's just something made up.
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It's almost harvesting season!
He's dressed a lot like he does in the Black Bulls despite being part of Grey Deer. Though I guess the difference between grey and black isn't all that much.
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>>691106 Hi Moon we've got about eleven minutes on Black Clover.
What is the point of this flashback storytime anyway.
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haha I was thinking the same. They;re just showing us that the guy who we know is really strong, is really strong.
And that this guy with the mask is totally not evil and a long-time NAKAMA of Yami's. Even though he's definitely that evil guy from the organization with the chuuni name.
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I'm hoping they deviate from the trope and have him not have a crazy secret identity at all. Didn't he say he was just really scarred under there?
We did see under the mask and yeah, he's got an awful scar. But I just feel they're pushing it too hard and it makes me suspicious.
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what's next? when that show's over can i get yuu's attention for a brief question i dont want to interrupt
Probably Ace?
Come to think of it I don't have Cinderella Nine on my list. I wonder if I missed it or if it just didn't air this weekend.
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I guess it was a story about rivalry. And how Yami has a rivalry too. though it seems like vangeance just kind of randomly appeared and declared that they were rivals
>>691115 didn't air due to french open
Oh wow, SPORTS got in the way of anime. That's a rare occurence these days!
Ban jansu
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okay ace of diamond okay lets start!
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You should probably just direct your question towards Rika, Moon.
it's fine i changed my mind anyway for some reason i got puyasubs again idk how i swear it's mislabeled
Time for more Yak Kyu
Yak Cue
>>691127 That's really weird. Are you going for the 720p HorribleSubs of the episode?
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Sawamura's moment will come soon!
You keep saying that and these games keep coming but he doesn't get his moment!
Some of these freshmen that have joined their team feel like they need to step up their game or drop from the team.
This guy sure has some interesting dreams.
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Sawamura's time to shine will be soon surely.
It's good of you to hope despite the odds!
my intetnet died internet
>>691138 ;_; Do you have any more of the shows from tonight>
yeah i'll just be tethering though so i'll probably drop posts a lot
Well I hope your net comes back on at some point then. Tethering can be annoying.
Well at least I kind of get this beanpole's mentality. Socializing is hard.
Sawamura's a good-hearted clown.
I wonder if he'll drive the beanpole to his breaking point though.
Geez louise what a kid.
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Yeah, this is new team bonding.
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okay let's mayonaka oh okay let's start then!
okay mayonaka
Mayonnaise-a>>691149 Moon's probably paying attention even though his post dropped. If you aren't sorry Moon! I'll have the time for you.
it's fine
Okay good.
The main vocalist in this OP kind of has this fake feel to his voice. Like it's right on the edge of being noticeably auto-tuned.
Though she's now his imouto rather than onee-chan.
>Bastet Oh it's Puzzles and Dragons all over again.
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This show reminds me of DRRRR but more gay.
A fair bit more supernatural too. I mean Durarara had it's supernatural elements too but this one goes pretty all out.
i like this show quite a bit the gay is just a tone, it's still got its own style and charm without it
oh wow that's something unaesthetic
Huu eh huu eh coat L
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>>691160 Yeah that's true. the supernatural is more in your face
Oh this is some nice OST.
bu- buta?!
Wow look at that fat cat.
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getting an awful lot of throwback vibes
Though the fat cat in The Cat Returns was a little more of a soft-hearted grump.
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The girl's screams were pretty terrifying yeah. Nothing like understanding something to encourage empathy.
Oh I really like this aesthetic.
If you're only known by a name that derives itself from a specific linguistic interpretation, and people stop calling you by that interpretation, but instead use the same vocal structure but with a different meaning, are you still being called by the same name?
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okay one punch man okay let's start
okay one punch
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Saitama's gonna have to show up to save everyone soon.
Well I guess Suiryu might be enough to handle it. Probably only until the Real Deal makes their appearance.
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This last one may be too much for him.
Yeah he's gonna need Saitama to come and save him. I wonder how that's going to make him feel.
Mumen Rider such a good HIIRO
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wow what a coward!
When he's not actually strong he sure ends up a flake. And there's always bigger fish!
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Feels like about time for saitama to show up.
They're padding out the episode so he shows up right as the credits roll.
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yeah there it is kinda a weird place to leave off though, since the fight will last 2 seconds
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thanks for anime
>>691199 Yeah these kind of shounen cliffhangers don't really work for One-Punch Man.
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okay well thanks for anime!
Mhm, thanks.
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test please