>>689556 i think crows are very clever but ive always felt this test in the video was very ehhh i think it's a weak demonstration of how clever they're are and we're imparting a lot of human concepts onto that test e.g. we think it's really cool that they can do something we as humans can do so that means they're smart. they're probably a lot cleverer than that
I once recall a magpie that somehow learned to dive into public trash cans and open them up from the inside so that the trash bag spilled out for it and its friends to eat
You know what's cool When birds of prey use gravity to their advantage Like they pick up little turtles then drop them to crack the shells open
>>689564 Is it the way he looks into the camera with the mouse still in his mouth? >honey I'm home!
>>689569 Oh that's true, I didn't notice how fluffy his feet are >>689569 I do also like when he comes back around 1:40 *1:25 It's like, look I got another one! It's another one! >honey that's great, really great, now I need to go a- LOOK I GOT IT I GOT IT
>>689567 i think it's the fluffy feet, but also he looks so enthusiastic trotting up to the nest he's so happy to do his job
male owls are the hunters who go collect the food for the family. they're smaller than the females it seems like he's just havin fun collecting things and bringing them back he's like HERE HONEY I GOT A MOUSE >i have a mouse OH WELL I HAVE ANOTHER ONE >i dont need another one yet OH, OKAY WELL LET ME KNOW ... UH DO YOU NEED IT NOW I CANT GO FIND ANOTHER ONE IF I DONT GIVE YOU THIS ONE
I'm so close to this summoning ticket Just one more east win I swear to god
>>689578 They really are It's like a drug I finish one and immediately want another It's the gatcha system feeding me. "oh just one more game and I'll get that silver chest, and that rank up, and that copper, and I only have time for an east game before bed" But yes, they're garbage in the long run
>>689580 That's completely understandable and I sometimes play east for that reason But I think in the longrun Mahjong is more enjoyable if you play south games more often East games feel way more random and the short amount of time incentivises making short cheap hands even more than a regular open tanyao game So it's /// I find it more satisfying to play south gams where I have room to make a comeback if I get unlucky somewhere along the way Although with that being said, I do think east games have a tension of their own appeal. The scores at the end are often a lot more tightly clustered together and dealing into one major hand will lose you the whole game. It's a bit like playing with knives
you gotta stop wastin time in those east games they're garbo
what gameru
I like the East games. Some times I have to get up from my desk pretty often and running a two-round game with other people puts me at risk of having to mess up their fun because of my needs. The shorter East games are a simple solution to that.
>>689580 that's the only time i play east really is if i anticipate getting up to do something
>>689582 playing irl looks difficult Those tiles are so jumbled, nothing like the nice clean auto sorting online Oh damn is this guy going for kokushi musou? awwwww shoot is that nine gates Lmao this one guy dropping his 5pin by accident Very lucky series of draws
you can turn off autosort on mahjong soul try it out sometime
no im pretty sure they dont see you did you guys see me shuffling mine around in our game? i think there are some advantages to sorting it yourself in terms of the game itself it can't really help you at all, but in terms of focus it helps you stay in that mindset of thinking about tiles a lot more if i dont have enough stuff to stimulate me then i get lazy and complacent in my play
im really hungry fukk ive got eggs i can make an omelette but that's all ive eaten in a couple days is eggs im not that loyal to eggs either, eggs have never done anything good for me besides betray me
>>689589 srs though they're chili flavored corn chips taste very good when you're drinking
>>689605 holy shit that looks like some video game cheat code thing
i decided rancheritos were not enough got cereal
chocolatey marshmallow mateys never tasted so gud
>>689605 he just fucking follows it down the cliff with the camera by it i mean the event not her he doesn't like get up and panic he's just like "oh this is a good shot"
Kirara 🍄
The full video has been deleted but in the video he posted originally, he's walking up to her body lying on the rocks going "are you alive?? hello??" and then it cuts to her falling down the cliff, and then back to her and it's showing her bruised feet, and then it shows them hugging each other and crying and shit lmao it's so dramatic bitch how you even fall like that
Have you seen some of the edits Like the black and white one with the sad dramatic music playing
>>689618 when is mahoutsukai no yoru getting finished no that's not my question
does there exist a chronological timeline of the universe somewhere ive been trying to understand how much time passed between toukou at the mage's association and garan no dou and the timeline of mahoutsukai in comparison
where can i get a playable version of tsukihime it's not at all compatible anymore it's making me distressed
tape me jumping off an actual cliff and actually fucking dying
Kirara 🍄
>>689622 there's no proper answer to that specific question because the events of mahoutsukai take place in a different universe than the events of KnK
>>689622 when is mahoutsukai no yome getting a second season tho i want to self insert as a suicidal girl again
>>689625 oh ok that's sufficient actually explains what i wasn't getting thanx
Kirara 🍄
does tsukihime not work on win10?
>>689626 whoa spoilers i havent seen it yet thats prolly not even a spoiler is it
>>689628 there's some extremely roundabout way to make it work it's too complicated and technical for me though >>689630 it has a really good official OST soundtrack
>>689629 it's ok they cover that in the first episode it's a really good show though i love it a lot would rewatch
Kirara 🍄
>>689627 it's likely that some analogous events took place in the KnK universe but we just don't know for sure
>>689629 hmm I'll see if my old copy works on my win10
>>689631 but the mage's association timeline within knk itself i always had the impression it was like a long long time ago when touko was there with that anachronistic dude but i realized recently that i had no real evidence for that and it could have just been not that long ago at all i couldn't find any information about it
it's not particularly important but i thought about it a lot
>>689623 it's actually probably not that much but they're youtubers I presume so that's what they do
Kirara 🍄
>>689632 probably only been 10-15 years touko was involved in the magus association in the 80s
>>689634 yeah i was thinking it was like multiple decades ago none of them seem like they're older than like 50 but they're mages and stuff i thought it was like in the 30s or 40s and they were just old
>>689639 it's been fucking four years with no progress maybe five like took years for anyone to even start, they get five chapters in, then just stop people were like "just wait for it to get done, might take a couple years but it'll happen" and it never fucking budged an inch
i legitimately could have learned enough japanese to translate it myself and go finish it in this amount of time im starting to wonder if i should it could be another decade before anyone even thinks about it
OKAY /moe/ IT'S TIME TO ROLL THIS GACHA 5% CHANCE FOR AN ANIBABE TOOK A MONTH TO GET THIS TICKET ... Wow what an amazing prize thank you mahjongsoul
>>689645 Purple is a nice colour for your table cloth I'd like a velvety red one
Kirara 🍄
>>689641 commie started their translation in two thousand and fucking twelve 9/13 chapters fully translated but no updates since 2014 and they won't do a partial release for others to finish it it sucks
>>689644 yeah idk i might just do it myself but that'd take what like 500 hours probably that's like 8000 dollars i could make working on work instead of that
damedame was pretty fun it always fun to hang out in voice chat with jan and saku and rook and the others after an episode release and shitpost in the damedame general thread on /a/
or in the damedame IRC
i'll never forget jan's legendary pumpkin fucking post
that was when yall left /moe/ to hang out with tano instead and /moe/ was suffering an autist infestation between bang and taffer just got worse and worse every day lmao
it was terrible days for /moe/! we suffered hard you guys had good old days without us
i think i came to the voice chat with you guys one time and talked to jan's sister but that time period was when i was really in a bad spot. i didn't even have a microphone to hang out in calls it made me really burn with envy to see all my friends having fun in skype/discord calls and i couldn't even join in
are you gonna ship it to me or do i have to come pick it up
>>689662 The yellow kid showed up for the demon slayers exam Tanjirou participated in earlier in the show. But yeah he seems like a main character and we haven't seen anything of him since.
>>689692 the exact issue you're having is a common reason bottlenecking and throttling of torrent traffic worrying about seeders at all. this is especially a big issue if it's older stuff, like i just got all of the first four seasons of precure there would never be seeders for that faster speeds in general since it's direct
my downloads are only bottlenecked by my wifi connection. otherwise i could have much faster speeds, but it's fast enough
what do you think about a liveboard like this but you have to "answer" posts like this <- if you close your post it ends the call and you have to have someone answer you again before you can continue posting or reading the thread
like you can't see the thread prior to what happens when you join the call the thread* you call into the thread (with a call image if you want) and if you accept, then aoko can join the thread and livepost with you or you can pretend like you don't see it or decline it it's just a thread like this once inside the "call" but you can't see what's there prior to you joining or after youve left
i guess it'd be like instance-based threading but i thought the idea of calling in like that aoko image was cute
>>689715 So would you say it's like an irc with liveboard formatting and someone from inside the thread needs to accept for you to be able to join?
>>689717 Well with not being able to see what was posted up until the point you enter the room
In regards to /magic/ I would not worry about cutting off a thought. Usually people just leave posts open there because opening a new one on such a slow board seems wasteful so they leave their current post open while they go play videogames or whatever. I've seen posts stay open for days. If someone is in the middle of a train of thought, they'll just either come back to it later or they'll finish it and then respond to whatever you're typing afterwards.
Honestly the whole thing about not interrupting other peoples posts is something I've only seen on /moe/
see the thing i dont like about this /magic/ style of posting etiquette is i can't tell when you've finished a thought i dont know when to respond because i dont know if you've finished that thought or you're thinking about the conclusion of your point i can start responding to it anyway but idk if im cutting off your thought, and it's common to need some extra time piecing a thought together. i do that a lot where i assume if the post is still open, you've still got something left. and here on /moe/ we don't really respond to a post until it's closed
anyway, yeah i guess that part's the same but it's not a channel that's joined it's just thread instances
Mahjong Soul's Log is really well done. You can pretty much watch your games in full replay. See the wall, the replay has chapters for each hand and round.
>>689718 i do wish it was real time though or had a brief pause between discards if i wanted to record a match from the log, it's a -little- hard to follow along when the discards are done instantly but yeah i really like it. i wish it showed emotes though. i dont think it does.
it would be -really- neat if it tracked players' tile hovering so you could see what they were thinking when deciding on what to discard
>>689716 yeah i dont worry about it on magic but i dont think the style lends itself to moe well i think /moe/ is kind of special in that regard yeah. we dont always need to extend that politeness for all instances but i think just from experience it's what has worked out to be the smoothest. direct responses to what someone is saying generally go smoother if you allow them to finish that thought. even if the post isnt closed, seeing them quote someone else to reply to a different thought kind of seals the deal that they've completed that thought. it lets you see the person's conclusion before assuming what they mean and responding to it. some interjections can be made if you notice a premise was misunderstood, and you save someone the effort. but i think the allowance of that kind of monologue gives people a lot of freedom of expression and is one of the allures of continuing to post here
a lot of times really rude things have happened during heated moments where people get aggravated at someone's words and interrupt them to say mean things and it ends up with unnecessary hostility due to simple misunderstandings plus you show people that you value what they have to say if you don't just cut them off early to say, "yeah yeah i get the point now let me respond even though you arent done"
The Bronze Room really is clowny though. In an East Round game I went down to 13,000 points, rebounded up to something like 32,000 on the hand before I was the dealer, and then won my first dealer hand putting me right behind the 36,000 leader. Oh it was //Scratch this And then on my first bonus round the person in last place got a decent early Ron off that first place leader and knocked them down only a few points to both put me in first place and end the game. Lot of fun.
Oh wait yeah it was only 27.300 going into my dealer round. I think I got a good Tsumo at the end of this sound. Oh noit -no it was just a Ron off the third place person.
>>689716 I don't care if people interject and I'm making idle conversation but if it looks like I'm making an argued, structured point and someone cuts in on it, that just makes me feel like my case is just being outright ignored which bothers me. It's like how in vocal communication you're probably not going to get upset over your friend jumping in on you when you're excitedly talking about something you watched or played or whatever. But if you were debating with that friend on something and he jumps in on the middle of your point it's probably going to at the least make you feel a little irritated. I'm not expecting people to ignore the liveboard posting nature of /moe/ I would just like for my point to be able to be made in full before people start picking it apart.
it's really distracting too, trying to continue a careful train of thought and seeing a new post pop up, quote you, and start responding to what you're saying you gotta either try to actively ignore it or just briefly look and see what the gist of it is
im happy when /moe/ is flowing fast and you can keep three or four conversations going at once. it doesn't happen much anymore sadly, but it does get there sometimes.
in these slower times especially, there's not such a rush. if someone's posting and contributing, im not in a hurry for them to stop so i can reply faster if anything i'd like to stagger the activity to keep it flowing. once we go 30 minutes or so without a post then it kind of stalls out there's still me or renny posting some images at a slow trickle but not a lot else and if people do tab in and see nothing is going on, they're probably not gonna stick around
>>689722 tbh the only issue I've had with this is that sometimes I don't realise I'm talking to you specifically and then you'll bring it up I don't feel the same way about other people interjecting but I understand the point you're coming from. But sometimes there's an isolated point I want to look at and then it turns out I'm interjecting in regards to you and not some other anon who wouldn't care Of course that's less of a problem now that I recognise the way you type a bit better
At some point it became 08:45. I got wrapped up playing mahjong for like nine hours straight send help.
my brother may or may not be showing up today. he wanted to go out for brunch. some place that has unlimited drinks or whatever. I probably wont be drinking anywhere near as much as them but food sounds nice. I just wish I could shake the everpresent anxiety of hanging out with my brother. Always feel like something really out of my comfort zone is about to happen.
>>689756 I do love a good stitch up >>689757 the /// do they specialise in food and just happen to do drinks or is it just a bacon and egg roll while you get pissed
>>689769 you can have pillow fights, giggle , talk about buoys and put off the inevitable time when he's mom comes over and says it's time to come home
I really now understand why I replayed the alien campaign of avp2 almost weekly when I was younger this is SO FUN
>>689773 yeah I'm sure bang knows a lot about maritime issues living in the middle of a dustbowl actually I don't really know much about that despite living next to a lake
Oh hi there >gets 2 shot by plasma caster so... the fun thing is that when I played as predator I two shot basic aliens too well atleast it is constant
man I'm frustrated that parents didn't even get around to desexing this dog of ours even I repeatedly asked them to do it now of course I had to deal with the problems that led from it
is your doggo knocked up or getting knocked up
nah, but dad thinks she's in heat, so I gotta keep an eye on her and deal with all the semantic bullshit that entitles
yeah i hate when other people's laziness causes me problems not small problems
im not sayin another person can't be attractive i just don't get where the clothing plays into it you don't have to be unclothed to want to be intimate with your partner
i mean the clothing has always been a factor on attractiveness at least since the days where people used dyes to have colorful garments the right amount of clothing and lack of probably has the best potential for attractiveness
>>689880 in that case there it's the clothing that's attractive with the dyes i feel like that's a lot of the allure of dressing up, to signal and to be more attractive (or expressive in other ways)
>>689877 i crashed into this planet as a baby in a pod ship idk bout everyone else here
I dislike any kind of a platform where enter is automatically ALWAYS "finish entry/post" no matter fucking how many lines you have done and so on no plain enter is the finish not enter+something just plain enter JEssu
>>689985 it's pretty good huh? that Yostar company that worked on that just put out mahjongsoul in english it's really good, we even got tilde to start playin
ive been playing since you said "oh it's been 9 hours already" this morning im doing really well against these chinese players
Yeah I think a lot of the Chinese players have a preconceived notion of how to play Mahjong from their rules and that messes them up with Japanese Mahjong.
mmmm, even though it's japanese mahjong, it's still very popular in china mahjong soul came out in chinese first too
there are a lot of -really- good chinese players. you can check them out in the watch tab playing in the saint tables if you ever feel like but there's also just a -lot- of chinese players like probably 80% of the players are chinese so they fill up the cat bracket too
>>689736 also here tilde add me by friend code there
Yeah I saw I'm just currently on my bed with a cat on top of me so I'm just flitting around the Internet right now. I'll set that up once I get on again.
i need to get a back pillow, like those incline foam things being on bedrest is hard. i can't be flat this much of the day, and it makes it hard to work yesterday morning i got up early and made 75 bucks in like two hours but it also takes two hours of warming up before i can start, and my muscles can't keep going much longer than a couple hours
if i could just improve my muscle strength and maybe figure out how to have a better lap-desk setup to where i could work normal length days i could be making a lot more money
Would you like to be threatened at knife point by Koishi
Kirara 🍄
well, it depends where you get stabbed but in general getting stabbed and getting shot are things that can happen to you and you don't even notice immediately
me and floop are both like half a win away from adept 3 i queued into him but we got 2nd and 3rd in that match and barely moved any points at all the person in fourth was really bad and kept feeding points to the guy who took first aaagh i really want to get it before stopping
Kirara 🍄
>>690015 i dunno, there have been times where i got a puncture wound and didn't realize for like 20 minutes
>>690018 I can totally relate yeah. The reason I end up getting absorbed for so long is because I start off winning and that gets me into a bit of a groove. But then I get a really nasty loss and since I'm the kind of person that hates ending on a sour note I've got to spin up another. Even though I can feel my thinking getting sluggish and realizing the dumb mistakes I'm making. And then next thing you know nine hours have gone by hah hah. That final actually ranked match I did was one hell of a dumb choice, especially when I lost like 8000 or 12000 points playing into another player's hand on the first hand. Thank goodness I went into superfocus and got some really good hands afterwards and the dumbass fourth place player won me the game by stealing enough points off of first to lift me into first.
I'm actually a little worried for when I get to start paying some of my digital money to buy into silver room games because I'm gonna want to recoup losses and that's a slippery slope to slip down.
I'm always looking to expand my collection of cool music, especially for campaign purposes if you'd like me to try and sprinkle a little sumthin sumthin in
or a boss with 10+ forms and every form is a new track
>>690030 Yeah, seems like its so they don't throw their CGI artists into a hell of a crunch, which is respectable of them. I wonder if they'll do some reshoots or easter eggs referencing the dumbass original design.
Kirara 🍄
a wanted poster with a photo of the old design and sonic is like "this doesn't look like me at all"
>>690020 your digital currency there is insignificant copper doesn't really do anything besides buy some items that you get as rewards for playing anyway, and in much larger volumes. and they always give you more copper if you get low the real thrill is in the rank points. instead of a traditional elo system, it's got a tiered system. when you climb to the next tier of that class (the 1/2/3 of novice 1/2/3), it puts you at 50% of the way to the next tier. you have to lose that 50% before it drops you back to the tier you just came from, so there's some wiggle room as you try to climb to the next rung but when you get to adept/expert/etc, you can't fall back down to novice. you just fall down from 3 to 2 or 2 to 1
since im a gambler im really good at cutting my losses short though. i dont tilt ever i stop having fun long before im to tilt level, so i stop playing before it ever gets that bad but this is satisfying the thrill pretty well, fighting for rank
I'd probably have to start being proud of my skill before I start caring about rank. It's like when I thought I could be good at DotA and winning/losing games could get me really worked up. Of course, any time winning and losing is a component of a game I'd rather win than lose, but these days I just can't get frustrated over a loss streak anymore. I still feel like an unskilled doof playing Mahjong a lot of the time so it's hard to feel like my rank points are really indicative of anything but luck.
last night i had a dream that i pulled one of my teeth out, like perfectly intact and i was just like "oops. ill have to get an implant, i guess. oh well"
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
livestream of silent hill fanfilm it's meant to be pretty good for like 2005
>>690231 I thought he was stringing Sony along instead I actually thought the game would never come out. That he'd string Sony along for a few years, get nothing done, reboot the game three times, switch to shady investors, then run out of their money, and then cancel the game
Kirara 🍄
why would he do that kojima always delivers
>>690234 It's been in development for a long time, we haven't seen a whole lot of it, and he no longer has Konami to reign him in
Kirara 🍄
>>690235 we haven't seen videos of it because they want to keep as much of it a secret as possible though all of the actors and tons of random people kojima shows it to talk about it all the time kojima is just a perfectionist that's why he did something ridiculous like do an entirely new model of norman reedus to use in the game just because norman got a single new tattoo
Kirara 🍄
the_kojima_defender has logged on
>>690236 >Kojima is a perfectionist exactly dude I can see him getting two years into development, deciding he doesn't like something or wants something changed, then scrapping it all Ultimately time will tell
>oh shit they just announced ps5 we have to actually release the game now
i get the feeling kojima knew exactly what he wanted from the beginning and has been micromanaging everything that's why he's spending like every waking hour doing the playtesting on his own game he said a few months ago that it was behind schedule a little though i think he said it was releasing in 2019 a few years ago
How many movies do you think he's seen during the development of Death Stranding Not even dagging him, genuinely curious Could probably count them on his twitter
Ever since I started practicing zen, my dreams have changed a lot. Things go the same way until the point where it would usually transition to a nightmare, but now whenever that point comes, I respond calmly and unbothered, even though nightmareish things are happening
or would burning be better? I wonder which would leave a more readable and permanent scar
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>690297 i think it depends on how hot the thing you burn them with is and how long it remains in contact burning would probably be more readable and permanent though brands are used for a reason
Shoebill is my favorite. the owls are great though
>>690305 i mean you could control your demons manually and cycle their combos but what's the point when the damage boost to demons also makes them autocombo and you get so much DT you can keep it applied all the time and still summon nightmare after reading the book for a bit such a dumb character all around glad you don't get forced to play him for long
>>690314 I mostly cycled combos because it was more interesting than DT but i still easily got S ranks immediately he's just weird and super easy not being in a position to take damage most of the time makes ranking a cake walk a walk through cake
>>690319 i was usually pretty close to the monsters honestly trying to get behind shadow because the directional inputs being relative to where he's facing and that made my brain shut down but they can't even touch you half the time no matter where you are since the bird also makes them flinch and attacks during melee combos from shadow unlike firearms God forbid nightmare falls directly on them, you get an instant SSS basically
>>690330 yeah, apparently no plans for more dlc doesn't make sense to me since Vergil is already in the files with a ton of moves, somebody modded him into playable state and he seems pretty complete maybe it's just a coincidence can't really say for sure seeing as how they added tons of stuff to 4 special edition like 8 years later too
how long is it before a recurring migraine is medically significant?
recurring daily or what what time of day
dish-shot acerola-orion heart-under-blade
>>690346 it comes and goes usually after I've been awake for a while around six hours after waking up i guess feels like pressure behind my eyeballs
what's your sleep schedule like are you getting up the same time daily i know this isn't something you can change since it's about work but just tell me anyway
taking caffeine and aspirin helps a bit >>690349 very fucked up i wake up at noon to three except Tuesday i wake around midnight and Friday at 2am i have a habit of staying up for a full day on Monday because of swing shifts and usually get around five or six hours sleep daily
I dont think wealth consolidation is the reason that's happening though
>>690351 why would you wait in line to climb a mountain
>>690350 swing shifts are really bad for that try to be conscious of when you're blasting your eyes with bright lights do some white light therapy when you wake up in the morning for a bit on your laptop or something and try to get short 15 minute naps in or smth
as always valerian root is a potent migraine aborter but it's not always viable get some glucose tablets for like a dollar at walgreens and drink lots of water stop alcoholing
because western society is about gaining money and achievement and historically climbing mount Everest has been considered an achievement so that's what people do they climb the mountain instead of actually enjoying or appreciating the mountain
>>690354 to answer the question, three days is usually considered clinically relevant but that's like for affluent people who have their littlest of complaints handled seriously
i'd say getting three a week for multiple weeks straight should warrant a consultation you might be given a triptan to help out
the biggest thing you can do is stop abusing your pineal gland though. normally it can take a bit of distress, but when you're in a swing shift it's already neglected af and learn how to micronap, not forcing yourself to stay up when tired but just catch a short snooze i did that last night while you guys watched jojo for like 12 minutes and i was fine afterwards.
>>690354 i could probably use the white light when i wake up going outside after being in my dim room usually makes me wince a bit Valerian root makes me a bit drowsy so probably not a good thing to be taking at work
i drink lots of water though, don't think it's hydration related
i haven't been drinking much lately i do like once a week
drinking lots of water isn't necessarily about hydration when your ganglia are flaring up from trigeminal stimulation and can't do their role in distributing melatonin and carrying out the nerve function because it's all blocked up drinking water helps bring down the electrolyte concentrations in your system sodium is the force behind all nerve transmission
>>690357 i don't honestly feel tired when i stay up long periods, i think my body's acclimated to it by now i struggle trying to nap though getting to sleep even on 24 hours of wakefulness can take me a while not sure why but napping is hard for me and i don't wake easily
some of these tips may not apply, they're just common factors
and this one's a little bit arbitrary but be wary of how much garlic you consume too a lot of people don't really think about it when they get garlic cheese bread or garlic crust on their pizza or toss a few cloves into their roast but garlic is notorious for triggering migraines for those who are already susceptible.
it's hard because i love garlic and it's good for heart health but that's been a big factor for me idk i havent gotten migraines in years now. i used to be a chronic sufferer like five migraines a week for several years it was awful
didn't know that about garlic, i don't eat it often but do like it on my pizza and such hmm
just garlic cloves as a pizza topping
ok i don't like garlic THAT much
fresh buttermilk pancakes with warm garlic syrup
honey bunches of garlic
Honey and garlic is a seriously solid combination though.
is it good enough to be a breakfast cereal though or is it more of a salad combination
Man I fucking hate mowing lawns. Nothing about it brings me any enjoyment or satisfaction and I'm loathing the process the whole way through. Who ever decided it was a good idea to keep maintained lawns as a part of a respectable house.
these death stranding leaks making me think about my own horrible social life create the rope help us reconnect yeah maybe I should, nothing else to fucking do for real. anyway, having a lawn filled with tall grass is mosquito city, and whoever does that gets a fucking slap from me cause I despise mosquitoes with every fibre of my soul. as much as spiders. they should all die when they come close to me.
Slap me on this and I'll slap you back. Mowing the lawn is a miserable experience. Come here and mow this fucking lawn yourself if it's such a problem for you.
i dealt into a sanbaiman on the south 1st for 24,000 points left me with 200 points i took dealer in south 3rd and pulled it all the way back
i really need to get kana or something i don't really like booby lady that much but at least she isn't cat
;_; I like cat over oppai-chan.
>>690384 I have a hard time making hands faster than the other players when I'm the dealer. I think the best I've done is maybe two bonus rounds before losing dealer.
>>690385 forming hands is definitely one of the more complicated skills to develop https://euophrys.itch.io/mahjong-efficiency-trainer you can try this out if you want some raw practice just making hands efficiently in a vacuum
realistically it requires a lot of awareness and good reading skills. i can try to give you some tips from my learning curve though forget honor tiles. they look tempting, but just forget 'em. get rid of them right at the start unless you already have a whole set or you're worried someone else does. trim out the terminal tiles too if you can. if you already have a set formed with the terminals then it'd be faster to keep them, but you get a yaku just for not having terminals or honors, so that's less time wasted holding out for a third honor tile, of which there's only four and you can't make a sequence from sec i got another one
I kind of already had a feeling for getting rid of honor tiles but I do have a bit of a case-by-case on them, I'll save them if I have a pair of dragons since Pon-ing is an easy simple yaku then. Same if I have the round or seat wind of wind tiles. I'll trim my terminals unless I have a good hand set-up for using them and otherwise I try to keep my number tiles around the 3-7 range in case I pick up any late red fives.
I'm familiar with Pinfu but it's rare I get to take advantage of it. I guess I just need more practice with it.
learn about pinfu, if you haven't already, and just try to play a few rounds trying to get pinfu it's not a yaku by itself, but it only applies when you'd already have a yaku anyway so it's fine. it's a really easy way to add one han to a cheap hand those juicy honor tiles which might add an extra han if you get three, ditching it and going for pinfu gives a han also and is much more realistic this image is a good example of my general strategy of going for tanyao pinfu whenever possible. grab a red dora whenever it's convenient, position yourself to make use of dora tiles if they should fall into place but dont depend on it. a simple hand can become worth 18000 like this without any crazy luck, just every few times you'll get an ippatsu or an ura dora, and coupled with the free tanyao/pinfu it gets big
>>690386 damn really usually when I ask that people just say they're icky or something
>>690388 it took me quite a bit of time before i really started thinking about pinfu. it's just my current strategy, and ive been playing a long time when i was newer, i would just kind of wildly chase whatever hand i thought i was closest too and get frustrated when it wouldn't pan out or when i couldn't discard the tiles i needed without dealing into other hands. i felt hopeless a lot
another thing i like about focusing around tanyao (not exclusively, but positioning myself towards it) is that it's a lot more defensive too if im going for toi toi or something and i have triplets and i have to discard everything else, it gets risky if im playing around terminal tiles and ive discarded around the middle, and i get into a spot where i can't discard a tile to progress my hand because it's a risky tile, then my hand is dead when i play around the middle, it lets me change waits pretty freely if things get dangerous and someone goes into riichi
the downside is that it's very easy to read your discards when you play this way, but even in the silver bracket im not seeing that as much of a problem
you're also more likely to get an ura dora if you have sequences across a bunch of tiles you're not gonna get 3 ura dora that way probably, but that's not very valuable really since it's not linear a good goal is to get 4 han or so for good scoring hands. just a basic hand of riichi, tanyao, pinfu, and an ura dora is pretty close to a mangan if not a mangan most of the time and it's super easy to make.
international house of porn international house of ponies international house of parrots international house of picante international house of pistachio
i mean making a controversial comment you know will blow up in order to get your name out there as someone running for congress is smart but he's still stupid
>>690459 i bet. sounds like a great time i think i'd be one of those folks who passes out from the freefall force and the instructor has to grab onto
I don't think I'd pass out from the force but I'd probably lock up at the edge of the plane. I'm not good when it comes to the thought of jumping and falling.
Kirara 🍄
they don't give you time to lock up from what ive heard they'll make sure you go i want to do it someday
maybe i could do an assisted jump with sammy kyaa so he could pull the chute in case i pass out
>>690467 Ah we're all good then. I mean the falling part will probably scare the shit out of me but I'm sure there'll be enough time for me to get over it
>9100 points by the time it's my turn to be dealer >"Okay here's my chance to win some cheap hands and catch u- >Player to my right calls Riichi on their first draw
I learned the basics in like four or five hours of play tops. It seems kind of complicated but the complex stuff is easy to pick up as you're playing games.
mahjong isn't THAT complicated Just remember 4 sets one pair, smash dat mfing riichi button, and you're already halfway there If you memorise pinfu, tanyao, and yakuhai then you're already on par with the average bronze room player
>>690488 i dont think mahjong is your kind of game! i can't really imagine you being driven by the thrills mahjong has to offer even though there's gacha elements, that's like 0.5% of it and the bulk of it is all just mahjong
does mahjongsoul have any option for wagering or gifting copper That'd really get me going Could have friendlies where we bet that Real money would be more exciting but that has way more complications
no, and no there's not a realistic way for them to implement copper wagering in friendlies
they will have tournament prizes for special events like they already do, but that's kind of different
>>690498 legalize online gambling nationwide some states individually have it, but i think just NJ right now regardless of that though, just having it legal isn't enough for a platform to be sustainable. the global platforms which already exist would just be locked out of the US altogether if it was state-by-state laws
and no company operating within an individual state for that state's population is going to be sustainable for anything more than entertainment value and novelty the places i was at before are still technically legal since they're not gambling but are skilled games, but the legislation is still such an oppressive force against it that they all died just due to low population and legal restrictions having to be actively fought against which is expensive
>>690499 no it's because they have copper refills if you drop low copper is built into their gacha system so allowing free movement of it is going to open it to exploitability
>>690499 if it's a friendly game you can just wager with your friends out of game on agreed-upon rules
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
https://gematsu.com/2019/05/atelier-ryza-announced-for-ps4-switch-and-pc sweet merciful fuck those thighs
No don't do that.
>>690502 yeah but wagering money involves stuff like exchange rates and transaction fees
I meah yeah I knew that. I don't think much would have made that scenario not dangerous. Even out of Riichi I probably would have still discarded that Red Dragon because who the FUCK gets triplets of the Dragons.
>>690522 The Dragons were before I discarded, in turn order, the Green, the White, and then after a couple draws in Riichi, the Red.
>>690520 was it a closed hand? you riichi'ed with green and white dragons called?
I gave them ALL the remaining Dragons they needed ;_; >>690522 I mean yeah, because I was pretty comfortably in first place and this guy was literally 25,000 points below me. Even if he had a good hand I'd fall into second at worst and only if he Ron'd me. But I wasn't expecting him to have two of all three of the dragons.
two dragon sets is enough to control the board you should smell that fear and not dare it like that you'll probably keep a closer eye on those dragons in the future though!
It's a digital game there's no fear to smell. Like I said earlier even two sets of dragons wouldn't have thrown me below second which I would have been fine with. I couldn't have used the Red Dragon tile I drew so even out of Riichi I would have discarded it regardless. There's no value in worrying about it at that point because it's a statistical anomaly to have enough for three sets anyway.
Giga Wrecker frustrates me but I want to see how it ends
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I bought it for pc but didn't play long because it felt so flimsy
>>690529 if you're already in first, i think it's okay to not make a hand you can just hold risky tiles and not deal into anything, play defensively
>>690513 looool I've made the same mistake Be happy you got to see a yakuman
>When your East game goes to South 4 because none of you can make a fucking solid hand to save your life If I wasn't directly responsible for this travesty I'd probably be annoyed.
finished kemono friends s2 I give it a 7/10 really needed more Shoebill
>>>/watch?v=eeiI8wkcD64 I am so glad that someone knows the names of these memes. because I couldn't remember... no I did not even know the name of the song
somebody bought me a beer today cause i sold them a winning scratch ticket! someone also threatened me and accused me of short changing him! the duality of man
>>690558 careful with that columbiano bro >>690557 that's happened to me before those fuckin tanks get refilled empty or broken a lot >>690556 he asked me to pick it out too prob the only time I have ever picked a big winner for somebody else