Thread #690074
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amo,e anime sorry I'm late lost track of time
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Guess you're too busy having fun with your NEW friends
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Fairy Gone Fruits Basket Hitoribocchi JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Kimetsu no Yaiba Kono Oto Tomare! Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin Senryuu Shoujo
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do we get jan
Not sure, but I haven't seem him -seen him around much lately. I let him know though.
Alo Ja
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okay jojo fruit basket kimetsu hitori sentruu
i got everything i think
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okay jojo! okay let'sstart!
Do you want to jump in on this one Moon?
george's wacked out escapade is this the ep with the 7 page muda?
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you go ahead i'll yellow up for convenience though
>>690089 I think so yeah.
>>690091 noice noice i saw an uptick in muda muda memes
Bu cha Ra ti
>>690081 also yeah i haven't been checking /moe/ too much lately gomen
>How dare you do something so cleaver >Cleaver
Oh it was intentional.
green tea is such a dumb name even by localization standards haha
I'm still puzzled by the fact that they had to localize Oasis into Sanctuary. Like Oasis is a general enough term.
time for top tier asspull
RIP Mista
>>690101 it's just a couple dozen flesh wounds!
>he's a doctor in the loosest possible sense maybe
Well that's pleasant.
how does he move after severing his fucking spine
It must be the work of an enemy Stand! His spine's just wiggling out in the open air too.
and how did he bisect his entire torso with a scalpel? this part is so weird
Maybe there's also a bonesaw somewhere in that helicopter.
i suppose that'd work imagine sawing yourself in half in like half a minute though
time for the wrath of DIO
Man shut the fuck up you shitty Stands.
mista's stand allows him to shoot incredibly annoying exposition at the viewer
All this monologueing hah hah hah
>knows all this biology >doesn't know what metacarpal bones are ???
Oh wow they even played the "You caught me monologuing!" card.
>>690113 the jojo villain didn't wait for the monologue for once yeah giorno is two million steps ahead of this bastard though
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I feel like the gang has a lot more close calls this season than in past seasons.
Man look at that Nokia phone.
>>690118 i can't really remember all the battles that well but i do think part 5 is a lot more violent bucciarati's party would be so fucked if giorno wasn't so amazingly broken
What a fucking weirdo.
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i need a loop of secco losing his shit haha
Oh shit I know that hairstyle.
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>I can see your underwear
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fruits basket okay lets start
>>690090 Ping pong Moon man>>690132 PARTY HARD
Search [iqdb] (1s, 309 KB, 960x540, secco full retard.webm )
test yeet>>690130 i don't want to party with secco that fucker cray cray
okay sorry
Ha wa i?
New Years camping trip!
>it's new years eve, so no one's out and about you what now
>>690138 New Years Eve in Japan is traditionally spent indoors amongst friends and family doing games or watching television programs. In a busier metropolis like Tokyo or Osaka you might see more partying but especially earlier in the evening like this they're probably all still at home. Of course late at night they go out to a shrine for New Years morning visits but it sounds like the Soma family's event replaces that formality for them.
Search [iqdb] (270 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Fruits Basket ((…).jpg )
>>690139 oh i didn't know that honestly sounds like what i usually do for new years eve though, i just know that a lot of other people here go partying or otherwise out and about for the holiday i went to a NYE party once and it was miserable people were all fucked up and it was too much chaos even for me
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her mom bustin as usual
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the somas should just get together and have a good ol tournament arc to get all this breaking shit out of their system
Ii zama da!
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>was wondering if maybe you were lonely im so envious of her friendships
Tohru really has some wholesome relationships yeah. Despite the hard times she's suffered she's got a really good deal.
>Yuki was my first love Ara ara
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okay kimetsu! I'll do my best. I like this one a bit more than fruits basket okay let's start!
Are you actually going to be present for this one.>>690157 Why don't you just tell your friends you're going to be pre-occupied for a couple hours. That's what I do a lot of the time I've bailed on a lot of people so I can focus on anime with y'all.
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im hungry but also tired and lazy hmm
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>>690158 dont make people choose you might not like the choice im happy that we have anime at all
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im surprised he just went and did this in the middle of a big crowd this is going to be an ordeal
I think he wants an ordeal. While they're all focused on the demonified guy he can run off.
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I guess this guy is probably stuck.
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>>690164 i guess he figures he can disappear in the commotion or something
Oh well Tanjirou's going a bit crazy though. Guess a country hick has a hard time understanding how to act in the big city.
whoa this is a trippy ability
Oh here's some more good oni.
This guy sure has a real complex about his complexion.
ah he can shapeshift explains why nobody thinks his claw nails are weird i guess
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That lady really didn't do anything wrong either.
well you can't exactly leave a witness when you do something like that then again people might not believe her story
Poor Nezuko can't understand why she's being bullied
angery noodles
>Calling Nezuko an eyesore Wow dude don't be mean.
awwww poor nezu
Oh I wonder if this doctor lady might be able to provide Nezuko a power upgrade.
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Or maybe something to let her operate a little more freely.
Eughdffds Eyes on hands are a real bother to me.
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i like her hair
Nezuko is pretty adorable though. This bratty oni boy doesn't know what's what.
Tanjirou is such a good boy. Oh I wonder if the doctor lady's gonna die and ruin all their hope.
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Looks like next episode will be a big one.
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having eyes on your hands seems like a pain in the ass
Maybe oni handeyes are more powerful.
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i don't think i have the stomach for bocchi tonight you folks go ahead
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bocchi bye moon play okay lets start!
>>690192 goodnight Moon
She has a shuriken alarm clock. How adorable.
Tomodachi ni nari tai i
this op always reminds me of Skittles
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 709x1136, はなおとがわ - \ 北上さまだよーっ /.png )
those are some really casual summer uniforms
Bocchi is such a clown.>>690201 I like the red highlights, it's cute.
everyone in this show is so bad at life
Nako's pretty good at life. She's like the one normal person surrounded by total weirdness.
Oh she's a RURUS NERD
This girl is pretty chuuni hah hah
>>690206 oh yeah you right everyone but nako though
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I get the unforunate girl.
I get both her and Bocchi. Bocchi's social anxiety resonates with me pretty heavily.
i can't really get bocchi's level of anxiety it just seems a bit too high level
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I guess the weeb has trouble making friends too.
just a bunch of friendless friends
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thanks for anime
We saving Senryuu then? I'm fine with it just checking.
oh ok thanks for anime then
Search [iqdb] (183 KB, 598x845, エーキチ@3日目オ-45a - 北上さん.jpg )
>>690219 oh yeah, sorry Wanted to save it for moon.