BokuBen is probably fine to watch, I doubt people would be too remiss to miss it. I kind of want to watch Dororoooooooo I feel Senryuu is in the same boat as BokuBen but it's so short whether we watch it or not has no bearing on show build up really. Fdsds
And you know if anyone else was here they'd just say "watch whatever". Or tell us we shouldn't have saved anything in particular argh
I mean honestly we can watch nothing and do five shows a night and still have nothing on the list by the end of Thursday night. Or do an extra show here or there and be back on track by mid-next-week.
I'd kind of like to watch at least something though.
Dororo at least. Like I said earlier BokuBen would be probably fine to watch as well. I don't want to watch it in particular but it would be something to watch.
If you're here we can probably do >>690566 this. Minus maybe Senryuu and one other show maybe. Actually it's only 01:00 EST we probably have time for four.
ok technical difficutlies with brightness resolved now >>690592 look fUCK me and FUCK my best interests finish maint early so i can spend more than 120 hours in 2 weeks in this gay ass mmo
Oh I guess the otouto's guardfriend didn't die in that fight with Hyakkimaru.
i have literally spent 22 days in terms of hours playing a game in two and a half monhts maybe 3 months i dont remember yolo
I mean at least you're getting your money's worth outta that sub.
true that 15 bucks for a much less dangerous addiction is a good deal if you gotta be addicted to somethin i just wish these guys would stop being so fUCKIN BAD at mechanics fkn 20 wipes or something to midgardsorm because ppl cant understand to prioritize placing his fire breath over pushing buttons so far everything else seems good with their performance though
Hyakkimaru's slowly becoming more and more tainted by his sins.
>>690628 Ruroni Kenshin's manga was one of the first series I ever read to completion. The manga is a really nice story. Shame the manga's an actual lolicon.
whoa i only have like 10 images on this tablet watafak i gotta get my 120,000 screencap folder on this bad boy >>690630 i didn't read all the manga i just watched the show i thought it was a nice story though i'm not sure what differences there were between the original and anime either i really liked kenshin as a character one of my first anime crushes tbqhfam the movie is a lot more gore filled and action packed than the show was though
It's not really a moral thing, it's the fact that he's killed people in a blood thirst. First with those soldiers in >>690634 STOP STOP STOP We need Moon oh damnit Rika.
>>690630 >>690632 i figured what you meant the first time haha its pretty disgusting but i find it easy to disconnect the author or actor from the work myself even though it's abhorrent that he was acquitted of his crimes he made a cool mango
moon too, neat okay we're all orange now so let's start!
it's okay just time me
Anyway Hyakkimaru's blood thirst driving him to kill people is what's tainting his soul with that demon red. It's not really about right or wrong it's more of an overall Buddhist thing.
i need the time too mine started automagically at the end of dororo tilde tasukete kudasai oh wow i was only like 45 secs ahead such good time, we made
not having anyone to eat lunch with is a very feely feel for me is all >>690644 ive been out for about a week myself i can't seem to get a doctor's appointment
I read some manga every now and then. I check in on Kaguya chapters that get posted on /a/. And there's this really excellent manga that's currently running in Shounen Jump I want to catch up on. Plus I hope it gets an adaptation because then everyone will get to see how good it is and I want you to ENJOY it.
>>690645 i always feel kind of weird when i'm eating with other people especially if they're trying to make conversation and i am trying to inhale sustenance and can't reply because i have half a pound of steak and steamed vegetables in my horrid maw
i stopped taking mine because i stopped going to get checked up on and refilled because i have no FUCKING MONEY ANYMORE i don't even eat lunch at werk that uncle phil when $789 a month of gay tax
>Localizing Hozuki-chan as Hozy
honestly i don't really give a shit about my meds all it did was make me focused enough to accomplish more at my shit ass fuckin job but they don't seem to give much of a shit as long as i do the bare minimum of showing up and restocking what's out anyways so like, what the fuck ever though its been more difficult to sleep without the adderall crash idk if that's a temporary side effect of cessation and i want to play the koto it seems so awesome having to work together in harmony with other people to create beautiful melodies tfw nobody to garage band with forever solo guitar
These koto instruments look pretty expensive too. Considering they're handcrafted and so large. You probably should take something like that seriously!
>>690649 Yeah I get kind of charmed with the thought of being able to jam session with people on instruments. Though all I'm good at is piano and even that I'm way out of practice.
i want the MC of this show to fuck me raw no homo though
>>690652 from personal experience, if you've grasped the concepts around creating melodies on piano you can transition it to many other instruments once you learn how they create sound and chords i can't play the piano much a nymore because my hands fucking hurt after a while but i think i got a head start on guitar because i knew notes and progression ands hit
Rival school!
What a pair of nutjob girls.
>>690655 I'm pretty decent on music theory but only really in theory, not application. I understand what sounds good and I can follow sheet music and such but I'm kind of clueless on how to go about using that myself.
Being Kuga is suffering
Their advisor really learns -leans a bit too hard into being a jerkass to encourage improvement. He comes off as being just an ass.
The dynamic between these two is great. They're so adorable.
Everyone in these shoujo shows are always carrying some kind of trauma with them.
this show always makes me want to VACATION WITH MATT >>690675 yeah i know i feel like i would have skipped some serious trauma sometimes though but i'd probably still be mega fucked up and thinking about impossibilities is futile! better to make the reality that is my future better!
The guy with green hair and the scar he reminds me of the protagonist from that show with the weird zombies and trains the zombies with lava in them and stuff I can't remember what that's called.
Yeah, and the character design for that show is a famous character designer for old mecha shows like Macross. So it's probably an aesthetic reference.
joke's on you my phone is rated for humid water damage ive used it when taking baths and showers HUNDREDS OF TIMES though it's not rated for surviving submerging in water i haven't dropped this shit yet!
these are the kind of things i have irrational fears about when using smartphones
Yeah I kind of get that too. I'm always cautious about the buttons I'm pushing on my smartphone when I'm at risk of prompting something with someone else.
not just the buttons (but the buttons too) but also uncouth apps with camera access and insecure networks
my phone doesn't even let apps use the camera i have to make an exception for the app manually because this phone lITERALLY DOES NOTHING by default lel
It's a good safety precaution at least.
Nariyuki you dense FUCK
Well that's a pretty obvious reveal. Can Nariyuki DENSE his way out of this predicament?
>>690764 it's hard to tell if it's a safety precaution or a fault of having JACK FUCKIN SHIT preinstalled or set up it is a basic ass bitch phone for people who do not use smart phones for their widgets and integration and shit like that comes with like 16 default apps that are just bare bones for functioning as a phone
Bee con shush obu
>>690767 Why not both! If it works both ways I would say it serves both purposes!
i'm pretty gay but athletic girls sure make me confused about my sexuality i'm sure i won't regret saying this but the only woman i've layed with well women in the last five years was a super fit black grill who i knew from my gym
Oh, more of the also socially-awkward sensei next episode.
oh you saved senryuu for me that was thoughtful thanx
>>690776 and her girlfriend but i wasn't real interested there tbh >>690781 no i've lived a loose and irresponsible life and done a lot of really dumb shit that got me nowhere
You've sure lived an exciting life eh.
>He's still kept the bunny ears What a fucking dweeb
>>690782 what a fucking chad* i wish my boyfriend would wear bunny ears i bought for him
>>690784 i find myself getting hot or feeling the heat a ton more than most people around me i feel i prefer it to be around freezing even with the AC and fans going to keep my room sub 60F it feels somewhat uncomfortable in short sleeve shirts and shorts my heat resistance is entirely insufficient for where i live dammit
reminds me of when i was in harrisburg in 2016 i think with the /moe/ crew it was like 40 degrees and i was in thin dress slacks and a short sleeve t-shirt and everybody else was like FUCK OMG ITS COLD and i got some cafe americano and was good to go good memories some of the few good ones such interactions i rely on to keep myself alive and i wish i was kidding when i said that
>>690790 I can appreciate onepieces but I do have a thing for that curve of the body around the hips that a onepiece can some times conceal. Don't really get the chance to admire swimsuits much lately anyway.
especially visiting st. louis that was special to me so many new feelings and new things to parse even the stuff i was way too drunk and stoned to reciprocate it was magical truly dear to my heart and obviously so because i remember the events whilst forgetting what happened to me yesterday
Oh Sketchbook-chan's traded out for a boogie board. Clever of her.
>>690789 I'll take sweltering heat over mild spring temperatures any day. My body doesn't move enough to spread the heat it generates.
>>690795 i'd honestly take sub-freezing point temperatures all year round if i could when it's above 75 or so fahrenheit, i feel sluggish and tepid when it's winter here, it's hovering around 15 to 30 fahrenheit most of the time, and i feel so energetic when i'm outside
>>690794 We gotta get travelling again some time. It's a magical world out there. Let's go exploring!
>>690801 are you sure you're ready to explore with me remember, matt climbed 7400ft up a fucking mountain with me on a whim because it looked cool from the base where there was a drinking fountain and i said "hey, brotherrrrr, let's climb that fucking mountain, it says here on the map it's the ALTAR OF SACRIFICE" are you prepared to make potentially life threatening decisions because it seems fun
thanks for anime >>690806 thanks for coming i am still waiting to get those cuddles i DEMAND IT
>>690805 Hah, please. Hiking is definitely good fun, especially if it's not a route I've hiked like every summer for a decade straight. I have plenty of experience scaling weird tracks up steep hills and cliffy faces.
>>690809 oh awesome you sound like just the kind of fucker who likes the way this sucks there's nothing better than finding some cliff or such and patrolling the perimeter until a way up reveals itself
As long as we're like not free-basing for more than like eight or so metres I'm probably good to climb anything.
>>690811 well i can't say i have never done it but i haven't done it with matt, considering his physical disability with that janky knee i suggested such a thing with the altar of sacrifice but he shot it down saying he wouldn't be able to make it that far so we looked for a more reasonable way up i have climbed some uh wait let me get the calc about 23 meters free climbing up the mesas in west texas mostly vertical but i'm sure we could put our heads together and find an ascent that's reasonable for those afraid of looking down
i would free climb, im fit enough to, but my nerves are so trash that my muscles could just stop working at any time and i'd fall it'd suck
I mean I'm not gonna say I'm hot on the thought of dangling in mid-air with nothing but a cliff face. But my concerns are more that I definitely don't have the upper-body strength to feel confident climbing for a decent bit of time. Maybe if I got more fit I'd agree to something like that but for the time being I'm definitely down for anything that can be hiked up.
I am extremely hot on such thoughts and climbing in such a way infuses me with a vigor incomparable with modern strifes of wage and property and so on It's probably my favorite feeling in the world to be fifty feet above ground clinging to facets in the cliff face because my life does literally depend on it >>690814 it's probably not a good idea for you to do such a thing with how your muscles lock up though i don't know if it's any better by now, it sounded like you were in quite some pain back then and we weren't really exerting ourselves >>690815 it is pretty easy for me to lift myself but i am gifted with a very lithe build, i retain very little body fat, at 7% last I checked. Though I'm not very ripped I maintain the ability to lift myself up with ease, without having to do much other than lifting of the cheap weights I have and bodyweight excercises outside of the weekly gym routine.
that was sciatica back then we did quite a bit of movement at the festival, but we also drank a lot and i took benzos
my nerves were burning so much i couldn't walk the next day i dont really get those issues anymore now that i dont drink or take benzos my nerves aren't so painful they still can lock up from the MS though
yeah I drank way too much too haha and also those benzos were the first i've taken in like a year and a half they felt quite powerful compared to the xanax bars i got on the street beforehand but i probably had no tolerance i could barely feel a thing, physically, haha i think after that happened, I went to the rooftop, they were cooking steaks up there. somebody woke me up, asked me if i wanted steak, I said it's cool. Napped there for a while. Forgot what I was doing in the first place. Still remember that dungeon I ran in XIV while we were toasted under the blanket fort though. Can't believe nobody kicked me after I died to that boss like 5 times. i told that story to my current guild in the game and they thought it was hilarious, haha.
they were valium valium is trash i hadn't gotten my lorazepam script at that time in retrospect i would have enjoyed the festival a lot more without them
>>690819 I enjoyed it a lot, myself. There were a lot of people there, but the events they had made up for it in my mind. The tanko(?) drum performance, especially. That drumming I could feel in my bones, it was so resonant. The discs I bought from them afterwards got a good reception from my family, but I really felt like it didn't come close to the real thing. My dad in particular seemed to understand, since he had been to a few performances like that before, and he knew what I meant when I said it felt like my chest was feeling the beat from the drums. They all seemed to like it anyways, but it was more intense when we were there.
people associate benzos with memory loss and stuff but idk i never have had any trouble remembering what happened while i was on benzos if anything it makes it that much more clear in my memory because im turning down the volume on everything else, so what little stimulus i am focused on is a lot more isolated and easy to remember
>>690821 I have had trouble remembering things when intoxicated but can't say I got anything like that on benzos before. Maybe I just haven't taken enough. But I feel like I do remember everything I have done on them. There's a lot of internet stories about that soviet benzo analogue, phenazepam, where people don't remember what they've done for like weeks or some such. Those stories are fucking hilarious. I want to try that phenazepam sometime, maybe when I'm not depending on my employment in case I do actually black out for a week or two and do some really dumb shit. For me, all I have gotten with benzos is a more collected and rational processing of events. I think more positively and feel more generous. But I don't have a problem with anxiety stopping me from living my life usually, maybe it's different for people who are impeded by anxious thought.
yeah they have lots of functional uses and do help me do certain things but those sorts of things they help me do aren't things i want to be doing
im away from my family and i dont have to function through such vulnerabilities anymore, so i can be me again, properly i dont want to be taking stuff that makes it harder for me to be this me it's not like an urge i have to resist, not drinking or taking benzos, it's just something i actively dont want to do because i lose the feeling that drives me forward as this person
i like being this moon i dont want to be the other moon
>>690825 i've never really felt like i've taken stuff that made me less genuinely "me" i guess though adderall makes me more robotic and not as spontaneous in motion and interest, i still feel like i'm me, more or less, just a much more focused and direct-in-approach "me" for a while i felt like i wasnt myself, though, upon ceasing communication to pretty much everyone as i used to do unlike then, i missed a crucial point of my persona by not speaking, as I had grown into a creature defined by interaction, opposing the lack of personality i once had when I did not know how to reach out to people with my true feelings it was very uncomfortable and i thought i might not be human now i feel like humans are all as distorted and absurd as me, or at least nearly i don't know what moon you are but you have my word that i have liked any and all moons presented to me for as far as my knowledge goes into mid 2013 until now, at least.
ive popped up briefly around spring 2018 and fall/winter 2016 but i haven't really persisted since whenever there was that big blizzard and i had to start being a caretaker for the fam i had to block all of that out with benzos and drinking because the emotional damage from family would have obliterated me if i didn't have some sort of insulation from it i just had to go to sleep until it was safe to come out again. a couple times i woke up prematurely and had to hit the snooze button though
it's not that any of the medication makes me feel like im not me, but it can make me lose my grounding. im grounded in my personality now and im sorting through everything, and i could screw it up if i take a break from that. even though it's a lot of work and anxiety meds would make it easier to get through, i wouldn't be making any progress if i did that. i'd probably end up further back. i'll take them if i have a bad migraine or something that i need to abort, but i won't take them to cope. it worked for coping with things i can't control, like family, things i just have to wait out, but this is my life now and my problems that i can control. i'm not in that "ignore it and wait it out" phase
the hardest part right now is the time gap. i was really used to having lobster and rika around and we'd all be emailing each other all day long about stuff the dynamics of my relationships now have changed so much that people aren't here anymore or people don't even remember that me, or relationships have been damaged in the meantime in ways that are disorienting to cope with now people here who've known me for almost seven years i guess but still don't even know my name or gender or anything about me besides my behavior while i had to cope with all that other stuff, so i just seem like a drunken compulsive oaf, which i was it's not like i can shirk the responsibility for my actions though. i can't just say "oh sorry i ruined our friendship by being an asshole, but it's okay now that
>>690830 "it's okay now, that wasn't actually me. i have parts of me i can't control so it's fine!" that kind of excusatory behavior reminds me of when batttered women make excuses for their husband's shitty behavior
i can't reach a lot of the people i care about anymore, and those that i can, i can't interact with through the same channels in the same ways they're all interacting with the image of me that isn't anymore so all the interaction becomes stilted it makes it really hard for me to communicate effectively because tone and intention are all misinterpeted in the context of that other person
anime's a really important aspect of that interaction to me for that reason the anime group was extremely important to me back in the day and some uncouth individual made it inaccessible to me through drama mongering i have it back now, and it's just a fragment of what it used to be that feels like it could dissolve at any moment if not treated well it's disappointing but im still really grateful that i have it and i dont want to lose it it's about the only thing that feels familiar and comfortable to me