>>686307 I liked that thing you favourited on twitter where they played the sonic trailer and everybody laughed and quoted it at a detective pikachu showing
I f I really like a character deeply the only real difference is I get picky about the porn.
>>686335 is it just regular old hentai then? Do you actively avoid doujins of characters you like?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>686337 I actively avoid doujin of of characters I like and doujin featuring characters from franchises I used to like or currently like excluding fighting games
>>686338 >excluding fighting games Awfully specific
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>686339 yeah I don't know why maybe its because the first hentai I looked at was of fighting game characters
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
hrrm maybe franchise was too over inclusive cause I don't mind hentai of gundam characters whose series I haven't seen also why are you interrogating me about this I bet someone is going to make screencaps of this and embarass me later
the closest thing I have to a waifu would probably be Parsee like I'd known about her for a while but one day for no particular reason I started to really like her
there's a difference between knowing what sex is and being able to consent someone with an iq of 65 could know what sex is, but someone with an iq of 65 can't consent
i cant use a bep shrugging emote here but imagine i am
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
anyways maria, the point is that okuu is canonically very stupid (this is why she can draw out so much of the yatagarasu's power) and thus cannot really consent
I'm really into Metal Slug these days I usually spend like an hour or more playing metal slug whenever I go to the arcade although last time I didn't I did however play a metal slug clone where you ride a mother fucking dolphin
>>686368 Luna being better than star is obvious But luna having more lewd than star is different. She even beat Sanae. H O W
yeah tilde or rika then prob nobody else orders shit i dont think
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
tilde's into 2hu? RIKA'S INTO 2HU???
rika is secretly into touhou trusad
no there was no 2hu specification
I don't order stuff but I did buy a tonne of doujinshi stuff when I visited Japan. Haven't acquired anything since that though, so Blue's stuff might out number mine now.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
i remember that blue showed you lewd pictures sometime
What That was in reverse
blue have you tried out mahjongsoul yet you oughtta
sadly there was no smash bar, i think the guy who yelled "sonic the ledge hog" was saying it to a guy who was leaning against the ledge of the front window in the bar
im doin mahjong classes teaching mahjong classes for machine students
But did you WIN, Samu?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i won maybe half of the time! we had some fun games i have a clip of wario spanking daisy
>>686522 one of those inntown suites we have here in the US kept my $50 deposit so dumb they just make it so inconvenient that it's not worth your time to collect
he was really cool he really seemed like he was enjoying every second actually everyone was really cool there were three other people there and they were telling me everything i need to know about the rituals and when to bow and where to bow and what pages to read from before i could even ask they're all like 30+ years older than me there are apparently a few more people that weren't there
we /// i did zazen for about 10 minutes, then I did dokusan with sensei, then 10-15 minutes of kinhin, then another 25 minutes of zazen there is usually a dharma talk after it but there wasn't today im looking forward to going again next week
i can't believe microsoft gets away with this monthly subscription scheme for their office suite 6.99 a month just to use software that should have a one-time fee (or be free since i have your fuckin OS) but two years later and 140 of my dollars and i still cant use it unless i pay them every month like it'd cost what, 40 or 60 bucks for a one-time fee? trash
i paid corel once and all of their software is substantially better and more useful than microsoft's trash anyway
>>686545 that sounds neat im glad you're enjoying it i went to the park for a walk today but i couldn't go real far i wanted to go back out on bike but my roommate didn't know where the tire pump was at and didn't want to look for it lol so i just gave up because now it's too hot, i want to go in the early AM though it's so peaceful
bike riding is my meditation i need to get my own bike again maybe one day my bones will grow back and i can go cross country biking again without something terrible happening
yeah, it was nice ive been able to do things more easily without having to force myself to do them since i started usually i would be really anxious about going for the first time /// not usually, but historically i didn't really feel anxious at all this time, though. whenever i started to feel anxious i just let it fade away zen is really good since i started i don't need constant stimulation anymore either
sensei mentioned he studied under Halifax Roshi for a while that's pretty cool
>>686547 are you gonna try to find the bike pump so you can go tomorrow? riding a bike can be really nice
i already tried i couldn't find it
Kirara 🍄
damn, that sucks
i think it needs new tires anyway it's not well taken care of
i might see about just buying a new bike on craigslist or smth
im not asking complicated questions i wonder if this is why i have communication problems everyone is trained to think whatever im saying is probably meant to mean this other thing im not saying but everyone else says
no where the fuck can i lock my bike bike racks don't exist most places where the fuck can i lock it
Kirara 🍄
people lock them to anything they can street signs, power line poles, whatever random railings on the sides of the road
yes, see it's a fairly easy concept to understand im sure people would have tips on that if i was allowed to search for it
and yeah laws too like is it illegal to lock it to a street sign
i found some forum posts but it's all trash
Kirara 🍄
yeah i can't find anything either i tried a bunch of different searches with all kinds of keywords but it's all about choosing a bike lock or whatever
lock bike without bike rack was the best i could search for but even finding stuff im still so distressed by how google treats my initial search im constantly feeling like im unable to communicate anything and this makes it so much worse
Kirara 🍄
google just sucks
it's the same interfacing problem im having with all manmade systems and with people themselves for some conversations perspective is incommunicable and when nobody is able to understand where im coming from with even simple questions like what can i lock my bike to, where can i lock my bike, or can i schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist it makes me feel invisible
tbh i legitimately think i might be a ghost sometimes idk if i even have a real body what if im just one of those bots moon made and moon died a long time ago
humans don't build systems that are fit for human use tbh humans fuck everything up and can't do anything the way it's intended to be done so the systems have to be dumbed down so the lowest common denominator can properly use them to at least some degree the people who don't need it dumbed down suffer because of that it's like how in rhythm games, the Easy difficulty is actually harder than Hard because it's so slow for a lot of people
reading that actually reminded me of something. the final boss’ final attack in touhou 10 is harder because its a very slow moving version of the same attack on easy than it is on normal.
which is a little funny for me since slow moving attacks are usually my specialty but thats not important here
>>686567 it's more it's talking to ppl in general it's gotten so bad i dont wanna do it anymore but since all my friends are online i can't really not i can't engage online friends and be a mute
Well, yeah. I have my own conception of what it means to not be understood or to be misunderstood, and I don't know for sure it's the same as your conception of it. Generally, the discrepancy between people's ideas aren't really that important unless they're getting into a serious discussion or trying to solve a problem. I just want to make sure we're on the same page. I don't know what your experience of being misunderstood is like. The same goes for ToN or Rika or Tilde. I don't necessarily know what their experience is like unless we've discussed it before.
Everyone's world is different, so sometimes you just have to seek clarification. My understanding of being misunderstood or communicating poorly is informed by my experiences of that happening, but there are a lot of experiences I haven't had, so someone else's understanding of it might be different.
“Im the jewish religion, a baby is not considered alive until it takes its first breath” ”...ok” ”just thought id mention it”
>>686577 yeah she then started going on about the abortion stuff and viagra just out of nowhere and got upset when i tried to quietly (but fairly obviously) ignore the one sided conversation. nothijg prompted this
>>686577 In that same way, I dont have a metric for clarifying I don't know the standard case or your case to give any dimensionality for elaboration
even if i gave you an example of a case where ive been misunderstood, it only serves to evoke the feeling within you there's natural bias towards your own conception of the sensation, so in trying to imagine the scenario you'll hit a point of "oh, yeah, i can understand how that would feel" but all you've done is found a point within the scenario that has an analog in your conception. the totality of it isn't necessarily the same, in fact is very unlikely the same
there's a broadness of conceptuality when we communicate an idea like "i dont like being yelled at. someone yelled at me and it made me upset" about anybody can connect with that sentiment because it's mostly broad throughout the human experience to have feelings of persecution or judgment from being yelled at, or maybe to feel insecure because it means your actions have upset someone can be a totally different sensation from the sense of emotional panic and traumatic triggers that might cause another person great distress
even within that difference, there might be a supposed understanding because of proportionality the person with less emotional affliction from that case might have to deal with emotional distress less frequently so it might have a proportionally similar disruption to their daily rhythm as to the person with more affliction to it who has to deal with it all the time they might discuss how it made them feel bad and disrupted their day and they can't focus on the things that make them feel good about themselves because it feels mentally inaccessible without being able to communicate the context of that mental inaccessibility, they'll think they understand each other but it's imprecise
that's fine for a lot of things, but when that precision becomes relevant, people stop understanding why you're having the reaction you're having to a situat
>>686580 >>686582 Even if it's impossible for us to truly understand each other, human communication is based on trying to do that. It's clumsy and imperfect, but that's the only thing we have. All we can do is try to latch on to the things that feel similar between us and use that as a point to relate to the other person with. If we don't reach for that impossible goal of trying to understand each other, we'll never even come close to understanding. Everyone is living in their own world, detatched from the world of anyone else. That doesn't mean we can't try to work together to reach an understanding we can share. It's imperfect, but that's okay. That's just how things are. Relationships and communication is difficult, but we still have to do them. If we're not willing to go so far as to try to reach a shared understanding, imperfect as it might be, you're not going to get anywhere.
I can never understand the experience of my clients, for example. My job isn't to even try to understand it. I just need to be aware of their experience and to become a tool for them to examine their own experience through eyes that aren't biased by their existence in proximity to the experience. In doing that, we reach a shared understanding. It isn't the same understand between us, but we still share it.
this is what i mean i attempted to communicate something i didnt feel i would be able to by using the analogy of human experience to illustrate the misalignment of understanding due to perspectives and the way that message gets unpacked and received is all the human experiential elements rather than the logistical mechanics of it by using human experience as an analog to make those logistics human-understandable, the intended message gets embedded inside the other message which people receive and say "oh yeah i recognize that. message received, gotcha"
it's not about the human experience, it's about the literal communication it's about my messages not being understood, not me not being understood as a person as a corrolary to my messages being misunderstood i do feel dismissed and invisible often but that is a separate thing to itself
Human experience is the only anchor in the entire world a human has to interpret any information. A human can't receive a message that isn't tainted by human experience. There's no such thing as "literal communication" to a human. Only machines can have something like that.
As an aside, you've misunderstood what I said in >>686584 as well. That post wasn't about being understood as a person. It was about working with another person to understand a message that's being shared between the two people.
there's a semantic discussion to be had regarding the literal communication segment which im not interested in having as it's not meaningful to have that discussion i can see a case worth refuting and a case where i'd agree with you and i dont see value in defining two arbitrary cases to fit the dilemma for no practical purpose
im very possibly just not human that's probably why my messages aren't receivable
very bizarre spam thread we just had by the way like 8.5 for creativity tho it was something fresh and new for once
Sensei at the zendo is an avionics engineer. One of the people there that I practiced with was a systems engineer. I guess zen is pretty popular with engineers, because that's 50% of the people I met there today!
Oh man I just thought of a brilliant idea I'll make a character based on megumin for one of the RPGs im i N
>>686598 a lot of what ive been working on is the range of synchronicity of a system's self to its interface i think matters which ive tried conveying to you here today as well as the semantic distinction regarding what you said about the human taint can be expressed within that scope i think if i were to try explaining it you would probably say something about humans are humans and not mechanized so it doesnt matter even therein, it's not something expressable through that barrier of synchronicity and it's what i persistently have trouble with so i couldn't communicate it anyway without using analogs
yes, the human messaging is always bound by human perspective or however you worded it, but the messaging is from one self to another's self, not human to human that human interface is what makes it all incommunicable, and at least my self isn't in uniform synchronicty with the human interface so it creates distress that's what i mean about not being human, really very literally although it sounds melodramatic the human totality of my outward interface isn't the same system that i can call my self i dont think this should be at odds with your conception too much especially as you start on a meditative journey
>>686600 you’re too late you copycat you’ll never live up to the glory of Thomas O’Neil
>>686599 It could also be that attraction to his zendo spreads primarily through word of mouth and so probably is limited to social circles he's involved in, which if he's an engineer, consists largely of other engineers.
>>686601 I dunno. I don't even believe in the concept of a self. The self is an illusion so I think if there's anything called a self, there's a mistake being made somewhere.
it's more of a temporal state than an object of permanence there's kind of a frame invariance to systems so defined for a given frame, at a given moment, the object of focus there
>>686603 I'm not sure. I think it's probably just a coincidence, honestly. Zen masters /// I don't get the impression that he's connected to the other engineer in that sense. I don't know, though.
I think it's probably just because my county is NASA county, so most of the jobs are engineering jobs. We also have Florida Institute of Technology because of NASA, so we end up with nothing but engineers floating around. People probably find the zendo through the Soto Zen Association or the White Plum association, which the zendo is a part of.
I don't know what both of the ladies that were there do yet. I didn't really get a chance to talk to them.
>>686608 Yeah, we've also got Northrop Grumman and Harris institutes here, and both of them have locations in the county where they build weapons and satellites and stuff like that. We're probably one of the few places where engineering jobs are more common than health care related jobs in Florida.
if i look at this image for any length of time like focus my eyes on it the face begins distorting and becoming very unfamiliar to that facial recognition software we have
i think it's because of the color and shading, that it doesnt register the texture properly for spatial context or it might be my brain damage
I don't think I'm getting anything peculiar from looking at it. The intensity of colour in the eyes is definitely a focal point and staring at them the facial parts in the periphery do get kind of blurred but I don't think that's what you mean.
it's more pronounced when it's bigger the contour of the ridge and nose and lips and stuff lose definition and it begins to look like creases the hair looks like dark background and it looks like a fabric or something in the foreground with creases, like linens tossed down in a scattered fashion or a burlap sack or hammock sunken down by its contents the eye color intensity fades a little bit if it's not the point of focus and it just seems like a brighter section of the greyscale
before it gets to that point, the left side of the face (right side of the image starting from the side of the nose facing us) starts to look profile instead of portrait that creates a rough sense of contrast against the back half of the face and my brain quickly sees different contour lines and adjusts it from there, even when i know it's coming
it's from focusing just a little left of the nose, between the nose and that snip of hair in front of the face idk why im going on about it
but anyway, ive been noticing the not being understood thing a lot within mathematical rigor these people keep posting things to the google group and i point out what's missing and what they'd want to focus on next for the proof they want and they just get real confused and think im talking about something really basic so they think im like asking for clarification (not asking, but you know) and they'll explain it in a patronizing sort of way, making it sound like it was a question of merit because they don't want to seem rude
like, uh >proof attempt of X "in order to show X, you'll have to show [complex element of X]" >interprets it as [basic element of X] >Oh, uh, yeah that's a good point, so here we're doing ____ [basic stuff]
they interpret it as basic stuff but try to be polite so respond to it in such a way to validate the commentary but they misunderstand what im saying because they don't have high enough resolution to notice the complex element of X is distinct from the basic element the whole thing gets really confusing idk if it's a dunning kruger thing and they think they got it, or if it's me that's that way, but it's really complicated to communicate i had comms problems with people all around, and i thought meeting more mathematicians would give me people who understand my mode of thought better but it turns out that it just makes it a million times worse
ive given them a simple way to verify stuff but some blogger asked them why they haven't tried verifying with distributed computing like every other cool group does and the answer was because it would take years. but since a normal person asked in normal words, they worked on refining the program architecture and recruited a ton of people to prolly get it done in a year-ish the non brute force info i gave them would take a couple weeks of manual effort which i guess im gonna try to do on my own and see if i can race them, although we're verifying things that aren't completely equivalent but provin
proving the same thing
it just gets into my head how easily communicated concepts are so much more momentous than meritorious concepts my communication is so sluggish and cumbersome i would be such a shit journalist or blogger
if there are immunologic or pathologic dangers to vaccinations within real medical science they'll never be found now thanks google you've invalidated another thing of potential merit
>>686626 yeah but they're the bad ones the good ones are on the west coast of florida east coast florida just has grey, dead looking beaches and sand that keeps washing away because they keep importing foreign sand to the beaches like morons
>>686622 I've still got a month and a half of this spring semester I'm taking on class in. It's two days of classes a week so it's a fair bit heavier than just a single class. I'm definitely interested in getting back into recreational biking now that it's warm outside and the weather's not so wet.
Besides that I'm hoping to get a job before June so I can save up some money. Not only do I want some so I can travel a bit and, well, not be poor, but I'm also probably going to be moving out of my folk's house in mid/late August, so I need money for that.
>>686627 you should try this sometime kirara the way it cleans your pores is just sublime
>>686630 because the beach is a beach and the sand washes away but they're desperately committed to making the beaches tourist attractions which leads them to artificially build the beaches instead of letting them wax and wane organically so the sand is all fucked up and the ecosystems are incapable of doing what beach ecosystems usually do
a big part of this is because they destroyed mangrove habitats and mangroves are necessary parts of the ecosystem which allow the beaches here to actually form but they block the view!
are they the long flat beaches where the water comes forward like hundreds of feet with each wave i went to a beach like that in seattle it was amazing clams love it there it'd be great to go clamming there was a dead seal there that got washed ashore so that was really fun there was nobody around for a long ways everything was so grey and gloomy i loved it
>>686631 I'd rather look at a mangrove forest than the empty blue horizon of the open ocean honestly.
>>686632 nah, our beaches are really small because they're on the barrier islands and they drop off pretty shortly after you go into the water we get rip currents that can pull you out to sea that go all the way up to the shore pretty much lol people get pulled out and have to swim 5 miles back to shore like all the time also the dolphins here have drowned people
oooh yeah i got caught in a rip current when i was young i think it was in florida but it might have been in alabama on the gulf coast i only got pulled like a couple hundred feet out before some dude saw me and came to save me what an asshole wish he hadnt done that he wasn't a lifeguard he was just some dude
we don't really have lifeguards here at most of the beaches
oh some rando lol
Kirara 🍄
>>686636 no, nothing dead washes ashore really the oceans around here have been pretty dead for a while and anything that dies farther out gets caught in the gulf stream before it reaches the shore I think we got a whale once a few years ago manatees get killed in the lagoon all the time but they don't wash up or anything people just carelessly kill them and leave
even if i can't have that house, im sure i can still use it for a trip sometime maybe if the winter gets too trashy for the rest of us i could host a little getaway for us to the gulf i guess it's not the most luxurious place but it's a place there's a lot of real beaches there though, public beaches with lots of people and those long strips boardwalks or what have you catboards
sure i can at least ask idk even know who i would ask i'll need to get things settled with doctor stuff before i can handle calling family and all that but i would like to at least try
next march would be likely since thats when i'll have to find somewhere new to go anyway... but who knows what's in store
>>686653 >Finally get to run that Alien campaign >Thomas' grandson (named for his grandfather) fighting unkillable alien hunters with the Eldritch knowledge of his grandfather
It's a little weird to me that there isn't more Eldritch horror stuff set in actual space-age settings. Like, so much of the classics are -of- Elder Gods or other horros from beyond the universe or the deep recesses of space. But they always have to come to Earth or make contact on Earth. Why not have those TERRORS in their home field of the literal void of space.
Kirara 🍄
as an aside the designer of 13th age is apparently a racist
>>686657 Part of the appeal of eldritch horror is the contrast between the mundane and the profane. It's because you encounter it in an every day context that it's compelling and exciting. Out in the deep reaches of space you expect weird stuff so the effect of that contrast is lost. is my guess
I think Dead Space did Eldritch horror in space very well and showed that you don't really need present day for the mundane. Being an engineer tasked with restoring power to a mining ship is pretty mu mundane
Yeah, Dead Space did it well. Especially the first game. Dead Space realized that the contrast between the mundane and the profane was important and worked hard to impart upon the player the day-to-day life of the crewmates. The best and most creepy and area in Dead Space wasn't really all that space age, it was the part where you make your way through the fucked up nursery.
I mean I agree that the mundane/profane contrast is important but it's definitely possible to set up a mundane experience in a near or far-future space setting like Kirara said. The modern Prey game that came out in recent years wasn't really hard Eldritch but it definitely had some components of that.
I'm also reminded of Metroid Prime 3 where you're exploring the husk of a space station that's been rampaged by the Phazon and that shit was creepy as fuck. Er it was a space vessel but still.
Kirara 🍄
>>686661 The horror parts of Dead Space 2, like on board the Ishimura which is being cleaned, are really good, too, and they manage it by making you doubt the reality of the situation through hallucinations.
Dead Space 3 didn't do horror very well, but there was the part with the dudes who ate necromorph meat which was pretty decent and it worked well especially by telling you the story of how they became those monsters.
The part that freaked me out the first in Dead Space 1 was when you were in engineering and having to go in and out of the ship to mess with the engines and stuff. That was more because hard vacuum and big engines scare me, though. The nursery was definitely the part of Dead Space 2 that freaked me out the most.
I didn't play Dead Space 3 because I heard it wasn't very good.
3 was good, but it was way too actiony. The co-op was actually pretty innovative. The players would experience different things and the game would sometimes trick you into attacking your ally or you would start attacking enemies that weren't there which would mess with your partner. It's sad there won't be a Dead Space 4.
I recommended Non Non Biyori to someone on Twitter, so they googled it and saw pictures of Renge in the results and immediately concluded that the show seemed bad and seemed suspicious of me for recommending it.
Hah hah I mean sure, there's a lot of suspicious anime out there with young characters but to presume just because it has young characters that it's suspicious is just faulty reasoning.
Deshou? A lot of people get so sensitive and start getting suspicious of everything just because some stuff is dangerous.
https://www.androidauthority.com/huawei-loses-access-to-google-android-987873/ >Huawei-made phones will no longer be able to use Google apps such as Gmail or the Google Play Store
>Google’s actions come after the U.S. Commerce Department’s announcement on Wednesday, which placed Huawei and some 68 affiliates on a so-called Entity List, a trade blacklist, following an executive order signed by U.S. President Trump. lmao
Trade wars are so stupid. Politics is so stupid. What's the point of any of this.
I'm sure the big G's just been itching for any good reason to drop Huawei after it became extremely transparent that Huawei were acting as a monitoring arm of the Chinese government. It's a good way to ensure only entities Google is okay with using their software to collect information are permitted to do so.
Yeah, but it's the folks who own Huawei tech that are gonna suffer the most. Whatever OS Huawei throws on the phones is probably going to be bad.
Yeah, the article even says Huawei has been expecting something like this for like five years. So they're probably more than prime to drop some new OS that lets them monitor people even more brazenly.
I'm a little worried because my phone -is- manufactured by Huawei, although as a Google Nexus phone it's likely to their specifications, not Huawei's. So I'm probably not going to get locked out of Gmail? I sure hope not. I mean I was planning on getting a new phone soonish but I would much appreciate that timeline not being advanced all of a sudden.
>the next version of its smartphones outside of China will also lose access to popular applications and services including the Google Play Store and Gmail app,” Reuters noted. It sounds like the existing phones will get to keep Gmail and stuff. So you might be okay.
Yeah that's true. It's kind of a panickly-worded article. I guess we'll see as the situation develops.
If Google can use this as an opportunity to force people to buy new phones, I guess that'd be good for them, but it'd be really messed up.
If they really wanted to be gracious about it they'd set up some kind of exchange program for people to turn in their Huawei phones for Google Brand™ phones, hah hah. I think they're set to put out a Pixel 3A soon that's a economical model on the Pixel 3. Good chance to get some good publicity for that phone.
Oh, that's a really good idea. "We're sorry we were forced into this, but let us make it up to you by exchanging your phone! For a little extra money, you can even upgrade to a better phone!" That would probably be really successful.
Yeah. C'mon Google I know you're watching me hire me as your publicist I'm a fucking genius.
Allow me to come reside in your glorious google land, My Lordship
Google or Alphabet were apparently considering Toronto as a target city for a smart city development plan or something along those lines. There was a fair bit of chatter on "will they won't they", kind of like all the hype over the second Amazon HQ from last year. That's all died down recently though so I guess they kicked the project down the road for the time being.
I don't really like the idea of a corporation building a city, but I bet it'd have some of the fastest internet speeds in the world if they actually did it.
Google's kind of interesting in that I never really see news about how they're expanding, whereas stuff like Amazon is in the news every day.
Yeah, I kind of have mixed feelings on the thought of it. On one hand I'd love living in a more technologically-advanced city, and having a third party come in that doesn't have to really factor in the political squabblings and bureaucratic red tape that hinders pretty much any infrastructure update in this city would be a nice deal. But I'm well aware it's not for any strictly philanthropic intentions that they'd do such a thing, and the drawbacks while not immediately apparent like the positives are, are most certainly there.
You can't really... modernize a city anymore. Not like you could for the industrial revolution.
If you want to design a smart city now, you'd have to build it from scratch. Otherwise the limitations of the current city (which developed over a hundred years and wasn't planned to handle the necessities of today) would keep the city basically the same, but with slightly better infrastructure. It's kind of a monumentously impossible task, even for a corporation like Google. Bezos is talking about doing it on the moon with Amazon money, but we all know it's impossible.
Monday's a day off here for us. I'm a little puzzled that it came this week rather than next week, but I guess the third weekend of May came early this year.
Yeah, Victoria Day. As far as we know we're the only Commonwealth domain that still celebrates Queen Victoria's birthday, as opposed to the birthday of whoever's currently ont -on the throne.
That's an interesting little thing. I guess it's more consistent than having to change the holiday every time a monarch dies.
Especially for Canada, who tends to walk in stride with America far more than we do with other Commonwealth domains. There's a reason a lot of our Canadian holidays tend to match up with American ones. Which is why the fact that this one came this early is a little weird.
Nah. But that's a longer show so it's hard to find the time to watch it and I want to watch it with her.
It's probably a step even above Sarazanmai and Yurikuma Arashi in, well... Weirdness isn't quite right because Sarazanmai is really fucking weird. But there's this complexity or depth to Penguindrum that I think makes it Ikuhara's hardest to engage in work. Though when you do I think it's an immensely satisfying experience.
Kirara 🍄
It's way more abstract. It's connected in really subtle ways, probably because he had so many more episodes for it.
With YKA and Sarazanmai, there's really no mystery. Things are just unfolding and we're there to see them unfold. With Penguindrum, there are tons of mysteries going on as things unfold, and different plot pieces are connected in subtle ways that you can't really just immediately see unless you've been playing close attention.
It's kind of like how Kafka wrote in an obscure way that made you have to tease out what phrases really meant in order for things to make sense sometimes.
Indeed. Despite that I personally think the story that unfolds in YKA is more interesting than the story in Penguindrum. Nevertheless they are both very enjoyable.
I think Sarazanmai is really aesthetically pleasing, though. I think it could be even better if it were longer, though.
Yurikuma Arashi's actually my least favourite Ikuhara show so far. I do enjoy it but it doesn't have the coherency of Sarazanmai or the intricacy of Penguindrum. It kind of straddles the midground between the two of them without outpacing either. I'll get back with a more complete ranking if I ever get around to finish Utena.
I think Sarazanmai is going to be really good once they finish it up and the secrets come out. It feels like things are just now starting to kick into action.
>>686719 Utena doesn't really count because it's like 15 years older than the three big recent Ikuhara shows that we've all watched together. And it's got like 50 episodes, so it's on a different level when it comes to pacing and planning and all of that.
Yeah I'm looking forward to how it ties all the things together by the finale. But there's just something about the emotional weight that comes together by the end of Penguindrum that I just don't think Sarazanmai will be able to clear. I'm always excited to be incorrect though.
>>686721 I think so, too. Sarazanmai just doesn't have the time to build up to such an emotional climax. Especially considering we haven't even touched on one of the characters in Sarazanmai and two of them are only just now starting to get touched on, and the show is halfway over.
>>686752 fuck you for reminding me of this shows ending goddamn what a way to end it
Did the manga end with her Stockholm Syndrome'd into loving her small town and not wanting to leave too? Er anime. Because that's how the manga ended and readers were A N G R Y
>>686767 Yeah that's how it happened in the anime She got a big ol social anxiety attack in the city and regressed into a childlike state Basically the moral is to never ever go outside your comfort zone
I mean I don't need no anime to teach me that morale.
the clutch or something stopped working it's ridiculously hard to change gears in now
like you have to start in first and let the clutch out straight away which is a feat in itself then you have to pull the gear stick incredibly hard into the gear you want you can't go down a gear after you've gone up unless you pull over and go back to first
>>686863 Yeah that sounds pretty stressful Like not being able to drive unless you can pull a fighting game maneuver every time you change gears
always they live being so concerned with the lives of other people that they never live their own lives it's no surprise they all end up being boring old people that hate everyone
looks like I made such bad choices the other day, that Sprint simply offsets all my loss. Well, I guess that's a good thing in itself. congrats me. Time for time gates
... I wonder if all the dips I'm seeing is related to sprint actually. Are people just selling their other holdings to jump on the bandwagon? because some of these dips are crazy for Monday morning.
I got a blister or something on one of my outermost pointer finger joint and it's a pretty miserable experience. Holding any kind of handled cup is difficult.
you just have to accept that time as we think of it is not real and that the clock is a lie give up your attachment to the clock and you can be free
I mean time is most certainly not real but the clock ver y much is. I'd rather have a clock than no clock after all.
Kirara 🍄
time is real but the common conceptualization of it is faulty the clock operates according to that faulty conceptualization so the clock is a lie even though modern western civilization is built on it
Ergh My friend is leaving town Wednesday and i want to hang out with him today but he gave me a maybe.
is he here
We got some junk mail from a real estate company offering to do a quote on one of our properties and get a FREE 27" by 54" Canadian flag for our troubles. Seems like such a dumb way to attract people to the service.
I just found out I may have been pronouncing a math word wrong for several years.
i guess it's not really nsfw those can be shown on tv and stuff but still cautionary warning
Can they? I mean I don't care about the NSFW-ness of that but it's more a question of curiousity. Because you can get exceptionally detailed if the maker so chooses and after a point I feel it's too close to the real thing to make sense to permit on television.
Fuck man I hit a kangaroo carcass on the freeway Doesn't look like there's any damage to the ca But i can't really tell for sure. >>686981 Me too thanks
If you see a moose on the highway here you just gotta fucking pop the clutch and run that fucker over as fast as possible, otherwise your car is donesies
Won't total it if you drive faster.
>>686990 Even that's not a reliable option. My grandparents have a story of them driving along the highway and coming across an eighteen-wheeler with its front absolutely totalled, needing something to come over and tow it away. And a lake of blood just all over the stretch of highway. The eighteen-wheeler had hit a moose, which was enough to kill the moose, but it brought down the truck in the process. Meese are fucking tanks man.
>>686989 Wait What kind of shitty cars do you drive there? Kangaroos are like 200lb at most That's like the weight of a fat short guy How could you total your car on that?
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
>>686990 Oh yeah. Moose are next level again I'd imagine that's like hitting a house
>>686992 Definitely works for deer (if you have a big enough car)
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
>>686993 You don't total the entire thing but you mess up the front pretty bad
>>686996 That sounds dubious Cars are generally fine when they hit people, maybe a few big dents
The trick is the moose has to fly over your car when you hit it, not fucking sink right into the front of it, destroying your bucket of bolts completely. Fucking hate 18 wheelers.
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
>>686997 Doubt away I'm telling you though If you hit a full grown male kangaroo going 100kmph you'll fuck your engine
>>686998 Yeah I guess that's fair. I think your best bet is just slamming the brakes and hoping you can stop and reverse before the moose gets it in its head to contest you. They can get up to some stupid fast speeds but they don't accelerate as well as a car does.
>>687002 marsh if youre still eager to help ive been needing some compression gloves and liners for a while i see you are mobile right now though so dw about it
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
>>687003 Yeah. Sure. Message my on discord when i get home later and we'll figure something out.
how come i have to be connected to the internet to play games that i have digitally purchased i mean i know why, but isn't there a less shitty way to do this?
The less shitty way to do it is to just have a regular game without that anti feature.
all my friends i used to be part of don't email me back anymore or message me anymore theyve gotten their graduate degrees and i didn't get to go i had really good gres too i just couldn't afford to go they think im irrelevant now and don't want to associate with me anymore
lmao nevermind its actually only happening because somebody has hacked my psn account and is setting their ps4 as the primary system in my account which is a whole new issue but one that i am less upset about
oh gosh do you know how to resolve that issue and stop that a lot of hackers are really dumb and you can have a lot of fun getting them back
In fact all the weird creatures in that Google search are actually things reportedly to be the cause of sleep paralysis from folklore and myth. It's actually pretty topical.
>>687058 nero is so strong that he bitchslapped dante and dante couldn't get back up after it and then nero went on to skullfuck vergil like it was no big deal and this was the first time nero ever actually used his devil trigger and he didn't even have yamato
>>687059 well shit If Phys Repel doesn't apply then Nero stomps
Kirara 🍄
>>687061 >>>/watch?v=tGcsMeJRCQQ nero's got like a hundred different arms that can rocket punch or shoot lasers or become a whip or throw fire or slow down time or whatever too
everyone is nero is fuckin crazy not stupid crazy like dante but nero just goes hard and can't turn down the dial dude is only 25% sparda and he's pulling that shit off
ToN, have you read this? https://mangadex.org/title/13023/momo-sora
i need to sleep before anime so i can do stuff after if im not there by the first one i'll be there soon after please dont fuss or hold off if i am late i shouldnt be though
All good. With Jan around it's prime for JoJo watching.
yeah i dont and wont watch jojo i never have either i'll like it and have years of stuff added to the backlog or i wont care for it and it wont matter anyway the former isn't very comfortable
>>687098 yeah ill be home and done showering in like 30ish minutes i am cooled off now
>>687102 frankly the mango is better except part 2
I really like the music of the JoJo anime. I think they got a really solid composer to do the OST for all the parts.
oh yeah the soundtrack is pretty great i suppose wasn't really thinking about it
Or solid composers I guess. Since it was Taku Inoue for Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency and then I think Kaji Yuki for the rest.
Ergh My sister is moving back in I have to clean up the basement
be a good brother now
She wants us to ggeget rid of all of our physical media And constantly complains about everything Luckily she's only goibg to stay here fir a little bit before moving in with her loser boyfriend.
Well He's really nice But he's knd of loser Like not too much above me.
>and constantly complains about everything dang that must be awful
>>687115 Well We all kind of do that. It's a Jewish thing Although my dad does it less. She Err my sister juat complains more about stuff w can't do anything about.
All I'm doing is watching my niisan die over and over again and listening to Sea Wall full blast on surround sound wondering how this suite describes my entire life