Thread #686760
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Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Fairy Gone Fruits Basket Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine Hitoribocchi JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Kimetsu no Yaiba Kono Oto Tomare! Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin Senryuu Shoujo
Also it probably bears mentioning that even if this looks like a lot, since we don't have a backlog anymore we can do four shows a night from here on out. Plus one night of 4.5 whenever Senryuu Shoujo fits in.
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Yeah, this is just the weekend. okay kimetsu jojo kono oto / fruits basket (depends on jan) bokutachi senryuu
We can probably do something not-JoJo tonight if we don't have Jan or Ika. Unless you're really hankering to watch it.
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What would you like to sub in for it?
Mayonaka, Cinderella Nine, or Fairy Gone, in that order of preference.
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okay, mayonaka then starting with kimetsu okay lets start!
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This sound effect of the grating teeth is still awful to me.
>It's like a swamp because you can't get out
Yeah considering how the nature of his attacks is water, I imagine he's even stronger underwater than above.
Search [iqdb] (473 KB, 684x750, Plus9 - ローゼンメイデン第七ドール雪華綺晶.jpg )
I think this may be AOTS
It's two-cour too so it'll be a treat all the way until autumn.
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>Hands off my sister! >Carves off his arms to ensure it
That box really doesn't look large enough to hold Nezuko in it. I guess it's got a bit of hammerspace in it.
To be fair this guy can't have any way of knowing how much Tanjirou has lost.
gah fuck i missed it
>>686790 ;_; Well we've still got Fruits Basket to watch tonight now that you're here.
Also there's like eight minutes left in Kimetsu if you can grab it quick.
>>686791 reeee
Oh this is a really cool time period to catch Tokyo in.
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kimetsu no Yaib(…).jpg )
Looks good yeah.
Oh but RIP bowl.
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>>686792 okay what time
19:05 19:10 19:15
Oh wow he's come face to face with LAST BOSS pretty early on.
You'd think the eerie eyes and razor fingernails would tip you off to his inhumanity.
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mayonaka! okay lets start
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precu(…).jpg )
>>686809 please please please please>>686809 please
Okuruto>>686806 Come back Rika Jan's around now. I know you don't always pay attention to the threads >>686810 You think? I'm pretty sure he's gone offline.
nah forget it i'm done
Search [iqdb] (330 KB, 1000x667, dwahufn - 雪華綺晶.png )
gnnn hmmm let's do fruits baskey come back jan! sorry Jan you look a lot like moon to mods ! I think I broke jan, sorry can we get jan back? jan I'm sooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I think jan actually left! oh sorry I didn't mean to make him mad okay mayonaka lets start
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mynk or basket
>>686811 Mayonaka
>>686810 I'm sorry if it feels like it's nagging but this is what I mean by it feels insincere when you apologize for it. Because it just repeats itself a week later.
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Yeah, anime.
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>>686813 Well, my attention is split. I can't really unsplit my attention without dumping some of the things I do. So it's a tough situation.
Their car's logo was an upside-down Toyota logo. Considering that flashback I wonder if we're dealing with Hades or something. It's definitely some kind of creature from the Mediterranean.
Oh it's just Azazel. It would have been cooler if it was Hades.
That's a little more than unnerving.
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I guess as an actual god, Coyote easily puts Cerberus in his place.
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wow rip
It looks like Azazel dusted everything he used to make his Frankenstein bride. Yeah this guy's onee-san's still blind. I guess the childhood friend also doesn't have use of her arm either. Not quite a happy ending.
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Ah spoke too soon. I wonder if there's a reason all the body parts are free.
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kono oto okay lets start! \
I'm wondering who that green guy is. Seems like a bit of a bigshot. Considering he was around in Hades that could be the big man himself.
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koto nerd!
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Driving a kid that harshly towards something is prime grounds for the kid to resent the thing you drive them towards.
The koto seems like a good instrument to play your heart out on.
What a tactless boy.
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She was pretty cute in sick mode
This girl is kind of comical when she goes full bitch here. Wow hah hah really.
That's kind of a neat concept, a piece of music with such a long history behind it that distinct communities or schools form their own inherited interpretation of the piece.
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>>686841 Are you done for the night?
whats left
Bokutachi wa Benkyo etc. and Senryuu Shoujo.
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yeah bokutachi! okay lets start
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Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Be(…).jpg )
She's probably just got glasses she's unaccustomed to.
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Oh no.
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Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Be(…).jpg )
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okay sentruu shoujo okay wekk we oh moon is out of time so let's just save this one
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jan you two go ahead
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thanx bye bye