Thread #687168
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Dororo Fairy Gone Fruits Basket Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine Hitoribocchi JoJo's Bizarre Adventure RobiHachi Senryuu Shoujo
Starting with JoJo might be good. We'll probably have Jan.
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okay jojo fruits basket robihachi bocchi senryuu
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Are you ready to go Moon? We could probably do Dororo instead.
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im having an xdcc problem i gotta torrent sec but yeah im ready within the next minute
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hi jan! okay lets jojo that's fine if you guys want to okay lets start!
Do you want to Dororo instead since everyone is ready?
wow he's mean
Hyakkimaru's almost a full human bean now.
Hyakkimaru please.
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This girl's pretty cute.
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this is a really good episode already
what time i switched devices
10:25 10:30 10:35
wait a second this is a part 5 stand gasp
or maybe it's just a joke but Dororo kept saying the opposite of what he meant like that one stand with the shark and narancia being a retard
i think she's doin it to them i dunno jojo i thought you were watching jojo instead haha
i wouldn't ever not make such a simple mistake
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he finally met a new girl I wonder if it's normal to wear pants under a marriage shawl like that
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i think it is yeah they always have those under garments it hides stuff
Dororo has a real good arm.
that is one sad looking little demon
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poor okowa oh nevermind she's fine haha
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That first girl got a really nice spot in the OP and then died after like 1.5 episodes
Yeah Hyakkimaru has some tough luck with women.
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i wouldn't mind marrying a swordsmith's daughter i think id prolly prefer hyak tho
He's pretty gentle when he wants to be.
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fruits basket! iokay lets start!
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roots basket jam we need jam for fruits we need fruits for jam
vegetable cart>>687214 basket jam
>Are you incapable of listening when people talk
That's a cute outfit on Tohru,
could you imagine living in a neighborhood where everyone is blood related it'd be awful i bet
Be like any small town in North America.
i can only imagine how much interpersonal drama
How many people have shagged their fifth or third cousins.
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the scene direction is really good in the new one it really captures what the show does well
Yeah it feels really relaxing.
Hatori's story is a really good story. I'm fond of these tragedies that are too far in the past to save.
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robihachi! okay let's start!
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tohru is good at making crybabies like me feel more normal she cries a lot but it's okay>>687229 oh gosh
heck i conked out for a minute there
>>687227 Yeah she's a very relaxing MC. About as good a girl as functionally possible.
>>687229 Well here's a show to WAKE UP to.
why did you leave the keys up on the table
Here you go telling another fable
are those kangaroos
Well this is blatant Disneyworld.
>13.5 million followers What kind of social media influencer is Hatchi.
??? where are you seeing that number
>>687232 >>687233 okay guess I'm listening to crocodile chop now
>>687237 What show are you watching?
the subs said 10,000 followers on mine horriblesubs
Oh I was looking at the screen of his holowatch when he was getting scanned by the door. It gave the precise number of followers he had.
What a terrifying themepark.
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This one is especially weird.
The lightning-fast garbage cleaning is really Disneyworld-poi too. Apparently their theme parks are the same way.
I haven't been to a theme park in a while. This episode is kind of making me want to go.
i don't think I'm gonna be able to keep watching I'm about to snooze i think keep drifting here and there
Oh here's the YANG GANG
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>>687248 are you sure we saved senryuu for ya
Senryuu's a fifteen-minute show, it's easy to slot in wherever it fits.
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guys should not wear crop pants
calling two birds with one phone
Man this episode is so weird.
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i think we lost janny jammy are you here can you tough it out for senryuu
Well he made some pretty good time. We can probably still do Hitoribocchi at least.
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Yeah we can do bocchi. I guess he was tired.
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anime hours are my morning hours! i can understand bein sleepy that episode though haha all the hypnotic singing
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bicchi! okay lets start!
Wow Rika that's a mean thing to say about her.
hitori kotoribiichi bicchi sleep tight jammy jam
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tonight is a comfy lineup we got basuballu night tomorrow i think
Clover too, and we could probably throw Cinderella Nine on there too. Plenty of actiony shows.
This black-haired girl looks pretty grumpy in the OP.
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im certainly ready for summer
Me too.
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i havent done karaoke in a long time!
Yeah, the last time I did it was in Japan. I mean I sing along to things anyway so it's not a big deal for me.
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Lots of cute swimsuits and clothes this ep.
agreed>>687273 we gotta do a karaoke room for our moe japan trip
Oh sudden encounter.
awww poor bocchi
this one always hits some pretty weak spots for me
It's a very sympathetic show for people with any kind of social anxiety.
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well it's anime hours not me hours are we doin anything more tonight? or is our time up ive got time still, either way im trying to get two papers published this week plus my normal work so it's gonna be a pretty busy week but pretty exciting
Rika might've fallen asleep though too.
>>687281 Yeah I bet. That sounds like it would be pretty intensive.
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the academics is relaxing to work on it helps me recover from the work day so i dont mind i wonder if rika fell asleep too or maybe she's handling some stuff ill wait a little bit and see. we could prolly senryuu? i made yall hold off on that last night
Probably flirting with her new boyfriend I bet.
Senryuu's only half length it's easy to slot in wherever.
>>>/watch?v=hlnC2rgIPrc here's a brief overview of how to play mahjong for you
Thanks! I'll definitely check that out.
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i think she fell asleep i bet she's got a big screen smart TV in the bedroom and just watches from bed that's what i would do
Yeah that would be pretty nice. Though my eyes are bad enough that I'd need glasses probably. I can take them off when I'm at the computer which gives my nose bridge a well-needed rest.
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i wear mine as little as possible i do watch from bed but it's on a laptop i would need glasses to see the subs on a screen far away even if it's a big screen i probably have the worst eyesight on /moe/ but rika is a pretty strong contender
Mine's just bad enough that text that's a distance off is blurry unless it's really well-defined. Other than that it's pretty solid. I like having them on for watching things on the television in the living room and for things like theatres. Could probably make out enough anyway but why not get the best visual experience I can get.
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im probably like 20/70 or 20/100 i dont know for sure i'd probably go out and do things more often if i could see better but it sure makes it hard my glasses are no good they're like a decade old prescription well thanks for anime
Yup yup thanks.