Hey friend listen to this song of mine as we are warmed up by wine I have written these lyrics on this mandoline of mine and of course I remember thine I wrote street address of yours on this instrument of mine
i took an evening nap and had a nightmare wtf can’t remember the last time i had one moral of the story ahort, don’t pitch your camping tent on top of a round snow poff on the mountain, the rock spire might topple and fall and then your friends and family all fall into an abyss but somehow you survive - except now you’re in the wrong part of town and an ingenius killer is hunting you down with a series of booby traps
>>687321 I'm doing great I took a full day off work while only using half a days worth of leave Not looking forward to going back tomorrow but eh what can you do
>>687331 Then one will just realign to match the other. I don't think they're very seperate though. If your core identity isn't in line with your principles you'll just match them
But nontheless I should follow what feels right, aye? atleast to me even if I know, either y my principles or core values that it isn't the actual in the end right thing to do?
*by my
or should i follow the action that is right by my principles, but wrong by my core or the action that is right by my core and wrong by my principle?
my whole thing is getting people to make decisions on their own and stop depending on others for stuff like that i am the worst person to give advice when you want a straight answer because i don't have answers
but mats i don't know how much you know of that sudden thing
but you atleast were there
>>687357 Shouldn't one always be striving towards fulfilling their guiding principles If not then how can you claim they're your principles The identity should be trending towards them and if it feels wrong the principle itself should be reexamined
>>687365 at first i think he was waiting for himself to cool down but he told me yesterday that he was blocked so he'd have to "go out of his way to get your attention" so i do think he's looking for you
But then again I was an "owl replacement" in the campaign in the first place, so I kinda guessed that would happen eventually
I just didn't think it would happen at likle... 90% finished
and I fucking KNOW I overreacted I took ouy my OTHER aggression at ton at that point i would have calmed donw apologised and soon eventually that same fucking night
but at that moment when we were all given "gifts"
you all others are given something fun
and then he goes "hey this is the cool thing PK gets" "but he gets it the way he has said to me atleast 4 times that his character won't take it"
so ofc i toss it away you eat it
and then he says "the prince of balance kinda knew this" and I just snapped ther
"oh, so you did all this thing to just hilight the SOIL GUN at my face and then never give it to me" and so on the gut reaction combined with a lot of other reason that I hadn't shaken away from that day away and I got QUITE FUXCKING PISSED OF AT a tales of nukes
and yes a fucking temporary ban is what I would have deserved or something
but "you know what" and complete ban from everything with that
no reason given no warning given no nothing gfiven
this has nothing to do with me but you are talking about ton right?
ton is far from a perfect person. but he does give a really concerted effort and he beats himself up over his mistakes more than he should. it sounds like you made mistakes here too, we all do, and he maybe made a mistake in slighting you or doing something unfair
>>687381 it bothers me that you bring it up just to say it's not forgotten my lashing out at you was largely in part to you making light of my woes and being generally abrasive and unpleasant towards me during a time of severe trauma i apologized and told you that it wasn't fair for me to be spiteful like that and i moved on
btw moon remember when in 2016 you for whatever reason lashed out at me several times in a row in the late november to december I think it was at the very least 4 times
Sorry that was very bad way of me wording that No I am not in any way of bearing a grudge or anything like that I just thought of using that as a way of hilighting my inner clash >>687380 I don't really remember why you were mad at me and was there a reason I perceived it as unwarranted at the time and kinda never or atleast memorised, got the reason for it
but at the time I was jobless, homeless, depressed and so on
but back to I guess "point" has that clash between me and moon shown in anyway in our interraction?
if it's going to keep "popping up" then i'd suggest ignoring the site, your first proposal nobody gains from that. it just hurts you and everyone else to keep living in the past.
Why not just talk it out with ToN in private and try to come to a resolution if possible
>>687391 I WILL NOT CONTACT him he blocked me so i shall honour his wish of not having anything to do with me
that was my initial "block him on all shit" reaction 0-5 minutes after the thing but I came to realise it was childish so I unblocked him on all fronts
but I sitll will keep to that childish decision
it sounds like you've already made your choice then
>>687394 yes my core values are set but my principles demand me to forgive and forget
which is why I asked it initally anonymously if I could just get advice to it sneakily without you know
all this
and without him ever knowing of it
well, you currently know that he wants to resolve things and you are still choosing your pride over forgiveness so there you have it
Well you can all deep breath see this is the reason why I wantm y inner conflict resolved
I can either react it to logically or emotionally not both
why not both? understandingly that someone else is flawed and can make mistakes is both logical and something you can relate to you make mistakes you've benefitted from being forgiven in the past
I change between emotionally driven, with logical commentary or logically driven, with emotional commentary
that is just how my brain functions
>>687400 btw sorry to pull it back again to past, but do you remember why you blew up at me in 2016 late?
yes i do i dont see how it benefits either of us to talk about it we are both flawed people, just accept it and move on
ive told you before, it's because you were consistently and repeatedly being drunkenly abrasive about sensitive issues i was having very emotional and private issues ranging from my own homelessness, which you seem to forget when bringing up your own to the caretaker fatigue i endured, to the losses of several family members in a short time span, to the loss of asuka who was very close to me and to the murder of the only really close friend i ever made IRL i faced my own issues with alcohol and i had no social support, no circle of friends to emotionally help me out, besides my friends here on /moe/
i tried to cope using them to help, with the kindness of some of my friends here, compassion and guidance of others, and general sense of belonging i was trying to depend on that to help me cope with severe trauma and not on alcohol or suicide
and then you were there always peering in on my private moments trying to get that support from moe drunk, badgering me, saying often inappropriate things and mostly talking only about alcohol if i tried to ignore you, you'd accuse me of favoring other people like i'd say "i need someone to talk to" and you'd remark "you say that but you really want rika to talk to, it's obvious"
there was no reprieve from your badgering. i asked you to kindly keep the discussion of alcohol to yourself. you can drink all you want and be on here, fine but i'd try to talk to people about my stresses and you'd say "ze best way, just be like me and drink ze 1.5L of vodka" it's not like it was one or two times, it was over and over and over and over for the entire year
it doesn't matter really, but I must know I won't HOLd it against you in anyway at his pont
>>687405 I am not going to defend myself a lot because most of that is atleast somewhat true but in 2016 when this main issue I was talking about between my birthday in 18.7 and ned of yead *year I only drank maybe two times not including my birthday
Not thatI DIDN't WANT TO Druink but I didn't have the money
this isn't any kind of defence of a sort for well my asinine attitude of just what I do but my *but I will have to say that most likely I was asinine super to wards ANYONE and EVERYONE between 18.7 towards the end of the year and it most likely needlessly was cruel towards you
and about that asuka case Jesus I made jokes and comments that were uncalled and whatever and then I hear He had died
that particular time i blew up at you, i was about a month clear of alcohol and you just wouldn't stop drilling into me about it that night that i should drink too maybe you didn't suggest that i drink directly, but it feels // 2016 towards the end, the fall i remember asking you to chill out because i was having bad cravings already so i eventually went and got some alcohol because i couldn't cope, and i got upset at myself for drinking and yelled at you for it
it wasn't your fault, and that's why i said i shouldn't have acted in that way and i apologized for it >>687410 but you wouldn't shut the fuck up about it, which hit the same sore spot you had been hitting for the entire year prior not even that ///
okay you're just doing this thing again where you just post over me i said i didn't want to talk about the past, i tried to because you asked me to as a favor but you're still not getting it
>>687408 Moon I have never once in any situation in my life shamed, tempted or any of the kind for people who have decided to not drink
>>687408 YEAH, I might not shut up about my own drinking or anythingl ike that but I would never SHAME or anything like that someone who chooses not to drink
>>687412 This is an important moment I think between me and lunar cycle my man here
most of it is my fault most likely
it's not an important moment to me it bothers me that you keep bringing it up years later im trying to tell you the point where i made a mistake and you won't stop interrupting me to tell me how it wasn't your fault no shit this is the part that was my mistake this is the part you were angry about, and this is the part i told you years ago that i shouldn't have done and that i apologized for it occurred because of my dependence on alcohol and anxiety medication that caused me to have // lash out at people often times, very aggressively sometimes
i did that to many people, you included the motivation for lashing out at you was because you had been disrupting my safe space for a long time and your presence here generally made me uncomfortable at the time that's our "troubled history" in summary
i dont think about it because it's in the past. i dont expect you to be perfect and i know im not perfect, and i dont have the patience or energy to live in the past i dont want to be bothered about the past or bother anyone else about the past so i move on and i think that kind of moving on is something that could help you in your current situation which you're seeking advice for
to be clear though, it wasnt that you made any direct comments about my situations or the things that were happening not that you did anything specifically inappropriate it was the pattern over time of >I come to /moe/ with my vulnerabilities >you act abrasive in a way that makes me feel uncomfortable in that space it's similar to the pattern of bullying i faced throughout my school years that kept me from ever having friends, because there would always be some people in the group that made me feel unwelcome and uncomfortable
i just wanted to make it clear that it wasn't that you specifically said anything bad about anyone but just that you were very inconsiderate at bad times
moon I at times ACT asshole and abrasive and so on to in my mind honour the past mindsets of the site
when there were MORE people like that here and sometimes I do it too hard for ONE person
yes, he has a short temper and can overreact to things sometimes. i think forgiving him involves accepting that about him. he knows he's not perfect, as we all do, and he takes it pretty hard too just maybe try to let go // this isn't my business i'll stay out of it
>>687435 I am not blocking him on discord or steam and there is moe and tano
>>687436 my problem really isn't the reaction but the not telling me about it at all
and especially the part where ton KNOWs that I can be REACTIVE he has seen me play dark souls and so on he has seen me be suddenly fucking emotional from 0 to 100000MPH
so it just is weird that he goes "you know what " and I am banned 100% from making any contact to him
Well my first reation of course was to answer in kind but by 30-60 minutes later I had calmed down and removed all those blockages
>>687441 yeah i emailed a screenshot of the charge on my statement to them yesterday evening it came through so i assume there will be an update tomorrow or it'll get sent out or something
Caffeine takes a LONGGG time to get out of my system, and I literally only had like one cup of instant coffee 6 hours ago. Coupled with a erratic mind due to a lit discord with bakas all around the planet, I don't think I have it in me to rest. Also my test server drops in like 2 hours I'm hyped fr
Last night, I couldn't even get an answer I tried to call, but my pride wouldn't let me dial And I'm sitting here with this blank expression And the way I feel, I wanna curl up like a child
i keep getting messages from people on discord who i havent seen in like a WHOLE WEEK wow wondering why im not on vrchat everybody here has their own personal discord channel and i got invited to like a few different discords it's just the exact same people in every discord but owned by someone else
i dont get it and there's like 60 people in here and it's the normiest shit ive seen well, that ive seen firsthand through direct contact
i dont particularly know how they noticed i havent been on anyway the times i hang out with them mostly consist of me getting talked over, or if i do say something it's awkwardly quiet because nobody can relate not sure what they feel they've been missing without me there maybe im just the token weaboo
it's a group of korean-americans and flip-americans and a few cantonese and a couple groupie white girls but they just share like grumpycat memes or talk about some cg action series about boobs and robots and game of thrones i dunno how to interact with any of them one guy shares pictures of food he barbecues and these big food gatherings he hosts because he has a ton of money but other than that all he does is greet people, say hi, then go look for more people to greet i dont think hes ever had an actual conversation
I think people can just enjoy the feeling of being around others, even if they're not a particular contributor to the conversation. If you're regularly around for a period of time and then vanish without warning or good reason to I can see why some of them might reach out to you. These kind of online private communities can be at times both extremely sensitive and insensitive to interpersonal and personal issues and both those sensitivities can inspire them to check on others.
i think it's just coincidence it's really only one person that noticed there's one guy who is kind of getting his confidence together around singing publicly and i helped him shake off a lot of those initial nerves i think but then he drags me to these korean groups which are so insular i feel so out of place
it's not the koreaboos either, it's like the normie ones that just take selfies all day long that's the most active channel in this discord is selfies and then like sharing really indescribably normie memes
i tried talking about fruits basket once and there was one girl that squeed a bit because she didnt know everyone else was like what we watched the first ep just for that girl who was excited but people commenting over it with like idk it's like they're commenting on anime in general like theyve never seen it then they switched back to watching the boob robot monster show and talking very publicly about which 3D celebrities they keep nudes of people are so weird
https://gematsu.com/2019/05/george-rr-martin-ive-consulted-on-a-video-game-out-of-japan >FromSoft and G.R.R. Martin potentially collaborating on a game
just used the last of my kratom it looks like they didnt ship it out today either, just made the tracking number so it's probably getting sent out tomorrow at 3pm and will arrive friday if im lucky sheesh they really are pushing it, and otherwise it'll be a 3 day weekend and i'll have to wait until next tuesday?? agh
Kirara 🍄
they told me it's being shipped out today
yeah i see them say that when it's really just "ready to ship" usps hasn't processed it yet so it // oh it's only 4pm right now there's still time i was thinking it was 6 for some reason
i might go buy some more dirt for 10.95 if i got to though i'll prolly just try some acetofeminine though and see if it helps temporarily
images are broken by the way DONT TRY IT you'll lose your post and there are NO REFUNDS
lady standing obliviously in the middle of the bus entrance to the loading bay at my station. And I don't have enough time to tell the rest of this story before going into the tunnels RIP
Hey Kirara, i'm introducing a friend to kyousougiga. It's been awhile since I've watched it. Can we just start with the TV series or do we need to watch the OVA?
>>687550 We started with 01. 00 is good, but it's not really important and I think it serves as more of something to catch someone when it was airing and get them interested because the pacing of the show is slow until episode 5 or 6.
She had some trouble appreciating it while we were watching it. She thought some of it didn't make sense and didn't understand why the dad was doing what he was doing. But after a little while, she figured it out and then she liked it a lot.
It's still in my top 5 favorite anime. It's so good!
Koto is so cool. I love how earnest she is. She's the perfect foil to Myoue and Inari. I haven't watched it in a year or two but I used to rewatch it regularly.
The other two people I've got for the group project also for that class were done about the same time so we had a lot of good time to talk and pound out ideas for it. Plus time after all the students were done the exam to run the ideas past the professor.
I'm so not awake that I've been falling asleep in the middle of grinding GW so forgive my brain for getting that wrong. I remembered that she got good election results at least. But yeah he's very happy about that
Kirara 🍄
natalia is the most important win though snake completed the mission the world is safe again
>>687566 oh they might mean in their respective section kozue came first in the cute section, followed by purple and mayu
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that would explain why he keeps calling her cute queen
I was walking around campus before heading home and there was this girl with bolt cutters on the ground as she was pulling a bike out of a bike rack. I gave her a few suspicious looks as I passed by but didn't say anything. She hooked up the cutters on the back of the bike and walked it off, so I dunno it was probably hers. Weird situation though.
tfw listened to sea wall 17 times in a row this is completely normal Also if I made a corpo, I would just drive you to ruin. I'm the one who decides what is necessary.
>>687742 Craft beer would be like weird beers made for niche appeal. Usually out of a microbrewery or the like. You get a lot of super hoppy IPAs and things like that in that field.
>>687773 oh it's a fun project do you have any goals in mind starting with the graphical interface is kinda weird it's putting a skin around no meat or bones
Does it spawn you within a limited box on the screen? I've been spamming refresh to see if I can get in that bit behind the impassable guard or that sealed off corner in the upper-right.
>>687777 No worries just affirming if my curiousities are correct.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
yea lemme see if i can open that up a bit
I think you moved the walls layer around or something.
Oh nevermind I was probably just not accurately synched.
not sure how it's even possible to get outside the map heh
There's some weird walls out in the black space too.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i think the map will wrap around in that situation
That's kind of what I was suspecting but it's really hard to verify.
Sometimes I'll spawn so far out of bounds I can't even see my sprite and no amount of moving makes me show up.
Oh wait maybe I'm spawning here on the far right where I can only get a pixel to appear.
i can't seem to spawn any further out than about 20% further to the right than the map if i just zoom out im always within bounds assuming that black section is in bounds to the right never underneath
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
ohh duh its cuz i moved the camera to the left
correction i can spawn further down right now i am under the map and there are no walls down here
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh no not outside the map entirely who knows what's down there
i can freely walk back into the map though youve got some one-sided walls here
yea i coded it so if you get stuck in the walls somehow you're free to walk back into the land of the light
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
is it performing smoothly on your computer? hope the input lag isn't too bad
i dont know why you're so eager to give people a second chance
>>687796 I think there's a bit of input lag. Or at least I don't notice anything like that on pressing the movement key, but my sprite will slide a bit after I release the key.
>>687801 does it need to? i mean, there's no real concern of client-side mischief is there
just have the client inform the server of the position unless you plan on adding a bow and arrows and making this a top-down 2d arena shooter i dont see the lag being harmful the lag to the server i mean it'll look ugly as hell to see people clip around as they move though
>>687807 well a couple things-- yea i want to make some kind of game hopefully so i can't trust the client also by buffering a few frames i can send fewer packets 15 packets a second instead of 60
There's some weird invisible wall action going on in that space right to the south of the stump. If you spawn on the hedge walls below it you can walk right along the invisible wall to get on top of the stump.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
uh yeah i think that makes sense oo im gettin some lag the collision detection leaves much to be desired thats for sure
>>687831 yes you can there's a button for it by the top >>687833 oh okay thanks i see it now
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
okie i'm goin to bedzoes v soon time for one more question >>687835 nope it's very naive and the socket is probably timing out, i haven't written reconnect logic
Does it intentionally disconnect your ability to input movement after a certain time?
All the Mahjong talk got me reminded I actually have a cheap-ass Mahjong set that I bought like eight years back. It's in this extremely shitty carrying case and all the parts are ridiculously cheap but it is a physical set. I never learned to play so it ended up being a dumb purchase though hah hah. Maybe I'll bring it on a trip some time so we can do some real /moe/ Mahjong.
>cheap mahjong set there's never satisfaction when it comes to mahjong sets no matter what you spend, there's always going to be a set somewhere that makes yours seem like pedestrian trash there are probably 10-million dollar mahjong sets out there at least when you get a cheap travel set, it is honest about what it is! and it's still mahjong
yeah maybe we can play at the cabin sometime or it can be regifted as a wedding gift if you know anybody like that who would appreciate such a thing
Yeah I mean I bought it at a cheap Chinese mall nearby which carries all sorts of cheap junk and knock-off stuff and shops that are probably dealing in things they shouldn't and definitely pirated goods. I bought it knowing it was cheap, was expecting something cheap, and got something cheap. But like you said it's still Mahjong.
But it's also something so undeniably cheap that I'd honestly feel like a shithead gifting it to someone for anything, let alone a wedding. I bought it for maybe twenty bucks tops; I'd at least be reasonable enough to buy a set that's not in a travel case that you could probably use as a sharp weapon to cut a bitch in a tight situation.
Also I'm working through that Mahjong tutorial video you linked me and I still have the tab for Mahjong Soul so I'm definitely still interested in picking it up.
>cheap All mahjong sets are queens I'd buy one but I wouldn't have anyone to play with Would you mind posting photos? I'm sorta curious
>>687846 Yeah those are so cool The clickity clack And when the tiles rise up Like rising from the earth
Teaching mahjong is hard because you teach the basics but then there's a billion other rules that almost never come up Like chankan or haitei rayou People go out of their way to explain stuff that has like a one in a million chance of happening Sometimes I still see rules that I'm not aware existed Like when I first saw nagashimangan
Nevermind cheap sets but I'd love to have the reason and money to get one of those automatic tables because I'm a lazy sack and they're cool as fuck. But never mind money I don't have any reason to get a permanent set-up like that.
>>687844 i was kind of joking about that it's a four hour video that's an overview of mahjong rules it's kind of meta funny to me
it is actually a really thorough and in-depth guide, but you'd be fine with the two-minute tutorial mahjongsoul has you do i mean, that video spends the first hour just talking about how to set up the table haha
I adore comprehensive tutorials or informational materials like that though. Nothing makes me more comfortable trying something I'm unfamiliar with than a metric tonne of information like what this video seems to present.
>>687845 do you know all the qualifications for nagashi mangan? do you know how it works if multiple people get nagashi mangan on the same hand? there's so many obscure things that will probably never happen you can even have three people get nagashi on the same round but that's not realistic at all. two can and does happen though
>>687849 Continuously discard terminals and honours without anyone calling >everyone nagashi mangans the same hand I assume it's like end game tenpais and notens You could have one guy who pays out three mangans
>both the player across and next to me have disconnected wow thanks for the fun game
>>687854 Yeah very cheap But that's kinda charming The sorta thing you'd see in a back alley All the tiles are going yellow from all the times they've been used They got a history Except not these ones they haven't been used
>>687845 Yeah I just took some photos. >>687852 Cheap-ass carrying case that was literally falling apart in that one corner within a week of purchasing it. Has a handle and seems to not fall open at the slightest moment though so he. >>687854 The trays of tiles go two deep so don't worry, the full set is there. Bonus shot of the extremely Engrish Chinese-origin information booklet. >>687856 Close-up of the cheap tiles. They have a pretty satisfying clack to them at least, so they've got that going for them. >>687857 It's even got this incredibly cheap little gidget for identifying the round's wind. Goes through all for directions because as you've surmised, it's a Chinese Mahjong set. All four directions even.
>it's got flower tiles and outlined haku tiles ew it's chinese mahjong
not that it makes a difference haha but riichi mahjong doesn't use the season tiles and the flower tiles that chinese does chinese mahjong is ultimately more of a social game, whereas the japanese riichi mahjong is more competitive balanced
>>687855 Those four tiles in the middle of the case with the chips are completely blank, so I just figured they can be used in place of the outlined Haku tiles. And Japanese Mahjong doesn't use the flower tiles so the fact that the set comes with them is kind of irrelevant.
I was a little remiss when I bought the set that it didn't come with riichi sticks but I figure in the moment those can be substituted for some random shit like popsicle sticks or whatever.
>>687858 They're literally just cheap plastic gambling sticks hah hah. Er chips.
well only the point stick used for riichi can be called riichi stick and chinese mahjong doesnt have riichi so
but im not sure whether chinese mahjong normally uses sticks or not. i assume they do and they just use chips for these things by western convention chips do have a lot of advantages but mahjong isn't something i want to see modernized that way
i think the blank tiles might be replacement tiles or wildcards, for if you lose tiles for instance, or you're playing with wildcards or something but i dunno
it looks really cool though. cheap or not, i'd love to play with a real set. i can tell the clang theyd make just by looking at them it'd be fun
Yeah, I'm familiar with that difference. I guess I should have expected a set bought at a Chinese mall to be in the Chinese fashion but well I was a hella dumb teen. As evidenced by the purchase of a Mahjong set I literally never used.
>>687861 Yeah I'm not assuming the blank tiles were intended to be blank Haku tiles, but for the use of weeaboos like us it would be an easy substitution.
Well I'll definitely bring it along for any trip I'd be meeting up with you on. I'm sure if it's a group thing Kirara, Jan, Rook, or other /moe/s would be down for learning. Hell maybe it would even drag Blue out of retirement.
we may or may not get a kannagi sometime i might be able to finesse that into happening, but if i can't make it then it'd be tough i know kannagi would play
there'd probably be an opportunity at kirara's wedding too not during the wedding of course though haha maybe i can have a mahjong-themed wedding for myself one day
We're all set up in nice rows with the aisle down the middle. Music begins to play. And BAM Down goes the table OUT comes the tiles Chairs are drawn, seats are decided And the game begins
is there like a fate timeline somewhere by the way how much older is touko in KNK than the events of mahoutsukai for instance ive been wondering that
Uh, considering Nasu's continuity between his major, non-"game" works, I'd say yeah, probably? I wouldn't know where one would be kept though, sorry. Kirara might have an idea of where you could look though.
i always assumed it was like in the way distant past because they're mages it never particularly occured to me that i had no evidence for that and that it could have just been in normal lifetime periods of a couple decades or less
i would like to see options in mahjongsoul for allowing infractions that would get rid of a lot of the cat business thats happening
it's a little too handholdy with furiten and chii discards infractions are a real part of mahjong, so while i get that they prevent people from doing things against the rules, it's not entirely the same game like false riichi for instance. you can't call an improper riichi real mahjong outlines the rules, but also outlines the penalties for breaking the rules. that doesn't mean the player is DQed for rulebreaking. like when akagi pays the chonbo in order to not reveal his hand, claiming noten, or if you want to call an improper riichi with the anticipation that someone else will complete their hand and you'll be able to escape the penalty because youre not forced to reveal (since someone won)
or making these cats pay out when they call ron in furiten instead of just blocking them from calling ron
>>687870 I would like to see open riichi as an option I would like to see that so long as you get a warning before you pay a chonbo Although it'd be kind of funny seeing new people react to that "wtf I called ron and I lost points??? " But yeah the ability to call a false riichi and to then just pay a chonbo adds a little more depth to things and mjsoul is missing that Stuff like calling false riichi to deter others
would be too many negative consequences to adding it though like just calling riichi to draw the hand if three other people are in riichi i'd say you'd have to pay a chonbo to each person who is in riichi when hands are revealed to make that fair
i could see a lot of games happening where people just instacall riichi at the start of every match though and making games kind of miserable that might get troublesome and it'd make it real easy to just throw games if you're tilted at somebody wait until the person you want to lose is in third place then just feed all your poinst // points with chonbos so they cant get back
there's a sort of social credibility that goes into that trust in the first place in IRL mahjong games if you're always doing that shit people won't really play with you or the yakuza will mess you up for fucking with them there's no real recourse in online games. we trust yostar as the coordinator instead of trusting the players
but in the saint and higher levels, jade and throne rooms you are playing against the players themselves a lot more. you know your competition bc there are fewer of you
>>687872 How big do we make the chonbo? 8k is already pretty big and I think that, or maybe 12k, would be enough to deter people who are thinking of instariiching Like that example of yours with three people in riichi If the fourth person chonbos then they'd be certain to lose a large amount of points vs losing a small amount of points or potentially no points at all
Although you're right about the potential for tanking third place. It'd be really messy in bronze. People already disconnect all the time in fourth, so I can definitely see someone being petty enough to just tank third After all, they can just make a new account. It's not like they're betting something they've invested time in, or have to face potential embarrassment
i get so upset at how cramped my workspace is though i can't even fit a desk in this place, not that i have one anyway
some day i really want to just have a work space where i can do normal things that people do like move or stretch or stand up or not use their own lap as a desk, maybe have a window or not have spiders not have dumbass cats that aren't yours knocking shit over all the time not having your time disrespected
i want to open the window and get fresh air while i work, but spiders will get in if i do that idk why but they're just everywhere here. and also the cat loses its shit and causes me a lot of trouble if i have the window open because he wants to sit in it i can't be getting up every couple minutes for the cat, and i can't have him knocking my door down to get in here to sit in the window
yeah, literally knock my door down. this room has a door but no hinges on the doorframe it's shit like this that my roommate never bothered to mention when he asked me to come stay here and help him keep the place it's fucking filthy too i can't stand it i can stand it if i take my anxiety pills but i dont want to
it's still better than where i was living before though so i really can't complain
>>687884 i really dont want to i feel like im always just trying to cope with less and less comfortable living conditions even with my ex years and years ago i was slightly irritable by the mess and lack of consideration for shared living space, but it was manageable ever since 2014 when things started going bad things have been steadily declining and i just have to suffer more
there's nothing i can do about it i'll probably never be able to live alone i probably won't ever be able to even work the cybersec jobs i wanted to transition into because my wages would be garnished if i got a wage/salary job and i'd have no way to support myself through it
i really want to just yell really loud and complain about how awful things have been but there's no point
im not so sure that branch of my family lineage is where i get all my archival instincts from, but im a minimalist and have digital outlets for that those people hoard generations of hoarding kinder egg collections and mechanical blueprints and bird statues and all sorts of theological literature i think i would lose my mind having to live in that particular house built on generations of hoarding
all i want is like a 400 square foot living space of my own tiny fridge, compact bathroom, loft bed is fine and could cut out another 100 sq ft no fluff i can't stand living in filth and disorganization
yeah, and even a water tank is fine. i can even generate my own power if i have to but id rather electricity obviously tiny homes still need land to be placed upon though
>>687891 uh, i dont think so probably that particular ecosystem and climate would make me a little uncomfortable with a tinyhome for wildlife and weather reasons
i think the path forward is to probably start shopping for a husbando i dont mind cleaning up someone else's mess if it's someone i care about in that way, but im not going to play housekeeper for a roommate it's hard to do though especially when im as reclusive as i am
>itasha (as the decorated vehicle) was derived from combining the Japanese words for itai (痛い, painful) and sha (車, vehicle). Itai here means "pain(ful)", which can be interpreted as "painfully embarrassing", "painful for the wallet" due to the high costs involved, or "painful to look at" (an eyesore) Kek
did somebody say husbando cause I can think of someone who's a great husbando >>687901 it's beautiful but if it doesn't end in a fiery explosion it won't do her justice
>>687902 Lol They should get that on a Ford Pinto.
>>687902 i can't be your mom and your wife at the same time!
>>687900 uh im still working that through i think i need to stay focused on the immediate plan of getting healthcare situated but i need some confidence in the future too in order to invest effort into the now. it leads me into a bit of a mental loop when coping with stresses.
>>687905 im pretty envious of her she's pretty lucky
>>687904 That sounds suspiciously like a certain fox.
all the people i interact from the math community i'd have some things in common with but theyre all sophisticated and hard-working people who have made good decisions in life and would probably think im trash if they knew more about me
i think going to alaska would be good. there's lots of good husband material up there who would love a good housewife to help them cut and clean a moose carcass
Man I really didn't sleep well last night. Was up late and then there was a bunch of ruckus in the morning that made it hard to sleep for extended periods of time.
im looking for compression gloves on amazon and it's all copper people are actually buying this copper garbage and now amazon things i like copper and healing magnets and other shit because im doing a search for compression gloves that has overlap with a demographic of crazy people
>>687926 it's hokey bullshit like healing magnets and other trash copper is supposed to have antimicrobial properties, which is irrelevant but it sounds good and it also is supposed to absorb into the skin and HEAL your bones
i just want compression gloves to ease the soreness in my hands and also keep them warm because it's really hard to type with cold hands i probably have raynauds or some shit, maybe just bad circulation in general
i gotta get compression gloves that leave the fingertip open so that i can type
but then i gotta get glove liners to go underneath to cover the fingertips so i can type
being me sure is hard
>Bamboo charcoal and germanium fiber release far infrared and negative ions which can alleviate chronic fatigue, recover cells and body energy. ummmmmmmmmmmm
>>687936 compression gloves would be too thick to retain tactile feedback for typing my fingertips really get sensitive though, either pressure or circulation or losing skin oils from contact, or maybe from contact with the keyboard material itself, idk im really sensitive to direct touch though so gloves would protect me from contact touch and the compression gloves would help keep my hands warm. both are really with keeping the contact pain down though
if i could just fix that issue and work more then i could make enough money to not be so poor maybe
>>687939 yeah but a lot of them seem not durable someone else wants to get these for me so im tryin to be a smart shopper and make it cheap but not bad
tears in the rain is a really bad metaphor, honestly tears don't vanish in the rain they become one with the rain and continue to exist they'll eventually evaporate and come down again those tears will live forever in some form
what is my academic and professional obligation for citing other literature everything in here is from my own work but do i need to like see if other people have published the same things somewhere else and mention it
im sure i dont -need- to since it's all original work but like if i wanted to, i could just go find work and replicate it and say it's mine and i didnt know that existed elsewhere im putting myself in a position where i might have to defend myself and thats something i dont like doing
but that's just foundations. the whole scope of the work is original and novel afaik
im just signing in once or twice a week and doing my rolls in the seasonal banners since there are some i dont have. most i dont have i do the contests and some judging if they look good but it's really boring when people just spam really expensive gear in the contests it's too much and usually not creative
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
there was a car with a bumper sticker that just said "END IT"
>>687974 yeah people just spam flashy stuff It's so boring and thoughtless Leaves no room for more casual desgins too Like I think streetwear is better looking than someone with a bunch of neon lights and a background and a dragon or something in the foreground The popular submissions are such messes
i couldn't find a good pair, no they all look really cheap and like they'd wear out fast
What did -are you getting in the mail then?
Kirara 🍄
is it a husband
Well something happened with my mouse around its scroll wheel and now none of the main three buttons are cooperating with me.
Oh there we go I've got left and right click functionality again. Wheel still seems kind of busted though. Wonder what happened there, I didn't feel anything go in it or something.
Guess I should start shopping around.
Oh whatever's going on I can't click on tabs without it closing them. I don't know what macro that's triggering but it sure makes my tabs hard to navigate.
i wonder if im setting my sights too high trying to get infosec/crypto jobs i dont have a graduate degree at all and personal merit just doesnt matter these days
maybe i should just look for a gig transcribing medicolegal autopsies or coroners reports for insurance companies and just accept i'm gonna stay a loser
That's kind of what always gets me when I try for jobs that look for any kind of focused skill or qualifications. I literally have zip-all going for me education-wise on paper and even my personal qualities aren't all too easily defined by resume-worthy terms.
Maybe see if there's a job you can get that gives you just enough squeeze time to finish some more schooling and work from there? It's kind of a long-term project and I definitely know those aren't really appealing but it's something, I guess.
Kirara 🍄
having a crappy job doesn't make you a loser being poor doesn't make you a loser
i know it's being disappointed inmyself // in myself that makes me a loser and feeling envy towards people who are living the kind of life that i wanted to but didn't put the time or effort into making happe happen and then blaming my family for sabotaging me and blaming life for being cruel
plenty of people have had hardships and still achieved what they wanted to do
who cares man, you're cool as hell you got nothing to be ashamed of life is fucked up and we're all in whatever circumstances we're in by some accident happiness is always a possibility, but you can't find it in a life you're not living just gotta try to live your own life and not get attached to a life you don't have
you're not a loser your circumstances are not entirely your fault it's not like you choose to struggle with mental illness or physical illness and there's no shame in not overcoming that, this isn't some movie with a happy ending and a dramatic climax where the dude with bone problems suddenly runs ten miles this is real life and sometimes we don't win, and that's okay
anyway, i gotta go to bed just don't beat yourself up too much
I miss biking in Australia It was so flat you never worried about uphills
It's pretty hilly 'round here. Kind of all slopes down towards the lake, but the glaciers that carved out the valleys and hills in ancient times left a whole lotta grooves and geological weirdness on their way through. It makes for a bit of a challenging bike route at times but it's also really scenic and enjoyable.
>>688003 That sounds really nice Is there anything left of the glaciers? I'd really like to see a glacier sometime
Hell naw they're loooong gone. I'm talking last Ice Age glaciers here. I'd have to go real far north to find anything like that.
Damn I really find snow and ice attractive I like it a lot more than the people who actually have to live with it do which might say something
You ever go to the far north of Canada? I really don't know my Canadian geography >tundra You just hang out and appreciate the nothingness
>>688008 I wish Let's set up a colony there Live off of moss
Nope, I've never really been in Northern Ontario even. The furthest north I've been was when I flew over to B.C. for a skiing trip, and even that's not really that far north, it's just further than the area around Toronto since Toronto's extremely south comparative to most of Canada. My brother spent a week or so somewhere in ... Yukon I think, one of the three territories that cover the northern half of the country. Not sure what there is to do up there. It's all tundra so it's not like there'd be great slopes for skiing and the like.
Hell you're probably further north than me just by living in the Prarie provinces.
>>688006 If you look at a map of Canada that's got the provincial lines drawn in there's three that cover the literal upper half of the country. Those are the territories, one of which is Yukon. Anything south of that line is a province, north of it is a territory.
i go with the lemon red bulls lately, or the lemon rockstars if theyre like 3 for 5 or something the lemon is more stimulating than the caffeine probably
i have caffeine pills i take instead sometimes but i really dont think it's the same the bioavailability seems trash but they're a lot cheaper
I'm tryna wean off of those mad sugary fruit punch ones, makes my hands too shaky and raises my heart reate quite high I don't mind the heart rate increase but I prefer it when my brain does it naturally when I talk to somebody.
Energy drinks are great Gonna burn my heart out on them You ever drink one then feel like you're gonna die Like you just took off your power limiters and you're going into overdrive
>>688017 not particularly i'll usually down two of those 8.4oz red bulls -- the small cans, i guess you dont have floz over there i'll usually down two of those or have a 200mg caffeine pill and fall right to sleep for a few hours
>>688017 Yup, almost all of 2018 and such. It reminded me of a street drug I used to do, with it's insane effects on my system That's why I'm slowly that shit down hard.
A day, 2 or more. A week, I'd prob just have like 1 case of the fruit punch ish and the small ones I cop from dollarama. They goddamn sell the small ones here in inflation country now, rip moi on Fridays But yeah, nearly the same effects and all that shit. It's weird, it's like I drink whiskey and all the times I used to do coke, pills and crack with whiskey come flooding right back into my brain. Quitting that shit too fr.
Could call it that, yeah. Miiiight be the reason why I disengage off of people so easily, it's like. Feed me serotonin or you got my time on lock, 4 mins at most. Even if you're my online therapist.
>>688017 what engery drinks do you drank do you drink white monsters like a boomer
>>688027 No V and lifts Because we need capped drinks at work and monsters only come in cans We aren't supposed to have cans on our desks since they're easier to spill
>>688024 2 or more, big numbers I drank 2-3 cans of mtn dew a day in HS and now I hate it Good on you that shit probably wasn't good for you
Yhea, now when someone wants to give me a drink I just ask for iced tea. Or I buy my own pure leaf or gold peak brand, flip a coin or some ish. It seems like I get easily addicted to things that aren't good for me. Except drugs. For some reason, I'm not a hardcore drug addict. Weird. Just a weed addict as per usual around here
>>688023 a little bit, but it's worse when my tolerance is low it just makes me sleepy is all
with my adderall prescription it's the same if i take my 20mg pill it's some of the hardest, deepest sleep i ever get it's really enjoyable to be able to sleep like that. i normally can barely sleep at all
what the hell /moe/ how come i can't reach literally any websites besides /moe/
You Whoops. You're trapped by the /moe/ mate.
Also it's probably some DNS shit going on. Means anything you're currently connected to will be fine but timing out or trying to load a new connection results in, well, what you're seeing.
apparently you can open an mkv in photo viewer and scroll through the time bar frame by frame kind of neat but really threw me off when im trying to scroll left/right through images and had no idea what was happening
>>688168 Just go in with a firm handshake man I bet laawyering is one of those things where personal traits and real work reflect better than grades anyway
Maybe. I know that people with a foreign law education can get certified here so it probably works in reverse too.
It would be easier with one of the other Commonwealth countries though. NZ, UK, Canada. There's a lot of overlap. So much so that you can cite cases from superior courts in those places with reasonable authority.
colorado is great it's my state of choice. ive been trying to move there for a few years now but havent been able to grand lake is a beautiful little town a few thousand feet up in elevation from denver denver is nice too
this is my favorite // oh wait i can't upload an image i already did
>>688233 just put it in a big trash bag and pretend you're running an errand If anyone says anything just say you're taking out rubbish
>>688237 ;_______; >>688236 They have a cute totebag with the pudgy cheeks I wish it was for sale. >>688241 I understood it after I typed it. And then i was like shit I told on myself.
hmmm i meant that in the "i got no fucks to give im outta here" way i coulda done that better
>>688252 wow when was the last time she even said anything fujoshi It's all just parties allall the way down now >everyone pees uhhh wow PROJECTING much
>>688276 do you still have that nevada album the hard drive i had those pictures on is long gone its ok if not
Kirara 🍄
>>688281 the pictures i took, you mean? or was there another album? i have the pictures i took still if you want them
yeah the ones you took i didnt take any i dont think, i know jam did though i'd like them yeah. are they already uploaded to gdrive or anything that you could just email me
Kirara 🍄
i have them in dropbox but not as their own folder when i get on my computer in like 20 minutes i can email them to you though
>>688294 if i dont map a deconstruction to a commutable system then i can't do any meaningful work with it it can constitute change if it's just an experiential deconstruction and maps to my neural biology but like it's really hard to make measurements from the reference point you're measuring that's the problem ive had all these years that im trying to fix, trying to build a platform from which i can communicate and move concepts and knowledge
without some point of leverage like that, i can't even know what knowledge i have i can't explain something to someone or share knowledge because i dont know what's in my archive but missing from the social archives they're encoded in different languages
>>688296 I have to wonder, how does one come up with this stuff
Kirara 🍄
>>688297 isn't it overwhelming to do it nonstop, though? why not just let it go for a little bit without tracking it when it gets to be too fast? you'll never catch up to it
You just have to throw caution to the wind and let your mind go wild. don't just let your monkey mind go crazy give it a gun too and then you will reach that level it also helps if you have dissociated before
>>688304 uh i dunno ive worked 12+ hours the last few days straight so i hadn't taken the time i need to commit like a whole day to doing phone calls maybe once the kratom arrives so i have some recourse if it goes badly again
and im trying to publish some papers so i dont want a crazy monkey mind i want my stuff to be taken seriously, so i have to approach it with careful rigor but i get too excited and keep trying to push further before ive reconciled where im at, and it's not productive for that kind of task
crazy monkey mind isn't something you need i don't think i meant that to make stuff like that cool 3d world stuff you gotta let your monkey mind go nuts
Ghostlight is just a very incompetent publisher The game shipped with a glitch where it would crash if you tried summoning a demon mid combat The glitch isn't in the Japanese or American versions, just the pal version How do you add an extra glitch like that
there's a story going around about a dude in denver getting stabbed for removing nazi stickers and there's all this stuff like the victim's account, etc, and then they're saying the stabber wasn't charged you know, for us on the left, it fits our narrative, it must be true but the victim account of him running into a Goodwill holding his intestines and bleeding and nobody reacting whatsoever seemed really unrealistic among other unlikely things in the story so i looked it up and i can't find any news about this except for the anti-fascist news source that shared it
nazis are a serious problem but why spread fake news about it you're just gonna hurt your cause
>>688324 Only thing I can think of is some line in the translations or something Europe is a bit expensive region to publish games in, since technically uou have to translate them to sooo many languages and the british might get offended, if they see any colors or erbs
But still am boggled how some translation line error can crash a game.
Holy shit DeSu 2 Record Breaker includes Durarara dlc? Why? Cool but why?
>>688321 They are a small British publisher Maybe they just lack resources
>>688324 A thought model from the past I can understand pushing back european release at times, due to just well translation costs and times but say you simul release a game in japan and usa at the same time, just fucking have it available for global market at that point if it is in english, most can play it you re just losing profits at that point.
Worst offenders in this case are say fighting games or any online based games good chunk of the players will have weeks to months of advanced playtime against others, before they get to enjoy the game not to mention, good luck building a playerbase, when say third of the market doesn't get to join the fun untill much later, when the initial hype has already died down
>>688327 It's one of those market things that looks really unreasonable from a consumer perspective I am willing to pay for a video game that is in English, but cannot play it due to an arbitrary lockout on my system since it's from a pal country and the game is only out in America It drives me nuts knowing that there is a perfectly playable version of the game I want IN ENGLISH but they decided to lock me out SMTIV took about three years to come to pal regions after its release in the states For what purpose did I have to wait
Nowadays mostp ublishers anyhow release the game in all regions on their own, only small time studios will have to relay on local publishers for EU or USA or whatever Then again, how many platforms do that anymore? Consoles stopped doing it in ps3 era /x360 era I think so is it handhelds only now?
>>688329 >SMTIV took about three years to come to pal regions after its release in the states >For what purpose did I have to wait yeah especially sicne they dopn't look at it as "we need to localise it in europe", but "we need to localise it to PAL" forgetting taht good chunk of the pal region actually have english as their first or second OFFICIAL language it is so archaic way of viewing the world
>>688329 Only japanese companies do this it say it is 100% just them being out of touch with the world and never just updatign their business models, because "it still works" it atleast sounds quite japanese business stuff to me
I mean think about it even on basic marketing if you have a game coming out say you delay the english release by few months from jap release and then maybe european release another few it atleast is CLOSE enough to eachother for the game to still be in customers' minds but if you wait a year or two to push it out, no one will even remember it exists, except the diehard fans and if your product is a new title altogether... well you are fucked completely
of course in the day of internet, you should just push for a global release or atleast jap/local and then international maximum of few months between the two but not like jap->usa->europe because then there will be tons of people on the internet kidna miffed, that they don't get to play the game and not to mention being spoiled about it unless they actively try to avoid spoilers
And if you are a small studio that goes "but it costs money to translate it to germany, french..." well then just don't do jap and english and you are still set you maybe lose 10-20% of the customers that DON'T want to play their games in english and if there then is demand, you can just patch them later or just have modders patch your game
>>688334 Especially with Japan only games Like they probably don't get much from European publishers buying a license But that's all the more incentive to just let us buy the Japanese version
It's very annoying if it's an rpg or something story focused and it gets spoiled because every yankee has gotten to play and talk about it months before you
>>688338 Is that a legal obligation? If it is then fuck the EU
It reminds me so much of the >bd/dvds of anime cost so much, because they once or twice when anime industry was much smaller tried selling them cheaper and it didn't work so they have never tried it again
Somehow reminds me of germans, they do
>>688336 I think one of the issues with eu region and well by extension pal is that to release a game in EU as in literally European Union, not europpe you have to have it fully translated or atleast translated to french and germany and english ofc before you can release it to markets
I am not 100% was this a legal obligation, but I do recall reading about it
yeah I give up the eu homesites and legislative sites are built on "you can read all our shit here" but they are either designed by someone who hates good accessability or on purpose made to be impossible to access.
not to mention each fucking page just references articles, treaties, etc, that they don't hotlink to so if you actually want to know WHAT they are truly talkin about or the fine deets you will have to manually go dig up those pages oh and they don't have a functioning search tool built in
not to mention even knowing the jargon needed to find anything... like who would even search for "audiovisualmedia" to find stuff concerning video games and movies?
But product labels are "under direction of the country/memberstate they are sold in" that is all I could find about language directives in the federation wannabe
anyhow, fuck government made sites there isn't a bigger money sink than any government funded IT project
i remember if in the future people will look back at the 1990s and early 2000s and be like "this is when we first started developing video games and stuff, and our culture at the time was so obsessed with making video games about killing everything wtf" i bet we'll look really barbaric to the future people
Kirara 🍄
eh i dunno future people will have lived through ecological collapse and probably will have had to go through a lot of violence themselves even if they move past it and chill out eventually they'll probably understand at least a little bit
i really would like to do medicolegal autopsy stuff if im gonna stay in transcription i feel so pointless doin this TV crap i dont care about i need to be somewhere with PURPOSE
make my resume not look like trash probably get a medical transcription certificate or something just because there's hipaa liability and stuff
medical transcription used to be the holy grail. you could make like twice what i make now, but back in the 1990s now it's continually being driven down and it's an oversaturated position most medical transcribers from back then now work at that shitty rev site now for maybe 10 or 15 bucks an hour if theyre lucky
transcripts for clinical autopsies dont really exist because dragon medical exists and it's easy and cheap for one doctor to train and use for everything medicolegal stuff though is across industries so there's more value there, and you'll sometimes have to bring testimonial to court and deal with a lot of disturbing content and resources i mean, every job is an autopsy for either criminal or insurance investigation so it's pretty rough stuff im hoping it's hard to find people for that reason and i could squeak my way in there but idk
then lastly would be finding a company that's seeking someone to fill that position which isn't like a steady recruiting process. it's rare-ish that one pops up, and it's most likely in person
>>688356 I bet they will still play Call of Duty World War 2 full virtual immersion think F to pay respect
>>688359 the tic born virus? I am more afraid of the uh... Tick-borne encephalitis
I'm more afraid of that tick that makes ypu allergic to all non-primate mamallian meat.
>>688364 i could proactively search for it yeah im good at finding jobs just really bad at applying and getting them
i wonder if i could get folks to vouch for me like could you say ive been tc'ing patient interviews for you for instance, and take really good measures to encrypt all my data and meet hipaa compliance i haven't worked with any hipaa compliant agencies yet for it // for me to put it on my resume
i might have to do some exam or take a course or something to certify myself they -probably- want a bachelor's degree in a medical field but i mean im close enough. i can probably sell myself without it
at least certifying for transcription is a lot more reasonably priced than certifying for cybersec i'd never be able to afford that shit
Makes me always wonder where the ticks were cat managed to get one atleast once a week during summer and yet I never heard of any person getting any
Kirara 🍄
>>688372 what's the cost of certification for transcription?
im not sure, would depend if they'd even want a certificate like there are a bunch of programs for medical tc, none of them particularly mean anything besides looking good and filtering out some fluff when sorting through resumes they might have a specific program they want or maybe not idk. id have to find one listing and find their requirements first
but man i was thinking if im in debt to the irs and stuff and then i got married wouldn't i like be getting the spouse-to-be in a liable position too id be really nervous about that
Kirara 🍄
you're usually not responsible for debts that were incurred by your spouse before marriage, but you can be responsible for the ones that arise during marriage
i thought maybe if it got to the point of repo they might consider property to be shared property or something oh well just was an idle thought
my contract is up after another year or so i want to move to info, but then again ive got six years experience here i could port to a bigger or better contract but ow oof my bones
oh you've been playing it have you? the friendlier interface has bred a firm playerbase of beginners really it turns out a lot of people have been wanting to play but were turned off by tenhou's steep learning curve just to figure out how to queue for a game
there are even some good mahjong soul threads with lots of new folks asking questions and figuring things out ive hopped into some anon friendly matches a few times just for fun. i haven't had genuine experiences on chan threads in many many years so that was kind of fun and nostalgic
Just AI matches but yeah.
So far the normal AI give me enough of a challenge. Once I feel I can play decently against the hands they build I'll look towards playing against human beans.
i just finished up my work a little bit ago i kept dozing off for the last two hours of it and it was really dragging on forever i worked too long and now all i can do is rest on a heating pad because my lower back is so sore >>688409 not as well as id like i had to use that dirt kratom from the store already before the new stuff arrived so i can't really take a bunch or it causes problems im sure it will go swell later on when the stuff ive already taken has exited my system but if you were to take a lot of kratom you'd get bad GI cramps and it would hurt a lot to pee so it's not very fun to do
one of my neighbors just introduced themselves to me and they only said their name and that they have been a first grade teacher for 30 years the way people introduce themselves is really interesting
the cool thing about john wick is that you can just use lines from the movies to describe him to people who ask who he is yesterday someone asked me who he was and i said he's the baba yaga and she asked what that is, so i said "it's like the boogeyman, except, john is the person you send to kill the boogieman" the dialogue in john wick is perfect