they generally just want people and other animals to just fuck off but they can be dangerous if they have rabies which they somewhat commonly carry
they really just look freakish though
>>680496 making some mayo margaritas huh >>680507 possums dont really get rabies it's possible but they dont share the same vector for infection as the other rabies things i think
>>680544 oh you're right, it's rare for them to get rabies due to their low body temperature i must have been thinking of something else
armadillos can get leprosy apparently there are cases of rabies being even transmitted into cold blooded reptiles and to birbs but they recover i think posms can catch it and get sick probably and transmit it but it goes away? id imagine idk
i mean armadillos already look like they got leprosy so i dunno what thatll do
the anime mathers are trying to figure some things out using distributed computing to brute force a proof but they left the server coordinating all of it open to sql injection hue hue i could go inject it to just spit out the string theyre looking for and have it be probably the first proof published through cyberattack these guys are weird about publishing in novel ways so it'd be kind of fun
hey you guys remember that anime about the girl who finds a book and goes to a library but the library is a portal to a world where girls learn magic at a school and then they get into a school vs school battle with the magic schools of other countries
>>680587 sorry i'm not an ufufumaster like Lemon maybe she will visit again someday but probably not >>680588 it took me a while to remember because that show was hot garbage it was a fun ride through the sewage though
>>680589 i love watchin hot garbage what was that one thing we started watching but was so bad we stopped fuck over skype a long time ago damn it's gonna bother me i can't even remember what happened in it because it was so boring
>>680593 uh we stopped watching berserk because we had been syncing with noy and eku for that over skype and that became really hard to keep up after four episodes we stopped clannad because uh something weird happened
but no i mean that one from sketch style the one i was curious about so i tracked down the show it came from but it was too fulking boring to watch so we never even got to that part i cant remember what it was or what it was about because it was so bland
>>680597 oh yeah the one with the people crumbling to dust i don't think i actually watched any of that though the scene from the sakuga MAD is still cool as hell though
i made you watch the first two episodes with me then you were like uhhhh i dont want to watch this anymore shit i wish i could remember what it was
>>680600 fuuuuck that was it haha im pretty sure that was it it's got an 8.1 rating idk maybe it got better
>>680599 the guy that animated that awesome part only did ep 6 and 12 haha he also was the one who keyed the awesome Ping Pong OP
yeah he's really cool i think all i did like that whole year was just watch stuff every day and nothing else idk how i did it didnt i make you watch tetsuwan birdy too >>>/watch?v=uARn2MCUZN4
oh and the legendary Star Driver finale Star Driver had some really badass animation in it
i remember i was really obsessed with birdy i watched a lot of it myself then started rewatching it with like four different people separately simultaneously before i even finished it just kept watching the first few episodes over and over that must have been when i was on SSRIs or something i can't do that at all now every season i try to start watching the shows with you guys but i just slip out of it and never get around to watching stuff
oh yeah haha remember when i was doing closed captioning work well at some point netflix was getting licensing for birdy so they sent in the whole thing to be closed captioned, the second season i think it was and do you remember that scene with the shapeshifting frog people that took the form of the ice-climber lookin little boy and girl and how that side protag just literally tears them apart i was thinking about that as i was captioning one of the episodes, realizing that some person, probably some 50-year-old lady who has no idea what any of this shit is, is gonna end up getting that episode on her work queue and just hop into that episode with no context and see this guy tearing a boy's arm off and laughing at him fuck haha i couldn't stop laughing
i just found it too but with the filename "fluffyIdealisticIndianRingneckParakeet.gif" yeah hahaha fuck without context it's so horrifying and some poor person just goes right into the file thinking "ok im gonna caption cartoons today"
>>680611 just watching this guy tearing a little boy limb from limb literally while the kid screams "I didn't do anything!!" and they're like >what am i doing with my life
the shit ive come across in my transcription career sometimes is so bizarre i feel bad for people who it hits offguard and dont expect it like most of the time im just scribing some patient interviews or R&D interviews with geneticists, or agricultural companies doing surveys with farmers, really tame and wholesome other days im randomly getting sent police bodycam videos or swat takedowns or court evidence of violent crimes my favorite though are literally just surgeons annotating live surgery like yeah cool nothin strange here if i could do those or autopsy reports every day i'd be so happy tbh
oh yeah i was gonna ask but tilde went to sleep whats on yalls anime agenda tomorrow im gonna try to catch up and join if it's cool
sometimes i see the anime thread start up and it's just yuu and tilde wonderin if anyone else is gonna show up, it seems kinda lonely i could stop pussing out and just watch with yall so it's a little more lively
>>680614 i don't actually keep up with what's airing but the list of what we had today is here >>680435 → they watched YUNO and cinderella 9 i believe then we watched robihachi and hitoribocchi i think one punch man and something else are airing tomorrow that will probably be added somewhere >>680616 it was 5 afaik
Kimetsu no Yaiba is a really really good shonen
was it cinderella 9 5 or 9 4 i need to start hitoribocchi still it looks really promising and the ufotable one one punch man i prolly can just jump in on im up to date on the webcomic and manga but the animation is so good it's prolly still worth watching
yeah kimetsu is the ufotable one right i need to get on that just for brand loyalty if nothing else but i hear it's good too
I got the auto-battle card in an attempt to help powerlevel things passively and I've got like 10 more 70+ guns now and I'm still using it. I don't have the cores for it but I almost have a set of MG/SG to try and put one of those squads together.
But my main thing right now is to try and get the 404 group set up since they have bonuses for the event.
To get my daily vomit about Nier out of the way I couldn't tell you if this is intentional or a bug but if her countdown would hit 0 the end of the turn you win the battle, she dies during the victory animation.
like wasps when they're not moving on a wall (in a location that cannot reach you) is actually kind of cool looking because they've got their wings in a straight line It's like a damn mecha plane but when they fly and shit it's horrible
>>680669 there's one in each of the windows in the living room and I have lost sight of the one in the left window which is putting me a little on edge. I used some wasp repellent on the midpoint of the window and am hoping that will prevent anything from getting in here.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
or, ideally, it got out the way it got in or something
>>680685 That sounds rough. I have something called Zofran that's really good for nausea. It's like magic. It's prescription only here, though.
Well the nausea goes away with the headache so as long as I conquer that I'm more or less okay. It's definitely an unpleasant way to kick off the day though.
You're out of school now, yes? What are you doing with your time? Summer classes? I remember you talking about some potential employment at, I think, a publishing company.
I've been thinking of looking into a couple summer classes, yeah. There's one on music theory that a friend of mine was interested in that I'd been considering even as a normal semester course so I might join him on that.
I do want money though, so I need a job. I've been kind of dithering on looking into the proofreading job that same friend referred me to though. Reaching out to people I don't know is a fair bit of a social anxiety thing for me so it's been hard to get myself to do it. But either through that or something else, I do need to find a source of income somewhere.
What's the harder part of reaching out? Where do you get stuck?
Kind of the initiation. Like beginning the email or dialing the number if its a call. If I'm having a hard time figuring out what I want to say I don't want to say anything.
Maybe it would be better to focus on what you should say rather than what you want to say. It's harder to do that with phonecalls, though.
It's difficult for me to know where the should and want begin and end though. Or maybe I just don't know what I should do either. Or if I'm mistaking should and want or something. I just don't know. And it's hard for me to act on what I don't know.
Would it help if you had someone to look over your email or help you build one before you send it?
Man I just can't shake this headache.
>>680694 I don't know. I mean yes it would probably help, though it could also probably end up being frustrating for both parties. I'm not always the most receptive to people trying to help since even with assistance I want things to be "right" in my own view of things. Asking for help is hard. I don't do it often enough but I don't know how to stop avoiding it.
Well, good news is I failed only one of the classes I was extremely concerned about. Bad news is the rest of my mediocre marks have put me in academic probation and I need to go through some more hoops to get out of that. The first of which I need to get through ASAP or I can't do any summer classes this semester.
Kirara 🍄
>>680697 Well, if you want some help, I'm willing and pretty frustration resistant
well, he did end up suspended but then he went out and worked for a year and earned a shitload of money and then went back to study and got strong results.
Which maybe applies less directly to you but works as a good illustration to show that life is EVER CHANGING and circumstances are rarely ever permanent.
the master at the zendo im gonna go to has a lineage back to Taizan Maezumi he got Dharma transmission from someone who got Dharma transmission from Maezumi
although the guy who got Dharma transmission from Maezumi spends a lot of time at the temple too
i don't really know a lot about it but apparently Maezumi was a pretty big deal he did a lot to bring zen to the west and he was also an alcoholic! he got drunk and drowned in a bath in 1995
oh how cool! im a little envious i wish i got drunk and drowned in a bath in 1995 things woulda been so much better
when do you start? that's really neat i've always liked the martial arts and meditative masters ive known but it's weird like it seems pretty cool and noble to me but if you look at them outside of that lens they seem kind of like degenerates to the rest of society and have a lot of traits that people dont think so highly of but i always liked them
probably next sunday when i contacted sensei he said i should come for a sunday for my first time but they're doing a zazenkai 3 day zazen retreat this weekend so i probably shouldn't go to that lol
yeah people don't really get it it's really counter to our culture and stuff but i dunno i wanna zazen just sit i wanna do sesshin and sit with an empty mind for days on end it seems so refreshing my practice right now is not so good but that's okay as long as i keep putting effort in ive been trying zazen every day for a while now but you're supposed to do it with a teacher and as part of a community so i wanted to learn from a real zen guy
yeah it's fine to practice but i dont think you can really do it meaningfully by yourself like that initially well, i'd say you can but not on your own in your normal environment due to experiential bias you don't have a very good anchor outside of your normal thought patterns to move from it seems like it would get pretty messy, not that i really understand zazen so well
it's a big part of why i really need to get away and take road trips though, or bicycle trips that long sort of transportation somewhere instead of getting to a place by plane almost instantly without interference with your day's routine, that long transportation is really important to me and has that earnestness to it that slowly picks apart all my attachments to the thought processes i depend on
i still get dreams a lot of times remembering those moments when i was driving out west and had tornadoes forming on the horizon and just stopped to watch them for a long time and didn't leave that area for like two days until a cop came by like nobody came by at all it was so peaceful but im gettin off topic now
that could just be my poor foundations though someone with more grounded foundations might have less interference normally
McDonald's seems to do their one dollar any size coffee every other month here. Not that it's bad for me since their coffee is passably decent up here, but it is a ridiculously regular discount.
there's really nothin wrong with mcdonalds these days they went through their minimize cost phase already in reducing quality and stuff the trend now is market research and customer appeal so they're decent still better in other countries than the US though. did you get to go to a japanese mcdonalds?
not like you can really fuck coffee up so much anyway
Yeah I had a quarter pounder from a Japanese McDonald's. It's way less greasy than an American and even Canadian one. Pretty solid.
i'll get a breakfast sandwich sometimes, bacon egg cheese bagel or something but i mainly only go there for their caramel frappe thing their iced coffees are pretty good, or whatever a frappe technically is
there are cops outside my apartment givin me dirty looks as i walk to my front doot door i dunno why im just a regular dude
Kirara 🍄
they came to my front door to ask me if ive smelled marijuana around here
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
have you smelled marijuana around here
Kirara 🍄
yeah gilbert downstairs the conspiracy dude smokes a ton of pot
did you tell him the only thing you smell around here is bacon heckin pigs
Kirara 🍄
lmao i just said no and they were like "haha we're not saying it's you or anything we're just trying to see what's going on!" told them i was at work all day so i couldn't have smelled anything
maybe Gilbert will be a little less obvious about it now that the cops showed up
Kirara 🍄
you'd think they have better things to do than look for pot at an apartment complex
>>680743 Well this place is full of well off white people And marijuana smells horrible If I didn't dislike the criminal justice system so much I'd probably want to get rid of that smell too
>>680742 Just bang on how /// bang on his door and tell him to air it out or something
>>680745 >report it to someone >they just report it to someone else >who reports it to you Oh it's like going to work
report it to the landlord instead they can actually do something about it unlike the cops
Kirara 🍄
well people reported it to the property manager and the property manager called the cops is what i think happened because the cops told me to report it to the property manager if i smell anything
Kirara 🍄
I'm sure there are more productive things cops could be doing than worrying about someone smoking in their own home
why would you hate // what are the reasons one would hate kratom
Kirara 🍄
no clue I didn't want to push it and ask yet I'll probably try to find out later but apparently she hates it enough that she actually started complaining to employees at the health food store that were selling it
i was surprised they were selling it at a health food store so i was like "why would they sell it there" and she went off
Kirara 🍄
i mean, you can get addicted to it and there has been a bit of tainted kratom going around giving people salmonella but most of it is fine
Well today's class wasn't too bad. Great prof, very friendly and chill and seems like a respectable guy. I'm not too excited about the material though but the course is required for my major, so...
The earbuds I bought and then lost within
two weeks for like seventeen dollars were on sale for ten at a store just now hah hah. On one hand I'm a little miffed I spent that much more on then earlier, but at least I was able to replace them for less.
two weeks // oh i see now my bad >>680759 wow the race is on now
It's a bit more nuanced than that but that's the broad strokes.
Kirara 🍄
Yeah. Although once it's decriminalized, it won't be a crime to sell or possess it or produce it. Legalization means there's specifically a law that says it's legal which results in specific statutes detailing how/where it can be sold/used, etc
Decriminalization means there aren't any laws that are dealing with it criminally.
Decriminalization sounds lot simpler and easier to deal with.
Kirara 🍄
Yeah, it is. Generally drug decriminalization is considered better than legalization. Among people with interests in drugs, at least.
I think some legal framework is important though. Like there should be something establishing that supplying youth with drugs that are known to have potential risks to brain development in said youths is extremely irresponsible and punishable.
I'm not too excited about four nights of classes from 18:30-21:30 this semester but at least it only runs half as long. Though that also means a full course crammed into half as much time. Maybe it'll keep me from burning out though hoh hoh hoh.
Though today is Tuesday and Jan semi-reliably works the graveyard shift on it so we usually run non-Jan shows today. So reliably Black Clover and Ace of Diamond and probably One-Punch Man because as much as we love Jan that's a really hard one to save. And then one or two from Cinderella Nine, Mayonaka, Bokutachi, Fairy Gone, or YU-NO, in that order of reliability I'd guess.
Shows are on the most recent episode you can probably find unless indicated otherwise.
>>680807 okay thanks i'm catching up on some of them where is uno pancho man at? not episode wise but what just happened err nevermind i can just check im all the way current on webcomic and manga so im familiar with it all BUT the anime has such cool animation that it's worth going through
Hm, Saitama's about to enter the martial arts tournament and Bang and his brother have made the pact to deal with Garou.
Kirara 🍄
the animation fot s2 isn't nearly as impressive as it was before since studio switch but it's still high quality JC Staff can't compete with Madhouse but that's par for the course
aw really? what the hekl whos makin it now
Though for J.C. Staff it's impressively high-quality. Although to be fair they've been getting kind of better lately. They still put out a few QUALITY shows constantly but there's always one or two shows in a batch that is clean and crisp and high-quality.
>>680817 Oh no you're gone but in case you're checking it was BONES that did Mob not Madhouse.
Kirara 🍄
o ya su mi >>680823 oh really well that makes sense, the animation was fantastic
>>680814 didnt they do honey and clover not that it was anything complicated to animate but its story and style is still my favorite jc staff can't claim any of that but they did manage not to ruin it somehow
oh they did yukemui merry too speaking of, where is blue i havent seen him at all today i wish he was around more
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
he might be sleeping for work
>>680825 Yeah they did. The J.C. Staff that's a litle infamous came a bit after 2005 though, when they got known for putting out an average of more than one show a season and they were all kind of QUALITY. They were kind of a mill studio, compared to the slower studios like classic Gainax or KyoAni. More recently they've been getting better like I mentioned. Like they did the Amanchu! adaptation and while not an animation-heavy show was clean and crisp. Flying Witch was also a nice and clean adaptation. I think they also did Urara Meirochou.
i wonder when we'll know who's gonna do dorohedoro i honestly dont know who could i get a little bit of anxiety when i think about it and how many things can go wrong
It's a pretty unique style yeah.
Yuasa might embrace the weirdness but anything he adapts also becomes heavily his own style so things might be lost.
There's a 3D CGI studio that did Houseki no Kuni a bit back that's doing a show that's entirely anthropomorphic animals in a bit that seems to ably do some fringe styles quite nicely, albeit in 3D CGI. Maybe they could do it.
who's doing cinderella nine it's got some goofy quality scenes lmao
>>680831 TMS Entertainment. They're apparently one of the oldest animation studios in Japan but a lot of their more recent stuff is pretty no-name. They -do- have a couple notables under their contemporary belt though. Kokkuri-san, Amaama to Inazuma, ReLIFE, the new Fruits Basket series. They also seem to be the people who've animated Lupin the 3rd by and large.
oh yeah tms is a pretty respected company theyve been in it forever dorohedoro isn't especially high action or anything but it's really gritty it's not gonna be just flat backgrounds and simple scrolling animations on top of it or anything gosh i gotta finish reading it sometime it's so good
uh, wait, yall still watch black clover what i thought you dropped that like 79 episodes ago
i wish it's traaaaaaaash. But Rika kind of likes it and by now there's unfortunately investment so it's easier to keep watching than just drop it. At least the OPs are consistently good.
>>680836 i remember joining into a viewing of this a long time ago i think it might have been like episode 9 or something i dont know how or why i remember
any useful bits to make it coherent if i jump in for that i'm down to join but i don't think i'll be able to contribute much!
Okay yeah more than being non-canonical filler the episode is just a compilation of two minute skits from previous episodes. We're probably not watching it this week in that case.
>>680841 Uh in case you decide to try it out next week and QUITE REASONABLY don't want to watch it all. They're currently in the middle of a tournament of the kingdom's Magic Knights to pick out some good knights to be the kingdom's king's (as opposed to the Wizard King who don't need no) spec-ops guards pretty much. It's reached the final match and one guy on the team opposing the MC's team has been tainted by evil magic that makes him powerful but preys on his already massively asshole-y nature. The evil magic is sourced from this group of bad guys with a really chuuni name I don't care to remember that are trying to recover a bunch of magic stones to do something that hasn't been revealed yet. They have a few but the Magic Knights also have retrieved a few. There's also a neighbouring kingdom who also have magic users that are more like a military state but they haven't been relevant for like a season or two.
Actually it might not be the final but a semi or quarter but really who cares tournament arcs are almost always dry as shit.
wtf there's english dubs for yu-no already is this one of those new dual release shows they're trying to do to make anime more normie friendly
Yeah, probably. There's a few of them every season, probably more and more with every new one.
can you make it stop please
Not likely, no. A change would probably have to come from within the dub-watching base rather than someone like myself that doesn't watch dubs. I mean maybe I could start up a campaign to get them to switch over to subs but I think a lot of people just don't want to read their anime.
And too be fair there are people who are sufficiently eyesight-disabled that there's no really feasible way for subtitled shows to be readable, or people with dyslexia who might find reading fast enough to keep up with the subtitles a struggle. Dubs at least allow them to follow along with the plot of the show without having to learn a whole new language.
yeah im kind of getting there myself honestly i have my browsers at like 150% zoom and use the large icons nowadays, my eyes are getting weak. hopefully i can get some new glasses with this healthcare i really need them
when i watch things by myself i end up pausing and backing up a lot if it's a dialogue heavy show, or if it's got a lot of good illustrations that i missed because i was reading i honestly do believe dubs preserve the experience quite a bit even if some meaning is lost, since these shows aren't animated with the intention of reading underneath. you miss so much hard work that goes into the animation well, in some cases. some shows dont have any hard work going into the animation haha
it's affecting my work a lot too not being able to easily edit i put a lot of strain trying to punctuate and edit large blocks of text
Yeah I can imagine. My near vision is still pretty solid, I can comfortably read my monitorsat about forty centimetres from me.
Do you know if Michigan's healthcare includes optical? It still has to come out of your pocket here.
it probably doesn't. i honestly don't understand how people are supposed to afford all the different stuff they need i need to actually see about getting someone to look at my taxes. it's possible ive not been filing appropriately hence why i keep having the outrageous self employment tax killing me. could even get some back, i dunno
but yeah i can see close fine. that difficulty seeing my laptop screen is actually my nearsightedness, that's how bad it's getting that's a large reason i dont drive anymore is i can't comfortably see. if i get new glasses it'd be ok though
I know even with a tax program and my dad doing my taxes (who has literal decades of doing them), I still managed to goof up one year and got audited so yeah, considering your situation I could imagine there's something easy to mess up. Tax calculations are infuriatingly confusing.
well i was talking to people who do door dash and other w9 work who make similar amounts they had no idea about this self employment tax i keep getting and usually don't owe any taxes with the amount of stuff they write off, mileage and car repairs and such i get to write off a home office, internet bill, and as many 10-ream cases of paper as i want but the tax burden is still overwhelming it's been a $2,000 flat self employment tax every year plus a hefty percentage of my already meager income it's been crippling to the point of excess and kind of messed up
i know youre canadian so tax is different, but are you able to retroactively change your filing up there do you know im wondering if i can fix it now for the past few years. even then i'd hae // have to be pay for the service which isn't easy
I really know almost nothing about the tax system up here, sorry. Though my dad's still awake so I can go see if he would know.
nah you dont gotta do that was just a curiosity i can look up information myself
it's definitely not fun owing the IRS, especially being already poor i don't own any property at all for them to repossess but like if i were to get married then what, would they try to possess the other person's stuff? it's such a dumb situation to be in. it closes off most of the opportunities i ever could have of getting out of it too
>>680856 Too late mate already went and asked. He's certain you can do that up here, as long as it's within the whatever you'd call a tax-equivalent to a statute of limitations. That's seven years here but it might be different down there.
Without mentioning it to him he also recommended getting a tax accountant to look at the taxes too yeah, if not just to correct this potential mess-up but also see what else you might write off or cut back taxes with that might've gone over your head.
thanks, i appreciate that yeahhhh i could try. i feel like it's going to be expensive and the money i wasted on the tax programs before, sigh
He also reasoned you'd not -you'd be spending on the one-time evaluation but it would be potentially saving you past money and probably saving you future money. But I didn't want to get in to your full situation and honestly if I did it would just end up with my dad finnegling his suggestion with more and more minute modifications that still wouldn't quite fit hah hah. I know a tax accountant is probably pretty expensive and it might not be money that's easy for you to put together.
i was curious why IG wasn't involved in ace of diamond it looks like theyve got psycho pass3 and a show called kabukicho sherlock coming in fall and they're working now on some legend of the galactic heroes movies?? i wonder if that's why
Yeah, might be they're all resourced up. Could also be they were not that major a contributor to the original anime and Madhouse was able to fully take over the job this fine around.
oooh i dont think that latter one is true did you watch the earlier seasons? even a decade old they look a lot prettier, not that this one doesnt look great IG also did a bunch of stuff end of evangelion, ghost in the shell (movies, the originals) but maybe also the series i dunno jin roh they did FLCL so i think that's a big one too. it had weird animation sometimes or choppy but never as a result of bad quality. it was a stylistic thing uhhh lemme look they did DEAD LEAVES oh yeah i forgot about that have you seen dead leaves
oh neat they did the animated sequence in kill bill for o-ren's background story eww gross they also animated a tales of vesperia movie (jk sorry ton) holy shit they did video girl ai
FLCL was definitely a collab between I.G I.G. and Gainax. I.G. might've handled the animation grunt work but the creative juics is authentic classic Gainax I tend to look forward to the shows I know they're adapting still. They tend to get either fluffy shoujo or things that are stylistically pretty even if not particularly well-animated.
yeah this list didnt show who collaborators were if any unfortunately
did gainax do animation in-house really? i know they did overall production but i can't really find animation credits too easily
IG did cromartie high too neat. not exactly cutting edge animation efforts there but still haha
oh gosh now ive gotten myself confused. i was thinking gainax was the one that went out of business, but clearly they aren't was it gonzo? no they are also still making things. they were delisted from the exchange and had some restructuring though, maybe that was it.
ive always liked gonzo's stuff. remember last exile? sheesh that was 15 years ago and welcome to NHK was 2006. it really seems like less long ago than that
Would NHK be that much different if it was set in 2019?
I think the manifestation of the paranoia would be a lot more interesting if it were set in 2019 as well as the way it looks at hikki dangers and the futures of MMOs it's kind of funny how it was like "what are you still gonna be playin this game in 15 years" and now it's like, yeah, people DO do that and it's not that extreme at all
>>681053 Are there people who have been playing like, Everquest, for 20 years? I think there's a lot more paranoia and normalisation of conspiracy these days so it'd be interesting to see how that would affect Satou I bet he'd end up a gatcha whale
world of warcraft has been out for 15 years now hasnt it
I'd be interested in seeing a sequel like that but I dunno how you'd do it without resetting all of the development in the original
Genichiro is fucking dead!
i lost all 400 of my points in mjs somehow i wonder if the english version is integrated with the chinese ranks or if theyre just playing on english >>681059 no i mean i had 400 and was close to adept II like on thursday or something last week then i had a few hard losses that dropped me below 200 fast and since then it was a steady decline from getting third place a lot or really fluke drops from 1st to 4th and the last few times where i was in first, the game was dragging out SO LONG because people were trying to play so safe that i just quit to hang out with people or join for anime instead
so now im back to zero points haha i might just play some bronze games did you want to join
>>681058 >points Rank points? Was it just out of nowhere? Oh it was losses I don't think they merged the Chinese version since I have a separate Chinese account using the same email I'm still stuck in bronze I took two thirds last night Yeah sure but I doubt we'll be put in the same game
there's not many in bronze south right now we might be able to but it shows 319 so if i search RIGHT now i'll be put in a match i assume
>>681060 wait until I countdown. Tel lme when you're ready
>>681062 Oh okay I'll close my post 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
ive got it open and ready. i'll join whenever you say to, or like half a second after you close your post would be the safest bet since when you type GO it won't show but closing the post will
nice i'll keep a post open in case we need to CHEAT yeah we're in bronze anyway i dont think it'll be necessary
WE DID IT >cheating The gods of the flow FROWN upon such business >pon dora WOW THANKS CHINESE CAT also lol I was considering that two pin discard
i was about to literally say "dont discard a two pin" but i didnt think anyone was going to lmao
i had a hook on the 1 pin thinking he'd need to discard it if he got one there was only one left wow he got me i dont like this guy
alright guess I'll just die now
You know I was thinking to myself "might just fold and let moon deal in to steal second place"
i think we're all waitin on the same tile
i was waitin on 4 sou anyway i think teamstyle was and i bet YOU had all of them huh weird they musta been in the back of the wall then GOD why is cat girl so loud haha it's always like quiet for 10 seconds then an ear-piercing RICHINIAYA
>>681069 I didn't have any lol I did have an isolated 5 pin though East might be making comeback of the cenutry here >why is cat girl so loud SHe makes me jump every time RON NYAAAA
Open kans are so wrong But they feel so right I don't care how bad they are I want the thrill Okay watch me deal in rn oh hey it went through
what do you think he's waiting on 3 man? 4 pin wow we were both wrong
5 sou just a hunch oh okay 4 pin
hmmmmm okay you're waiting on... Chun or maybe a chinitsu
>>681073 Hey I took away your competitions points You oughta thank me you're closer to him now
wow why you gonna take away my east for that garbage i had several dora i coulda had a hit on the leader
nice dealer round you dumb shit great effort
Okay watch me take first with this yakuman
>I gave first kan dora AAAAAAAAAAA okay gg We got choked by the old hag
I'm gonna play one more east game before I shower and go2bed are you joining or nah
you go ahead im workin on some slippery stuff it slips away from my mind if i dont capture it while it's here, that kinda thing
Okay good luck with your academic work
>chiitoitsu waiting on the Xia >someone else deals into the stupid cats damaten pinfu
yeah that's how i feel most of the time
if i play very conservatively, i can't make a hand because someone else can't read waits and deals in so i have to play aggressively enough to have an edge over that but my risky discards usually don't pay off so many times i have a baiman waiting on one tile that nobody's going to deal and i'll inevitably get a draw that either means dealing into someone else's hand or taking apart mine this version of the game makes it a lot easier ( i think) to read waits, so you really got no chance with big hands besides tsumos and everyone plays so aggressively it makes it hard
We're legit too smart for bronze No tricks will work when they don't even bother defendin in the first place Holy shit I just dealt into a damaten dealer mangan on the fourth discard
how would you describe "random" doesn't have to be a definition don't have to try at all actually but it'd help jog my thought maker into doing its job
Random is when, in a group of outcomes, each individual outcome has an equal chance of occurring (assume there can be duplicates of each outcome)
>>681091 what's meant by chance here >>681094 it's okay thanks anyway i just sometimes need a sounding board to hear myself from a different perspective it's not important really
Kirara 🍄
i don't know how to describe random
>>681093 That's the problem, I don't know how to define chance without also defining random I guess it's a set of outcomes all of which will, given a long period of time and opportunities to occur, tend towards having an equal number of occurrences I say that there can be duplicates of each outcome to account for the possibility for some outcomes to be more likely than others
>>681096 yeah that's actually infuriating im sure literally getting people killed
>>681095 there are a lot of different types of random so it's not like any answers are wrong really im just curious how people express it thanks there is an interpretation, or several possibly, where chance isn't even part of it i think what you're describing is what would be called martingale randomness that for iteration, or event, or sample, or whatever, the probability space for the next iteration remains the same as the previous one for all possible outcomes eh that wasn't really well worded either but yeah that's like what roulette and stuff is based off of, that there's no predictabilty between the events being measured so to speak
>>681097 Yeah that's pretty much what I mean That a ball is just as likely to land on a 1 space or a 9 space. But there could be one 9 space and three 1 spaces. It's still random as to which one it lands on because it'll tend towards an equal amount of landings
Kirara 🍄
why does random have to have equal chance
well in the martingale concept it's equal chance between iterations, not individual outcomes black could be 1% and red 99% but those values are unchanging because the iterations are identical some other systems alter the state upon each measurement/instance so the outcome possibility space varies
other systems have nothing to do with chance whatsoever and those are the ones im trying to figure out how to communicate but fuck i can't figure words out
>>681099 That's the key part of having outcomes stack Technically it's equal chance, it's just not equal chance in practical terms
>>681103 sure, i can try let's say there's a system which you have no information about you sample an event space of that system to try to gain information about its probability distribution, say its configuration or the distribution of its contents or whatever makes it human readable to you if the resulting expression from that sample you took can't be described in // through a less complex expression than the expression itself, it can be considered random
if it was the string 10101010101010101010101010101010 for instance it can be expressed "10 ten times" or "1 and 0 repeating" or even its decimal expression under a language that understands it it's slightly different in that it has an upfront overhead cost of the information necessary to format a language for expression of the events but that is a flat information cost, independent of the size or contents of the expression, so for situations in which that cost is negligible, the rest of it is properly random there's no chance needed. there's a probability distribution within the system being measured but probability distribution is different than chance.
oh i didnt give the counterexample a string such as 1281223546123216123489 might be considered random if there's no programmable expression through the language that can output that expression i say 'might' because it was actually me mashing keys in a way that tried to seem random but probably wasnt
Do we want to talk about the explanation itself? Is it basically that if we take an expression from a sample, and we cannot rearrange the sample in a way that simplifies it then it must be random because its already taken the sample at its most bare level of information
is that purring i hear after shouting at him haha gosh he's so adorable, and kinda tubby >>681106 it's incompressible information. collecting more information about the system might make the new expression compressible but what you have isn't i dont quite understand what you mean in the second part by "then it must be random" i think all other concepts of randomness can be built from this foundation and the concepts of chance just describe hard barriers of measurement and communication between the systems like with roulette the outcomes are red or black (ignoring numbers for simplicity) the outcomes of dropping the ball onto the spinning roulette comprise a totally different system whose state is indeterminable to us, and our choice of measurement is just black or red slots and whether the ball falls into one or the other we're by choice collecting information from the system in such a way where it's effectively random, that the underlying dynamics of the system are complex but being filtered into those simple outcomes -- sorry i lost my wording there i'll let you post
>>681108 Disregard what I mean, it was going off of a false interpretation The term "incomprehensible information" clarifies a lot more of what you're saying *disregard what I said I don't have much more to say since I don't have the same fundamental understanding of information systems that you do. But calling random information incomprehensible makes intuitive sense. If it was comprehensible it wouldn't be random. That's all I can say
>>681109 uh lemme try again we make the roulette wheel and the ball spinning as unpredictable as possible, so it's a very complex system, and we make a single binary measurement of the system -- red or black there's no compressible information there, nor would there be with the numbers, since it's such a small measurement,
dropped* and patterns in the underlying system may exist but not at such scales that those measurements become predictable i mean, this is kind of what i mean about having trouble communicating stuff so i appreciate being asked and you listening it's an exercise that helps me at the least even if it's just rambling nonsense >>681110 silly laz does he do wet or dry foods what's his favorite flavor
>>681111 >>681112 yeah this makes a lot more sense We can't see consistent patterns in the information collected? Which thus makes it unpredictable and random? Is that close?
>>681113 i mean, this is just my guessing i dont really know what's meant by it that's why i gotta ask these questions to bridge the gap but yeah i think so. i mean true chance doesn't exist, it's just an interpretation of the dynamics of a system that's unmeasured to us we can measure it, but that surprisal is then known, or for roulette and stuff anyway then we reset it and do it again i guess a complex enough system you can keep sampling, but eventually you get compressible information so it's no longer random but we can design systems to be arbitrarily random, complex enough to serve any real purpose we could use it for
for video games though we use pseudorandom distributions usually, which just means we nudge the expected outcome slightly with iteration to make it a little bit more fair. nobody wants to go 50 hits in a row with no crits, and nobody wants to get crit 5 times in a row. that's bad game design
and it's a little awkward to articulate it like i am but i think everyone knows that intuitively when you're playing mahjong, your initial tiles are pretty close to random, but there's "surprisal" (information gained from collecting a sample) even upon seeing your hand you stat /// start to gain reasonable expectations about what other people could or couldn't have, and each new draw reduces that probability space as you gain more information.
probability refers, in my mind, to the possible configurations that can exist based on the information you know about the state chance is just a measurement that exists within that probabilistic model youve created virtually in your mind for reference randomness is the communicability of the system state to the measurers
it's all kind of the same when the right perspective is given but just looking at the definitions initially they seem so different sorry for being so roundabout but this is where i was trying to navigate to
gosh im spamming so much lately people just wanna post cute pictures of anime girls and tweet their cats and im spamming to myself about literally random shit
Cute pictures are SHALLOW This is the quality stuff Except I don't understand it all. But this is much more intuitive regardless. We don't see patterns in mahjong starting hands, but patterns are made with intention So the hand is the expression of the system
>>681119 Yeah when you put it like that it makes much more sense. It's just what we know about the system given the sample taken from it
you can see 3 chuns in your starting hand and form the pattern that nobody else can form a hand containing a chun, regardless of where the fourth one is >>681118 the hand is the surprisal in your measurement of the system's entropy. it's the information you know about the system. the formal wording might be confusing but i think the concept that the only thing you know about the game state is your starting hand is at all confusing
the compressability of information doesn't make very much sense in the scope of mahjong because you know the latent state of the system you know what all the possible tiles are so you have meaningful information about the remaining state of the system
in the first post i gave it was a system for which you have no information so the resulting expression is more properly random with your starting hand in mahjong you can calculate how likely your hand was if you wanted, you have information about the rest of the hands, and there's inherent structure to the game, rules, hence how you can know nobody can make a hand with chuns if you have three, knowing that they can't call unless they have two of something and there's only one remaining (they could make a pair but only if you were to discard one and they wouldnt get a yaku from it anyway so ive ignored it here)
>>681120 So in a real sense it wouldn't be random since you know the state of the system and can calculate the chances of each hand given the tiles (system components) but that if you didn't know mahjong it would be random? Since they can't come up with any measure of consistency at all
well... not properly random, but i think anyone new to mahjong feels it's pretty random anyway. they'd at least see it as a game of chance until they understood it better. it's not really robust enough for a participant to consider random i dont think, but yeah it can feel random in the colloquial usage i was kind of demonstrating mahjong as an evolving state system rather than roulette, where it's one measurement then resets i was talking about the surprisal of the measurements eventually forming into compressible expressions about the system state
with mahjong you're starting off the system knowing very little and you each take turns making discrete measurements of the system, reducing the unknowability of it. the strategy we employ is to adjust ourselves safely for any configuration that could come from the possible open system states, and as we have more information about the system we have more ways to safely maneuver ourselves
i was using that kind of to show the difference with that discrete probability distribution and interpretation of randomness rather than a strictly chance interpretation where it's risk/reward and you're wagering on the most favorable outcome of risk/reward roulette is 50/50, but say horse races or something. that kind of probability is just a one-off and reset the game of mahjong is an evolving state where you're preparing for all potential configurations instead of investing entirely into one possible configuration.
>>681122 Well, not properly random but practically random
>>681122 this stuff might seem really arbitrary but sufficiently complex systems, like life and brains and psychological drivers, depend on the emergence of that contemporary sense of probability, measuring what's likely to happen and configuring itself for that it's what all those models in mathematical psychology are based around and necessary for systems to develop to the point where they can think and plan and function it requires sufficient complexity and robustness to be able to do this, but the primordial system which it developed from had to function around discrete probability distributions
im trying to figure out the pattern of emergence that allowed for that switch. what kind of criteria exist to proliferate that kind of behavior of inference for life it's almost certainly about resources and survival, but even within life there are subsystems, and there are other systems that have nothing to do with life. so that's what prompted all this nonsense thank you for listening /moe/
"im the only one that can handle the gamma radiation" says titania she takes the infinity gauntlet and puts it on rolls radiation lover natural 1 rad lover+CON dies before snapping
>>681146 He should have paid him and hayder to do a co performance with snake calling otacon on codec and asking what natalia is
>dream that mom says we need a new dryer >except it wasnt a dream
>>681148 there's a lot of this it's good cross promotion both ways in japan. it's like what we do with cereal boxes here and promotional stuff, but over there it's real easy just to add a new brand package to the production and ship it out
several brands do that over here to create several varieties of the same product, or to produce for the store brand sometimes store brand is just the same as the national brand but just slightly cheaper and in different packaging
kirara would you be able to help me with a work thing one day soon i need to like record a faux interview im making training materials but all my reference materials are confidential and idk how else to get usable stuff so i gotta fake some content
hm? there's no problem with me using a faked interview or for me to talk about it with him so i dont see an issue i need to make some material to test applicants' abilities to perform the job
i can't use material from actual client assignments because those are confidential interviews, that's what i meant it wouldn't matter if someone saw me talking about acquiring fake material here.
>>681158 uh just something generic but somewhat technical, make people have to research context a little bit, but not speak too clearly or cleanly cut yourself off a bit and restart sentences, give stuff a natural feel i could script something. i need to record like 10 minutes of stuff across three or four different people but i can't keep using myself for all of it so i need some help
kirara while i mentioned t’s causing me a great deal of grief you might appreciate one kf the things on this banner >>>/@feheroes_news/1125976980388601856
Kirara 🍄
haha that berkut with his bitch
Kirara 🍄
>>681160 i can do that, just talk about some psych treatment technical stuff, maybe? probably recorded on my phone, with a sort of interview context?
>>681162 the fact that they put effort into animating Rinea for his specials is actually nice
>>681163 uh i was thinking i'd actually call you on discord and record it or something if it's easier just to do it on your own time that's ok though
i kind of said i would do this over a month ago but ive been putting it off because ive been distressed nobody complained or said anything so i assume it's still fine bu i really need to stop slacking and get it done
>>681165 oh a call works for me i could do it Friday or pretty much any time this weekend if you want friday ive got stuff 10-2est but after that im totally free i might be able to do it tomorrow but i have a client from 10-11 and then stuff from 1-6:30 and then ton's game at 7
that should be fine. i only need like maybe three minutes of content, but i'd say we record about ten just so i can have some content to pick and choose my mic is soooo trash though my headset is busted af a friend said he REALLY REALLY wanted to get me a birthday thing even though i said no gifts so he was gonna send me a hand-me-down headset that was still in good shape and a new keyboard and he never did haha damnit it's more frustrating than if he just accepted "no" in the first place
Kirara 🍄
yeah i know what you mean, that's rough but yeah just let me know when you wanna do it friday or this weekend and we'll knock that shit outta da paak
how much do those little blue shinies cost that you have 269 of oh wow that's surprisingly reasonable i see that 29.99 in the corner that looks pretty baity oof well ive got my eye on you now
at this point those are leftovers of the monthly card probably. you get 900 over the course of a month for like 4 bucks. 269 normally is probably like 4 bucks too. >>681175 jokes on you I already bought it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
(it's how I got the costume int hat image even, since it's a random one)
i knew it did you want to watch any of the anime you missed being at work i can watch s/t with you if you wanted uh not that im requesting it of you, just you know offering since you missed youre prolly tired huh i should stop talking im not doing it right
wouldnt life be awesome if we had an intermediate phalanx on our thumbs
>>681196 nah i woke up in the morning i'm not tired yet i was probably gonna watch what i missed while i was asleep anyways we can watch it together sure
>>681197 i imagine it would get broken so easily our thumbs do a lot of work they can't afford the extra strain when acting as a fulcrum to pry something apart
ah you're probably right there's not a lot of supporting structure to allow a longer thumb to work well for precise movement anyways and it would make typing really hard
could you imagine trying to write with a pencli pencil fug
me and kirara are gonna go eat beaver tails at tilde's cottage do you want to come >>681201 yeah they're really good in fact. they're like not real meaty, a lot of cartilege but they're good, just like the tail meat of fish i dont think you actually can hunt them in canada but you can here in michigan or anywhere else in the states you don't hunt beaver like that though, you trap them beaver trapping is pretty fun, you gotta try to outsmart them and they're actually pretty smart you trap them underwater as they're diving around the brush by their dams
i feel really bad though because they're so hard at work and look so happy to be damming and then you trap em by the neck with those clap traps poor things
you can eat beaver tails? can you hunt beavers up there its hard to do it here since they don't like to get out of the water i've never eaten a beaver
I looked it up when we were talking about it last and although I couldn't see anything stating trapping them is illegal I also didn't see anything stating trapping them is legal. But hunting is controlled here and you'd probably want a license either way.
>>681200 Yeah and a beaver becomes a pretty influential part of the ecosystem after the dam gets built. They do so much work in shaping the local ecosystem that removing them from it can have a potential butterfly effect. That kind of weighs heavily on my mind when I think about trapping them.
you're not allowed to shoot beavers here not because you're not allowed to shoot them but because you're not allowed to fire guns near or at most bodies of water cause too many people got killed from bullets ricocheting off unseen stones and trees in the water lol
i don't think i could outsmart a beaver he'd probably outsmart me
i really think we should all go to alaska it's a land of subsistence and you're basically allowed to do whatever public land is completely free use. you can just go live where you please in the wild outside of city boundaries you can hunt mooses, bears, fish as many fish as you'd like, dig up land and make underground wells, build underground shelters it's a completely free land
>There are a variety of land and water traps for beavers. A body clamp is the most effective tool—which involves a network of springs and wire jaws. There are also safety clamps on each trap to make sure you do not trap yourself. Many trappers carry a hacksaw with them in case of this accident. >Many trappers carry a hacksaw with them in case of this accident. uhhhh what are you gonna do with that hacksaw man
Probably to saw off the trap components so you can release your fingers from it.
>>681202 not always do you want things dammed up though, it can fuck things up bad depending on the area beavers can easily become pests in some areas just dam building machines like fuck another day what should i do oh yeah i wanna build another dam the one i got is nice but i built it yesterday i need a new one fuck off beavers quit that shit
>>681204 whoa you can build a dwarf fortress in alaska legally?
>>681207 Hah hah, yeah, and they're primarily nocturnal creatures so you can start trying to take down a dam they've made one day only to find it completely restored come the next morning. Industrious little fuckers.
But I'm also pretty sure the local government has local programs monitoring the major waterways of the province and if beavers are becoming a problem they'd start exploring the avenues dealing with them. And without that being clear I'd err on the side of pacifism because that's just kind of how I am.
>>681207 beavers are the minecraft of the animal kingdom
i really do like beavers though. i think they're a great animal and i think theyre pretty noble critters too that really doesnt change that i would eat one though. i dont think of that the way some people do i mean i respect you guys pretty well too and i'd be okay eating you if i had to not that i want to or anything, but you know, just as a favor if you needed me to or something
i have much respect for animals but that will not stop me from killing and eating them >>681211 makes sense to me I mean if I was going to die anyways i'd want my body to be useful at least even if I wasn't
>>681209 i remember when we were walking through harrisburg i believe there was this fuckin beaver that built a dam next to that huge river running through the city and it was just full of fuckin trash was a pretty big dam too, i think that beaver was the trashking he kept the river a little cleaner just collecting all the trash on his dam
>>>/watch?v=kgMvv0lHM7g he finishes the tree at around 2:20 look at him go >>681212 no im kidding i really would not want to eat a person i am generally perturbed by the human body as is i dont think i'd want to get that intimate with one >>681209 pacifism, well, idk curbing the population is the most cooperative way to live with nature really like my uncle i was staying with who had too much of a heart to let the feral cats go hungry fed them to the point there were seven new litters at spring and now the community couldnt be self-sustaining and in turn a lot more suffering happened
if things overpopulate they screw everything up and all die off the next year if i love beavers and i want beavers to keep existing i need to take some of them out the form of the beaver is more important than any individual beaver community
if you really wanna take a beaver dam down just throw a stick of dynamite at it he'll come back that night like FUCK SOMEONE GRIEFED ME AGAIN
sometimes my cat will see me and just like drop to the floor and crawl to me like she's prone did she learn metal gear
i wonder how often beavers die to the tree they just cut down as they run away from it
>>681216 probably about as often as people do i mean it can't be helped
They tend to go for trees not as wide as the one in that video at least, so often enough the tree probably isn't large enough to severely injure or kill them if it lands on them. Thoes larger trees might be good for dam building but they prefer trees they can break up into pieces small enough to carry into their lodges to stock their pantries for winter.
And beaver lodges always only have underwater entrances so the piece would have to be swam underwater, carried probably in the beaver's mouth.
>>681219 yeah this is how youre supposed to trap them but like not in their own lodge, you can't really get one in there without destroying the lodge you kinda set up some stuff nearby the lodge entrance like a small wood igloo and they check it out
>>>/watch?v=qMBieuazBCc fucking poles lmao they're not exactly being nice but it's still funny the beaver did start it
>>681221 haha that's great fuckin beaver tryna slash my tires
what the fuck is with polish people and i guess polish beavers too idk it's like just an anomaly
hmmmmm i should probably call and schedule an appointment with doctors or something i dont want to though fuck
i feel like im lurking /moe/ too much i mean i am on bedrest so it's not like it's doing me any harm but i end up moaning and groaning here and spamming up the board like it's my personal blog i dislike that part of myself i think it's uncool
Yeah it's never an enthusiastic prospect to engage in eh.
i am perplexed why discord markets itself so heavily as a platform for GAMERS its in-built feature for searching channels is limited to searches by game titles and even then just video games, brand titles. cant just search mahjong, has to be that specific piece of software
i mean i am in a discord for studying linguistics, one for academic resources and assistance, there's all sorts of niche things there are discords for that arent games and discord can't be taken seriously in some spheres because it says it's for gamers it could be used really well in a lot of professional settings
>>681241 Everyone ignored the greatest fan work in recent times
Kirara 🍄
>>681228 "I don't feel like getting my headphones. but im all alone in the break room at work and how bad could it be" i say to myself as i turn up the volume on my phone
i had no idea they made monsters this big seems excessive >>681250 probably like 10 to 15 I've taken around that much >>681252 no it's a 709ml/24oz can >>681254 is just monster energy tea this one is lemonade and tea normal monster doesn't taste that good but this line is pretty good
got it thanks i get a special little beep on my phone for that so if im awake it's easy >>681251 did you ever have that ubermonster that was out for a while it was like brewed malted barley it was flavored like an alcoholic beverage but it was non-alcoholic energy drink it was the best energy drink i ever had but they stopped making it so fast
so it is 12oz for small can and 24 for big can then? or something or 16? here cans are 0,33 and 0,5 with some beers being in 0,678 or whatever the imperial pint was
>>681255 yeah i thought it was pretty good better than normal monster for sure i drank it pretty often >>681258 12 oz is about equivalent to .33, 16oz is .5l, i don't think europe has a can size standard similar to 24oz because MURRICA has portion size problems >>681260 soda here is usually 16oz, 20oz, 1l, 2l there is also 1.5l booties //bottles and 8.4oz cans as far as unusual sizers go
bottles are generally 0,5 and 1,5 with some being 2l lidl drinks and some pepsi
>>681259 i dont really care for monster a whole lot bu // but i loved that one so much i really really wish they still made it maybe i'll write to them but that won't do anything
those monster nitrous are still good though that have nitrogenated caffeine anhydrous or whatever
>>681261 they call those monster maxx down here for some reason i like the "super dry", it tastes like lime and orange but I still like tea the most
yeah i like that one it might be moonster maxx i dont know for sure monster* goddamnit ton look what you started
Mango Loco literally the only good one don't >> me
i miss pomegranate rockstar and guava rockstar those were wonderful
monster is pricy for an energy drink, tho and all energy drinks taste quite bad anyhow
i think they taste fine especially the ones that are more bitter and less sweet
>>681266 monster rehab tastes pretty good the white tea dragonfruit is something i would drink even if it wasn't loaded with liver killing chemicals the coffee energy ones usually tasted pretty good too though cold brew is better on that front imo
Koi Solve puzzles with FIST
damn this bbq flavoured chicken legs are damn good I wonder why most chicken here is either hot sauce or just sauce why has it taken this long for the food industry here to make bbq and an i expected them to expand the flavours?
Hell, they could just call some place like subways and ask what are the most used sauces on their breads and base some flavours on that info
also damn good chicken I might starting taking notes on where the chicken comes from since all finnish producers give that info on the package
Which is sometimes quite morbidly amusing "This meat came from Pigster, a pig grown on Pigfarm on Pigtown"
that was some artisan meat and not mass produce, but still
>>681272 that's pretty great gotta pay respect to those who gave their lives for your sammich
>>681272 I mean if there's a place I'd expect to get pork from, it's from a pig farm somewhere in the vicinity of a Pigtown. Would be weird if I was getting it from Cowville.
>>681294 even like one episode earlier both of them looked different it was weird >>681295 you're telling me that you don't always get a huge throbbing erection when you watch sports? what are you, gay?
>>681306 Todd probably isn't even paying attention to ESO anymore.
Or is this some tabletop Elder Scrolls branded adventure my bad. I thought it was the ESO expansion didn't Elsweyr come out recently.
>>681310 Yeah it's a tabletop thing to promote the ESO Elsweyr apparently coming from the people in Bethesda Netherlands? Since when did they have people over there
>>681311 every big corporation prolly has an office in netherlands best place to avoid taxes
Kirara 🍄
More like Neanderlands amirite because they're neanderthals get it
>>681317 this isn't unexpected really i imagine the guys and girls who did a lot of the zombie work in like left 4 dead for example had the same chance people who look at dead bodies and gore a lot risk these kinds of negative psychological effects
>>681319 stonger yeah, bigger atleast heightwise no damn dutch are tall
>>681317 is it really that easy to diagnose ptsd i always have been telling my doctor as little as possible so i dont seem hypo or like im fishing for diagnosis but mostly so i dont resemble my mother's histrionic tantrums ever
>>681322 yeah you're prob right the avg dutch man is 6ft now apparently goddamn everyone there is probably taller than me then
I have a finn/dtuch friend who really won the genetic lottery finnish nordic bulk with dutch height the guy is naturally built like a damn mountain wonder how he'd look if he also actively worked out
though it does come at a cost, guy eats like 3-4 person worth of food
is really low effort food, but is cheap and tasty chicken for 2,50, 500g of onion+potato mix for 0,50 into oven for bit less than an hour and have the marinade of the chicken spread over thep otatoes when done and devour Oven is love
though 3€ for one day's meal is bit excessive compared to actually eating cheap
Kirara 🍄
>>681323 i mean yeah i can diagnose PTSD in an hour-long interview hell, i could probably do it in 30 minutes
>>681336 diagnose me with ptsd and autism i need gvt dollars
Kirara 🍄
>>681337 come get an evaluation at one of the clinics i work at i could get you ptsd but not autism
>>681338 dammit i can't even afford to go to florida i probably can't afford an evaluation either
Kirara 🍄
eval would be $275 at one of the clinics (unless you were referred from an org we have contracts with) or probably $200-300 at the other clinic i mean an intake for treatment is cheaper and i can give you a diagnosis with that but the government would want a full evaluation done
>>681337 you dont get anything just for having them >>681336 but like idk dont you have to diagnose cautiously i always have the anticipation that the doctor is going to not believe me ever about anything
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>681348 I volunteered they asked me and I said yes because now I have to buy a dryer and I'm already knee deep in purchases this month
Not that I'm bad off mind you. I just can't put aside money this month
>>681341 >>681343 I don't read or watch this anime/manga but the few times I thought "let me just read the latest chapter" (which happens about once every 25 chapters) it's focused on her and they're the best.
>>681251 10 or 15? that's like two to three doses for reds at least if def done more than that in 24 hours i think i probably have taken 15 in the last 12 hours and im gonna redose >>681354 ive probably just been conditioned to lie about stuff like that due to my parents i guess i feel like i can't say most things to other people who aren't peers idk stupid family shit i guess i want to get to the doctors now though, it's been a long time and im not as fucked up as when i was younger maybe i can make progress now
Kirara 🍄
>>681350 i believe probably 90% of anything my clients tell me unless there's a reason to be suspicious and the 10% i have left, is stuff im just being cautious about because the client is biased people generally don't lie about their symptoms and if they do, i have no way of disproving them so i treat it as functionally true
And also damages your clothing and it is just a matter of time saving
not to mention some clothes aren't even ment to be dryed unless it is a dryer closet
and again md is being ddosed why do they keep doing it?
Kirara 🍄
>>681355 100% humidity and no where to hang clothes anyway
>>681355 It's faster It barely damages the clothes if you use the right settings And by barely I mean I have had some t shirts for like a decade and they have a little bit of damage.
Kirara 🍄
>>681353 yeah im much more likely to assume my clients have symptoms they're trying to hide from me than that they're making up symptoms obv some people do but it's pretty uncommon sometimes people exaggerate their symptoms a lot but there are a ton of questions i can ask to figure out if they're exaggerating i have colleagues that sometimes doubt people's symptoms but they generally count them as true anyway
we're the only ones who can really give diagnoses like those in evaluations so as long as we can justify why we gave the diagnosis, there's really no one who is going to challenge us or doubt us, outside some court related evals
even in an eval my goal is to do what's best for the client so if they need a diagnosis of ptsd for something and i can diagnose them with it without lying, i don't see a reason not to if a diagnosis of ptsd is going to ruin their life then i might avoid giving it to them unless i think it's really necessary
for some diagnoses i would absolutely want testing done but lots of them, i can just talk to the person i diagnose ptsd and shit in MH evals all the time in psych evals too
>>681360 I am guessing it just falls to culture in the end only people I know who have dryers have also big families meaning so much laundry you just need a dryer eventually my family has a drier but it is used maybe once a year though when we were younger it got used more, since well kids produce more laundry
>>681358 I'm pretty sure its actually been DDoSed constantly for months now.
But the nowhere to hang argument is kinda moot, since I have experience with no-space laundry hanging 100% humidicity though is a killer, since I had issues with that when I lived in tapiola >took almost 2 days to dry laundry at rainy fall season >>681363 there seem to be moments and days when the anti-measures aren't at full power, tho so I presume it isn't 24/7
>>681364 Yeah but searching seems to be off all the time. The only difference is the captcha.
>>681367 No It's disabled for people who don't use an account. I refuse to make an account. I've gotten fucked over by data breaches before so I tend to avoid making accounts I don't need.
you shouldn't need a library card to read free books
>>681372 That's a false equivalence Also you literally don't need a library card to read books at a library. You can literally just walk in and pick up a book and read it. You only need a library card to borrow the books.
>>681372 I know I am the king of bad allegories/comparisons/metaphores but seriously that just made me lose the crown permanently
>>681373 I never do this though If I find a book I wanna read I instantly go borrow it even if I am going to read it fully in the library that day just in case I am not going to finish it, I will always borrow it so I can take it with me even if I come the next day to the library to continue reading
just so that I don't have "that book got borrowed by someone else2 happen to me
>>681384 the healthcare process as a whole i had a referral to get to my psych in st louis i have an appointment there next week but i wont be going, i need to find one up here idk if i need to find one by referral or if blue cross picks one for me or how to arrange any of that idk what the whole scope of psychiatric care is and what things i need to see a psychologist for idk if i need to see a primary care physician before any of that, and im too anxious to make any phone calls
>>681385 you generally don't need a referral. usually an insurance company will have a list of providers that accept them, and you can reach out to any on that list to make an appointment. they'll ask if you've been seen there before and you say no, and if they're currently accepting new patients, they'll start setting up an intake appointment. it helps if you request your records from your previous provider so you can give those documents to the new one. if you can't, you can do a release of information and your new provider can contact the old one to get your information. you don't need a primary care to have a psychiatrist typically, but sometimes they'll encourage you to get one and they may ask for labs to be done to assess your liver function and all that stuff. i haven't had a primary care physician for like 15 years but ive had various psychiatrists all my life psychologists just provide non-psychiatric treatment, although in some states, psychologists can prescribe medication. if you need something from a psychologist, your psychiatrist will probably be able to refer you to someone, but you can get a psychologist without a referral the same way you would for a psychiatrist.
tags in MD are damn solid though thing that always annoyed me on batoto was the lack of some tags I think more options to narrow down searches is always better than less
>>681390 >having a tab that has all new updates for your manga >no need to bookmark every manga >having ability to mark down every chapter of any manga you have ever read >having a list of all manga you have followed that you can narrow down to reading/have read/planned reading/completed/dropped >having that lis be sortable by "update/name/date added" so on yeah nothing that would make it easier or more convenient
even if the manga is free, the service being provided isnt there are financial costs and resource costs sunk into the establishment and maintenance of that service the same as ton's example of a library which is providing a service and they want to have information on you if you're going to be using their service and facilities it was not a very different example at all
and for that matter you'd be committing fraud if you registered at a library with false information you can create an account there using nonsensitive data and you can block any data tracking that could be associated with that sign in, including your browser data and activity usage
And here it isn't even information, just keeping bots from taxing the servers by spamming the search tool which wouldn't even be that easy to do nowadays, since they have anti-bot measures up, but I guess they just didn't bother re-enabling non-account searches
>>681394 I reuse permutations of my passwords so I don't like signing up for things I don't need.
>>681386 thanks i need to call and cancel my other appointment too and i still owe them a bill from last appointment
i wanted to talk to my psychiatrist last time about possibly an eval for schizophrenia or other disorders but i hadnt been sober for a long enough time for me to warrant requesting it. the six month lag time between visits makes it unreasonably expensive anyway. i wanted to ask what path i'd need to take for some sort of non medication therapy too but i got too intimidated to ask and just got my scripts and came back since i was reliant on family members for those few days it jostled my brain too much that i didnt get to say anything i wanted to say in that appointment, and i was under great distress from my sister that same day i'm really bad at doing things i need to do during appointments because it's harder than not bringing them up
>>681392 >>681393 I for one do not welcome our Polar Grizzly overlords
>>681397 maybe it will be better if you're getting providers where you are and your family can't fuck you up but it might also help to write down the things that are important for you to bring up and to give that to your provider as a list then you can't get anxious and back out of it so easily and the impetus is on your provider to address the things you want addressed
it might seem awkward but if it works, it works id rather my clients do something like that and be awkward than have them unable to discuss something bothering them for me the most important thing is that my clients feel safe and comfortable saying anything they need to but lots of people have problems that can get in // that can sort of prevent them from engaging with me and id be happy for anything they did to try to engage with me genuinely the therapeutic relationship is a relationship like any other so communication is important even if you're bad at communicating, the most important thing is to communicate
communicating is what im having so much trouble with i was having it back then and i needed to talk to my psych about it but the train ride down there and carrying my luggage made my body a little weak when i got there so my sister got mad at me for not being able to walk and started yelling at me and saying a lot of really mean things so i shut down even more fuck man it's so rough
it's incredibly hard and it's easy to feel helpless and sometimes it does be like that and you shut down but even if that's what's happening, if you just give up, you won't get where you want even though it seems impossibly difficult, you have to find a way to do it, even if it means doing things in a roundabout way by writing a letter or sending an email ahead of time, or anything else sometimes all we can do is force ourselves into doing what we need to do by taking away our other choices, and it's all fucked up and it sucks, but the only way to do it is to do it and if you don't do it, it won't get done you just gotta do whatever it takes to do it
and if you can't figure out what it takes, you can work with friends to figure that out it's gonna be hard no matter what path you take though and even if you think it's impossible, it's not, you are stronger than you think you are
yeah i usually get it cut to like 8-10cm but i only get my hair cut like once every 3 months so my hair is always like 15-20cm when i get it cut which bothers me a lot and i need to get it cut like every 1.5 months
if I get my hair cut I say to cut it to 4-5cm tho and if I cut it myself, it will be at 2-3cm since that is the maximum width of *lenght of the razor I have
>>681408 I usually get my hair cut once a season basically during winter i aim to have more hair on my head, due to added insolation and during summer I might get it cut twice to keep it short and cool >>681411 yeah hair and nail lenght varies really much beard is the best example some don't need to shave daily, while some sport a really heavy "after 5 shade" by 12 o'clock
Kirara 🍄
>The rate or speed of hair growth is about 1.25 centimetres or 0.5 inches per month, or about 15 centimetres or 6 inches per year. what the fuck my hair grows so much faster than that it's ridiculous wtf
if I trim my beard to 2cm it will be at 10+ by 2-3 months past and that is the point where I will either have to spend a good time scissoring it into shape or trim it back into 2 cmd or turn into a gandalf
>>681415 I think best lenght is the "can pull beard to chew on"
Kirara 🍄
>>681417 nah best length is when you can twist the edges of your mustache like an evil villain and simultaneously rub your chin like you're deep in thought
I don't grow a mustache it just don't grow and even if it did it is fucking platinum blond it looks damn silly
Kirara 🍄
haha i got that jew blood so my beard comes in super full everywhere
can't even do evil goatee because it doesn't connect all I have is the nordic chin and neck beard
though I do keep my neck clean shaven or short seriouisly how do people have beardo n then eck it is super ichy
>>681420 try wearing a skimask during -25 downhill skii-ing day with a 10cm+ beard
Kirara 🍄
neck doesn't get itchy for me but it looks weird so i trim to my neckline
>>681423 i used to have 12cm beard back in 2016 haha i never had to put on ski mask though i put on a balaclava with like 6cm before and it wasn't bad until i started sweating
I got a haircut yesterday. It took like an hour and a half.
Maybe I should see a finnish barber they cost 10-20€ more than the imported kurdis, but atleast hey know how to properly cut my hair the kurdis kinda don't have the experience yet on finnish heads not to mention they all wanna do fashion cuts and hairdos rather than just a cut good at their craft, just not what I want and cheap
>>681424 the issue is keeping it from going into your mouth with those degrees and then wind from going fast the moisture from breathing into the mask can be a killer
ofc there is the other way of keeping the heat, just having them ask on your face and then an added layer to that and having it form a heat pocket, so that no clothing clingin on to your face ever gets cold
>>681428 Mine came with a free shampooing and a head neck shoulders massage Well "free" It's part of their default haircut. Was definitely worth it I say despite my parents paying for it.
If I get my hair cut, I always get my hair washed too
They put three or four different things in my hair. Maybe more I have no what most of it was My only guesses are shampoo then conditioner *no idea what The rest was a mystery
hell if I ever go travelling around the world for an extended period I will prolly start it by clean shaving my face and beard to bald and then see how it grows from 0 as days go past
>>681443 I don't know part of it the main hair dresser was watching my stylist and correcting her form and then also showing her how to do some stuff and then I got a free beard trimming because he wanted to show her how to do that