Thread #680433
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Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Dororo Fairy Gone --Episode 4-5 Cinderella Nine Hitoribocchi YU-NO Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin --Episode 4-5 RobiHachi Shoumetsu Toshi
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dororo mayonaka shoumetsu bokutachi hitori
We should do Fairy Gone or YU-NO instead of Shoumetsu.
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that/s fine dororo mayonaka yuno bokutachi hitori
Ika can't make it tonight and I don't think Jan is around oh no.
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ah unfortunate
Do we want to run at least a couple shows either way?
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hmm do you? I'm fine with whatever.
We've kept Bocchi around long enough so unless you've been secretly watching it with your mistress I'd be interested in it. I'd be fine with maybe something of Cinderella Nine, YU-NO, and/or an episode of Mayonaka as well. Doesn't have to be all but those are probably the best options for stuff we don't need others for.
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nah O dpn I don't watch with that group that often. let's do YUNO then cinderella 9 yuno ep 5 right? okay lets start!
I'll let you know as soon as my harddrive spins up but if that's the most recent then yeah, probably. Yeah, episode five. We should still do Bocchi as a third though.
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oh yeah left off at a crazy moment
Finally gets a chance to use the time leap powers for good rather than just messing around.
What an unpleasant sack.
At least the MC of this series has some balls.
Oh what the hell.
He can't take his eyes off her for like two minutes.
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She's a dummy who thinks she knows better.
TRUCK'D Man she's in a seriously bad place.
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That's some special hair
How many ways has she come up with to kill herself MAN Like you think at some point there would be repetition.
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She's like the mayuri of suicide.
Oh here it repeats.
So he can leap back to more than one saved point? The one he was using earlier seems to not give him a lot of free time to save his stepmom.
Ah I guess the stuff he got from the reporter lady he could take back with him if he was holding on to it.
And he's STILL leaving her along. The absolute idiot.
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She's not gonna do it this time right
Well she's trying her damnedest.
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seems like he's making progress
Yeah, progress down the stepmom route, hoh hoh hoh
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okay lets mayonaka okay lets start!
Mayonnaisa Episode four of this.
He's sure starting to attract a motley crew of fans.
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The guys are so girly in this.
They are all very much those prettyboy types. Though a few have that tiredmoe look to them
Yeah you probably shouldn't drink something a spirit monkey pours you.
It's a piece of cake!
Oh okay.
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That's weird.
Oh no poor police-oji.
Hi Jan we've got about nine minutes on this show.
Oh here I thought Coyote was gonna come and save the day but it's just him making more trouble.>>680485 Episode four.
>>680483 are you on ep 5?
There's like five minutes now.
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oh hi jan
hi rika>>680486 okay i'll just join for the next one i got the wrong episode
Quite the jolly but also menacing oni.
Oh he's an ex-host I guess. Being one of those is a real soul-draining job.
Do you think you've got time for two more shows Rika? We could do some more now that we've got Jan.
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do youse guys wanna watch robihachi
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yeah, of of wow if you want which two?
We should do RobiHachi for Jan and then close maybe on Bocchi.
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robihachi okay lets start
yaay i like this show
Yeah it's a fun show. Dumb and ridiculous.
Poor Yang-san. Always one step behind his beloved Robby.
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eating strawberry crisps MENACING
>This is this only hyperroad out of the galaxy Oh no, the Milky Way is the Florida of the universe.
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>>680508 honestly seems about right
I know eh.
>Relaxing in a hot spring >Melting pot
Hah hah look at this yellow Piccolo.
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Rika we watched the fishing episode last week. We're doing episode five right now.
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hmmm I wonder why my latest ep is 4 ph well ill fix it
The episode aired earlier today so you probably were just not up to date.
>peach coffee eww
Even if it tastes just like regular coffee?
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okay i'd try it if it's just regular coffee
>Checks out restaurants and reviews of establishments >Forgets to check on the important details like restrictions and necessary permissions Hatchi really is Kirara-poi.
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I'm on the right ep now.
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>>680522 you missed onsen shenanigans
I'm sure she's heartbroken.
He's totally getting fished.
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robby will pick up anyone and anything
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They're always interacting with weird mascots.
Dude that's totally a capybara.
Wow this whole episode was an exercise in futility.
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i wonder if they'll get something cool out of the special travel permits
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bocchi okay lets start
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hitori jan ai
this is ep 5 right?
Oh I know this feeling. Knowing you'll have to come up with some kind of lie ahead of time and rehearsing it to make sure it's smooth.
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hey don't yawn into your phone you'll get it all foggy
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man this is a weird opening
Yeah the fairies are particularly weird.
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the taste the rainbow skittles are pretty weird too
There's a girl in this class with a really absurd hairstyle.
Also that one guy in the front row has GOD DAMN
>>680547 BROCK
He looks WAY too old for grade seven.
>>680549 maybe he got held back a handful of years
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Yeah, she's really unfortunate.
I think this goes beyond unfortunate now she's just a full-blown AIRHEAD.
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just take the hat off at least
Nako and Aru have more of a relationship than Aru and Bocchi hah hah. Maybe even Nako and Bocchi.
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Nako is the best gril
Yeah Bocchi's too innocent a girl for Aru to feel able to lie to.
But yeah, at least take off the damn hat for crying out loud.
Nako is such a good friend.
oh god
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the battke the battle against unforutnateness
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damedame tennis
Oh she finally got one.
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zannen serve
She is hardworking despite how unfortunate she is.
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thanks for anime!
Tsun tsun
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thanks for anime
Yup yup arigato yo