>>680925 Yeah. It's a bit of a shame to not have the egregious animation of the first season but One-Punch Man is already a solid enough comedic and set-up that it doesn't really need it.
poor zakkos
Wow these battlefield scavengers are being really mean.
Well the good doctor has had his own share of hell. He knows the weight of killing on ones soul.
this show is really pretty
Yeah it's gotten kind of QUALITY at times but even then there's a level of quality to it above some other studios. MAPPA is reliably solid in quality and tends to get stuff that runs full stories. They did Bananafish a while back and that was a great adaptation of an old manga too.
Dororo is an old Tezuka manga that this adaptation has kind of reimagined.
Oh no RIP Archer-kun.
Ah not today.
they're no mystic eyes but they do the job well enough
sorry im tagging along without being up to date on all this stuff but it'll give me an idea of what's worth catching up on!
Well you're also in luck with this show since the last episode concluded this girl's character arc probably. So as long as you remember the concepts from episode one it'll probably be pretty easy to follow along.
I believe this show is two-cour too so if it's something you're interested in you're not grinding through half a season to only get half as much more.
I mean Toyotomi's actions do seem to almost inevitably drive his stepmom to commit suicide so not going to jail probably feels cheap to the MC. But no one else could know that.
alright i might just watch an episode of anime tonight, all by my lonesome what was that really cute show from the other night that someone was telling me to watch
Senryuu Shoujo.
ah thank you
you can go into an old thread and watch alongside posts from days ago and pretend you arent alone thats what i do
It's only twelve or thirteen minutes long so maybe you could even watch TWO EPISODES.
This is some weird security.
this really is playing out like a video game tutorial explaining this mid mission
Hah hah this fucking midnight soap.
>>680975 It's originally a VN guess they've got to pad out the playhours with some stuff.
wow i still have crunchyroll that's like 5 months of unused subscription good job bang
That's what, fifty bucks down the drain?
This journalist girl is starting to seem a little bit whack.
yay this is probably the second or third best baseball anime airing this season >>681009 there are so many. there are several every year for like the past 40 years. ive seen quite a few of them but the first two seasons of ace of diamond are up there among the betters. there's even one named princess .. ready all
Oh whoops muscle memory >>681008 Yeah there's also MIX airing this season. Weirdly large number of baseball-themed shows this season. I think the Cinderella Nine mobage has a wider assortment of sports involved but it seems like they've only focused on baseball for the anime.
there's princess nine which i thought this mighta been a remake of but it's not
Maybe this franchise is named in reference to it.
I haven't really watched many sports anime let alone baseball anime. As far as I've watched they're not that bad but it's not a genre that really charms me too much. Probably wouldn't even be watching this if not for the anime crew hah hah.
sports anime tend to be passion anime so i really like them even if i dont know the sport but i dont wanna spam the thread
Please if not for others making posts these threads are pretty much just me talking to myself with the infrequent Rika post.
well we can see the TMS budget shortcuts already haha
>Spending all your money on balls You really don't need that many balls if you're smart with 'em.
>just have your parents pay for it!
Yeah lucky high school kids eh.
Oh the Serious Baseball Girl was calling out the skirts on the baseball uniforms too. It is kind of ridiculous.
cat girl's game reminds me of me as little effort as possible
>>681020 It's fine because they're anime skirts. Anime skirts are invincible unless it's that kind of show.
they have spats soit's probably fine but why have the skirts at all then they're gonna slide around too much
it is a little bit cute though
Yeah it's cute, but all that exposed flesh to be skidding around on. This other team at least has full leg coverings.
they're even trying to slide with skirts and no leggings but it's okay they're still frames
Just motion-tweening them along the dirt hah hah.
It's kind of annoying that they showed the ZETSUBOU at the end -at the beginning of the episode though. It kind of makes it pretty clear how this game is going to end.
you gotta throw it girl they can just score while you hold it
The other team is playing SERIOUS BASEBALL and their fledgling team's just fumbling about.
>i also feel bad about the mistakes you made
I don't remember the QUALITY in the show being that bad in previous episodes hah hah. It's been kind of sticking out at least.
Curly-chan sure has an ego That kind of confidence in one's self is kind of enviable though
Mhm, thanks. Maybe THIS'll be the week we crunch through the List to get it down to zero.
Tomorrow has airing for it Tate no Yuusha, Senko-san, and Kenja no Mago, which brings us up to eight. If we can get off another five we'll have three by the end tomorrow. Then Thursday brings Sarazanmai and Carole & Tuesday for another five. If we can manage that we'll have an empty docket by Friday.