
Thread #675852

Not synched.

Bottom Identity
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of the Hakurei Poorhouse
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And now leave your life of your donations
or rather
leave your life in donations
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Honestly, end fucking gaimu has been spoiled so much for me
That I fucking pretty much already seen it.
Ya'll spent $20 on that shit and I ain't spent SHIT LOL
Damn you swindled us
Like a goddamn FIDDLE
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rip ironic man like
I am Iron Man
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
as this new era begins, the sonic posting bot becomes semi autonomous


i need to learn more and improve the output
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but he's fucking dead?
what if I make an Eggman posting bot and DEFEAT YOU!
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2hu if you ever play sekiro.
I'lkl be the one killing you every single turn
Kept you waiting huh, divine child
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Still can't believe yoy didn't kill Owl.
Like, where's your pace.
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
oh nooooo
I don't even know where he is
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ooch, the game will guide you to him
meanwhile I'm tryna not make a blood sacrifice with my wakizashi
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It don't have multiplayer
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The shittiest mob would be me.
mist noble
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Since it's may, I'mma tell ya'll something.
Literally 11 months ago I gave myself 224 cuts on my arm.
I kinda want to do that again.... like what harm would it bring?
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nice knife
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why would you do that
do you enjoy it?
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Like the cuts are not even worth shit.
They don't even fucking register.
They just take up space in your arm, and they make their mark.
It's really beautiful in a sense.
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God, I'd fucking drown in multiple people doing what they want to my skin.
no dont
even if you feel like there's no physiological or psychological threat there, there is
cutting gives a subscribable purpose to the pain, you understand why it hurts, so you feel in control of your pain etc etc etc
that part psychologically reinforces the idea of controlling pain that you aren't equipped to control because you've bypassed proper coping
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I want a hundred more.
Really, I doubt that would do much to my being.
Maybe make me motivated a little.
yeah listen to moon
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You're acting like you know what my skin wants.
I know what it wants.
Just more and more feeling piled up on top of anything
why though
like you're probably anticipating cautious response posts because it's fringe talk on a public forum but im not about that
even if you cut safe so there's no physical harm it's not a good systemic response
and even on the feel good spectrum you're missing out on some real good wallowing
to me it's like //
please calm down
if you've already started, please stop
im here, you know, what do you want
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I just want more and more.
Whatever the "more" can give me excitement, I'll accept it.
I'll keep going.
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The fact that you're here with me moon-sama, O won't fucking go overboard.
I just put this mood in me
i understand the urge, you know
im no pure flower
but it's such a waste
that's momentum, drive, that slow gradual building up of anticipation and excitement and fullfillment of pursuit, like a hunt
you're tossin it out bit by bit for some pacifying release right now
stop please
save it, youre capable of manifesting it in so much more powerful and helpful and satisfying ways for yourself and others
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You're worth it, I hope you know.
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What a world.
Asking me to care about myself.
just maybe
it might include you.
i am caring for myself
i need you to do the same
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ooch caps lock.
I'll care about you, from now til the end of existence.
It's not such a big deal, just behavoural placements.
i dont believe that you do
not when you hurt me by hurting yourself
you say you enjoy it so it's fine but it's not
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I knew I hurt you by how I act.
I just want to slow it down, or even eliminate my disgusting behaviour so I woud know how I act.
Acting like I don't care about ya'll.
I really do want the best for both of you.
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could y'all not
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Dipshit, Imma play some Siege so I can take my mind off all dissssss
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are you alright there champ
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if you are mist
how will I ever hit you?
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If I don't get 3 kills here you're literally all better than me
Does it bring you pleasure?
all of us are at negative 0 so...
even at zero you will be better than us
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Cutting my own skin and making it a fucking split mess made me love you all harder.
after those 230+ cuts of course.
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It doesn't bring you pleasure
if it truly had, you could have answered wit ha simple "yes"

don't do it
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But it did bring me immeasurable pleasure like...
Way better than fucking getting murked to like 2 teenagers acting like they got more map knowledge than me like
So why are you hesitating and trying to justify it through us to yourself?

because you don't want to truly do it
because you know it isn't the right thing to do
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I'd do it.
I just got to find my Karambit.
It's such a slicing elegant tool.
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Acting like cutting is some shitt.
People be fucking inking their own skin by the daily.
I'll be a part of that no fucking worries
why ink if you can't draW?
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The professional will burn my skin, to every single consent I can provide.
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If I jab my elbow on this wakizashi one more time im gonna fucking THRUST IT
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These 7 cuts on my right arm came outta nowhere
I think I'm done tonight
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They barely have any protruding blood.
Which makes me wonder.
PK, do you ever play multiplayer stuff?
Like some 5v5 intimate type things.
They're always exciting.
not in years
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Do you think you're a bit too old for it?
Well, if I had to bring my own occurance,
I got a 4k with Ash, I just potatoed on the last fucker.
Andddddddd I ran out while I was Ela, sprayed three of them down before the 4th merked me, she died like a pathetic worm.
morelike I think I can't do it without a keyboard with G buttons
I never played dota
or anything of the sort really that much
I playedm aps
where you had to control 1-10 heroes
+ 50-250 units
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PK the game is called Rainbow Six Siege.
I won't play dota, just because nbody else I know would play it.
meaning you had to keep track of all the 1-0 quick keys if you wanted to be GOOD
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swear to god that old school aps shit is harder than taking role in this day and age 2019 they're fucking relentless
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here is a map I made
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I think in terms of say
getting somewhat good in blizzard games
say sc2
you'd do qutie well by just mastering the basics
and then learning the basic cheese counters
and then just thinking outside the box

even on pro level games, like fucking WORLD CHAMPION level
I noticed that many people don't really think strategically
of course at the spot it is hard to make decisions like that vs benchmarking

but uhm if you practice that shit
or just Know strategy
you do that shit naturally, just like you do the rest of the 1000+1 actions you do per minute
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SC2 jeeze
That's full click god shit.
I'd never be on those koreans levels
Like I make one misclick rip my army.
Oh, I play trash like Siege and BFV
what games ya even play
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that is the impression they give you
but that isn't how it works

But I doubt I could do the shit I did in wc3 10+ years ago
if wc3 reforged becomes a big thing again
THOUGH i hope it does

fucking most played game ever for me
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ofc I never played the actual game that much online
I think my total amount of games isl ike 20
in quick plays
though my winrate in thosew as like...
I had one account with 6-0
and 2 other accounts I did up to 6 but not with perfect
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Acting like I won't rip my throat out with the wakizashi tonight gggggg
But I was never good at the so called "macro game" or "micro game" in that one

I was good at controlling 100 units
100 units
around 2-4 times the amount the basic game has

that was my strenght
controllng heroes
siege shit
and everything that was in the fight
when it became a mass fight

in the map >>675919
I made
there was one faction Children of the Light
that couldn't get proper siege or ANY spell casters own or allied
without LOSING the game


that faction was designed to be basically "you will lose to one of the following factions"
by default
Except when I played with them...
I made them actually to be able to defeat any army in the field EASILY
as long as you avoided the spell casters or managed to avoid disaster at their hand

of course doing that was well
near impossible unless you were me or someone with my expertice in mass army control and knowledge in the counter system of the map
1st one possible Readily
there were some players, one of my close friends actually there, who were better at that
but 2nd
Maybe with time someone would have beaten me at my own game, but the map died with patch and I never remade it
Didn't feel like spending fucking 20-100 hours remaking the code behind the map
So what is your excuse
I spent something like 500 hours or more
just making a MAP MODE a MOD
to play the game I loved
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My excuse is that I'm way too slow to give units directions and make me win.
I would nbever fucking win in these games


atleast for a time atleast
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You trippin.
Imagine laying down and just drifting into an amazing dream
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it will take 10-30 making units
5-10 hours making all the abilities and spells
2-5 hours upgrades
fucking... 40-400 making the map
and then depending on how blizzard does the coding for map making
20-200 hours to make the code behind shit

a month
if I dedicate to it fully
half a year if I don't

done that
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Such a game breaker.
You would do that by yourself.
I am
I know fucking ll the hard coded mechanics in wc3
I wish this time around
I can ask my friends to help me
but I doubt they will bother
I don't by the way mean you all
but my wc3 circle
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I am still friends I met in wc3 bnet in 2003
they both live in the same capital city region as I do
never met them
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That's some EU ish.
You didn't even challenge them to a single bubble bobble or some other random shit... ?
that is FINNISH
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I had the other of them to voice chat with me while playing magicka
he had WAY deeper voice than you'd expectect

like uuh...
deeper than markiplier
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lol if I join a magicka lobby i expect 3 other random mfers who like have experienced eveything there is to life and I'm just listening and learning
wanna play THAT
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PK I got like 500 ping to you.
It'll make all your games ugly.
This canadian shit is like 75 down 3 up
holy fuck what a scam
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what is your internet speed?
3 UP?
jesus christ
also who are you even?
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Well, I would be Solari
The canadian cunt that likes to fuck around and be a huge fucking idiot
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I think of you as "cool anon that isn't rei or tilde"
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acting like either of them are cool
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but seriously
not rei uuhh
fuck what was that aussies name
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Whatever the aussies are, or New Zealanders are
They still got sexy ass accents.
Oof, dun tell them I said that
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R fucking something
Claim a name ya bitch
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Nothing beats my accent
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Yeah right...
okay maybe.
I heard you in that car.
It's pretty prominent
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thanks buddy
yeah that wanna be french
que the fuck
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Like your L's were so elongated
Imma just stop here
ay mari mari
you havn't

you actually havn't heard me speak?
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You totally posted that clip of you like 3 months ago road tripping.
With like 2 other finns
Acting like I can't figure out that accent like
we've got to rectify this shit
I am the only finn posting on this board
I don't post anything that contains stuff that i do with my IRL friends if it is identifiable
or if it is without their permission

so basically
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Maybe I just might enjoy it by myself
Dun worry about it pk it's not liek it's violating laws or anything
and 3 months ago I wasn't road tripping with anyone
I was drunk or hating not being drunk at home
road tripping makes it sound like something jan and kirara would be doing
except Jan's voice is way too texan to be mistaken for finnish
So basically
why lie?
these guys did shit I think 3 months or so ago
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My friend
if you aren't sure
why lie?
that is jsut my point
I am not fucking coming at you or anything just asking
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K if you think you didn't say anything then you didn't.
buuuuuuuut maybe I click on every video link here
There are 0 videos
there is 1 video
but i havn't linked it here in ages thankfully

that have me saying anything on it
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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G'day Cunt
so pick
a really bad frozen cover
or a /moe/ original 1 or 2?
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I just have the info for myself.
I won't spread it...
Like I have anything to gain by doing so.
Ay aussie, how's it been.
my recommendation is #1
don't get defensive
or anything

I just like to call out liars

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Well, I forgot the link.
And it's probably just in the archive.
I'll play along and not do anything at all.
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K maybe I added 30 new cuts to my left arm.
Still don't feel like shit like what the fuck

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instead of cuttingyourself
why not do a pushup each time?
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I would do that but like what would I gain?
At least the shit makes me feel alive.
Maybe I could go in my 5v5 game and feel sobbing depressing due to the music
what do you get from cuts?
you get adrenaline boost from being in danger

you can get both adrenaline and endorphine and the D starting one
from working out
who wins?
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one push-up
I would need like 50 due to my dumb ass
also I lied your song it was real fleeting
I liked it.
then do 50
I have few more "good" ones if you wanna hear em
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We really need a name for you
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Well moon calls me solly.
So I guess I'm Solace.
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I got called touhounazi for being a "nazi who posts touhou" but I turned to dislike tht namec

do you like the name Solace?
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Well, it applies everywhere.
And I guess I like being a slight part of everybodies lives, like I'm just there and
being a fucking beacon of darkness
you aren't answering the question my friend
don't make it about others

Do you like the name solace?
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Of course...
I like it when any male or female pronounces my name in a public chat.
It's like I'm worth something.
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Well Sol

might as well be super polite since you are canadian, do you have pronoun you don't like
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Yeah right, murk me
Murk Tilde and Ika too while ya'll at it
I do
ika only posts in anime threads and tilde's view I know very well
way too well
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do you mind or I callyou whatever I want?
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Can't believe he can snipe me.
I guess I gotta fuckin step my my geimu
Yeah, call me whatever heh
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It is english
there are pronouns that are gendered
fucking inferior language
should just have
sai mut nauramaan hän

J. Karjalainen aside >>>/watch?v=3Ss3zHXfOkc
This was just a SERVICE
to you
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English is such a bastardized language.
And it's just getting worse by the second.
Just look at all those snapchat teens, jesus fucking christ.
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I'd normally just presume "he" because internet
You are getting special treatment because I like you
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PK you gotta play some PvP shit.
I'd totally back you up with my 260 ping
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Though good part of it might be because you are like a spicy food
or something that is painful, but rewarding to touch
like a cat that scratches you a lot
untill you win against it
Hi, I come to you as ambassador of way too many hours in Naruto ultimate ninja sotmr series
including 120 hours that are 100% pvp in the latest game
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Oh hell no I would get my face made fun of in naruto games.
I'm saying like....
Planetside 2
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I do still play PVP
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Well, I'M a guy, and I'm definitely into any fucking army shit destroying lives and bringing blood to every inch of land that the enemies occupy.
I dunno
my life generally post facto
got improved by going through the army

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Kill Quebec for me
Since you murked the natives, might as well MURDER the fucking QUEBECOIS
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btw here is another butchery of a songwith yours truly
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though not today
I only have around 3-4dl of whisky left after the 75dl of rum i have already drank
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I finished my whole bottle of whiskey.
I ust got trash ass budweiser cans to sustain me...
straight garbage
I think I already drank your bottle of whisky
it is so weird
whenever I stop drinking for a some time
it takes 2 drinking sessions
and on the third one my actual tolerance sets in

and then I just fucking
don't get drunk really unless i try
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then you finally pass out more like
I pass out of tiredness by going "time to sleep" and going to sleep
which may or may not be remembered by me tomorrow

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Maybe I
might be a bigger alchy than you.
You go off, but I just fucking murked my arm 50 times with a wakizashi.
Didn't even feel it.
you drink more oft than me atleast
Despite what people think about me
I am not always drunk
I actually drink way less than people think I do, I just keep that fame because I like it
I do have feelings aside from anger
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Yeah Pk, you're always at your own chill level, whether we can see it or not.
Like with the grand strat ish and skyrim ish.
Me, I'm just freaking the fuck out that I can't headshot anyone while I'm loaded
you got a steam or disc?
I'm Abyssal#1784

There was some crazy drunk with a gundam avi that wanted to add me.
Throught he was way too fucking crazy so I ghosted him.
Makes me kinda think...
It was Char.
Totally was either Maria or Jan.
Drunk mfrs lmao
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that's %100 a DnD name
I have had it for ages
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I mean I would be rocking that name past 7 years of DnD campaigns
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well I use Soili tuonela
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Oh I know that guy
I'd be very shocked to hear he was drunk though
He's too proper for me to imagine that

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He was totally fucked.
Wanted to mingle with me, with my body, with my being.
Kinda wish I spared him the curiosity.
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I had a dream that you were right here, so I know it's just a dreamm
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I feel the walls burn
I cannot break them down.
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I know it wasn't you tho, mari.
Was totally fucking Janrela.
Search [iqdb] (351 KB, 966x1024, Quattro Bajeena is fighting fo(…).jpg)
I don't think so
Me and Jan have watched a lot of gundam but I don't think I've ever seen him be a char

I could see Jan flirting though
Search [iqdb] (5.4 MB, 2508x3541, 74368000_p0.jpg)
Doubt you acted that drunk and flirted with me.
Mari, the energy that requires is fucking super substantial
Kirara 🍄
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Can you feel it
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Oh yeah beccause it made me realise my emotions aren't worth shit in this universe.
Snap me thanos
Kirara 🍄
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i want the infinity stones
Search [iqdb] (546 KB, 1050x1512, 71089702_p0.jpg)
please get the reality stone and turn me into confetti
Kirara 🍄
Search [iqdb] (465 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no(…).jpg)
i'm gonna use the infinity stones to eat the planet
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 1478x1942, 70547246_p0.jpg)
Yeah but it's like
how you gonna take care of half of humanity
Unless you're gonna NEGECT THEM LIKE GOMORRA
Kirara 🍄
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 505x690, [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no(…).jpg)
I'll eat them with the planet! Then they'll be one with me.
I'll eat every planet.
Everyone will become one!
Search [iqdb] (3.0 MB, 2000x2500, 71994884_p0.jpg)
We just see those whole intestinal tracts and lines and shit,
Imma chainsaw those heart valves like Gears of War 2
Search [iqdb] (38 KB, 512x384, The Powerpuff Girls Movie.avi_(…).jpg)
You will even eato ur planet
Kirara 🍄
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 414x714, [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no(…).jpg)
I might have to save Earth for later since it's so dirty. I gotta build up my resistance.
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 512x384, The Powerpuff Girls Movie.avi_(…).jpg)
half of the plain our campaign takes place on
might be
"hard to chew on"
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 512x384, The Powerpuff Girls Movie.avi_(…).jpg)
But it doesn't matter
for all of it will be
Kirara 🍄
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 681x720, [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no(…).jpg)
I'm gonna eat the whole planet.
And then all the planets.
It has been prophesized
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 512x384, The Powerpuff Girls Movie.avi_(…).jpg)
part of my plan
why didn't I do a "mojo jojo" character
Search [iqdb] (225 KB, 788x792, __samara_morgan_dc_comics_and_(…).jpg)
I have a secret plan for the end game wanna take part in it?
Kirara 🍄
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 707x720, [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no(…).jpg)
Titania might be too self-centered to join in on a plan at this point
see disc
Kirara 🍄
insert disc 2
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and 3
some weird johnny depp musical is on tv
Search [iqdb] (2.3 MB, 1003x1416, D2DiKQ6U8AAlWzi.png)
The song that made me realise my affection is utter fucking garbages
Still hitting
Kirara 🍄
isn't this just the opera boss from near a tomato
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 594x800, IMG_20190501_222008.jpg)
I'll have you know I've never once in my fucking LIFE been char
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Fucking good.
Narrows it down.
oh antonio my antonio
Search [iqdb] (245 KB, 807x770, 64367193_p9.png)
Imma turn me on
While you turn me on
you havent heard him play dark souls
Search [iqdb] (581 KB, 758x1000, 73839042_p0.jpg)
I didn't even touch that dlc so he got more fucking volition that me
When someone asks if I beat slave knight im like >>>/watch?v=rFksVH5bH-U
this morning's advertisement
this guy seems really trustable and not manipulative right
he was playing ds1
pull my devil trigger
Pull my devil Tigger
cleanup please
I reported it from my phone getting out of bed and just now.
it's cool it's still early
not reasonable to expect moderation this early
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
have some cute shit
Man I was spacing out hard and threw in my morning tea mug the two Orange Pekoe teabags I'd normally put in a full pot isntead of the single Earl Grey teabag I use for the single mug.
put in oranfe pekoe with darjeeling and watch the magic
I don't have any darjeeling on hand, sorry.
then mix assam
The cabinet I keep my tea in is shared with four to three other people at any given time.
I don't really have the space to keep more than Orange Pekoe and Earl Grey hah hah.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 517x800, 0dafe465ee21c19f2945c326f160854d.jpg)
wake me up
(Can't wake up)
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 3840x2160, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg)
save me
buy ,e a lattr and 'ford my bill inside
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (888 KB, 1948x3212, __old_snake_solid_snake_and_vu(…).jpg)
now i am ready to "pwn some noobs"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (190 KB, 539x1000, __solid_snake_metal_gear_serie(…).jpg)
i gotta say the blue one wasn't bad
probably on account of it actually have juice in it, tastes better than other soda
Did it taste like concentrated GAME?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it tastes like a heart attack for me
Search [iqdb] (178 KB, 782x987, __solid_snake_metal_gear_serie(…).jpg)
it tastes like someone reduced a GAMER into a base with acid
gamers please reccomend me mangos
You ever read Bonnouji?
i'll give it a shot. i love sappy otaku romcoms
It's super genuinely wholesome and one of the best romances I've ever read.
Really nice.
Kirara 🍄
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 885x1300, 1524512009646.png)
This Caster Semenya thing is really fucked up.
They're saying she can't participate in women's athletics anymore unless she takes testosterone blockers.
Even though her testosterone levels are completely natural and there's never been any evidence of doping.

They don't do that to men. It's not considered unfair if a man has far more testosterone than is normal.
They're doing it because she has hyperandrogenism, not because they thinks she's doping.
Which incidentally is still unfair, unless she is actually intersex which makes it way more complicated.
Kirara 🍄
Then men with abnormal natural levels should have to take testosterone blockers.
Are you talking about if shes intersex?
I don't think she should be made to take them.
Kirara 🍄
No, there's no evidence of her being intersex.
I'm just saying that the rule is incredibly unfair because her "natural advantage" is considered disqualifying solely because she's a woman.
Yeah it is unfair.
I never said it wasn't.
Kirara 🍄
There's also virtually no evidence that her testosterone levels give her an unfair advantage.
The whole situation is really fucked up.
I don't understand why things like this happen.
Nails that stick out get hammered down and all.
The human race has a really vicious love-hate relationship with people that stand out because of something uniquely qualifying.
Kirara 🍄
I dunno. Michael Phelps doesn't have to deal with that.
Kirara 🍄
Seems like only certain people have to get hammered down. Usually ones with specific appearances or religions.
Yeah but a white male human who's had the advantages to train and attain a level of physical perfection ... isn't really special.
Like his results sure are fantastic but there isn't really something exceptional about Phelps.

I mean there isn't really anything exceptional about almost any human when you look at it the right way but getting people to look that "right way" is difficult and maybe not even ideal I dunno.

But a woman who has a relatively rare condition that naturally puts her testosterone levels above the normal results for an athletic training woman is a lot easier to see as an abnormal situation and therefore a nail that needs to be hammered down.

Phelps' standing out is the "safe" standing out that doesn't really betray human normalcy in the end to the people who see Semenya's situation as concerning or whatever nonsense they're running with.
Kirara 🍄
Phelps does have anatomical advantages.
He has a disproportional wingspan which is abnormal and gives him an advantage over normal swimmers.
He's also double jointed which is abnormal and gives him an advantage.

Kirara 🍄
Like Semenya, he benefits from natural advantages associated with his body which are not considered to be common.

If we're going to start policing natural advantages, then Phelps should not be allowed to swim with other men unless his arms are surgically shortened and his double jointedness is controlled.
Kirara 🍄
Of course, it's ridiculous to police these advantages.
Why is Phelps so good? Why is Semenya so good?
It's because they train and they work hard. Their natural advantages give them an edge, but they wouldn't benefit from those substantially unless they trained to capitalize on them, which is what both of them have done.

However, Phelps is a man.
Race may play a part in the distinction between them, but people like Usain haven't had Semenya's problems so I won't allege that it's racism.
I think it's just misogyny. There's probably some transphobia in the rules as well, but that's not the biggest factor, I don't think.
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
yeah that’s some double standard BS by the olympics
Kirara 🍄
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Semenya is really strong, though. She's been dealing with this stuff in some capacity for 10 years now.
And she sounds like she's taking this in stride.

I have a feeling the ruling will be overturned in the next few years. There's a lot of support for Semenya. Even the president of South Africa is standing by her.
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Hey sam, I believe we're all set for a new mod if you want to set that up
Hey Sam, thanks for updating the twitter account.
My friends really like it.
Kirara 🍄
john singleton has died
Yeah, like a day ago.
Kirara 🍄
what the fuck happened
Why the fuck are people talking about sonicfox?
The fuck.
Kirara 🍄
Because Sonicfox came out as anti-TERF and suddenly the british TERFs found out about him. Since he's a gay, black, pro-trans furry with a lot of clout, he terrified them.
Now the British TERFs are freaking out about him and they're just kind of bringing it up in Parliament as something they're concerned about
In Parliament i mean
what a world
Kirara 🍄
He made a joke about hurting TERFs, I think? something like what's the difference between a terf and a pothole? nothing, they both need to be filled with hot asphalt and steamrolled or something?
so they're mad and saying trans ideology is about abusing women
I hate him though
I pretty much hate all furries.
Kirara 🍄
Search [iqdb] (248 KB, 1024x1024, Carcano_M91∕38.png)
At this point, there are so many bad/dangerous groups of people active in the world, that I don't care about furries at all anymore.
If they want to do their weird sex stuff, whatever.
At least they're not killing people.
Yeah but they still torture and kill animals.
And also prey on minors.
Kirara 🍄
Search [iqdb] (532 KB, 1024x1024, Carcano_M1891.png)
But there are probably a higher proportion of non-furries that do those things compared to the proportion of furries that do.
Those are things that are relatively common.

I mean, as someone who has done research on sexual offender populations and was involved in that research for 4-5 years, I saw thousands of cases of people preying on minors, and as far as I know, none of them identified as furries.

Obviously there are furries that do some fucked up shit but it's not because they're furries that they do it (usually). It's because they're fucked up and also furries.

Being a furry is weird and if I saw someone in a fursuit in public, I'd be pretty wary of them, but I wouldn't assume they're dangerous or anything. Just that they're probably not someone I want to get to know.
They do the thing where they convince minors to give them compromising pictures.
I mean I don't have data on this. I have seen data on incidence of bestiality in the furry community though.
Kirara 🍄
>“18.4% of respondents self-identified as zoophiles, an amount which may or may not be different in a statistical sense from the general population (Alvarez and Freinhar's control groups reported a 10% and 15% prevalence respectively). No questions were asked as to the degree of activity, if any.
here's the alvarez & freinhar study that's citing

also tons of non-furries do the thing where they convince minors to give them compromising pictures. i would be very surprised if furries do it at a higher rate than non-furries.

the alvarez & freinhar study says this
>The prevalence of bestiality (both actual sexual contacts and sexual fantasy) was investigated in an experimental group (psychiatric in-patients) and two control populations (medical in-patients and psychiatric staff). Psychiatric patients were found to have a statistically significant higher prevalence rate (55%) of bestiality than the control groups (10% and 15% respectively). Implications of these findings are discussed. It is recommended that due to the obvious prevalence of this condition, questions exploring this previously ignored topic should be routinely included in the psychiatric interview.
just in case you can't open it for some reason
Kirara 🍄
i mean i'm not saying you should be cool with furries i don't really care if you are or not but they're not really more dangerous than other groups of people
What a fantastic world we live in, that there are actual academic studies into niche communities like furries.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
They're just fuckin' weird.
Kirara 🍄
they are so fucking weird
but whatever i don't even care anymore
I have enough hate to go around
Furries, terfs, neonazis, alt-right, incels
You name it
this really isnt a hate board
like its not the platform for it
I didn't plan on making anymore posts about it.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (311 KB, 1920x1080, 1553832571834.jpg)
For the first time in my life I'm living the DUAL MONITOR dream
Oh that's pretty nice.
Having to monitors can be really convenient.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Now I can shitpost
AND watch anniemay

at the SAME TIME
Kirara 🍄
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 900x2614, 1472186311905.jpg)
Kirara 🍄
Karlamangla is a really cool last name.
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
email has been allocated
didja get the mail invite?
send me ur github thru it when you’re ready
Hey I just wanted to let you know that a bunch of my friends really like the twitter account. Keep up the good work.
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
i’m glad!
i need to leanr more and improve the output
uh did you send me an email
hang on that old one is deceased
try this one
i dont have a github do i need one
Kirara 🍄
Search [iqdb] (23 KB, 712x359, IMG_20190501_140713.jpg)
i got a zafu
it's full of buckwheat
it's cool
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Where can I find a Lucky Star backpack? I can't find one.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (16 KB, 300x300, 0fed77c754eca947f2d1c50c9b3ad6d0.jpg)
if I get a drop tomorrow I'll be ecstatic
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
ok cool ill set it up when i get home tonight
i know your busy take you're time
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (597 KB, 693x886, 1547790093523.jpg)
the garbage
I don't think that's likely as I have never owned one before, so it would be highly improbable for one to be located in my trash can.
if you were a really good illustrator and just made illustrations
im talkin like pixiv comiket etc not like paid employment
and i mean like a really good illustrator
do you think you'd earn more through patreon by doing H content or non-H
i keep comin across stray images i really really like so i check out the creator's page and they do like 90% H stuff
i got nothin against that but it makes me wonder if they do it that way just for patreon incentives or if it's how they want to outlet their creativity
like i dunno there's so much more to work with i think when you're not confined to those scenes, but that's just my tastes or something
im no prude i just really like the art styles it'd be nice to see it in a variety of situations not just boobs and penises and sometimes boobpenises
Well as a side note if you're a Really Good illustrator in the Comiket/pixiv circles there's a very good chance eventually you're going to get a job illustrating for some actual publication.
But in the weird world you turn down those requests I'd definitely say adult content would bring a larger draw to Patreon subscribers.

From my experience being adjacent to the commissionary/freelance illustrator world for a while, it's probably a bit of column A and a bit of column B.
For starters, a lot of illustrators are some flavour of fucking degenerate and because of how Patreon works they can often just do the things they like and the requisite crowd will flock to it.
But Patreon probably really incentivises them to lean into that once there's a base to work from and fetishes can some times be a slippery slope of starting off mild and getting more wild as time goes on.
So providing postive feedback (and monetary feedback) I can imagine there's definitely encouragement to slide further into getting paid to be a degenerate.
Speaking casually, I would bet on H content being more profitable
Kirara 🍄
probably H by a landslide yeah
My friend really wants to get into the making furry porn for obscene amounts of money business but she doesn't want to do any of it digitally.
Unless you're an established artist I just don't think doing it with physical media is viable.
Kirara 🍄
yeah the big money is in
Kirara 🍄
niche fetish porn
niche is going to limit your exposure though so much
i guess i did phrase the question in terms of money though

i mean, just speaking in terms of style and technical things
idk, as soon as it gets H it seems like it's suddenly restrictive
like, the stimulation that comes from a really well done illustration in a non-H setting is going to come from a lot of things
but as soon as you introduce naughty bits, that causes a disproportionate focus of the illustration
there's so much variety into what aesthetics people have around that and what stimulates them or doesnt that it kills a lot of it i think
i personally dont mind if there's stuff that's artistically tasteful from my point of view and not too too sexual but

i think im a firm believer in less is more when it comes to suggestivity
those aesthetics are so extremely personalized that it works best when people can fill in the gaps themselves i think and the style of the overall image isn't compromised on those very niche details

at the same time, the H scene probably has often suffered from a lack of artistic skill on average compared to contemporary illustrators
so there's probably really really strong motivation to pull a little bit of content from people who can do it well into the scene

and i do assume most dabble in it a little bit, but it's a little surprising to see some really great artists who do like 90%+ H and very rarely drop something worksafe
i don't know how they manage it
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 600x375, Izumi.Konata.600.1066794.jpg)
Can someone answer my question I actually want to buy a Lucky Star backpack but I don't know where to find one.>>676200 Okay, thanks.
If there was ever an official one I suggest trying yahoo auctions, if there wasn't go to one of those websites that let you upload an image and get merchandise with it on it and order a backpack with a lucky star image on it. Although I highly recommend using as high resolution an image as possible. If you find one that you like that isn't high resolution try using waifu.2x

It needs to be high resolution (without compression artifacts) other wise it will look bad.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 560x640, 05703b66e22dc50fad25487474d79571.jpg)
Just set up a stand on the streets and set up your wares
Kirara 🍄
Thanks as well.
Did you not google "lucky star backpack"? Because I found what you were looking for in my first two results.
how did you even get here
I'm kind of irritated now.
I take back my goodwill.
Kirara 🍄
Search [iqdb] (38 KB, 600x600, CkrJHvkVEAAioF2.jpg)
You shouldn't let such small things affect you so much.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1630x2489, 1e94b86a31dd2c11064eb55f0a708bf3.jpg)
grr I'm mad at my own spoonfeeding

Search [iqdb] (11 KB, 158x216, images(3).png)
i mean, it's cool im not bothered by it but like
im seein stuff with really cool art style that i'd totally share
but if it's an H piece and im sharing it, the H part becomes ubiquitous over the art style im tryin to share
you know? makes it a little overt
yeah that's cool
it just got me thinkin and stuff
the SFW artists totally get huge exposure through twitter and things and make some really fantastic stuff
so i was thinkin about whether they'd have more success through patreon if they kept doing that versus H stuff
not strictly one or the other but just like mostly
Kirara 🍄
maybe they just like lewd things so that's what they draw
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
artists that draw good lewd and nonlewd both is great
Like I said above from my experience a lot of people who go into the illustration career are some flavour of degenerate and generally have something lewd they enjoy partaking in.
Maybe it's restricting their exposure by working in a niche like you said but if they are getting sufficently rewarded for doing so there's definitely a degree of complacency there.
I've noticed people that do illustration as opposed to "creating art" or whatever tend to also be a bit more industry-minded than people more interested in art for art's sake.
So they're not exactly trying to engage in something grander than just bring to visualization the scene or production in their head.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (226 KB, 500x1000, b51475adff438757e50fe58f51d8a2dd.png)
Surely not everyone interested in drawing is a degenerate.
I mean just look at blue.

Oh thanks for dropping me Internet.

Which means while they might be depriving themselves of exploring technique and style and creating a visual piece that produces a more full stimulation.
But frankly that's not something they care about one bit.

Of course this is a generalization and I've definitely met illustrators that don't fit into that mold but overall they definitely tend to lean away from the pursuit of art and more the execution of their skills.

Yes I know you're being humourous but in my experience I can only really think of ONE (1) person in the commission/freelance illustration field I've met that wasn't a degenerate in one way or another!
Or at least one I can say with some certainty.
And as far as degenerates go the most degenerate people I've known have been illustrators, hah hah.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
The most degenerate person I know irl (if I know anyone else more degenerate than them they've been keeping it a secret) is an accountant.
maybe the furry is worse
but he's barely a furry
Search [iqdb] (7 KB, 193x200, __noel_vermillion_byronyu2___b(…).jpg)
the closest i've personally done is figure drawing
err, "drawing", but you know
portraits of live models nude, but that's like
that's not h content by any means
it's the subject of the work so it's always been blended into the style well with that in mind

with my other works, there's always a feel to it that i want to convey to others
there's some stylization involved that communicates something
i feel like including naughty bits for the most part obfuscates that communication because everyone's got varying aesthetics to that
it's too dynamic

but i think that's a big difference in drawing for expression and drawing for function, for pay
like i said, not judging h content for being h content, but just a barrier within the platform itself in a way
idk im prolly not making sense it's ok
Kirara 🍄
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 600x800, CgnuoPDUYAAuRN3.jpg)
ton, tilde
do you want me to send you a link to the torrent im using for tomorrow for GotG
Oh yeah I forgot I needed to go look into that.
Sure if you've got one available I'll take advantage of that.
No I get what you're trying to say I think.
It's just it's not really a barrier for these people because they're not looking to tread outside the barrier.
Like you talk about having a feeling you want to convey to others or create a kind of communication.
And I bet if I went to some of the people I know who do illustration and take a piece they've done recently and ask them what they're trying to convey or what communication they're trying to establish.
They'd just laugh at and ridicule me for having some kind of pretentious mindset when it comes to the piece they've done and that they were just trying to draw some cute girls or whatever.
They exist in a shallower world so the restrictions that come with doing erotic work just don't even register on them.
also after getting paid and paying rent i have 50 dollars left and it'll cost me 48.75 to turn my phone back on lol
it's been off like most of the month
gosh damn
i dont think they'd laugh or ridicule at that
everything you do is communication or expression
whatever's compelling them to draw cute girls is going to be manifested and represented in that work
it doesn't have to have "deep" meaning
just aesthetics or anything else
like maybe they're attempting to draw some cute girls but they fuck it up and oh no, that wont work, that's really not cute
think i'll redo that part and make it cute

what kind of cute is it, is it like naive innocent cute wearing an oversized tee shirt for pajamas and holdin a plush animal
is it a spunky kinda cute
i mean, they wouldnt be making whatever theyre making if they didnt appreciate it. and it could even not be the content itself but an appreciation for the technique as they try to find some medium to practice using some new skill
No, trust me Moon, I'm inclined to agree with that more or less but I know this is the case because I have tread very similar conversations with them in the past and the result has been them expressing ridicule and disbelief that this kind of mentality goes into illustrating in the first place.
Like they have a concrete idea of what they want without having to consider and just do that.
And trying to ask why they're doing it, even not for a deep reason but just why, has them dismissing the question with either snideness or an "I like it" or something similarly shallow.

Like I could promise you that me trying to even say something like "Everything you do is communication or expression" to them is just going to result in them going "Oh it's Tilde being Tilde again everyone look at him being pretentious".
did you used to hang out on /co/ or something
that sounds awful
Sorry I've got a bit of animosity towards them in their more asinine moments hah hah.
Just a bunch of people from /jp/ and /a/ drawthreads that were able to transition their skills into a hobbyist or amateur commission/freelance illustration work.
Even a few professionals too really.
Not all of them are that kind of snide asshole but even the more polite ones are generally wholly disinterested in a conversation along those lines.
Their illustration work serves to bring to visual the scene or person or whatnot in their head.
And that's the limit of their conscious deliberation on the piece.
I look forward to commissioning again
Search [iqdb] (384 KB, 600x770, ebisu shark.jpg)
there are cases where the work itself is the only communicable form of that expression, where it's pointless to look more into it
and cases where people arent aligned with that curiosity to introspect on those things
and it's easy to misunderstand those questions you pose as a more arrogant interpretation -- like that conversation you and i had on the limits of a channel by perspective

but anyway, that nonsense aside, yeah, a lot of illustrators ive known have been unpleasant people as well
i generally think of myself as a decent person who wants good things and people to feel good
but there are one or two people along that vein ive known in my past who i legitimately would feel satisfaction when hearing that their life is miserable and watching them make more mistakes
illustrators, yeah

i hadn't really thought about it til you mentioned something
Kirara 🍄
>Epic buys Rocket League developer Psyonix, strongly hints it will stop selling the game on Steam
oh shit
Well I don't really have much interest in Rocket League but fuck off Epic.
Kirara 🍄
Rocket League is a big source of revenue on Steam. It's really popular and makes a lot of money.
This is a really big hit to Steam
is cliffy b still there
oh he left in 2012
wow im out of the loop
Cliffy B?
cliff bleizilizenski
design director of gears of war and the dark souls of first person shooters
Well Gears of War are trash games so good riddance.
they had really cool, uh, what's the term for it
the architecture design of the buildings in-game
not really even the environments, just specifically the buildings
they were really ornate and cool

the multiplayer was so toxic, i loved it
Well the aesthetic design was fine, yeah.
But like it's just a slow-paced cover shooter as far as the campaign goes and all the characters are these gritty hard-boiled army people whose defining trait is that they're gritty hard-boiled army people.
And everything is just desaturated and grey which is a huge damper for me.
me and my ex played through the whole thing for the first three of the games, idk if they ever made more
but damn we were laffin so hard the whole way through because it's so dumb
and yeah the cover is ridiculous. i think you spend on average like six hours behind cover trying to play through the game on harder difficulties
just waiting behind cover
I think Gears 5 is coming out some time soonish or something.
They've left Epic behind though since it's a Microsoft product.
Kirara 🍄
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Apparently Starlight Revue has had an /// had events going nonstop back-to-back for the past 5-6 months in Japan with only a 12 day period where there wasn't an event.
How am I supposed to find time to do the main story if they're constantly running limited time events!
We're only on the second event, so maybe once I start being able to finish the events more quickly, I can work on the main story.
Kirara 🍄
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It seems like my favorite new girl hasn't had any new cards since the game started, though.
What a shame.
My second favorite new girl has a few, though. One of them is an event reward which is nice because it means I'll definitely be able to get her.
Just grind HARD in that twelve-day period!
Kirara 🍄
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This is Tamao Tomoe, she's my second favorite new girl
She's really put together and she's nice to everyone
She was taught Japanese dance by Kaoruko's family but she's not really that strong
Kirara 🍄
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She looks like she'd be a cool type but she's kind of sweet and gentle
Kirara 🍄
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She does indeed have legs
Kirara 🍄
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My new favorite is Akizaki Rui
She's a kendo person and she's pretty shy but she does stuff anyways even though it's hard
She's a butai shoujo with stage fright
she's super gay for Tamao
Kirara 🍄
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she's so cool though
Kirara 🍄
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The new characters are all pretty fun.
I wouldn't mind seeing a goofy Carnival Phantasm-poi series with all of them.
Kirara 🍄
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Kirara 🍄
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Maybe they'll do another Starlight Revue series featuring a different school of girls.
Kirara 🍄
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That might be cool.
All the schools other than the one that was in the anime have their first time participating in Auditions in the game.
But the Auditions are school vs school instead of person v person.

Rinmeikan wants to win to keep their drama department open.
Frontier wants to win to make the play they're writing about pirates so famous that they can do it in different countries.
Seisho wants to win because if they don't Starlight will cease to exist and everyone will forget about it.
I don't know why Seigfeld wants to win yet.

But the stakes are kind of disproportional, aren't they? It's kind of weird?
The Starlight Revue Cinematic Universe.
Oh gosh my mother's lamb pies are always so good.
aww that sounds tasty
youve got such a cozy family
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15 dollars on etsy
The thumbnail made me think they were car keys or something with a custom handle
But nope, knives.
Kirara 🍄
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Earlier today, I impulse bought a cake.
It was in the window and it looked really good. So I asked for the cake, and the lady was like "Oh? What's the occasion?" in a sort of excited voice.
And I was just kind of like "haha i just want a cake"
I thought they were guitars
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nice what kind? impulse can be cathartic sometimes

i tried to impulse buy some cupcakes from a local bakery, lemon, raspberry, and a few scones
for delivery
but they were out of almost everything so the delivery person came with just a lemon cupcake and like two bear claws
which were still really good
Kirara 🍄
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It was just a small chocolate cake.
It was a comfy little cake. Nothing really special.
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i really want a hazelnut pie now
Kirara 🍄
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Sweets are nice.
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isn't it kind of scary how spiders can put other spiders in your head without even going near your head
it's kind of unfair
Kirara 🍄
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I'm not familiar with that spider power, actually.
Man that was deeply satisfying.
Y'all should come for dinner some time.
i'd love to come visit the cozy canucks
im really not far away honestly but i got no passport

like i leaned up from my pillow this morning and my mattress is right up against the wall
and there was a spider right next to my head on the wall
and even though it didnt even touch my head i had spiders in my head all day long
Kirara 🍄
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"hi tilde's mom i flew all the way from florida to eat your lamb thanks for having me i brought you a gift" and the gift is a massive bag of rice
Bring some Florida grapefruits my dad loves grapefruits.
Kirara 🍄
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I don't think they can do that to me.

Hmm, am I allowed to bring stuff like that over the border?
I don't know the rules.
Yeah jumping the border's a pain nowadays, having to have one.
I'd say at least it's a good long-term investment considering the cost but I know you're not flush for money at the moment.

I ... think it's fine?
My granddad had a winter home down in Florida and had a grapefruit tree on his land.
We might've brought some grapefruits with us back home after visiting once?
Honestly I think there's nothing against crossing the border with a sack of grapefruits but you might encounter some issues flying with them hah hah.
how do you protect your head from having spiders in it
the only way i know how to do that is with lorazepam but i really hate taking it anymore
Kirara 🍄
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Maybe I'll bring some grapefruits, then.
I know a place that has good grapefruits. You can just go and buy a crate of them.

I have a powerful detachment from most things that renders me nearly immune to that kind of stuff.
I try to stay in the moment so most stuff just slides off me outside of interpersonal stuff. I let interpersonal stuff in, but the rest, I don't really care about.
I dunno
so i have to detach my head so the spiders can't get in it?
Kirara 🍄
if you do that you'll just have more ways for them to get in
My trick is having poor object permanence!
Out of sight, out of mind!
Kirara 🍄
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If you power up your imperturbability, and live in the moment with calm composure, you can get past pretty much anything.

I've always been bothered by relatively few things but in the past year, I've let go a lot of my attachments and the ideas that held me back, and now there isn't too much that bothers me. I have a high resistance against the things that do bother me, too, now.

I've been practicing shikantaza which is also enhancing my ability to not be bothered, too.
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could i come visit the cottage or is that like your family's private place
i bet that'd be a swell time
Yeah I'm pretty sure I could get a handful of friends up there for a spell.
Both my mother and my brother have hosted friends up there in the past, and it's not uncommon for my brother and his girlfriend to head up for a week or a few days.
We've got like a dozen beds or bed-like things too so it's equipped for a decent number of people.

The only catch is I can't literally get a handful of friends up there; I would need to finish my driving license so I can drive, hah hah.
But if we had someone for the wheel I could navigate us up there almost with my eyes closed. I know the route almost by heart.
i dont have a vehicle but i could definitely drive
my license should be fine in canada

wow a whole week would be super cool but that's so tough to coordinate
being a responsible adult ruins everything
because of preorders and other things i have several things that should be coming this month
it’s exciting
Well that's just the kinda limit.
My parents like to make their way up there every weekend so theoretically to inconvenience them the least being there some time Mon-Fri would be ideal.
But they'd also not protest taking a weekend off or >>676284 yeah something like that maybe.
It's a two and a half hour drive from Toronto alone let alone the additional travel time from America.
So I think you'd probably want to get a few days or more in to get the travel time worth.
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they can join us for a saturday brunch! i'll cook
then we clean up and head out and leave em in peace
I might even be able to persuade them to let us take the car that doesn't really get used much anymore hah hah.
We own two but my dad's job in recent years is easily accessible from public transit so he's not had to drive much to work anymore.
So during the week it doesn't see much use.
Buuuut I might need to work my charms to get them to trust a relative stranger with, hah hah
Kirara 🍄
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we can rent a car if we need to
Yeah, definitely.
But it's always nice to save money where it's possible.

I guess it's not that I think it would be that hard, but as far as snags go that's probably the only one.
Kirara 🍄
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it's hard for me to go on substantial trips because i don't want to leave my clients alone too long.
technically i could leave them without me for a week or two without any problems for myself but im like a crutch for them until they can walk on their own again and if you just suddenly lose your crutch you might fall down and bust your face
I can understand that, yeah.
I don't want to pull you away from the work you want to do but it'd be nice to work something out.
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i bet tilde would enjoy playin 20 questions on the drive up too
Twenty questions except we're stopping every twenty minutes because Kirara's got to get a great shot of the countryside out in rural Ontario.
Kirara 🍄
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In a year, I'll have approximately a month and a half between classes and my internship starting where my only responsibility will b to move into a new apartment wherever I get my internship.
Maybe I could spend some time there then.
The drive up is a great chance for idle conversation though.
My brother and I did the drive last Christmas Eve to meet up with the family that was already there and just shot the breeze pretty much the whole time.
There's a lot of farmland and Crown land the highways cut through up there that kind of begins to blur together.
Especially if you've done the trip hundreds of times, hah hah.
You kind of put on autopilot and talk or space out.
We've got a full physical Scrabble set up at the cottage too Moon.
And a handful of other simple boardgames as well.
There's this kindalike Scrabble game called Bananagrams you might get a kick out of.
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oh ive played bananagrams
when next year?
I guess it shouldn't surprise me, hah hah.
There's also this card game, Five Kings, that could really give Monopoly a run for its money for being the game of ruining friendships.
Though I've only played it with family really, but it's had me at their throats before.
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hello there friend!
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well next february or march i'll have to move
idk where to yet but maybe not staying around this area
might be an appropriate time around then or before while im nearby
i have no idea what to do to get a passport though im so bad at things
There ought to be an office you can visit to handle the paperwork if you're near a major city.
At least here you need to acquire the photograph for a passport yourself, but that's something here you can just visit a pharmacy/drugstore or something along those lines for.
I wouldn't know about the American procedure though.

You might even be able to do all the paperwork over correspondence maybe?
At the least they ended up mailing me my passport instead of having me have to go and pick it up ... I think?
Man it's been a long time for me too hah hah
yeah i did the photo at walgreens here last time
that was a lifetime ago though
are there week passes for fish and wildlife stuff
maybe we can get out super early and catch a nice fish lunch
I really don't know, actually.
But when my mom's parents lived on a lake I know my grandpa would go out and do some fishing every now any then, and I don't think he ever registered for a license.
So maybe they don't really care if you're just grabbing a couple fish as a one-off?

i also don't know what kinds of fish live in the lake we're on currently.
My grandpa's lake is pretty nearby honestly and they had some of the most scrumptious trout I've ever had in that lake though.

Hm, I'm not sure if the lake's entirely public but there are a lot of private properties on it, ours included.
But there's also one or two youth camps on the lake.
I doooon't think there's any provincial/federal parks though, so probably the lake's private?
I could easily get these answers when it's relevant though I bet.
it'll prob depend on if it's private or public
you can do w/e on private
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lake trouts huh
i dont think ive ever had a trout from a lake
if possible i'd love to hit up a lake and do fly fishing
errr river*
not lake
the scenery is just nicer with the flowing water and it's a little more lively

hell there's loads to do here in michigan right nearby, i wouldnt have to head up there to do it
but my roommate is too otaku to care about any of that stuff and i dunno anybody else here
can't get around by myself and all that
im prolly making excuses too much im sure there's folks i could meet just to go fishing even if i dont have equipment of my own
There's a lotta rivers up there too, as well as marshland, creeks, and ponds.
Huge swathes of Central Ontario is part of a giant watershed that flows down into the Great Lakes.
I don't really know where the good fishin' spots would be though. Wasn't really charmed by the experience as a kid and the first lake we cottaged on wasn't really good for fishing in.
I mean I don't know if the one we're on now is good either but it's a lot deeper overall and at its deepest than that first one.
And that deep, cold water is where you get some really tasty fishes.
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jan prolly be up there tryna catch fishes with a bow and arrow
Swimming around with a spear on a rope chucking it at anything moving in the water.
it's not a bad way to go in shallow streams
fly fishing is really hard honestly
you see the fish come up and just ignore that shit or you didnt time it right to jig as the fish passed
and some expensive flys for those things too that you just straight up lose in the water
I won’t ever go fishing again.
I had a real bad experience one time and now I am convinced that all fish are trout to get me.
I've only ever fished in a lake, I don't even think I did it out in a boat.
Maybe once or twice. The bulk of it was off a dock at least.
Even with that I remember catching a fish that, while not really good eating, was definitely a decent size for like a ten-year-old to be catching.

One time I was fishing with my brother and grandpa and reeled in a fish that fought hard enough to shake off the hook and land flapping on the dock.
And in my panicking kid nature my first instinct was just to boot the fish off the dock back into the water.
I remember watching it spiralling down into the black of the water worried I'd killed it or something hah hah.
how the heck are you gonna tag "denim" for a picture of someone who has no clothes on at all
what the heck man
no clothing anywhere in the picture
this isn't what i wanted
Well you know what they say.
Skin like denim.
where i grew up, the local convenient store just had coolers full of live bait in containers
i was so excited to fish id always try to get live bait even when we werent going fishing
i was not aware that you cant just buy a container of nightcrawlers and leave the container out in the sun to be used later on
that was my only fishing-related trauma
it smelled so, so, so bad oof
i think the poor things melted
Ouch, yeah, I can imagine.
That's some prime childish obliviousness.
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oh i forgot one
i was down in alabama i think and we went into a shop by the docks which sold a variety of things
im not sure if we were there for tackle or what but they had like power tools and stuff
there was some soldering iron type thing but it had a long flat blade which i hadn't seen before even though i was familiar with other soldering irons
so i was messing with it thinkin it's cool since it's not plugged in
but i guess those kinda tools have battery power so it heated up real hot and scalded my right-hand fingers really bad

i still went fishing afterwards but had to keep my hand inside of a cooler full of lukewarm water and stuff
it stung like hell all weekend so i remember that fishing trip
had to have someone help me reel stuff in haha
I've never handled a soldering iron but I've definitely done the dumb kid thing of "Is the stove hot? Better put the palm of my hand RIGHT ON IT TO CHECK".
Man being a kid is just tempting fate how the hell do so many of us get to adulthood.
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i was only like 7 i think
but you know, looking at that situation anyone's likely to think "yeah dont let kids mess around in dangerous areas they dont know what these things are! it's not a toy!"
but i was fully familiar with soldering irons by that time, had seen my dad using them and learned all about soldering

this thing didnt look like a normal iron though, it had a big handle that you'd hold orthogonal to the surface and then a big flat blade like for a saw but not sharp
i was so curious and im like "ok it's safe it's not plugged in, it's fine" but that big handle meant it had a battery power in it
even though it burned really bad, the bigger bruise was to my ego being treated like a dumb kid afterward
i think i probably got in trouble too haha
like shit you just burned your hand im gonna punish you now for doin that
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on that note though
When you or whoever found that image first posted it originally I had to have the reaosn it was ridiculous explained to me hah hah.
I'm being honest when I say I've never handled a soldering iron I don't -didn't know what she was doing so wrong.
that's understandable
soldering isnt really something most people ever have to do
but if you're doin stock photos iunno
you'd think someone would notice. and if none of those people involved are familiar with soldering, how did the idea occur to them to do stock photos based around it
it's one of those subtle peculiarities to me that just doesnt make sense, that tiny gap in the process that doesn't follow
when those things occur where i cant follow it
i get the feeling it was kind of intentional
like taking stock photos is already a pretty goofy task, and i think people really like messing around and taking obscure photos just on whims

it seems really fun
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like this
whose idea was this
there can't have been a ubiquitous industry need
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last one so i dont get spammy, but this one obviously from the same batch

it's just the bizarrest things
I was gonna say what kind of fuck goes fishing in business suit but the other two kind of gave me context.
How expensive do you think those stock images are
Like some manager is thinking "oh man I really need a photo of a guy fishing for money in my motivational PowerPoint I'd pay for that!
there's ones with gold fish, black fish, dollar bills, dollar bill signs, bitcoin signs, signs for many other currencies
there's one for income
just the word "income" in 3d text on the end of the line
and like 30 of them titled "Businessman fishing nothing from the cloud with free copyspace - Image

where there's nothing on the pole and it has a backdrop of clouds to represent the cloud
i really want to just take a trip with kirara and a camera and spend like a whole weekend making goofy ass stock photos with one or two day models
it'd just be plain fun but there's actual earning potential there too
i just went to a fully roleplayed maid cafe in an MMORPG and boy that was one of the most surreal experiences in video games
Were you one of the fully role-played maids?
no i was roleplaying a cat girl going on a very embarrassing date with a big incredible hulk looking man that played the bongos to establish dominance over the local bard and his poor rendition of a persona 5 song
i don't think they'd let me be one of the maids i'm the wrong wrace
all of them were dragon girls
Oh dragonmaids are a good choice at least.
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sorry about this
ive gotten a little sucked in

i hope everyone is enjoying their evening
lemme get a uhhhhhh

i was enjoying my evening but now its time to sleep
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anime >>676338 →
see now i posted in the right thread
and also i was looking specifically for ToN
but i think he's dead
He might be at work.
I think he does a lot of graveyard shifts at his job.
/moe/ would you rather die than spend the rest of your life in prison?
Life is already a prison so I'm not losing much by staying in it.
And I'd rather be alive than dead.
By that point I think I would
Maybe I'd try attacking the biggest guy in the yard
If I win I become king of prison and if I lose I'll be dead which is just as good
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hmm both very tempting options
prison is bad but maybe better than death
depends on prison
can i get sweden pls
Maybe if you just forgot about the outside you could get used to it
Work out and become swole, read a lot, write prison stories
Maybe try a few escapes for fun if I'm just going to die anyway
everything is a prison
Yeah but some prisons are bigger than others
as the famous Smiths song goes
We're already in the biggest prison there is.
may the first be with you star wars fans
and may the second be with second future star wars fans
hey maria
move to US
play blazblue
no you move here and play it in person
if i had the money
you better believe i would
and then we'd cuddle and watch SoL anime
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bro /moe/ sleepover when
grab a laptop and watch comfy anime in a pillow fort
*/moe/ sleepover I can attend when
we sure get some characters here on moe dot com
lucky star backpack what
He wants that backpack
who uses backpacks
satchels are where it's at
you see those anime schoolboys with their briefcases
would get bullied for that here
anime briefcase wouldn't be bad
store all your animes on the inside on the lining
almost said anime beecase
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
hey moon you should receive an email from the doushios
ok so do i make the g suite account or is that something doushio set up on its end
sorry im noob
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
g suite account? idk probably
do you have access to the mail yet?
i got sent a password reset link for doushio so i reset it but i dunno what it is
it's sayin to sign into g suite ok
yeah that's what i was thinkin cool
i got confused since the mail addressed me differently in the greeting
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
yea it's your moon@ email account
you can sign in via the usual i think or there's also a doushio specific portal for that
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
ok i have retrained the sonic brain, now with two recurrent layers
it's too late to do more training tho, the process makes my gpu whine real high pitched and i don't wanna disturb my roomie
but next step is to do a real long training maybe an hour or something and see what that gives
all right we're salad thanks sammy
i wouldn't mind takin a looksie at your sonic sometime
layers and more sophisticated training is always cool but sometimes there's some little trickery you can apply towards the end too
make it follow some other language conventions
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
the code is lifted entirely from this tutorial:

and the input data is the entire 360 chapters from:
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I for one welcome our mod overlords
oh yeah i meant some linguistic analysis of its outputs
nothin you gotta provide
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
here's a sample of the new brain: >>>/@soniculti/1123838968800456706

analyze THIS
hey samurai
do you like fighter games
moon do you have chronophantasma
i'm drunk
Central Fiction
i dont have anything
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i like smash i uh can't really play anything else. i also have Pokken
i remember you used to play the tager
yeah i remember that first night i added you on live
you were laffin so hard you died
we're getting closer to the point that it was a decade ago
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
a long and storied history
why does this exist
i don't like it
it hurts us
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i'm tryna make new art for the reiwa era
embrace the change
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it's really pretty impressive what it's doin just off character sequencing

uh but you see it's just spewin out the internals
it's not gonna achieve consciousness until it's corresponding through a noisy channel with a listener, even just a virtual listener from which it can anticipate received messaging
that's just a quickie adapter add on tho
is that the name of the new era?
i only saw a brief news snippet of the abdication ceremony
god those feather hats look so cool
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
ooo i didn't see that
i just saw the thread title
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i called it a feather hat because i didn't know what else to call it
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
yea it doesn't react to anything except the last 1000 characters it saw and some internal short term memory so it's kind of a far cry from doin any semantic analysis or modelling of the world
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 750x500, unnamed.jpg)
such cool hats
idk not really that far
it's got a process for mapping, it just doesn't have any meaningful constraints
funnel those character sequences around some linguistic structures and ping the receiver for surprisal
it's goin places
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
someone call gabe newell stat!
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alright it's time for me to sleep
bye bye moe moe
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
cya bang
bye bye bang have a good night dont let the momma goose bite
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until it's got some constraints there's nothin really for it to infer
it's voluminous enough to do work though
i mean it's no cook book but it's still pretty exciting
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Cluck buck
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uh maria hello??
have you tried uh
this out yet
tenhou is classic but to edify some others on mahjong i think i will be playing with them through here for the more user friendly interface and funner graphical interface
Oh yeah that
I've had an account on the Chinese one for a while
I appreciate the english one being out now because it looks like its gotten a bunch of new people into mahjong
>verification failed, please try again later

yeah sure what's your username on it
Oh I'm finally in
I like this new tutorial they have

The emotes are a fun feature
I've tried bluffing with them a few times
Open a hand and spam the the smug ones to make it look like I have something

Add request sent
would you like to add me
friend ID is 125333486

open call to others who may want to play
not right now i mean but in the forseeable future
Ichihime > Miki
it certainly will make coordinating a game with rabbit et al much easier
How many people do we know that actually play this?

Wow I didn't know Rika ever played
I have a friend who's quite good at it but I haven't spoken to him in months
He's lucky enough to have a place where he can play irl regularly
>legbutt group
Is that a group for real life mahjong, I don't know what a legbutt is

I definitely remember playing with Kannagi a few times

Teaching mahjong is hilarious. New people can't wrap their heads around furiten
When I first played I just called everytime I had the chance because I didn't know you needed yaku to win
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me, you, floop actively play
blue, kannagi, yuu know how to play but don't anymore
then i have, uhhh
i have ran and kinshi, who you don't particularly know
and then i've got about six of my legbutt friends who im starting up a group with and teaching some
im happy i found this site because it does a really good teaching intro that i wouldn't be able to do
uh yeah we had some games with blue kannagi and rika years ago but it was only a few times
i imagine they got tired of me asking every single night haha
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i got into a game on here earlier and it was no open tanyao
that's such a disorienting rule
even after realizing it was no open tanyao i still kept doing it

i get why it's a thing, but...
actually i dont
is that supposed to be an option for newer players so it's less volatile?
open tanyao is such a crucial part of competitive play
I did that a few times on tenhou when I was still in ippan haha
It was always a big "oh shit" moment when I had an open tanyao hand and realised I couldn't win on it
And for a while I didn't know what red dora were

I think some people prefer playing without tanyao because they prefer less open games or something
I see a lot of people complain about players rushing for open tanyao at the expense of other hands
I think open tanyao is important though yeah. Without it the game just becomes a semi /// more random riichi fest since there's less incentive to open your hand

A lot of people I see complaining about open tanyao seem to be new to the game and not understand this
Open tanyao can be situationally useful with the right set up but if you rush for it every time you will get your shit slapped
You give away so much information and limit your defensive options for a hand that's often worth 1000-2000 points
the cost of an open tanyao, the expense to the player attempting it i mean, is not trivial
like you can't just rush for open tanyao as a plan to win the session
mahjong is about the long game not a bunch of individual rounds
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yeah, and even if you keep succeeding with it, you're still incurring expense
it can be useful as a consolidation when you've got a rough starting hand and there aren't the available resources for you to attempt something more rewarding
but if you're wasting the opportunities when you do have those things available, even if you gain some points, the risk is huge
you're not capitalizing on control of the tiles and information when you have the opportunity to, so you're essentially letting someone else have a free path to a big hand while you are aggressively exposing yourself

i feel like people who complain about open tanyao are the same ones to complain about the luck factor
i play shogi with my roommate and tried to get him to try mahjong and he's just like "nah i don't like luck based games that's why i play shogi"
it's such a depressing statement. shogi is a static game. it's still good and all
the skill in mahjong is adaptability in dynamic situations, not getting lucky draws
that's why it's so long, to mitigate that luck
you still get a few weird situations where you get dealt a full hand for an instant yakuman but like
the odds of that are reasonable for a game of wager, which mahjong is intended to be
whether it's wagering elo or money or whatever, those situations aren't going to change someone's rank in the long run

ok sorry long vent
im gonna queue into the bronze ranked east rounds if you wanna try to queue into me
idk if you're busy or if it'll work though
I do think that open tanyao does have its use in spite of all
if I can get into tenpai with just one call, I can potentially block other peoples hands
Being niishanten from a haneman matters less when the guy across is already in tenpai

One moment
Did you already que? East or south?
I was doing an assignment but I'm sick of it

i got into one fast
adding onto this
>sorry long vent
Vent about mahjong any time

I think mahjong really needs to be played competitively or with some sort of long form wager for it to be truly appreciated.
Playing isolated games just exacerbates the luck factor and makes it much more difficult to tell which players are strong and which are weak
A huge aspect of the game is isolating which decisions are correct decisions and which are wrong decisions, since sometimes the
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cont - sinnce sometimes the statistically correct decision doesn't pay off and sometimes the wrong decision does pay off. With long standing player records you can somewhat track the costs of these sorts of decisions, but if you're just playing isolated games you can't. New players or people who just don't get it lose one game and they instantly blame the game as a whole because they aren't able to see their own long
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why do I even bother with this connection
daaamn i clutched it out with a haneman in the last round to take first
yeah i think it's definitely a wager game
rank/elo whatever is a valid wager in itself imo if there is any incentive whatsoever to being a ranked player, potential for sponsorship or earnings from tournament play or whatever. in that case, rank is a really solid wager and more reflective measure of skill long-term, i think, since money wager means potential tilt or waves of inconsistency

however, money wagers are really stimulating, and this is the kind of game honestly where people often lose out of apathy
there's not enough stimulation to pay attention to the amount of details you know you should. it's taxing and there's not incentive for that level of focus
im pretty poor but i think like $30 is about the right amount for competitive stakes, 30 per player, maybe 50
im not sure what the payout structure would be exactly
winner triples and second breaks even would be similar to some other systems, but the elo structure usually has third breaking even
then i'd say like ten bucks for friendly stakes
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
y'all doin mahjong calculus over here and i'm derpin around throwing paint out of a bathtub at squids
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This is a really neat article about jansous and their wagering systems,
I think a lot of the time they just use a rate tied directly to points and then add on a modifier at the end. Like 1000 points = 1 dollar and then at the end a certain amount of points is added or subtracted for rankings
Like, you might set it so that first automatically takes an extra 8000 points off of fourth by the end, and second takes just a bonus of 2000 from third
I don't really understand how the modifiers work for the placement points on tenhou though

>this is the kind of game where people often lose out of apathy
I see a lot of people adopting this sort of mind set when they're losing. They just mindlessly discard tiles while looking at discord or something in another tab because they think they've already lost
Or they might quit the game all together. Of course it applies too when you're just in second or third when people just get sort of bored, but I see it a lot in players who are in fourth
I think that's the most fun part of mahjong though. Being fourth place is stressful and mentally stimulating. You have to fight tooth and nail. I bet playing with a wager would really heighten the high and the tension I associate with that position.

>financial gain
Are you talking from the perspective of using wagers to increase the stimulation of a game, or for the goal of making yourself money?
With digital mahjong we can cut the overhead costs that physical establishments have involved. Although in my experience, the fee for currency conversion would mean you'd need to either bite the fee or limit yourself to playing with people from the same country.

>whole season and peoples placement changes weekly
Oh that. Yeah that sounds like fun.
It'd spark community engagement and long term thinking

Don't lose your boat wife dude
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im gonna lose it
oooh I think that artist has come onto my radar
are you workin
gosh i wanna switch
especially with supreme mario maker 2 comin
eh parlors are entertainment centers
i do think financial gain in mahjong would be better suited for bracket tournaments with winnings or like weekly ladders with placement prizes
stakes games might need to be one-off things
physical establishments have a lot of costs to cover prolly
now heres an artist you want on your radar
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damn can't find that shiggy
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh yeah this summer is gon be fun
how 2 get moon a switch
>Are you talking from the perspective of using wagers to increase the stimulation of a game, or for the goal of making yourself money?
uhhh in the case of tournaments or ladders, neither really
it'd be to stimulate and incentivize the community a little bit
like if you hold weekly ladders for a whole season and people's placement changes each week when it's game day
it's just healthy for the community there. it's not really like it's about the money
it's just using those resources to focus the activity more. everyone's time has a cost. if you can find a way where people can partake in an activity they enjoy without them feelin like they gotta sacrifice more important things // idk that's a bad way to word it
but yeah if you're good and placing well in the ladder maybe it pays out like 100 bucks or something you know every week
but there's also gonna be lots of networking and activities aside from that prolly
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I don't think describing time as a cost is a bad way of wording things. Everyones time is finite and whatever they spend it on will always be at the cost of other things.
So if you can invest people a little more in the experience then the time they spend on it is less costly relative to other options

I think another important thing is having set timeframes so it feels like an event and people can discuss it. When I play with randoms on tenhou I can't talk to them afterwards and say "wow what a great game that hand in the second east round was crazy". Even if Tenhou did have a chat system, I doubt I'd care about some randoms. But I might care if the interaction is framed around us all being in the same community. I'm sorry to tanget a little while you're still typing, but I think that things like tournaments also have a sort of narrative power to them. They're like their own self contained stories that we participate in and have their own setups and payoffs. Something like tenhou just has the grind towards tenhoui, it doesn't have climaxes like "wow remember that one time me and my friend played together in the final of the 5th monthly /moe/jong tournament and then we all went out for drinks"

I agree with what you're saying about the fun and excitement of structure and making an event of things. I think too that people would just care a bit more if they've invested something into the event or the group. Like "oh I've paid my membership, I need to make sure I show up"

No I like this conversation
I like floating ideas around
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it might seem kinda counterintuitive but i think people are even more eager to participate in community events if there's like a small buy-in fee, $10 or something, expecting that they won't win anything, than going to an event for free with no prizes
like it just feels like something that way. otherwise it's not much different than heading to the parlor any day or playing online. it's just "i guess i'll play mahjong for a bit" and not really having the fun and excitement of that structure

it allows the group/event to do more stuff too. like would you rather go to "come play mahjong night. we'll be here at these hours playing mahjong."
or "friday after-work mahjong party. $10 buy-in fee, come play for fun or rank, food and beverage will be served, meet at the event hall at the ___ hotel."
if you're gonna invest the time to participate, you get a lot more enjoyment out of that time investment for a nominal cash investment
i don't actually have any points to make, my brain is just floating around
it's like 6am
sorry haha
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
gimme dat curry rice
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ok here you go
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ive had squid ink and salt and pepper squid
p good
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One order of curry coming up Mr Samurai
that doesn't look like curry, natto me anyway...
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nice nice
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
looks saltyyy
oh god it's everything i ever wanted

i've had squid ink spaghet it's aight but tomatoh
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
giant fuckin sideo f natto jesus christ why
Squid ink is good
But I dunno if I've had it with the spag hetty before

Do you still play Love Nikki
I finally redownloaded it
It's even more generous than before with its gatcha
well they have a rest bonus i think it's called or something
like logging in right now you'll get like a million coins
i have like 4000 stamina saved up im not even using
yeah I saw that when I started up again, they just give you a million coins and a thousand diamonds for nothing
I love this game
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
aw shit we clam blitzin
its good right
Kirara 🍄
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Kirara 🍄
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Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
what are those, cylinders?
Kirara 🍄
i know nothing about cars lol
rotate my fucking tires
Kirara 🍄
i installed your wife's fence :cool:
Kirara 🍄
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I can go to the 2019 APA convention for free
but it's in chicago and i don't really want to go to chicago
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did your client get things rescheduled smoothly on tuesday
idk whether that's appropriate for you to talk about but i was thinkin about it and kinda worried for them
uh yeah I think so
probably wrong about this but when you talk about stuff like " a six cylinder car ", those be the cylinders
they all don't point out like that though
Kirara 🍄
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Oh, there's no rescheduling. His treatment is on hold until he gets a psychiatric evaluation.
We contacted him to cancel his appointment. The next steps are in his case manager's hands.
i mean that interaction went through okay though, what with you not being able to contact them
there wasn't an incident or something
Kirara 🍄
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The office assistant finally got him to answer his phone on Monday and told him, and he got mad and said he didn't understand. He thinks we're part of the conspiracy now, probably. I dunno. We'll see what happens.
There wasn't an incident as far as I know, though.
aw, that's sad
good that they got through though and didn't wait until they showed up to the appointment
Kirara 🍄
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And my other client is in jail for a month (or six? I dunno) so my caseload just dropped a little!
Kirara 🍄
I need to download more counter space.
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I want to sleep but that just means I have to wake up tomorrow
dangit that looked like it was gonna be a gif
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I wish
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a drafting junior position came up at my dad's work
guess I should at least apply
Kirara 🍄
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That could be a good opportunity!
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
I'm so siiiiiiiick
Where is my cute childhood friend
To deliver my homework sheets
And whipe my forehead with a damp cloth
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
you wouldn’t upload a client to jail
on my way~
like CAD stuff? or like drafting a professional sports team
Kirara 🍄
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did you catch the GAY

oh shit it's beta

👀 are you sure
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Maybe from you
You'll have to peel this shirt off and cool me with your body.
cute tenka
oh hey whats up
i was thinkin about you recently do you still keep in touch with pete
Kirara 🍄
oh shit i'm sorry i thought you were vaccinated
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yeah cade stuff
probably too good to pass off
hey betama
sorry for what?
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Yeah i thought i was too
.. All these injections I've been taking
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
I am real sick tho
Headaches. Fever.
The whole package
Kirara 🍄
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Did you see a doctor? How high is your fever?
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
High enough that ny cute childhood friend should be wiping me with a damp cloth.
Kirara 🍄
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Oh, a flight to Australia will only take me 30-45 hours.
I'll come take care of you.
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
I'm a charity case
The flight is probably tax deductible
Kirara 🍄
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I'm sure the IRS won't ask any questions.

Still, a round trip flight is like $1500.
That's not as bad as I would have expected for me to get to the other side of the planet.
he's only four or something hours from here
it'd be like that book Misery if I took care of him though
Kirara 🍄
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hey hey let's dance all day
hey hey
Can do
sure do, went to his wedding earlier this year
pull my 😈 trigger
I'm gonna Nine Parchments now. If you wanna show up, just tell me.
oh yeah he told me he was gonna wed
that's great im happy for him
Kirara 🍄
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im gonna go relax in the BATH
and then later ton and i and maybe pan and tilde are gonna watch guardians of the galaxy
oh have fun
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moe you're all smart cookies, would Dark Souls be a good buy this steam sale? I like such games as: Castlevania, Zelda, Tetris, Chess, VNs, and assuming the worst -- what's the worst reason they could possibly have for saying what they say and doing what they do?
Also which one should I play if so
it might be fun.
But it also might not be
All depends on how you feel about the difficulty, I think.
I never played it though so don't bother taking my word on it
yeah seemed like a good match!
Kirara 🍄
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wanna join us

It's pretty different from the ones you like, probably a lot more frustrating
if it's cheap it's probably worth trying to see if you like it
it's a lot of just memory stuff as far as I know
Kirara 🍄
he play
when he knocks it off halfway through aha
he's just like
Kirara 🍄
his little hop after he picks it up is cute af
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did anyone here ever play space station 13
I was more of a Mitadake High guy
no spoilers please im not done with 12 yet
// yeah why
iunno it looks fun
might fuck around and play it
do people still play
yeah sure go for it if you can find somethin
more like hickago
pls don't come and kill me with your violent crime rate
I think people still play it surprisingly
some guy made a video about it recently and that got a million or so views
that chimera that breaks the floor and keeps duplicating itself is hard as hell solo
Kirara 🍄
Are none of them vaccinated?
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guys, this is proprietary educational material which im really not supposed to share with people who haven't formally enrolled in the lesson but this information is just too valuable, crypto and cyber security information taught by the absolute best-in-class through these video lectures here
Kirara 🍄
haha who knows
but i hope they start going mad and killing each other
Kirara 🍄
lmao what am i looking at
idk i think it's supposed to be a diagram of a three way handshake
The murder rate is really only high in certain areas.
They're pretty easy to avoid.
yeah I'm jus teasing
just easing
For real though kirara, you should come to Chicago so we can hang out.
oh byond is dead
guess not then
I was on it not an hour ago to nostalgia over Mitadake High and it died in the middle of reading forum posts so just wait a bit I reckon
>Please contact the server administrator, [email protected] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

I could have also been the murderer for all I know
Kirara 🍄
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i don't really want to go to an apa convention in chicago
or an apa convention at all honestly but i might go if it was somewhere i was interested in
Kirara 🍄
i already have 2 trips i have to go on in August too
Drop a hint that they should stop putting two spaces are periods.
I can't English but we're not talking about MLA
the engine looks to be a hot mess so I think this was a suicide

this new twitter layout annoys me
they made the share buttton look like what is traditionally an upload button
Kirara 🍄
we don't do that anymore, haven't since like 2013
That checks out nevermind sorry

The teachers over here sometimes tell me to put two spaces after a period but I never do it.
Kirara 🍄
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there are some journals that still want that
some journals actually want two spaces after every word
I would actually just not read the article if there were 2 spaces every word
Kirara 🍄
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why did my power go out
what the nani
They did it to slip past your defenses, be alert
Kirara 🍄
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Kirara 🍄
oh god
nope nope nope
Kirara 🍄
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this new version is crazy fun
you get these little character emotes you can use while playing, real subtle nothing obnoxious
The popular belief is that t the old man is actually playing with himself, a twist if you will. However if the keen of attention will notice at 2:24 there is in fact two people.
Kirara 🍄
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my professor always texts me starting with like "Hello Matt," or "Matt -"
and she signs her tweets
signs her texts lol
Old people are so weird.
Kirara, do you know much about Patty Hearst?
Kirara 🍄
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A little bit
I've read about her before
Kirara 🍄
>Take the L: Willingly making a sacrifice
I've been so wrong all this time
Kirara 🍄
What did you think it means?
I thought it meant accepting you lost
That's a kind of sacrifice if you think about it.
Kirara 🍄
Yeah, it also means that. So you're not wrong.
I don't hear it that often because 1) I'm in Japan and 2) I usually take the W
Kirara 🍄
the wig? the wonderball?
It's more closer to that yeah, but on the broad level, it's more of a sacrifice.
But accepting loss is like the #1 use of it
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Kirara 🍄
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Oh, it's waffle, isn't it? Yeah, I usually take those, too.
Comparative essay on the quality of waffle at each hotel stopped at along a road trip.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
You getting it?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
already did
Physical copy?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
there isn't one
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gimme that konnichiwa
that yo yo yo
gimme that nice to meet you
that hi hello
wow it actually is after noon
i swear it was like 6am just a moment ago
Well you know what I always say.
Time keeps on slidin'
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this mahjong soul is so comfy
ive been playing it all morning
Oh those are some interesting visuals.
Is this the Mahjong app you were talking about that has a good tutorial or something for unexperienced players?
yeah kinshi just showed it to me last night
i think it's relatively new, at least in an english version
there are like some gacha elements in earning new characters and cosmetics and emotes but it's still normal mahjong
using the cute emotes during a game is kind of fun though, especially when there's no other chat function to express reactions to the game going on
I'll look at it a bit later.
I've been interested in Mahjong but way intimidated by the often poor documentation or instruction on how the game works in English.
yeah it's surprisingly well organized
has a brief interactive tutorial where it shows you the basic rules, then an index of potential yakus
it's always necessary to have one yaku in order to have a valid winning hand but it wasn't clear from playing on tenhou (or reading the wiki for that matter) what those consisted of

one thing i like is it has AI functionality which can be interspersed with multiplayer
so if i wanted to walk someone through a game i could without putting them into a public lobby with a 5 second timer on each move
you can set up to 60 seconds for each move, though i dont suggest taking that much time every move or it will last forever
Man by the time you get to the fourth tech age in Anno 1800 everything is just absolutely CONFUSING.
There's so many production chains and resources you need to supply to your cities but also a few chains and resources that have kind of become deprecated to the higher tech age parts of your cities but still important to the lower tech parts.
It's all so dizzyingly complex.
I love it.
It's annoying to not be able to see all the numbers though.
Like I know the ratios of Resource X and Workforce Quantity Y in Z many first-stage factories can supply W second-stage factories.
But I don't know how much of that final product is being consumed by my civilians so I kind of just have to eyeball it by watching the stockpiled resource number and see if it fluctuates up or down
That's a degree of inefficiency that really nags at the corners of my brain that games like these scratch itches from.

Aparently a free update is coming soonish that might bring a contructible building that will let us see those numbers though, which'll be nice.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ok I did it
Oh range
Kirara 🍄
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
with a new recurrent net layer type, and 48 minutes of training, the tweets are getting more coherent

Samu !KW2DbpWwls
ohayou gozaimasu bish
>Sonic Che
the revolutionary
Kirara 🍄
Search [iqdb] (355 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg)
what's horrifying about advancement in technology
Kirara 🍄
what is it learning from anyway
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
8.9 MB of sonic fanfiction
Search [iqdb] (355 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg)
>360 chapters of sonic fucking anime waifus and more
humans were a mistake!
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
360 Day Sonic Harem Challenge
Sonic busts one Nut A Day for A Whole Year
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
trust me it's way more than one nut per chapter
Yeah there is.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
there's a limited print ps vita one I know of
Kirara 🍄
my god
They're doing a limited run for the japanese release for ps4 and switch, but they probably have English as an option.
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There's also special slip covers for the box.
Search [iqdb] (379 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg)
h-how do you know
He does everything fast.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
my bad i was wrong i checked and it's just a little over 1 nut per chapter on average
sonic is so fast he nuts several times at once
Search [iqdb] (439 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg)
nutting around at the speed of sound
can you quantify the amount of nuts/yr Sonic experiences?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
my pain
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
it's hard to say because a lot of the nuts are in flashbacks
it's unclear what time period the whole fanfic is written within
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's guaranteed to happen tomorrow but
ToN, are you at work right now?
Kirara 🍄
he said no
There's an algorithm problem I want your help with.
I won't jave until later though.
*have it until later
Kirara 🍄
Search [iqdb] (151 KB, 1279x2048, IMG_20190502_134849.jpg)
he says compsci makes his head hurt
Ask him why he got a degree in it then.
Kirara 🍄
he says he liked it at the time
That's a shame.
he said he'd help you later though
Kirara 🍄
kirara do you play blazblue
Hi bang
rei do you play blazblue
Kirara 🍄
i have never played blaz blue
>they've never blazed blue
Only own it on pso though, I play it at my friend's house on his ps4 most of the time.
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1447x1055, 73770589_p0.png)
how come everytime I play these free to play games they always accuse me of hacking
like I'm too fucking poor to afford undetectables please
just been playing this ish since I was like 5 please
Search [iqdb] (388 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Ac(…).jpg)
because brazilians live off of energy succed from the teat of exposing their fellow hacking brazilians
it sustains them and levels them up into nega brazilians
i got accused of hacking when i played that shitty nexon shooter AVA
Search [iqdb] (415 KB, 2480x3508, 71455814_p0.jpg)
literally every casual lobby in cs:go hitreg edition that I bother to stay is has like some male that goes "I'm spectating you. I hope you toggle off fast enough."
Like, please bitch.
You're just making yourself look like a huge clown.
The easiest solution is to just not play multiplayer games!
Search [iqdb] (368 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Ac(…).jpg)
hey why aren't you talking
I don't know what to say!
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Oh, ley's sync.
You talk, I talk.
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When I move you move
Just like that
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Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Kirara 🍄
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i jus bought kotor 2 for the fifth time ty steam
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Blood is such a pretty colour
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RIP Peter Mayhew ;_;
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Kirara 🍄
Kirara 🍄
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Kirara 🍄
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Kirara 🍄
time to attempt a successful run of this again
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what are you, fucking rasputin
stay dead this time
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
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this how sausage made
what by tripping
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well if you drop someone down to the floor bleeding, then that's a funny thing to say to them.
i guess you could trip and fall into a sausage grinder
prolly happened before
Kirara 🍄
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ive won five out of five of my ranked mahjong games on mahjongsoul so far, by big landslides too
it almost makes me forget about not having any work and getting spooked at what im gonna do
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and then you'll rank up to the big leagues and then straight embarassed
parallel to me, in every game i play
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wht are you gonna do though, a job that requires keeping 20+ instances in mind and stuggling to keep up with any of them?
that's what I'm gonna feel soon.
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im fine with the work that i do, it's just that there's none of it right now
im flat broke atm which is fine but im supposed to travel to saint louis this month
if im lucky, i'll stay broke and not go
that way i can avoid having to see any family
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if you have to go there in order to help yourself, then you should.
Family really does bring out the worst in us.
they can be so cruel without even realising it, just because they assumed the blood connection would shield them against any critisism like that.
But abuse is fucking abuse, and you have to make that clear to them as soon as possible.
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my cocain addict oniisan is coming out of jail tomorrow and dropping by.
I sure hope I can fucking even make a sort of normal communication to him.
Good luck.
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Good luck to you too.
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If Sekiro taught us all a single thing,
it's deflecting.
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
Wow. Is this parkour Sekiro?
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
i still haven’t gotten past the first few areas in sekiro
gotta chug adderall and strap myself to the couch
how's it gonna absorb into the sublingual membrane under your tongue if you chug it
There's liquid Adderall™ now.
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
i can drink pills like they’re gatorade

Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
besides my sublingual membrane is on the back of my neck
it’s my power
have you gotten to try some kratom yet
i need to restock soon
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
yea i think i need a bigger dose
Kirara 🍄
Search [iqdb] (194 KB, 1447x2048, IMG_20190502_085606.jpg)
sam did kratom in phillyyyyy
how much did you take
he was askin me about whether he should try it recently though
damnit i think the timelines got crossed up again sigh
Kirara 🍄
Search [iqdb] (151 KB, 1279x2048, IMG_20190502_134849.jpg)
i think i gave everyone some kratom in philly except blue who didn't want any
i remember sam said it made him feel relaxed
I really want to go on the next philly trip.
did you even know saku
that sounds like a hostile comment i dont mean it that way
If I'm not welcome i won't come but its the only regularly occurring mass /moe/ gathering I know of.
i didn't mean it like that
It's fine
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
you can always come by NYC
there’s Koi and I
soon whoa will be gone to japan tho i guess?
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 1006x1500, 74223894_p5.png)
I remember saku-san.
When he did his eight balls that night.
And I was the only one there to talk to him.
And I just fucking let him do it.
i'd love to visit NYC it's so cool
but i think realistically the trip there would make me too sore to want to do any walking so i'd probably sleep until it's time to go back
gotta do a lot of walking there
maybe we can do a class trip to niagara falls
yo moon
What time is it?
it's 12:20am but im invested in some studies at the moment
i might hit a wall in the next couple hours or sooner and i'll play
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have fun study hard
actually do you have others
if you got a group ready to play in the new & improved mahjong soul i'd be down
im having too much fun with mahsoul to go back
Depends on whether or not we're using majsoul or Tenhou
I've seen a lot of threads about it on /v/ and there's a majsoul channel on the discord

I think Floop's asleep
I know Jan played it once for FFXIV grinding purposes

Alright I'll try a que snipe but we need to time this right
we can probably queue snipe the south lobbies
they're slow enough
if // i dont wanna do friendlies unless it's actually with friends, like floop or someone
Huh I'm surprised they let you talk about it on /v/, i thought mahjong was /jp/ and /tg/ only.
Search [iqdb] (553 KB, 904x761, muhyakuman.PNG)
It's a video game and they let more offtopic threads slide on /v/
wait moon did you already que in Bronze
I haven't

tell me when you're ready I'll count down
no i haven't im just signed on
let me clean up a couple tabs one sec
ready to queue bronze south?
im watching, i'll queue when you close that post
Awww yeah we made it
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God, I can't wait til I join an orchestra.
I'd let all 55 of them have their way with me
anime >>676793 →
it's nice to not have that tenhou bug of graphical freezing when you alt tab
i shouldn't be alt tabbing though or that happens
I was considering dropping that 8man
idk what these two are doin
i keep taking apart my tenpai for nothin because i think they have something but they dont
They're truly masters of the bluff

Search [iqdb] (166 KB, 931x1361, IMG_20190503_090628.jpg)
lol i think he's in furiten and doesn't know why he can't ron
haha yeah this is funny
you had all three 3 pin right?
oh i thought you had all three
i was waiting on 3 pin
i could have just not declared but i wanted the suppression
im just gonna keep this post open so i dont waste posts and spam
i feel like this dude is waiting on my chun
yeah I had two of them
what were you waiting on?
damnit this game has gone too long and I need the bathroom
he still ended 4th lmao
okay thanks are you gonna do more or done
Search [iqdb] (444 KB, 580x819, akagisaki.jpg)
yeah but muh comeback
I can do another. Give me a minute I'm grabbing my charger
Alright tell me when you're ready
oh ok
im ready, you do the honors
yeah schucks
oh well good luck
aw we're not in the same game
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yer cuttin it close there mister
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dont cross the line
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btw mogra is playing old anime OP/EDs
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How'd your match go moon
Do you think it'd be cancerous of me to spam the superb emote after ronning someone
This system makes me want to be a dickhead so badly
mine is still going
you can spectate i think
Sounds nice, but I've got ANNIE MAY to waych.
Watch even.
Man I keep doing that tonight.

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>you can't view other regions match
okay thanks majsoul
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>>676942 →
>>676942 →
>>676942 →
