Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Fairy Gone Cinderalla Nine Kenja no Mago YU-NO Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin Senko-san Shoumetsu Toshi --Episode 2-3 Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari.
Ika might be a bit late to show but he seems he'll be showing up. Said to start without him at least.
Less so Fairy Gone which I don't really think is crappy but definitely doesn't have the same oomph as some of teh other stuff on the docket.
Okey dokes.
His line of reasoning is obviously correct but I don't think it's particularly valid logic. Nothing about the things he observed necessarily determine the conclusion he put forth.
I misread his message in my half-asleep waking grogginess and it was "will be laet or won't make anime just start without" rather than probably showing up hah hah. And it looks like he's not expecting being able to show.
It's the one with that blue-haired girl and the kinda grumpy guy on the scooter who's delivering her to some kind of Ground Zero place and there's a guy who Gates of Babylon a bunch of guns as an attack. It technically fulfils not being important but it's also the show out of all we've watched that impressed me the least.
Like it's not a bad show. It's just firmly whatever. Which kind of makes it trail behind all the other stuff this season because geez louise there's a lot of good stuff thi season.
You're right Senko the problem isn't that there's people worse off than him, it's the work culture that perpetuates the unnecessary need for people to be this horribly off in the first place!