Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Fairy Gone Cinderella Nine YU-NO Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin Shoumetsu Toshi Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Sarazanmai Carole & Tuesday
Ika'll probably not be around tonight, think he's entertaining company.
Soba's probably a pretty straightforward selfie for him to get one of.
That meet-up between the actual Sara and his otouto is a problem though.
also i hope you weren't actually watching me tilde
>>676813 Hah hah, I'd laid down in bed to get out of this damn chair for a while. Right about when you started going from Ashina Castle to the Outskirts. But around when you were fighting the fire miniboss I think I conked out for an hour or so. I had my headphones on but I was sleep enough to not catch anything.
>>676814 oh good you missed me discovering a worthless shortcut and making very LITTLE PROGRESS i only managed to get the boss to third phase 2 times out of like 30 now
Wow the MC's turning the edgekid gay for his drag outfit too.
I'm gonna upload the worthless shortcut to twitter I think
if only it had the audio of matt telling me "you can't get over there from here" and me going "oh yeah?"
>>676820 Hah hah that would have been fun to catch.
>>676815 DoH definitely takes a bit of time getting the knack of. I found being really aggressive and up in its belly is a good way to go about things.
>>676839 Yeah I mean you shouldn't shoot people but from a quality of character view of things shooting someone like that isn't the worst thing. But having the knowledge that you shot and killed soneone out in the open like that is just plain dangerous for you! Like Glasses might be considered weird and a pervert for his super gayness and the MC might be ostracized for crossdressing but like ... killing a guy is still murder regardless of the dead guy's character.
>>676841 Yeah but you see Your Honor, I had to kill him, he deserved it! Either way I wouldn't want to be telling people that someone killed a guy, he might kill you too! >>676843 I don't think tilde was ready! >>676845 Oh shit, I thought you finished your post beforehand!
They haven't even accomplished the quest they originally left the kingdom they were in to do in the first place Though Filo got some stats up at least.
>isn't this fun? we're getting our asses kicked! sekiro.jpg
Talk about positive versus negative encouragement.
You're not supposed to fling the bat behind you like that when you're dropping it to run the bases! Especially on a smaller diamond like one a bunch of middle graders would be playing on.