well you win that fight with the claw guy by spamming l1 then you ralise the whole game is spamming l1
I'm trying to fight the Ashina elite sword guy It shouldn't be hard since you just L1 twice when you see him pull his sword But my reaction time is shot
>>676964 Well you technically don't even have to parry jack shit, there are invincibility frames you just need to get those PS4 TAS going I'm sure in 15 years we'll have people TASing Sekiro and clipping through walls and shit
that's like every single game I played with voice chat i started that out on GRAW1. holy fuck. first time I ever heard some guy marsturbate over the mic
what if there was a game
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
what if there was a game where the money on the ground was real money
>>676985 yeah what mario said they added it as a minigame in FFXIV and i played it to unlock a CAR someone told me it's different from real mahjong somehow but i don't know how mahjong works >>676986 you just want to PICK ON ME you guys are like mahjong grandmasters or something i bet
they're going to invite me to a casual game and destroy my spirit im gonna be sitting over here with like some dots and a dragon or two and they unveil some mystical akagi yakuman
that mahjongsoul has a really good tutorial for making it not complicated at all
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
insta nut
>>676990 I ain't never gotten a yakuman in my whole life Yakumans are some mystical unicorns
If three other people would be willing to go through the hassle I would totally do netplay on Saki PSP With the lesbian magic powers in all their glory
>>677003 Saki naturally draws tiles she can kan with and is more likely to win off of rinshan kaiho Nodoka gets the mahjong equivalent of an aimbot Kuro draws extra dora tiles Koromo is more likely to win by drawing a tsumo on the last draw etc
don't play fps: struggle to walk outside of your own house do play fps: reaction time 1.7x quicker than a burning kitten >>>/@Solariij/1124221242322460672 oofffffffff
my nephew told me this sounded like some breath of the wild shit >>>/watch?v=x2Kx_boSMYA#t=45s yeah i kinda hear it walking around that endless plains of hyrule then instantly dying
It didn't make much sense and was pretty much a "by the books finale" every good guy comes to save jack from aku, the whatherface resists the evil and becoems good and they travel to past and kill past aku easily because ofc and the whole series GETS UNDONE jack never actaully has to LIVE with his mistakes that finale actually tore apart the final season where jack was depressed and shit because part of it was him learnign to live with his mistakes completely so it should have had him kill aku in the future and lead the /help the world to rebuild not undo everything and don't have to live with your mistakes
also the time travel doesn't make sense how do they travel back in time, i the daughter of aku never existed to send them back in time and so on time travel is almost always badly done and a cop-out
Besides the series never actually had TIME TRAVEL TO THE PAST just hinting that it might be possible but what if they had instead just went with "naw dude, you can't go back to the past" >>677025 Yeah and that would have been a good twist and sticking with the series long "you have to live with your deeds" message
Also we never got an epic Jack vs Aku showdown the best parts of the series were always those fights How aku despite being basically fighting against his type disadvantage alawys manages to be a major threat to jack and how jack in the end still won
for example the whole jack and the zombies, where jack loses his sword for a while still manages to fight against aku and then aku tries to kill him with his own sword and it doesn't work
and the series even did it right they never over used aku so he never lost his credibility as a villain
and how despite all that jack did, Aku had a firm grasp on the world and his rule was practically absolute
Also also how did everyone just find aku's tower? for example the scotchman and his daughter army or well later again everyone?
In the previous seasons it was explained that aku kept moving his tower all around the world which is why jack just couldn't go and kill aku he didn't know where it was and fucking earth is you know HUGE so everyone just
arriving there on time when aku is doing the "execution of the samurai" broadcast is just cheap writing for the spectacle or you know aku bothering to split into thousand mini mes to fight them like why? they can't harm him only god power can harm him and then he finally just one shots all the allies anyhow, which makes good part of the fight just pointless
not to mention they brought back demongo for a brief joke WHY? what a waste
>>677031 this is where ep61 ends and ep62 is just "power of friendship and anime will win the day for us" which just was boring for the series a really by the book and numbers finale ment to look good, but in my opinion was just bad writing, didn't make sense and didn't even fit the series
this how braindead I play and still get a twofer >>>/@Solariij/1124241780138921985 k if I don't get a clip q my girl dokkaebi I just plain suck at existing and providing carbon dioxide to the atmosphere
>>677035 >gets a free shot >to the back >doesn't kill >gets killed just... HOW?
that trollke had all day to spray and and he still whiffed hard lmao anyway here's my last clip for the month context is like when I try to talk to two people at the same time >>>/@Solariij/1124248788795707393
Imagine being one of the Sekiro bosses Just standing in the same room every day killing the same guy over and over again You'd get bored
it feels better i gotta actually pay attention your coppers are wagered for silver games
honestly this UI just makes it easier to be immersed and focus like idk why but on tenhou it's like a chore to be tracking the pool and what everyone is discarding as the game goes along, thinking about their hands in real mahjong you're fully immersed so that stuff is really ubiquitous, also because you know everyone so it's more natural to think "oh katie's going for this, rob prolly has two hatsus" tenhou is so bland that there's no personality to trigger that kind of cognitive stuff
here you get a little more time, you get to emote with people and share expression as the game moves along
This man expected an honourable sword duel and instead I just ran around and kept stabbing him in the back Didn't even L1 once
>>677043 >coppers are wagered Are you invested in the gatcha at all? It seems ridiculously grindy to get anything out of it
>>677044 I think I'll still stick with tenhou for competitive play just because tokujou and houhou provide me with goals and the players up there are so high level I do like that it has a counter for stuff like the number of tiles in your wait. Manually checking that on tenhou is a bit of a pain and it doesn't really add a whole lot to the strategy
>>677047 My own play on Tenhou has gone so downhill I'm in danger of slipping out of 4dan and my R is sub 1700 now I don't even know what happened
>>677048 Lately I've been blaming luck a lot more too I do find that early leads are boring like you said. I think to myself "oh I'm in first, I don't have to work for anything now, who cares what I discard"
not particularly invested in the gacha but i like having a ledger to wager even if it's just unusable virtual points, them being usable for gacha is just a bonus. i want some other characters though
theyre gonna have tournament play on here soon but yeah ik what you mean it's not the real big boys on here once i feel a little more competent i'd be happy to play more comp on tenhou but for now im finding this is a better platform for me to improve or at least feel like im improving
i slipped down two dans just from what we talked about earlier, losing out of apathy i'd keep having like an early 30k lead and then just try to coast through the rest, trying to get done fast to grind instead of to play mahjong, and then i'd end up dealing into some nasty shit. started tilting a bit and thinking like "oh of course this kind of awful luck would happen to me, it's always me" but it wasnt luck, i just was playing lazily and not focusing and throwing out so much information for free like playing while on my anxiety meds or stuff like that, or while im dead tired
did you read mahjongsoul's (hereafter im just gonna call it MJS) did you read MJS's streaming policies haha they're takin it real seriously and real strictly. i like that, it's cool
>>677039 >>677040 wouldn't that rather be quite horrifying they just keep coming over and over and over again even if you think they will never beat you the MONOTONITY of it and you can't escape it you must fulfill your duty and fight them but they just KEEP COMING
>>677050 Remember how that was a plot point in Log Horizon? The npcs guarding the central bank system were like "fuck these people keep reviving what are we even supposed to do"
>>677052 Where do you find the policies? I'm looking forward to the mobile version
>>677045 oh you can stream but you have to follow the policies
>>677051 Yup or how there is that whole "gold of the monsters" plot line that basically is just Shiroe going to extreme lenghts to show that adventures can be talked with, instead of being shitless scared of them
Kinda amusing scene when the guy is standing there with some GOD level boss monster and is still scared shitless of a lone adventurer
>>677056 Well of course You can merely delay the adventurers victory
the first time i got to the real boss he was like "i must destroy you" and i thought oh ok let me just take a sippy quickly then he killed me in two hits and i guess he wasn't lion
the umbrella does seem to help a lot for his stronger attacks in // when he gathers energy but i am shit at using it also it gets rid of confetti when i use force weapon?? fucking fromsoftwarestop
yes it does in fact remove spaghetti congetti
did you guys know confetti actually increases your damage on literally everything try it out buy 300 confettis
it's better than the fuckin candies
Kirara 🍄
that is probably new because it definitely wasn't like that before, i tested it
>>677082 Imagine being so invested in the Avengers that spoilers ruin Infinity War for you, but not invested enough to not ruin your viewing of End Game by getting up to take photos in the middle of the theatre
also the cutscene lasted 20 minutes but i got to play the game for about 3 minutes as a different character so that was cool >>677083 imagine being so invested in a fucking movie you are willing to spend tens of hours of time and effort befriending someone so you can fuck their enjoyment of a movie up
like i can barely even put forth the effort to talk to people i actually like where the fuck are you getting all this energy my guy
Kirara 🍄
i mean a bunch of people got arrested for like curb stomping people that spoiled endgame for them there were literally multiple incidents where people spoiled the movie and groups of people assaulted them for it
>>677084 I think he was more invested in just being a dick tbh I find that a little alluring He should go be a detective or a secret agent instead
>>677086 I know that people got punched, but curb stomped?
>>677089 >stabbing in the back Back stabbing is boring though Killing your friends isn't fun unless you get to gloat first and reveal the betrayl >>>/watch?v=UVwSZDXr5LU
>>677091 Oh I thought you meant that someone literally had their head split open by a foot on the concrete over Endgame spoilers
>>677090 I think it's more interesting if they don't die and have to spend time thinking about how they got played
>>677088 i mean metaphorically he'll probably kill them with a gun or something or not kill anyone at all
Kirara 🍄
>>677088 curb stomped as a general term for severe assault not like literally curb stomped
idk that revenge story being self-narrated makes me suspicious like prolly had a crush on the person and wanted to go see it together and since they didnt, he spoiled it and was like HAHA I PLANNED IT ALL ALONG I DONT EVEN LIKE YOU to make himself feel better about it
>>677088 you can't just let people live after you betray them. they might tell everyone that you betrayed them. so they have to die once you reveal your keikaku!
>>677093 That's a good point! However, you could make it even sweeter if you had some sort of leverage over them that forced them to pretend that you were a good person that didn't betray them Wouldn't that just be the saddest thing? Being betrayed and then having to pretend that the person who betrayed you is the best person in the world
>>677094 That would be pretty spicy, but if you do that then they're DEFINITELY going to plot to end your career. As a double agent and also as a living creature.
>>677095 >they're DEFINITELY going to plot That's true. You might have to just finish them off at some point, unless you can somehow use the knowledge that they're plotting against you to factor into future keikakus
>>677096 >tfw he has no friends to push him to the edge
a friend on twitter wanted to see my birth chart and i didn't know what that meant so they had me do some horoscope thing and i was like "i don't think i learned anything from this" and they said >i learned you're yet another virgo moon i get along well with, this is not a coincidence anymore wtf
how is anyone supposed to get any information from this
You just need a PHD in astrology
there are people who know that there's no meaning to it but still do it because it helps them separate and pore through feelings in a procedural manner you get to take apart your bindings and think about elements in a vaccuum for a little bit so you can see each part untainted by the others for what it is, even if it's not reflective of reality
if you remember a long time ago me talking about fragmenting, it's kind of along that idea but yeah it's goofy idk what it's intended to mean
>>677098 what the >>677099 looks like someone's summoning a fucking demon down there in the left corner
>>677101 i always figured it was the alchemy to psychology's chemistry
never actually gave enough of a thought to see how far back the current application of astrology and its relation to behavior and shit actually went, though maybe it's more newfangled than alchemy
>>677130 i think im gonna pretend like i dont have one and start giving people an approximate age from now on how old are you moon uh they think im prolly about 30
>>677145 understand understand >>677146 when i NG+ on life im gonna roll as a hard as i possibly can with all this EXP i'm getting ill start in a wealthy family that owns a corporation and shit
Life doesn't really start until you die of a heart attack because you thought you got hit by a truck and get reincarnated into a world with an evil maou with a useless goddess.
It really depends on what you want. Every time go (including the times I stay over ten hours) I don't have enough time to play everything I want to play.
They have the Episode 1 Podracer machine which is all I need
>>677166 yeah dude Burger Kings here have arcade games They have four initial Ds stringed together A Burger King I went to in Rotorua had Time Crisis 2 And there's one near where I work that has some deer hunting game and one of those basketball hoop shooting games
>>677168 I don't see arcade cabs in laundromats around here which is a shame
usually laundromats have a bunch of arcade cabs here but i've never seen anything but those claw grab games and related shit in fast food joints
>>677167 yeah it's the best place to put them what else are you gonna do fuck around on your phone? might as well play metal slug
pizza parlors have them sometimes too
>>677165 They have initial d at the galloping ghost.
if you bring pizza into the arcade room you are a fucking monster though
remember that safari cabinet in las vegas with the fuckin broken lasso what jank
Also there's a 24/7 diner thats really good a few blocks from the arcade. It used to be across the street but they moved.
>>677174 video games in general have contributed to killing arcades but i am sure mobile gaming has helped twist the knife
>>677177 Like yeah sure console gaming stabbed the knife in there but before arcade games could at least fill a niche by existing in places away from home
>>677178 arcade games still fill a niche they have control schemes that don't SUCK FAT HORSE DICK. touch controls are the worst thing a video game can have
Remember way back in like, the late 2000s early 2010s when pundits thought that mobile phones would kill video game consoles They never did get around the touch screen issue
damn my eyes are dry from trying to put in vontacts
>>677184 they easily could have they just didn't. you can play any PS4 or PSVita game you want on the go on sony Xperia and any iPhone with remote play and a dualshock controller connected via bluetooth it's streaming video games so it can get laggy in slow connections but the point is you can just pair a god damn controller so why do games not let me play with a god damn controller
Kirara 🍄
>>677196 well i don't really care about VW so maybe i'll like it
i like the way the old vans look i would like to live in a cheap refurbished one
just get rid of all that useless shit behind the driver and passenger seat and put a mini kitchen and stuff in
buy a volvo
btw aren'tnlike all car brands owned by gm, ford and some jap company anyhow?
>>677198 Did the Xperia sell very well? They keep making these phones smaller and slimmer Maybe they just thought that having a controller attatched would be too bulky, and they assumed that no one would want to hook up a controller
but some of the features it had were pretty cool the remote play app functionality would function perfectly fine on other android phones as well but sony doesn't want to allow it because it's the only reason to get an Xperia some slav on the internet made a hack to fix that but then sony updated the remote play app a bunch and he got tired of fixing the reverse engineered code and decided to just start writing his own program that does the same thing but can be used on PC too last i checked it was in early testing for mobile and late beta on windows/linux
>>677208 xperias were quitr common phone here at a ti,e a quite powerful but not that expensive phone nowadays huawei has replaced their slot
Kirara 🍄
>>677213 i dunno there are several japanese companies and several korean companies and several european companies and a few american companies as well
are those companies run by the same people? yeah, this is capitalism, it's all connected but are they the same companies? not technically
wow that naughty stuff sure got cleaned up fast thanks moon no problem moon
>>677216 the zaibatsus were amusing and still are there should be anime about those or fictional equilevants 'only zaibatdu i can think of in fiction is michima zaibatsu in tekken
>>677217 wow i didn't even have to see it this time wow whoa
>>677225 HHrrrm You make a good point I'll try to think of some more
I know there's a lot of them in manga that only exist for character backgrounds. Like they literally only exist for an ojou sama character to be ruch. *rich
you could say k-on has one, but it is never adressed or factors into the "story"
so i guess i mean fiction where the zaibatsu is a thing, it factors in more than "corporation2 as in the family is a key element and the zaibatsu does shit like in tekken
non jap example but Speedwagon foundation basically us one, but american
>>677242 that's just too mundane you should give them back a better version of what got stolen like some kind of fucked up lady of the lake
>>677246 >attatch a note >"I've improved your tv for you. You'll find out how soon" >I didn't actually change anything They'll be thinking about it for weeks
I have requisitioned your coffee grinder. You'll never be able to get it back, fuckhead. I upgraded my laser alarms and tripwires since last time.
Eat shit, Dave
>ifnyou can't geg it back it will be auctioned and the money is given to charity they run
If I was an absurdly rich person I'd do all sorts of messed up contests I'd get a diamond or something and hide it inside a bunker and issue a challenge to people to steal it
>>677258 You break into ancient temples and leave treasures inside them like a reverse Indiana Jones
>>677257 i'd globetrot and leave trrasures at places and then post clues om 4chan for ppl to find them
I would probably just donate the money if I wanted to give it away because I'm fuckin lazy
I would play a lot of video games and my bed would be quite a bit more comfortable
>>677260 same i'd buy a good laptop and play video games in evrry continent
bribe the soyth pole research centre so i can hikikomori thete for a year
>>677264 >acquire trillions >go to sweden >withdraw trillions of USD and own all of sweden's paper money after converting >sweden no longer uses bills only coins
i made another thread for some personal stuff. it's not that important and nobody has to go read it or respond but i realized my threads before were actually very unfair to hide them and just get myself more upset for people not noticing them so im choosing the simpler route to just be straightforward please no pressure though i dont like forcing discomfort on people
it is basically no violence with blood, no gambling, no porn and NO IMPERIAL CHINA also portray us as good guys
hmm that does hit chinas pro gaming scene quite hard too
>>677303 it's not "no violence with blood" it's no blood. it's the depiction of blood that theyre concerned with, same as corpses, skeletons, and demons
but anyhow, those blood and corpse rules seem really weird
thought what if carrey will say "snoopung as usual i see" in the movie?
>>677307 can't dishonor the deceased not sure about the blood thing but skeletons and corpses are sacrilege
>>677312 weird mix of chinese culture there on one hand they abhor the old traditions and on the other they want to kill them like good little maoists tautology thete mate and on the third hand they honour them
They've got the toe the line. The old traditions might fly in the face of the values Maoists espouse but China's a large country and by and large the most of its people don't actually care about the philosophy of the Maoists. But what they do care about is their traditions handed down by family and community and to just iron hand down on all of those is going to be a disaster even the most blind idealogue can see coming.
Kirara 🍄
haha there aren't even really maoists anymore they have literally no power
>“This song will do exactly what the record company wants it to do,” their producer, Eric Valentine, warned them. “But it is going to sail this band straight into the sun. Like, there’s no turning back. You cannot put that toothpaste back in the tube.” you cannot put that toothpaste back in the tube is like the most 90s saying
It's really a snapshot of the "what the fuck were we saying" from back then isn't it.
Kirara 🍄
It conjures up images of a dull color background with white flowers covering it
Oh yeah Kirara have you heard of Return of the Obra Dinn?
Kirara 🍄
Never heard of it, I don't think.
It's a mystery-y game where you're put on a ship that vanished while on a route only to appear years later, all the crew and passengers dead or vanished. Tasked with determiing the fates of the people aboard to help with gauging insurance evaluation, hah hah, you're given a special device that lets you revisit moments of incidents in the ship's past and use those snapshot moments to determine the various causes of deaths. It's a neat reasoning and rationalizing game that gives you a good mental challenge. I dunno it seemed like the kind of thing you might find interesting to play.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh yeah Tilde have you heard of Return of the Paula Deen?
Never heard of it, I don't think.
https://store.steampowered.com/app/653530/Return_of_the_Obra_Dinn/ The music is also really excellently mood-setting and the visual style is neatly unique.
>>677326 That does sound and look cool. Have you played it?
No, I discovered it through a show I watch some times that plays through games a bit like this. So I guess I've played it kind of vicariously? It's the kind of game you can only really play once unless you put enough time between plays to forget all the information and I'm not particularly good at that hah hah. But I've enjoyed watching the playthrough of it and I might keep my eyes out for something the guy that made it does next.
Oh wait he's also the guy that did Papers Please that's kind of interesting.
A lot of people are really picky about what bottled water they'll drink.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it also makes me have to leave and not be here at 4 pm when reset happens because she doesn't have enough water for four days.
It would only take you like half an hour to get to the store and back tops, right?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah but she gets off work at around 3:30-ish It's a mild inconvenience but I got teased with 'check how much water I have' and before I could because I work one more day than she thought she insists we need to go now. x
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm just annoyed because she could just drink regular fucking water
Well I was suggesting the sweet/iced tea because it's pretty easy to make yourself and probably saves money.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
unfortunately she hates tea.
Wow she's a HERETIC.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
after checking, she currently has 30 bottles of her water.
Is it fizzy water or just flat?
Kirara 🍄
What brand? Smart water?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Nestle Brand Orange Splash or whatever
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>677356 flat, she used to drink a fizzy water instead.
>>677359 Hm, the reason it came to mind is because my mother recently got this simple machine that carbonates a bottle of water for you. All you need to do is replace the cannister of carbon dioxide every now and then. Maybe it's not as ideal where you live since you probably need to buy bottled water anyway? At least for us even with having to buy new cannisters it still ends up saving money.
Since I'm in a mood to complain about mom, I cleared about half of her trash mountain which is primarily those water bottles a couple weeks ago. There's still a sizeable amount left.
Oh! Get those bottles and refill them with watered down orange juice!
Why don't you just put your foot down and say no?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>677369 I live with her. This woman is very good at making someone like me who has feelings feel awful for denying her anything.
She was still hung up on the thing where she sent me that 65 dollar paypal invoice and I was upset that she was like "if you want to pay for it it's cool. If not also cool. Btw mother's day is soon." She insisted "It's just that you know you don't always know what to get me or get me anything for mother's day"
It's not about having feelings or not. To me it just sounds like she treats you as her page to drop everything you're doing and do whatever she wants. That's just a ridiculously unfair way of treating you and even if you're her son you should have some ability to act on your own agency. This won't get better unless you stop otherwise she'll just find more and more ways to get comfortable with getting you to down anything she needs. Which is a bad idea for the both of you really.
Man you should have seen the bathtub before I finally decided to clean it when I got home back in 2017.
I'm particularly peeved about Trash Mountain because this is easily the third time there's been a trash mountain she wants me to clean. She gave me some of her income tax to do it this time at least but still.
lolidunno I forget how long she said she'd need me to stick around. I would love to just live with PAN or something. He still lives at home though.
Maybe I can hit it off with this coworker or something.
Could you move out like within a short period of time and live on your own with the money you make?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>677377 If I stop buying weeb trash maybe. But it'd be a lot harder. On the one hand I'd be paying full rent instead of half, and the rent here is surprisingly good, I don't know if I'd find this good a deal elsewhere easily. On the other, some expenses like the cable bill would go down because I don't need the tv.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
for reference, we're paying about 400 combined for an apartment that's basically a house
Have you talked with PAN lately about moving out and if he'd be interested in it?
It took me like two hundred hours of playing Anno 1800 to realize as you upgrade your civilians through the tech ages they stop needing some of the goods they require to maintain population levels and happiness in earlier ages, hah hah. Which means you can free up terrain for other industries the more and more civilian houses you upgrade, hah hah. Hah.
Thank you for letting me vent my frustrations earlier.
One time I suggested to mom that drinking regulra water would be cheaper and I could hear her holding back anger when she said "I think it's fine/it's not much more". As if I had the audacity to suggest something.
Are you buying it for her or does she give you money for groceries and the like?
>>677413 considering karol is the little boy and you dress him up as a cute girl to seduce a male guard, yes
he doesnt seduce him properly but it does distract him enough to work iirc
>tfw cant pick rita
Kirara 🍄
>>677414 this sounds like some kind of weird perverted thing
Carol's kind of the butt of a lot of jokes in Vesperia so it's played off more as "let's bully this kid that constantly acts like he's some vainglorious superhero".
Huh so amusingly someone had done a "I will shoot up this place" threat for today on at the exact time, I was fetching my new glasses apparently the guy who posted the message was arrested or atleast they have grabbed someone for investigations
well nothing did happen, but it was eerily quiet at the shopping centre for a friday afternoon
>>677426 Seventy-four isn't terribly old honestly, especially when he didn't have the kind of life someone like Carrie Fisher had. Though he was also a huge man and excessively tall people like that always have health complications.
Death: I killed you because I love you but I didn't kill you also because I love you and now I can kill you again which is simultaneously happy and sad
Kirara 🍄
>>677446 yeah. he also says he's been studying history for two years to learn about revolutions but the game came out 1 year ago which means he studied history for less than a year before writing it
Rhys from Tales from the Borderlands is apparently showing up for Borderlands 3 too and they can't get Troy Baker back for him either. Come the fuck on Gearbox.
Kirara 🍄
>>677456 terrorism is such a vague term that it's virtually meaningless today
>>677459 what isn't a vague term that is meaningless but as a method terror tactics, attacking the uninvolved to enforce your will through sheer terror for one 1) has never worked really 2) involves people that have nothing to do with your issues
>>677462 Yeah well people are far right or far left or whatever, when it suits the narrative of the author or terrorists or extemists or whatever Labels are powerful
Kirara 🍄
ANYWAY there's no terrorism in detroit become human, really at least i saw none
Yeah they have violent protests and rioting, sure it causes damage but that is just damage and besides you can play the game with practically 0 deaths right?
I think the abusing dad always gets killed or rather killed by you or the girl
So I bought chips first time in forever and decided to grab few dipping sauce bags with it
and then it hit me now that I was going to mix them into sauce "So genius, what do you mix them into, that cream or sour cream YOU DON'T HAVE and didn't even think of buying?" guess I will try to mix them with butter and milk and see what happens
See those corpses? and that unit at 3 strenght and broken beyond repair 100% friendly fire why the fuck does the unit Ai do this always especially with skirmish cav
not to mention my proto gatling guns >hey there are lot of enemies before us >okay let's shoot to the RIGHT THROUGH ALL OF THE OTHER GATLIGN GUN LINES STREAIGHT TO THE BACK OF ONE OF OUR LINE INFATRY AND KILL 50 OF THEM HUURP
>>677482 Yeah that's a really neat little thing. Who'd have ever imagined it snowballing like it did there. It was great that they even got skipped over as the origins of it. Probably because Google Docs was a "more Google" division and people would have probably expected the decision to have come from something like that.
It's such a weird thing that you can't really imagine seeing happen today. Back in the day it was so much easier for small groups within tech to just fuck around and change everything. Haha, I don't think I ever used IE6.
>>677484 Deshou? It's funny that Google Docs saw it and just immediately used it to justify them doing it without ever checking to make sure it was legit. I mean, why wouldn't it be legit? We all assume it's legit when we see something like that.
That was an epic battle like something out of actual history >surrounded on 3 sides by enemy armies >one of them arrives flanking me >have to use 2 infantry to buy time for my artillery gatling guns to get to a hill I chose to deploy my forces at >my cavalry meanwhile fight the main army force completely outnumbered, but PRUSSIAN STEEL PREVAILS >harassing action continues as my infantry manages to line up in defensive formations on the hill >my cavalry starts to get slowly surrounded >manage to pull them back >by now my hatling force is ready to bite the dust >my artillery has finally deployed >Open fire >rout the initial enemy force in no time with continuous gatling musket guns >now it is just a question which runs first >enemy indians or my ammo
I got a notice from my bank today saying my payment to my ISP had been rejected, so I assumed it was some weird issue because I had to update my card information with my ISP since my card expired and I got a replacement. I had updated the info, but it still said it failed, but it didn't seem like it'd be a big deal.
But when I went to check it finally just now, it had actually been paid, apparently. So I don't really know what's going on but my ISP says I don't have a balance. So whatever.
Yeah when your card changes it sucks so much since that becomes an issue thankfully only platforms I have my card on are steam, spotify and ... that is that thank god for solo nordea
Something I realised, is that finnish banks should patent up their online banking system and sell it as a license or something or whoever did that would avoid >>677489 issues like this
>3 round shots wipe out 40 cavalry Ai buffs just take the fun out of any game
>>677518 Your attempt at reducing the syllable makes the line sound worse though. And a lot of English poetry does stuff like cutting out syllables. Shakespeare's poetry uses it well.
I think you'd be hard-pressed to find someone using two syllables for it. The reduction down to one syllable is kind of the purpose of compacting "I am" down to it anyway".
Because the apostrophe isn't an indicator of it being two unique words but the compaction of 'I' and 'Am'.
>>677537 Yeah because the 'E' on the end of it isn't a part of a new syllable. You pronounce it closer to "senssss" Like a snake. But the 'E' does modulate the 'S' at the end to be a little upturny at the end of the word.
damn it feels good to have actually right strenght glasses
btw fun side thought in finnish snake is "käärme" and "käärmeissäni" means basically " to be pissed off" so when in Aladdin you have the "jaffar you dirty snake" "a snake eh, you don't know how snakelike I can be" in finnish it is basically "et tiedä kuinka käärmeissäni voin ollakkaan" "you don't know how PISSED OFF I CAN BE/snake like I can be" which makes that pun SO MUCH BETTER
>>677540 As in you make a 'Ssss' sound at the end of the sound like YOU ARE A SNAKE you daft Finn.
it's sucha bad movie i watched it in a cabin in colorado out in the mountains near cripple creek they had it on VHS there so we put it in and it was so bad haha
>>677550 This reminds me that I never went to my scouts cabin to watch scary movies they had a projector for just that there were so many horror stories surrounding that region, all of them porlly made up but it was a spooky place
I mean the cabin was in the middle of "nowhere" on top of a hill and an old log cabin, though actually it was maybe 5-10 years old, just build in an old style
but there were stories of weird drumming in then ight chanting and lots of stuff like that
half of that I bet were hazing stuf done by elders to younger scouts, that became tall tales
But it was a proper spookplace most cars couldn't drive all the way there, because the raod was practically an old cart-path there was one neighbour some klick or so away, that had a junkyard split by the "main road" taht houses all kinda shit lke mannequins and whantot from stores well not a junkyard, but rather his plot was just filled wtih random junk
but in actuality it was an hour or so drive away from the capital so... it really wasn't in the middle of nowhere, just a hilight of how densely populated finland is outside of the main cities
I wonder if they would rent it out for personal use if they still own it that is it would be damn amusing to go there with few friends and marathon some horror
Kirara 🍄
would be fun
would need a car and prolly a hefty sum of money
though if they keep records, maybe they will give it out for a nominal fee as long as I clean my tracks since I am ex-member
and a reputable one at that
the moment temperatures get higher I am going camping
prolly first do a practice trip nearby on my bike and then do a trip at some nearby site maybe where my army base used to be at
I am still annoyed how last year al my plans died out due to >forest fire danger >lack of transport >money on 3 separate times
and annoyingly there is a spare car, my grans, out for use and if it wasn't for legal issues me or my brother could get it for dirt cheap but due to said gran being legally not able to decide on her own and her caretaker being my uncle if he sells it to us underpriced, it will be either abusing "gift tax" and cost one or both of us a good chunk of money and/or abusing the rights of our gran by selling her possessions at lower than the perceived market value.
There was a "mix into 2dl of sour cream or 75g of butter" I miex the two bags into around 50-60g + milk and I am seriously questioning, how does one finish this thing with just one bag of chips or so guess I will use this for cooking and shit for the next few days
I am talking about fiction here I should have specified
also on an other note it is almost always america centred despite there being way more of pacific ocea n and eurasia and well by extension africa to centre on the americas take like what? 1/10th? width wise of the planet yet almost every space shot in fiction is centred on them fucking timing
now that jeopardy is over I can hear the vague sounds of shrek and smash mouth
>>677596 how much fiction from the southern hemisphere do you read though you're somewhat limited to the exposure from culture alrea0-0-0dsaud90weashjoi9k';ldgfsVk'. fucking fine, observe whatever i give up
I think in some aussie stuff it has still centred on americas if seen from space the only exception I can think from the top of my head is Day after Tomorrow, where it centred on europe the middle-east and so on as the globe roatted
aussie is derived from north-hem western culture their placement in the southern hemisphere doesn't change that
If I was aussie and did a movie where a space shot happaned I'd cente it on australia
and if I directed a movie and made a space shot I'd use it to blow up the palent
>>>/watch?v=G1WomfhjyVM this is an exception, but then again it is a zoom out so does it count? but this is what i'd do too
also fuck I love how it is just so anticlimatic the movie was a bit of a mess in terms of adaption, but it did have the spirit of theb ooks/radioshow in it
you guys are dumb it's because the Earth is flat and most of the fake images of earth are made by nasa for the american public so most of them show the Americas which makes them the best reference when making art
that btw is actually true we don't reach northern most, but our southernmost point is "northerst" aside from greenland and iceland? I don't recall the latter but they are fucking micro island nation so who cares
maria maria maria maria maria maria maria maria maria maria maria maria maria maria maria maria maria
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>677628 I have been trying to earn this character for 1.5 years and have arguably wanted her for 3 years.
>>677632 why did it take so long? DId you do it without giving into the gatcha money machine?
>>677634 So what can you actually do with her now after 1.5 years
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>677633 It took so long because money cannot accelerate a timegate. She was finally put into the game about two months ago, but I didn't have enough of the items for her in spite of doing the 1 of 3 paths that gives you the materials you need for her for the entirety of that 1.5 years.
>>677640 oh yeah she's cute as fuck I love her. but she's also strong
The best part is when we knew nothing about the characters but designs I was like "I want Nier to be as psycho yandere as possible." And I got exactly what I wanted.
>anything >but a split second perfect timing of the combo required is out >you can't do the perfect timing except by luckj due to how control input is set Jesus how do people play this online+ does lag make the "timings" work better or is this why no one uses some basic moves ever from what I have seen because they NEVER WORK EVEN IN SINGLE PLAYER seriously dbz has so much selling power for this game to even be a thing
and damn do I pity the people who have sank 200 dollars into this game
>>677663 hmmm you what now i was takin a look at doushio's guts last nights it's really neat i never knew how some of the stuff worked before
samurai and i are actually in the process of a big overhaul theres like 2 bugs we gotta fix then moes gonna be new
can i ask more specifics i like to learn stuff
were getting rid of the live posting we felt that feature isnt needed in a site like this
can you try to get dead posting working in case i dont make it another year it'd be nice to still have /moe/
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
all of your thoughts and feelings are being archived don’t worry i’ve uploaded everything into thr same place where i’m generating the sonic fanfiction
.... oh no
just get married to me and live off army marriage money
u have to cook for me if im working though other than that ur free
i love to cook do you like curry >>677670 im working on trying to make a posting bot to take over for me in case something happens to me if it all works out smoothly i won't even notice that im not the real moon wait...
september 20th is my report date but im trying to take like a month of PCS leave so hopefully around august 20th so i can have my birthday off ill probably fly home again or if u wanna hang again before i go then we can do that near there
>>677677 are you actually doin an overhaul i thought whoa was serious now i think he wasnt serious but then the new now im confused >>677676 do they pay to send me with you how quick do we gotta get married
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
at some point im gonna have to either write doushio 2.0 or this codebase will slowly grind to a halt as the web evolves
>>677679 they would pay yes its weird how it would work though i might have to wait until im actually there then we get married because if i get married before i officially have my orders it could screw things up
>>677680 do it doc do it right now just start writing on your desk i belive in you
>>677680 Just sabotage the technical evolution of the Internet so you never have to rewrite anything ever!
>>677683 when this baby hits 88 posts per second the server is in some serious shit
>>677681 how is that gonna work if you're already there >>677687 oh yeah that will work uhh you're in new york right now? im in michigan i think i can be there pretty quick when are you free
i guess we could get married then i could wait to report it
ay fuck you Firefox don't you dare make me watch Youtube ads
well now it's time to play Valley
what's Valley? \
it's when you find an army suit that lets you jump high and run fast oh and also drain the life force from the world around you. but mainly you do parkour
now what what
>>677709 >>677711 When I saw you post that on twitter I thought it had something to do with Death Stranding lol
And I just got my ass handed to me by the Moderate CPU
AI in games like that are hacks anyway. Even ignoring human brains versus computers they can react in superhuman ways because they literally don't need to move their non-existant hands to get to keys and the cursor in the right spot.
Rika's been pretty regularly off partying both Fridays and Saturdays lately. Maybe if Jan was around I could hook Ika in for a bit. But it's not a bother this season since we've only got nineteen or twenty shows across the week.
>>677733 she works real hard so good for her she deserves some fun time 19 or 20 still seems like a ton for me to keep up with >>677735 i dont understand the question i watch anime sometimes
sorry not trying to doubt you just asking
>>677736 It seems like a lot ... and well it probably is. But when you take into account we're accustomed to three or four shows a night, nineteen or twenty in a week is hardly all that much. Twenty is actually kind a sweet spot since if we're clocking in the four a night that leaves two nights of the week that there actually isn't anything to watch.
>>677736 you asked "No anime tonight" so I formed a probe to answer to "no anime to night so why not any f them and why not any of the ones airing?
Though it is kind of annoying that both Fridays and Saturdays tend to get held over until later days. Some of the best stuff this season airs for those nights! Fruits Basket, Hitoribocchi, JoJo's, all air on Friday, and Saturday has Kimetsu no Yaiba .
>>677741 In this situation I don't think changing the hours would make a difference. It's not that okay nevermind
same hours still stand tho
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
oh wow fruits basket the manga finally got an adapt?
>>677739 i still dont really understand what you're asking sorry >>677742 uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's the second adaption sammy pls
>>677738 Jesus Christ That IS a lot. You fuckin' weebs.
>>677740 if there will ever be a situation where i complain about the hour situation
it own't be a valid one
this game did not have to get all scary in one moment but here we go
>>677744 You're just envious because you don't have this PASSION. Come join us some time Marsh we watch all the good stuff each season. On top of the bad stuff of course but if you're hitting all the targets you're at least hitting the good ones!
>>677742 it's a remake of the 2001 fruits basket anime
>>677747 I like my system better. I just wait until the season is over then as you guys what the Good Stuff was
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
ask *
>>677750 Yeah but if you do that you don't get to be an ANIME SOCIALITE. If you're watching on your lonesome you don't get the benefit of having me nattering on about the show in LIVE TIME IMAGEBOARD POSTING.
>>677752 why do you want to people to join CAPITALISM SOCIAL MEDIA?
does anyone else here appreciate the difference between vanilla and vanilla bean ice cream im getting some phantom taste of ghirardelli brownies with vanilla bean ice cream
>>677754 vanilla ice cream is wooooooooot vanilla + something is bad untill it reaches vanilla + blue berry raspberry
>>677752 Yeah, see. That's why I'm the REAL fan. You watch it just to talk about it with the In-crowd. I watch it alone just for the sheer pleasure of it.
>>677754 I mean I'm not that huge on vanilla but I generally find flat vanilla to be a little bland. Where as vanilla bean has a much more ... concentrated flavour? There's something about it that is much more engaging to the tastebuds.
I'm still kind of whatever about it but it's definitely the better option.
>>677755 vanilla bean is not vanilla + bean haha that sounds gross it's from the vanilla bean directly instead of from vanilla extract it's got kind of... i dont know, a savoryness to it
>>677764 the cunk of previous stuff was for the previous conclusion the next stuff will be for the next thing too
I think stuff between manga and random replies are mixing rn and that is the shit
>>677764 Yeah we can finally get you one of those stags in a rag.
We'd probably have to do a day in Toronto to get you all one of those, there aren't actually a lot of BeaverTails shops; only one in Toronto. It is down by the habourfront though so we could hit it up and do a bit of a walk along the lake. I've been down there a bit, if you remember last summer the photos I'd take while biking, a lot of them came from that part of the city.
>>677769 good chunk of you have been next chapters and thank you for that
over the something like that but different result over severl fucking posts?
>>677768 i wouldn't mind trying to make our own especially if we're at that cottage or something i really love cooking and making things
when i went to north carolina and stayed at schwenk's beach house for a weekend it was like a dream, that kitchen so huge and had so many cool things ive never gotten to use and people enjoyed my stuff it made me happy
>>677772 Hah hah the kitchen we have at our cottage is really tiny. Like barely more than an alcove after the counters and appliances. It's one of my mother's largest griefs about it. We also probably won't be as stocked as Schwenk's would be. Lack of space aside, there's a lot of things we don't really cook.
Like we've never owned a fryer, so we only really ever do shallow frying meals that you can do in a skillet.
>Like we've never owned a fryer, so we only really ever do shallow frying meals that you can do in a skillet. isn't this what being ANYTHING in this age and realm is all about?
>>677783 oh yeah, the part about schwenk's kitchen was an aside im not sayin the cottage needs anything fancy if you've got a range and any cookware at all that'll work
after my repeated moving and dislocations, ive had no cookware or utensils at all, and at that rural place in missouri not much of a kitchen. a tiny gas range but not big enough to even use a large skillet or more than one at a time
if there's just a range at all, even an outdoor range or pit, that's probably good enough i am not too fond of using the ovens except for baking even big pot roasts and things i prefer doing on the range because i get more control over brothing it and stuff
>>677786 Well as far as the standards go the kitchen's well-stocked. The oven up there is actually more recent than the one we've got here in the city. Plenty of standard cookware like baking dishes and pots and pans and probably enough utensils to have the particular one you need to flip or grab things.
And my parents would never live anywhere without a barbeque outside so we're set on that too. There's a fire pit too but we don't really cook anything over it, it's just for social fires more or less.