I WAS playing Hyperdimenson Neptunia but a few days ago I lost all my save progress and I don't really feel like starting from the beginning again. so maybe a different game.
im gonna go see endgame today instead of doing my responsibilities because everyone is talking about it and i don't want to get spoiled which is weird because i read tons of articles about movie leaks before it was out but now that it's out i'm like "oh no no spoilers! lol"
I wanna see it in IMAX but for some reason, they're only doing three showings in IMAX every day and they're all unreasonable hours. Who sees a movie on a weekday at 10:45am? At 6:45pm? At 10:45pm?
Gonna let my phone charge for a bit without using it. Bbl
Kirara 🍄
>>674632 probably 1:45 showing since my group ends at 1:00 there's a 1:15 showing but i don't think i can pick up fish and get to the theater and still have time to get a good seat if i try that one plus i'd have to sit in the theater in a button-up and stuff haha
>>674651 haha hell yeah let's do it The first /moe/ long distance movie theater deito
maybe they'll delay the showing for you a little if you tell them i'm not orange yet
>>674650 Because your bones are BLOODY inside your body your bones covered in blood all slimy and shit
>Can you hold off starting the movie for like fifteen minutes I've got a friend in Florida that'll be starting about that time >Sir we can't put you and your friends' request over the other hundred people in this theatre
>>674652 dude you ever think how weird veins are you look at your arms and the veins are blue if it wasn't for oxygen and all that, we could have some halo alien blood coming out
>>674653 >halfway through the movie SHIT WHAT TIME ARE WE AT
Kirara 🍄
>>674654 have you ever thought about how weird existing is
Kirara 🍄
how strange it is to be anything at all
When you look at the physical make up of the universe being anything is by far a satistical anomaly against the immense empirical data of how normal it is to be nothing.
>>674657 Yeah that's bizzare Just being, is a very weird thing
>>674659 But if something exists then wouldn't something have to be that something and as such there is a large chance you'll be the something
>>674659 i've been reading a lot of zen buddhist stuff lately and i learned that everything actually comes from emptiness and there's no difference between emptiness and form but form is form and emptiness is emptiness
>>674663 don't be silly you don't destroy anything through zen you just sit until you become one with the nothingness it's simple and then when you're done you create everything in the world
alright that sounds a lot like going to sleep sounds great
nah if you sleep or doze off then you're not doing zazen you gotta be in the moment and simultaneously one with emptiness zazen takes EFFORT shinkan taza babey
>>674670 when i was younger i felt like zen was kind of sensationalist and cheap like still offered some functionality on the individual level and social level but really just glossed over all the important stuff like "hey just do the practice even without the foundations or understanding why" i was a practicing mahayana at that time for like six years and took it really seriously though then that thai girl i was dating told me i was a stupid whitey who couldn't understand buddhism anyway and should stop trying so i dunno anymore
i do wanna play but i can't right now! maybe another time?
>>674672 the way suzuki roshi talks about it, you learn the practice first because it's the most important part and how you reach enlightenment he makes a distinction between priests, laymen, and people in between and said that depending on your role, what you need to know is different but there's also the zen concept of kill the buddha which is very much up my alley because it's very individual and about finding my own path
>>674675 I have I think 5 days left on my free Nintendo Online trial. I probably won't renew it after that unless I know I'll be using it consistently, especially since I can't use my American card or convenient store gift cards for it so it'll be a bit annoying to pay.
But yeah I'm off the next... 8 or 7 days, for Super Golden Week.
>>674675 yeah i get that kinda i was only 18 at that time and hadn't come in contact with the origin yet so i still believed in an ordered existence ive since become something more like a modern shaman which sounds chuuni af but i still stand by it but man sometimes i wish i never met that awful bitch
>>674678 please dont hit me I bought it after a party where some girl asked if I had a gf and I throw all the pasta I had by asking the guy next to me if he had a girlfriend then we shared a bro hug. But she brought smash so now I'm playing smash a bit again.
>>674679 yeah that sounded like a weird thing to say i get that buddhism is very asian in terms of the culture embedded in it but there's no reason anyone can't practice it
i tried and started learning thai too so i could use it with her and her family and stuff too she wouldn't help me practice and told me to stop because it's an embarrassment and people will make fun of me for being bad at the language
these are the kind of things i start remembering out of nowhere when im off benzos for this long
my new employer asked when i wanted to start and i said may 13 and they replied saying "can you start may 7th?" why'd you even ask if you already knew when you wanted me to start
luckily it's just four training sessions from the 7th until the 16th and none of them are days i was taking off
>>674691 Yeah he popped in around 02:00 in the morning or so. Seemed aight but busy.
>>674693 Probably something like checking if when they want you meshes well with your situation. Like if you'd said May 24th or something they probably would've gone "Oh, guess we can't have him starting on the 7th".
i dont know what to do does he want me to just leave him alone i can't seem to speak to him without pushing him further away he calls me every once in a while but then just like walks away from the phone at some point and doesnt come back i dunno what these things mean
>>674696 that's just kind of how he is one time we were playing a tabletop game and he said "you're going to the store? take me with you" to someone and he just disappeared without saying anything to us about it if he's calling you he def doesn't want you to leave him alone though!
i feel like i cause him, directly or indirectly, a lot of undue distress i can't do anything and am kind of a useless person i cause worry when im not here, guilt when i am here i spend more time complaining about how things should be than appreciating how things are im kind of an insufferable bitch
Kirara 🍄
i can't speak to some of that but you don't make me feel guilty and i don't think there's anything wrong with complaining you really don't complain that much
there are some people ive reached out to a couple weeks ago to try to make amends on some instances that ive treated them unfairly in the past, really trying to seek some closure on some things that matter/mattered a lot to me if they // even if they weren't okay with making amends or still held it against me i'd probably be okay with that but overwhelmingly it hasn't even been that it's that i don't even have the presence in their life for those misgivings to need closure no particular hostility or avoidance just complete dismissal because it's insignificant entirely and it's stuff that matters a lot to me idk it's got me kinda bent outta shape
It's rare that an emotional dispute is equally balanced on both sides. If anything that's often why it can feel a lot worse than it really is, once one side feels strongly about it and the othe doesn't have that same emotional investment. And then the side that came off feeling strongly about it will hold on longer and will be less likely to have it decay, where as the one that wasn't nearly as invested will probably just forget it was ever a thing in time.
did you ever read that short story, uh guilt gems i think it was
>>674675 oh i forgot to follow up my thought on this yeah my earlier comment was thoughts from a younger me these days im a little more humbled regarding the human role in the process and feel that exposure to the origin, of any variety, begins realignment which i think puts zen in a perspective i was too naive to see it in before rather than arrogantly assuming the conscious identity's intention is the most important thing
in fact, conscious representation and interpretation should inherently include some resistance which sullies that fidelity that's probably the least ideal configuration
>>674709 >>674710 i think i probably would have felt the same as you when i was younger too suzuki talks about it saying it's got formal practice but informal mind, and i think the informal mind is the part i wouldn't have gotten until maybe 2 years ago these days in psychology we talk a lot about mindfulness but that's all just super watered down zen it's trying to be zen without that insight into the origin and without any practice and ultimately it feels dissatisfactory to me
>>674712 fuck im gonna kms myselves if i have to listen to another hokey deepak talk about mindfulness again we should listen to the deepak alphabet of mindfulness on a road trip sometime for some kicks
Kirara 🍄
>>674716 a whole road trip of talking shit non-stop
Kirara 🍄
one of my professors is a leading mindfulness "expert" who has wrote books and numerous articles
but she's the most absent minded person ive ever seen she's the program chair im always complaining about
i remember that alphabet and -- oh wait it's not mindfulness, it's affirmations. deepak chopra's affirmations from a to z and for D he's like "D stands for Divinity in me, today i will remind myself about divinity in me" and its makin me laff god he's so insane
I forgot to plug my phone in for charge this morning before leaving and now I've got 22% to last me until I get home in like four or five hours. Maybe I'll just shut it off entirely to conserve juice while watching the movie.
missed the 1:45 so we're at a 2:35 at a dinky little theater ive never been to there are maybe 5 people in this theater besides us the seats recline though which is nice
>>674752 not being able to change the past. yeah it was really good
>>674753 I think it was a classic closed loop situation
Kirara 🍄
>>674754 so cap just waited around while tons of people died constantly and did nothing because he was with his waifu? it feels out of character. while bucky is being tortured he's at home with his wife not thinking about it just having a good time.
We could probably just do a post-Endgame watching thread. Or well discussion thread. There's a lot of people that have gone and seen it this time around and being able to talk without constantly having to spoiler everything might be nice, especially for mobile posters.
I googled my program chair's name today and Google told me she was 119 years old. Like, she had an info box thing because she's relatively well known as a psychologist and researcher. But they said she was born in 1900. So I emailed her to let her know in case she wanted to change it and her response was kind of weird.
>Well I don’t really need to list my age, maybe a prank >You can check on it for me. >I think I will tell you anything you want to know about me J
Another weird thing that happened today is that I got my freedom of information act request from the FBI back, where I requested copies of all the information they have on me that they can give me.
They said they were unable to find any law enforcement or administrative records of me. But I was a contractor for the FBI for three years. How could they not have any admin records of me? I even checked my own records and pictures and I definitely worked with them. I'm not delusional. So what the hell. Is the FBI gaslighting me?
I guess it's common for them to not purge the records in such a short time if ever too, eh.
I mean, I even presented research at a conference on behalf of the FBI. Research I did for them is used as training documents for their Indian Country division. I don't really get it. An FBI agent taught me to shoot. I've been to an agent's house and met his family. I met the governor of Wyoming at an FBI field office.
unless there was anything about the research or contract that was particularly confidential, i dont think it's under any of the direct exemptions i tried lookin for other federal regulations prohibiting disclosure but that's a lot to pore through and not easy to comprehensively search
as an aside, im supposed to go back to missouri in a few weeks i really really really dont want to i dont feel safe around them i will probably regress a long ways
maybe I should actually review old star wars since I hadn't seen that since I was a toddler
because pod racing episode of campaign would be fun probably
>>674815 to see my psychiatrist i am on michigan health now but i have a lot of anxious reservation about seeking a new psychiatrist out here while having an open appointment most significantly that i think finding a psych that works for you is a big investment and i dont want a new one, but also that looks fishy what if they won't prescribe me my meds. or if they do, what if the pharmacy flags it as two controlled substance prescriptions from psychs in different states looks like im sus af
let me seeeeee 7a 7p tomorrow 7p 7a wednesday night 7a 7p friday
just in case sunday through tuesday 7a to 7p
Kirara 🍄
>>674817 yeah i see what you mean i'm pretty worried about having to find a new psych when i move for my internship in a year i was even thinking that it might be less stressful to fly back here for a weekend every 3 months and see my psych
yeah thats what im doin but since im poor and broke and have no vehicle i have to like have my mom or sister pick me up and stay there for a few days if i tried to just not stay, but just show up for my appointment and leave back home, they'd treat me bad for it if i stay a while, they'll treat me bad regardless idk i dont want any more damage done
Kirara 🍄
>>674823 how about before the game on thursday maybe pan can join us or something and we can watch with voice chat
Yeah something like that would be more than enough. Unless something sudden comes up I probably shouldn't have anything to do Thursday afternoon anyway.
>>674835 cancel my appointment and seek a doc around here i guess i'll have to deal with phone calls then though man it's such a leash to have a family that can just any time they please completely ruin your momentum, mood, and motivation
For some reason, my phone obliterated itself while I was in the movie. When I pulled it out after the credits, I was at 45%, down from 80% when I went in.
>>674841 idk what you mean i would be cancelling the appointment then
Kirara 🍄
>>674844 what if you had another way to get there and a place to stay is what i mean and you didn't have to rely on them
i dont
Kirara 🍄
hypothetically if you did
idk id probably feel terrible about myself for it there's part of me that cares about them and all i just have to remind myself to care about me
Kirara 🍄
what would be worse? feeling bad about lying to them or being with them?
The trailers before Endgame played the more recent Detective Pikachu trailer, the one that features Mewtwo. And with the crazy strong theatre audio I swear the music, before it transitions into I Need A Hero is doing this cool on-and-off mix on the classic Pokémon battle theme.
Kirara 🍄
>>674853 Apparently it's some christian recovering addict organization or something. Every time someone said it, I couldn't stop thinking of that trailer in the theater when I got Jan to laugh just by leaning over and whispering overcomer and I wanted to laugh so hard It was hard to keep my composure
>>674851 This dinky little theater I went to only had like 4 trailers. It was really weird. I saw the Godzilla King of Monsters trailer. I was not really blown away or anything by it.
i keep getting fuckin jeopardy and who wants tuby a millionaire suggestions on youtube like it really thinks i like all game shows no fuck you shitter it's only the pricing games on TPIR this other shit isn't even a game it's just trivia do people not understand im so bewildered
i keep sayin im not interested too i wish youtube had word exclusion preferences like twitter
maybe it's because of how much youtube I watch but my preferences rarely have things outside my interest and when I do it's easy to not-interested them
a more realistic answer is you're not as autsy as me and get existentially agitated by things that dont make sense
my youtube won't stop recommending me Family Guy videos
sorry do you watch them
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I wonder if a certain person still goes to bed to family guy every night is there a japanese equivalent
>>674871 Once It kept showing me them so I gave it one chance It was not very funny I would have taken south park recommendations over this
>>674874 I do like going through the comments on these sorts of things There's something charmingly innocent about seeing people talk about how funny they find this sort of thing
if i take a bunch of benzos i can get enjoyment out of watching it but it's like laughing at the thought of people finding it funny knowing that so many people watched it and enjoyed it and trying to imagine what went through their minds as they were watching it it's so goofy, the show as a production, not its content
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hey kirara
[ ] kuro charm [ ] no kuro charm
Kirara 🍄
i did NG+1 with it and i'll do NG+2 without it
>>674873 you ever just go through comments looking at the cringiest // i gotta go
>>674880 nah the way the game is balanced NG+ is not any harder than NG it's basically the same exact experience without any added difficulty because it's all skill based and you continue to get memories that you can exchange for attack
>>674879 see ya later I do look through them but not specifically for cringe I like seeing comments from like, 2008 And they're cringey, but a more innocent kind of cringe, from before cringe as we know it today
I don't know if I have a client tomorrow morning or not. Technically, I don't. We're putting Psychotic-kun's treatment on hold. So even if he comes, I can't see him. So I really don't have to be there.
But what if he comes and he's being outrageous or something about us refusing to see him and I'm just hanging out at home? But at the same time, it's kind of a pain to go to work if I don't have any clients I can see. What a pain.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
kirara I'm so trash because it's been a while between playing
Kirara 🍄
just get good again
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
nvm I'm a god
>>674882 nah i was gonna say those comments that are trying to like get the top liked comment spot by saying something they think is clever or funny but they try so damn hard and it's still awful i like reading a lot of people's attempts at that it's funny and sometimes i'm amazed at how it got any likes because it's so bad
>>674891 >Like this if you're listening to this song in 2019 xD See this shit on every song on youtube
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ah I got wombo'd by the bull
>>674891 what's the worsr one you've ever soon *seen
I need to stop trying to post between calls
>>674896 How angry? I would never sincerely argue on youtube. It sounds like a waste of time. Like arguing with a brick wall.
>>674892 >got here from ____!!!! those are so obnoxious. ive got some suspicions about it but they're not important i saw one that was like "got here because i searched for the video name in the search bar!!" and it got a bunch of likes i appreciated that, pretty meta
>>674894 for things trying to be funny? not sure i could remember one for lyrics i remember really vividly though someone clearly not an english speaker tried to discern the lyrics to a song and posted it, and it was the top liked commend and made absolutely no sense sometimes i write really angry comments in response to dumb shit
>>674894 it's not arguing with someone. it's putting my input onto the comment into public view so people don't propagate misinformation it was the highlighted comment here in this video, but ik youre on phone so probably dont want to bother with it >>>/watch?v=pysmpw_AqFI oh i can't even post a youtube with highlighed comment, but it's probably the top one anyway this garbage ass attempt is sittin at the top comment and it's emotionally distressing to me so i got angry and flamed it
oh im lookin through comment history yeah i guess i have gotten into a lot of actual serious arguments (discussions) it's all on dota videos though and tryin to explain subtleties people dont get i miss dota
and callin out trash videos from people trying to force their way into popularity people just not knowing wtf theyre talkin about where's pan i wanna know how he's progressed
oh neat tilde remember when i asked you whether "ancient nintendo 64 magazines" should have a comma or not to make sure i wasnt crazy lookin back at it, turns out the video creator listened and removed the comma victory us, yay
im the one with the big muscles your the one with something nabisco na na na nabisco
people keep calling and asking how my day is before immediately swerving into a different topic Why even ask if you're just going to cut off the answer
>>674906 Call center They're all calling me trying to get student welfare
>>674897 I see it Giving Marcin a dislike just for you
is it your birthday or something why are you getting so many calls
>>674915 I actually got lucky with freerolls and did
>due to a passenger on the train at a farther station, we are being delayed Oh boy. >power has been cut off the tracks at that station s we will havee to wait for power to be restored Oh shit. Someone is dead.
The wireless charger works great. Although I think its a little slower than the cable.
>>675024 don't you have all of /moe/ 2.0's archive to scrape? just filter out me and dvice's IPs whoa might be tough he probably changes locations a lot but he also doesn't post as much so maybe you could flag him manually searching for posts that reply to something and call them whoa
Why run StyleGAN when you could run StyleJAN
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
ok maybe i can take this shakespeare text generator and shove some posts in there
what if you trained a bunch of bots with different poster IPs and had them talk to each other in their own board like internet board version of Robot Wars
oh god oh jeez there is so much ML stuff quick call moon
the tutorial so far has given me this output ROMEO: yor I have ruce my exeree The prock death toward My noto is Your rochior kidsten mose, you are dispomation sing, In eees doon so inchingeroal. Froming; therenone Pray is night, Ore did what's usswey sheard dentled For buckly. Buliee, are, Where in what nor here chane a miss hath clied Unout do comm, so dope thy so; I know you shall feal demised, and, ans aniend for our sivile, Rome, and like us reas.
ANTHAND: Comield. He way, lot'
QUEEN: ETenter that strake.
VILANTIN: They makes reventily from deceivime that I know-not justicks. Ho is suff'dly your besite thy asplatio suess claint.
Hah hah that's a dump of barely even words.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
im gonna make it train longer and see and then try the "Advanced Training"
And this is what it means to go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
that output was a level 3 brain prepare yourself for a level 20 brani
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
ROMEO: he is base that I have done, To move a deep estate new widow, nor your soul, And that within nothing in this vile, Having fairly mock'd him and with those that wants, For so did hear the bagis ridgel of your person! how they surery is no worse: Some of you that I may say hath two kiss I not hear him. He did not be and untiled; s, Your brother York, what I have.
ISABELLA: O, good, sir, a goodlies.
PAULINA: I have heard Your middly a perform traison?
LUCENTIO: A gentle on the present, poor Margaret not a man of mine? Doth not thy son shall come bet them may But that a mighty panger, I am a subject so?
POMPEY: Truly, faith, therefore pardon me. I know; Fie, fie, thus take away the gown usurp; An painted clappringuo. We must for I show him, Have had your present death I spoke of,
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Even in your battle, tell those evils; besides, to action much he sought A gentleman, if they bear this sparing streets.
O. good sir, a goodlies!
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
im gonna sell this brain on the dark web
sell my kidney on the dark web and let's buy coke and acid
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
level 5 'advanced' thing actually i think it's the same training method just broken down differently dammit
ROMEO: Percute him, and your mind Than the heaven for the grace bann to bed, Which in thy appasion.
GLOUCESTER: Come, my more! O repolent, And, where they do not you and your Edward out.
DUKE VINCENTIO: But, and to him that my night: Now, my full in my word! what know nance, the name of his life Will be a more and a dear away.
CARTIS: Will you know now it shall be a man my moth.
MERCUTIO: But I'll have dead them be against a will rucks here?
BRUTUS: Being the news dinder abod Pault's dead.
Your his master or his sworn.
Shepherd: They shall pery met us? Therefore porrow that the king make a true and biding leave.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
when i say level 5 i really meant we did 5 training rounds or 'epochs'
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
ok now i gotta go and wrap my head around the theory and what this stuff all means so i can start editing it
Maybe you should wrap your head around your pillow and GET SOME SLEEP
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
go go go go go go sleep? it can't be!!! GO GO GO GO GO GO GO
>>675144 the me of an hour ago would be like wowme2 but the me of right now has sobered up while going to the store and acquiring cancer sticks and energy dranks and embarrassingly forgetting his own fucking birth date when asked by the cashier and having to admit he's wasted and trudging to the shop at 4AM in lounge clothes to get smokes
>>675146 not really this is an average monday here i used to have fun adventures hanging out and smoking crack with homeless niggas i don't know but i'm more responsible now
>>675173 if it does get worse I'll probably die before going to the doctor i cannot afford that shit but it won't because I say so! i probably just need to stop drinking and skipping lunch
>complete a scanning packet last shift because downstairs wont scan >come in today >three packets with my name on them labelled for today i want to die
Kirara 🍄
you can't die before we watch the movie on thursday sorry
>>675203 Don't you have to live a really good life this time in order to get a chance at that or something? I think that's how karma is supposed to work.
>>675213 When I was a manager at an escape room I abused my power to make my subordinate listen to ear licking asmr. He never thanked me for some reason, it may have been a cultural thing since he's from Bulgaria.
we were in philly driving back to our hotel and blue had control of the radio since he had (and bought) the AUX cable so he played this weird japanese hair cutting ASMR and there were like 5 of us in the car, just driving down the highway like "haha what the fuck" feeling weird
Pk had me listen to a couple asmr but they were ear cleaning and it was honestly kind of unpleasant but the person’s bep impression was spot on so I kept going
>>675206 what on earth are those things on his hands
>>675216 most asmr is ment for headphones/earpuds and car stereos henetally being quite low qusöity must have made it extra weird
>>675205 yeah you're right but I want to believe that I'll catch a break in the next like at least I'll probably become like a fuckin moth or some shit and zap myself to death on a bug lamp
>>675227 look it's too fucking late for me to liveal a good life and and you know it and extremely unlikely for it to be long either if I'm around ten years from now i will be fucking surprised even staying sober my body is still fucked up
>>675195 Due to a management disaster at the animation studio the anime only got to its tenth episode before the season it was airing in closed up. So ... whoever cared enough about the show have had to wait all this time to get the resolution, hah hah.
>>675230 you know i believe it's never too late to live a good, happy life and you can have a long life if you choose to you're a lot stronger than you think life is fucked up but you can definitely make it through
and you are a good person too, in my book i don't become friends with just anyone, you know, and especially not best friends
well I've got nothing to lose as long as i pay off the taxes and my credit debt I'm locked in here there's no escape >>675235 there is absolutely a point where you can no longer live a long life
Get an im whoops Get an internship here and bring Jan with you! We've got 7-Elevens here Jan your skills are transferable!
>>675238 Yeah, but you haven't reached that point yet.
Things are just going to stay bad for you if you don't change your environment. You can come with me when I move and send money home to your family. Or your family can come with us! We'll figure something out.
>>675239 you should just move wherever i get an internship Buddy Mansion time
>>675240 with how often I get chest pains and occasionally cough blood i might already be there man not that it will stop me from living if I'm dying things will probably be bad for me wherever i go i think i probably influence everything until it's bad for me somehow I'm not against giving it a shot if anything I could say
you're not cursed to influence things until they're bad you're not just going to make things bad, especially if people are there to help you and we should probably get you a doctor too
>>675244 I'm definitely not cursed because magic isn't fucking real but it feels like i am sometimes giving up is so easy as a concept but I can't bring myself to it either there's not enough juice left in the batteries to do jack right now
Kirara 🍄
>>675247 then recharge your batteries shit sucks man i know life is all kinds of fucked up and it's stupid and it's hard but whatever this is our only shot at being happy. we gotta at least do our best to pursue it if things are unsatisfying we can make changes
If they renamed it The Egg Man then it could be a good movie
Kirara 🍄
eggman origin story where sonic is the antagonist yes please
It has to follow the manga and tell us the story of the benevolent Dr. Kintobor and his tragic fall following an accidental fusion with a literal bad egg during an experiment gone wrong.
Kirara 🍄
There's an emotional scene in the first act where he gives Sonic his shoes and later the emotional climax is when the now-Eggman discovers Sonic is working against him. Eggman is portrayed as a tragic villain, forced into evil by circumstances out of his control
Sonic, now being a speedy boi, thinks that he can just make a quick run to the recycling area last minute to throw away the eggs. The tragic twist is obviously that if Sonic had not been lazy then Dr Kintobor would have never fused with the bad egg.
Kirara 🍄
The real question is do we let Eggman win or does Sonic escape to defeat our egg hero later?
>One day later,[4] Sonic was hanging out in the lab and Kintobor went to fix them some food. Finding only a rotten egg in the fridge (apparently six months old), he went to find some salt only to trip on a cable and slam his hand against the ROCC's control panel. The ROCC which exploded, bathing Kintobor and the egg in chaos energy, transforming the kindly scientist into the megalomaniacal Ivo Robotnik. wait what heh ell
>It was later revealed that Kintobor's accident had in fact been caused by a time-travelling Sonic, who both placed the rotten egg in the fridge and pulled up the cables causing Kintobor to trip into the machine. He did this in order to save the future from the Brotherhood of Metallix, who could only be stopped by Robotnik
Kirara 🍄
He is our tragic antihero
woodpeckers are baaack didn't hear them even once last year
Sonic also Flash Pointed the entire timeline and turned into a homeless beggar after losing a final fight with Post-Flash Point Shadow who took over the world and became King Shadow, only to lose to Knuckle's daughter who had stronger chaos energy. I know a little more lore than I'd like
I'm pretty excited for it. Its going to be so bad. I do think that Carey was unironically the best pick though. Like even if it were a good movie he would've still been the best pick.
the trailer for aladdin remake I saw when watching avengers seemed to portray it as bit decent I mean the charcters looked their part except jaffar he didn't seem 1) threatening 2) malevolent 3) a villain
The Shadow games were suppose to be a series
>>675306 Yeah I don't think anyone else has the talent to do the role and do it over the top, while actually acting good
Sonic's cg is so bad
but sonic looks so bad yeah
It's like the powerglove.
Kirara 🍄
I just don't understand how it happened.
Hopefully in the 2nd sequel Shadow will have better cg
>>675314 yeah the sad thing is this msot likely will sell eough to get a sequel
>>675314 Lol It's not getting a sequel >>675315 You really think so?
Kirara 🍄
i would be very surprised if this hit its box office minimum to break even
I wouldn't be surprised if Eggman carries the movie until Sequel City.
once it's out and it gets memed to hell and back it'll have the illusion of popularity to the point that sony will consider a sequel, thinking the meme popularity will carry it but it'll get cancelled during production
I'm telling you the sonic cg is too pricey for them, this movie is actually an Eggman movie and will feature very little Sonic. Cap this post But only bring it up again if I'm right otherwise del
I am basing it on just brand name power and how movies you think wouldn't get sequels got because they sold well in china or something
Kirara 🍄
sonic is honestly not that popular not anymore
>>675322 I will bring it up to hilight our WRONGNESS
Kirara 🍄
there should be a knuckles movie and at the end when he beats the bad guy he comes to the bad guy's house and just starts flexing his knuckles and raps
Kirara 🍄
symphogear but with knuckles rapping
2 hours of the great emerald's power allowing knuckles to feel
Kirara 🍄
at the end the emerald is smashed but he realizes he can still feel and the real feelings were the friends he made along the way (himself)
They have a really weird law that if any single day is surrounded by 2 holidays, it automatically becomes a holiday. That's what ended up making GW 10 days this year
Take your time you can do it in as many sittings as you need but it's gotta be within 30 minutes heheh good luck
>>675357 it's like jerkin it you can play with it all you want and it all gets stored up in the prostate but if you dont climax within 30 minutes your boner logs off and you have to wait to restart that's how masturbation works right i wouldnt know
>She denies any use of alcohol or drugs stating that she does believe in using substances to get "high". this is a vignette im supposed to rate stuff from or a line from it but ??? the sentence structure is weird it sounds like it's missing a word
oh i missed jammy jan you arent still here are you you know i pulled away from a polyaddiction of alcohol and the strong benzos both fatal withdrawals on their own you're good man we'll get you there sorry im poor and useless
I like that you gotta lotta bodies You a freak but that's all in the past
Kirara 🍄
this certification shit is so abstract that i haven't gotten more than 73% on any of the vignettes it's so bad it's a florida thing, too every other state has a standardized test that replaces this, they all use the same test except for florida which has its own poorly designed test
Kirara 🍄
it's so badly written too >She stated that she has can’t just “sit still” anymore, even though she admitted she used to be able to play game with the kids and liked to relax and watch a few hours of TV when the kids went to sleep.
this guy and his army... I hired them in ebrlin sent against french then against russians then against swedens then against russians and french again and then against spanish then they got to go on a vacation to Georgia, to fight against the spanish there and then they got to fight against the natives who decided "these prussians are wimps and all attacked me" I think I hired him at age 20 or something 50 years of nonstop war and campaigns and my only general who ahs gotten Patriotic sword
since north america is cleared of conflict now, I guess he gets to die there now it will be quite many turns untill I will declare war there on britain
maybe I could wipe out quebec off the map, tho
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
>>675367 sonic’s my name speed’s gin fandango flu;rp
https://samhweb.myflfamilies.com/FARS/fars/FARS%20User%20manual.pdf Yeah. It's really abstract. Medicaid mandates people they cover have a FARS or CFARS done for them or sometimes they'll refuse to pay.
It's an awfully designed assessment and the training for it was even worse.
looks like im not working today i ought to revise my resume or actually before i do that, i need to look into what credentials i can get to put something on my resume i can't afford those expensive certifications that require setting up and scheduling exams but maybe there's something else i can do sooner
what about those japanese h companies that design otokonoko fashion clothing and lingerie how do they hire people to design that stuff
Kirara 🍄
you probably just gotta show them a design portfolio or something i imagine it's pretty similar to other companies
>>675384 i guess second to that i oughtta tailor to info systems probably security is the only applicable thing i see how boring if im gonna go that route i'd rather just break stuff than try to compete with a resume
Kirara 🍄
>>675386 what about otokonoko fashion for info systems
you know, if i kept workin on waifubot i coulda had a finished product a couple years ago prolly the concept and potential application was fun but i didnt want to seriously commit time to a joke given how things turned out though i doubt it'd be just a joke anymore
the term and concept of waifu is really outdated though what do people use these days
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
the security team at my work have a real interesting time
>>675388 waifu is a larval stage of the sex bot arc that has been gestating since the 50s
>>675389 what do they do im tryin to figure out how i can apply my skillset to gainful employment
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
defend the coin hoard against intruders, promote a security-oriented culture so people don't do things like leave their computer around unlocked (you get punished if someone catches you in this lil game thing) and uh security eng work, working w engineers and pen testers, making software that checks if the other software is out of date, etc. it's pretty broad
do they have to talk to people
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i can get one of those cool certificates and i'd imagine i can do pretty meaningful work but i feel like that doesnt mean much. there's literally trillions of people with those certifications that also have experience and networking in the industry and aren't socially eccentric and they can walk
bump, main thread
Kirara 🍄
Why would not being able to walk disqualify you from a tech position? I don't think being socially eccentric does either
it indirectly makes a lot of complications in life doing laundry is an enormous task, especially not having the machines to do so at home what if i dont have appropriate attire sometimes because my dress clothes aren't clean late getting to work because i can't find a ride and can't drive myself since i dont have a vehicle/reliable transportation and it's hard for me to walk to bus stops i have a lot of insecurity about being able to function at a normal capacity. a lot of people don't even realize some of the things they're able to do i would really like to go to the grocery store right now and get oranges, avocados, lettuce, radishes, and other fresh produce since i haven't eaten fruits in days and very few veggies and im feeling noticeably weak, but i can't, and it affects my ability to think clearly
let's not talk about me sorry it's making the board stuffy how is everyone else's day going anyone, uh, had some good food lately
>>675406 would it work if I got another computer and unplugged the harddrive from my current PC and the just changed the BIOS settings to boot up from that would it be like... All my current stuff but with better hardware specs? Or is it more complicated than that?
>level an entire new set of guns >cant dps a suicide bomb with them in spite of this >need shotguns and machine guns which i have not trained this sinking feeling fucking hurts
>>675407 like booting from the same drive on the same OS? yeah sure why not i usually partition that and use a new OS though if im upgrading anyway
>>675409 I kind of have a general idea of what to do but I've never done a Custom Build before so I don't really know what I'm doing. Don't trust myself.
Guess I'll watch a shitload of youtube tutorials
>>675410 Maybe, depends on your windows license (assuming this is windows), most windows licenses are registered to the motherboard so you can't use it with another pc.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Bill Gates you greedy fuck
He hasn't been ceo for over a decade. I think that was started under ballmer. Also holy shit i fucking hate the new Microsoft ceo. I miss balmer. This guy is a moron.
>>675419 the other computer is better than mine in every way. I would only be salvaging it for parts instead of using it outright out of my own sentimental reasons.
>>675421 NNo I mean try putting the harddrive i. It might boot.
Also Found a kick ass pocket square. https://www.etsy.com/listing/113637224/circuit-board-pocket-square-silkscreened
It matches my cufflinks.
I need them for the black tie wedding I'm going to next Saturday.
>>675420 Remember that catboy from Nine Parchments
well, he's awful. he's good but he's terrible
The whole reason there's a staff that gives you HP for damage dealt is because this guy is reckless as hell You can curse someone and if they touch you the curse comes back to you and you're going to die from it unless you can give it to three other enemies
chain letter curses
Sounds the perfect Jan-poi character, hah hah
and I still have no idea where the last feather in the very first stage is.
he has another skill where whenever that enemy gets hurt over the next 10 seconds, everyone heals from it so it's not too bad it just really sucks when everything's dead and I have this curse that gets stronger with every tick. I just need to get a higher level I guess
one of my juvenile clients went on the run with her boyfriend like two weeks ago client is 16, bf is 18 they stole 5 cars because they're fucking morons including an undercover cop's car which almost got them shot
and they didn't even make it out of the state morons
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
i accidentally plugged in my phone with the microusb cable for the wireless charger it turns out it was just a problem with the cable and I didn't need a wireless charger oops
>>675440 Hard baka but kind of an impressive number of cars stolen.
Okay I've exhausted all the good things that I was interested in watching on YouTube. Time to watch this Sonic trailer.
Kirara 🍄
>>675442 all of them were just cars that had the keys left inside them
Is MFD back? That would be great Marsh is a regular again Kokoro and Somewan are popping up again It's like the good old days are coming back Sugoi please come home
192/206 aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh give me niiiiieeerrrrrr
Discord keeps jumping from the monitor I usually keep it on to the other. It's not a big deal but I don't get WHY and that's more annoying than anything.
Ya'll get to here the theme that made me realise my affection is worth nothing in this inmutable world >>>/watch?v=hV-zqJygvwE#t=147 What a fucking amazing map to play. I feel so somber when it queues.
backlash shouldn't be in this game makes all mage enemies a joke
it takes forever but there is something satisfying in bringing your enemy down by debuffing them to heal dispelling all their buffs making all their spells explode to their face and then using "slay living" to finish them off, while reducing theirh ealth with an illusion spell not really useful against many enemies but singularo nes damn those spells are way too powerful for their low level
Skyrim is so full of crazy fucking broken comboes Makes me kinda glad that people still discover crazy ish in the game to this day
>>675524 illusion+stuff is just insane you get so many good spells on so low lvl too bad they aren't useful against say Shoutign enemies or dragons
>>675518 better safe than sorry into my dangerous images folder
>>675524 >need to assassinate someone in public >fury+well of blood+illusionary flames+kill living+wait for one guard to attack them blam
but backlash is just... time it right and whatever spell your enemy is casting blam in their face or buff transfers to you HELL you even steal summons >they have a ward use dispell from illusion or restoration Hell restoration alone has insane spells for undead... >deal 20% dmg or kill undead less than 40% hp when you have aura active
man i am having fun dsicovering the funny spells now that i am lvl50+ plenty of murder already in me so I can play around
well my destruction gets kinda insane my top spell deals 1,5k one handed over 3k over 6k if dual casted no no wait yeah over 6k when dual casted
dual cast bonus, is it 2x or 3x? + 3,5x that damage so a lot not that it actually one hits elite enemies with the mods + legendary anyhow
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh you're doing skyrim
btw can you believe this I played day before yesterday for like 4 hours before I recalled I can conjure skeletons and harvest bodies for skeleton stuff?
Is actually funny, how there are about 2 or 3 quest moments when the game acknowledtes that you have done something I think 2 involve being the archmage of winterhold and the final third one is when you go as dark brotherhood member to the thief guild, post becoming the leader of the guild
if they ever make ES6, I hope they hadd more moments like that and generally more dialog options even if it is just for flavour
I just wish they had a proper fuckin conclusion to the civil war ish because just beeing stormcloaks walking around is no reward at all in any way. Mods prob fix this. But Bethesda, you dropped the ball hard. No ending for Skyrim after 280 hours and 5 years of my save. fuck them.
>>675541 yeah the civil war questline is lamest ofa ll the conflict is small scale the result is lame
doing the peace council is much more amusing
The engine Bethesda has been using the past twelve or so years is really poor for large-scale stuff but they keep trying to make these huge, dramatic games. Like either step up your game or stop trying to convince players that a huge siege of a fort city consists of maybe twenty or thirty soldiers on both sides.
And they're using it for Starbound. Christ, don't make it a Fallout 76. If you fail, you've proven Japanese devs are far, far fucking superior to western devs. Kinda a bit of exaggerating but it'll hold up.
The most annoying thing for me is NO ONE else does the kind of super-specific niche that Elder Scrolls falls into. Like that fantasy life setting in a crafted, non-procedural world. And that alone is enough to make me want to play them even if I have limited optimism for the games. Because that niche is something my heart yearns for HARD.
>>675545 Starbound? Are there two games with that name?
>>675544 someone made a mod to make the civil war epic, but they have a note o nit with like "WARNING YOU WILL REQUIRE LIKE 20 GFORCE TITANS TO RUN THIS"
>>675552 Bethesday is taking their Elder Scrolls/Fallout model to SPACE. They're doing some kind of space take on it. That's all we know about it so far.
>>675548 Well that's what I mean by the engine being poor. Like I have enough respect for the devs that if they COULD make an intense fight with proper armies and the like. But other forces in Bethesda aren't willing to invest in an engine improvement that would allow the developer vision to be fully realized. So they've got to do it halfway.
>>675553 and I bet it will be crap untill 1-2 years later on imperial edition and mods
Bethesda, paradox and CA all relay on MODS, expansions/dlc and fan loyalty for their games to actually work
>log on my cousins Ps4 >already 3 different males messaging her profile within the first 4 minutes of logging on so this is how males are ins 2019 holy lyl
theyve always been that way i mean can't blame em though sometimes you're sittin there online or at a party for like an hour and nobody messages you or talks to you or anything and you just think aww whats wrong with me am i not appealin enough to talk to but then you sometimes get everyone bombarding you as soon as you sign in
Maybe they just wanted to message the girl they slightly liked before messaging the other 14 braindead bitches LMAO
Well when I don't get shit I just hop on my favourite tryhard twitch shooter and talk a lot of shit to both my teammates and my enemies. Super fucking fun jeeze
Sonic hits Iver on upperseally in confusion but only a soft satisfaction.
"Do you mind if I can since I heard about how a Princess Peach encountered." Sonic responded.
Sonic smiled naughtily when his seat as Black Canary start to switch positions. He now only could hear that he can relax and the Hedgehog will I Dragon the way you did with Tekkadan wouldn't had any room before they guessed it. There's all of that's up?" Mario asked.
"I don't mind. It's you, it's boring a faster, how about I brightnize you here is to this city."
"That's right... where you and Lucy is. I made the suggestion me Doon"
"Yeah I sure did and if you insist that you had sex with her and back in and even her inner thighs Sonic, take me insane you've been so intrigue happening and head on back. Sonic took a dlyment and wet time where this is still young. Emma slightly move her hips in motion hombier for 93 minutes and a black kiss which incident wish blue hedgehog, she gave out a small handjob to deepen the kiss getting beginning to review herself from behind loving every moment of it and the true blue himself and Carmelt smile seductive on her volume. Jessie goes up and rapidly thrusts in.
Sonic groan warmmove misses Sonic back and forth and continue to sucked him off and give her chanted his other hand squirms her legs in every moment of ecstasy and excitement in her voice. Sonic begin turning on it how No may made her smiled and breathing heavy in excitement and the same time with Tali to feel extremely good so she was shock by Sonic and drifted off asleep assistant the full bending place to the Black again before laying on his back...
Sonic wrap it around the denk of the bed and pounce on top of Millia.
"Yes... oh Sonic your bitch I am." Retting another girl making her e increase from the maximum cum with her breasts. Sonic deliver a smack onto Yuffie's's face taking it erected. Sonic groaned when he begin thrusting in rapid speed making Black the moment he even undoing and groping
there's not a particularly broad range of voice in erotic fanfiction so it seems like it makes things smooth enough i might suggest trying some cookbooks along that same vein...
could you please remove the indecency on the front page when you have time though please
Jeeze, you would. Like sometime I know when I'm found out but like, I'm on some mission. I can totally assist you with any mission you're on, if you asked. buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut ur busy
My favourite map and I still died like a trashie I need my blood drained it's so embarassing
>>675602 Though I think the Doushio github has the coding algorithm in its stuff? So with modvision and patience you could probably reverse engineer the IPs. Not that you would, but the possibility is there.
first one reduces enemy hit points up to 30% depending on your illusion lvl and enemy lvl second one instantly kills an enemy living being with 25% or less hp and both are fucking apprentice, like lvl 10-15 spells
>>675610 most crypto isn't a one-to-one mapping, but it doesn't need to be to break it it just needs to be sufficiently complex, and most everything are far beyond that
>>675612 We're talking about the ip mnemonic function right?
>>675736 no instead we just killed some Japanese and Italians with America-niisan
>>675729 I can give but I'm not sure you'd like it
>>675742 We killed SOVIETS tons of them more than USA ever did and then we killed lots of our brothers in arms because of soviets at the very fucking least the regiments that drove the germans from lappland weren't veterans seriously... How fucking sad it would have been to have people kill the people who helped us perserve our independence
poor germans
I mean that is wy finland is once again top#1 honour student in EU
We stand with germany
>luther happens We stand with germany >religious wars we stand with germany (protestant) (didn't stop us from raping the other half of germany) >ww1 we stand with germany
I got this 12 inch blade the fact that I can't make my ownn fucking cousin talk to me coherently makes me waqnna SHOVE IT IN
>>675777 Well I noticed that his posture still goes up so I'm assuming that's how it does
>>675785 I really love his entrance I was just walking along and suddenly I see this mofo with a Guts sword and I turn to walk away and there's a fog block "awww shit here we go again"
Mari mari, you'd definitely beat the entire game before me. I don't even have the ish rn, I gave it to my way more twitch reactant nephew. Beat it before me so I don't even have to bother anymore
You would feel it if you were in it, tilde-sama. Maybe this tier of game is only reserved for craxy fucking idiotas like me. heeh
I'm going to be blunt, but sorry, I don't think so. I don't really like FPS games much to begin with and they usually need something other than multiplayer competitiveness to hook me.
OOch like all those 15 year olds fucking destroying you in every department Believe me I attuned to that I got those crazy reflexitive 15 y/o's down to a science
I miss Ace of Spades
>>675816 I'm content to let them destroy me. Or rather let them play their games that they would destroy me in without me.
Instead of these buddhist statues Sekiro should have little tea houses Little respites from the action where you get a nice cup of tea And everyone of them has an old lady drinking tea with some words of wisdom
>>675847 Yeah it is I do like how they have the open balcony for you to push him over if he hasn't destroyed the walls Best encounter in the game so far, great gaijin