I can do as many shows as you can. The list is everything we had left yesterday plus Dororo and ... one other show, shit. Lemme get outta bed lickty split.
i'll do whatever i don't have a shit left to give UNLESS IT'S INCESTUOUS LOLISHIT
Oh yeah thanks Jan the other was RobiHachi.
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Dororo Fairy Gone Fruits Basket Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine Hitoribocchi Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin RobiHachi Shoumetsu Toshi --Episode 2-3
Honestly a robot that can do well in space should be atmosphere-proofed enough to at least not crush this fast in the water.
RIP Hizakuriger
Oh they just fished it out.
It's a pretty fish-dragon-thing.
>Half of it went to paying for the fishing gear >Half of it went to the fishman >Half of it went to fishing the robot out of the ocean Hold the fuck on this doesn't add up.
This is a very silly ED but the two goons actually harmonize ridiculously well.
it took me a bit to get ready cause i tried to log in to xiv to give a friend some monies to buy a music scroll we can play in the house and my computer fucking died
I'm looking forward to meeting the other Soumas again.
All the Souma family members are their own special way of fucked up. Yuki can't get out of his own head and only sees all his actions not as honest but self-serving. Kyo is tempermental and can't trust people well. Kagura is also tempermental but also overbearing to the ones she loves.
This is what I meant by looking forward to seeing the Soumas again. They're a great cast of lunatics.
i'm honestly pretty surprised how good this show is figured it'd be a forgettable shonen but the production value with Ufotable and the plot are pretty damn good
Yeah. The manga is one of Shounen Jump's current mainrunners I think but that's hardly reason to expect good things.
this guy still just makes me think of the ashina samurai guy from sekiro
still haven't learned all the ashina techniques so i'm not sure how his story ends haha
Yeah, he kind of feels like Isshin a fair bit. The tengu mask doesn't help.
>>675044 yeah i didn't really expect much with how plain the adaptation for yakusoku no neverland was but this one is consistently great beyond just the plot
The artstyle for Neverland was kind of unique but not in a particularly great way. But this series has some pretty unique ways of doing hair and eyes and uses a lot of lines of varying thickness to produce good character art.
yeah Neverland had a good style and was pretty close to the mango But I felt like it was kind of inconsistent in quality of animation and resorted to powerpoint mode a lot for scenes that required really good art
Also THIS COLOUR MAN. Wisteria in full bloom is fucking gorgeous.
this show on the other hand looks awesome and beautiful every frame in every scene even flipping frame by frame the scenes look really good based ufotable budget
It's the kind of setting that works a Kajiura Yuki OST really well too.
>>675067 yeah that was the painting i was thinking of but couldn't quite pinpoint the name haha even though I have a print of it hanging in my room i still forget that kind of shit
Tanjirou entered this fight not even knowing he had a personal stake in it but how he gets his chance at VENGEANCE.
I died to owl two or three times and used every single one of my gourd charges and an extra revive the second time and then i killed him on the third try having gotten to his second phase for the first time and only used two gourds feels good man just like this scene FEELS GOOD MAN
>>675079 yeah the characters really stand out i think ufotable is just a blessed studio and should be credited there as well though they even made fuckin fate/stay night's characters have individuality and shit upon a backdrop of washed out blue and grey most of the time
the color schemes of the characters work really well too, they generally all wear unusual colors vs the backdrops and have their own themes with complex attire
Yeah by show I mean the animation side of things. The series as a whole has some great costume design, I really like how the clothes look thick upon the bodies of the characters. But the animation process really ups the game.
the musical segments in this show are so wonderful makes me want to practice guitar more they say i shouldn't do it too much or i'll fuck my hands up though >>675109 >poor more like lucky man >>675106 i expected him to be a one off character who got their ass beat when he showed up haha this show likes to defy expectations though
why doesn't she just sit still and let the AI do the thing though if there's all these little robot appendages closing in why would you want to shift about and get yourself lacerated
I like the parallel storylines of Carole and Tuesday and Angela and them both pursuing music in different ways.
Hah hah hah the Banksy comment was great. I think Kirara, Blue, and I all found it hilarious.
>>675128 I'd expect it, since the one who's used to the street isn't as surprised about anything anymore!
I guess that's fair. And Tuesday is the one that hoofed it from her family's country estate all the way to the big city just to make music. That takes a certain amount of GUTS.
Well I might be around and I might not. I'm looking to watch Endgame with my family on wednesday, it'll probably be earlier in the day though and I'll just stay up from like 1AM for 24+ hours again. Cause I'm a dumb fuck
Yeah I was up like twenty-three or more hours yesterday on three hours sleep hah hah. That's in part why I was so hard out earlier tonight.
No pressure if you're not, I'd be happy to watch a show or two whenever you're next around.