Probably should have mentioned people might be talking about the movie without spoilers here so keep clear if you're wanting to watch it still, hah hah.
Kirara π
true maybe i should make a different thread
>>674760 (OP) This is the man that will inherit America's ass.
Is Lang always that kind of skittery and neurotic? I haven't seen any of the Ant-Man movies before so his character was fresh on me.
Kirara π
yeah lang is exactly like that, all of the time he's a stupid ex-criminal who opened a security business
how are they gonna do the black widow movie
Probably the origin story. Close it on some kind of melancholic retroactive foreshadowing of her character arc through the Avengers movies.
Kirara π
i dunno feels like she really got shafted it was kind of weird
She's kind of just been a side character in pretty much all the movies she's been in. Closest to otherwise was this one and kind of Age of Ultron but not really.
Kirara π
yeah, seriously but even clint got a character arc, kind of Natasha just got sorta in love with hulk and then hulk went to space
And then after the Snap she became the Avengers administrator. Those scenes of her and Capt slumming around the Avengers Institute were pretty good.
Kirara π
yeah, i thought so too but they just didn't feel like they were enough to me especially if they were gonna kill her maybe they'll bring her back though
I was kind of hoping there would be some kind of Soul Stone loophole like giving freely without vainity would escape the rules but I guess that's too hopepunk for the Infinity saga.
Kirara π
yeah but the rules are a soul for a soul cap returned the soul stone allegedly shouldn't he get a soul back?
Maybe he did but didn't know what to do with it hah hah. Like what's a relatively mundane human like him supposed to do with just a soul?
Kirara π
idk haha but maybe black widow will open up with her waking up in some unfamiliar place and having to fight her way back home
Give us the opening plot we thought we were gonna get with Stark and Nebula when instead they just got towed home by Danvers.
Kirara π
that's another thing carol was barely in the movie i mean they explained it away well, they definitely did but i mean did they really need her she felt kind of extra her scenes at the end were absolutely awesome but it's weird that she didn't really offer anything to the plot other than the idea that they could just get the stones and bringing tony and nebula to earth
I feel she was also sold as integral to Endgame and that didn't really feel delivered. Like she's barely even relevant in the Thanos fight, like the part of the battle that is Avengers versus Thanos. Even ANT-MAN was more relevant to the plot than her.
Though it was Regular-Sized-Man as well as Danvers that were sold as extremely relevant to Endgame, so they delivered on half that at least.
I really liked that it was also heavily a classic roster Avengers movie. Like sure Nebula, Rocket, and War Machine were all pretty relevant too but the focus was heavily on the original cast.
And Ant-Man.
Kirara π
yeah and they did a really good job of resolving some of their character arcs although they did bruce's off camera
Yeah it was kind of weird just suddenly having a mildly Hulked out Banner going around like nothing is weird.
I kind of hope this upcoming Hawkeye television series is going to have him and Scarlet Witch going around being buddy cop dynamic.
Kirara π
yeah that would be pretty cool
i was honestly expecting loki and vision to return especially since loki's getting a series
I was thinking it might be in the timeline the Avengers went back and tried to steal the three Stones in Shut The Front Door week. In the aftermath he got free and ran off with the Tesseract.
Kirara π
That's possible, but I can't imagine MCU wants to start parallel universe shenanigans, especially outside the movies. Maybe he'll find a way to the MCU or it'll take place before IW.
Well unless we head way back into the past Loki's schedule is pretty full up. After The Dark World he spends all his time pretending to be Odin until Thor comes for him in Ragnarok, and then Infinity War kicks off literally the second Ragnarok ends.
>>674779 I'm assuming that she'll get lots of time in future movies so they probably wanted to prioritise time on the retiring cast These movies have huge casts as is and it's a wonder they're able to wrap up so many character arcs
>>674781 It's weird how Infinity War ends specifically with a teaser for her and then that goes nowhere I really liked Antman in this though. I
I really like how Gandora's death negation was handled, it was a good way of bringing her back without breaking established concepts.
Plus Asgardians of the Galaxy confirmed for Vol.3?
Kirara π
gamora you mean? gandora is a character in a whole different thing haha
yeah i hope GotG3 will be good but honestly i wouldn't really want thor to be a regular with GotG
Oh yeah whoops names are hard.
Best HYPE moment was probably Capt finally being WORTHY though. The portals were great but Hammer and Shield was great.
Kirara π
omg when he got that hammer it was sooooooooooooooooo good that slow mo or freeze frame sort of thing they did when he grabbed it and was about to hit the ground the first time with it was amazing BUT HE LEFT THE HAMMER IN THE PAST
He was just returning it to where it properly belongs! Which sure yeah according to the Banner Hypothesis is wholly unnecessary unless you care about the well-being of this timeline you'll likely never have to interact with again.
But Tilda Swinton did a good job of making them empathetic for these other timelines.
Kirara π
yeah true
oh remember when star lord was dancing and they took the music out that was hilarious
There was a lot of comedic tone in the movie, I was kind of surprised. Like sure it's a super hero comic book movie but it's also the Avengers' darkest hour.
Kirara π
Yeah, I was kind of surprised too. I felt there were times when it seemed really out of place. I mean, there's finding humor in a dark place to help yourself get through things, but some of the jokes were delivered really humorously
Kirara π
rocket was actually pretty serious throughout the movie i was surprised honestly he's such a softie
He had Quinn, Gamora, Drax, and Mantis get dusted, and Groot dusted right in front of his eyes. I guess losing your whole family like that is enough to take the fluff out of anyone's tail.
Kirara π
Yeah, def.
Also, did everyone who came back come back exactly where they were when they died? because uhh i hope no asgardians got dusted while in space
By Parker's account that seems to be what happened. That said though, the un-Snap does seem to have a bit of a smartness to it. After all Peter and Strange reappeared on the planet despite the fact that it was almost certainly not in the same there Er, same three-dimensional coordinates it was at when they turned to dust. So the Asgardians probably just un-dusted in the same spots they were in within the frame of reference of their spaceship.
Kirara π
it's probably really weird living in the world after the un-Snap >man i had to live 5 years without my best friend and now they're back and they haven't aged now i have to deal with all this trauma and my friends can't understand because them dying is what traumatized me
Or you get stuff kind Lang's daughter all grown up while he spent five minutes in the Quantum Realm.
Kirara π
lang's experience is probably similar to everyone who got dusted for them it was just a few minutes
>>674864 Spending five years getting over your dead hysband or wife and finding new love and suddenly your old one comes back must be awkward
Imagine the logistical nightmare of feeding all those new people and housing them
>>674868 >I guess with all these dead criminals we can tear down half the prisons >suddenly they all come back at once
Kirara π
Kirara π
honestly that final battle where they were playing keep away with the gauntlet did a really good job at building tension it was really cool
but thanos seemed like he was way stronger maybe it's because the avengers just got blown up
Kirara π
what did you guys think of fat thor i didn't think it looked that bad but ive seen people complaining that it looked like a bad fat suit for a week
I liked him He failed the most important task of his entire life so it's understandable that he let himself go I kind of wish he got out of it a bit sooner though. Like in Asgard when it was time to get down to business it was time for him to shape up and he just wouldn't
Didn't even mind the Fortnite joke
Kirara π
yeah i didn't think it was bad i thought it was weird that they left him fat the entire movie idk i thought he'd like magic himself back or there'd be a timeskip and he'd be back to normal or something
probs gonna watch this on Wednesday if the tickets ain't sold out hope it's good
>>674976 >gets an arm from wakanda >it os just an arm
Kirara π
i mean it's made of vibranium, isn't it? so idk maybe he's using it to help with recoil or something
bump, thread for end game
One thing I was wondering is if we might see more of old Capt around. Especially since the administrator position at the Avengers Institute is now open ;_;
Kirara π
imagine being on some planet without alien contact or tech like our earth and suddenly one day half of everyone just disappears and then 5 years later everyone just randomly comes back that'd be even more fucked up than knowing thanos did it
>>675472 i wonder if fury is gonna rope spidey into it
It's the kind of thing you make a myth or religion out of.
>>675491 I think Spidey's still too young for administrator work. But I'm kind of getting a feeling they might set him up to inherit Capt's leadership role in the Avengers. Especially since he's got the first post-Endgame movie.
Kirara π
that flash thomson comment about mysterio being like thor+iron man seems a lot more fucked up after endgame poor peter
>>675493 yeah either that or carol will for a while
I'm looking forwards to hopefully getting more Danvers/Fury buddy-cop action in the next Captain Marvel movie. That was some of the best stuff out of the movie and apparently Larson and Jackson hit it off really well while producing it. Which might have been why he was a part of the movie she directed that came out shortly after.
Kirara π
i want to see more peter and carol
Kirara π
also i was really annoyed they didn't do anything gay with Valkyrie they made a big stink about how she's bi even though they never show it in the movies then they make a big stink about how they have the first openly gay character in endgame but it's a tiny bit part if you have this bi character why don't you just go through with it and have her simply say she's attracted to another girl or something like you don't even have to go all out
Just have Danvers or someone do something bad-ass infront of her and have Valkyrie give an "That's hot" smirk or something. Even that would be nice.
The bit with the gay guy was a well-done part at least. Like the conversation was natural and it didn't feel like a spotlight shining down on TOKEN GAY MALE. But doing stuff like that is always the thing that people who both want and don't want more representation like it are going to make a bunch of noise about.
There was that really on-the-nose bit during the big fight when all the female heroes came to Danvers (and Peter's) rescue that was excessively blatant, hah hah. It was still cool but man it had the transparency of a sack of bricks.
Kirara π
yeah it was really blatant they could have done it a little more subtly especially after they just killed off the only real female character that was in more than 2 movies
>>675499 I thought that part was weird You don't get to pretend you're all about girl power when the majority of your movie is just men doing everything Can't have that cake and eat it too
>>675498 I liked how casual he was in that scene. It was just a normal conversation about his boyfriend and no one needed to highlight it. Steve affirms it in a way that's really positive but natural and organic.
Kirara π
Starlord seemed surprisingly eager to leave earth now that i think about it I wonder if he picked up some new music
It's not like he's really got anything left on Earth to stick around for though. GotG started off with his mom dying and it kind of struck me that he wasn't particularly attached to anything else. And then he's spent the rest of his 20-25 years out in space.
Oh yeah another thought for the future. Tilda Swinton made a big fuss about not having the Time Stone because it's crucial to keeping the forces of darkness or whatever from invading the mundane world. But at the end of Endgame Strange's Time Stone is still atomized by Thanos and the one Hulk got from Tilda has been properly returned. So ... uh.
Kirara π
Yeah, apparently she was basically using the time stone to predict and stop interdimensional catastrophes But maybe Strange can figure something else out, or it might be harder to deal with them, but it's probably okay.
What interested me is that when she finds out Strange gave up the time stone, Hulk is like "maybe he made a mistake" and Tilda says "or I did."
did she mean a mistake in attributing importance to the stone? or a mistake in choosing Strange as her successor?
>>676152 Sequel setup right there The "The New Avengers" movie will be about stopping interdimensional chaos demons and saving the timeline
Kirara π
strange gave up the time stone knowing it would probably be destroyed, after all if he thought the world would end without it either way, there wouldn't have been much of a point it'd be thanos or something else that inevitably destroys everything strange must believe he can still protect the Earth most of his magic isn't based in the time stone anyway
Maybe they just needed it for Stranges movie that took place after the New York battle
>>676163 Well we as the viewers know he (probably?) didn't make a mistake because it was all part of the keikaku he foresaw. He had to give up the Time Stone likely because the only other causal routes were ones in which Tony dies fighting Thanos in Infinity War. Without Tony's brain they probably never succeed in reliable time travel and Endgame can't come to fruition.
I'm pretty sure Tilda makes it clear in Doctor Strange that she can't see past the point of her own death so she's not seeing all the reasons Strange gives up the Time Stone. And for someone who has pretty much always been able to look into the future and prepare for it, it must hit particularly hard to be so confused as to why Strange just gives it up. Plus Hulk had no idea of why Strange would have either so both of them are confused in the moment.
>>676165 Yeah it's always seemed a little strange that so much value has been put on defending the Time Stone when it's barely even relevant to Strange's identity. I mean aside from the fact that it's the Time Stone hah hah. Plus he's now got connections to a wider superhero organization so maybe that gives him hope for not having to rely on the Time Stone. Though Strange is kind of a pretty cynical hero and that feels like a bit of a stretch for his personality.
Kirara π
why couldn't she see whether hulk brings the stone back to her or not?
Yeah I don't know if I've got something for that. Time travel plots are super finicky and fall apart generally if you look too closely.
My best guess is that if she looks into the future she doesn't see Hulk returning the Time Stone to her because it won't happen until he does it in the future ... if that makes sense?
Kirara π
>>676167 My impression is that Tilda wanted to protect the time stone so badly because 1) it's extremely powerful and in the wrong hands, could spell doom 2) because it's tradition and 3) because she's afraid of thanos who she seems to know exists even though she can't see past her death to know about the snap I think Strange has the same reasons, but /// and he seemed to know who Thanos was in IW but was surprised to hear that Thanos had a few of the Infinity Stones, which means he doesn't use the Eye like Tilda does to constantly predict the future. However, at the same time, Strange is able to monitor stuff enough that he immediately knew Loki and Thor came to Earth and knew where Odin was. I think Strange just might not think the eye is as important as Tilda did, probably because he doesn't actually care about tradition as much and is a maverick. Strange might actually be relieved that the stone has been destroyed because it means it can't be used for evil, and he doesn't seem to need it to monitor the situation on earth.
>>676169 Yeah, that could be. It could also be that there were still many endings where Thanos won so Hulk's return was tenuous or it could be that she can't see things from outside her timeline (but was able to know what Hulk was doing there because she has so much information about potentialities in general)
Side note I was also just really happy to see Tilda Swinton back for Endgame. She really rocked the role of the previous Sorceror Supreme and having her back was fun.
Kirara π
It was cool to see so many characters I never thought I'd see again.
I wonder what's gonna happen to everyone, though. Like, will we ever see them again? I have a feeling Tilda will be in Strange 2 in some capacity.
Yeah I could see her Force Ghosting her way in or being a voice of conscious for Strange or the sorceror on the rampage.
Kirara π
She'll probably be in the What If? show on Disney+ for at least one episode, too
Kirara π >On Thursday, Iger revealed that the opening episode of the βWhat Ifβ TV show will see Peggy Carter transformed by super serum into the first Captain America. In this new timeline, Steve Rogers retained his poor physical condition, but became the first Iron Man, courtesy of a suit of armour created by Howard Stark. all kinds of cool things are gonna happem
I hope that's a kind of retro-futurism Iron Man design out of Papa Stark.
Kirara π
If you've ever seen Iron Man Noir which takes place alongside Spider-man Noir in the 30s/40s, that suit looks like this. I imagine it'll be somewhere between the two suits.
Yeah that's pretty close to what I was picturing. Maybe a bit more in the colour scheme of the typical Iron-Man but the design is pretty close.
Kirara π
Might be camo. Peggy will probably end up regulated to sideshow at first like Steve was, but the only reason steve would get an iron man suit would be for combat so he might just go straight into combat in that or i guess it could be red/white/blue if they want to be funny
Kirara π
iron patriot is a thing in the comics after all although it's actually green goblin norman
So if the Snap "tore a hole in dimensions" and now there's other people from other Earths in the picture, is this the kind of world overwrite or whatever people were expecting to help them merge in the mutant-filled worlds of the X-Men and Fantastic Four (and maybe Deadpool?) into the MCU?
I was also under the impression a lot of Mysterio's powers were more or less stage illusions but the trailer really has him looking kind of superhuman. But maybe his Earth was way more advanced and sufficiently advanced technology etc.
speaking of "next iron man" if they are going to do an armored avenger in the future, while keepign the "main storyline" continuing I hope they use tony's daughter
She'll probably be relevant if the MCU endures but she is like ... four years old in Endgame. Even optimistically there'll have to be like thirteen or fourteen years of in-universe time passing before she's a hero.
btw I completely forgot the paint job they did to MJ in the new spiderman movies
come on...
>>679882 maybe there will be once they finish off with the rest of phase 4 wrapping up thor and hulk, whatever plans they have for bp2 and strange 2 and you know spiderman as a character is still poplar in his 20s in comic books so why not age peter up too?
Well Hawkeye's television series will have him passing the torch on to someone else. Which might be his daughter but I saw some chatter that she might pick up a different hero's name, one that's historically been a female hero.
but seriously black haired hispanic or something MJ... come on
>>679885 That is kinda what endgame bit teased, but it was more father-daughter bonding there
>>679885 hawkgirl doesn't sound badass and hawkwoman... and using your father's nam would just be dull
It's not "hawk" related I just can't remember the name I saw them talking about off the top of my head.
Oh shit I just got to the multiverse part also I think that elemental demon is a buffed up Sandman
or just a buffed up illusion of mysterio
cause come on he can't be a good guy
It could be that the multiverse opening up is true but Mysterio is lying his ass off and this is all just him taking advantage of the situation to become a beloved hero with Spider-Man's blessing.
That is what he does manipulates and lies
But the multiverse sure opens up possibilites how to bring in say fantastic four or mutants in
Makes you also think did other worlds also have their Snap event?
cause there iso ne issue with "the snap tore holes in our reality" Infinity stones/gems don't work outside of their own realitty that is their absolute limit they can't ever affect other realities and taken outside of their own, they stop working
Well tearing a hole in our reality would be them working at the absolute limit of their power still. If you pop a balloon from inside the balloon you're still popping it from within the limit of the balloon even if there's now a hole from the inside of the balloon to the outside.
also I'd guess that DESTROYING THE STONES is actually more of a reality breaking event than the snap
>>679895 mm, but it does then basically presume there is no "void" between universes
No, it just means the higher-dimensional structure of a multiverse is more complex than a balloon analogy can visualize hah hah.
but bit kinda dreading MCU tryin to reboot FF they just never have worked on screen so far ever at all
also what are FF without their main villains, you will then have to bring atlest Victor Van Doom to the world
Maybe they
Actually that would be a clever way of doing it Doom breaches into "main reality" and FF follows jump into action just briefly have them tell their story or whatever sameway they skipped spiderman origin and so on we KNOW the basic shit *shtick no need to once again portray it
You know what would actually be a fun next big event to build towards if they are goign to Secret Wars
Drop a few hints here and there and then finally just do it and have a good big royal rubmle of heroes and villains and if they use someone like beyonder, they can even bring dead ones back like Ultron