>>671610 War of the Spark has a lot of interesting cards, though. It's really weird. Someone I know via Twitter is really into MtG and posts every card as it gets leaked and talks /// leaked or previewed and talks about it, so I've been paying attention. It looks like an interesting set.
>>671613 it's 24 minutes long let's do it before you go to bed >>671614 hey happy easter would you like to join us i think jammy would enjoy it too where is he
we're watching an easter video do you have 30-ish minutes
Sure, I can watch some fin.
I am good 2 go
>>>/watch?v=UBPHFD_SUDc here is the link bring it up in another window or whatever you gotta do to prep, this will be the orange post oh yeah we could use synctube hold up
https://cytu.be/r/domoe here i made a channel register an account to use the chat i think, maybe it works as guest idk but it's real quick to register, no verification link i'll start it when i see us all in there
sorry refresh i registered the channel is renedesu jan or someone else anyone's welcome
i found that video over a decade ago in school while searching for how big can a fish be before a cat cant carry it im grateful japan is ahead of the curve on solving these important questions the original is down but thankfully it was reuploaded to youtube
>>671653 I wouldn't recognise him if I saw him but at least I'd think the average person would know the name It's a name that's been very widely marketed and it's quite memorable
>>671655 Yeah really I don't think he has a particularly distinctive face and I'm not into skateboarding
>>671657 >Oh wow Maria it's been so long I haven't seen you since highschool how you doing it's been ages >ah yeah I remember, uhhhh, you, yeah you, that guy
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>671654 >I wouldn't recognise him if I saw him Wait really?
Some people are just bad at faces of people they don't know. I don't think it's particularly weird.
I'm good with faces but I'm awful with names, hah hah. There was someone at the party who after an hour or two after they arrived I kept glancing at knowing I knew the face but couldn't place them. It was someone like two years my senior from highschool - which makes sense since the party I was at last night was hosted by someone from the same grade as that person I couldn't place! But it took me a fair while to remember where and who'd I'd seen that face on last.
Oh yeah I remember that. Weaponizing fireworks is a kind of funny concept. Really shouldn't do it though, those can actually hurt a fair bit on impact.
>>671659 I dunno, maybe? If it was bothering them they should have brought it up! I don't think I look too much different from when I was in high school but maybe they weren't good with faces in the way I am. So I'm guessing they've just forgotten me in the near-decade since I last saw them. Not that I think they should, hah hah. That's a long time to remember people for.
Giving someone five dollars ironically is kind of weird. They asked me to sing a song, too. The theme song to Arthur. I made a joke saying I'd sing songs for people but I didn't think anyone would actually send me money for it.
Reduced the Posture damage dealt by the first hit of the Combat Arts "Senpou Leaping Kicks" and "High Monk" as it was causing more damage than intended in certain cases. Posture damage dealt in the latter-half of the combo has been increased.
Increased the Poison build-up dealt by the Prosthetic Tool "Sabimaru" against enemies that were intended to be weak against it.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
can't wait for the endgame combat arts to actually be viable sso i can use them against bosses
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>Fixed certain bugs that were allowing the player to access unexpected areas, which could result in becoming unable to obtain items or make further progress. i bet they fixed the wall bugs that allowed the any% speedrunners to skip most of the game
I found a cute manga. https://mangadex.org/title/36270/the-dragon-and-the-dragon-slayer-priestess
I'm sure some runners, especially glitchless will use the new one. People will confirm or deny if the glitches that allow for big skips are fixed and either find new ones or make due.
But the Any% will probably still use the original.
Now if they manage to introduce new glitches that'd be funny.
Do you think it's always going to be possible to download anime? I'm thinking about filling up a hard drive with dozens and dozens of backlogged series just it can something ever HAPPENS
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
like 90% of shows disappeared when nyaa died outside of private trackers def a good idea to stock up
>>671867 Well no, eventually the Earth is going to be consumed by our expanding sun and by that point there probably won't be any infrastructure to download anime on.
On the smaller scale though I do think as long as anime is a popular media there'll be ways to download it. Torrenting and XDCC definitely make things super easy but even just the act of streaming a show from Crunchyroll is still downloading it. Steam being a super easy way to legally obtain games didn't outright kill piracy, so even if there develops an even smoother streaming experience than Netflix or Crunchyroll people will always find means to acquire the content illegally. So I think as long as anime is popular you'll always be able to download it.
Now you won't be able to download every thing that ever aired but there's no reason getting torn up over that. No single human bean can partake in every piece of created media, we literally don't have enough time in our lives to do that.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
we gotta send anime out into the stars
>>671869 just move the anime somewhere else in space
>>671870 >Earth becomes to alien civilizations what that weird annoying weeaboo with its anime recommendations is to normal people
>>671868 >>671869 oh no CONFLICTING OPINIONS somebody else weigh in to tip the scales
Kirara and my statements don't really conflict. He's right that when Nyaa had its roadbumps after being shut down a lot of the content on it disappeared and didn't come back just because they instated two new Nyaas. But that's still just torrenting which, while it feels like the main way to acquire unpaid for anime content, isn't even the only way right now and will likely be replaced by a better method in the future.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>671872 >creates a race of weeb aliens who come to visit us
>>671874 Mate, this is about IMMEDIATE AND PRACTICAL ACTION either I should be stockpiling anime or it's not worth my time.
Nothing's worth your time because time don't real so you don't have any to begin with. That said if you want to stockpile anime because you want it you should go for it.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
someday anime will be used as currency better stock up
I also really like that they didn't just go "Hey let's play nostalgia and only have Pokemon from Gen I and maybe II" and instead went "Let's just DUMP THEM ALL INTO THE MOVIE HEYO".
When you've got some kind of coloured candy, like M&Ms for example, do you end up eating all the colours in a kind of order or do you just grab whatever colour your hand happens to land on?
>>671884 And then your power goes out and it becomes a dramatic action epic for you to recover means of stable electricity so you can get back to watching your anime.
I think a lot of them look kind of cute or cool though.
yeah but they are the ANIMALS of that world
Pokemon exist in a weird state between animal and people though. Like some even possess a consciousness or awareness on the same level or even beyond humans. And even the ones that don't pretty much all function on a level of mental fortitude that's more than you can expect from most animals in our reality.
Hell if the anime is canon ALL Pokemon can understand eachother's barbar-ing, and Team Rocket's Meowth learned how to speak people not through being a freak but through determination, so Meowths at least have sufficient intelligence for complex language, something that no animal on Earth can really replicate, not even the kinds of parrots that are intelligent enough to learn some human words.
>>671893 Didn't it take up a move slot? I'm like 90% sure that him being able to talk replaced payday because there was an episode where he had to throw James's bottle cap collection at people in order to pretend he could do payday.
when I was at the Aconcagua base camp some of the local kitchen staff were watching Lain on a phone I know it was Lain because I heard the >PRESENT DAY PRESENT TIME
Actually there was a lot of weeb shit in Argentina in general
There's a bit of Japanese emmigration to parts of South America. Or was in the past, I'm not certain of the current state of things. Wouldn't surprise me if that set up avenues for anime to catch fire easier in South America.
I aim for 8. I usually get 7, though, on average. I give myself enough time sleep 9 hours, but I usually only get about 7.
I feel like shit if I get fewer than 6 hours. I can do 5 hours once, but if I do 5 hours followed by 6, I feel like shit. If I only get 6 for a few days in a row, I feel like shit.
amusingly, when I keep a steady sleep pattern, I start sleeping less and less and less untill I hit "slept too little" and then sleep too much the next day and then it resets
>>671925 I feel best rested, at least on waking up, if I get 4.5 or 6 hours. If I go for longer 1.5 cycles I start to get groggy and fog-brained when waking up. Unless I'm like beyond physically tired or sick, but that's abnormal conditions anyway.
>>671943 The ENG ver came out today. I wanted to play the JP ver but you needed a VPN and I don't have one set up on my phone. I didn't expect it to have a ENG release so soon.
so a custom build monk with a different name what the hell did I initially type there... shouldn't have erased it looked like a s that ate o and transformed into a p where theh ell did that letter come from
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i think there's a cowboy themed school in this game??????????????? omg
>>671977 Wow so a mobage finally went "People are going to do this irregardless of how stupidly difficult we make it why don't we just ... let them do it?"
I've never seen so much production value in a mobage before. The starter achievement thing, every time you get a new one, Karen says "Nice! Eight more to go!" and then "Wow, only seven left!" It seems like every character card has like 4-5 idle lines, too. It must have cost so much to record all of these lines! Especially since the girls are also still doing their live plays,
>>672016 It's basically a turn based RPG. Each character has a few different attacks they can do, and you get randomly dealt 5 attacks from the entire pool of your party's possible attacks. Well, I should say actions, not attacks, because some of them are putting up barriers or healing.
tokyo one would allow for better leave, tho okinawa would allow to enjoy island paradise and prolly get you some nice stories from /about the misbehaving marines
My nuclear sub friend is stationed at the Tokyo one. Err, near Tokyo. Probably not the same one you'd be at.
yeah navy gets japan pretty easy >>672047 i can technically go to any base but id most likely be at the air force one cause they dont really have a medic job air force and marines dont
Wow, the versus is really quick! It's kind of hectic trying to make sure you do the right moves. I managed to win my first fight really dramatically, though!
>>672082 Gotta punish those nerds who think they can safely set up on my swampert
isn't there a move that steals buffs?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
snatch kind of psych up copies, snatch will take your opponent's move if it's a status move Uh there's also the new signature move of Marshadow that does legitimately steal buffs.
Spectral Thief does damage. If successful, it also steals the target's stat boosts (if any) right before doing damage. Spectral Thief bypasses substitutes.
Spectral Thief will only steal enough boosts to reach +6 stages in each stat; if the sum of the user's existing stat boosts and the target's stat boosts exceeds +6 in a stat, the target will retain any excess boosts. If the user has the Ability Simple, then the stolen stat boosts will be doubled; if the user has the Ability Contrary, then the stat boosts will be inverted. jebas
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>672085 Is Marshadow a dark type marshmallow Pokemon?
>>672104 no can do chief he's nice and won't stop fucking hitting me up plus he turned 21 recently and i'm tryna steer him away from alcoholism he's // well he was drinking like every day until i talked to him
I fuckin hate holidays everything is jammed packed for no reason shops are busy as hell and everything's booked out double demerits so you have to watch out for cops they had it for monday, not today and then it goes on again from wednesday to sunday why even bother
>everyone takes leave in the days after the holiday >except for me and like ten other people Boy thanks for the call volumes guys
>>672123 Yeah it really sucks about shops I'd fucking hate to be working retail before Christmas
>>672126 do the calls fluctuate in amount around the holidays
>>672145 They tend to increase a lot just after a holiday, and decrease a lot just beforehand A lot of calls are asking things like "where's my payment" since we change the payment days around public holidays. Around Christmas it's actually quite peaceful, which isn't necessarily a good thing since that's when people should be getting their loan and allowance applications sorted.
Are the roads worse around Christmas? Do you get tighter delivery schedules?
>>>/@maxformillions/1119735663824236544 >>672147 huh, how about that odd that it doesn't change for christmas I guess so most of my work blends together to me except the really bad fuckin days
>>672150 in the week leading up to Christmas you can go without receiving a call for around twenty minutes or so. Very comfy time, can read manga at work. But in January and February the call volumes shoot up from people panicking over their applications
What makes one day on the road worse than another?
>>672159 It's a big thing to worry about. Getting in applications early means you get to skip processing ques. For a lot of people allowances are what they live off of.
How can they send you for aa loop? It should just be drive one from supplier to store right? How can they mess that up
>>>/@tsundere_asuka/1120453457700376577 >>672155 I guess people just don't have the foresight because they're too busy worrying about a million other fuckin things, where even easter is a lot simpler compared to Christmas
usually it's not the road that's not the problem it's all the fuckups that come with the run that are the problem the two worst runs I've had were at another store where I have no idea how things work I mean I barely maintain the job I have at the store I currently work at but this one just sends me for a loop where I end up hours late to the end window
SAYONARA BYE BYE FFFFFUCK im so in debt goddamn why is it so expensive to live in this shit ass fucking hood why do the schools want almost six grand from my family for THIS CRAP THREE PEOPLE DIED IN THE LAST TWO WEEKS here fucking shit ass society because tourism brings sports dollars they think the property heres worth that much more fucking BULL SHIT BULL FUCKING SHIT THIS WHOLE SYSTEM IS FUCKED WE SHOULD BURN IT DOWN
>>672155 idek as you can I'm somehow a super fuckup at work can tell that store is really lax with the way they do things I think stuff like mixing up order stacks so you have to sort through orders to match them up I guess their drivers cope with it but I can't
>>672218 i already figured it out i just have to work at least 45 hours a week for uhhhhhh 4 montsh then i can pay it off if i can get them to like backpedal on the lawsuit against my family's property for outstanding taxes and then i'll still owe about 1.5k in credit debt but i wont be homeleszs HNNNG i should stop buying cigs and food at work thatll make this more feasible hmm
Do you cook at home often? That can be a good way to save money.
>>672241 pretty much for lunch/dinner i cook my own foods because i eat at a fucked up schedule based on when i'm at work and when i'm at home i dont' usually cook breakfast because i spend the half hour preparing to go to work by trying to wake up enough to not get run the fuck over when crossing the freeway and getting dressed/showering or what ever
>>672250 bitch you didn't hug me in philly or did you idk i was drunk almost the entire time fuckin shit
none of this is really as serious as it probably sounds i'm just INEBRIATED to the point i feel like whining about my fucking problems it takes a little bit to get here but i'm there
>>672262 i always do my best but my best is just not enough i'm so fuckin bad at life why did i get born into this modern world i'm not fucking GOOD ENOUGH FUCK
what little i've seen of his sport has been pretty cool yeah but i don't understand skating enough to really appreciate it i think i appreciate bmx and stuff more having ridden a bike and dirtbike i don't really understand things until i've done them myself just like i don't understand feelings i don't feel i only know what i know
yeah neither But I can still see him do a full loop and think damn that's sick
Have you ever tried riding a skateboard just once? You wobble about and it's very hard to keep a balance. So the difference between beginners and pros is crazy
BMX is really cool too but I bet it hurts your ass
>>672276 not even once honestly i never got one because my parents figured my neighborhood's sidewalks and roads were too fucked to be skater friendly and i already wiped and hurt myself too much on the bike i guess there's not a skate park near where i live or anything
i'm sure i could figure it out if i practiced but i probably won't ever try it
biking in general gives your butt the hurt even with a good seat or custom seat its a lot of repetitive impact
>>672279 just build dummy thicc cheeks for cushioning
I don't think kids have the balance to appreciate skateboarding. I wouldn't do it around here because there'd be too many sticks and rocks on the footpaths.
Bring back rollerblading, rollerblading is so cool
I keep getting nominated for student senate, every year, despite the fact that I never accept and nobody even tells me they're going to nominate me. I wonder if the person doing it thinks it's funny or if they actually think I would be effective there.
>>672293 My impression is that I just have to show up and help plan events and vote on those events. I don't think there's even any spending power. I've been trying to find out for a few years and nobody ever tells me, though.
i hope geanblue gives us double arcatix for golden week im very close to getting nier
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
blue geans
im also not the first eop to get Nier and that’s a problem
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
why is that a problem
Because I cant just act all nier crazy and not be one of the first
>>672312 Are you not that kind of person anymore? I've always thought you were a great person, but it seems like you've only become a better one in the five or so years I've known you.
>>672313 So, why'd you get mad enough to hit the tree? Did something happen?
Maybe I am. But I feel like the one person I failed was myself and it's hard to tell the old me that I've become a better person. I'm sure young me would much rather be having more fun right now. But I guess he just didn't know ~the value of a dollar~ yet.
The young you wasn't and isn't you. Maybe the person who existed in your place all those years ago would rather be having fun right now, but they're not here right now, so no matter what they want, they can't have it. But you're here right now, so you have to do what you want. Are you unhappy? If you're unhappy, why don't you do something about that?
I think she fell asleep. She was drinking. I used to call this person back when Skype had free calling to Canada. Those were some of the best times. The internet frontier. Creating connections with people I'd never be able to find around me in a way that I couldn't with anyone in range. One of my actual first internet friends. Life feels so long.
I remember back then, I was her big brother. And I screened all her boyfriends. Am I getting sentimental at 7 in the morning? Maybe I am unhappy. I know I was happy when she said hi though.
>>672323 See, I'm trying to be serious and not quip this one but I can't not quip this one because the only time I feel fulfilled is when I sing the Carole & Tuesday ED.
>>672344 So did something happen, after all? Whatever happened, I'm sure it'll be okay as long as there's a plan to deal with it. Can I help somehow? You know you can always talk to me.
>>672347 Well, I'll leave it in your care since it's your business, but if you do need help or get overwhelmed, just ask me to help! I don't want to see my friends suffer.
>>672356 i can't it wouldn't help anyways this time it isn't even my fucking fault i never had a chance >>672357 no sir i am going to fall asleep soon though not a dangerous kind of thing
you use robinhood? i got a mailer from them yesterday saying theyd give me free stock for signing up on their site it looked sketchy
Do you want my referral link? And its not sketchy, theyre legit. >>672388 No. They're regular stocks but theyre good for penny stock since they dont have fees for buying and selling. I just have a lot of penny stocks on watch and those are the ones that scream huge changes in the morning.
Is it a penny stock site?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>672387 oh cool maybe ill ask for your referral link later can't right now
But I had about 200 or something shares in that WWR thing here >>672383 I almost thought my money went from 100 to 1800 but what they did was merge the shares so I had 12 rather than what I had before
Who designs a computer so, that overtime its screws start to loose which allows the fan to start resonating real annoyingly?
>>672415 All screws without anti vibration stuff will unscrew if you vibrate them long enough.
>>672416 one of the screws doubles as a key point on how the fan is attached to the casing/mb while alos attaching the easily removable lid on the bottom, with ventilation holes, that obviously causes the screw to become loose WHY why would you have that screw be a multipurpose one?
and why even have 3 and not 4 screws on the fan/cooling system on all 4 points but no 3 points and one of the points is fucking also keeping the lid in place
a rudimentary illustration the blue dots are the 3 screws keeping the fan attached the red dots are the 3 screws that keep the lid sealed (+ the plastic hooky thingies) I just don't get the decision to have one screw serve two purposes like that especially with the fan and a fan tha only is attached at 3 points, not 4
I could remove the fan and see if it can be attached better but I'd have to remove also the cooling copper pipes and all other kinda shit to do that not worth it maybe I will just apply ducttape untill it stops shaking
my guess is that there used to be some softening material keeping it in place and not vibrating, but that has gotten loose over time or from me carrying the laptop around but I really don't feel like doing a ton of unscrewing just to see if tht hypothesis is right
Oh, it's a laptop. Hrrrrmmm You could try a little bit of loctite.
Why..? there is nothing there... I guess it is time to introduce the shoshones to the art of "I have a lot of money and production to make armies"
That's something that drives me up the wall in Civ VI too. I like placing my cities exactly seven tiles apart to get the maximum useable territory for all of them
Which leaves a lot of nearby space for the less space conscious AI to go "Hey I just told this player character off for settling too near me like ten turns back, why don't I repay the favour and settle five tiles away from their city?"
also can you post start add more mods to a game I am so tempted to find a mod that allows you to raze capitals because fuck these shitters
god I wish I had my self-healing no terrain penalty promoted scout archers still
I was gonna wait a while to build an invading army but >they send a great merchant across one of my cit ystate allies' lands yeah... when the opportunity to be a dick presents itself
engineer glow in the dark trees to replace street lights sounds like a street view from nightmares if you are unaware of this
It probably wouldn't be biologically feasible. At least for the amount of luminescence you'd need to put it on the adequate level of street lights. If you think about it, organisms that produce bioluminescence are generally pretty small or have the light-up part of them as only a small portion of their physical make-up. I'll admit my biology knowledge is pretty limited but if I'm being rational about it, that's probably because the complexity needed to produce bioluminescence is an unsustainable scale once you get larger than that.
yup I doubt it is a feasible thing outside of looking fancy
but imagine say a hedgemaze that had biolumiscent plants illuminating it creepy
Subnautica has some gorgeous alien flora and fauna that a considerable portion of produce bioluminescence. It's one of the most enchanting parts of the environment. Though the game does take place mostly underwater so having the resources to do that makes considerably more sense.
I don't really even know how would being bioluminescent affect a terrestial plant
more over, isn't that more of a fungi feature anyhow? From the top of my head Ican't think of any glowing plants above grounds and even underground/water it is rare
glowing is usually to court, to scare, to communicate or to lure something to you Plants rather try to gather light than create it.
I kinda think if you made a plant that glowed, it would confuse its biological clock and it wouldn't be long lived.
>>672437 speaking of subnautica in the sequel, that one plant that radiates heat is kinda cool dunno would something like tht evolve naturally
is it a defense mechanism? or a way to lure in prey? or was it made by the precursors
Yeah, assuming it's a survival strategy, evolution's path of least resistance would assume protection against the cold would have something evolve to just be better insulated or capable of surviving in hard soil with low liquid moisture. You can see that in a lot of plantlife that survives even in Earth's more frigid climates.
A lot of the stuff in Subnautica's world is kind of "Theoretically feasible but not likely to evolve naturally". But at the same time we only have one planet to really in-depth examine the evolutionary process of so a literally totally alien planet might actually have things evolve entirely differently.
Yeah, like I said, theoretically feasible but unlikely natural.
>>672442 There were likely leviathan-like creatures in Earth's primordial oceans I believe. Maybe not kilometres but hundreds in metres would have existed I think. Something like the Sea Dragon/Emperor or the early predatory leviathans you encounter that I'm blanking on the names of would have easily been possible evolutions in the ancient oceans. Stuff like the Ghost Leviathans or the fact that the Sea Emperor's preferred habitat is the waters above underwater volcanos is likely scientific liberty but again, not -actually- impossible.
>>672446 We have very good reason to believe a HUGE portion of biological life on Earth is not preserved in the fossil record, yeah. For whatever reason there's considerable gaps in what we can assume would be much more numerous related species to the ones we have in the fossil record. Though I can't remember what those reasons are at the moment hah hah
>watching john wick >have finsubs on for when they speak none nglish >peak at the subs during description of his new suit >zero penetration, however quite painful - is said >subs read: zero penetration, but quite uncomfortable (to wear) exactly what I expected from any official finsub
dunno how subs are made in usa, I bet similiarly but here 90% of subtitles are made by people who never actually SEE what they are translating they just have a script produces amusing results, when you don't have any context for any of the lines
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
I have a tummy ache.
that sounds bad
wish there wasa game like john wick gta6 with that kind of combat
should have gone with saiga and not ap ump action mr wick
>>672481 That's that one Splinter Cell where Sam gets pissed and screams "you don't get to talk about my daughter!" and then he's so mad that he just automatically marks people for headshots.
damn that cassio whatever guy he nearly won against wick
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
John Wick is a legit 10/10 movie. John Wick 2 is a 9/10 at least. I can't wait for John Wick 3 where he's riding a horse around NYC
also damn I wouldn't want to be john next morning... he took several shots head on >>672485 yeah jw2 isn't so intense, but damn that action scene marathon like fucking 20-30 mins of just action when he does the deed
but damn that kind of bulletvest taht he uses I think those exist but with 0 padding, that still means the full kinetic energy hits you bruising, broken bones internal bleeding you won't die because of the bullet inside you and loss of blood, but...
also the mute girl is kinda charming
I hope the sign language is correctly translated why the fuck isn't there just hard subs from the script for foreign languages in jw2? or is it just for netflix? jw1 had hard subs for russia and others
That is the rightful reward nowadays I doubt anyone gets to taste it
>>672485 >I can't wait for John Wick 3 where he's riding a horse around NYC just realised >But you better do it quick, because my horse is getting tired I wish they will have this line in it
make an anime thread my internet is mesed up tonight not sure if i can even watch tonight because of it but i can try can't upload an image to make a thread though haha
I bit into the side of my cheek like two or three days back and I can't stop biting into it and keeping it around. I know once it gets swollen like this it's easier to keep biting it but usually when this happens it heals enough after a day or two.
I'm hoping I can get a decent bit back on my tax return this tax season. My headphones are getting really flimsy on the headband and it's kind of annoying to constantly deal with. I'd like to get a pair that's less frustrating to use.
That's probably enough for tonight. There's only three shows we're watching that air tomorrow, and like two or three the day after.
Oh whoops wrong thread.
can someone help me google information ive been trying to for a long time and it's getting me really distressed
What thing in particular are you trying to Google?
how long does it take to recover from hypothermia you'd think it would be an easy question but i can't find that general information it thinks im asking how long it takes to treat hypothermia and im not
Wouldn't the recovery time be variable based on the intensity of the hypothermia conditions and the environment the body is put into for recovery? Or are you trying to determine how long it would take for some of the results of hypothermia to be recovered from?
how long is numbness and fatigue and cognitive function and so forth impaired i can't even find the question being addressed to know whether stuff lingers a long time or if it clears up quickly after treating the hypothermia yes how long the effects of hypothermia last hypothermia itself obviously ends when youre not hypothermic i get that but googling long term effects of hypothermia just brings up results for effects of long term hypothermia which is insanely frustrating i dont need clinical data or anything just general information you might even know since youre used to the north and it should be general kind of safety knowledge
Yeah it's not giving me anything on the duration of hypothermia effects either. If I'm scratching around in my head I don't think they're supposed to last that long, providing you keep the affected person in a warm environment and keep them in the at the proper body temperature for a person to be at. The cognitive and numbness effects are tied to the circulatory system after all. Slow, cold blood moving through your body is gonna move slower and carry less oxygen.
Did you get a bit of hypothermia recently?
yeah and even though the weather has warmed up im waking up with such terrible circulation i cant work or function im spending the entire day trying to stay warm every day i havent been able to work in two weeks idk what to do anymore
Are you physically able enough to maybe do some light calisthenics or a brief walk somewhere warm before getting down to work? Something like squats or jumping jacks, or maybe a lunge, is what I have in mind at least.
Also do you have/can you afford a doctor you might be able to see who could maybe refer you some more professional advice or treatment?
if it's not a persistent hypothermia thing it's probably from being off my snri its at walgreens filled but i havent been able to go get them i dont think i even still have a job at this point idk sorry thanks
Do you have something warm you can make yourself that's not caffinated? I can't actually suggest anything since my knowledge of warm beverages are pretty limited to only just caffinated stuff hah hah. But you might have a wider library than me here.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>If you don't use dark theme on everything idk what you're going through but I hope you get through it
most mobage that have bond stories are just the girl going "wow kyaa player-kun you're just my type!" but in revue starlight everyone is just like "haha yeah i work really hard and this is how i do self-care so i don't get burned out!" it's great but it's kind of jarring
It's nice they're promoting psychological wellbeing at least.
I think I might've worn out my mouse's right-click button. ... Probably by spam-blocking too much in Sekiro, hah hah. It might just be that Anno 1800's just a bit wonky with right-clicks though, I don't really have a way of seeing if it has a similar problem in other games.
why are you playing with mouse controls anyway
Because I don't have a controller I like using. The mouse and keyboard controls are actually really nice once you customize them to your liking. They give you a lot controls you can re-map to your pleasure. Like I have my Shinobi tools and grappling hook mapped to my mouse's shoulder buttons, which makes the grapple movement through the map much more fluid, and keeping all my combat buttons on my mouse is much more straightfoward for me. There's pretty much no reason for me to shell out sixty to ninety dollars for a controller, find a more cost effective way to get a controller I have cooperating with my PC, or grin and bear using the unpleasant PS3 controller I have, when the mouse/keyboard controls are actually really well-done in Sekiro.
Really the only thing I lose out on is gradient movespeed because no control stick, but that's extremely irrelevant in Sekiro since steath mode is default slow enough to move without having you be detected and outside of stealth there's literally no reason for me to not go MAX SPEED. And it's actually better than a controller in some ways since I don't have to deal with control stick acceleration and if I want to whip the camera around as fast as I can move my mouse, I can do so.
>>672673 right? hopefully they fix it and let us be gay
So I'm doing prerelease for the new magic set on Friday. I'm also going to play a standard aggro deck at a legacy event because that works sometimes. If I top 8 people at my FLGS are going to get pissed.
The best part is that people will change their sideboard expecting me to do it again next week, but I won't!
I don't know how but it lost nearly a third of value right at the end. I'm hoping it comes up a little bit more so I only lose like $20 but right now it's really sucks
Oh Endgame is out tomorrow. How exciting.
I think it came out yesterday in certain parts Shield your virgin eyes
Yeah I'm probably going to disengage from a lot of the Internet until I've seen it.
i dont really know all the ins and outs of this stuff but it looks like to get disability or supplemental income i would need to meet one of the criteria: be over 65 be clinically disabled before i turned 22 or worked at least 10 years and earned 40 credits of social security taxes
so what am i supposed to do just die i guess or it's probably my fault for not being born richer
showing up judt to // just to be negative forgot, sorry
Does the welfare department have a public phone line It might be worth calling that and asking if there's any assistance or loopholes you've somehow missed
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>672688 i can see what i can learn about it maybe ill figure something out
Seems like there is something fundamentally borken or stuck in my fan took it apart cleaned it up and put it back together and fixed some /all of the possible vibration and resonation issues but it still at times makes weird noises maybe I will just replace it
Kirara, my psych undergrad friend just told me "all invels have some sort of cluster b disorder", is that actually true or was it a joke?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I assume you uh mean those people
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>672696 i mean there aren't any studies on incels so im inclined to say no but i would feel comfortable saying that incels tend to have cluster b traits based on my observations of them but there are tons of people with personality disorder traits without personality disorders
incels (people who identify as part of the group called incels, i mean) generally seem to have disturbances that hinder their everyday lives but that's a completely different group from people who are virgins and wish they weren't even people who are virgins well into their adulthoods are generally pretty typical in terms of personality functioning although there are obviously disturbances sometimes
I sent these guys to clear a badnit camp and then go explore the southern pole territory and they have been stuck here for 100 turns clearing RESPAWNING bandit camps, just around 5-7 turn movements from an another just >clear >heal >clear >heal for fucking soon to be 100 turns talk about life
Man i love that youc an finish a unit 90% and just keep it in the production tab and it will always keep that production in it, even if the unit gets upgraded as long as you keep it there a unit ready to be produced in a turn or two
My client, the one who went to jail for two weeks, is probably going back to jail next week. She was telling me that it'll be a good opportunity to break up with her boyfriend while she's in jail. lol
>>672726 This is the one that wanted to put cameras in her house
>>672728 She was going to jail for 2 weeks and was worried she // her boyfriend would cheat on her while she was. So she wanted to put cameras in the house to watch. She's also the one that wanted me to help her figure out how to get someone to drop charges against her without getting in trouble for tampering with a witness
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>672731 People are in the middle of conversation.
anyway she thinks being in jail will give him long enough to "get used to being alone" so it won't hurt him as much when she breaks up with him
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i mean he sounds like a loser so she'd probably benefit from breaking up with him but that's definitely a bad way to do it
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
What else has she told you about him that makes you think that?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
he's so emotionally unstable that his mom texted him "hey" and he went to a bar and got fucking wasted he keeps complaining that he owes $200 on car payments but he goes out and spends $150 on drinks at a bar a few times a week she was trying to talk about the difficulties she's having with her court stuff and how it's stressful and he just acted like it wasn't a big deal even though she might go to jail for 1-3 months