>>672751 I can be kind of sympathetic to this kind of sudden social abnormality. Once a question pops into my head some times it's hard to not try and get it immediately answered, no matter the weirdness of the context.
>>672755 that some newer winnie va? doesn't really sound like pooh
I'm at pub trivia and one of the guys on my team looks like moot.
i really should try to begin a career in info systems but certifications cost more money than i'll ever be able to save
save up *dropped and a lot of them require you take their dumb courses for like thousands of dollars even with certification i'd need endorsement from someone who's already in the industry it's such a barrier how am i supposed to contribute my skills to society when they wont let me
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
you can't take out a loan?
no you say it like it's a given if i could get a loan id be way further along
No. Fair enough I'm sure if it was easy to take out a loan you would have done so already. I'm just saying things. Sometimes I do that. I don't know why.
it's fair, i did take out federal loans years ago to go to university i could not complete school for life reasons and disability though, and instead of acknowledging the documentation of my disability, my dean just ignored the email so the federal loaners think i just stopped for no reason so i would not qualify for loans again, but i probably wouldnt qualify anyway since i still have the old ones. not sure how that goes
I guess it's as good a time as any to get a cold. I have a client today, and then maybe one on Monday and one of Tuesday, but that's it, since my other one is probably going to jail again.
But I've gotten pretty good at resting when I need to rest so I should be okay even if she's still away. And she's only like 30-40 minutes away from me so she can be around if I need her to be.
The story in Starlight RE:Live is pretty engaging. The new girls seem engaging, too. There's a lot of story content and the gameplay is pretty involved but it's not grindy even a little bit.
meanwhile we just got an update thats going to take me like months and what you get when youre done is like a 5% power up for each of your grids when hitting weak points
ccreayus is the kind of person you really have to respect. He's been dedicated to CC for more than ten years now! He's probably responsible for at least a third of all the CC art by this time. That kind of dedication is rare.
A rare True Waifuing.
we're like 3 years behind in yumekui merry and the current chapter is fucking bonkers
Kaoruko would be so good to bully. She can be such a bitch, but I actually like her a lot. She wants to conquer the world, apparently. I guess it's a fitting goal for her.
>>672912 paid bloody 19€ to see it in a luxus tgeatre in the middle of day and still get a good spot, best actually a spontaneous decision, but wanted to get it over with
comfy chairs was a good investment for tho i usually get really walky by 2 hour spot in theatres
>>672944 Yeah, lots of respect. I wonder how long they can keep it up.
Could/Would DC just shut off the utilities to the embassy? That wouldn't be entering it but I could imagine there's other prevention measures for keeping the local government from stepping in. I imagine they might have allies in D.C. that would provide them sustenance so as long as the embassy continues to be liveable in I could see it going a good while.
They're probably prepared to handle utility shutoff, although the embassy has been empty since the coup, so it's possible they're already off. I wonder if they can deliver supplies to the people inside. Cops might refuse to let them deliver anything. They do have some allies, but I'm not sure what they can do.
mass hunger strike would be a good way to flip that situation prob not feasible but it's what i'd do if i were collectively all those people and was denied utility and supplies
>>672952 gonna do zazen soon only one client today but he's the psychotic guy haha got 3 hours until that session
what's up on your plate 2day
>>672953 They're protesting the US backed coup in Venezuela. They're trying to install new embassadors from the installed government in DC, so they're occupying the embassy to stop the coup people from taking charge.
i mean new givernment is long overdue in vnz, but foreign backed coups are always bad especially when it is a bad character with no elections
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah, it needs to come from within US-backed coups always destroy everything especially in south america but hey we'll gt cheap oil
>>672957 ueah you'd think with all the failed bananas, they'd have learnt but then again us foreign policy is a large blunt tool it can only treat issues as nails
taking down maduro and then having multiple conttolled coalition body ensure uncorrupted elections would have been something i might have okay'd tho but that should have been done ages ago before all went to shit now it is just ruins of a once wealthy nation there
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>672958 no consequences for failing for the people in charge so why not try again
edpecially since those guys are the "shadow cabinet" or whatever the term was
Shadow Cabinet (Level 58) Fight Skill Gun Talk
>>672962 if lvling up requires success, i'd rate us SCab quite low lvl
but if it requires just killing...
well then i have been 30h awake time to hit the sack
recently city of tampere had trams installed running them got given to VR - valtakunnan raiteet, state railways lit. 100% state owned train monopoly it costs 7m yearly for the city as a service, and reportedly creates 100-150 jobs buut it is tax funded thing, paid to state owned company, whichnis funded by essentially tax payers using trains
so is it really "creating jobs" when it is just essentially expanding the punlic sector with extra steps?
>>672966 Yeah there's something about placing a non-alphabetical character at the start of a word that kind of makes it not really look like it's supposed to be a part of the word. I totally need to tell my brain "No, they're trying to say $cum" and it's responding "No nothing you tell me is going to make me see it differently".
ah shit i forgot to pay the cum tax again this year
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
can't stop laughing about cum pass
>>672966 >>672968 >only now noticed the $ damn my brain didn't even register it there especially because of colour
There's this pirate character AI in the Anno 1800 campaign that starts off the campaign angry at everyone and will attack any non-military ship and some military ships on site. But when you sink one of her ships because, y'know, she shot first, there's this pissy message she gives you. And it just keeps making me kind of put off with her.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>672971 i was looking at the image for like 2 minutes before i realized it was scum pass i was just like "cum pass, huh"
I don't really want to do the kind of scaling up of my navy I'd need to do that. I'm still not really good at keeping pace with the other AIs in the campaign and I get too distracted okay you're not really listening to me.
if there is a threat it must be removed
if there is an army it must wage war >tfw you fought 2 wars because you didn't want to have your army walk 20 turns back home aftet eradicating byzantium in civ5 reminds me when i had an entire army march from europe to japan in my first ever civ game
killing her is what the 13a crew would probably do
it’s the right decision
There's other dimensions of the game I'd rather get a better handle on first. It's kind of a scramble to get through the campaign content gates to unlock the New World map and none of them really encourage me to build up a navy. Plus one of the AIs in the normal-difficulty campaign starts off more advanced than you and is well-positioned (and seems hard-coded) to go after and eliminate one of the other AIs pretty early on in the game.. This all means I'm more interested in building my economy so I can catch up to the ahead AI as well as get out to claim the good islands on the maps. I don't have the resources to devote to a better navy.
already i am planning to fuck gandhi, just because he has formed a large empire ge isn't even a threat hell there isn't evdn a vuctory cindition in my civ run atm
my stilö fav game ever was ,y germany run in vic2 where i had to be in permanent state of war or face 20-40% un employment from collapsed arms industry and the ensuing domino and then facist/commie coup which would fuvk my empire permanently
ironically the game ended eith me eaging a war whete i coyldn't win big enough due to slight slip on my part and tgen natsoc took over and my colonies declared freedom and massive revolts in any non-vaterland cores too a fitting end
but grand strat generally favors forming a war economy doing it is just tricky
in civ5 razing and pillaging is good money + xp is an infinitely valuable resource those mx level artilleries
>>672954 ive got a lot of work today and tomorrow, but ive been thinking maybe about being progressive for myself and doing some career things there's no reason for me not to be actively working in information systems of some sort, systems analyst or something rather than just hoarding up all my skills for unrealistic academic pursuits. the boost in income would provide quality of life changes that would effect those kinds of goals anyway
there's a lot of organizational barriers, i think, from my disabilities that block me from being able to see these avenues or to figure out how and what im supposed to do to get into them. there are some certifications and things which aren't realistically affordable for me to pursue and which ive always believed are kind of scammy. they're not fraudulent but they're overmarketed by the high salary figures attached to them so they're oversaturated and the certificates themselves aren't factors indicative for success. there's still high competition and mostly depends on industry endorsement afaik. those are just some examples, not specific barriers really
but i was wondering, maybe you'd know if there's like supportive resources for people who are organizationally challenged i have quite a few strong skills but im really bad at organizing my life or figuring out what the rest of the world needs or expects or wants of me i feel like im not vocationally disabled, just a little lost, and i ought to try to do some positive changes really no reason for me to be living in such poverty
>>672987 That's cool, it'd be nice to see you doing that.
What kind of resources are you looking for? Like, organizational skills training, or resources that can help you organize things?
if i knew what resources would help me then i wouldn't really be needing them err you know what i mean it's already incredibly difficult for me to recognize that there is a problem, and if i knew what would fix it then it wouldn't be a problem i guess it's similar to the problem i have with the healthcare system, i dont know where ports of entry are or how im supposed to engage the system, or even what types of situations call for that engagement -- what things can be addressed
there are like vocational resources or something right i can't be the only person who's too intimidated to engage the competitive workforce bc of self worth issues and inability to recognize my value the only thing i know how to do with my knowledge and skillset is to document and archive it in an academic fashion or break things
A vocational rehabilitation program might be what you're looking for. They're programs where you usually get a case counselor and they work with you to identify and help you overcome barriers that are getting in your way. There are usually nonprofits that can offer those kinds of services. They might be able to help you worth through some of those issues and anchor yourself in a way that helps you interface effectively with the workforce. If that sounds like something you might want to try, maybe I can help you look for a program if that'd make it easier for you.
yeah. that kind of thing sounds neat. i saw something specifically in michigan about disabled vocational support that offers prioritization for placement in non-competitive environments, as they understand people with physical or mental disabilities aren't as able to prepare for competition and sometimes suffer on credentials, even if they are just as competent at the actual job itself but idk it looked like it was just a proposal and the michigan.gov site didnt really give more info and also i need to properly go seek a statement of disability from a doctor. i could from my psychiatrist but she's in missouri and im not sure that my deficits lie in a psychiatric nature or not. maybe they do. i feel like the physical complications of attending a physical university are what interfered with my academic success the most.
maybe also, this is kind of hopeful, are there like support resources for that transitional phase at all idk how else to say it, but i have zero financial cushion and can't afford to make a leap atm to a better career there seems to be significant financial and time costs to doing so. and maybe that's my lack of exposure to pathways that makes me think that, idk
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>672992 there are transitional housing programs that basically help people afford an apartment while they're getting into a better place financially, but I'm not sure about any programs that do more than that.
>my notImouto grew up to become a popular NSFW furry artist on the internet I am so proud of my extended family
>furry smh
>asmr episode of the podcast ah finally one for blue
>>672993 i was thinkin not like that, but like transitional employment opportunities or somethin idk where i dont spend a large portion of my time working a job totally disjointed, even regressive from the path id like to move towards i doubt there's programs or anything for that but finding a suitable pathway to do something like that would help me not every resource has to be like a federally funded program or something big and crutchy just like information on sorts of stuff that is out there. like idk a repository of disabled-friendly employers, or unconventional employment opportunities that aren't as high committal if im aiming to go somewhere
>>673008 i wanna draw some BLOOD I wanna draw out this JOKE >>673005 i actually hav ea thing in mind right now that I wanna try.
>>673010 Also I'd be up for sending you some magic cards in exchange for drawing my D&D character.
that’s not how you commission someone smh
you cant commission someone for magic cards but you can commission them for magic beans ehh lame
>>673012 I have more money in magic cards than in checking and blue likes magic. Last time I commissioned art from him he ended up doing it for free, so if I do it again it would be easier for me to pay him better if I send him magic cards.
finally got in contact with the care coordinator for psychotic-kun we're gonna put counseling on hold it seems
>>672998 hmm i know there are programs like that, but the only person ive known on one was autistic and im not sure if those services are generally available for other people but vocational rehab might be able to offer that or something similar
>>673022 yeah i wasnt thinking about programs for it im thinking vocational resources might help me find opportunities that are more accomodating for that need since i dont know how or where to look for things like that
on today's episode of aesthetically unpleasing things we have a real gem >>>/watch?v=vGOcvWQkxJE
oh no
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>673023 oh, i see what you mean yeah, i'm not really sure about that one, sorry
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>673025 I saw that laptop, and I was like, "that's a piece of crap. maybe like $300." and everyone was bidding high, and I was like ??? and then it was $800 and I realized this was 2012
I feel bad about this psychotic guy. I can't treat him unless he takes antipsychotic medication because he's actively psychotic. But he doesn't want to take the medication because of the side effects, which is reasonable, and he seems to be functioning adequately even though he's living in fear of aliens and is depressed about losing his kids. But now I have to say that I can't treat him until he's had a psychiatric evaluation and is complying with any recommendations from that evaluation, which will inevitably mean he needs to be medicated. So he won't be able to have a chance to get his kids back unless he's medicated, but he doesn't want to be medicated.
I'm essentially playing a causal role in him either never getting his kids back or in him being medicated against his will.
It's not weighing particularly heavily on my mind but I do wish there was a better way to go about this where he doesn't have to take medication he doesn't want.
I feel like a system which creates this kind of situation isn't a very compassionate one, and I don't like being part of such a system.
>>673021 WWhat card? Also I distinctly recall you wanting a Vraska's contempt.
if I did I really don't remember but right now the one card I have my eye on is the Japanese Tamiyo.
>>673036 that is tough. would starting medication and reporting irreconcilable side effects to functionality be grounds for ceasing the medication and perhaps starting non-pharmaceutical treatment, if such therapy exists for his conditions
also is leaving him unmedicated potentially a risk to the children's safety or emotional wellbeing if so, even if it's tough, that's important my dad's complications with schizophrenia left some really difficult psychological scars on me and my sisters, even though he only had good intentions confiding in his intentions isn't the same as confiding in his capability to do well
>>673039 Unfortunately, there's no "empirically validated" treatment for schizophrenia that doesn't include medication. It's generally just medication or no medication. I think it's possible for people with schizophrenia to live happy and productive lives even without medication and through only psychological treatment (and there's evidence to support this but it's not "empirical") but such a thing isn't allowed.
I don't know if it would pose a risk to the children's wellbeing. I think his logical structures are intact enough that their safety wouldn't be in danger, but considering his delusions, I think it could leave the kids with difficulties of their own, at least socially, if not psychologically. I don't think he could properly care of his kids in his current state but maybe if he had parenting skills classes. I haven't done a parenting evaluation on him, though, only a few sessions of "treatment", so I can't make a proper judgment as to his parenting. Based on information from arrest reports, he's not currently suitable to care for children, but I don't know how reliable that information is. Virtually none of the information I have about the case is reliable, I guess.
He was referred to us for treatment for childhood trauma and the depression from losing his kids. As a clinician who has a specific job to do, I can't do that job as he is. For me to do my job, he'll need to be medicated. But of course I'm not the kind of person who can firmly hold to that role and not look at it as who I really am, haha.
I think having him do a psychiatric evaluation is what's best. I think it's the right course of action. But I don't like that it's the right course of action. I'm not satisfied with the constraints of what can be done.
i know you dont agree with it and dont like it, but i think it's important for providers in psychiatric settings to be separated and clinically objective i trust my psychiatrist to do that because i know im not able to do it for myself though i do wish i could have more directed emotionally compassionate treatment, i feel it compromises that trust a little bit stronger emotional trust sure, but at the cost of some professional trust that's psychiatry though and might really not apply there im not sure, and im also going of my own volition and not as part of legal mandate or social services stuff
I think my conflict comes from role confusion. As a psychologist, my goal is to do what's best for my client even though I can't know what's best for them. So I have to rely on my client to be able to identify what's best for them and then I support them in achieving that and help them to build the skills necessary to meet their own goals autonomously. When treatment is mandated, I have a sense of incongruity. Instead of doing what's best for the client, I'm being told my job is to do what's best for whoever is mandating treatment. The client's wants and needs suddenly aren't relevant, supposedly. But I have trouble with that because it feels like it's the opposite of what a psychologist should be doing. I can't change someone who doesn't want to change.
And so with cases like this, I have two apparent conflicting goals. The first is to support my client in his endeavors so he can live a healthy, satisfying life. The second is to treat childhood trauma.
The trauma doesn't seem to be something he's struggling with, but in order to treat that, I have to make a decision which runs counter to the first goal because it'll violate his autonomy and get in the way of him living what he would consider a healthy, satisfying life.
He's not against treatment. He likes coming to treatment and talking, even though all he's doing is talking about his delusions. It makes him feel better and he wants to continue even after his required sessions are completed. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. If it's making him happy, and he's able to function adequately, what's the problem? But there is a problem because he was sent to us specifically to treat something that I can't treat.
He also trusts me. I'm probably the only person in his life that doesn't call him a fucking loon and engages with him like I'm receptive to what he's saying is true. I think that can go a long way, especially with psychotic people. In order to treat him like I'm supposed to
That said, I think recommending a psychiatric evaluation was the right thing to do in this instance although I'm conflicted about it.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Just finished applying for social security. I'm probably going to get denied (90% of first time applications are denied).
>>673045 do you have social security credits? how, i thought you haven't worked is it disability prior to 22? i was looking at that and have been trying to get further information >>673047 do you know, does the clinical diagnosis of a condition have to occur before you are 22, or just that you had the disability? i was looking this up right now and was thinking about trying to contact them for further information. funny you mentioned it well i hope you get it, good luck.
>>673044 well i had a lot to comment about actually it might be difficult to even bother i feel like a (clinical) psychologist is a care provider though, and even in a referral case you ought to be able to put the scope of the case into some provisionary framework what care are you providing to this person? ideal case would be care they want and need, but there could be some situations where the care you're providing them is for them to function according to their goals, which might not align with the care they want, and they gotta trust you in that sense
if they're bein referred from social services or court mandate or somethin for anything more than just assessment you're still providing them something even if it's not really anything they care about so what is it about this case that you say you're doing for the referrer instead of for him? why is it the referrer's interest instead of his that he has treatment and why is it different from his goals of treatment? is there some reconciliation between the two? you dont gotta answer those, they're just a framework for lookin at it and can you assess improvement of psychosis over time with sessions? do you have any personal pull as a professional to say his conditions are improving and that he doesn't pose a risk? if so maybe you could align those goals and work with him to try to get to a state where he's doing well enough, and understanding what those concerns are and all that? idk it feels fucked for someone to refer him to you but still be contr
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>673046 We're applying retroactively because I had autism before I was 22.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>673046 the diagnosis was prior to my being 22. >>673046 thanks
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>673046 My parents hired a lawyer to help, I know you can't afford one but there might be some sort of not for profit that helps people with the application process.
>>673046 controlling his treatment and measures for improvement
>>673049 yeah i would need some sort of assumption that there would be success before i could let myself get emotionally invested in the process. functioning is already so difficult that trying and failing would not only be a waste of time but depressingly devastating ive got a variety of disabling conditions but doctors were always expensive so diagnoses and such weren't always options im kinda hoping the presence of disabling conditions from before 22 would count, but i know the legal interpretation of "disabled" isn't a medical one, but an occupational one. so they probably don't not being legally disabled as being disabled theyre also pretty strict about it
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I don't want to give misleading advice so I'm going to word this very carefully, if you had been diagnosed with a disabling medical condition before you turned 22 I think you'd have a chance.
thanks at the least, it'll be worth a quick mention to my psychiatrist when i see her since sessions are only 30 mins though i gotta weigh out what's worth mentioning and not
>>673046 >>673050 yeah, it is kind of fucked that other people are the ones in control of the treatment. i can do whatever i want to reach the goals they set (as long as it fits within certain treatment guidelines) but ultimately there's a case manager that's running his case i mean technically i can do whatever i want but unless i work on what they referred him to us for, it won't complete the requirements on his case plan. i can make recommendations and say the client needs x or y and they'll make him do it, but i can't influence the case plan at all. so ultimately, if he's going to complete the case plan and have an opportunity to have his kids back, he has to complete treatment. and i can't ethically say he's completed the goals they wanted him to if we haven't even worked on them because he's psychotic so i can say he needs a psychiatric evaluation, but i can't say he's fine the way he is or find some common ground between the goals of the referrer and the client because the goals of the referrer aren't possible unless he's on medication
i mean, i don't know, maybe whoever does the psychiatric evaluation can say something that will change things, but because i'm in a treatment provider role right now and not an evaluator role, i can't say he doesn't need treatment or anything
in fact, that idiot who got forced to resign for fraud at my clinic did a psychological evaluation on this guy and didn't even realize the guy was psychotic which is basically the reason everything got so fucked up, because that dude was incompetent and gave the referrer completely wrong judgments about the client to inform treatment So now they've decided what needs to be done. Based on bad recommendations. I also don't have training on how to work within this system because I'm not supposed to be working with cases that aren't substance use-related. That idiot fucked up the paperwork and claimed this guy was substance-related, so after he had to resign, this client was put with
>>673054 put with me, and then by the time we knew there was no substance abuse, the only thing we really knew was that the guy is psychotic. Since then, we've been trying to get in contact with the case manager to discuss the case but there was no luck until today, so I've done three sessions with him. The whole thing is a complete mess. I think that if that idiot hadn't been so incompetent, a lot of this could have been avoided.
And we can't just go and say our former employee fucked things up and didn't realize the guy was psychotic because all that will do is cost everyone a bunch of money and the client will end up in the same exact place or maybe in a worse place.
Honestly, there really isn't a problem. I'm creating the problem by thinking about it so much, even though it's already done and I'm standing by my decision.
wish you // (not you but 'you') // could just prescribe schizophrenic people some nicotine and it'd prolly help them out a ton and could get on a plan to treatment and get his kiddos back without people bein unreasonable
I think I heard a gunshot. It was hard to hear it clearly because I'm cooking, but it might have been one.
transformer mishaps, cars backfiring, and big metal dumpsters often are mistaken for gunshots in my experiences theres prolly tons but those come to mind
My head's not on straight today. I think I might be getting a cold. I've been off all day.
I got burned by oil jumping out of the frying pan this morning and just now making dinner. I haven't gotten burned like that in a long time. Just a few little spots on my fingers. It's nothing bad.
are you trying to cook with olive oil or something that shouldnt happen
>>673063 smash some zinc. that's supposedly good for the immune system. kills the cold before it starts. >>673065 hi rika. >>673067 ton you stupid fuck you got me hooked on CG dancing
im doing good in half an hour i should be off until tuesday
My last final of the semester's in thirteen hours. Just got some really nice sleep in this afternoon so I'll be well awake once morning comes around. Better than being all groggy and disorientated trying to wake up at like six in the morning.
>>673079 how have the finals been going so far do you feel good about the one coming up
I'm a little concerned about the one I took for 19th Century Literature. Not because I feel I didn't understand the material but that I ran out of time. Two hours to fill four to five essay booklets is -er, four to five pages of an essay booklet is a tall order for me. I think the stuff I wrote was well-argued and demonstrated able answers, I'll just have to see if it satisfies the professor.
The other one I did was a breeze, the final for the extremely basic philosophy course I was doing this semester. I had to guess on a few named principles for their creators but I think the short-answer written section I did consistently well on.
The worries I have for the one coming up, my Modernism Literature final, are pretty much in-line with what happened with 19th Century Lit. These English courses always require a lot of writing and that can be touch and go for me. That said I did finish the class' midterm so maybe this professor's weighing of time and content is more suitable to me. Though I also actually need to be more familiar with the contextual information and perspective interpretations of the media we read for the class than my 19th Century Lit class, judging from the professor's lectures. Which requires more academic reading, which isn't exactly my strong suit hah hah. I'm still not too worried about it though, the things I've mentioned are there but pretty marginal.
>>673083 I generally don't mind finals, at least for arts/humanities courses, and really actually prefer them to the major paper component of these classes. The time restrictions are always kind of a problem but I know given the context restraints of finals questions I can usually produce a respectable answer without much grief.
>>673081 I do like academic reading and it's much more digestible to me than wordspeak, but about historical literature mmm I recall reading some of those classics of western literature from 1600-1900s and it was like, i dunno, i'd finish a whole section and couldn't tell you anything that was in what i just read. it all felt so fluffy and bland at the same time that i couldn't get a grip on any of it. some people really enjoy that stuff but i couldn't get it
oh the upcoming one is modernism literature and you were comparing it to 19th century lit well, same thing. im not very grippy with reading other people's concepts. i dont envy you too much going ahead to that final exam, but of all the people i know, you'd probably be the first person i'd ask about that kind of thing so im confident you'll do well
>>673083 right, im just kinda daydreaming. i think about alaska a lot though. the state government is really good and cares a lot about its people, and the people are genuinely // generally good too. i'd imagine you'd get a lot more satisfaction working there than in florida. idk i just like daydreamin about possibilities with no real intention there are lots of fishes in alaska too but i imagine fish likes studying the tropic fish more than the frozen fishes
>>673085 speaking of producing respectable answers without too much grief would you like something aesthetically displeasing
dunno would you call it a "fix2 but 2am plumbing complete
Like judging from the handout the professor gave us on the final class for example. she seems interested in a Cubist interpretation of Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway. Thankfully I did a bit of extralectural research into this myself because I was working with it for my paper for that class but even -but just given the lecture material and our in-class discussions of the novel it might be something I get a little confused on. Or like, it seems the professor wants us to have a firm understanding of the historical context around the Harlem Renaissance to correspond with the poetry we read from poets that were a part of that movement. Poetry is already what I'd say my weakest artistic writing area is so having to layer on top of that the surrounding context is a little wearisome to me.
>>673086 I ... guess. I saw you linked it earlier in the thread and if it's anything like the previous The Price Is Right video I'm going to distressed by it.
Don't let this distract from the going-ons, but I made a thread for Saku's yahrzeit >>673087 →
>>673085 Exams are a poor way of testing someone for mastery, in my opinion.
I have my comprehensive examinations in late May. They're supposed to be a really big deal but I've found it hard to feel concerned about them.
>>673086 I think I would get sick if I moved to Alaska because of the difference in hours of sunlight. I'd like to visit there, but I think the West is really where I belong.
>>673090 oh, that other one was for kirara don't click that one it'll cause you undue distress i had one picked out for you but it sounds like maybe it's not worth my entertainment to subject you to it and all three of them are that same exact game in price is right, yes
Hah hah, it's more I don't really mind people making the mistakes of reason and guesswork that they do up there on the board. But I really don't like the way the crowd acts like a hooting peanut gallery. I mean I can understand why they each individually chose -choose to be like that but in the sum of them all they really have no idea how obnoxious a force they emit. That's the part that distresses me more than anything.
it certainly is a special kind of study of human observation, that show people take it so seriously, so when someone gets lucky enough to be called up as a contestant but has no idea how to play the games or how to price any of the items it's a bit insulting to everyone haha so they practically depend on the audience, because most of those people in the audience watch it like every single day and knows a fair portion of the items and knows how all of the games work and yeah, they're always incredibly loud i love it, it's just watching a whole sack of crazy
Moon have you had a chance to check out Carole & Tuesday that's airing this season? If you haven't I think you might really enjoy it.
yeah, the first week there's a lot of really good things this season i need to fix myself so i can enjoy them or i'll miss out. i got a little distressed about not doing fruits basket with you guys honestly but it's my fault
Take the time you need. It'll be a full adaptation so there's still plenty of content left. Though I do think there might be a split-cour at some point since this airing seems to be called "Fruits Basket 1st Season" in some places. Jan and I have been really enjoying it I believe, since we both remember the series from earlier years. I don't think Rika or Ika ever read/watched it before but maybe they've just been keeping quiet about that or forgot.
I've been pleasantly surprised by the amount of good stuff this season. Even a few things I were expecting to be mediocre or throwaways have been surprisingly good. You might also enjoy Kono Oto Tomare! if you haven't checked it out. It's another music-themed show with some pretty shoujo-poi conflict origination and resolution
yeah fruits basket was the first shoujo i watched seriously by seriously i mean as opposed to just catching a random episode of sailor moon, CCS, or shugo chara but i think shugo chara came out way later so it's always been a really special show to me idk if it'd mean so much watching it now for the first time
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
clam blitz is such a creative splatoon mode finally found and read the rurrus
Splatoon is some of the best original creativity to come out of Nintendo in a long time. Everything about that game is so well crafted.
Aside from its anti-cheat security, hoh hoh hoh.
what's its anti-cheat system like
I'm not actually sure, but it doesn't work very well. Or at least didn't work very well in the past. On two occasions the North American leaderboards for a ranked mode were taken up with a series of accounts that spelled out a message telling Nintendo how easy it was to cheat to win. The first time they took down the cheating accounts and then the entity presumably just whipped out a new set of accounts that more or less chastised Nintendo for not actually fixing the problem.
my understanding from splatoon 1 was that the entire game is client side and P2P so uhhhh vwry cheatable esp with the hacked switches around
Yeah, that corresponds I think with the vague memory I have on the reasons why. I don't think they stepped up their security game much if at all from Splatoon 1 to 2.
>>673104 ive seen similar stuff in a few games... leaderboards for the various game modes and it's all just hacked placements that aren't even possible scores, sometimes not even numerical values as scores/rank/whatev just delete offending accounts then let the next batch do it at that point you're just encouraging it because it's just about whoever is the first one to do it when the deletions occur idk how this problem exists so frequently
cliffy b's games were especially bad for this
Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](3.0 MB, 2508x3789, 61360030_p0.jpg)!C0.PerkELE
Finished off the brisket leftover from the seder. It tasted much better as leftovers.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
You excited for the new magic set? They brought back proliferate.
>>673119 the "making good food is such ap ain" one?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>673121 I didn't make this one. My mom did, if I had made it it would've turned out perfect because I check and taste my food more than she does while cooking.
jesus my desktop background is derpessing
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
And for your information the soup I made was better than it had ever been before because we added a new ingredient.
a couple weeks ago my ex (who i shared a house with until a few days ago) broke me down and then videotaped me crying in fear of her telling me that she needed to videotape me because i'm crazy and prone to violence i've never intentionally harmed someone, never struck anyone in a fight, and it's simply untrue a couple days ago my roommate-to-be decided to back out. i had already submitted my half of the application (which was a non-neglible amount of money to lose) and was waiting on them, when they called me to inform me that they're no longer comfortable with their financial situation and don't think they can move out from home, due to medical bills and dental work that will be much more expensive than anticipated i asked my nearest friends and family about a place to stay potentially, but there really isn't room for me anywhere, except at my mom's, where she has two extra bedrooms, only one of which is temporarily occupied by brother who would be willing to share but...
i'm in a pretty bad place staying with people i didn't know well enough has shattered my confidence in looking for and finding roommates that are going to be complete strangers to me the people i already know don't want to help i feel like i'm running out of rope i don't want to admit this is the end but i can't figure out any other options
i know i don't really come around all that much anymore so this is all probably pretty detatched just some username you used to see a lot rambling about how awful their own situation is but just know it's been real
hi bang sorry about the ex thing, that sounds cruel and completely traumatic
ive been homeless or borderline for the past three years now my current living arrangement ends in march of next year or sooner, as my roommate will be leaving the country i am currently without plans beyond that and really dont have anybody so i'd consider it if you were able to last until then but im in michigan now thats a long ways away
>>673141 I'm definitely sympathetic to being averse to putting my trust in total strangers for roomates; it's one of the things that that's kept me from moving out in the first place. Sorry if it's prying, but do you not want to move in with your mother and D-boy?
You should know I'm not detached from you in the slightest. You've done me a real favour pulling me into the D&D game and giving me an avenue for making friends with the rest of the goofballs in the game. If I had something I could do to repay that I would.
or skc to not confuse with the other sc wish she had thought of that when renaming herself
She probably just completely didn't remember the first SC. I recall several occasions she completely forgot who people she didn't have regular contact with were. Hell she probably woudn't even be able to say who I am if she popped in right now.
>>673253 I was just wondering the general gist of it I was watching somone talking about how that person used to post on newgrounds and the whole thing was a cult >>673256 >>673257 ah, thanks I wasn't sure about that
idk if you could even call it a cult it's just some child's fantasy explanations of things with some cringey visuals from what i remember anyway you know i love cringe and i couldnt even bear that garbo
are you lookin for a good cult to join
I could recommend you the cult of Paying Me Money For No Reason
>>673264 I'd probably be the worst person to join a cult often I'm too easy to go with the flow
I'm lookin for a doctor though this toes going real bad >>673268 it's probably fine
i feel like this is probably a topic better left unaddressed here but what's exactly the issue is it a nailbed infection or like swelling and pus
it's swelling and whatnot I shouldn't have brought it up but it's kind of hard to ignore now and because of the fucking holidays it's impossible to see a doctor which is quite frustrating
ive never had an ingrown anything except some eggs i wasnt plannin on using anyway exfoliate erryday youll be okay
oh yeah I need to work on skin stuff I don't have terrible skin but theres always room for improvement
>>673304 I have been getting ingrown toenails since I turned 12 and I am turning 28 this year it keeps happening I doubt I can fix it aside from expensive surgery
and just fucking past 10 years good hygiene I have noticed has been the best preventative measure and even when it HAS or IS happening infection that is
good hygiene is still the best measure
just fucking keep washing dem feet
but don't soak them
for hours and so on that ain't natural
oh man I've only seen these spirit science thumbnails and I'm already thrown off
you know, ive thought about that quite a bit myself i think territory comes into play with a lot of it. the grape apes are super smart. i dont think they just go blindly hunting and killing other critters to eat i think they prolly leave things alone that are in territory where they're expected to be, and when the chimpys are hangin out on their own turf and something wanders up clearly where it doesnt belong they become stimulated and want to disturb it
chimps still got their vameronasal glands so they got a very close connection between pheromones and hunger drive. if theres not something to stimulate that drive, they really got no reason to want to eat something it's like how if you have a giant python as a pet and also have a tiny dog as a pet, unless something is fucked up with your dog, that snake won't touch it because it doesnt smell anything on it that triggers an impulse to eat it
>>673314 jesus I am sorry about mid cutting in but premise no one would mind and anything like that stuff and so on but I think it is more for yourself so... ever thought about having
/delete this post
just hide it
idk i make a post about something to get it off of my mind while im working i dont expect everyone to read all the garbage i post
I am sorry that post was kinda like a I dunno "I think this is for the good of you, even if you don't agree" and the moment I fucking realised it was that I realised it was fucking 100% against what i fundamentally stand
there I think I was nothing wrong with it but it just stood against my nowdays "perfect autonomy" stand I wish to take so it would have been so hypocritical of me to make it
>>673314 I wonder if they have they'r own sort of "uncanny valley" I've never really looked into bushbabies but that didn't move like the real one they showed maybe the ape could tell too and like you said territory probably plays a lot into it >>673322 a fate worse than death
>>673314' I think, personally, that the reason why humans are why they are nowadays, is because we have somekind of unique "ambition" gene or something down there
a kind of "unrestricted competition" thing
without that, we would have been content with what whe have and not expanded or envyed what others have and so on and kept expanding Fundamentally I think that you can't compare what we have done to what other, even near humans do, to what we do or have done, because the evolutionary paths just are so different you might find some near humans that are and have bneen content with what they live in for ages and millenias, but I believe that is firmly because they lack that THING that just makes us Homo Sapiense or Homo sapiense sapiense? what is the actual term anyhow
>>673317 Don't worry I read all the garbage everyone posts.
Anno 1800's an excellent game but man it really tickles my "I can do better" funnybone. I can't get all that far into it before I cave to the impulse
>>673326 I just use the Microscoft snip tool, hah hah. Often enough I don't need the full window anyway. Like there's a fine balance between making your building layout effective so roads can distribute services properly and so you get a design that isn't just a boring grid. I like making snakey roads so I'm constantly trying to figure out how to fit all the puzzle pieces together in an operable and aesthetic way. It's a lof -lot of fun but sure wastes a lot of time.
>>673328 btw if you didn't follow there is something fucked up going on with my laptop ventilation
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
>>673321 i think that pretty much every intelligent animal driven by natural selection and all that is going to have some kind of ambition drive yes
>>673320 oh yeah for sure you see how hard she has to work to hunt those fuckers normally and this one's just sittin there starin at her prolly got the spooks
>>673330 yeah But I think either it is our high intelligence or just an other thing earlier on
>>673322 hey i wanted to apologize for earlier, i know you were distressed by the other TPIR game and i tried to push another one on you so ive found a replacement thing for you instead that's got a lot less heckling in it and you get to witness one of america's most beloved gameshows at the same time for comparison >>>/watch?v=CQFcFsEmAcw
It worked fine for few days but now it refuses TO NOT BE FUCKING LOUD
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
idk meng guess if you got all the dust out (?) then surr get a new fan
>>673339 Hah hah, when I said it was distressing, it wasn't really that it made me distressed, if that makes sense. Like maybe if I had watched half an hour or an hour of the content I might've ended up put off. But the way the crowd acts in that segment is just ... kind of obscene to me.
I didn't actually watch the one you linked for Kirara too.
Thanks for the more wholesome one though.
Jeez louise that's a lot of turkey.
i love the announcer trying to make their shopping sound exciting
It's like a colour commentator for a sports or e-sports game but ... for shopping.
i know all this crap seems arbitrary and pointless, but it's actually such a peculiarity in human history like there's only a brief window where that sort of advertising and sponsorship leads to these weird as heck game shows, and it's early enough into motion picture history that it's going to be immortalized forever, thanks to the diligent archivers keeping this stuff well-documented it's so bizarre in the big picture of things
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
when i came by denver i got way too high on an edible and apparently started commentating our smash games oh god
A friend of mine had a housewarming party on April 20th and someone brought these hella tasty weed cookies. I don't have a lot of experience with cannabis and apparently the cookies were good enough that for a normal person two would put them in quite a place. But I think I metabolize stuff really slowly and like with drinking liquor it takes a long-ass time for things I digest to kick in. I also don't really know what effects cannabis is supposed to have (though I know it can vary depending on how the plant is cultivated) so I don't know what's placebic in my brain or the actual experience.
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
oh no.jpg
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
if you’re too high you’ll know
Yeah I can imagine. It's easy to know when things are going wrong, but hard to know when things are going right.
>extended family over I should probably be in the living room with the rest of them but fuck, man. I've been switched on all day. I need a break. Music and weeb games. And nothing else. >>673357 Keep eating them. It will be fine. Probably.
I got Marth too. Only missing Fjorm now. And she looks really good too. As far as skills go, Veronica is probably the least good of the three of them but I still wanted her the most.
I'm like 90% sure C&T is gonna be AOTY. Unless they fuck it up somehow, but I can't imagine that. It's beautiful in every way
I really like the parallel storylines they're setting up between Carole and Tuesday and Amanda. Seems like it's an old-fashioned with heart versus aggressive modern advantages competition for the same goal.
>>673456 huh you're saying we haven't had exposure to art because we explicitly recognize one of the most famous art pieces of 2018 and you don't?
The whole event of it getting shredded live was a viral moment of 2018 and the fact that an anime only months after the fact is commenting on it is hilarious.
Well, the self protects you from you. Just depends on how much you want to live and prosper, as opposed to letting the planet win and becoming fertilizer.
My colleagues and I were talkin about preferred ways of dying and everyone seemed to think i was weird for wanting a death i see coming or a slow death i can experience
I don't think any edible vegetables would taste good coming from my dusty ass grave. Heh. Oh, I think everyone has a preffered way to die. Might be the most painless, or the most dramatic. It might be beautiful either way.
oh lmao i thought you were talking about an actual 1x1 plot oops only a meter huh howd you get so short
That's all good, you know Imagining how you die and such. It formulates survival strategies, both conscious and subconsious. It lets us enjoy life more.
im fine with like a stabbing or a struggle of a death but not really if i dont have anything to struggle for like if im just giving up od is probably fine but idk
Both my onii-sans got stabbed multiple times by their girlfriends. And they both survived. I'd like to think I kind of contributed to that, even though that would be fucked up and kinda psychotic. But. I'm just glad we're all alive.
and where are your stab wounds don't tell me, you havent found the right one yet?
There's one above my right hip, a nice jagged deep scar. It was made by good ole' mother nature, jabbing a sharp branch in me while I was wilding out. Got it in 2009, still fucking visible. Got more, those are disgustingly self-inflicted though. 180 times. Wasn't shit in July, isn't shit now.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
the hagakure says that samurai should start every morning by imagining all the ways they could die so they can live as if they are already dead
You had to have been blacked out. I've been falling on drum sets, half-broken wooden doors, people, elderly people, and karaoke'ing drunkards when I was blacked out. I got some fucking forehead wrinkles due to it. Yuck LOL
So I just learned this morning that my sister is in town today, so that's cool.
>>673524 There's a Beastie Boys song that samples the "Just to watch him dieeee" that I like a lot. It goes "I shot a man in Brooklyn just to watch him dieeee" >>673528 Do you know that Beastie Boys song?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
stabbing can be more intimate but it depends what you stab with like a spear isn't very intimate
This broken ass Wakizashi I got ya'll should see how fucked the blade is. Like this boy whipped it against a concrete block 400 times. Still sharp and sex tho.
yeah idk i need to save up and get one though >>673533 how long what's the shorter one called my sister got me a decorative one, had no sharpness at all nothing too fancy but still appreciated it i need a real blade though, just a tanto
>>673534 The "I shot a man in brooklyn" part is at 1:26 in the vid.
It's about 10.5 inches. and I got no clue what the crazy mfer called it. It's kinda weighty but had a lot of force in the swing. He mighta called it a Python or such, Nah it has a dragons head hilt. idk it's effective tho.
Dragons are just snakes anyway. Fire-breathing shit was just a substitute for the burning venom they felt in their ankles before they dies a painful death.
No wonder why they got me Cause i DIDN'T BELIEVE oof caps shit. Well, I didn't believe in the GoT ass dragons that get one shot by one spear So they cum breathing dragons took over my lore
in the place where i was born, alton, the native mythos there is the piasa bird have you heard, heard, heard of the piasa bird i think it's pretty neat actually at least a little bit more creative than your typical draggin
here's the mural painted on the bluffs along the river road in alton it's a restored mural but it basically looks the same as i remember passing it all those times years back the piasa bird was more a mascot for the cahokia than an actual believed critter though this bluff is right along the mississippi river so it would have been a significant landmark through a main through route for natives and early settlers there are plenty of eagles around from which they probably drew that inspiration
Might take you a while before you become the wolf of wall street bruddah.
I like to be put on legends but, where's the great owl and how to not get RNG'd by his one shot fake slice
>>673547 i'm on a decent rebound today so it's fine The majority of my picks were on things that didn't move too wildly and it's been holding up for now the other two were specifically day gambles.
Day gambles, like pharmaceuticals? I would just put money on whatever civics ish they got going on. Tech is way too expensive now. Like I told ya'll to put $$$ in Alibaba in 2015 buttttttttttt Like that ROI woulda been off the fucking rockers.
The universe is expaning 9% faster than it should be. And for a good reason. For me, it's just because reality decided that this reality is beautiful. And it spared it.
I would love the spectrum of just telling you what yo do to keep yourself healthy. But, that's only up to you. You yourself only knows what it is to be healthy.
My boy it was made that way to make normie fucks like me pissed. But you know the main bosses that make you grind always have that fucking rng element in them. Orin took me more tries than monk and monkey combined.
I didn't even beat Owl 1. He just had to pull out that 1 shot swipe after the fake firecrackers. I'm only on my 14th try for now but it'll take a while to make me murder him. Maybe in may. I'm just waiting for DLC
the key is to be kind of conservative against him he has a lot of openings you can bait out the umbrella is really useful for when he uses firecrackers if you're having trouble predicting what he's gonna do after them
That 1 shot swipe tho It just makes me fucking quake even at 15 vitality. Sheesh, you fuckers are just way more aggresive than me. I even dodge at the first primer (his jump chop) and he still hits me. Maybe I just have to not be a pathetic fuck and parry his every move.
yeah it took me a while to truly get into the swing of being aggressive but once you start playing aggressively and risky it starts being really rewarding although there's a skill curve for aggressive play
I had such a good run merking his face and countering everything he threw at me But then he just two shot me, then two shot my revive like I was a bag of fucking potatoes. Christ.
Owl is really the only fight I've won by not being hyper-aggressive on. My usual strategy is to just get up in bosses faces but that doesn't work too well on him. But almost all his opening moves are really slow and easy to telegraph. Once I relaxed a bit and let him come to me it was like "Oh, this isn't hard".
I think he killed me 10 or so times before I beat him. It was a little hard to learn his moves because some of the telegraphs are really similar. I try to get him to counter me, then I deflect his counters and attack when he throws his debuff.
Fire was effective on the second owl. I didn't try it on the first. But owl father was pretty easy to get with living force fire or suzaku umbrella attack.
Now that they lowered some of the tool costs, it might be a little easier if you rely on a tool. Or I think some of the combat arts got buffed in 1.03.
>mom is upset that I'm upset that she bought 65 dollars of something and then is like "hey I sent the paypal invoice to your email you can either pay with your card or mine but just so you know Mother's DAy is coming up"
Mash be like booom explode explode explode booooooooof
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>673605 After the third text within 24 hours asking me how I felt about the invoice I said "I guess I'll pay it now if you're going to keep messaging me about it."
The only way they'll surviv e is if they band together. Fod, it's kinda disheartening, seeing them reduced to such matter.s But it's the only way they can survive.
here's the other side it's that street kitchen place ive posted menus of before they just opened the kitchen, and they were previously just a food truck im really excited to check it out sadly i cant actually today anyway im too busy getting fucked
Boy they really do a variety of pork belly don't they. That crispy one also sounds delicious too.
yes and it's SO GOOD also charred lemon butter sounds good
their sense of flavor complement is so strong that challah french toast with berries and mint, i guarantee thats like fresh mint leaves and not some shitty processed flavor
I'm a little confused by the concept of vegan chicken and waffles. In part because all the accents on it just sound amazing but VEGAN chicken just doesn't compute in my brain.
i havent tried their vegan stuff but it's supposed to be good or ive had vegan dishes but not their vegan meats ive had similar things before and i forget what all it's made from but it's really good at replacing a meatlike texture, at least for like ground or processed meats as for like just a chunk of fried chicken breast... yeah that seems pretty hard to just mimic
>>673631 I'm impressed by the complexity of their dishes for some place that originated as a food truck. Honestly the number of components involved in some of their entrees does kind of throw me off a bit; I'm fond of either simplistic meals or not being fully aware of every little detail that goes in since that kind of overwhelms me. I'm sure it's tasty but seeing it all in text just kind of puts me on edge.
yeah i know what you mean with that, but theyve done it really good for the dishes ive had there's almost no flavors fighting against each other, and there's a healthy amount of some "canvas" substance, like grits or pancakes or something which just absorbs flavor, that you get to taste just about the right amounts of each thing before you're done with that flavor idk how to describe it but eating their food is a really stimulating experience, in a good way
Kind of reminds me of some of the restaurants I got recommended by the people I was travelling in Japan with. Sure we hit up some chains but the -some of the most memorable meals I had there was stuff like the chicken thigh ramen bowl or this noodle bar that served the soup with the most amazingly luscious hunk of tender pork. Or the roast beef don rice bowl place we had to wait like forty minutes to even get in. Man I wanna travel and eat food again.
PAT'S Who was the Philly bloke we promised we'd hit up Pat's for cheesesteaks next time we were in town.
ive been workin for 24+ hours now and the skin on my fingers is hurtin from typing so ive been lookin up how to prevent that while typing everything is like talking about joint/tendon stuff and preventing carpal tunnel and good hand posture and doing stretches damn son i want to look for about skin contact pain. but if anybody has ever mentioned it on the internet, it'll prolly never be found because of the ubiquitous search term that prevails
i think so much of this kind of trend is due to article spam if there's anything that people commonly search for, theres value to be had out of writing a HOW TO article or LISTICLE or some other garbo about it and it so heavily distorts the mapping of the natural world that the search engine uses presumably it would fix itself over time as other such bubbles peter out and stop screwing things up but idk if that kind of lag can ever be useful with the rate of information we're currently at typing might not even be a thing by the time that garbage gets adjusted
ok thats all i just needed to put that out there also wtf why are people worried about carpal tunnel so fuckin bad i abused my wrists and hands typing entire days straight in awkwardly strained positions and already have terrible inflammation and never get wrist or tendon injuries but my fuckin SKIN i wish it was gone
Tick my listicles
I don't even really have a clear idea of what carpal tunnel is. As far as joints, tendons, and moose L's go as long as you're careful you're probably not going to give them grief.
I don't have any clue what to do about the skin contact pain my image of that is even blurrier than carpal tunnel.
yeah idk if it's like skin irritation from the keyboard material or if it's from sapping out all the oils my skin naturally makes or of it's somethin totally different like neuropathy from the actuation pressure over a million-ish keystrokes i really need a better keyboard than this laptop but im getting used to it some typing gloves would be nice
almost deadline time, almost done how did your final go then did you do better than you hoped to expect on planning to do
About as I expected. Ran out of time on the long-form answer but I did write a lot down. The biggest problem is I didn't really do a properly-structured mini-essay like the question was kind of requesting so I'll have to see how much I get docked for that.
I'd had way too much tea earlier this morning and then a very large coffee once I got downtown before my final so I did have to get escorted to the washroom in the middle of the exam, hah hah. Though using the washroom can be a kind of good meditative state for me and I did take the opportunity to make some brainstorm headway on the long-form mini-essay the final wanted from us.
Every time I do a final like this it frustrates me that the solution given to people who struggle with time for finals is to just give them more time. I don't want more time I'd much rather just be able to write up my finals digitally. I could easily finish within a final's time constraint if I was typing and honestly extended time actually just sounds more frustrating because the longer a final goes the more and more strain I put on my writing hand because I can't stop clenching my pen way tighter than I need to.
Writing by hand is enjoyable for working through a creative process but when it comes to logical reasoning my brain operates much better at a keyboard than with a pen. Maybe I should bring it up with someone and see if accordances can be made for that.
The best situation would being able to do a hybrid situation of being able to both write by hand for some things and type digitally for others. Like brainstorming for me just doesn't work digitally the linearity of the word processor just annihilates the pitiful capacity I have for brainstorming in the first place. So working out stuff like that with a pen would be best but then typing out anything more than like a sentence or two I'd much rather do digitally than by hand.
Man I'm fine with the content of these exams but I fucking hate the physical nature of them.
>>673644 def sympathize with this ive always had incredible aversion to regular sheet paper because my skin is so sensitive the way you have to like rest the side of your hand on a piece of paper always put me in a state of discomfort and anxiety unless i like heated it up first, or used special papers like construction papers or a fibrous canvas the same with pencil lead gritting across the paper, ugh i hate to sound like a hoity toity piece of this but i gotta use fountain pens only and on special paper only
super arbitrary and specific i wonder if other peopl have that problem