I did it, I got that job I applied for two weeks ago.
>>669908 Okay, so basically, there are three forces. First, there's God. God doesn't want to be called God, though. He just wants to be called Father because He doesn't want us to worship Him. Second, there are angels, and those are divided into two categories, normal angels who do all the normal angel things, and then there are Tempters. Tempters are angels like Satan. Satan was sent to rule over Damnation (hell and damnation are different places, hell is actually where we live and it's where we learn the lessons that make us worthy to go to heaven AS EVIDENCED BY the phrase "you have to go through hell to get to heaven" which is reportedly a very common phrase). Third and finally, there are the forces of evil. The forces of evil are the things that hate humans. I'm not sure if there are forces of evil other than aliens? but the main ones he seems concerned with are aliens. Aliens hate humans because humans are mean to each other, so the aliens are always trying to fuck with us. He's got a google drive full of pictures and videos of them (i'm going to ask if i can see them next week) and they're all transparent, the aliens are.
God and His angels are fighting the aliens to protect us because God is our Father and Fathers protect their kids (the client was referred here because he was depressed about his children being taken away by DCF lol)
Omedetou! You'll get to be the Zen Psychiatrist!
>>669912 The more I hear of legitimately psychotic people the more I wonder if all successful fantasy authors are also legitimately psychotic people that have just directed their insanity into productive means.
also this part doesn't really need that much elaboration so i'll just post the brief note i made earlier >Client started hearing voices around 7 years ago when his grandmother got dementia. He said it is because there is a chip in his head. The chip was put in his head so he could be monitored as to whether or not his grandmother told him any secrets while she had dementia. He overhears the organization talking to each other sometimes because of the chip, which is why they want him to take medication, but he thinks they should just stop talking so he doesn't have to hear them. It's unclear whether the organization or the CIA put the chip in his head.
context: he reported his grandmother was a super top secret quality assurance person for the navy during WWII and had tons of high level secrets certainly plausible but i don't have confirmation and given his delusional status it's hard to trust it
Anyway, I upgraded him from delusional disorder percusatory type to schizophrenia today because now I know he hears voices which means he meets criterion A for schizophrenia
>>669916 Which type of schizophrenia? (also I fucking guessed it was schizophrenia)
I thought it could be schizophrenia, but I can't diagnose it until he meets the criteria for it, and I didn't have evidence to support that he did until now!
>>669917 There aren't types of schizophrenia anymore. Now the only specifiers are stuff like first episode, multiple episodes, acute, and continuous? I think off the top of my head. There's also specifiers for in remission and severity specifier, but you don't need the severity specifier so I didn't check that out yet (it;s not in the pocket DSM that i carry with me at work)
Medicaid still uses a lot of DMS IV stuff, so I'm not surprised it's still taught sometimes. Medicaid makes me use the axis stuff sometimes, and they even make me specify GAF scores even though the GAF is ridiculous and ambiguous.
It would definitely be paranoid type if I were going by DSM-IV criteria.
>>669922 You get in contact with the people you need to to get him in a higher level of care yet?
No. My supervisor and I have both left messages for them but they haven't gotten back to us over the past two weeks.
My supervisor says it's okay to continue seeing him because he feels he's benefiting from talking to me even though we can't actually work on the goals he was referred to us to work on. He told me today that he wants to continue coming even after he's finished his mandated number of sessions.
>>669925 don't worry, actual satan isn't an alien just the being that people usually think is satan (like satanists and voodooers) is actually an alien
>>669928 Nice >20feet That's a big chunky boy! Did you see the article about the ancient gundam statues
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>669929 well too bad because the client says you're just misunderstood the only evil ones are the ones that hate humanity (who aren't humans) and as far as he told me that's only aliens
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>669930 no but i am very interested in that article
>some guy finds stone gundams in Indonesia >locals claim they've been there for hundreds of years We're in the long lost ancient tech post post civilisation timeline
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>669934 > The second one says, 'The locals said that this stone statue was made during the kingdom of Majapahit .' whaaaat there's no way someone better go do some carbon dating
>>669935 It was aliens dude The mars people came to Indonesia in their gundams
>>669937 I have a number of explanations One: Tomino was abducted by aliens and saw a gundam while getting probed Two:The aliens left behind a series of advanced blue prints for generations of mobile suits and Sunrise keeps it in their vault so they can keep making toys Three: it's the biggest coincidence ever
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Solid Snake needs YOUR help. He's been ensnared by the EVIL Madeline who has taken over our friend Lee, and it's up to YOU to save him! All he needs is your mother's credit card number, the expiration and the three digit code on the back. Hurry now, before he is lost to the powers of darkness forever! dab
>>669941 Wouldn't that just make their delusions more credible
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chanSearch [iqdb](194 KB, 1920x1080, screenshot0039.jpg)Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>669943 i mean i dunno but at that point wouldn't it just be a normal kidnapping? it wouldn't be anything special
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
inter dimensional
>>669945 It'd probably be a relief to know you aren't delusional though UFO abductions must be like being gaslighted because everyone thinks you're crazy but you're not
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>669948 well i mean any delusion is probably like that if i told my dude that there's no chip in his head he'd probably feel like i'm gaslighting him
>>669949 Boy you're gonna feel really dumb when the satanic demon aliens come to earth and pull out the chip from his head He's gonna have the biggest I told you so moment
>>669952 Yeah but think about all that discount post easter chocolate
>>669955 (as an aside, i'm a psychologist, not a psychiatrist) I wouldn't really get in trouble. Challenging people's delusions is really the only way to deal with them, although you usually need them on medication for it to actually work. But more importantly, I wouldn't suggest he do it himself. If he has a chip, he should be able to have it surgically removed, right? He'll certainly have an excuse as to why he can't get rid of it. He's smart, so he's most likely considered it already.
>>669958 He definitely won't. And if he did for some reason, it wouldn't really be my fault. You really can't "give" ideas to psychotic people when it comes to stuff like this.
This is all very real to them, and he's believed he has been chipped for at least 6 or 7 years. His system of logic still works, so he's already thought about stuff like that. It's just his reality testing that doesn't work.
Duly noted.
>>669956 What if he cuts open his scalp to try and grab at the chip
Oh yeah, he's not actually upset about being chipped or anything. He's just annoyed because it allows him /// forces him to intercept conversations between organization members. The organization will leave him alone if he takes their medication (which happens to be an antipsychotic). He just doesn't want to take the medication and thinks the organization should just stop communicating the way they do if they don't want people to overhear them.
He's honestly a very reasonable person, and he might even be able to be a decent parent. But he's still pretty delusional which seems to be causing a lot of trouble in his life.
>>669963 lol i wonder how much they are asking for it?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
looks like $10-20
still essentiaöly free money if people buy it since they only have print expenses
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah, only the cost of printing >The first listing, titled “The Mueller Report: The Final Report of the Special Counsel into Donald Trump, Russia, and Collusion,” is available for $9.20 in paperback and includes the special counsel’s report with an introduction by lawyer and Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz. It’s already shot to the top of Amazon’s Best Seller list in the “political parties” category, despite no guarantee it’ll ever be available.
>>669967 Alan Dershowitz in amongst my top ten favorite living lawyers.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i thought he was decent until like 2017 or 2018 whenever he started going hard on the anti-BDS stuff his arguments about criticizing israel being inherently anti-semitic are really infantile and definitely beneath what i expected from him
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
it's really gross that he helped defend weinstein too but that's kind of whatever because that's what lawyers do, it's in their nature to be kind of slimy once they get really big
well there was also the thing about he went really hard defending the use of torture too i forget when that was like 2008 or something probably? that was really gross too and stupid because we knew that torture doesn't work
>>669971 My issue with BDS is that they ignore regimes that do much worse and focus on Israel. For example, they ignore the US, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia.
Also I like Dershowitz as a lawyer, not as a person.
>>669977 The best part of the phone scene is the attention to detail that the phones are physically designed for horsegirl use, being elongated to get up to their horse ears.
i might have an opportunity to do some HORSE THERAPY
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
at my new job
>>669971 I'd say at least 90% of the time anti Israel arguments are either anti-Semitic, uninformed or hypocritical.
Hypocritical because these people (or nations, or political parties or whatever) choose to criticize Israel and ignore human roghts abuse by other countries that are even worse.
Uninformed because these people (or whatever) don't know about the worse human rights abuse by other countries.
>>669991 yeah it's not uncommon at all for it to be anti-semitic but it's extremely dangerous to brand all opposition to israel as anti-semitic people are using that //// goyim are using that as a method of attacking people to maintain the status quo
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
not to say that goyim aren't people but it's almost specifically goyim doing it
>>669997 3 of them are global pwoers with nukes and the fourth sits on one of the largest oil supplies and controls the water routes to the rest of arabian oil so yeah realpolitiks are sad
>>670001 i mean as far as genocidal nations go, canada is a country that hasn't actively pursued one in a long time while the ones i listed are actively pursuing genocide and have been in some form since their inceptions
that said canada has to go too! no government!!!
>>670002 yeah lol man it's so fucked up i mean at least people talk about the yemeni genocide sometimes nobody talks about the muslim genocide in china
>>670000 My phone disconnected before the upload was done.
think about it did people celebrate 1999 or 2000 was it y2k or y1999? and will people celebrate 2099 big or rather 2100 do people celebrate 9th and 19th or 39th rather than 10th 20th and 40th big?
0 is always better than 9
That analogy isn't very good.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
my favorite date is the 39th of each month
>>670009 >0 is always better than 9 So you'd rather have 0 dollars than 9 dollars?
oh shit i have a bunch of bread i wanted to eat before passover but i actually put it away into a cabinet instead of leaving it on the counter this time and i totally forgot about it until now i have to EAT ALL THE BREAD by tomorrow!
Speaking of ten dollars Canada's recently put out vertical ten dollar bills and I really like the look of them. >>670030 Too late I spent it like weeks ago.
>>670028 Yeah, but they made it illegal to start a fire anywhere on the beach unless it's a specially designated area, and those are all behind the hotels, and the hotels won't let you use their space unless you are staying there. We tried to do a bonfire on the beach last September and got in a bunch of trouble.
the bills are acrtualyl damn genius different sized and increase as the value does damn good design and no people, just famous land marks
but it is still euro
I don't like the concept of irregular bill sizes. Colour distinction is fine but I'd much rather have things be a consistent size for putting away in my wallet.
>>670038 It's not a matter of functionality here it's wholly a matter of having things be consistent.
>>670037 you might think so, but damn does it make handling money better
when you have a big stack of notes it makes it so much easier to quickly grab what ou need and placing them in order of smallest to largest makes that also damn easy ofc not so much of an issue for your average guy, but as someone who has sold shit and had 1500 in notes in my pocket during that and more yeah at that point when you ahve hundreds of bills to handle, the size difference comes to play
also the young man in front of me has a rad anime blue streak of hair
A guy came up to me and a guy I was chatting with before one of my finals on Monday wearing an anime t-shirt. I can't remember what it was now but it was some Shounen Jump series I think.
>>670048 the other day fish was trying to mess with me so she told me she was going to dye her hair blue and i was just like "uhh ok" and then she got mad because she thought i was going to freak out or something
>>670049 i wouldn't wear an anime shirt unless it was super sublt e
He seemed a pretty solid guy aside from the taste in fashion though. There's another weeaboo in that class who gives me hard no social skills vibes. It's kids like these that make me feel kind of vindicated in not looking in to the anime club at the university though.
Even though there's also some girls in it that ran a maid cafe a month or so back.
But on the other hand I remember back at Halloween there was a gang of students on campus walking around in Naruto Akatsuki cloaks. Which never mind the stigma is also dated AS FUCK. GET FRESHER CRINGY COSTUMES TO DRESS UP IN KIDS.
i would never walk around in such a blatant shirt but this gengar shirt is 100% ok
I just boarded an international @JetBlue flight. Instead of scanning my boarding pass or handing over my passport, I looked into a camera before being allowed down the jet bridge. Did facial recognition replace boarding passes, unbeknownst to me? Did I consent to this? >You're able to opt out of this procedure, MacKenzie. Sorry if this made you feel uncomfortable. Follow up question. Presumably these facial recognition scanners are matching my image to something in order to verify my identity. How does @JetBlue know what I look like? >The information is provided by the United States Department of Homeland Security from existing holdings. So to be clear, the government provided my biometric data to a privately held company? Did I consent to this? How long is my data held by @JetBlue? And even if I opt out at the scanners...you already have my information, correct? >We should clarify, these photos aren't provided to us, but are securely transmitted to the Customs and Border Protection database. JetBlue does not have direct access to the photos and doesn’t store them. Would love more info about how my image was matched to a name on the flight manifest. I looked at the camera & a few seconds later the gate opened. Was my image, in the space of those seconds, sent to CBP, run through a database, matched to a name, and then sent back to @JetBlue?
[later] "It took her photo, comparing her picture to a preloaded photo database of all the passengers with tickets on this flight.” It sounds like opting out isn’t really an option. I can not go through the scanner, but my data will have already been accessed and loaded into a database.
>>670059 Honestly, channeling my cynical shallowness here, providing you're decently attractive and sociable, you can wear whatever ridiculous anime apparel you want. ... Within SOME restrictions. And I'll still think you're a fine person, like with the first guy I mentioned. I'll still think it's an awful shirt but that's not an overal consideration of the person's character.
i've transcended shirt expectations the other day i wore my baseball mom shirt and the program chair read it and thought it was hilarious and then my colleagues were all laughing about it
i can wear anything now my irony power is high enough to get away with anything
You'd also apply to that "decently attractive and sociable" category though.
>>670061 and people are worried about chinese government
>>670061 To be fair, with the modern Internet, an image in the space of seconds could be sent to CBP, run through a database, matched to a name, and then sent back to Jet Blue. I'm definitely put off with the thought of the U.S. Homeland Security keeping a photo album of presumably every citizen, regardless of how they're matching those photos to the ones taken by the flight company.
yeah kirara much like myself is a super fuckin hottie
Well I don't know what you look like so I don't know if I'd say that. You're passably social at least.
>>670067 those photos most likely are passport/we pics anyhow though
I'm put off by the idea of a picture being taken of me without my consent for that shit.
The lack of transparency is a concern too. Like there's a degree of agency involved in having to hand over boarding pass and passport, and even if you don't have a choice, you understand the transaction going on there since it's a pretty low-tech procedure. But without explanation there's a whole lot of "what ifs" involved in having your photo taken.
>>670071 you mean the database comparison pic or the pic taken by the machine? the database most likely, as I said above, is made up of driver license, id card, passport, whatever other things that require you to send a picture to the officials for
>>670074 nah, that wouldn't work. my driver's license pic is 10 years old from when i was in high school. my entire facial structure is different now. there are pictures of me more recently taken as part of background checks but i didn't give consent for those to be given to the government and they were just used to verify it was me by a private company
in that case it is curious from where the database is built out of >>670075 those might be used, but yeah without them asking for consent for that kind of usage, it shouldn't atleast on paper be legal dunno about US legislation atleast
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
there's not even a rule that says i'll ever have to get a new license pic unless i move to another state and get a new license there if i lived in florida forever, i could be 60 and my pic could be me at 16
My license is valid for life unless they forcefully change finnish law about licenses again. fuck you eu
>>670077 If you let your license expire long enough would you as well? My license expired for like a year plus since I never used it for anything but photo identification and I had to not only get a new photo, but retake the written test for it. I think my mother had to do something similar since she forgot to renew her license for way too long and was driving around for a few years with an expired one. Though in her case I don't think they had her take a new photo, so maybe the DMV can get lazy some times.
but I do have to get a new passport ever 5 years fuck you Eu
>>670079 yeah, probably. i had a client who didn't have a license for 20 years and he had to do the tests and get a new photo but mine was expired for 5 days before i renewed it in 2018 (thanks to me being unable to drive due to my concussion and fish being dead across the ocean) i ended up just submitting a request online and it went through like normal
if i finally go through with getting my passport i'll need a new picture for that, though
biometric passports nice to know my fingerprints are in EU database
>>670081 Yeah go get yourself a passport already you can't visit me without one.
>Make full 1.7L pot of tea >Get one cup from it >Half an hour later >Pot practically empty How the fuck do two other people make 1.4Ls of tea vanish in that time.
>>670087 hey pk checking when did you make first post since making this thread for food making purposes, your name dropped
>>670088 this say that 3dl is one cup and 2 people drank that 1,7l that is fucking 8,5dl per head basically almost 3 cups of HOT liquid in 30 mins that is a pace
I figure my brother and imouto probably just both used some of our ~700mL cups, which would explain 1.4Ls of tea vanishing fast.
it's a shame that girl that's interested in me is basically my height. that's not a dealbreaker though. >>670094 I can't help that I like small weapon what women
>>670091 the big cups are shit, tho they have so bad heat insulation due to justplain size and lose all heat too quickly
>>670095 there was a redhead I had a crush on back in 1st grade and it carried over for the longest time She is taller than me and is a treasure I'm sure. But nevertheless I do have a preference for short girls.
>For the next three months, he and four others visited the lab every two weeks to swallow doses of 2,500 parasite eggs. At the start of the trial, MRI scans showed patients had an average of 6.6 active lesions – scars on the protective layer around nerve cells that disrupt the transmission of electrical messages in the brain and spinal cord. By the end of the study, that number had dropped to two. Two months after discontinuing the worm treatment, the lesions rebounded to an average of 5.8. “The beauty of this is that the number of new lesions is really an objective, brutally honest answer,” Fleming says. “It’s not proof, it’s not definitive, but at least it’s promising.” healing my spine by infesting myself with a billion parasites
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
oh wait they're saying it helped his MS
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>Back in Wisconsin, Turk, who has no desire to travel to Mexico or England to attain illicit worms, awaits the trial results. He occasionally speaks to multiple sclerosis support groups about his experiences, encouraging others to take part in research to speed the discovery of better medications. He is taking interferon beta-1a, a drug that reduces relapse rates, but he hopes the trials of helminthic therapy prove successful, and would gladly switch to it if it gained approval. Without a tried and tested cure, Turk says he has good days and bad days. “A lot of people look at me and don’t think there’s anything wrong, but that’s just because I do a good job at hiding it,” he adds.
i'm pretty sure going to another country to get illegal worms is the plot of resident evil 5
pretty much I still remember my play through of it with a friend >you handle the woman I handle wesker >okay >proceeds to slam jill into a ground and shoot an entire clip with my mostp owerful pistol into her head >mission failed JIll has Died >friend: dude what!? >I was handling her
>>670127 Irregardless of the benefits it might have for select people, I don't think there's any situation where infesting yourself with parasites is not a horrifying premise.
>I need to go eat >proceeds to use stunbaton to slowly push the friend's character into then ext zone so I can clear it while he is away >comes back >dude what, HOW!?
>crocodiles in water, insta death if you fall >proceed to smack eachother with stunbatons into said water >takes like 2 hours to pass that stage due to that
my friend and i played it on xbox 360 and my controller didn't always work so i was always fucking up the quick time events haha i must have seen my friend's head get impaled on a helicopter blade a hundred times
and my friend's neck broken by wesker a hundred times
fear 3 was damn amusing too >we get to final level where you get to pilot giant mechas >dude how do I mecha> >proceeds to slam the grouind and kill me >me: obviously not like that god the default controls were SUCH a cancer grenade was slam melee was shoot and whatvver thankfully you could switch them around >flashforward fe minutes >I also get a mecha >okay how does this work, how do I shoot missiles >proceeds to slam the ground and destroy my friend's mecha >him: not like that
>play as fettel >possess a miniboss enemy >can't fit through doors >hey wait up i am too fat to get through this door >"uuh okay, well just leave him?" >naw he too good to miss, maybe if you come closer I will get through? >"well okay let's try that" >he comes closer >I exit the body, which blows the body up, and these minibosses explode with the power of mini nuclear bomb >kill friend >laugh
I'm incredibly concerned about moon and believe he may be going to harm himself based on his last post on /moe/ several days ago and the fact that he's ignored my texts, discord messages, and twitter messages.
>>670186 Huh... I guess I'm lacking the context then... He seems to be talking pretty normally to me. Don't really know what to say to the ignoring of messages. Hope things are okay...
>>670185 >>670186 Things are alright with me. Coming off of a cold that's made me miss work for most of this week, but it wasn't too bad. Hope you've all been well too. >>670188 Wah!
>>670187 His last post was really worrying >>667995 → He seems to be intentionally ignoring me, but I hope he's able to get whatever he needs from whatever he's doing. Sorry to throw this stuff at you.
Yeah, I've been doing alright. It's been a while since we've spoken. I have my masters now and I'm getting married sometime in the next year or so.
>>670195 Oh, that's cool! Enjoying working? I haven't played FGO in a long time. I lost my JP account and then I never got into the ENG version because the start-up for grinding materials to get your first few characters to a high level is so painful.
>>670197 Yeah, work is good. What about you? Now that you have your Masters and everything? The game is SUCH a grind. I started on the english version, and have been careful with bind codes. I would hate to lose my account.
>>670198 I'm working now. I'm working on my doctorate still, though. I'm almost done with my dissertation proposal. I just got hired at a second clinic today, actually! Right? It's so grindy. I might try to start it back up this summer, idk. I'll probably start when ENG gets Foreigner class servants
>>670200 Ohhh, so you signed up for more years of pain... Sounds like it's nearing the end though, so that's good. Clinic? I thought you were in a different field. Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong kind of clinic. Grats, though!
>>670201 It's like a mental health clinic. A community mental health center, I guess? I don't make a lot of money because they're paying with "hours" but I'm like a year away from leaving for my internship. That puts me two years away from my doctorate, which is cool.
It's finally warm enough outside that I can comfortably open my window without worrying too much it getting cold. It's nice to at last air out my room after that long window.
I have to open my window otherwise I can't sleep, I've been doing it since October. Probably gonna stop in about a month. When it's warm enough for us to use the ac.
Sore Demo Machi has a really good one. Do you mean the song or the entire opening sequence? Xam'd has a really good song, so does Denpa Onna (it's whole sequence is good) And then speedgrapher has girls on film by duran duran as its opening theme And then there's cowboy bebop. Yuri Seijin Naoko-san also has a great op
When Ikuhara dies, I'm going to take his brain, crush it up, and snort it.
the nurse i wanted to be here isnt and in her place is the nurse that talks to herself the issue with this is she asks herself rhetorical questions and as a result i feel like im being asked questions so im constantly on edge
Aww, the OP/ED is already sold out on the preorder. I'll have to keep an eye out for more CDs. I hope they do a lot.
I boiled my eggs. And looked at my portfolio Lo, did I see that it is an observed holiday Blessed is he that maketh his meal before furrowing his brow over money For he shall have rest
do you do rice during passover, rei? i guess a lot of Ashkenazi families have minhag not to
>>670509 Yeah, we pretend to be sefardic during Passover. Although I don't keep kosher for Passover, my parents do and I do it at the house. But outside of the house I don't.
Another thing I like to do is tempt people with voluntary diet restrictions, like my "vegetarian" friend I've seen eat meat three times. I wouldn't bother tempting him if he hadn't done it in front of me.
Or my friend who is no longer religious but keeps kosher because of actual diagnosed OCD.
>>670506 No. Lord's Supper is just washing feet, eating a giant cracker, and drinking grape juice. And hymns and a small sermon.
>>670514 Wow, I didn't think y'all had weird traditions like that. I thought y'all left those behind for the Jews. I really can't judge, though. I have to go lead my family in reading a book we've read every year for 5000 fucking years around a plate with some crappy food, then wait for a ghost to get tipsy on wine we left out.
>>670515 Well, he said "Do this in remembrance of me" so thats like "The One Thing" we got. Baptism and Lord's Supper
Doesn't communion normally happen on a Sunday morning though?
i would say so but given the timing since it’s Good Friday may mean that some denominations or churches have a tradition >>670532 neither have i but that may also be related to timing
I've also never heard of washing your feet as part of communion.
We dont do communion. Doesnt that happen More often or something? Or am I thinking of something else
communion is uh the bit where the bread is broken and the grape juice/wine is shared to remember the night jesus was betrayed and so forth the doing this in remembrance of christ is the communion
>The God Eater franchise takes place in the year 2071, several years after the emergence of the Aragami (アラガミ Aragami). The Aragami are race of vicious creatures made of a cluster of "Oracle Cells", single-celled organisms that can consume anything and take on its attributes, that devours most of the Earth's resources and much of humanity to the point of near-extinction. Coming in different forms, they are invincible against any conventional weaponry, even capable of absorbing large quantities of nuclear energy into their own, until a Finnish pharmaceutical company known as Fenrir (フェンリル Fenrir) created a series of biomechanical hybrid weapons called Jinki (神機 Jinki, known as "God Arc" in the English release) that can kill the Aragami, as well as selecting those who can wield such weapons. These individuals are then called God Eater (ゴッドイーター Goddo Ītā). Various branches of Fenrir also have a sanctuary called the "Outer Ghetto", in which the rich, as well as those who yet to qualify as a God Eater and their families, resides, but due to overpopulation, the company limits the capacity of those who lives inside the Ghetto.
>finnish why hasn'ta nyone told me that playing god eater would be nationalism for me?
because none if us have played god eater although the soundtrack seems boss >>670555 nah
>>670594 "Kotaku's article is just plain racist, not understanding how a Japanese singer might have trouble with Rs and Ls, then going so far as to accuse that singer of using slurs. Rather than address this racism, the writer simply runs away. This is not journalism" lel
its pretty sad
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
imagine thinking nintendo would allow the word retarded in their games lol
but seriously that wasn't a fight that was bullying
speedrun is now 25:39
>>670627 does from software ever really patch shit, tho?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>670630 FromSoft releases balance patches frequently or at least they did for souls they haven't really done it for Sekiro
but seriously I don't hear the word retarget in that song and went over lyrics for the listed lyrical songs in P5 and none of them had it on them so... wut
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
it's in >>670621 around like 1:30-2:00 somewhere in there I don't think it's retarget but it's not retarded that part isn't in the official lyrics
ah there hmm well I can see how they'd make that mistake, the Duuduudim hits just in between reDUUget
>>670643 Having social norms change on what is "acceptable" and what is not is okay and that doesn't actually restrict anyone, just has them fac the normal "breaking norms" consequences but the fact that some outlets jump at first sign of "breaking" that, or atleast breaking a percieved social speech norm, is kind of worrying well not that it is a new thing, but I wish it would stop finally guess it still generates clicks
"acceptable speech" *
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
the media thrives on outrage and its sole goal is to rile people up by creating fake outrage, when it comes to non-current events news
I hope they do an official Persona 5 R feature and release date announcement in a few days when they have that news thing.
Man, when they did that massive concert and announced P5D and P3D, that was so cool. Japan is the best when it comes to spectacle. The west doesn't know what they're doing when it comes to building hype.
Is getting Easter Friday off in Canada a common thing?
>>670701 A three day weekend. That's very nice. I had today off, but I usually have every other Friday off.
Or Good Friday I guess it is.
>>670703 For the most part, yeah. Shops are closed, schools are out (for both students and teachers), and my dad wasn't at work so I imagine corporate offices are either on a skeleton crew or closed too.
>>670709 Easter Monday is a partial holiday here. Stores can be open, though usually with some kind of modified holiday hours, but schools will be closed and offices will either be the same as on Good Friday or pretty lenient with giving it as a holiday.
We don't have many actual holidays in the US. I think there are only 10 federal holidays. But most places are open on those holidays anyway, so people still have to work.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
In fact, those holidays are when many people in retail have to work the hardest.
There's a federal or provincial holiday guaranteeing a three-day weekend at least pretty much every month. A decade or so back they even invented one, Family Day, so that February would actually get a holiday.
Not all of them will be retail holidays too but a fair chunk will be.
>>670711 HEre most places are closed, but nowadays stores, essentials and stuff liek that run 24/365 embrace the modern no-god society
ofc anyone working right now gets full sunday bonuses, so there is a huge PROFIT carrot to get the necessary manpower to work, without actually havign to force anyone who wants to just have the holidays there.
People outside the United States always have days where they say, "oh, the shop is closed today" or "I have to stock up because the shop is closed tomorrow." But there aren't any days in the United States where the shops are closed. There used to be, when I was really young. Thanksgiving and Christmas, nobody had to work. I think those were the only days. But now, people are working on both of those days. Some stores are closed on Thanksgiving until 5:00 pm. Some stores close early on Christmas Eve, but they still have people come in on Christmas. Sometimes Christmas hours start in the afternoon. It's a really sorry situation.
It used to be that you had to be given time and a half, at minimum, if you had to work on a federal or state holiday. But two years ago, they passed a law saying it's no longer necessary. Instead, you can give people paid time off hours. However, those hours usually expire, which can cause a lot of trouble for people.
It would be good for places to close here. I'm sure in the next few years, there won't be very much time in which things are closed. It shouldn't be a problem if things are closed. People can plan ahead if they know. But doing that would get in the way of the rich's greed, so we can't be allowed that time off.
Christmas Day is generally a total day off but some exceptions arise. Notably movie theatres will often be open to some degree on Christmas.
>>670720 Here since the carrot is increased pay for normal hours there are people willing to work on holidays, who can then take their vacation on other days and whatnot or just want the extra income from the overtime + vacation hours
I for one don't miss the dead days easter and christmas used to be
>>670723 If those days are work days, someone will have to work. If nobody wants to give up their holiday, someone will be forced to. I don't think that's right.
I don't think there's something fundamentally wrong with businesses being free to always be open. But there's no way to actually ensure that option is in the control of the workers and not the people who own the businesses, which means there will almost inevitably be a conflict of interest. So legally mandating holidays is the next best thing for the workers.
>>670725 Someone might get forced, but usually say there are enough people working in the company, there are some who are willing to do it, rather than forced to Nonetheless the extra pay is a valid compensation even if you end up forced.
>>670727 i eat cooked carrots if you cook them with brown sugar it’s great
If I am not mistaken, no CBA? allows forcing people to work during holidays etc. ofc what is on the paper and what actually happens are two different things
You can't say fire someone for disobeying a suggestion to work say today but you can bet that guy's name is ontop of "when I need to lay off people" list
>>670729 Throw them in a bakeware pan and drizzle them with olive oil and let them roast in the oven for a bit. A bit healthier than brown sugar.
>>670731 i havent had brown sugar carrots in the longest time but that sounds pretty dope too
>I eat cooked carrots >I haven't had brown sugar carrots in the longest time HAVE you actually eaten carrots recently then?
throw them with meat and onions, season with salt pepper and bay leaves and whatever tsuits your palate and roast in oven in 150-200c for 3-6 hours and enjoy with potatoes
>>670733 i get the glazed carrots or so from the cafeteria yeah i imagine they’re like the ones you described
I think it's also unfair if multiple people want to work on the holiday. The system itself forces them into the position where they need money, and then they have to fight for a chance to get a little bit more money. Holidays should just be paid days off. The workers deserve that much at the very least.
>>670734 Or if you're doing some other kind of meat or don't want meat, just the carrots, onions, and potatoes in that pan roast is also great. It makes a great side for whatever meal you're making.
>>670736 This is the fun situation where your comparison point is your work environment and the USA work laws and mine are the finnish ones which are day and night separate
I don't think the system is unfair, because it isn't unfair here as long as it is maintained with vigil and some extranational bodies aren't fucking it with regulations
I don't think anything is universal. Different places should have different laws because there are different circumstances. When I talk about this stuff, I just mean that's how it should be here.
You say holidays shouls be paid days off, but that would mean there are no services during them what do people then do during holidays if no one is working?
sure you can easily invent stuff to do, but most stuff that people would normally want to do on their off hours, would be off limits >I am on holiday so I want to see a movie >oh all theatres are closed welp
I don't think it's a problem if there aren't any services like that on a holiday. It's true that people won't be able to go to the movies, and some people might be annoyed by that, but if the people at the movies were working, the person who wants to go to the movies would also be working, so they wouldn't be able to see a movie regardless. I think it's better for people to have the time off and have a limited amount of choices than it is for people to not have the time off and have no choices.
Have you ever experienced "oh no food because I was away and it is good friday?" I had to pay 50€ for like 10€ groceries in a kiosk to survive untill monday
Whatever job wants to offer its services, should have the possibility to do it, if they can manage the manpower without forcing them to work with "work or fired", be it direct or indirect social pressure threat
but seriously people owning businesses working for themselves WORK during holidays, say small cafe keepers etc because it is profitable most people who run the basic office jobs or whatever AREN*T working and want to then do something and spend their money money that will be used on your services
>>670749 Here is a fun fact "vacation money" a sum offered to finns during year/summer vacation, that can be also exchanged for an extera number of vacation days usually 5-10 days more
practice that started after finns taking 1+ month vacations in say tropics and deciding it wasn't worth returning back to finland and their 8-17 jobs so, companies began paying you some extra money provided you RETURNED from your vacation as a carrot to keep their human resources.
>>670752 Such a thing wouldn't work here outside of extremely specialized fields. Nearly any worker can be replaced at any time by any number of people, so there's no incentive to keep anyone around.
Yeah such is 200-300M population compared to 4-5M but then again finland is a high tech industry/service nation compared to USA's quite dominating basic industry
our only basic industries are metals and forestry nowadays
most our shit is high tech stuff or high tech services
And despite having good education system and lots of people to pick from for the companies, skilled labour is still a valuable resource
But european nations are bad comparison to any other region country in the end the culture here is just so monolithic for ages that formed quite unique socities that can work quite uniquely
Even like Russia which is in size and natural wealth comparable to USA, though not in actual wealth and population especially, is very different culturally from the western Union
USA is quite an unique country in the world in the end
Every country is pretty unique when looked at it in the right perspective.
YEah but usa is unique however you put it there isn't any country like them in the end
take any of the nordics and they share quite many cultural similiarities, say in work ethnics or social ethnics, that have formed up the countries they are nowadays ie the nordic model despite having quite different histories, unique identities and so on for most african countries, you can trace some of their structure to say colonialism
but usa kinda formed uniquely in an unique environment being a headstart new world colony that gained independence and then was allowed to freely expand, ofc with a quite tragick cost to the native population, but nonetheless
comparable here is Russia's siberian expansion, but russia had never been a colony and was already culturalyl united by that time mostly while USA has from the start been a melting pot of many european cultures and later others too
Most countries we know either hail from the Kingdom era, where strong rules enforced their will on a populace and region, untill it became natural for them to think of being part of said collective and thus a "national identity" of some sort was born ie. england, china, and so on Hell with china the country got taken over by foreign invaders, but still remained chinese the invaders were the ones who got integrated itno the country rather than country being integrated into the invading force
and then the newer ones, born with rise of ideas like nationalism and such, when people decide based on a shared identity or idea, that they should govern themselves
Hmm, netherlands in a way is a similiar case as USA, though on a smaller scale and that the populace that revolted against the distant crown, had been living in the place for ages instead of decades to a century
Well that random tangent aside I still say that people should be able to decide do they want to work on holidays or not As in it would be weird to have say one man companies be forced to shut down on days, even if they personally want to work then. Of course, there need to be protections in place preventing companies from abusing their workers, of course you can never remove the "hey perks, you are free on this sunday right, mind if you take the shift then?" kind of pressure kinda hard to refuse the person paying and employing you afterall, unless you have a good reason and know you can't be easily replaced