Thread #670220
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Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Fairy Gone Kenja no Mago YU-NO Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin Sarazanmai Sewayaki Kitsuno no Senko-san Shoumetsu Toshi Carole & Tuesday
Also no Ika tonight. Guess he's busy with Easter things.
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How about Jan?
I pinged him on one avenue I have. I'll give him a call up on the other.
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Squid has given us his blessing to watch whatever at least.
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what's sarazami?
Sarazanmai and Carole & Tuesday are what I'm most excited for on the list. Either Senko-san or /and Benkyou would be great.
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Sarazanmai kenja fairy gone bokutachi carole bokutachi is the one that gets saved if we're running late>>670233 oh I can change it around a bit sarazanmai benkyou wait sarazanmai senko-san fairy gone bokutachi carole
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sarazanmai okay lets start
Oh no.
That didn't last long.
>Otouto Oh I totally thought that was an imouto.
This idol girl the guy's dressing up as seems to also be ar -a real person too. I wonder if that's ever going to be a confrontation in the show.
Wow the moody one is really caught up in some shady business.
Oh SHIT that's some Mary Jane.
What the fuck is this show.
Wow that's gay.
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yeah wow so penguindrum
I wonder how many episodes it'll be before this transformation and battle formula gets turned on its head.
I was kind of expecting them to cycle through the three boys for the Sarazanmai secret exposition. I wonder if it'll just be the MC now.
So this episode had both weed and furries contributing to its plot. What a weird set of topics for an anime.
Oh okay that's more than just kinda gay that's actual gay.
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yeah weird show so far haha senko-can 1 or 2? okay lets start!
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persona 3-kun was a lot more hardcore than i expected
>>670259 Episode two, this is the show with the foxgirl.
>You will never have an adorable fox-god pamper you and take care of your woes
>If it's such a struggle, you should just stay home If only Senko's view of the world could be reality.
shit what time
3:05 3:10 3:!5
Being able to levitate sure must make thorough cleaning much easier.
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I should have saved this for later, it's comfy. I'm falling asleep a little haha
Well Carole & Tuesday'll probably be comfy too. I do think between the two this is the more comfy one though yeah. PSYCHIC FOXGIRL
She drives a hard bargain.
In a different kind of media this would be some intense ASMR shit.
Oh gosh that probably hurts a lot. Those deeper parts of the ears of animals like foxes are really sensitive.
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wo we saw her back! scandal!
She's pretty defenseless when she's tired. Oh gosh she even sleeps curled up like a fox.
This hikki artist looks like she'll be fun.
This Super Senko Taimu is some powerful stuff.
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fairy gone okay lets star
Different from the two of you, who are fairly gone.
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i'm here
>To make a long story short, I think I'm unlucky I know that feeling.
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>>670286 i am doing SIGMASCAPE these guys invited me for one raid and now i'm doing every other raid i guess
JETTOOOO>>670289 You gotta be wary of those raids man. You do them once and then you're hooked for life!
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sorry I'm here but just super sleepy haha
Industrial-era settings and fantasy is a sorely underdone combination. Even this is kind of soft-fantasy. I want to see more trains, rifles, and magic!
Looks like Free is going to reunite with the blonde guy from his time in the miltary pretty soon. I thought they'd hold off on that conflict for longer.
This show has a fun OST though.
I guess these fairies are more Stand than Persona. The users seem to experience the pain inflicted on them.
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yeah the OST was nice there
These leg-powered trucks are really funny to me. They're kind of insectoid.
>>670298 yeah they really seem strange
Oh no I guess Rika really did nod off.
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it's okya i nodded back awake let's do carole i can't promise makig 2 haha okay lets start!
What's got you so tired tonight anyway.>>670299 You ready yet?
>>670301 I was going to say maybe we should make sure Jan was paying attention.
Oh I hope he was ready.>>670303 Just tired from the week I think do we need to go back to start for jan?
I watched this OP earlier, it's gorgeous.>>670304 If he doesn't post before the OP ends, yeah, let's.
I could watch this OP over and over again anyway it's got such a nice AESTHETIC
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okay jan was dead orange again haha well you're starting again okay we're all orange lets start
Kyaroru>>670309 Hah hah oh no.
i hate to tell you guys but i started
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>>670307 i guess so!>>670308 at least this OP is nice
The painterly backdrops in this OP are so niiiiceeee
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ESPECIALLY this part
Oh no Jan we're not watching Benkyou we're watching Carole & Tuesday.
mother of god
Do you need the time?
i can just estimate it since i started the other episode on time haha
Yeah, I realized that a few seconds after typing out that post hah.
You should go watch the Carole & Tuesday OP after the episode's over it's also a gorgeous OP.
Tuesday is a super slovenly ojou-sama. How terrifying.
Haatowamingu parameta
>An agency that gets hired to pretend to be grieving funeral-goers
Carole's a really kind person though.
>TImberland boots They had the Instagram brand drop last episode too. I wonder how many brand deals they've got for this show.
Oh her mother's a governor.
>My only love is for great dudes and capable chicks
Oh gsdsds this girl is painful to listen to.
Oh wow that's a huge piano. It's giving me piano envy.
They're doing so neat faux-camera work in that scene there. Some neat faux-camera work even.
Time to go M A R S V I R A L
It's kind of problematic for Tuesday to go viral like that though. She's on the run after all.
Wow that's some scarily suitably accurate near-future facial recognition software.
What a guy.
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The music in this show is real nice.
>>670336 With a face like that, who even needs good social skills?
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I'm feeling a little more lively I can do bokutachi if you guys want okay lets start
I can do.
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>>670339 he's certainly got a face >>670340 >>670341 sounds good to me
This tomboy'll round out the main cast with a bit more spunk.
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me irl
Rika still hasn't posted the Webm she has related to this series. I thought I had a copy of it myself but I couldn't find it.
Tomboy's just mad gay for the genius girls in the school.
Tomboys that are actually super-otome on the inside is such a high-level charm point.
Search [iqdb] (270 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Be(…).jpg )
i already like this background character
oh sorry
sorry for what?
Hi Woah
nuthin much what anime we wathin chio chan school road?
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai. Chio-chan was like two seasons back.
>>670358 u guys watching the new game anime this season New Game! its got some cute aniem girls
That's a cool trick for a makeshift candle.
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>>670359 You're even further behind now.
im going to nyc in 5 hours :)
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The pink-haired sensei in this series really has a resting bitch face.>>670365 Maybe later I don't want to pause for a good shot in the middle of watching.
post a pic of her i bet shes cute
>>670364 oh sorry didnt know
>>670362 You can see if you can hit up Blue or Samurai while you're there maybe.
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>>670365 she's a jerk
im going clubbing with like 4 people i dunno if theyd want to join none of them watch anime or even know about anime probably just kidding they know what anime is they just call it for nerds
>>670369 everybody knows what anime is
>>670368 >:) thats a cute face>:I
He's really got such a rote method for memorizing English. How exhausting.
Search [iqdb] (296 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Be(…).jpg )
>>670369 anime is for nerds
>>670373 xd
ok thx for talkin ill leave u anime buds to it
cya later woo
>>670375 Bye Woah don't be a stranger her
Oh that should have just been strange her. Fucking muscle memory.
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This guy doesn't have as much personality as the last tutor-kun
Yeah U E SU GI KUN was way more of a person than Nariyuki. Nariyuki is the MC in a Shounen Jump manga though he's got to be more bland than someone like U E SU GI KUN
Nariyuki does have some pretty creative methods for tutoring though. U E SU GI KUN was a little more traditional in his approaches.
>What kind of girl gives the guy she likes her used swimsuit Probably more girls than you realize.
>>670390 whos saying they dont
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okay good night
okay good night
Night night