id be surprised if they had /moe/ stuff there but i know they have some record of me because they've done multiple background checks on me and i had a clearance at one point because i was a contractor for them
it's probably pretty low tbh considering there are still fbi agents who try to reach out to me sometimes even though i haven't worked with the fbi in any real capacity since 2016
if you could do either, moe, not thinking about cost or availability of time would you homeschool your kids or have them in private school i assume nobody would want their kid in public school if they had the free choice not to
I'm a stout supporter of the public school system here actually, but if that's off the table then I'd pick private school.
oh wait i forgot the important part in terms of social environment for the child completely disregarding educational material
I'd still say I think the social environment of the public school system is beneficial, far more than either of the other two options, but again, if that's not a choice I'd pick private school.
i think the deficits that come from private school (getting socialized to a bunch of rich kids with evil parents) and from homeschool (not getting socialized to other kids properly) are worse than the deficits of public school which can usually be remedied by working with your kid and taking an interest in their lives
i don't really care if my kid is like some kind of super private school prodigy or whatever private schools export because they'd still be fucked up socially in a way that you can't easily remedy even working with your kid closely
i was pulled aside for some testing in the first grade and one of the private schools sent my mom a letter saying they'd like me enrolled there and she should consider it, personalized by my testing and stuff but she thought it was like some self-promotion mailer like colleges and hospitals spam out to the community and just threw it away didnt even mention it to my dad because divorce i really wish i had went to it for a lot of reasons i couldn't live with putting my child through that i see some homeschooled families and how much they do for their child out of love i want to feel that for my child
the only thing i ever wanted was a violin it's the only thing i ever asked for it // they have some used ones at goodwill for like $20 you could have at least tried // they could have at least tried the one single thing i ever wanted and ever asked for never been able to ask for anything ever again i would never do that to a kid, my kid if i could have one fuck
sorry moe i cant help it ill go now see you soon enough
me too. thanks for keeping me connected to the sane and human world tilde, you were like a communication
dropped communication beacon for me id have been lost without you kirara thank you for understanding my true soul and accepting it jan i still love you, sorry solly thank you for your tenderness and compassion
rika sorry i was so mean in the past. i see what you meant back then always felt insecure by the standards you hold people to and was rude i see now you were right and had a good grasp on life goals and things i think your commitment is impressive and i really envy it sorry if i ever tried to make you feel bad sorry anyone i didnt cover i cant
Are you in a spot to try and get some rest? It might do you some good.
Oh there's lightning and thunder outside. I hadn't noticed the rain had turned into a storm.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>667995 this kind of feels like a goodbye post which has me rather concerned
Why do people consider Bloodborne to be horror? It's not set up like a horror game, and they don't really capitalize on actual horror by building tension or anything
maybe body horror but that's totally different than horror
good example are dungeon crawlers like diablo or titan quest even well latter is not but diablo 1 and 2 especially can be considered horror at times but they are action-rpg
it isn't like fear series which is fpshooter horror pacing the game between horror and action quite damn well atleast in the first game
i mean it's kind of like a big scary enemy shows up and you get a sense of dread like "oh god this thing is going to rip my head off at least five times" but it's different from the horror of not knowing what's going to happen next if you turn down this hallway
I wish Silent Hills hadn't been canceled I really want to play a horror game There aren't a lot of good survival horror games on PS4 REmake was really good at horror though
It's a gamr designed to horrify you, but it's not a horror game. Really the issue here is the terminology of the horror genre and how it's disconnected from the actual content's focus on scaring you rather than horrifying you.
So I triple shoot projectiles that explode, set enemies on fire, freeze them and then zap them with lightning kinda boring build to just autoattack things to death but it is DAMN solid
>>668081 It is because people don't really understand horror horror is when the object is to not just scare you, like BOO jump scare, but to horrify you leave you with that feeling "perhaps I will turn the lights on this corridor" or make you actually scared of continuing the game
game can have horror elements in them, but thad doesn't make them horror A big issue with especially cinema when it comes to horror, if you ask me. Since htey think "scary stuff" is BOOs and gore quite oft despite being proven wrong so oft
For example in TQ when i heard of the gorgons and arrived at their cave the music switched to a menacing roll with the sun setting at perfect coincidence and the pathway filled with stone statues of their victims
that was good suspense
btu was it horror? no there was no SCARY BUILD UP there was suspense towards a boss fight, but not towards a SPOOK
It doesn't matter if people do or don't understand the meaning of the word assigned as the genre name, a genre isn't defined by the word it's defined by the content of the genre. The horror genre could be a collective media about raising guinea pigs and as long as there was a consensus in the media people consider falling under that category, that would be what the horror genre is.
>>668086 yeah but that is not what primal feelings of fright, scared and horrified meantho even if the words are changed the feelings will stay the same
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>668086 if we define it like this, then genres are completely worthless, though
i didnt fuck my cat. i didnt cum on my cat. i didnt put my dick anywhere near my cat. Ive never done anything weird with my cats. I promised myself i wasnt going to make apology videos after last years thing so im just trying to be as short and honest with this as possible. (1/?)
what uh game is this
I swear my cat tries to wall me off from getting out of bed when she's napping with me.
chinese boats 2 electric boogaloo
>side quest gives less than 1/15th of required xp for lvl up seriously the rewards for thsoe are pointless
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i'm watching that new sekiro any% that horse skip is amazing lol
it's hilarious that the cheeses and skips in sekiro actually probably take more skill to do successfully than to fight legitimately for some of them at least
night >>668129 yeah nah sometimes debate and discussion is no use and violence is required and that's the case for people who think richbitch is the best girl
Apparently there were 20-30 feet flames off the top earlier. All the wood components of the cathedral are likely toast. Rebuilding probably won't be impossible, but would it be feasible?
>>668151 Yeah. I'm remiss I never had a chance to visit it. It always looked like a marvelous piece of architecture, regardless of its purpose.
In lighter news, I just wrapped up the last of today's finals. Now I've got eleven days before the next one. Plenty of time to study, decompress a bit, and maybe find some work that'll pay me.
someone cried today when they realized my cat is named after my friend
That's kind of nice of them.
So according to one of my friends, her favorite thing in Israel is the cars that drive around cities blasting the numa numa song but instead of "numa numa hey" its substituted with some ultra orthodox rabbi's name.
well idk she cried when she realized my cat was named after saku lol
lazarus is the guy jesus ressed which is why in many fiction some miraculous heal tech w/e is named after him
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah one time i posted an obituary for a dude named Lazarus and made a joke about how it was ironic and saku was like "why is that funny" that was before i knew his full name haha >Devotees of the group, colloquially called Na Nachs, make themselves quite visible in the streets of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberias, and other Israeli cities as they dance atop and around moving vans to techno-Hasidic musical compositions, with the goal of spreading joy to passersby.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
found a video with the song the vid is just random pics of jewish stuff >>>/watch?v=mMRlTjkOEqw
My school offers research assistant positions which pay $4000 over the year. For the past two years, I've been the research assistant of a certain professor. She's never had any complaints about me and has been thrilled with the progress the team has made under me. Four weeks ago, we had to re-apply for our positions, so I asked her if she would be hiring me again like she usually does, and she told me that she would, that I had priority over the others. So a week passed and I put in my application. Another week passes, and I find out, to my surprise, I didn't get the position. Assuming it's a mistake, I emailed the professor to sort it out. At this point, there were a bunch of unfilled positions still, and the position I was supposed to have was still unfilled. So it seemed it was just some kind of mistake. The professor took a week to reply to me and she told me she had decided to go a different direction with her research team. And that she wasn't going to be re-hiring me.
Now, it's okay that she doesn't want to hire me back on. What's not okay is that she guaranteed me this position, so I didn't apply for other positions. And then she waited a week to reply to me, so I didn't apply to any of the unfilled positions. And because she's treated me like that, I'm now without a research assistant position, which means I'm out $4000 for the next year. That's a big part of my livelihood! All of this could have been avoided if she had communicated with me properly. But she didn't, and I'm the one who has to suffer for it. I've been incredibly reasonable with her. I even sent her an email appealing to her and saying I can make whatever changes are necessary for her team, and she waited another week to reply to tell me she had hired someone else.
And now I'm supposed to do a bunch of work to ensure the team can transition to the new assistant? Why should I? Why should I do anything to help someone who treated me so disrespectfully? I feel like
Oh man yeah that's the kind of thing that would have me STEWING even if there wasn't money involved. I get really bothered when I go out of my way to do something only to have it wasted because they chose to not keep me in communication.
I'd be pretty sorely tempted to just bail out on her too, like as soon as the period I previously agreed to be on board for is up go "tally ho!" and let them deal with the aftermath.
>>668188 I feel like she's dishonored me and I won't be satisfied until I do something to get back at her.
And I could easily get back at her. I could just not upload all of the progress we made while I was in charge and she'd lose two years of progress. Or I could fuck up the data. I could ruin the training material so (that I spent two years perfecting) so the new people on the team can't do their work. I could do so many things to get back at her.
And I really want to.
But I'm not going to. She's like an insect to me now. I've lost all respect for her and she's not even worth the time it would take to get back at her.
Last semester, she wasn't even inthestate the entire semester so I ran her entire lab for her. I came in early every day to set up her Zoom room so her students could access her lecture which she was giving remotely. I helped her write lesson plans for a class, I read over 30 articles in the course of a day to help her once, I've done so much for this person because I actually enjoyed working with her. She even asked me to write her a letter of recommendation so she could be promoted eventually.
I mean maybe don't totally wreck her, but definitely only do the absolute bare minimum you need to and then make your escape. You clearly don't owe her shit.
Yeah if there is no reason to do anything beyond bare minimum, why bother? or rather if there is a reason to Just do the bare minimum, always gun for it
When she emailed me last week to tell me she was heading in a new direction, I replied within 10 minutes appealing her decision and offering to do more. She waited a week to reply >Thank you for all that you have done. However, I will be going with another GSA. Please make sure that the instructions are updated and all the files are in the google drive. Let me know if you have any questions.
She's like an insect. I don't intend to do anything more than the bare minimum for her. I'll upload all the files she wants, but I guess she and her new assistant can have fun deciphering the way I documented the work. If she had replied properly and apologetically and acknowledged she had wronged me, I would have been willing to accommodate her.
>>668198 She's never taken this long to reply before. Until this month.
That is kinda weird thing to do unless she has been the weirdo that never replies in time before Maybe it is basically, that she didn't want to use you anymore, but couldn't just do it openly so she kept pushing the replies back as long as she could or something still really shitty thing to do, especially since it so rarely is out of pure malice.
Just, the sheer lack of respect it takes to treat someone like this. It's astounding. To treat a colleague who has gone out of their way so often for you like this.
Well, we'll see how she reacts on Wednesday, when I discuss this with her in person. Unless she chickens out and doesn't show up for our meeting. She only ever shows up the last 15 minutes of the meeting after our work's all done, anyway.
I think she's a coward, though. I don't think she has what it takes to stand by her decision if I confront her in person, even though she won't change it. I'm kind of looking forward to it.
There are also witnesses to her saying she would hire me again, and they'll both be there. We were going to have an end of semester party, but I guess it won't be very fun.
Yeah I'd be a little gleeful about an encounter like that too. I am way too enthusiastic about being venomous to those I feel have spited me at times.
Deshou? I mean, usually when I feel slighted, it's small stuff, minor mistakes, usually due to negligence and not really a big deal. But this is four thousand dollars big. It would be kind of sad if I acted like it was okay.
Me too. Cask is definitely my favorite. It's the perfect blend of mystery, murder, and humor.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Righteous fury aside, this is a cool article about Keanu >“Somebody took that picture while we were shooting in Brooklyn and released it,” Stahelski says. “I thought it was cool. Keanu thought it was cool. I don't think the studio thought it was cool. I'm a big Sergio Leone fan, so no matter what, I was putting Keanu on a horse in this movie. If you've got an actor who can ride horses, ride motorcycles, do fight scenes, why not? I made a list of every skill Keanu has—we sat down and I said, Give me everything you can do really well. And we put all that in the movies. Drive a car, check the box. Ride a horse, check the box. Nobody wanted the horses. I had to fight for that one. People thought it was too weird.”
>Nobody wanted the horses. Who the fuck were you asking.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>“I haven't really thought about my career future, or what was going to happen, until really recently,” he says. But by “really recently,” he says, he means “probably my mid-40s.” >When asked what brought that bout of future-thinking on, he cheerfully says, “Death.”
has keanu finally discovered the secret to ending his immortality
>Then the sun comes out, as if it, too, wants to make sure Keanu is warm enough. The sun bounces off the tabletop and up into Keanu's face. It's a nice, low fill light. Sasuga Keanu.
>But we couldn't afford not to do long takes. We had to do long takes because we only had one camera. The first guy who dies [in a fight scene] is also the last guy—he's gotta get up, run behind the camera, and come back into the shot and get hit by Keanu [again].” This is ingenious.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Right? I was ready that part and I was taken aback by how cool it was. I had no idea John Wick was filmed with a single camera. It's such a well-shot and directed movie that I never once even considered there might be one camera.
>“Movie jail” is real. He's been there. He was excommunicado at Fox for a decade after turning down Speed 2 to go play Hamlet onstage in fucking Winnipeg: “I didn't work with [Fox] again until The Day the Earth Stood Still.” Fucking imbeciles.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>“That daze is one of the things I really love about what you do,” Dennis Cooper tells Reeves in that same interview. “You're always kind of talking around what you actually want to say.… Most actors just manufacture emotion and expect audiences to match it. With your characters, it's their inability to produce that's the key. They're often, if not perpetually, distressed, spooked, weirded out by the world. They're always fighting with their contexts.”
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>Was there ever any comfort in having your intelligence underestimated in that way? Did it feel like you could then surprise people? >Reeves smiles, coy as the Mona Lisa. “I don't know how much intelligence I have.” i love keanu so much
He consistently seems like a respectable, down-to-earth guy. Solid bloke.
>>668225 Where they really get into who a person is
This was an article about Isaac Brock that I thought was really good, in a similar way
Yeah I can really enjoy some long-form journalism; I get really into some true crime pieces some times. This is a really solid piece, reminds me of one I read a while back about Viggo Mortensen and where he went after Lord of the Rings.
I actually have a lot of trouble reading new articles sometimes. I don't know, they're just hard to pay attention to without getting lost in the words and losing the meaning sometimes.
But stuff like this where they really paint a beautiful picture, I love.
Apparently Keanu hasn't really dated since his girlfriend died in 2001. err, I guess his ex-girlfriend? They broke up shortly before her death
>>668230 Oh that's fantastic news. There was still a lot of art on-site despite ongoing renovations, I hope those pieces were similarly not too damaged in the fire.
>>668232 Yeah, I'd heard that parto -part of his history before. He's had his own share of some pretty bad emotional pain.
They sometimes put too many jokes in their subs. They had a big falling out with the old Nyaa Cartel before nyaa died. I was actually surprised to see them on nyaa because they were banned from the old nyaa.
Haha, remember when nyaa declared war on DameDame and like a hundred fucking anons swarmed nyaa's IRC channel to demand we be allowed to host our subs on nyaa and they eventually gave in
And all those hilarious anti-Daiz posts
>>668259 why is hector watching his daughter in bed
Spring here has progressed to the point where it's pleasant in the sun but pretty chilly in the shade. I imagine tonight'll be a little cold too. It was lightly snowing around 11:00 this morning as well. Not cold enough to stay snow on the ground, but it was flakey in the air.
This must be what they meant in star wars when they said when there's a big bad the force creates a big good to balance it out he's the ultimate evil and i'm the ultimate good
Maybe from his viewpoint you are evil!
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Why is meming about the prequel trilogy the best way to do Star Wars memes.
haha the prequels are so unintentionally wacky that it can't be helped it's just one of those perfect storms
On one hand I'm sure he doesn't really care because either way Star Wars has made him boatloads of money. But at the same time I'm sure somewhere inside he's SEETHING that the trilogy he actually had total creative control over is the one people mock and laugh at how completely dumb it was without even trying. George Lucas that is.
His ex-wife even won an ... Oscar, I think? For her editing work on one of the original trilogy. And he doesn't have any awards of the same acclaim. Or something, lemme check.
this sprite is particularly well crafted like damn
>>668286 He was nominated for Star Wars on a few occasions, and he did win a British award for best sci-fi/fantasy for Episode III. And he's won a couple sci-fi awards, but when it comes to mainstream awards he's only ever been nominated at best.
HOWEVER, he has won a Golden Raspberry award for worst film for Attack of the Clones.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Poor dude.
I'm sure he's weeping into his pillow woven from actual hundred-dollar-bills.
Did you ever see what he wanted 7-9 to be like? Where they shrink down to the size of midiclorians or whatever? He talked about it in an interview and it seemed so dumb
Hm, I think I heard of it before, but I don't think I ever saw it in detail, no.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Lucas had so many horrible ideas
It's a shame he couldn't maintain his relationship with his wife. He has some genuinely good ideas in the rubbish, he just needs a normal person to help him sift through it all and tell him when he's being dumb.
>>668283 >>668281 The best absurdity is when it's made with completely honest and sincere intentions. Which is why all the dialogue makes for such great memes
>>668295 Like FIRE Hell FIRE This FIRE in my skiiiinnnn
>>668309 Yeah I'd be kind of worried about that. Actually can you test if predicative text can run more than two or three words before it begins to eat words? Like I can't get it to do more than a couple words before I need to start effectively confirming each predicative word I pick.
lol one of my dumb friends who joined the military and is now stationed in japan sent me a video of some "alice in wonderland" cafe where the girls all dress as alice and sing for you
>>668573 not YET >>668572 i got many more retarded looking group shots don't worry that's probably the closest to synchronization the procession was gonna get
>>668586 Was that a blaze blue reference? Also I know a guy who prounces the z in blaxe blue even though three people told him that he was pronouncing it wrong.
>dude asks me for a lighter on the train I don't know if this guy's an idiot or what but smoking on the train is not allowed unless you're homeless.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>not poisoning everyone's lungs in a small confined box
>>668588 i own blazblue central fiction on ps4 and pc >>668587 what the fuck its literally blazblue the only reason the z is ever silent is because japanese speakers also how is it a reference to blazblue when thats literally the name of the game
I think I have developed my winning stock GAMBURU strategy But it's annoying as hell. But at the same time, it ~should~ work. maybe There's No Way That Making Money Is This Simple! but yeah, I'm gonna see how well this works.
People like to bring up that thing that's like >if you double a penny every day for 30 days, would it be worth more than just getting a million outright??? and I"m sitting here like.
"Hey, what if I just made a .1 gain on this small amount every day for a year" and it's equally as absurd
>my brain: Don't worry, if you succeed for three months instead of a year, you will nearly double your salary! >my heart: FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS AT MAXIMUM VOLUME
I'm scared. Already. Whenever I break things like this down and it's like Yeah, it's simple you just gotta uhh... succeed, I guess. I don't know if I can. But I might as well have some fun. It's just a little scary to have fun with large sums of money. And yes, I'm calling $100 a large sum for now.
"Don't get excited. Don't panic. Just make moves." Whew. Well, it's time to close the apps for today. well, until 3pm anyway gotta do something productive for the next 4 hours. or something fun What are you guys up to?
>>668612 I'm working at starting a zine with some fellas on the bird site and waiting for it to be time for work I prepared things for dinner too It's goin alright but it's hard to do too much when you're waiting to go to work haha
>>668619 yeah there's a new FFXV collab event that you can get a 4-person mount that's the car from FFXV but you need a ton of points from the minigame place to get it
It's like, the most underrated musical thing you can do. In a movie or TV show, at least. It's not used enough!
I mean, MCU is 20+ movies and even they've barely used it outside of the Avengers theme, although they did it with some old music for Endgame.
The impact of refashioning a powerful, heroic theme like the Avengers theme into something lower-key and weak is so good. It encapsulates everything about the story in just a few tracks. It's such a powerful technique!
The return of Capt's line "If we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn sure we'll avenge it" was great too.
FF is really good at leitmotifs, they do it even with chocobos It's so good.
>>668647 Very few Hollywood directors take advantage of liemotifs. The only one that really comes to mind on the spot is John Williams.
Stage musicals know how they work, they'll even reduce the leimotif down to something short that can be woven into the songs of the musical to signify the important characters or themes of the song. Even fewer Hollywood composers know how to work that.
It's kind of funny that the best contemporary use of short-bit leimotifs in modern times that I've seen is Homestuck
I don't know anything about Homestuck, but yeah, musicals do it really well. Their overtures are really good at establishing them and the ending usually goes with it, too.
>i should look up this stock im gaming today >They went bankrupt. A B O R T
sometimes you just have to make rash decisions like questionable retweets
I already made 13.4%. I can exit. The trick is to be 10%+ for the next 59 business days. ...while going all in. (On the 100 and the profits, not my 10k)
This is gonna be the Worst Kaiji arc.
>throws in 100 from a 11k pot Nothing was risked Nothing was gained. You cheated not only the audience but yourself.
Oh that should be Tilde Swinton, I accidentally hit the backspace I guess. It's a joke off Tilda Swinton that I can't get enough of when I get the chance.
Well then they could link I dunno IMBD score on site to am ovie and save the user the time it takes for "copy paste name search see results" to see if the movie is anygood
with horror movies you need to know the score if it is below 4 the movie is actually well bad in terms of even technical aspects bieng shitty and I have seen enough of those fora life time
Anno 1800 has some pretty good city-building quality of life stuff to it. Like it'll extend lines on the building grid along the the edges of the building you're placing to show you how it lines up even with other buildings far away from it. Which is great for me because I love putting things neatly and I waste so much time trying to carefully move placing buildings along the grid to ensure they end up neat.
just did an intake on a dude who started randomly giving me advice on how to get girls at the end of the session because he "saw himself in me" lol
Reminds me of the talk Blue got from the guys on the tunnel gangs when he was doing physical labour for the MTAA.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
dude also invited me to hang out he seemed like a decent dude but he was so ridiculously cheerful that i think i would die if i spent any significant amount of time with him
>>668719 I know it is less than a litre from experience but I know it is more than 700ml, since when I use it for insta ramen, I pour 700ml of water in it and it isn't close to the rim + added volume from the noodles and 1 egg
technically you could still say "eskay", kek c is a stupid letter
It'd be more like eschay, tho
Oh that took me a moment to realize hah hah. I was looking at the posts going "where is the message here?" Best of luck, I know it's an ongoing process!
just as a header don't mind if it someone drops the wrong pronoun due to just "having used to think of 'em that way"
It's been a lot to take in But hopefully things'll work out
is fine
Yeah, I hope it works for you too. Are the medications and such covered under the Norwegian healthcare?
I assume it's covered like nearly everything else, but I dunno for sure I'll find out on like, the 6th of may
if it is same as in sweden and finland, it should be
Haven't seen anything in the news about it, so I assume it's covered tbh Otherwise we'd already be behind Sweden, and that doesn't seem like our dealio Not on this front
From what I've gathered from you Scandinavians the lot of you are all pretty determined to not lag behind Sweden in ... pretty much everything.
Yeah i'm pretty sure Sweden's the butt of every scandinavian joke format
Except, obviously, Sweden's own jokes
Though I'm sure they also make jokes about themself, hah hah.
At least in Denmark, Sweden and Norway, there's a template joke, where it's like A Situation <Your own nationality here> makes logical choice <Other nationality here> makes pretty much that decision <The butt nationality (Sweden for Norway and Denmark IIRC)> makes a completely idiotic decision
For Sweden, the butt is Denmark, I think
So it's like
A plane is about to hit a mountain, onboard is a Swede, a Dane and a Norwegian The plane needs to lose some weight or everyone dies, right So the Norwegian goes "Look. I'll sacrifice myself, so you can make it" And the Dane goes like, "That's very noble of you" And the Swede starts clapping
Uh, part of the joke is they're hanging onto something, so obviously clapping means you fall I'm a bit drunk
I get curious what you're up to every now and then and flip through your Twitter. Don't follow it because I don't think I'd enjoy the content all to o much but I do look in on you. So yeah I'd seen you talking about it a day or two back.
>>668753 Whether you mean red as in angry or red as in political, probably not, hah hah. I'm comfortable in my beliefs and I don't get too emotional over things I see online. BUT I do exercise my freedom to disengage from things I wouldn't enjoy.
imats mentioned having mentioned it actually, so really I shouldn 't be surprised now that I think about it
I ... don't think I saw that? I've been a bit hectic lately though with end-of-semester stuff so doesn't surprise me too much I guess.
it was a while ago and not a long conversation
well, in any case that just leaves my family I guess
>>668751 kirara told me a while back, i dont recall the context really but i think it was a kind of status update, since he’s one kf the folks who kept in closer contact with you
...oh, I was about to have the same conversation that you just had like twenty posts ago. I almost thought the secretary knew of my eggsploits. I should do that tomorrow. And my acronym guesser is broken. So I don't know what the C means.
That Wired article on the new Playstation console seems to be hinting the next-gen PS might not be PS5. I wonder if they'll also have a marvelously stupid name for it.
>>668784 The "is my wallpaper slideshow working?" hotkey
win + r also opens run useful for some things uhhh win + pause/break does something you probably never needed in your life win + e opens windows explorer
to the nobody who is concernee, there was a gigantic banwave in granblue yesterday
Search Everything is so fucking good, I can't fucntion without it
be careful when you do windows+comma tho cause windows+m is also total minimization
>>668791 i run windows 10 with its harddrive molesting indexer so just the windows key searches my harddrive easily
>>668796 i turned that off way back cause the windows search is real slow in comparison and just shitty to deal with
like Everything will give you every file in all your harddrives that match what you've typed, as you're typing, without any time between pressing the button and showing it
>>668797 >>668798 i have never required such a thing because i usually know exactly what i want to find and what it's called if not where it's at i don't have a ton of files on my harddrive i need to search through or anything
Cuts down on navigation when you wanna replace a file in a folder or something, at least you just type in the name of it and it shows every instance of it, so it's quick to figure out, even when you dunno where exactly it'd be
>>668801 Who needs green power or brain power when you can have BLUE POWER.
Anno 1800 really tickles my city-building and resource-management funnybone it's great. Few things bring me more enjoyment than seeing CIVILIZATION RISING.
but also like I have... 3.5TB of STuff across 2 harddrives
and because I pirate nearly everything, games can be in program files, program files (86), Games, or some other obscure folder somewhere, on either HDD IT'S A MESS
>>668806 i only have like 500gb of stuff on one harddrive and it's meticulously categorized into folders even my anime screencaps because i'm a fucking loser danbooru/twitter/etc have their own folders for different series art
one of those folders is just "old", which is where I dump things when there's too many in the top folder And then there's a "super old" folder in that, again
i honestly just post the images i most recently downloaded or capped and keep the rest to flip through later for memories
>>668824 I probably have you on steam. Not that ive used it since like winter 2017 though.
I'm koume there, in any case
my twitter DMs are open anyway, if you ever wanna say hi
I don't use twitter. I try not to use social media because I get addicted to it easily and also because I don't like big corporations knowing everything about me.
was probably cause I was on sick leave for like 2 months I was gonna come back in January tho, but whatever >>668834 naw I dunno about further schooling I could do it now tho, finances are more stable here now
>>668833 You figure out a way to get to college yet? After a bunch of back and forth I'm probably going back in the fall.
It does a real good job of playing like how the act in the show, you only control kazuma, aqua casts random spells or uses god blow or some other similarly named thing those attacks only do 1 damage but one has a chance to stun and the other has a chance to confuse, megumin will automatically cast explosion in the third round of combat if not killed or given a status effect and darkness does attacks that do 0 damage and will also jump in front of people who are being attacked to take the damage for them.\
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
oh and kazuma has interesting magic combos, like blowing dirt into enemies eyes or freezing water that he just hit san enemy with
sounds like a difficult game
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>668854 iirc persona 3 on ps2 only has you controlling the mc its not that hard though oh but if megumin does explosion she's incapacitated for the rest of the day and the party formation sprite for kazuma has him holding her on his back
persona 3 is rough for that reason your party is a little stupid
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
it has nice touches like that, but the one thing its missing is random object interaction like you can talk to npcs, look at quests on the quest board, attack enemies (the monster sprites wander around on area maps except for bosses that stay still) but if you go up to a bookshelf or a pot and press A nothing happens oh yeah wiz sells some stupid magic items too
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
for example aqua will cast heal at the start of a battle when everyone is at full hp, or does turn undead on a non undead monster (it does 1 damage)
>>668856 They're not too bad if you don't bring Mitsuru she's a retard something is kind of immersive about your party members fucking up and getting you killed
>>668862 also skip to 5:17:01 to see ganon actually bust it
ugh i heard through the grapevine that i'm expected to win an award for "outstanding dissertation" i don't need more expectations on me why can't i just have a mediocre dissertation
it would be kind of funny if i won after people tried to kick me out though
i was actually going to try to get the outstanding student of the year award next year the way it's awardable /// awarded is really easy to game so i was going to fuck around and win it and be like "lol u said i might not be a fit for the program tho?"
Yeah, but I don't want to work even harder on this. If I want to get the award, I'll have to actually put more effort in it, and Fish is already mad that I work on it so much.
also i'm starting a zine group kind of so that's another obligation i'll have and dissertation stuff is gonna be woooork
i wonder if this has anything to do with me losing that grant the professor said she thought i was really preoccupied with my dissertation even though i wasn't i wonder if my dissertation chair did something
There's a good number of really enjoyable shows this season. C&T, Sarazanmai, RobiHachi, Kimetsu, Bocchi, Senko-san, Fruits Basket, Senryuu. Probably some more I'm neglecting to recall. And there hasn't really been a show we've watched that I've been "oh well this is kind of dull". Oh wait there's the token isekai show that wasn't bad but pretty whatever.
so far they've done pretty good with OPM there's a little less animation than id like in some of the fights but it might just be because this episode was basically just super fast people using afterimages
if i win that award i'll have to give a speech and if i have to give a speech i'll have to lie and be like "wow i worked so hard on this and i'm really proud of it!" i can't just be like "i hate this dissertation and the only reason i put in more than the bare minimum was because i wanted to rub it in the professors' faces" and if people find out that i hate my dissertation and still won my colleagues will probably be mad at me that might suck
i wonder if i could go up and decline the award the award won't even look good on my CV or anything and even if i get the plaque they give the winner, it's not like i'll ever hang it on the wall, i don't even have my masters degree hanging anywhere. it's still in the envelope but if i went up and turned it down then i could simultaneously rub it in everyone's face and cause the professors to lose their shit probably they only let you know you won the night before you get it awarded so they wouldn't have time to respond to me declining it i could even be like lol i didn't check my email last night so i had no idea this was going to happen! wow! i'm so surprised! but i don't want it
if i were put on a pizza and eated, i would simply attach myself to the inside of their body and grow and take over their body as i eat them from the inside out until i am reborn I AM THE ULTIMATE LIFEFORM I AM THE ONE THAT WILL BRING PEACE TO THE UNIVERSE
Oh cool they're putting a stage builder back into Smash with this upcoming update.
And a video clip editor.
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>>669076 My friend gave me his code so I didn't want it to get wasted I don't like not knowing this sorta thing, I just had to know
>>669077 I'm very bad with password security. I use the same one for everything and if they force me to use a new one I just add an extra number Why don't you just make a notepad file and lock it with a password?
That is a level of persistence I'm not sure I could ever manage.
I could probably go off for it if the payoff was good enough I desperately need a password manager though