Thread #668312
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Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Fairy Gone Fruits Basket Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine Hitoribocchi Kimetsu no Yaiba Kono Oto Tomare! Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin RobiHachi Senryuu Shoujo Shoumetsu Toshi To aru Majutsu no Index
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index fruits basket (need jan) kono oto robihachi shoumetsu
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wait a sec shoumetsu isnt comfy senryuu shoujo instead
That's good by me anyway. I'm plumb tired so 4.5 shows will be easier. We'll probably have Jan in a moment too. So maybe tap out Kono Oto for Kimetsu or Fairy Gone.
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henlo /moe/
yeah let's watch kimetsu
fairy gone seems alright but i think kimetsu will be better
Yeah, good chance of it.
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okay kimetsu rather than fairy gone okay index okay lets start!
Finally we can be DONE with this show hah hah. I think we're more than a week past the episode's airing date.>>668326 Even as the universe goes into heat death and all matter passes from relevancy, Index shall remain.
index this season was hard to understand people didnt seem to like it because it was butcheredor something
toaru majutsu no index>>668325 maybe they're trying to speed through it so they can finish this stuff before the universe experiences complete heat death>>668324 that's kind of close to what happens in the novels
It's kind of funny that this season is ending on this note because I think the Acclerator manga got confirmed for an anime adaptation too. Not certain though.
Yeah it'll be airing in Summer 2019.
his wings look kinda bad
yeah what's up with them they're barely there
Yeah but now he's a motherfucking ANGEL
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Oh I guess he's not an asshole anymore for not now or maybe he's dead
This is kind of some nice music though.
Get fucked Fiamma. You and your stupid pyjamas.
>>668335 his name rhymes with pajama
that was an underwhelming last bossu fight
To be fair the last bossu fight's been going on for like three or four episodes straight now it's about time it ended.
Oh his second wife's come to his rescue.
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Wow they showed up at a good time haha touma don't grab out with that hand use the other one
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holy shit REJECTED
>No thanks Misaka I'm good with dying
And now the stress is getting to him and he's hallucinating.
J.C. Staff's really rolling out the budget for this episode.
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wonder what happens if you scan the barcode on his face
Things broken by Imagine Breaker always have such a satisfying sound to them.
Hamazura's seriously cold-blooded when he has to be.
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haha Accelerator did all that cool stuff and just got captured.
Yeah but then he GALAXY BRAIN'D his way out of it.
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Oh loks like his brain problems are gone.
No they just turned on his switch for him.
Oh shit Crowley's out of his upside-down tank. What a momentous occasion.
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>things are just starting to get interesting! couldn't they have gotten interesting BEFORE S3 WAS FINISHED
And now they're just dangling all these plot threads for the upcoming arcs in front of us as the season credits roll. Assholes.
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at least we got EXPLODING ARM
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okay fruits basket i wonder if we'll get index ep 4 okay lets start!
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and god tier quickman my friend and i have figured out why this show is called fruits basket its a bunch of fruits and a basket case>>668360 well its the main character, she's the least fruity is moon gonna join us for this or nah?
Flutes basket>>668359 Yeah but who's the basket case. I feel there's an argument for several in the series.>>668359 Least fruity and the most nutty>>668359 I think he might've stepped away from /moe/ for a bit. Hopefully.
fruits basket
Stray hairs Tohru is pretty cute. They've done a good job of adapting the old-fashioned shoujo style into something more contemporary.
RIP table
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Protagonist-chan especially looks super shoujo.
Well Fruits Basket is one of the iconic shoujo series.
He got ratted out!
>Any normal person who found out would be sickened To be fair Tohru's far from a normal person.
>>668370 good thing honda's a fucking weirdo loser
>tie-knotting is a specialty of mine! you DON'T EVEN WEAR TIES
Kyo is such a fucking dork.
>>668373 hes trying his best
The legs are so elegant in this show.
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>>668375 yuki was spinzaku before spinzaku spinned
Transfer student GET!
Being Kyo is suffering.
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>tfw thot almost touches your nape
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Shigure got himself a PAPERCLIP
She's such a total weirdo.
He's such a fucking dork.
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>>668385 look HE'S TRYING
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sorry I was quiet, I was here but floating in and out of sleep kimetsu is this ep 1?>>668389 it's comfy sleep okay lets start
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everything changes everybody changes into animals
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>>668387 wow is anime that boring for you this is ep 2 we watched 1 last week!>>668387 maybe we should watch fruits basket last then
Gosh Rika I'm exhausted too but at least I can keep track of the episode. Yeah I think Fruits Basket is a pretty comfy show through most of the early bits. The drama only really hits later on.>>668391 You had ONE JOB Squid
K i m T e S u
i hope that the ED from ep1 is the OP it was awesome
It is.
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okay I remember this now
>>668394 its young sekiro
Imouto in the hole-oto
Imouto in the bucket-o!
This guy's a real goofball.
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imouto in the pilgrimage-o
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i need to edit the sekiro dangerous attack thing over this
Oh no imouto's getting excited.
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So the thing in her mouth seals her?
>>668403 i think it's just to keep her from eating people
Like a pacifer.
Oh shit.
Like holy fuck Nezuk- HEADLESS ALERT
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okay wow
Oh gosh what the fuck is this. I don't have the words.
I'm astounded.
its really axestounding
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this guy is 110% retard
He's so dumb it goes past being stupid into genius.
>Goblin It's clearly a tengu you fucks.
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>hey bitch kill some rats for me ill teach you ashina cross
Tengu masks are pretty cool though. Oh RIP that dude he was a vampire all along.
Maybe he slept a bit of it.
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>>668421 while standing up with a rock in his hand
I mean before he began to consider killing Mike Wazowski.
tengu guy literally had time to bury 3 people he must have just slept there with the rock
I like the outfit design in this series. It properly represents what the layers and thickness of clothing they're wearing would look like.
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I wonder if she'll get her voice back.
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>>668427 i don't think she'd be able to talk through the scroll case!
And it's not like she's really lost her voice she just can't speak in anything more than bestial growls.
Where the fuck did this kid get these bloodhound genes.
Hah hah this ain't trap design for AMATEURS.
I think Kajiura Yuki is working the OST for this series. This track in particular is like quintessential her.
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This seems like it will be good.
yeah its promising
>FictionJunction feat. LiSA I guess since Kajiura parted ways with her previous record company she can't write for Kalafina anymore she has to throw all her work into the side project.
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>tfw you get to the boss room with 2 health gourd charges
>>668436 And only half your health bar left!
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okay robihachi hmm missing ika okay lets start !
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i hope this one is as good as the first episode>>668437 >die to boss >"THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE, HE HITS TOO HARD" >when you beat the boss finally, you only had to heal once or twice i really need to finish that gamei beat Owl in three tries though>>668440 wooooow you cheesed your dad if i was owl i would be very disappointed in my son i actually haven't died as much to all of the other bosses i've defeated combined than i did to the horseman at the start of the game haha>>668440 that smoke bomb is just free damage though! its radius is so miniscule, when he starts casting you can just quickstep towards him and to either side and get a free noodle slap with your katana the poison spray jump followed by the posture recovery combo is just mean though i didn't think about it, but maybe you can counter that by just throwing a shuriken after stepping backwards to avoid the poison i just did enough damage to him while avoiding damage to deplete his second health bar
Time for more advanced baka-ry>>668439 I've thrown myself at the last boss a couple times but I'm having a really hard time getting the feel of the attacks. I don't recall having much issue with Owl myself though. Probably not three-tries-easy, but once I got the feel of him it was a pretty straightforward fight. That and I partially cheesed him with oil and flamethrower.>>668439 Owl cheeses you just as much though, with that poison goop and that smoke bomb that prevents you from healing. I only fight as fairly as the enemies I'm fighting!>>668438 Gimme a sec to ping him.
>>668439 I mean yeah, the heal block smoke bomb isn't hard to dodge but it's definitely a cheesy attack. Owl's a shinobi he's just as content to fight unfairly as I am!
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>>668442 well that's just like, your iron code man i've killed all the bosses so far with naught but my shitty little sword and a shuriken or two
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pretty good OP
Apparently the ED is pretty amazing according to Kirara.
this isekandar ad is so fucking weird
These two clowns.
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what an awesome weapon
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>tfw johanshin
Hah, Yang almost had it right. Shame he didn't account for Robby being too lazy to keep the ship fueled.
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>trying to read a fucking idiot YOU GOT PLAYED BY YOUR OWN SELF
Ow //Oh wow the show properly cited the Martian octopusi reference.
>What are they, cannibals?
What the fuck Hatchi.
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this is like a self insert show for me
I sold it to Blue on being Jan and Kirara in Space: The Show.
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shoumetsu shoujo no sorry senryuu shoujo i combined two names
Uh Rika we're still in the middle of RobiHachi what's happened with you.
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hmm did I get tricked by the middle of ep card what time are we at
Hah hah hah 13:25 13:30 13:35
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okay thanks
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This is really preposterous.
Hatchi is a pretty bad actor.
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you see what we really need to get mars jumping again is to just reveal that the martian women are big tiddied anime girls
>>668469 Yeah that would definitely be a smash hit. We need to revitalize Mars!
Wow Robby how dashing.
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>>668471 dude jus b urself
holy shit robby's dad was just a toku nerd
A WEEABOO toku nerd!
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Sugita is such a fucking champ.
Hah hah off to Pluto next episode!
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weird show but nice okay senryuu shoujo okay lets start
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robihachi is so fucking good wait why is this 12 minutes
It's a short good enough to get picked up.
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Cool glasses
What a meddlesome onee-chan.
>The American Armed Forces Association Club
Jeez this guy is tactless.
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>>668491 asshole moe
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Koto-nee is POWERFUL
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These two are both pretty high-level bakas.
Oh here's your sunglasses Jan.
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thanks for anime!
Arigato you
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that was a cute short thanks for ani