Now that I think about it, I don't think there's really any Finnish stuff anywhere around here. The only place I know for sure has Finnish people is in Michigan. And I've never even been to Michigan.
I don't think there's anywhere known for Finnish people here, though. Like, there's an Indiantown, there's a Hispanic town, there's a Japanese town. I've never heard of a Finnish town in Florida.
>>666987 But yeah miami and that region is where the finns prolly live there I mean they are RICH enough to afford moving there, buying a big property and relying on US healthcare as in "you have money you get treatment"
Dunno why you would want to lvie in a hot place like that, bu apparently some finns do that when they retire and move to flroida or spain or one of spain's islands
idk why anyone would want to live in miami even among places in florida it's a horrible place the beaches are nice but otherwise most of miami is like slums-tier neighborhoods
>>666995 1) the company is struggling with employee retention due to working their drivers too hard for pay incomparable with less demanding jobs that you can perform with the same CDL I guess that covers the second thing too 3) i make a whole 50 cents an hour more than the next highest paid employee so I am requested to do much more and I don't say no 4) CAPITALISM
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i heard there was a trucker strike going on, now that i think about it
Good, they get run around by these wholesalers here The other day one of them told me he had worked 18 hours straight by the time he got to my store I was like uhhh buddy, you know that's against the labor law right? and he was like yeah but I need the money they don't think it be like it is but it do
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah, Black Smoke Matters is what it's called it's a 24 hour strike that started yesterday or something there are like 10k truckers participating or something
>>667001 me neither this modern society has worms in the brain >>667002 by the time they finished that route they were ALREADY IN THE NEXT SHIFT he worked for almost 24 hours
>>667006 As long as it fucking takes They have a union enforced mandatory 10 hour rest period between shifts but the company isn't giving it to them They usually work 12 to 14 hour shifts
>>667007 >>667004 How much time did they get to sleep after that twenty four hours before the next shift That's nuts They shouldn't even be driving after all that
>>667010 That's such horseshit That the company can drive someone to conditions in which they'll cause an accident and just shrug it off
>>667009 Probably 10 hours, but maybe they had a day off! Yeah, they shouldn't be doing that, it's dangerous for the driver and dangerous to everyone else on the road too. But if someone gets hurt, they'll just blame the driver, fire them, and take a slap on the wrist level fine as a company.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
those big trucks flip all the time it's really dangerous
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>667009 companies can do anything they want they run the government
all we can really do is sit around and let the people with money crush us under their boots and pray that one day we'll have enough money that the rich will see us as closer to them than to the poor
i mean we could also rise up and take our lives back from those bastards but that's not happening any time soon realistically or probably ever
>>>/@XCOM/1116793107713069056 that dude cheating at sekiro and that loser who got really mad at it really was a godsend because now we have all these great jokes making fun of them
>>667019 cheatengine >>667018 honestly i understand the "YOU CHEATED NOT ONLY THE GAME..." guy's thoughts but i don't understand why he felt like his view on cheating in games is applicable to everyone
and then he wrote an article about it talking about how it was okay and he feels great about it and cheating to win is as legitimate as actually beating the game
>wrote an article so he was also a game journo
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah lol
Really games should have a "game journalist" difficulty thati nsults you all the way here's the article
>>667021 yeah i agree with you i don't honestly care if people beat a single player game with cheats but i mean writing an article about it is kind of pathetic like, are you looking for validation?
Would actually be amusing if you had a game, that had some "very easy mode" that then changes the gameplay completely and ends up midway becomeing HARDER than the hardest difficulty or something
>>667021 >>667028 yeah it is pretty much "oh you cheated to win, well who cares" but when you write an article about it it becoems completely a "I AM IN THE RIGHT NOT IN THE WRONG YOU WOULD ALL DOW HAT I DID IN THE SAME SITUATION I AM A GOOD PERSON I DESERVER THIS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
and yeah the dude did cheat himself actually improving your skill level is a big part of the game and the final boss is probably the hardest boss FromSoft has done before and the only way to win without cheating is pretty much skill
>>667029 Balanced Mode >first half very easy >second half very hard Balance!
>>667032 naw I mean like the game becomes meta and shit the enemies start to cheat whole story changes and whatnot
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
honestly a lot of time easy modes can be harder than the hard moves modes especially when there's rhythm involved i can't do perfect on lots of games that have rhythm on easy because it's so fucking slow
you never learn the game proper on easy modes
but yeah >when rythm is involved definitely I ahve seen some easy mode gameplay on some rythm music games and whatnot, because shist is so slow it becomes HARDER to hit them as things don't follow the beat of the music
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
you gotta have some kind of fuckin monk-tier patience to be able to sit there for a minute and hit 10 notes
>>667028 it's because he knows he cheated himself beating games with cheats will always leave you with a questionable feeling about it especially since he apparently played the rest of the game like normal he knows he didn't get the satisfaction he wanted enough to cheat to get, it's not like in real life where you can cheat and get rewards that are palpable. it's a game and you only get a metaphysical feeling from winning. >>667034 sekiro is my favorite rhythm game
>>667037 the enemies in sekiro that hesitate like 2 seconds before they attack after they finally deflect you drive me crazy like COME ON HIT ME ALREADY
have you ever been fighting genichiro and you just fuck with him like he does cancels at the beginning of his attacks so sometimes if you attack when he's starting his attack animations he'll cancel and he'll just guard even if you're not close enough to hit him i love it
oh yeah you can do that to a lot of the samurai type enemies it's funny if you attack cancel sometimes they'll still guard and then drop it and then you hit them it's like YOU BECOME THE NPC
he attacks normally, and then he starts a wind-up for a follow-up attack by raising his sword in the air BUT if you go behind him when he does that, he responds with a twisty slice and gets you from behind if you stay in front of him, he brings the sword down and if you move away from him, he responds by leaping at you with the attack IT'S AMAZING
when i think about the thrill of fighting that last boss my blood boils i get so hot blooded and i just want to face him in battle once more it is truly a gift from genichiro-sama
so I take a sip out of my drink and think "man this cola is weird" and then I remember ti is KVASS
i think im gonna fight the last two bosses i haven't even fought before when i play today i heard one of them is as hard as the final boss but i haven't looked up details all i know is who the boss is and im excited for it
>>667062 if you give isshin dragonspring sake, he talks about how every time he used to drink it, young owl, tomoe, lady butterfly, and dogen would all come over and try to get as much of it as they could
and then emma says that whenever that happened she used to go sit outside and watch genichiro swing his sword angrily at the clouds in the distance lol
man i wanna go back in time with a bell and meet dogen and get new prosthetic upgrades and fight my dad's younger self and tomoe and grandma but young
if lady butterfly can move like that as a 100 year old lady imagine how stronk she was when she was even like 40
>>667063 maybe she only became strong once she hit 100?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
nah, she trained the MC when he was younger so she must have been strong at least 20 years ago too
>>667067 yeah id like to do that too fighting the orangutan would be awesome im not sure the timeline of when he got it though it feels like it must have been 20-30 years ago i guess that'd be the same time everyone was around
>>667072 look I thought there was LOOT past her and I was gonna explore first then she fuckin attacked me and I had to kill her and now the black guy died??? what the fuck is wrong with this village
>>667081 ERABE? >>667083 im gonna go find out whats in that fucking pool if you go the opposite way at the under-shrine valley RIGHT NOW it bugged me so much that there was nothing there pretty much
I think I mentioned it but that was Meat's favorite boss.
>>667099 >>667100 honestly against bosses i almost never use the tools because i forget haha i used the flame vent against that double monkey though and it helped a lot
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
spiral spear was core for me chipping down hp and posture at the same time.
I used tools against a few bosses but usually just the shurikens or umbrella
I use them mostly against minibosses or when farming
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you fuckin' soy boy
i have not actually equipped the umbrella yet because it looks like a shield and shields are GAY
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It is a shield.
Lilac umbrella makes Shichimen your bitch.
I actually never used the parry wwwwwwwwwwwww
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
it is a shield but you use it to parry it does more posture damage than a normal deflection and it can build damage that you can throw back at an enemy it's so good it can also save you from grabs if you find yourself in a bad position sometimes and it breaks if it takes too much damage, and it builds your own posture pretty quickly
so what is the shtick in sekiro? In DS you have to prevent the dragon from nomming the world in DaS you perpetuate the cycle by torching yourself in BB you seek a cure for an illness and become entagled in a lovecraftian horror show
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
you're saving your lord and trying to free him from immortality
honestly, replacing the rewards for minibosses with 500 sen in NG+ has kind of dissuaded me from going after them especially since enemies give so much sen in NG+ it's would be nice if thet /// they gave idk candy or grass or persimmons or even blood droplets idk or maybe no special drop but a lot of xp
>>667155 reminded me of how 90% of side quests in titan quest give you something like 1% of xp required for a level and maybe an useless item there have been 3 that have been useful >2 stat points >1 skill point >10% to random resistance
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>667158 yeah that'd be awesome or even if you just put it together for an item that increases spirit emblem limit or something
The irregular nature of her attacks combined with more damage when you mess up probably makes her pretty dangerous
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
she seems to get a sabimaru resistance in NG+ at least a little she's such a well designed enemy i wonder why she's so unique she's like, the only unique miniboss that i can remember at least
Someone at FromSoft maybe put their actual waifu into the game for you to kill.
9th necklace says Robert's father came across the seas from the south in search of the Undying "Repelling a thousand blades was a small price for the blessing of rejuvenation..."
im guessing he had to defeat a thousand challengers before he could get the waters for his son although robert was probably already dead and his dad didn't know
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
39 more skill points until i have all the skills current cost of a skill point is about 32k xp
I think I'm somewhere around twenty-five to fill out. Kind of slowed down getting more points when I went into beating DoH.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>667176 The thousand blades could just be a metaphor for learning to wear such thicc armor
Genichiro said they wanted to use his blood but maybe that wasn't meant literally
I never took it literally, it always sounded metaphorical to me. Maybe Kuro has to kill the person to enter them into the bond, which is why Genichiro was offering him his sword in the cutscene before that fight. Whatever it is, it's something the Dragon's Heir has to give willingly, which makes me think it's not something as simple as a touch or body fluid.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
A touch could be it But we only really have the scene after Butterfly to go off
>game gives you 8 medkits and 5 armour pick ups on a spot >take 0 dmg soemtimes the people behind FEAR don't know when a spot is hard and when it ain't
>>667236 how the hell is he going to kill like half the bosses some of them don't build posture damage from parry for shit
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>667241 yeah i don't think it's possible you gotta whittle them down so you can build posture sometimes
>>>/watch?v=4SiiRx7GDzI this song is fucking great >>667240 i wonder if that was the developers or the playtesters? you'd think the devs would get quite good at their own game and underestimate the amount of pickups the player needed
and otu comes a skeleton >>667244 yeah well I am good at this game tho never played it easier than on hardest and still find it quite easy at times
the game has very easy to pick up system in terms of gun play, enemy aiming, looking at models wehre to move when using time slow and well generally using your timeslow as efficiently as possible
there is NEVER a reason to not use it in a firefight
also just general knowing which guns to use ie. the game wants to offer you the Penetrator armour piercing gun at any chance, but it isa ctually fucking crap it is fun but its damage is shit compared to just shoostguning someone then there are for example mini-rocket launching mechas that are actually easiest to take down by running close to them and dancing around them with the shotgun
it deals good amount of damage, makes it damn hard for them to hit you and youavoid any splash damage from exploding rockets also you occasionally shoot down the rockets it fires and that deals tons of dmg to it
Not to mention the "panic" mode of enemies, wehn you start going rambo on their asses and schwarzenegger through a hail of bullets and just buthcer them in few seconds enemies running away from you and into cover are enemies not firing at you efficiently
too bad fear 2 isn't so good in terms of gunplay good chunk of that game's weapons are just "never use except when" while in fear1 almost all weapons are viable throughout the game, tho always keep shotgun and assault rifle on you and switch the third weapon to "toy guns"
For me the situations that aren't ment to be hard usually end up causing more dmg to me since I just don't take them seriously but when I see that a situation si going to be though, I mostl ikely think it through and don't just do some johnwooing
still the game is quite easy when you know what you are doing, but dunno how long it takes to pick tht up
is actually funny how in fear1 there is one scene where a lazor shooting mecha burst through the ceiling and starts whooping your ass the only lazor shooting mecha in the game too i have always struggled with that prt, not gettign through it, but not wasting all my medkits and ammo
previously I have tried to blow it up but blew myself up at the try but this time I did it 100¤ guess it helps to know what is coming and look at good points to mine
>>667259 ive seen cute javelin art lately though but yes when i played non english for five minutes i did in fact choose laffey and its still a viable option
i tried to self-destructively get drunk last night so i bought a few four lokos but i got like halfway through one before giving up and falling asleep i cant even self destruct anymore im such a failure
>>>/watch?v=KBp4Q-oCsHc i wonder how often this kinda stuff happens with talking birds maybe it's a bad idea to make technology bird-friendly
Well parrots and other birds that can sufficiently imitate human speech like that are relatively an extreme anomaly. I don't think there's much potential for danger in having technology that birds can interact with. No more than there is already when it comes to things like Alexa and it's ability to buy things on your tab just by saying words to it.
yeah, there's prolly the possibility that a bird could repeat a purchase phrase and order something again but that cant really be reinforced since there's no feedback stimulation from it birds really love music though, and love mimicry so i bet if it occurs by happenstance a few times that they pull up a song from mimicry, they'll start doing it all the time while you're not home that could lead to some birby antics going on it'd be like that movie, secret lives of pets, but not so whimsical birbs networking through your technology while you're gone
not realistically but it's a fun concept in the realm of possibilities
can you tweet by voice i would give a bird a twitter account if i had one
I don't know, I imagine Kirara would know.
I think you could maybe set up commands on the phone or computer to send off a Tweet on voice command.
yeah with dragon you can control most of your computer by voice i was thinkin whether alexa-type things could man tbh i havent seen any actual useful use cases for alexa yet, even still i cant think of any scenarios that using voice commands (for me) would be less trouble like who tf just decides on a purchase without doing some shopping around first and looking at whats available
or even looking at the price and deciding to buy from amazon direct or from the indirect sales or drop shippers or whatever it's called just alexa go buy me whatever i dont care
I think the voice control for room lights or changing music is kind of nifty. It's not a big deal for me since I'm rarely not at my computer, but like, some times I'm on my bed relaxing or reading and I want to go to bed but my lightswitch is on the other side of the room. And getting up from the bed if I'm not -that- tired might wake me up or the chill of the floor in the winter will jolt me or YEAH >>667274 THIS. So being able to turn off the lights without leaving my bed would really be nice. I keep meaning to ask my dad if the nearby hardware store might carry lightswitches with remotes because that's probably a cheaper option than getting a digital assistant.
i think you can make something like that DIY using your smartphone as a remote i haven't thought about it but it doesnt seem too hard you'd still need some stuff though that you wouldn't likely have sitting around
Well they also sell smart switches that can connect to the IoT and be toggled from your phone with just an app. But >Internet of Things They're also stupid expensive at like forty or fifty bucks per switch.
wow thats way easier they take the fun out of everything i was thinking use an infrared sensor to just switch the circuit and use the remote function thats on all smartphones to trigger it on or off but youd be attaching things to mains circuit which i dont suggest doing unless you really know what youre doing
Yeah, I know a few things about wiring and my dad's a pretty DIY-y kind of guy but even that feels like more work than maybe a ten or fifteen dollar lightswitch is not the easier route.
yeah it's cheap af like probably a dollar but the time investment alone probably isn't worth it my dad was an electrician so i was always seein him do stuff around the house and teach me a bit i wasnt very receptive to most of it though i prolly had a learning disability or smth
shame too electricians make good money these days
Yeah I've heard that pretty often. It's one of the more desired trades and not enough kids go into trades schools these days so there's a decent demand.
i tried to do an apprenticeship at boeing where he worked but they had like two slots or something and didnt really need people/had too many so i thought it was an oversaturated field but idk maybe the whole workforce just retired/died or maybe there's new growth in the industry that needs more people im the kind of idiot who would electrocute myself anyway so maybe it's for the better
not even by accident just having exposed wires and that thought of OH NO I BETTER NOT TOUCH THOSE WIRES I MIGHT DIE im not good at resisting impulse for some reason knowing im not supposed to makes it worse
You'd think I'd be interested in it, since I like systems and problem-solving and hands-on kind of things. But I just can't get excited about that kind of work. I can also really understand the "knowing I'm not supposed to makes it worse" feeling.
yeah i really love electricity & magnetism i remember learning about quantized charge and coulomb's law and thinkin it was the coolest shit ever, calculating all that stuff but looking at electronics it's like charts and diagrams and learning about all these constructed concepts, rigid conversions i can't wrap my head around that kind of stuff for some reason too many details and exceptions and things you gotta understand that don't stem from other knowledge just knowing individual pieces of information from experience im so bad at that
A lot of the video games I play involve systems of economy and resource management, including resource pathways, which fundamentally isn't that different from electrical infrastructure. But I've got a interest divergence once the digital becomes real-world application and I just can't stay invested.
Usually between 17:30-20:00, probably more narrowly in the vicinity of 19:00. Some times if I'm on weird hours I'll be eating closer to midnight or around 03:00 in the morning but that's relatively infrequent.
i tend to have light meals every four hours or so no proper meals really, just separate things i dont mix my food too much
>>667304 I've been half-heatedly messing around with intermittent fasting so recently I've been trying to eat between 10am and 6pm I'm not strict about it though.
>>667311 Well, I don't really eat lunch, so I have breakfast and dinner, most days. And I go to bed between 8 and 9 when possible. So having dinner around 6 doesn't leave me much time to digest and then get some exercise in. I could do it in the morning, but I'm getting 7-8 hours a night right now and I don't want to cut that short by waking up a little earlier. It's really just a scheduling thing, I guess.
ah yeah exercising i dont eat much at once so i dont usually exercise after eating to help i should start exercising more now that the weather is easing up a bit
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
the MC in kimetsu no yaiba has worms in his brain or something he's just taking everything in stride
hey kirara would you have saved the links to saya's boards are they still up do you know idk if it shouldnt be posted here or anything, could dm it to me
Deshou? I've been thinking that I think I'm disciplined to drink again without drinking in excess, but I know that I go through phases of self-control, so if I let myself drink while I can handle it, when my self-control wanes again, I'll still be drinking and it'll probably lead back into my old habits.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>667328 Were the links I sent you the ones you were looking for?
>>667333 Well I'd say you could try relying on Fish to keep you in check in the worse parts of it, but I figure you've already considered that.
It might work, but I dunno. If something happens and she's missing again or not available, it would be really bad because I'd be stressed out and the factor that controls my drinking would be absent. It sounds like a recipe for disaster.
And I'm the kind of person that can't be strict with rules, so even if I set rules to control my behavior, I'll end up finding excuses to stretch them a little here and there. I also tend to get overconfident, so I'll probably start to overestimate my self-control and go too far. There are a lot of things that could go wrong, but what do I actually gain from drinking? I can't think of anything, other than satisfying cravings. Or feeling like a video game character.
just use melatonin to accomplish your dreams and a non-zombie zombie idol’s lap pillow
I already use 20mg of melatonin regularly. I probably shouldn't increase my usage.
*and use a
this house was full of ghost!
>>667336 Yeah, I think that's sensible. Drinking's an optional part of living. My dad's been a teetotaller his whole life I believe and it's managed him fine. Though it's not a matter of addiction or self-control I guess.
My brother's playing through the previous FromSoft games before playing Sekiro hah hah. I wonder how entrenched his Soulsborne mentality'll be when he goes up against Sekiro's gameplay.
It's a pretty baller move to have a touhou wallet full of fat stacks of cash. The ultimate power play.
>>667390 Yeah true that's pretty gangsta When you're rich you can wear whatever you want I'm going to become a very important person, then show up at work in jeans and a shirt and no one will be able to tell me not to
>>667387 Look at this guy with his box I bet he's already paid the mortgage on his box He's going places
>>667393 Let's climb and reach the plateau We'll become so important that we can show up to business meetings in those ahegao shirts and no one will be able to say anything about it And if that doesn't work we can just be homeless people with nothing to lose We'll take our plastic katanas and become wandering ronin
>>667393 Nothing to lose except his wallet, evidently.
>>667421 an inevitability, just like the dishes piling up
I have only a rough idea that it's to do with energy to // running out
thanx that's about how i figured, but i try not to assume i know general public perception i usually dont
okay and another one, if i can be so greedy
a system has high entropy if it is ____? or i guess, what would you describe a // how would you describe high entropy
>>667427 how people view it i think most people know what it is, but i think i can communicate it more clearly it seems like the common way it's understood is really vague and the formal way it's understood is really technical
and I think magical girls get involved at some point.
>>667426 high entropy is when you clean your shit up, kek.
does it make sense if i say entropy is how accurately a system is represented by a random sampling of the system without any clarification, is that easily understood
>>667421 everything becomes an unchanging and untransferring form of energy
damn okay i guess i'll try a different approach thanks
>>667433 depending on what your goal is, either make it bit longer and use "more approachable words" or well dunno what the other option would be
Basically, are you trying to format it so that anyone, meaning the layman, could understand or grasp it somewhat or that someone with some amount of information or basic grasp of the field can understand.
short and comprehensive is the ideal in most cases, but it has the limitation of "how short and compressed it can be, before it requires unpacking to be understood"
>>667435 considering the focus is on entropy and signal communication, that limitation is fine it's very much already about how much information you can encode into a signal before it becomes unclear
the phrasing is designed with that in mind, as is the poll, since im defining entropy in terms of a random sampling i need to also properly define randomness so that it's not confused with how random is normally used, but that can happen later
in that case, supposing anyone reading that has basic idea of what entropy is, what high or low state means, then it is quite understandable statement
it's not important that the understand high/low entropy that will be clarified the common way entropy is taught in schools here seems misleading they make it seem like more disorganized systems are high entropy it confuses a lot of people
but looking at it as polling accuracy, it seems really clear i think more entropy is more accurate representation through sampling basically people understand the meaning of it, but don't understand what it's measuring
>the people of the kingdom were turned into bricks >proceeds to smash ALL the bricks fucking genocidal lunatic
>>667451 i still think about this shit champions of what it's a show entirely about digimon it's clear imo they were just tryin to sound better than pokemon
if anyone is intrested, you can get reigns for real cheap rn though I dunno if the steam version gives you the phone version, which is much more amusing to play
that one syndrome where a person thinks everyone around them isn't actually a real person or whatever very soon that'll be a completely realistic sensation with AI bots, if not already in some environments
kind of? it's not really harem antics the dude is going to be given a scholarship by his school if he successfully helps these girls get into the colleges of their choice so he's tutoring them in the subjects they're bad at // because those subjects are the things they want to do in college
Yeah, I saw those a while back. It's a really terrifying prospect to be crammed in so tightly like that.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i will injure myself with the chair and sue them
And for sufficiently legsy people they might physically be unable to fit themselves into those seats. So what are they supposed to do, pay for a more expensive ticket?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah they should have thought about being poor before they decided to be tall
just remove the "seat" and have people fo the wall lean atleast it will look cool
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
why not just strap us to the walls
Can't maximize people to airplane that way. Unless you install one or two additional walls running the length of the plane in the middle of the compartment.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
just put them on top of each other
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
some 75 year old Floridian with a pet cassowary got killed by it lol
thankfully I forgot about my "jog/run to the swedish store and buy something and then brisk walk back" would have fucking been miserable t come back sweaty and notice NO HOT WATER the fuck is it with the second yearl iving here and no hot water
Yeah I saw your Tweet on it. Cassowarys are scary as fuck birds you really shouldn't be keeping one as a pet.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
the scariest bird, hands down that's a fucking dinosaur
Doesn't stop people keeping zoo animals as pets, tho
Sure, but the same can be said of anything that sensible you shouldn't do. People are going to do stupid things but that doesn't change that the stupid thing is something you shouldn't do.
>>667555 Kennedy also said that "sidious' return has been in thep lans for long", though I'd take that with a grain of salt or well a bag of salt
but anyhow, from some cancelled concept art for the Force Awakens, in those Rey was ment to find the map to luke from the ruins of Death Star 2 on Endor/endor's moon I think they will judging from the teaser, reuse this script *bit
Well they're undeniably heading towards a chunk of a Death Star. We'll see what's actually at it in the movie I guess.
the jump over the tie fighter was cringy as fuck tho
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
haha right? what was that
>>667561 they think it looked cool trailer material I BET they will cut it/reshoot/replace it from the movie
Taking aside my opinions on it, the movie just is a mess introduction of light speed ramming character motivations being all over the place the whole pointless side mission making the formerly competent and good villain general nazi into a butt end of a joke
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
star wars in generally is a complete miss mess star wars has always been a mess
and i mean the point of the first order was to have the leaders basically be pathetic wannabes
so the republic our heroes in the first trilogy toield sweat and blood was taken out by a bunch of idiots
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah that's how it's written
the rebels defeated the empire and had 30 years to not allow the first order to take over the galaxy but they did nothing for 30 years and now the empire is stronger than ever
well I would say that is bad writign
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i mean in a way it's realistic if we look at america today
but yeah it is stupid setting stuff honestly
it would be like code geass season 3 begnning with random guy just restarting the British Empire as shitty as it was in the beginning of s1 with all of the main cast going just "damn we can't do anything" and then lelouch does nothing but dies invain >>667570 and if it was ment to be social commentary on the modern state of world, WHY in obvious escapist fiction?
Star Wars has always been social commentary though.
The original trilogy was fun action in space, with quite basic elements and tropes, though at that point not seen thatm uch on the big screen but very used in comics, smaller productions, books and so on
the prequels were goofy, but they built quite well the world and did deliver some good scenes
but I don't reallyk now atleast so far what the sequels have added to it so much relies now on ep9
but then agin if you look at prequels post ep2... yeah the story so far wasn't that good and everyone was just annoyed at "so much talking, so much bad romance and JAR JAR"
episode 8 added a lot to the series it had a powerful message that the star wars fandom needed to hear but they didn't listen and cried even though that's what the movie was criticizing in perhaps one of the biggest examples of irony in history
sow hat is this grand message?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
that if you cling to the past you will never move forward and >>667578
Heroes suck ass
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
anyone can be a hero and anyone can be a villain it's not what you're born with it's what you do with it
still suffers for example >welp my nephew is evil stabby time
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i don't see why that's a "suffers from" luke doing something stupid is completely in character
Yes because Luke has always acted rationally and sensibly. He's a fucking idiot.
It's one of the biggest flaws in the whole fantasy tradition of "let's take this powerful child of destiny and hide him in some podunk town in the middle of nowhere". People from fucking nowhere don't learn common sense.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
luke was never heroic he just happened to be in circumstances that made him out to be the hero he was never a jedi he was always dumb as shit and did dumb shit he acted on emotion all the time because he wasn't properly trained even after reading all the old jedi books he was still dumb as shit because he wasn't actually trained so he did the shit he was prone to do and fucked up and then he got depressed about it and went to go hide away
I think we have a mandela effect here
He's a dumb kid raised on country values and only ever learned country skills. That's not to say he's not a likeable dumb kid, Luke is a great guy. But he's not some rational genuis who doesn't let his emotions get the better of him.
The climax of Return of the Jedi actually REVOLVES around him letting his emotions get the better of him.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
he's literally a dude who farms water on a desert planet when we meet him his solution to getting a lock off a droid is to hit it until it comes off
the only reason he can even pilot well is because the force is aiding him, he's not actually a good pilot in terms of skill
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
luke wouldn't have even beaten palpatine if vader hadn't turned against the emperor
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
honestly his defining character trait was probably that he was incompetent but persistent
Which is earnestly admirable. Not giving up in the face of your own shortcomings is a good character trait.
even if he did eventually give up after he fucked up but everyone has a breaking point
It's also a good character trait to know when you need to give up!
in luke's case he gave up at the wrong time tho
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah he probably shouldn't have given up then although it's natural that he'd be traumatized after what happened
also considering his motivation in ep6, he never went to defeat the emperor he went to turn his father I mean, he outright went on the death star knowing that it most likely will be blown up soon(ish)
he is emotional and a kid what 25? at the end of the series or something but he never gave up on his friends or his father, so THAT aspect is weird
Ep8 I think what irks me most is that it has so much good stuff in it that gets just dumbed, atleast for me, by the bad stuff the whole pointless stuff with Finn and Rose Just writing the republic under the rug in opening crawl
the whole needless chase >fuel in space
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah he really way super dumb
>they won't detect us fleeing >villain has a fucking space telescope that he can see them with later
Overall ideas and themes aren't bad, and in my opinion they don't belong in a series like star wars, but with better writing and time given to the script and maybe a better director at that, the end product could have been good
But to just revert fucking republic back to "nothing" instead of having a galactic war or somethign cool
Im ean you could STILL had the same movie, but just had "galaxy is in disarray" i mean the poltiical and governmental headas were 100% removed by their surprise attack so just have the first order chase the remaining key figures, rebel whatwere they resistance leaders, down instead of just "first oder reigns supreme" like le wut
it wouldn't be the first time someone used Force Impregnate though
someone just reminded me that palpatine used Force Impregnate on anakin's mom to create anakin
And it was terrible the first time too!
Was it confirmed in something that it was Palpatine that did it? I know Anakin was a virgin birth but I never read anything that went into more detail than that.
But one problem is that while Kylo becoming the main villain is nice, he just isn't threatening Even Dark helmet has more charisma and gravitas than him
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i think that's why they made him the main villain to make a point in line with the message of the second movie
yeah but that just takes me out of the movie why would anyone follow him?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
because he can kill them with his mind
and you can shoot him with a rocket launcher, poison his drink, electrify his toilet seat and so on
Nonetheless wouldn't just prevent everyone from just leaving
hell maybe that is in ep9? Kylo has lost all control of the first order cause no one wants to follow him
Maybe it actually won't but people wouldn't know that. Remember at the start of Epsiode IV the Force is seen as some kind of mystical thing that few actually believe in until they see it in action.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah that's true
>>667616 he doesn't need people to follow him he just needs them to do their jobs it's not like the average storm trooper knew anything about snoke or the emperor they just heard there was some scary guy in charge and they did their jobs
well the empire is an entirely different beast from the FO
nonetheless, why would the audience have any tension in them ovie, when the antagonists don't seem threatening at all? atleast that takes me out of the picture, unless the whol movie is like a comedy or somethign where that isn't necessary
>>667619 they want you to look at kylo and say "wow this guy is a fucking loser"
so they don't want me to take theirm ovie seriously or as a well written movie well that is post-modern indeed
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
??? having a loser as the main villain is realistic and scary
in that case I don't have any tension for the good guys if their opposition is incompetent
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
kylo isn't incompetent, he's a loser i mean he is incompetent in a lot of ways, but he's incredibly dangerous is what i mean
only one who was portrayed as competent in ep8 of the bad guys was... the hacker
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah but kylo was portrayed as dangerous which is the point
and the guy who commanded the dreadnought
>>667627 vader was competent and dangerous hell even grievous was both to a degree
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
vader was a villain from a completely different time vader was the leader of a nazi organization and kylo is the leader of a neo-nazi organization there is a very big difference there and they are making sure they show that distinction
most marvel villains are competent and dangerous, even if not well written at times like say the dark elf
Arguably a n incompetent but dangerous villain is better than a competent and dangerous villain because an imcompetent one WILL screw up. Where as a competent villain reasonably wouldn't make mistakes and in that case, why are they losing in the end? You might not respect an incompetent villain but it doesn't create a weak plot.
Well that is true everyone in episode 8 is incompetent
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
just like in real life
I guess I can't enjoy my fiction eh guess all movies should have incompetent villains and heroes
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
you can enjoy it if you let yourself like tilde and i do
If I am going to see a movie and a story about such things, then yes but if I am going to see a n installment in a space epic that has so far not been that then no
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah but this new trilogy is different on purpose if you can't find any value in it whatsoever, that's on you, not them
how exactly was it different on purpose in 7?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
wait, are you saying 7 was the same as the other ones and another nstallment in a space epic with competent enemies? because i remember the big bad losing in a lightsaber dude // duel to a guy who wasn't even force sensitive and a girl who had never used a light saber before even though the big bad learned to use a lightsaber from luke skywalker
We call that usually bad writing, also he wasn't the big bad but the dragon alongside a rival dragon, who actually was a competent commander in that movie.
and that aspect got completely removed the rivaly between kylo and neonazi
If Snoke really was competent would he trust Kylo with as much power as he did, considering Kylo's tendency to fuck things up?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
snoke was stupid as hell honestly in every appearance
ep7 rehash of palpatine ep8 king pimp in his bathrobe and bathshoes
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
how was he a rehash of palpatine if he made decisions to give tons of power to incompetent people when palpatine ensured power was held by competent people
big evil holocram of a distant evil emperor...
It's almost as if Snoke was trying to fashion himself as a second coming of the Emperor because he's a vain douchebag.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
almost like the message of "you can't move forward if you're stuck in the past" is relevant
But here is actually a fun fact the empires in real life don't succeed if they are operated by incompetents even when going against another incompetent empire
or a republic and still how the hell would everyone just roll over to tyranny, because few planets got blown up
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
a planet scared of being blown up might not resist against the people with a laser pointed at them
>>667654 yes, but the superweapon got destroyed which is why the original rebellion didn't die out either
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah but the first order still had the capacity to glass planets and the resistance was too incompetent to save them
>>667658 the first order very clearly had forces that equal the empire's
since when? we saw very limited ships and resources aside the starkiller base in ep7 and in ep 8 they had one fleet + the megadestroyer just chasing them instead of you know Call another fleet or 20 to intercept them from all sides and just kill them in 1 hour
space ram them like vader did in rogue one
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
they said that the first order's navy had hundreds of battle cruisers and heavy cruisers and they show that the first order is basically the size of the empire in the comics
Anyhow, to me sw7 gave the impression that thye NEEDED the superweapon to rule, because they lacked the fleet tot ake on the galaxy by just conquest and I am not alone in that view and ep8 didn't really change my mind in that aspect
and even if they do have hundreds and thousands of ships the republic would still have their fleets or do you seriously say that ALL of their fleets were based around the capital because that is retarded and doesn't reflect anything except retardation and plot convienence
7 stirred up nostalgia and then at its climax, said that your nostalgia is stupid and it's time to accept change 8 said fuck all of your nostalgia and grow up
hopefully 9 won't walk back on that message out of fear of people being upset that luke is a little different 30-40 years later
>>667678 I still remember the absurd finnish character in it
for a series that didi ts background work quite well >have a finnish peace keep force in a country with no finnish presence ever >have a staff officer rank (major) be in the field >have a finnish peace keeping force be involved in an operation which our peace keeping forces never take part in minor complaint, but it just stuck out so much
then again, if the BDs were cheaper, more people might buy them... instead of having the target audience choose one or two series per season which they can afford tobuy, they might buy 4-5
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i think they tried lower prices of DVDs once and it didn't increase sales, so they decided that there's no point and never tried again haha back in like the mid-2000s
>>>/watch?v=kYVuPoupRkg Spotify's really helped me get into Canadian bands I was kind of tangientally aware of but didn't really have a vehicle to explore easily. Stars are hella good.
the daily mixes can sometimes be damn good ways to find good music
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Spotify's algorithms can be surprisingly good. They probably have the best recommendation algorithms of all the "big streaming services" right now.
I just wish there was a way to sort your playlists a just "arrange by alphabet" would be nice
the phone app atleast has the filter tool for them, but to quickly access one of my 100+ playlists on pc, I always need to use the fucking cancer of a search tool
also say an option to sort albums by release date and shit like that would be appreciated
Yeah it's got some relaxing synths to it.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>On March 4, 2019, the Tokyo District Court commenced bankruptcy proceedings against Yutaka Yamamoto.[12][13] His lawyer stated that this would not affect his Hakubo film project.[14] haha oh shit i didn't hear about this
what would yutaka mean? I think only character I can think of rn is the lucky store kid where it is written as "plenty" making fun of how the character has "plenty of facial and emotional reactions"
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Yutaka can be written using different kanji characters and can mean:
>>667713 most fo these seem more female oriented, but maybe that is cultural difference
Rich and affluence I'd argue are probably culturally masculine, relaxation is neutral, and tenderness , fertile, and warmth are really the only feminine ones.
"I have made incorrect assumptions that fuel an amusing story in my head and I will ignore the truth in favor of my own humor." works I am pretty sure I know this feelign.
>>667717 I mean you're correct about the little girl from Lucky Star being named Yutaka. But her name is written with hiragana and doesn't refer directly to any kanji. So it's kind of an anomaly in that nature.
>>667720 I think all the names are written in hiragana in LS but the author has said the "yutaka" refers to her "affluency in expressions" in one post script
I swear there was an in-show pun on her having "affluence in potential (room to grow)" as well.
>>667728 They draw some really cute normal-poi girls. I like those ones they draw of the girl in the mirror with various cosplay uniforms and stuff. I hope it's not too ecchi, though. But knowing that artist, it'll probably be a lot of foot stuff in the show.
Yeah, I hope RobiHachi is super zany. Keep it going! The giant robot really caught me off guard, but then they said it's not a super robo show!
Well, I guess if you're doing a show about girls in tights, it's going to end up being leg worship, at least. Although I'd prefer just a normal slice of life where there happens to be designs by that artist.
hmm what purpose did torii have? I recall them being a basically marking of a border between two deities so how many gods reside on a shrine with hundreds of them?
it reminds me of when i was little and saw this one lady walkin' around with her boobs likeon top of her shirt like you pull the shirt down under the boobs and they rest on top of it like just casually so i thought that's what people with big boobs had to do to support them or something what a strange world
like how she's got her overshirt tied underneath them like that
no, the game had such horrible memory leaks when you used AMD that it was impossible to finish so i uninstalled it after like two weeks of trying and they refused to patch it
>my son who has been kept in perfect condition for the entirety of his life in a safe haven that you can't even enter by normal means has developed a highly aggressive cancer that his super scientists cannot deal with hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
>>667801 I mean cancer can develop in perfectly healthy people regardless of the sanitation and condition of the place they're kept in. Other than that yeah.
And even though I blatantly lied to his face about failing to do the job he wanted me to do, he immediately dubs me his successor at the same time as announcing that. It's pretty silly.
>>667804 it's trashy writing though why introduce such a copout story element but basically all cancers rn can be controlled with good monitoring and later stage cancers can usually be controlled with good money
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
plus it's already been done that you can implant memories into the artificial people why not just make a synth and copy him into it it would help the place maintain their status quo that I'm sure as hell not going to maintain even though they think so
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
in fallout they have surgery booths you can go into and it would just take care of them i mean fallout universe has surgery booths that can remove your spine and replace it with a mechanical one it's hard to believe they wouldn't be able to deal with cancer especially when their use of radiation is sophisticated enough that they can create tiny batteries to power radiation guns, lasers, and other various things and in a world where every car had a small nuclear reactor for an engine, they would have obviously had developed the tech to confront cancer
it sounds like they dont have the ethical barriers preventing them from treating either like right now we can do a whole lot more with radiation therapy, but it's just not allowed because of risk and liability and quality measure protocols
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I have a jet pack now
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>667809 yeah, definitely no ethical barriers in fallout or even before the great war, there were few ethical barriers
ive never been able to get into a fallout game idk it always feels so so bland in terms of immersion
/moe/ answer honestly if someone was making a hazelnut chocolate pie from scratch at home you wouldn't take it away from them and eat it in front of them while interrogating them as a homocide suspect would you like that's just not cool
i had a crazy hecking dream that kirara and few others of you were out every night on a murder spree, killin folks but you guys were really bad at it and you were gonna get caught cause you were so bad at it so i had to come help you guys out and someone, i dont know who, fuckin posted about it on /moe/ and rika found out and showed up with the FBI to arrest all of us and i was like i dindo nuffin so she got mad and took the pie i was making then hauled me in for interrogation
and i whispered over to kirara "hey im gonna confess to all of it and hope i get the death sentence it'll be win/win" and you said, uh, "i can kill you right now if you want" and im like yeah sure do it so you pulled out a bag of fresh socks and grabbed a pair and tried to shove it down my throat to suffocate me im like this isnt working "oh well, at least you have fresh socks for prison" thanks kirara
>>667815 I'm pretty sure I don't like hazelnut so no.
yeah pretty bizarre it sounds silly when said, but it was actually quite distressing
Yeah no I get that. I mentioned a few days back I had a dream that at the climax of I was having a real bad anxiety attack over the events of it but the waking reflection had me going "that's not how I would have dealt with the situation". I also get a lot of dreams where I'm experiencing some kind of surrealness or horror premise that's certainly thrilling in the dream but I'm not particularly worked up once I wake up.
i dream about deathy things too much it's getting really fatiguing it makes me so sad >>667825 yeah lmao kirara was really incompetent in this dream for some reason yall were so bad at killin people they all kept just getting away and reporting to the police
>im gonna confess to your crime, then ill die and you won't have to >what. i can kill you right now if you want. im the smartest
no i meant is it cool if i confess to this shit so i get to die or is it gonna ruin your guys' alibi but then yall reminded me that death sentences take like decades to go through so you offered a mercy kill
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
ohh honestly sounds kind of realistic in terms of our interactions
like we were in the detention area waiting to be processed and interrogated frantically lookin for some way to die, like people use shoelaces and belts and shit you know choking yourself to death probably isn't that unrealistic if you were despo
>ice hockey women's world cup finale USA-FIN 2-1, finland already scored 2-1 victory during over time, but it was invalidated, usa won in penalty shots lol
Friend of mine might have a contract job for copyediting and doing promotionary material for a company his friend works at/runs. I feel that's well within my skills and a contract job might be nice to avoid being too tied up that I can't finish university.
The company does data visualization to help police in Canada and the States fight sex trafficking, which is something I can get behind too. I'll have to see if they're willing to take me on though.
Ah, that sounds cool. It's good to have a job that gives you a sense of purpose too, it does a lot for your mental well-being. I hope you're able to get it.
Thanks! I wouldn't be surprised if I get passed over because I don't have much to my name, but who knows, I've been lucky through these avenues before. And even if I get it I'll potentially have to choose between employment or school hah hah. But yeah it would be nice.
Was it tonight you said you'd not make anime, tilde? I seem to remember something like that.
Yeah, I might be touch or go. I'm not certain, but I still might be able to show, and at least do a few shows, like 3-4 depending on the pace. If you poke your head up I'll let you know around anime time at least.
>>667845 data visualization you say i applied for a job some time ago for making traffic heatmaps but i didnt get it that kind of stuff seems really enjoyable and i particularly like the cause of the one youre applying for i hope you get it
i think i prolly need to find a job with a sense of purpose too before i fall into degeneracy
>>667863 Yeah. I was thinking there's some reasonable overlap too in the transcription and copyediting skillsets. Not that I really did a lot of transcription work but I took to it pretty easily, so I imagine I could pick up copyediting without much issue too.
yeah, i do work within my skillset and it's in line somewhat with my interests but i really havent any sense of purpose with it rika's post made me think about that like i'll do archiving stuff just for free for things i care about but all this market research and video production for commercials crap my existence feels so pointless and inconsequential
Yeah I can imagine. That's one of the reasons it's so hard for me to find the motivation to do part-time retail-y job searching. Well to begin with I'm poorly suited to those kinds of intense social workspaces but it all is just such an irrelevant part of life to me. I can't really enjoy it and it doesn't satisfy me. And it's not like you'd ever make a living wage doing it unless you transition into management so there isn't even that pragmatic side of things to approach it from. So it just feels wholly useless for me to go into.
THe story was something amongst lines of >as a test to vader emperor had the guy behind grievous and vader's cybernetics make 6 other "technical replacements" for vader >one of which was >>667905 who got forced pushed against a mountain and had a space ship dropped on them by vader >vader ofc killed them all, faced the guy tasked with "replacing him", got his cybernetics turned off and then just through sheer hatred reactivated them and choked the life out of the arrogant engineer and then sidious walks in "good *clap clap clap*"
yes I confirmed that's what I'm working just now woo >>667913 I'll be sleepy on tuesday probably but otherwise at least thursday will be free. So I can contemplate if Level 8 should be short or not.
I work almost the same schedule next week with thursday instead of friday though.
or kill their government take them over install a governing system where tax are paid literally an arm and a leg at a time though in this case blood, organs and the suffering of children
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Maybe the ending where Charlotte kills everyone will get to happen after all