maybe your consciousness is simulating what it would be like to have feelings, then applying those events to it and measuring the output so that it has some understanding of this feelings thing that society always talks about if everyone talks about it, it must be real right so maybe it's just emotional hallucination
last night i had a dream that i was being stalked by a monster i was at the house i grew up in and it was outside and i was trying to avoid letting it see me through the windows but then i was the monster
i've noticed that almost all of my non-trauma nightmares take place at the house i grew up in
Ultraman is really well animated but the artstyle is so boring
Oh Kirara, did you see the recent rumours about the next Assassin's Creed game? England during the era of Viking invasions.
>receive customer complaint through esurvey >they're mad we don't have coffee ready at 3am >the coffee they want we can't even get in stock because of manufacturer outage DIE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>663930 Oh, I hope that's true. That would be amazing. Way better than Ancient Rome.
Yeah, I'd agree. Though my ideal conclusion for the Mediterranean saga they seem to be doing would be a trip to Persia during the peak of the Achaemenid Empire. It would follow the pattern of moving backwards in time too.
I'd still totally dig some Viking action though. Go and fight corrupted data in the guise of Norse gods.
>>663930 >hide inside pile of Sterling tithe >pop out and bludgeon viking with silver bar
>>663942 having a job >>663940 i don't mind them but they're generally the lowest form of intelligence on the planet once someone goes into a store looking to purchase something their brain just shuts the fuck down it's like handling mentally handicapped children
I'll come down! surely fit at least one of those categories
>>663960 Yeah but you can have friends without a job, I'm a living example of that case. And the only real purpose you can depend on has to be found by yourself, not given to you by some bit-part part-time job. I'll give you that having money sure is nice though.
>"Garb of a distant Eastern land, worn by Yamamura the Wanderer. >This Eastern warrior pursued a beast for honourable revenge, then became a hunter of the League. But when he stared straight into impurity, it drove him mad."
Watch this drive theorycrafters crazy thinking Bloodborne and Sekiro take place in the same world.
still not sure if best girl is emma or divine child
ugh this ultraman show takes itself SO seriously >release your limiter! >his suit starts flashing red >alien "is that the danger signal for when your suit is gonna fall apart" >ultraman "no it's the signal for when i'm releasing my full power"
you should have said YOU'RE RIGHT... IT IS A DANGER SIGNAL... FOR YOU!! or something stupid and goofy come on
it doesn't make my blood run hot at all gridman was so much better
my box fan stopped working I find it very hard to sleep without it running for some reason even though the temperature is fine i miss the noise it makes
It's funny watching people too ingrained in the Dark Souls mentality going up against the more monstrous enemies in Sekiro. I'm watching this guy go up against the Ape and he's running around its attacks for like twenty seconds to get or -get one or two hits in before backing off. Everything in Sekiro's much more fun to go toe-to-toe with.
>>663999 Yeah, seriously. It's all about risky contact
>>664000 That's both terrifying and morbidly exciting.
>If this monkey has another mode I'm going to be so bummed
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>664002 Beating it was one of the best moments of the game Walking away to go find the flower and seeing that dude get up behind me
Yeah I don't think the mist drops until you beat his second phase either, so if you're not facing it after beating him, you turn and see it still up and go "... Wait..." and then the second phase kicks in. It's one of the defining moments of the second half of the game.
Nope, I'm gonna hold off until after my final papers are all handed in. I don't know how long it's going to take me to get the knack of young Isshin so I don't want to get hooked and unable to resist dumping hours and hours into it.
don't worry, he is still old! and yeah it's an amazing fight. best in the game imo. and the execution is so amazing. i started it last Sunday and didn't get back to it until yesterday. it was so good
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i started a new game and managed to beat Genichiro-sama at the beginning he acts most dishonorably to take me down! but i can respect his love for his lord and his kingdom
Yeah, for a guy that literally will commit heresy and ally with any evil to save Ashina, acting a little dishonorably here or there is pretty small in comparison.
But yeah they kind of dance around a world built beyond just Ashina that you couldn't really cover without expanding much more. There's the Ministry, but there's also this idea of the West, where the Dragon's Inheritance once arrived from. Like they could do a whole sequel game set in this mythic China or wherever amongst other creatures like the Dragon.
>>664012 At least the other two guys might still be worthy of praise.
I'm a little worried Bloodborne 2 will come out and i will be ruined for it by Sekiro
Or maybe they'll take from what was good about Sekiro and incorporate it into the Bloodborne system. The three-dimensional world structure of Sekiro and the high-intensity parry system would give Bloodborne more world and combat depth.
I worry the polish of Sekiro is only possible because there is only one weapon you can use and they can carefully curate how every encounter can be approached. Can such a thing be done in a game with 10-20 weapons all of which have trick forms?
Yeah that's a valid consideration. Fundamentally yes, they could curate all the major engagements in the game to all of the weapons the game provides, but it would bog down the development stage of the game to extremely extensive degrees, so functionally, Sony would probably tell them to wrap things up before long.
You probably couldn't get a Soulsborne game to solidly echo the Sekiro experience, especially considering they likely don't have any intention of turning those series into solely single-player games, but there are definitely valuable lessons to be learned from Sekiro that they can apply to them.
After Bloodborne, I couldn't get into Dark Souls anymore. Even Dark Souls 3 which came after felt like a big step back in combat.
Nioh felt like it was a good evolution from the combat of souls with the lessons of Bloodborne, but it wasn't FromSoft.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
going back and getting the chained ogre first try makes me realize how good i got at this game the enemies that seemed difficult originally now seem like mooks
Chained Ogre literally even is a mook at the endgame, hah hah There's definitely a cool powercreep in Sekiro.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
there's kind of a skillcreep too the later enemies aren't necessarily more difficult in any way but requiring more skill. they're not necessarily stronger and it managed to teach me the game and get me to rise to what was necessary with every new boss which is impressive
how many times do i gotta use the "not interested" feature before youtube stops suggesting i watch clips of the office and simpsons jfc ive never watched a single one ansd it's every single time
this sign is for streetkitchen this is the last time they're ever doing brunch and it ends in 2 hours and 10 minutes ive always wanted to do their brunch (menu changes each week) and never got to it's my only chance now and im feeling really indecisive what on this menu looks like it's worth the trek to experience
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
card your mom sounds interesting
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
id say that or sausage snatcher
sweet potato miso waffle sounds really interesting but so do a lot of things i wanted to go here for my birthday but my roommate didn't wanna go so im going and he asked me just to bring back an extra meal for him that he'd heat up later ehhh thanx what a nice gesture i guess
>>664036 yeah i offered to treat us to brunch and he's just like ok bring me something back nah not doin it just wanted to do like one thing ya know have one thing that makes it seem like a birthday i should have known better
went to sleep since he works nights i get that it's fine still not extending the treating to a meal to bringing it back though like im tryin to buy someone else a meal for my birthday thing just so i dont gotta be alone idk life is trash
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>664041 he generally seems like a pretty unreasonable guy
It was super hot when I went to sleep last night I went to bed with just my light cover on me and woke up with my comfroter on as well it's funny how I'm able to manipulate my covers like that while asleep and not remember it
im tryin to explain kaiji to someone who has never watched a nime idk this is hard
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
It's hard because they've never seen an anime?
we were talking about conflict buildup and resolution in various media and the difference between asspulls and novel resolutions that only use previously given information and stuff i mentioned gambling anime and how that's a pretty prominent theme in how they pan out and some do it well and some dont but they got pretty hung up on "gambling anime" haha
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Why is that the hang up? that's so weird
I think a lot of people who don't watch anime have some pretty strict preconceptions of what anime is like, even if there isn't nearly as much of a social stigma over it anymore. So that it could replicate the situational tension of something as "mundane" as gambling might come off as unbelievable. It's a focus on one element of the show's composition that doesn't look at the wider, greater-than-the-sum-of-parts picture. I'm kind of inferring a lot though.
there has to be at least one other person who's willing to actually painstakingly grab each tile and place it on the board to play scrabble in vrchat that's the person i want to -- have to find my mission has changed
people are just asking for my snapchat i didnt know people still used that i dont even have a snapchat
I think a fair amount of people use it for private messaging and image sharing. That and WhatsApp are usually what I hear people talking about when it comes to communication.
i think i sent jan a picture of my mom's dog once on snapchat that's it i dont understand how people socialize like that i mean im already in a chat program sounds like they're fishing for nudos but maybe im missing something subtle
Well yeah, Snapchat's commonly used for getting nudes. I don't really know how to socialize in general either so it's a bit beyond my knowledge too.
i thought that was just what thirsty guys attempted i didnt think it was actually the basis of the platform's success
even though it's kinda trashy i still envy a little bit how bold everyone else is to just ask stuff like it's no big deal i think i'll call it quits on this experiment it's not working out
Yeah, but they use Snapchat because the stuff disappears or whatever. I don't know why they need both.
My imouto once explained to me the culture of having an Instagram and a "Finstagram" or something to delineate the public and private life. Like have one private and it's where you shitpost and be dumb with friends and the other is your responsible public presentation. And I'm already starting to feel like this is way more than I ever wanted out of a platform like that hah hah.
That's the smart way to do things, social media is a liability and doing anything there beyond maintaining a public face is a bad idea. I'd go one step further than that though. I have my public face social media, and I have all of my fun on the internet in places where I'm completely anonymous. Lots of people get ruined when their social media fun gets leaked or found or whatever.
thats a pretty good idea i dont have any public facing connections or interactions though so i just have the last part and it's feeling a little empty >>664094 i dont think you should post anything on social media
I don't think you should post anything on social media that you wouldn't be willing to say offline. Although I think it's important to compartmentalize social groups.
Complete anonymosity is unnecessary and not really possible anyway, if you want to build relationships with people.
i compartmentalize too a lot of people in my other social circles i would really not want to visit moe for instance i think it would be a disaster >>664095 maybe that's what my current issue is i think im probably not going to find anything of quality this way just girls trying to get my snapchat so they can send me dick pics or whatever
i post everything public because everyone knows I'm a fucking loser anyways
/moe/ is my most precious social circle. I don't mind letting moes interact with my other circles, but letting other circles even consider the existence of /moe/ is off limits. This is the only place I'm safe to be my unadulterated self and I can't let just anyone see that.
same i sometimes worry for that reason my sister or my ex or someone might lurk occasionally to check on me or something that makes me nervous i do my due diligence in not letting people sneak access to it to know about it but anybody could have if they tried but at the same time whatever go ahead there's nothing exciting to see lot of blogposting and me whining
I've even gotten kind of panicky about sharing weblinks to images posted on /moe/ to other social circles because of the thought of people from there getting curious about the URL and finding /moe/. But that hasn't actually happened yet, probably.
Yeah, gotta be careful. I won't even leave a tab up with it unless I'm at home.
It's the only tab I keep consistently on my phone but even that's locked to -so people can't see it. And I don't really take my laptop anywhere too often.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Yeah, I do keep it up on my phone. Unless there's a chance I'll be showing someone my phone.
how do i go about making new friends and new connections then this is a very awkward question for an adult to be asking but oh well there seems to be a harsh divide ive got no public facing presence as ive been on the other side of that dynamic mentioned earlier idk a better way to phrase that
I don't really know either, it's something I've been struggling with too. I've seen the best thing is to put yourself out in places you can socialize and be open to participation. Like checking what kind of social events or volunteer opportunities there are in your area. Or seeing if there's something going on a t local cafe/bar/etc. At a, even. Those all seem like really tenuous avenues unless you're already an outgoing person to me though, in which case I think the lack of direction wouldn't be too often an issue anyway.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>664104 Through what medium? Face-to-face? a certain website?
im not really sure anything compatable i guess i mean it's such a dumb question but it's actually a lot harder than it seems to find folks as an adult young adult was easy but now it's ehhh people are getting more and more involved in their careers and stuff too so that makes it even harder
Online, it's pretty easy. You just gotta reply to people, usually. In person, I dunno, I used to do it at bars and stuff but now I only really meet people at work or school. Or I get introduced to mutual friends.
send bobs
Go back to bed Tony.
nerd i am starting my shift i wish i could go back to bed consecutive 12 hour midnight shift number 4 out of 5, begins!
>>664113 wow they stole my loose and soiled it with this garbage that keeps happening i lost 'cause me such happy' too thanks to that stupid dog why are they so bad at this
Haagen-Dazs has a new line of alcoholic ice creams, I noticed at the store.
The thought of cream and alcohol always seems a little nauseating to me. But I guess there's plenty of mixed drinks with a kind of cream or milk element. I don't think I can do it though.
i used to drink bourbon with milk at first i did it because it sounded like something outrageous but it turned out it's a thing people do and it's fine
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>"One day, a girl who loves me will suddenly appear before me"—Middle school teacher Nobunaga has always been dreaming of such a gal game-like situation. However, the one who appeared before him was Kichou, a 14-year-old girl who proclaims herself as his wife. Appears to have arrived from the Sengoku era, she mistakes Nobunaga as Nobunaga Oda and urges him to conceive a child with her. Thus begins the age-difference love comedy between a gal game-loving teacher and a Sengoku era expert princess. wow what a show i'm sure this isn't just the author's weird lolicon fantasy or anything
>>664118 >>664119 the most disgusting thing i've ever put in my mouth is strawberry milk mixed with potato vodka
yeah strawberries and potatos dont mix
im pretty sure i mixed kratom into bourbon one time just because i hate myself
>>664120 Well marrying that young would have been pretty normal in Nobunaga Oda's time. Everything else sure is suspect though yeah.
>>664122 Yeah, but in Nobunaga's era, a woman couldn't just declare herself Nobu's wife. Or probably anyone's wife, for that matter. It's clearly just the artist's desire to have a reason to marry a child without having to say they want to do it!
>>664124 hey man something just happened. It's big and serious. It puts all my other angsty whining into context.
I want to talk to somebody about it Do you have a way to DM you discord maybe
you can add me too if you need me but i think kirara is a better choice but i'll be here anyway
>>664124 surely the artist has only pure intentions
Surely you can't be serious.
If an artist writes about an underage girl wanting to be impregnated by an older man, it is only for the sake of ensuring the population continues to thrive. I don’t understand why you would think it’s some kind of “lewd fantasy”.
>>664146 it feels like it's missing the tangible consequences that a gambling show usually has it's neat though but it doesn't build tension too well imo
i think it's good though
Kakegurui's strengths are the creativity behind the games they play and the weird characters. I think you're right that it's not as much about the tension.
i think i figured out the social thing bothering me it's hard finding new people because i have to be cautious people who dont have that heaviness about them will misinterpret a lot of my words and actions and often times are very patronizing unintentionally while im still happy to have those friends and have fun with them, i feel restricted from being myself a bit
and the people who do have that heaviness dont go out and about too much looking to be socialites so there's not really a good place to go find people like that so easily unless i went to a support group or something but i dont think thats a good idea
I've been hearing birds in the morning for the first time this year I think. That's usually a good sign spring is here.
The cicadas came out a little early this year. Last year I don't think they really came out at all. We don't have periodic cicadas so it was kind of weird.
>>664156 Yeah, it's hard to find people that can understand and handle heavy stuff. Most people want to be blissfully unaware of adversity or suffering. It's hard to find people that are cool with it all offline.
yeah and the part that makes me self-conscious is that, without that perspective, it seems like you're in need of emotional support or, god forbid, pity but it doesn't mean you're down at that particular moment or anything, but they dunno that and dunno how to address it i dont feel like i need people who can endure listening to my woes or something like that but just people who aren't // idk how to say it appropriately just comfort zones and bein able to talk about stuff freely
one of the most memorable conversations ive ever had is when you me and jan were sitting in red rock canyon and everything was foggy and i was sick and we were just talking about how fucked up life is and just kind of laughing about it
that shit felt so real and you can't really get that with a lot of people
i remember that, very cherished trip i dont mean it like im unappreciative of the other friends i have, i love them all but specifically in terms of trying to make new friends, that's a point of apprehension i hadn't noticed because i dont consciously think about "oh yeah im fucked up i forgot" all the time so i get self conscious and lock up
>hey wanna add me on snapchat and see pix of me crying
Might be touch or go but that might get you positive reception. Though it would likely be in that kind of insincere Gen Z "everything about the world sucks" tone.
i find top-down research for this not very satisfying, like looking up a list of garments i want to think of them or the animal but ive been using sometimes to check for words with a certain structure it's my scrabble site err not my site but you know, the one i always used for scrabble it's been mildly helpful you can use asterisk as wildcard or carat as an exclusion operator, so it wont contain the character that follows
I can see how that would be really useful, yeah. I'm not really using need as an expression of intent or anything though, hah hah. Just that I'm aware I'm unbalanced in my word pools.
Tiger in a jumper
yeah i get you i really like linguistics though so im always looking up words and im actually getting quite a bit out of this besides just entertainment i might put something together out of it like make a cookbook sort of were you here on moe when i was doing cookbooks
I don't think so? The concept's not ringing bells for me at least.
it was the word bigrams the automatically generated cookbooks i lost that software now though sadly
Oh wait no I remember those yeah! The take a colour and ... some numbers? And it would generate a recipe with instructions.
yeah i just needed to seed some randomization so i made it a little interactive i could make something like have someone enter an animal and it spits out an alternative to pig in a blanket for that animal i cant do every animal but i could make it a website where people contribute entries for ones that arent there yet that sounds fun i can understand now why sammy made /moe/ and cards and stuff it's really fun
Snake in a sandwich
Osprey in an omelette
>>664192 Totally, the creative conjunction of a pile of people is a great source of fascination. It's a lot of fun to participate in silly projects like that.
>>664195 it could even be a card game in itself kind of, like the flockdraw or whatever it was put one person up and give them an animal and they gotta come up with the dressing and have others // maybe have several people go up, and have the others judge which one was the best isn't that already a game but just not about pigs
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
tapir in tapas
>>664198 Well that's the Cards Against Humanity model that a bunch of card games use nowadays.
And then there's the Pictionary/ model that's give someone a thing and they need to draw it and have the others guess what it was.
we should do some /moe/ flockdraw sometime again as a group i know flockdraw isnt the game, it's just the group drawing board it would be pretty easy to get goin but i think people are too busy these days to bother
Yeah I haven't really been doing a lot of drawing lately. It's easy to get distracted or overly into other things and burn away time on those. Never mind the things I actually -need- to be doing, hah hah.
wow you can sort on flockdraw by highest rated, but also worst rated shaming people for their shitty drawings wow
Why isn't there a flock draw for DS. It seems like the perfect platform for that sort of online game.
there uh used to be that kind of drawing thing but then it was misused
well i sorted by worst rated, and the shittiest drawings were literally the shittiest drawings of the scatalogical type im not sure what i expected
There's a lot of junk on FlockDraw. I remember raids organized by other rooms or fetched from 4chan on rooms like the jp or animu rooms. The regulars back then would have other rooms with names secretly shared to retreat to when it was too much to be enjoyable. I knew of the existence a bit before I got in so when I did it felt cool, like a secret club. ... Which probably didn't help the mentality others had of the regulars being a bit of a "sekrit club", hah hah.
im enjoying this more tonight for some reason theres a bunch of 12-year-olds all trying to sound tougher than each other with curse words it's cute and pitiful at the same time
I can imagine that being enjoyable being contingent on the people you find on it, yeah.
>>664210 im plenty familiar with garry's mod servers and the juvenile nonsense there for some reason i thought vrchat was supposed to be like a little more mature but it's really not once i tempered my expectations there's no anxiety
I can't really get into those freeform communities like Gmod or VR Chat. When I seek out a game I've got a particular thing I'm looking for and sifting through servers doesn't work for me. And if I'm seeking community, well, I've got what I want elsewhere already.
it's about role playing i think. some people really feel comfortable role playing so they do great there i dont and i think rping is very sketch and generally want to distance myself from it however my morbid curiosity leads me to investigating them undercover a bit sometimes with ironically roleplaying i dont know if that's what everyone else is doing when they rp or not maybe it is and thats what i am missing in understanding it
sometimes i wonder if ive pretended to be retarded so many times that i forgot which part is pretending and which part is real
gmod games were fun for a while tho prop hunt especially
>get whole prop team to spam that alan alan alan taunt for entire round for 5 prop rounds in a row and thrn get banned wurth
>>664222 I think some guy was trying to crack onto me the other night too bad I managed to ruin it by embarassing myself he did get me hot and bothered though
>>664236 Two. Give me a few minutes I'll see if my other friends are awake
>>664238 okay looks like all my friends are dead If you que in 7447 I should be able to grab two randos from the discord
ive had success queueing into my friend in /0 if you use the one-hanchan lobby it's pretty easy and fills up but if you do happen to mistime it or the lobby numbers are delayed you risk getting stuck in a different match
>>664240 Me and floop used to do that It required some good timing though yeah. There were a few occasions where we ended up playing different people
>>664242 I played with him last night He didn't exactly say much about his personal life but he was reasonably upbeat. He talked about Akagi and Celeste a bit. Oh we're already at 3:0
how is floop doing
FLOOP i miss floop
>>664242 he's alright, he's on steam i think he's got some depression problems
one of the nurses i worked with watched cape fear and now this nurse is watching cape fear it is a film that successfully fills me with existential dread
im not a fan
Would you rather watch Cape Feet
i’d be probably equally uncomfortable just in a different way disgust and not distress
is that the one with the sharks and the rocks
I think there were rocks but not shakes just a insane convict hellbent on vengeance
no thats not what im thinkin of
>>664247 that is not a film that I would've picked you being afraid of
>>664254 People being unreasonable and being discredited and disbelieved when I’m rightfully telling the truth are big things for me.
yes i agree having had that happen in small personal scenarios in the past has infuriated me let alone something huge
did you ever see Gaslight
I have not but being gaslighted is a big thing for me as my memory sucks as is
people can't gaslight me if i gaslight myself first
i am falling asleep maria sorry i gotta close it i ended up not winning one hand or dealing into one hand same score as i started roughly that's what i like
>>664260 bye bye then Next time I'll try a little earlier Personally I'm from the school of dealing into one large hand at the start and desperately trying to claw my way back for the rest of the game
>>664245 Hi Ton I swear I'll finish Hello Charlotte someday It's nice seeing you
someday somehow the rest of the lyrics are a mystery
>>664271 being employed at least, possibly more. having a university degree would feel amazing and finally meeting my bf/gf. having real friends woukd be neat. >>664274 i mean just meeting someone >>664275 maybe, now you can focus on yourbacklog
or one of those weird fliphones I remember a model that had a screen on the outside that displayed some info like "message received from X" or "2 missed phone calls
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
maybe a service button? they're at a restaurant
could be that wish I knew what it reads
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
translate it, weebs
>>664332 what's the go with this nobody's holding a gun to these people forcing these people to do it so why's it such a big problem for you?
>>664342 1) is usually publishers forcing these on devs 2) epic games is less customer friendly, with little to nill customer service or support and no refund policy 3) the main attraction to publishers, they offer lower rates compared to steam as in cut they take for selling games 4) epic games is a shitty company that has already been caught spying on people's computers for info that doesn't belong to them 5) it is 50% owned by a questionable chinese company
Tencent only has 4 Er 40% stake in Epic. That's still a sizeable amount but it is not quite yet a majority.
Also exclusions are never pro-consumer so epic gamer is anti-consumer practicing, shady info gathering company that forces people to install yet another service inorder to play games
Nonetheless, I don't want to install yet another program to run games, where my games will be "rented out" from as in the end, I don't own games on steam or on epic, should either service stop working
only good companies in that fashion/in that fashion is gog, since once bought, you keep the installer forever with no DRM >>664352 Corporations and people in the end by nature are anti-competition when they reach sufficient status competition afterall threatens them
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
if competition is good for capitalism and innovation, it's interesting to see how competition is actually just hurting consumers in this case
The exclusivity for games on Epic is particularly gross to me because they're not even leveraging a better platform for their games, they're just buying out publishers to ensure the games only get released on their store.
epic games is simply competing by offering publishers a better deal not consumers there is no incentive for people to gravitate towards epic, since gog, steam and others offer a better service. Hell for all my dislike of EA, Origin atleast is a decent store front, when I had to buy mass effect 3 and other series DLC through it All epic is doing is sucking up to publishers and that way gaining customers, not actually attracting customers through better service, prices or anything.
Essentially, they are expanding through basically "monopolies" rather than anything else
You could forgive epic, if they for example also gave the customers a better deal say instead of 59,95, games cost 49,95 on their store but that is not the case
They also don't offer nearly the variety in regional currencies that Steam does, which means those customers will often end up paying an extra 10 or 15% on top of the game's price. And some countries just can't buy from the Epic store period.
>>664356 I see Helsinki has turned into some other city too in 2019
Speaking of mittens I was visiting my mothers' the other day and they had recently gotten an aquarium that they are still setting up they had been washing and preparing the sand, so some box - that used to be a catlitter box years ago - was set up near the place half filled with sand and on seeing it my first reaction was "Huh, the kitty litter box is weirdly placed, I wonder why. Cat must be upset" and then realised that "wait a minute damn bugger has been dead for years"
here is something interesting standing in poison smoke while doing a deathblow doesn't increase poison meter but standing in fire or poison swamp does increase during death blow
poison -> death deathblow -> death negative x negative = positive simple
I ought to get out of bed but my cat is snoring so blissfully on top of my legs.
>>664369 Huh, they're really inconsistent with status accumulation, eh. Wonder how terror and enfeebling operates along those lines.
but in poison swamp you get wet with poison so you still have the death even after finishing death blow logical
My actual guess is that the poison smoke one is a bug/oversight dunno if they will ever change it, this being fromsoftware we are talking about afterall
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
probably an oversight yeah
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>664371 enfeebling doesn't build during a deathblow no idea about terror? I can't think of any areas where I could deathblow an enemy while building terror Enfeebling not building makes sense because it's based on projectiles hitting you and you have i-frames during deathblow hmm, maybe the poison smoke counts as a projectile, considering it comes from the lizards
>>664312 >i only date artificial intelligence >like jan
lmao was that me
damn i used to be so obnoxious it hurts to read this prolly still am but i dont notice it i was prolly a drunk idiot at the time of that thread
I get that a lot seeing older posts I've written. It can be really hard to believe I would word things in one way or another, hah hah.
Okay it's definitely way too cold in this room. And my cat is sleeping on top of my nice warm robe to boot.
this cat runs in my room every time he gets the chance, and it's a small room he wont just lay on my bed and sleep he messes with everything and starts biting electrical cords and stuff so i gotta kick him out or pawing at the window like he wants me to open it hell no cat not opening that shit and freezing
If the heating's off then there's probably no where warmer in the house that my cat can get to than my bed. Though less so I bet now that I'm out of it, She's not really much for playing but she does want a lot of attention when she's inside and awake. So she'll sit at the foot of my desk and complain about not being pet.
Per het now. her*
She's sleeping quite contently I'm not going to disturb her.
i just saw the splatoon island april fools joke lmao pretty good
The folks behind Splatoon seem to have such fun developing the game. Doing goofy presentations like scientists observing some strange society of sentient kidsquids/octopi.
come on tilde i thought i knew you better than to use latin suffixes on greek words
I'm gonna DESTROY your archaic literary conventions!
i found this sugarless energy drink in cotton candy flavor and im like nah it's gonna be shit there's no way but it's like really good doesnt taste artificial at all idk how
>>664392 So ... what does it taste like then? Because cotton candy to me is like the embodiment of artificiality.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
my mom just called to tell me how excited she was that one of her friends got shot with a beanbag at an active shooter training and now has a very large painful bruise she thought it was really funny
I'm glad she's so enthusiastic about including you in her life. I guess.
>>664394 i mean it tastes like cotton candy but cotton candy is literally JUST sugar and they add coloring but this is sugarless so i dont know how it tastes like cotton candy without the taste of artificial sugar
Oh I see now. Yeah that's a pretty neat accomplishment.
im not very fond of sugar so i try to get sugarless energy drinks when possible but most of them taste like ass partame
Aspartame is fine by me. I haven't really found a sugar replacement that is off to me.
hmm probably not im not sure what i would use it for but maybe
it looks like i can get the rubber grenades or sting grenades (without irritant) if i were to buy in large quantities like a retailer might i guess some of the retailers probably sell in smaller quantities but i dont feel like traveling that far not that i have money to waste rn anyway
>>664409 seems like they're around $50 per grenade
i specifically was looking for the stinger grenade though stinger is the copyright name and im pretty sure they're law enforcement only but im sure it's possible to get hold of one still
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>664413 what did you end up doing with those grenades you bought?
i haven't bought any grenades
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I thought you bought some in Missouri?
i have some but i didnt buy any they're in storage somewhere
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
they're all inert of course
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I have a deactivated one. I bought it when I was 13 or 14 and my mom took it away from me. We found it recently while cleaning up.
yeah that kind of thing my dad had some and i had some and they just kinda showed up at random times having been forgotten about i might have said something about using them before in jest but like you could still use them. they wouldn't detonate, but nobody's gonna know that they're deactivated if someone broke into your home and you had a grenade idk they'd probably decide to go somewhere else
Better safe than sore E.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
maybe I should take the price sticker off of mine then.
doing that in public is obviously going to be a bad idea though threats don't have to be executable in order to be valid threats, it matters whether the public can perceive it as a real threat and influence their actions and the suggestion of it itself as a hoax is also illegal so
I'm one of those types that feels sick if I don't have a daily cup of coffee. Always black, no sugar.
>>664457 They're called Coolattas at Dunkin Donuts, I think.
>>664458 That sounds worth trying. Did you give it a name?
I only drink black coffee if I make it at home with freshly grounded beans and a french press. I can't stomach black coffee from Starbucks, and co. so it's always one of those specialty dessert coffees with soy milk. and no cream.
sorry maybe iced coffee was the wrong name the frozen coffees with like the whipped cream im not a coffeesseiur i dunno all these things
Samu 🥃 !KW2DbpWwls
some kind of vanilla whippy frappa doppio cream bevvy
>>664454 no those are starbucks not starbucks' ones
i used to get this really black roast that had an owl on it i would steep that 50/50 with black tea and that was good not sure what it is but straight coffee doesn't work for me i end up feelin tired
Samu 🥃 !KW2DbpWwls
black coffee is my main but today is a steamed hams and milk day
im getting to meet a lot of people of different languages which has been very exciting for me since i enjoy talking about language a lot the servers are not too kind though and seem to crash sooner or later consistently
"guess where im from" seems to be an engaging game based on accent people keep guessing that i am from poland though for some reason
I can kind of hear it. There's this sort of stuffed nose-iness that Polish people do a little bit with English that you have a bit of. I mean you sound North American more than anything to me but if I had to guess a more foreign ethnicity I could see maybe in that East Europe area.
i think i drift a lot. im not sure if there's a word for it but my manners of speech flow very easily into those of the people around me i was at a german party in college once and the german folks there asked me where i was from in germany that was kind of endearing
I think that is normal. At least I tend to be similar.
>>664500 absolutely classic Rika moment right here, one for the history books
>>664495 Wow excuse me but we have at least seven whole cities with populations above 100,000 You're forgetting the ever exciting Napier
>>664504 Enjoy your sardine cans Wait we have Auckland that has just above one million
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>664503 >we have seven cities with populations over 100,000 The greater Chicagoland area has more people in it than your entire country. Come back when you have a city with at least 1,000,000 people in it.
>>664502 how did mahjong end last night sorry i had to dip sleepy meds hit me hard though
>>664506 l took first I can't remember what happened to your score after you disconnected Next time I'll try be earlier but I'll be getting home last /// late on weekdays
I got in a fight with my mom because she was trying to tell me about something she didn't know anything about and I contradicted her. She started freaking out and telling me that she knows more about it than me even though she clearly didn't, so I told her I knew more about it than her and told her where my information came from, and she started saying I was stupid and being tricked and she started shouting about how I won't listen to her because I know everything or something ridiculous like that.
So I told her I never tell her anything because she always finds anything bad she can about whatever I say and then she turns it into a fight if I disagree, and she started saying stuff like "you'll do whatever you want i guess! YOU JUST TOLD ME YOU DOOOO"
It was so childlike that I had to laugh.
my family does that first part, but do it by talking over you and cutting you off if you start saying anything they dont like and keep going like you didnt say anything at all and that second part they do with guilt trips instead of a fight
what was it about (the thing you contradicted her on) was it anything that had perspective to it or was it just raw facts
lol it's so stupid i told her i was interested in a martial arts place and i was going to check them out so she glanced at their website and started talking shit about it and making stuff up about it so i explained to her that i did research on it and everything
but my research doesn't matter because she has a black belt in a martial art that they don't even teach at that place and that means she knows everything about individual dojos
and she started claiming that they would be mean to me and beat me up for a month before they teach me anything????? i explained she was wrong but it didn't matter because she has a black belt in karate (that she basically got by sucking dick, no joke)
even her doormat husband was on my side she's probably going to to abuse him later for it though
hm yeah that's pretty absurd i get where she's coming from though lmao no i dont
she started saying stuff like "i have a masters degree i know a lot of stuff!!" so i said i do too but i was being really nice i could have pointed out how her masters degree in physical education that she got online in a year and hasn't used because she got kicked out of teaching isn't quite as good as mine
she started saying that nobody would dare to post a negative review online about being beaten up for a month if that's what they did there
every six months or so i decide to tell her something about my life and it explodes into an argument
she pretty much had a temper tantrum this time though
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
family is the weirdest thing to me
>>664512 >she started saying that nobody would dare to post a negative review online about being beaten up for a month if that's what they did there lmao what the fuck god she's so insane
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>me: there are like 400 reviews talking about how great fun it is, how friendly they are, and how family oriented it is >because they refuse to post about getting beaten up and injured
when i was talking about the instructor, i said he was trained by dan inasanto and she didn't know who that was so i said he was one of bruce lee's students and the foremost expert on bruce lee's style she got really upset like as soon as i said Bruce Lee her eyes started bugging out
also how are you gonna tell me you know everything about martial arts if you don't even know dan inasanto
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
my dad made me do a bunch of martial arts when i was young he tried to enroll us in one when i was an adult but it turned out to be a kid's class for like kids 6 and under lmao and we were the only adults there it was really embarrassing
I hope I can get my retainer fixed soon. It feels kind of painful with it messed up. I wonder if they'll have any appointments this week. I might have to move around my clients so I can get it done.
Is it just like a wire on the backs of your teeth?
Yeah, I have a bonded retainer. It's connected to my front 6 teeth. I have one on the bottom, too, of course. On the top, one of the areas it's bonded to came loose. I guess the dental glue broke. The glue is still there, it's just not connected to the tooth anymore, but it's somehow putting pressure on my tooth, I guess? It's giving me a little pain when I bite down.
Yeah I have them on my upper and bottom six front too. I've always been worried about it coming off but it hasn't for me so far.
Honestly I'd kind of just rather not have it on at all but it's been hard to work up the motivation to request a removal or something.
>>664534 I don't really want mine either, but last time I asked the dentist, they told me I'd have to wear a retainer a few times a week for the rest of my life or my teeth would start shifting. I figure the bonded one is easier in the end. I mean, mine survived 10 years without any trouble.
And I'm pretty sure I fucked it up being a dumbass anyway.
>>664536 I've always assumed I'd get a similar talk too if I asked about it. I don't know if I really care about my teeth getting a little shifty in the end anyway. They weren't even all that bad in the first place.
>>664538 I'm just worried if my teeth start shifting, it'll be painful. Having the bonded retainer isn't really that inconveniencing or anything, anyway.
Did you guys watch Kimetsu no Yaiba yet? Haha, it looks really bad. In a good way. There was a really edgy dude talking about how the weak are born to be crushed by the strong, but I think he was one of the good guys?
>>664537 considering i get paid like 12 dollars an hour to mostly sit here this isnt a bad job im just tired from consecutive midnights, a thing i dont do often
i would take that job if i could that sounds peaceful i need a more peaceful job i think
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
honestly it seems like a pretty great job
like as long as im not downstairs anymore where its just getting worse and worse this is good shit when i hired on we were getting like 70-100 calls a day and now people are getting like 140-180
180 calls in a day divided by 60 minutes in an hour is like 3 calls an hour that sounds pretty easy
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
when i worked at the suicide hotline i'd get like 60-70 calls in an 8 hour shift obviously they weren't all suicide calls but yeah it felt really hectic and exhausting sometimes
>>664545 these calls go from like 4 to 30 minutes it just doesnt end
sometimes typull get the simple refill request and thats like a minute or two sometines youll get the people who demand to speak to someone in particular >>664549 only nurses are really required for that we document when its not like just an appt but thats because that call is usually asking for us to send a note
ww get a 15 second window between calls before the next one comes to our phone if its in queue, but sometimes the supervisors will force you to ready
most of the people downstairs dont have my typing speed which means they probably cant keep up like that
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
do you guys have to do call notes?
i was tryin to do sneaky math on you it'd be a lot more than three calls an hour regardless
yeah if im playing something questionable i dont want everyone to know about it though i dont think most of my uh things of that nathre get picked up by disxord
also why is the blood black? some weird daytiem censorship?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>664558 maybe? not sure yet actually no it's not someone else bled red it looks like some kind of fairy magic? that gets inside you and leaks out your face
A moment of appreciation for a modding tool that lists all good mods for the game, guides you through installing them, notifies you if you are installing something and lacking necessary mods for that thing and then finally installs them on its own and in the right order, so that nothing fucks up
No fucking >I used 12 hours to set up skyrim bullshit
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
lmao this chick in shoumetsu toshi has a stand and its power is to duel wield pistols??
well kimetsu no yaiba looks damn good but dunno if it is just me but the lip sync seems bit off
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah im looking forward to more of that and more fairy gone
sakurai for what was his name ginjou or something the hunteri n ep1 was admn good casting when reading the manga I didn't think he had that kind of voice maybe more feminine one But damn does it suit
further reminds me of how >senryuu girl has hanakana in "hanakana role" it just is boring casting
especially when hanakana is best when she isn't cast as hanakana
hmm kenja nom ago and fox wife and that is prolly all I will watch this season as it airs and I prolly wll drop all of them due to not keeping up to weeklies lol
>>664596 how's the newcomer va I haven't had a chance to watch it
>>664592 I flipped through it because I was curious about Trish's Stand but we haven't watched it yet. Rika's been out both weekend nights this weekend.
>>>/@idlematts/1114873430833287171 i found this in my twitter drafts earlier and idk when i wrote it or why i wrote it it's so weird why was it in my drafts
it relieves a lot of anxiety for me, especially social anxiety and helps my appetite as i normally have issues feeling like i can put food down with disrupting my mood in general mood stabilizing for me
red strains might help you sleep recreational usage for sure if you just want to chill out i enjoy reading tons and tons of stuff and archiving when i take it i get too impatient and anxious to sit down and commit to reading whole papers normally but it's fun to just take it easy this way
Samu 🥃 !KW2DbpWwls
i see i see chillin out could be good in what form do you consume or imbibe
i take the ground leaf, which is pretty easy to get hold of i have heard that consuming the ground leaf isn't really good and you should make tea from the whole leaves or just chew on the leaf without eating it but i haven't really had any longlasting issues. sometimes a little stomach sensitivity but less so than with valerian root
>>664626 there is also an extract powder which is gonna be like a whole lot more concentrated so check which one you got and what color/strain did you get? yeah i got my vape it's the suorin vagon i am enjoying it i only have 36mg nicotine salt juice for it so it's a little on the harsh side but i got some like 12mg stuff in the mail
as far as actually taking the kratom, there's a toss and wash method which seems very difficult to me and makes a mess and you get powder in your throat and it sucks i mix it with milk but it is hydrophobic so it's really hard to mix
Samu 🥃 !KW2DbpWwls
i saw some powder in a shop today and was wonderin
oh hey did you get your vape?
Samu 🥃 !KW2DbpWwls
>>664625 holy fuck that sounds harsh well idk what the percentage is
i didn’t pick any up was just lookin at it and wonderin
i prefer to just fill capsules with the power using a chinese medicine thingy for filling gelatin capsules >>664630 the leaf tastes like GRASS literally
oh -saw- some powder i see now yeah it's good though you oughtta try it idk if you have any pain but thats the primary reason i take it it's actually incredible for pain without that opioid feeling >>664630 i got no idea where you can get whole leaves yeah the capsules are the best idea but they cost more for no reason if you got a capsule packer thingy it's pretty easy though but you need the like massive capsules that are as big as your throat
Samu 🥃 !KW2DbpWwls
chewing on the leaf sounds dope as long as the leaf don’t taste like ass
so wait are you just eating the powder as-is or what
yeah ive tried boiling it first but that's a god awful mess and boiling it weakens the alkaloids or whatever so it's a waste i just put it in a small capped bottle with some milk and shake really hard
if you got a blender you could blend it with some ice cream and it'd be p good
i recommend green kapuas it's prolly my favorite
>>664629 i get the AA size capsules they're not quite as big as the massive ones they fit about 500mg into each if you pack them fairly well i can swallow 7 of them at once lol
>>664635 also seconding the green but i prefer maeng da it seems to last a bit longer
i got the maeng da and it made me sick it might have been a bad batch or something it was like clumpy in parts and not a fine powder and tasted really sour i know kratom in general tastes bad but i never had any problems with the flavor until that one The guy who wrote the Vocaloid songs Rolling Girl and World's End Dancehall passed away. He was only thirty-one.
>>664661 yea sure i lived in cali 4 years maybe i'm a hipster cuz like i heard a lot of hype and then i had it for the first time and was like "yes. this is an entirely normal burger." maybe that's the attraction
I've never had it.
Hail Satan
>>664664 I ve heard it's completely overhyped so I wouldn't blame you for coming to those conclusions what about Sonics?
I used to see sonic commercials all the time (back when I watched tv) but there aren't any near me. I think the closest one to me is like fourty minutes away.
do ye all have waterburger?
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
i would have to go to deep queens or jersey for a sonic boigah
i wanna visit new york
I think the most uniquely American we have around is Carl's jnr American chain*
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
new york is kind of a clusterfuck but goddammit it it's MY clusterfuck
Are you all in NYC? I've only driven through it once on 95. It seems like it would be so anxiety inducing living there, but people adjust to anything.
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
>>664682 i like it my roomie wants to move back to cali but i like da CROWDZU and the subways and the density and everything he wants a more chill and quiet existence
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
it's just koi and i here afaik
just realised the MC of Titan Quest is a god damn badass >kills multiple titans >kills Typhon after he fucks the Olympian gods >is so badass that gods go "fuck that, let's leave this guy take care of the mortal world" and just leave
ive been half wanting to replay dark souls 2 myself
how does it hold up to the other dork souls I've heard it's a bit of a let down
Personally I dropped DaS2 pretty early into it I'm not fond of the changes they made to healing with the lowered estus chugs and the large amounts of healing stones the game gives you DaS1 has a really nice difficulty design where, with the exception of weapon degradation and curses, the player will have the same challenge to overcome when they die since their ability to heal is held constant. DaS2 breaks that with lifestones and disappearing enemies. Also it feels a bit clunkier to play and not in a good way imo
>>664708 Depends on the game DaS1 feels a little clunky but in a natural way. A knight in armour moves in the same way you'd expect a knight in armour to move. DaS2 doesn't feel as responsive as DaS1 to me. Like there'll be times where an attack animation will finish and there's an extra second of delay before the player can roll.
>>664703 it has a lot of flaws but it also does some neat things the scholar version in particular goes copy paste on the enemies too much and some of the difficulty is more bullshit feeling, but there are cool bosses, great music, and so much equipment that every run youll find a weapon or armor set you didnt know existed
however, i do rank it as the bottom of the souls tier list
I feel like it would be good to describe dark souls 1 as slow and clunky, but 2 will have you feel like youre running through molasses with heavily biased hitboxes against you
they tie your iframes to a stat in 2 which is a bad
>>664704 is there ever a scenario where clunky is in a good way
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
dark souls really makes you feel like a knight in heavy, roll friendly armor
sammy have you played keep talking & nobody explodes
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
nope i've seen a few let's plays i probably should
it looks fun
>>664704 only thing bad with das is the expansion, if you went with fire dmg as they area ll immunte to it practically
>>664713 Are you talking about DaS1? I really like the first one. Even the areas in the game that other people will tell you are shit
>>664720 ive been wanting to for a long time would you like to
>>664722 well i dunno if i'd say they're that good but they were alright i liked the first one more though 2 felt somewhat repetitive after the second half or so
I just went for the Titan quest since I noticed my cracked version didn't function proper
Basically there was some bug that made Theurge aura skills not work proper and it wasn't patched untill the anniversary edition and it had already become one of my favourites >passive aura with minimal mana drain that reduces speed, armour, drains life, etc
hmm I don't want to pick a skill just to deal with ud so I guess I will dual-class well the game is built for that I wonder what should I pick another mage, would make int stat real high or do a dex and have some melee capcity too? or dex ranged? hmm