that person who i "died" with? shes in the same gang
Kirara 🚗
it's fate
Koi...- - -...
lol she didnt understand the schedule and now she doesnt want it
Koi...- - -...
it said fri/sat days off but its overnight they count it by which day you spend more hours on she thought shed have friday and saturday night but we have thursday and friday night
Pan could bend you over any time he wants to and leave when he's done and you'd let him
nuh uh
Kirara 🚗
im rewatching star wars force awakens and i noticed that obiwan was calling out to rey during it when she touched the lightsaber i wouldn't have noticed without subs
i'm having a problem in this game you're supposed to have a stash of items so that there's inventory continuity when you die - when you die you lose everything you have on you, so your stash is the way of having things still when you've died my problem is this - i can't fucking die
>>386073 His ban expired, also it was a dci ban so it only applied to sanctioned events. Which is maybe 50% of magic events at most. Also I'm still irritated that he got a ban in the first place.
this gorilla channel thing is getting way too bug big people will believe the most ridiculous things just because they don't like trump
>>386089 I should get a job at the Whitehouse and my job would be "leaking" fake but plausible stuff to reporters As a member of staff so they may believe it, and since reporters generally dont share sources i get get away with it for a bit
Kirara 🚗
that'd be a really fun thing to do when you're done, you can write a book full of ridiculous shit too
>>386094 willfully presenting your ass is disrespectful just unfortunately having it out isnt you're just being gross
Kirara 🚗
having a butt is a crime
Kirara 🚗
and im a fugitive from the law
>>386096 Negligence in hygeine and appearance is disrespectful to everyone you encounter
>>386096 How am I being gross? I really don't follow you on that?
Koi...- - -...
>>386099 yeah so you should tell someone their butt is showing so they can fix it. no one wants to see it. but they prob dont know >>386100 the people with their butt out are being gross
>>386101 The purpose of the photographs was to demonstrate just how widespread this is at magic events. I don't think the person should have done it but it was entirely legal. And also very funny.
Kirara 🚗
jokes aside i think what he did was certainly inappropriate but im not sure banning was reasonable unless he was asked to stop previously
He was not asked to stop. He was only approached after the event. Also I don't know whether or not the "shaming on social media" portion of the rules existed as of when that tournament was held.
Koi...- - -...
i dont know #5 seems pretty clear on not shaming participants regardless of if the face is shown
Anyways, I agree that according to the rules he should be punished, but I do think the punishment was excessive.
Koi...- - -...
>>386105 bans are temporary so its not like he was kicked forever. i think hes allowed back now
>>386109 Lifetime bans are actually only 30 years iirc.
Kirara 🚗
this dead loved ones mask thing is freaking me out so much just thinking about it i want to like vomit
Also Drug dealer and exonerated murderer
it's not on Netflix so it's not worth the trouble of grabbing
Kirara 🚗
luke and anakin were both really horrible jedi im rewatching the Prequels and anakin does nothing except fuck up he actually fucks up more than luke did
What did Luke do wrong
Kirara 🚗
luke was a terrible jedi all of his successes were basically that he fucked around and distracted people long enough for other people to save the day like obiwan and qui gon did some shit real jedi were always doing cool missions that they didn't completely fuck up luke just kind of fucks around and manages to make things work well enough but he never really did anything particularly impressive other than blow up the death star pretty much all of luke's successes are as a pilot and not as a jedi
Kirara 🚗
Anakin on the other hand fucks up as a jedi all the time he's a total fuck up
The whole overarching point of the prequel trilogy is sure, the Jedi are so stuck in their own ways that they fucked up training Anakin. But holy fuck he didn't make their work cut out for them.
Skywalker men in general are TERRIBLE human beings.
Kirara 🚗
Yeah, seriously. Anyone with that blood and happens to be male are just like ugh Luke wasn't a terrible human being, I guess, but like, he sure wasn't very talented
>>386121 >deathstar shot >killed a bunch of atats on hoth >his attitude convinced Vader to kill the emperor >>386127 I always took it as Lukes refusal to give into the dark side that inspired Vader
>his attitude convinced Vader to kill the emperor >Attitude >Whinging about having his fake hand cut off and making Anakin realize "HE'S JUST LIKE ME"
Kirara 🚗
vader turned back to the light because vader had light in his heart luke was there to facilitate that change and was instrumental in it and certainly luke's refusal to turn to the dark side was important the turning of vader was the only "jedi" thing Luke did
I think a good thought experiment here is to go "could Leia, in Luke's place, knowing what Luke did, have accomplished the same result".
Just because Luke wasn't a one man army doesn't mean he was a bad jedi
Kirara 🚗
by bad jedi i mean he wasn't a very successful one as a jedi he was decent in that he generally behaved something like a jedi it's just that very little of what we've ever seen him do is jedi stuff he was really just a dude with a lightsaber and the force that was just trying to do stuff
He was a bad Jedi in the same vein as his father; strong in the Force but had no attention for the training that would have given him finesse and skill in using it. So all he could do by the end of the original trilogy was basic parlor tricks.
Kirara 🚗
One of the major themes of nearly all Star Wars material is that the Jedi were incredibly ineffective as an order, across the history of the galaxy. Luke is kind of the culmination of all of that ineffectiveness, and that's one of the major themes of TLJ.
Keep in mind Luke was basically starting the jedi from scratch with a months worth of training. I think that as a jedi his pure heart was worth much more than raw force power
>>386133 That and fuck hero worship. Because seriously. Fuck hero worship.
in the original EU, he went on to write entirely new sets of the Jedi Code and even mastered ways for Jedi to use the Force in combat without turning to the dark side For example, he rediscovered a form of force lightning that was powered by the light side
>>386134 I mean I don't think Kirara and I are saying Luke should've just offed himself because he was a shitty Jedi. But objectively, he was bad at it, like how a kid who gets thrown on a bike without training wheels will undeniably be shitty at balancing on the bike. And a lot of people, both inside the Star Wars universe and in real life, turned their eyes away from that because he was the protagonist of good and justice and because he was around to be a part of some pretty heroic things. And his story arc in The Last Jedi is supposed to take that hero worship and tell everyone they're kind of dumb for obsessing over it.
>>386136 I kind of wish Grey Jedi were still a relevant thing. Luke having studied the history of the Jedi Order and what their stupid parts were that caused the Sith to flourish could have lead the way to understanding that you need to take both aspects in balance and not swear by one single side. But that would have been Luke Skywalker, the Legend, not Luke Skywalker.
Kirara 🚗
>>386138 Yeah, I'm a big fan of the idea of the Grey Jedi. It would have been nice for Luke to do that, but you're right, that's the Legend, not Luke.
For all their talk of balance, the Jedi were always horrible at it. I think something a lot of people fail to realize is that the Jedi are responsible for so many of their own failings. They're treated like Legends.
Because telling a nine-year-old kid to bottle up his fear because fear eventually leads to the Dark side is a good line of thought.
Kirara 🚗
>Master, I'm falling in love >oh, uhh, well, stop
Don't blame Obi Wan; he doesn't have the stomach for politics.
Kirara 🚗
Obi Wan was actually a pretty good Jedi with an understanding of the Grey but he was so dedicated to the order that he ignored his instincts until after the order collapsed
He needed a bit more time with Qui-Gon Jinn. We all did ;_;
Kirara 🚗
Qui-Gon needs a movie more than Han Solo.
Well at least we're supposed to get an Obi Wan trilogy. Though I don't know what time period it would feature.
Kirara 🚗
Yeah, that starts in like 2020, I think I heard it'll just be after the fall of the Order but it'd be great if there was an origin movie with a lot of Qui-Gon.
It would be rought to down-age Ewan McGregor for an origin movie though. Rough, even. It would be a shame if they couldn't get him back for it; he was an amazing Obi Wan for what he had given to him by Lucas.
Kirara 🚗
That's a good point. Yeah, I don't really want anyone but Ewan for Obi Wan. They could have Qui-Gon as a force ghost, maybe, guiding Obi Wan to be more grey.
Yeah, really, any possible plot that lets us have Ewan McGregor and Liam Neeson reprise their roles would be amazing.
Kirara 🚗
Star Wars: Taken
Kirara 🚗
I do think it's a bit of a waste to focus so much on existing casts of characters, though. The galaxy is so vast and mysterious. I think it's good that they're clearing out the old cast in the main movies, but I'd love to see some new Jedi stories on other worlds in other times.
That's something I've got a bit of hope for with the eventual Rian Johnson trilogy. The fact that it doesn't have a major character name affiliated with it leans me to believe it's going to be something different.
Kirara 🚗
Don't get me wrong, I love to see characters I already love. But it just feels like a waste. Leave the characters I've seen a hundred times to comics and novels or cameos/background lore given in the movies.
I'm still pretty bitter about the Han Solo movie. I'm fine with the Obi Wan movies because I think they'll Illuminate valuable pieces of the canon we don't know, but a Han Solo movie doesn't really bring a // anything special - especially without Harrison Ford.
It could give an interesting look into what life was like for the common people under the thumb of the Imperial rule. Young Solo would be probably be about a decade before Luke was anything more than an infant, enough time for the Empire's conversion of the previous republic to be mostly complete but before everything starts to go haywire with the Rebellion. Not that we couldn't get that viewpoint from a different character, but the movie still can potentially work to give us something we haven't really seen before.
Kirara 🚗
Han was like 12 at the time of episode III so that's a good point. I still think it'd be better to use new or different characters for that, though. Han Solo is a character that I just don't think can be done well by someone other than Ford although I've eaten my words before. We could also get some of the ground-level stuff from Obi Wan.
We also got a little bit of that in Rogue One.
>>386154 The problem with something like a Han Solo movie Is that no matter what they do it won't match up to my head canon And it will inevitably disappoint everyone
Kirara 🚗
>>386157 I think the story can potentially be interesting but it's really just going to be Space Indiana Jones with a protagonist that's hard to care about because he's not the Han we know. Han Solo stuff would be better as a CGI cartoon or novel.
Kirara 🚗
droid movies could be really interesting
some of the most interesting characters in the franchise are droids EU had HK-47 surviving long into the time of the Empire He took over the entire droid foundry on Mustafar.
What if we uncanceled Starwars the Clone Wars
It's a shame the kid who played young Bobba Fett is too old. There was an extended universe kids novel series about him after seeing his dad get murdered of the Jedi and having to basically be an impoverished orphan as he travels around trying to grow up and kill the Jedi who killed his dad.
Kirara 🚗
I'd like to see a series taking place in between episode 6 and 7.
>>386162 This would make episode 7 make so much more sense
>>386161 You know what I wouldn't mind new content that somehow involves Jango Fett Jango was cooler than Boba ever was tbh
Kirara 🚗
>>386161 Mace Windu. And yeah, a Boba Fett thing could be fun.
also >jango, boba, and all the clone troopers are maori New Zealand is truly the most powerful nation in the galaxy
Kirara 🚗
uhh actually they're mandalorian
Same thing really.
I want a movie that's from the perspective of someone in the empire No redemption, no defection Just someone that's empire the whole way
So, the last five minutes of Rogue One but an entire movie?
Kirara 🚗
>>386168 Phasma, that silver trooper, got a book, I think
>>386169 Not with Vader necessarily but more like following a group of storm troopers
>>386170 Man Phasmas costume is fuckin wasted on her
Kirara 🚗
one of my issues with the movie franchise is that the state of the galaxy during the Prequels isn't as interesting as the setting with the Empire in charge But if you want a Jedi story, it has to take place during the time of the Prequels or before that.
You could do an interesting prequel story in the outer rim Send some Jedi to some shit hole where the republic doesn't have much influence and have them get side tracked from their original mission by some moral issue You could have the hotshot jedi be like "we gotta save these slaves" or whatever and his master would be like "don't be so reckless my padawan" Basically it's a buddy cop movie but with Jedi in the outer rim
Kirara 🚗
Going to places like Nar Shaddar could be really interesting. Anywhere under Hut rule could be pretty interesting. Hutt*
It'd be cool if they were willing to do a movie that takes place during the Mandalorian Wars but it'd be too hard to do without Revan and others already established as characters. And too far from the time the movies take place in.
I just think the Republic and almost all the settings in the Prequels are too clean
Kirara 🚗
That's part of why a smuggler movie would be great but it just won't feel right without a jedi on the team
That reminded me In the christmas cruise i was on, there is always a photographer taking pixs of the passengers while they board So when i was boarding at stockholm i went to get photo'd but instead of hust posing normally, i went full warmode with attack pose, war face and a real loud warcry Caught tge poor photographer completely off guard, couldn't even say anything just mumble Unfortunately they didn't have the pic available for purchase Maybe he deleted it or it failed completely
They had amusing edits of the pics anyhow shopped your pic on a makeshift times cover with alternating lines I had the honour of being "the president" with tips on how to win your first election Also i think some random stranger bought both mine and my brother's pics Bit creepy
I wonder if I will though. Maybe it's because I'm still low on total money. But every time I look at something, I'm still thinking "nah" The world is my oyster but I am allergic to shellfish
Ripple is unlikely to go crazy but I am sure it's not going to stay at the price it is now.
ie: it'll go up
i wonder if it's worth the trouble of getting some probably but i'm lazy and i've never bought crypto before i was thinking of just buying like 100 bucks and seeing where it is in a month
I don't know where the end cap will be though
i don't really have money to throw around but it seems like a fun kind of project, almost like a bet i'm really fucking lazy though
Ripple is a crypto that shot up a little recently. People are starting to eye it more right now since it's in the cheap zone at the moment.
Spoiling myself is nice. But all I want is food. I can buy the Switch and games now but I don't know if I'll allocate time to it I need to buy clothes though. I should also work on actually getting those IT certs. I can fail exams on my own money now.
Yeah, the season is just starting up so pickings are slim.
Did you get your Gochiusa nendos today? I got mine. Cocoa is a super high quality nendo, she's great. Chino is cute but a little more unstable and difficult.
>>386225 they start out that way but usually evolve into resource management multi-taskers once you start getting things that click for you eventually clicking becomes worse than sitting still, but sitting still becomes worse than handling all kinds of tasks to manage things
>>386257 I'm not sure. I woke up feeling bad, but then I felt pretty good like normal for a while, then I started feeling crappy. I'm feeling better now, but I haven't moved pretty much all day and I haven't eaten, so my body's really weak.
>>386261 Maybe I think it may have something to do with my heart. It's been acting up. I think I may have missed my heart medication last night. My blood pressure has been making it difficult to get up without feeling like I'm passing out and my vision inverts if I get up quickly. My heart has been beating really hard today, too.
ever since becoming a consultant i'm getting blasted with emails all day long trying to solve companies' problems i didn't realize how bad everybody was at everything until i became the problem-fixer it's a lot of work though and you have to work hard to find pay opportunities
>>386266 depends it's one of those things where it's like you find whether or not you can help the person first the consultation is free it's the follow-up service that is the paid service
>>386270 i wish i could just do all these sorts of things for everyone else so they don't fuck it all up and everyone else does all the things for me that i always fuck up the world would be a lot better
>>386275 I think it's just fate that people will mess stuff up. People don't think that I mess things up and that I'm good at things but I mess stuff up a lot. And I've noticed that people who I consider mentors and very good at things also mess stuff up.
Yeah, actually the person who was my business mentor is one of the people I've spent the most time consulting to help them from messing more stuff up it's a little funny
>>386280 i told someone the other day that i was a professional roleplayer since every day i roleplay and pretend to be a professional and not a piece of shit
>>386281 Oh, I was confused after the first sentence. I know some professional roleplayers. They pretend to be dead and dying and stuff so that first responders can train.
My roommate didn't tell me he had his welfare payments cut off, and he hadn't been paying rent to the housing agency. and I went down there yesterday. and they told me we owed them $1400
>>386291 Yeah but reddit is all over 4chan now so that doesn't mean anything. /a/ has always had normalfag anime haters bitching about cute shows and complaining that people don't only watch DBZ and Cowboy Bebop.
>>386292 but these are people with opinions on other SoL that they like these are people saying blend s isn't as good as shows that i don't think a normie would ever watch
>>386289 It might just be my heart and energy levels affecting me, but right now, I feel like it's fine to be low energy. I know that's not how I'd feel under normal circumstances, though.
rose flags aren't even a thing i was being double-layered ironic to a thing that i didn't even know existed in the first place you just can't get on my level i guess here you go though here's your recompense >>>/watch?v=WFPn02xbmeU
Do they ask me because they think I'm easy-going and understanding or because I'm a soft touch who's going to say Yes to everything
$800 is a lot of money to lend someone I don't know that well
man don't be lending random people money if i knew you were likely to lend someone $800, I'd ask you for it but i didn't because i'm not a douchebag for the most part
Yeah.. well. He can't exactly run away. I know where he lives.
Know how I know that? I helped him move house
still don't do it someone who meant a lot to me loaned me $750 like three years ago and i still owe that individual that money i had every intention to pay it back but it just is a constant struggle i'm grateful for it and it helped me in a very dire pinch, but i'm never asking someone for that again and even under best intentions i don't suggest lending it
I'd lend 800 bucks to my best friend. I can't think of anyone else, except like my mom.
>>386360 i think i give my mom about that much every couple months but not as a loan i just feel i've gotta do what i can to take care of her or whatever being a former child to a person is a strange responsibility i guess
But I could say no. Just to prove that I'm not a soft touch.
But then I wouldn't be helping out someone who needs it just out of my own sense of insecurity which isn't very good either.
Take precious family heirlooms from him as colatteral Or something precious that isn't actually worth that much Actually that's a dumb idea I don't thinkg many things are like that
>>386362 just say no i'm a piece of shit who would ask for that money if i felt i needed it and i have needed it and still wouldn't ask you for it so what i'm seeing is a lack of perspective of what the asker is seeing that's a lot of money and it shouldn't be given out so freely
I lent my dad $1000 once, but I don't think I'd lend more than a few hundred to most people. Well, only a few people I'd be willing to lend a few hundred to.
>>386365 it's me moon i'm not a random cunt i'm a special cunt who knows a lot about asking for money and also sacrificing for other people too i really suggest no
if you do choose yes, it has to be something that you're doing entirely out of your own accord and intentionally disregarding others' opinions on the matter because it means that much to you to help that person out to that extent my honest opinion is, if you're unsure enough to be asking others, then it's a bad idea if it means enough to you that you're going to do it regardless of others telling you no, then that's really the only way it's a worthwhile endeavor so i'm going to say no and encourage you to listen to the others saying no, and if you still feel like doing it anyway then the situation has made itself pretty clear
>>386370 about Australian dollarydoos so it's only $630 USD. If that matters
Anyway, I'd get the money back one way or another.
I just question my own motives. Do I genuinely want to help this guy out or do I just have a hard time saying No to people.
if your friend is asking you for 800 dollars, he's probably not the kind of person who is going to be able to pay it back i'm not saying he doesn't intend to right now i'm saying that understand you won't see the money ever again if you do, it's bonus
>>386377 he said until payday, which is next Wednesday.
what's your courts minimum on suits over this stuff can you just get him to sign an I O U
I could take him to small claims court. Fuck that would be such a hassle though
Threaten to break his kneecaps
I could use a length of metal pipe Fuck that would be such a hassle though
Kirara 🚗
What does he need it for?
It sounds like a bullshit sob-story reason but I actually know for a fact it's true.
His mother back in Bangladesh is in the intensive care unit. She's about to die. he wants to fly his kids out to see her. He needs money for the tickets.
Kirara 🚗
id lend the money if i knew that were true and knew he'd pay back
I do actually know it's true though..
How do you know it's true Like I'm not doubting it but How do you know
>>386434 Tattoos are such a big deal? I think that 30 years ago tattoos had a bad image, but there are people who get really beautiful tattoos these days. I personally have two. >>386437 I don't think they're so bad. I think they're pretty. To each their own of course, though.
I think Jammy is my ideal date. I only wish he lived closer.
>>386435 wait, what if they had tattoos of shigure specifically shigure's face on top of their face >>386440 I've got some artsy bullshit tattoos that mean a lot to me mostly weebshit from Monster
>>386444 My first date was somebody I knew from high school. We had a six year relationship before it ended. My second date was someone I knew through the internet but met up with in Las Vegas during a road trip to California (where Vegas is not at). I dated one person I met through a cycling trip in northern Indiana, and one through a class at uni. Then I'm currently with someone I met through shitty chinese cartoon messageboards.
Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever been on a date with someone before we were in a relationship except for once. I always do it backwards and end up tricked into the relationship before I even go on a formal date.
>>386445 I guess that first one is probably typical.
>>386449 That's good. Going on a bad date sucks. I don't remember if I talked about it on /moe/ but I ended up on a date in late 2015 with a girl that said my job at the suicide line was worthless and suicidal people would never actually call.
>>386434 Do you feel that their job matters, or only that they have one? e.g. do you want someone in a relatable field that you can exhaust the same work stress together? Or would you want someone of a different career for some variety?
>>386453 my first relationship person wanted someone who was in their field of interest (arts) because they felt that they would understand them better than I would without regret or remorse, I hope that they found that. I was a little reserved on the idea that you'd be able to find someone in you field that you could be happy with. I felt like you needed some variety to get away from that nonsense.
you like the azn boys right i know some really talented market researchers who are qtpie azn boys i could hook you up
>>386453 I don't always remember which stories I tell.
Dating someone you don't know seems stressful. I hope Fish works out so I never end up doing that Although I'd probably just not date until I'm tricked into a relationship again if it didn't.
>>386460 My partners are pretty good at bumbling their way into finding a pretty poor one! I am pretty lucky when it comes to that. I wouldn't mind being alone, though.
what? you don't want some neckbeard's fan-translation of a blow-by-blow account of what the developers imagine sucking a penis is like? what's wrong with you
>>386464 Probably luckier than I deserve to be. But it'd be wrong to complain about something good like that.
I do have a rather unusual way of getting into relationships, I guess.
I'm kind of surprised, though. I'd expect there to be decent people around you in a profession like yours.
>>386466 >the devs didn't even take the time to suck a dick so they can accurately describe it Why even waste your time playing this game they clearly didn't spend much time making it good
>>386460 You seem like a person who waits for a good opportunity, so I'm sure you'll find something good without even realizing it. >>386457 yeah probably >>386463 Being alone is pretty nice. I personally value being alone above being in a relationship. If there's somebody who makes me want to be with them instead of being alone, that's pretty special, and I think that's kind of a sweet thing.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>386470 you could probably just steal the r18 patch or something
yeah. that was a pretty retarded thing of you to think.
i sent you a link to a music mix you can ctrl f recompense and it will be the first of three entries in the thread probably unless someone else used it
Oh. That. I'd actually heard it before and I was listening to something else at the time so I didn't put it on again.
it's a little more convenient yeah you gotta wash with like three layers of soap after sleeping with women to get the smell off it's not a very good smell either
And now with that High Quality Post complete and uploaded, it is time to once again leave the warm radiance of my parent's wifi and go back out into the real world.
there are a lot of people that very much would prefer sex to a back massage i think you're making a lot of generalizations based on your own preferences
i think that both are good depending on the circumstances most people probably feel like they just want what they want when they want it
back massages are good but sexual contact is also good so it would really depend on mood id think
>>386508 Of course I am. It wouldn't be very fun if I wasn't. I think, at the least, most people have been in a situation where they'd prefer the comfort of a backrub to sexual contact though, even if not everyday. It's an appeal to those experiences so I can get sick upvotes.
Kirara 🚗
haagen-dazs vanilla bean ice cream is always better than sex
>>386518 i have five meetings next week, on top of trying to transcribe my way to survival it's the new quarter and people are drowning me in requests for consultation one long-time client who wants help using marketing platforms to aid recruiting efforts, one who wants to implement cryptonight services to monetize user traffic (scummy), one who needs a follow-up on compliance protocol for a team of like 12 c-suite/sales execs, and two other small time folks who just want some data analytics assistance and joan shut down on me so i have to do the analytics without her
i have to start providing therapy next week even though im not even remotely functional after the anniversary a few days ago i just lied on the couch for like 14 hours today
yeah they literally can actually you don't know what you're talking about
yeah i don't know shit dude i've never been through anything get the documentation and it's fine
Kirara 🚗
documentation for what there's no documentation if i don't do it, then i have to wait an entire year to start providing therapy which means i have to pay for an extra semester of grad school and waste my time and money and fall behind my cohort it will also greatly increase the difficulty ill have getting practicum experience and it'll make finding an internship more difficult
>>386527 >when the therapist also needs a therapist tough times
>>386536 if your school doesn't have mental health accomodations then there are larger problems than your requisites at stake because they can be sued
because im not diagnosed with anything that i can use to explain why i ceased functioning
>>386542 it will take so long to be diagnosed with depression or some shit and it wouldn't even matter because >>386536
hence docuentation go fuckin get it
good thing it's retroactive i got mine in 11 days for my medical withdrawal from classes, but if you're not actually withdrawing but exempting from qualifications then that's even better i understand it's cumbersome but tbh you're really just making excuses at the moment i'm sorry if i sound like an asshole but it's true
Kirara 🚗
i think you're just failing to understand my situation because you're too stuck in how you think it is i explained something and you've been ignoring it even if it's retroactive i already explained why it won't help
another year is not a big fuckin deal if it's what you need if i didn't care i'd just ignore it and say nothin but that's not the case don't fuck shit up out of stubbornness man
Kirara 🚗
another year is an insanely big deal considering i feel like i can barely make it through the end of this school year and think about dropping out every day and just want this torture to be over
you're talking to someone who dropped out during trauma do you think i don't understand what that feel is if it's something that matters don't be so stubborn that you ruin it idk i guess i'm too big of an uneducated piece of shit to give you useful advice just do what you want and don't complain since you're not gonna change either way
Kirara 🚗
im saying that i do not think i have it in me to do an extra year you're telling me that i should do something i do not think i can so i would probably drop out after wasting even more money
and you're telling yourself that you should do something that you don't think you can do what's the difference except that one of us cares about you and the other doesn't
Kirara 🚗
im not under the impression that i can't provide therapy i said i was afraid of doing it not that i think i can't do it
and if i have to choose between two incredibly painful experiences, im going to choose the one that im more likely to survive
>>386554 if i think there's a chance of me getting it back, yes usually i do because if you insure your whole kit and get one or two pieces back it's worth the cost when i play with friends, they usually hide my gear in bushes for me i don't die as much as they do though my survival rate is like 25% which is pretty good
>>386559 Well, this is something I tell people often, but try to think about if your fears are rational fears or irrational fears. That usualyl helps me with things that are worrying me.
>>386561 My fears here are pretty rational. At their core, my fear is that my problem will interfere with my ability to build rapport in the early sessions and harm the development of a therapeutic relationship. The worst case scenario is that I have to work harder to fix it. I just really don't want to have to do that.
>>386562 hmm i can't think of too many there's probably a great fujo ship that's similar
>>386562 I think I have fun playing scav for a few reasons. I like to play like a little fucking faggot hiding in a bush I've also pretended to be an AI before and bamboozled people before I've spawned in as scav before and just spent a few minutes looting dead players for fuckloads of loot and then bailed
That said, dropping in fully geared with a couple of squadmates and cleaning up shop feels really fucking good When everyone's moving in tandem, watching angles, communicating everything beautifully It's like professional as fuck Some of the most fun is also when shit gets hairy in those situations - nothing quite like pulling through for your comrade when he's taking too much fire, or when an unexpected guest shows up and your buddy rails him before he does any damage
Hard to say Some of the grimiest and barely-alive moments came from hatchet runs and scav runs, but the accomplishment and the good loot usually come from geared-up runs
>>386566 As long as I can pull my head together a little bit.
>>386564 How about dropping in with randoms...seeing them and their gears, then full betrayal...killing them and taking the gear? Or is that too scumbag? And do you guys / you yourself stream it any?
>>386566 How about you! What's the best /moe/-ship?
I'd never drop in with randos Trust no one but the ones who would die for you I tested out streaming a bit today to show a couple of friends The stream runs great actually, better than I expected There's this problem when the game tries to encode the grass though Only matters in certain areas of certain maps I plan on streaming more when I get to play with my friends more I have a couple other friends who are interested in watching but don't really want to play
>>386567 What I do is a little different than what you do, but I have no problem building rapport with people despite the fact that I'm 100% empty on the inside. You'll be fine!
>>386570 You're not empty on the inside. And our situations are a little different. I'm worried that my emotional issue related to the anniversary of Teacup's death will make it difficult to connect with my clients.
>>386572 There's a few changes that are going to change the game dramatically Of course the addition of several maps is going to have an effect But adding in a persistent karma system is going to change game flow entirely I'm hoping the direction they go for is to make scavs all together as a team Where scav-on-scav violence is a serious offense
>>386559 I always thought ToN would go with koi for some reason
Kirara 🚗
>>386575 no way blue and ToN is a terrible ship ton is childhood friends with pan and they already sleep in the same room all the time and love each other even though ton claims he's not into pan
>>386571 I dunno, my internal world is like that. It's fine though, I can still build rapport. Rapport doesn't have much to do with your internal state. Most people are very simple and very easy to build rapport with.
>>386572 No moes Well not yet at least The only other moes who play video games all play kusoge Right now it's just been my brother and his/my friend The ones watching were one of my close friends and my internet friend from quebec
>>386577 My problem is that my emotional state is having a substantial effect on my behavior. That difference in behavior may serve to make it more difficult. For example, my posture, eye contact, etc. It's not that I have emotional issues, it's that those issues influence my behavior and right now, I need to get my head together so they don't fuck up my sessions.
>my problem is that my emotional state is having a substaintial effect on my behavior god i wish life wasn't like this
it never really mattered that much to me but you were just too damn dope for me
oh you asked about pubg, anon yeah i've played the everliving fuck out of pubg i used to roll with a squad and we'd probably do 25-35% winrate on good days solo i was probably about 15%, but that's damn fuckin good i stopped playing for a while and started playing Rainbow 6 Siege though and now I'm rusty at pubg
can bang please tend to bang's needs please? bang you need to stop being shit
actually i've had 3 cigarettes in 5 days so far that's pretty good i cleaned my room and did all of my laundry all of it uhh i got ditched like twice this week but w/e
>>386658 crazy how the days of pumping nerf guns are gone
I had a sick offbrand nerfgun that had a chain you feed in like a machine gun It was awesome
i never really had nerf guns as a kid or like toys that weren't legos
Kirara 🚗
i remember one birthday i got some nerf toy i really wanted and the morning after i opened the box back up to play with it and ants had eaten all the foam stuff which now that i think about it seems really suspicious? my mom just like threw the whole thing out after that
>>386662 >ants had eaten all the foam stuff ... what
Kirara 🚗
yeah idk i don't think that's normal i wonder if my mom did something to the foam i was like under age 10
Kirara 🚗
I can't find anything online about similar experiences i guess i was fooled
It was probably my mom's fault. That's why she probably threw it away instead of getting me replacement darts.
when I was a kid all the other kids would kill ants for fun so I tried punching them and telling them to stop killing ants so they called me gay and bullied me
Chapstick is really amazing. If you knick yourself shaving, you can apply chapstick and it'll stop bleeding immediately and won't be visible. I bet it can cure your hands.
>just out of high school >actually smoked >actually listened to obscure doom and thrash and cybergrind >actually drank myself stupid >avoided doing any of those things in front of people so they wouldn't think i'm just edgy
friends fell through anime fell through online friends nowhere to be found no reason to be awake might as well just sleep so i can go to work sooner work is now exciting? i cut down on hours so i can have more time to have a life and then suddenly i don't have a life anymore and i don't even work a lot to make up for it come on what the fuck seriously
the worst nights are the ones where i'm too depressed to even look at porn and falling asleep is that much harder whatever
Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep?
Samurai Duckface !KW2DbpWwls
If I can’t sleep I fill my tub with philly cream cheese and nestle
How does that usually work out for you?
Samurai Duckface !KW2DbpWwls
Thick layer of cream amniotic fluid binaural beats weighted tarp i return to th womb
puts me right out within 30min
That's really weird You should try sleeping pills instead
Or like, melatonin which is a bit different from other sleeping pills but I also recommend it
Samurai Duckface !KW2DbpWwls
Nah man sleeping pills will fuck you up if I’m going into that little death I’m doin it au naturale
Melatonin is a naturally occurring chemical in the body that helps regulate your sleep cycle, melatonin supplements help maintain or fix that cycle, its not a sedative or whatever
how long til you have to work tonny or do you have weekends free
weekends freeeeee usually but my schedule doesnt show weekends pretty much at all so maybe never
but you're free this weekend?
yeah im half awake so what i meant to say was "i was informed may work weekends when i was hired but i havent worked one yet so i might not be scheduled for them at all"
oh okay hope you enjoy your weekend then
Some times they're the only thing in life you can enjoy.
Koi...- - -...
All weeks have an ending. That doesn't mean they all end at the same time for everyone.
Koi...- - -...
I'm gonna reconstruct my calendar by pay cycle because weekends dont exist
Koi...- - -...
how are people missing during the final exam
Maybe they got cold feet.
It is fucking freezing on the East Coast right now after all.
adwords doesn't let me set search terms outside of my // what's related to my business that takes all the fun out i also can't use inappropriate language in the services description
Kirara 🚗
>>386809 call everyone buddy, friend, comrade, or waga tomo
>>386804 Not a lot. I will probably get out of bedclothes, have a shower and flounder about. >>386814 That just made me hear that dramatic video of dog going SHIREI SHIREI SHIIIRREEEEEEEIII TEEBAA
It is cold here. I don't know what temperature. 1 C apparently.
It's a mild -21C here. I wish it was warmer.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>386817 I'm actually really cold my friend. We dont' want to turn the heat up too much to avoid costs. My hands are ICE
>>386810 I thought I saw him in one of the Resistance speeders on Crait but maybe it was just his son. Or maybe it was him. his son kind of takes after him a fair bit.
>>386818 i like the duck one squeeze all the ducks and they scream
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>386824 but I need my hands for a LOT of things I like to do
>>386823 On a knee-jerk reaction, definitely. I'd have to learn more about the requirements and expected work and the details before I make a proper answer though.
>>386826 The ducks make a very good choir of the damned.
>>386828 it's more about your expectations you should try transcribing something and see if it's grating or enjoyable that'd give you some perspective it's flexible work so it's really about whether or not you'd be motivated to do the work
the application is just a sample test so don't stress yourself trying to make a proper answer, just somethin to consider
I wish I had applied for that company that works with the railway disciplinary committee then i could talk trains with blue all day
>>386831 Yeah, I'll definitely test it out. Could always use more money.
>>386836 $60 per hour of audio transcribed for me that works out to about 25 dollars an hour but i was a lot slower when i started and made like 10 an hour maybe
Yeah, I make fourteen CAD an hour at my job, so even if I can't get the same pace you do I'd still probably eventually be able to get better value.
>>386839 Yeah, back in, maybe October? Late September? You might've seen me complaining about it; I haul beer off production lines and onto pallets. It's exhausting work and I would happily take something that lets me be physically lazier.
Would having another job create issue with the transcription work?
I earn some much less than most of you! I earn $12 an hour.
>>386838 oh, i'm sorry for not paying attention i feel bad i should have noticed >>386840 i make about that some hours. it depends on the work sometimes there's no work i'd trade you just for the steadiness
>>386838 not logistically, that'd be fine you could always take some work in the evenings or whatever but for you it might if youre exhausted from hauling beer off pallets are you particularly gonna wanna use your brief evenings doin more work
>>386842 that cat purse is pretty cute you should come to america we have jobs
It would be nice to have a little more money. I might start looking for a new job.
>>386841 Well, it's not a Mon-Fri job; they just call me in whenever I'm needed. That's usually a reliable two days of eight hours of work and then everything else is up in the air until the night before a day they need me. So I might have two week days of time that I don't have any pressing obligations.
Having money is nice. I'll have a very large sum more than I expected to have in 2018.
>>386841 The cat purse is amazing. Moving to america would be cool but I don't think I'd qualify for being a high skilled work or whatever the criteria is for working visas is.
>>386843 you'd wanna try getting a feel for what transcribing something is like when you get some time the test to apply is supposed to demonstrate experience in the industry so you gotta pretend you've been doin it for a year or something first
>>386850 i would like less stress and for you to have less stress too
i wish i could show you sainte genevieve there's so many cool things out here it's a very old french settlement here and the historic district is real pretty and the houses are all cute and there are a bunch of small shops and there are caves and a river and a ferry and a big fairgrounds where they hold fairs
>>386855 i mean, you'd just have to try transcribing something there's not much study learning it's just doing it and figuring it out
>>386846 Yeah, I'd have to learn what proper transription -transcription is supposed to look like, but I think I could manage it.
>>386854 this fuckin image it looks happy in the thumbnail and then really pissy enlarged
>>386857 i wouldn't be surprised if that's real but the story reads like some /x/ story just to creep people out
If it reads at all. It was a real struggle to figure out exactly what was going on from the content jumble of those pictures.
Kirara 🚗
apparently it's real, there are a ton of tweets about it with screenshots of it describing things around them but obviously there's got to be a trick to it since some random app isn't going to have the capability to look all around your room and shit
google shows results from 2015 so i mean sounds like one of those resurfacing things if people are tweeting about it now it might be something really shitty and they just keep trying to make it go viral so people will check it out but it's too boring to stay interesting for long i'ma check it out
Kirara 🚗
i figured it out you can "teach" it how to respond to certain replies so you can tell it exactly what you want it to say if you say "what am i wearing?"
that's boring as fuck did they even try literally just defining input strings to storage how is it even an app
Kirara 🚗
yeah what a disappointment
So it's not even utilizing the camera it's just a parakeet?
Kirara 🚗
it does have access to the camera and stuff but it doesn't seem to be using it
it's a standard chatbot that learns from its users you can just also teach it exact responses
so people are using that to pretend it's stalking them
>>386866 Unless there's some complexity here like the bot being able to learn that you're telling it your grey sweater is both grey and a sweater, what fucking use should a chatbot have with your device camera. There's certain permissions apps on your devices shouldn't have and this gets pretty close to being exactly that.
>>386872 idk yet i have to do some preliminary research to gauge the scope and expectations before commitment occurs probably not though i've got fifty dollars until payday health insurance will suck up most of my paycheck after that well not most but a big chunk
Kirara 🚗
>>386874 yeah it definitely shouldn't i think it used to be i remember a lot of apps used to just ask for tons of permissions instead of just specific ones might be like that
>>386877 i got 300 tax credits per month towards my premium and it's still 130 per month which is affordable but that means it was 450 a month for my premiums and a thousand dollars deductible and if something haps with the tax situation i could be liable for the entire amount from tax credits throughout the year accrued so 3600 to pay back to the IRS
Kirara 🚗
>>386878 yeah uhh my health insurance is hospital employee benefits
Koi...- - -...
just risk your life on the railroad like me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>386880 They don't have like a wellness screen and stuff you can do to lower the cost? My insurance is normally around 100 but with no tobacco and the wellness I'm at like 20
Koi...- - -...
$300 dollars worth in glasses
Kirara 🚗
>>386882 nah shit's just expensive and my medication is so expensive the only solace is that my (already incredibly cheap) allergy meds are now free >>386879 holy shit
>>386884 i still owe the penalty from not having health insurance in 2016 it's so fuckin dumb i couldn't afford health insurance so i had to pay a penalty to the IRS?? it baffles me every fucking day how that was a thing
Kirara 🚗
it's great that companies run the government and can make the government punish you for not buying their products