yeah btu so do anti-heroes take the masked vigilante V for example while none of his methods are heroic, in both film and book his goals are, though in the book much less noble, he still does bring down a nazi regime
I went and checked the cast and yeah brucie is casted and Thomas wayne also takes part in the role I guess maybe they will even have Joker kill him like in the 89 batman ie. him killing Thomas Wayne is what finally sets him off and also then creates the Batman
I mean there is theh im holding a gun "masked man killing someone in tv" so it might be the murder of the wayne family and it would tie into a good story
but if they do end up creating a good joker, they will have to have him go against the Bat I wonder will affleck make a return then or will they cast someone else as a younger batman?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
no, they already said this movie won't connect to other films
>>662803 Welp they hadn't really succeeded in thosea nyhow then again, they also approached the whole expanded unvierse concept in the completely wrong way trying to immediately after man of steel to build a big thing, without actually laying any foundation for it Blinded by th greed of MCU money
I think shared universes are hard to do. I don't think you can really recreate Marvel's success with it.
And in general, the solo Marvel movies are often more engaging than the shared ones.
Movies like Venom, and stuff like that, are cool because they're focusing on characters most people don't really know well and giving them new life by making them the focus and allowing them to exist in a world that doesn't define them as mirrors of other characters.
Venom is Venom because of Spider-man. Joker is defined by his relationship with Batman. But what if there's no Spider-man or no Batman? I think that kind of thing is really interesting.
marvel had an excellent team and they basically dedicated 2-5 minutes per 120+ minute movie for it each movie that laid foundation to the shared cinemaverse, would still work as its own movie, with little to nill prior knowledge required about the other movies to enjoy it, aside avengers movies and the third captain and thor
>>662806 Ensemble cast movies are always hard think for example Ocean's 11 and does any of the other characters save Clooney's and Pitt's really get much building?
the big events of marvel work, because by then we pretty much know, atleast on some level, all the characters For example Infinity Wars had practically no stuff about the main lead, since we already know them and how they got there so it could focus on the events and the villain
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
also they're maybe doing a Hitman tv show and that makes no sense without the context of the dc universe
i want an era of supervillain movies just movies about people breaking and going on to destroy everything movies without happy endings for anyone i want tragedy
do you remember the end of se7en where brad pitt kills kevin spacey and then he's just sitting there in a fugue state completely dissociated from everything and the villain won AND died it's so good that's like my favorite movie
If you take for example John Wick and think about it does it have a happy ending? Not really the main character just returns to the status quo of the beginning of the film after getting his revenge >>662818 yeah but it is different from usual story telling I wonder is the 2nd movie as good
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
he seemed happy about his new dog at least
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
but yeah he's still a lonely wreck of a human being
But take similiar one man rampage series, "Taken" and you have a happy ending you have a distinct goal the unhappy main lead has to do save his daughter and he succeeds
in terms of style and action taken and wick are quite similiar
Also I hope say Remedy will make more games like Max payne, though a new Ip would be preferrable since movies like wick are what inspired MP in the first place, would be fun if they brought back or forth more games like that
>>662825 >katanas on motorcycles this shit is so cool
damn is it just me or is the snake eyes in the depths smarter than the one in front of gun fort it took way longer to get her to give me an opening
then again she also poisoned herself but her attacks were much more difficult to handle
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
she definitely is smarter i think she's good at forcing you into the swamp i puppetted a rocket shotgun guy to help
>>662830 i tried that at first but got whipped and then the second time around thought i could sneak up and didn't try puppetting sneaking didn't work though so i guess i shouldn't be trying to sneak up on enemies renowned for their good eyesight
though i ended up killing her anyways but it was a much more protracted affair
>>662831 you jsut need to stay out of sight it is people with good hearing that are scary
haha the monkey had WORMS IN HIS NECK the fight was a lot easier after i realized that there wa // was a second phase and was prepared for the first phase's moves >>662859 i beat it on my second try because the second phase's moveset is ez as fuck to predict compared to the first phase
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>662856 I guess that explains all these menstrual cramps I've been getting.
>>662857 that is usuall the biggest issue with multi-stages, they catch you on the first few tries by surprise, but then just is basicall "moar boss fight" as in, boss resses or regens hp
what's the best way to avoid those charity people who stand in malls >>662858 no pain no gain as they say in the weightlifting industry >>662863 this motherfucker asked if I was going to work I wasn't but I clearly could have been
>>662860 just walk past them never making eye contact with either 0 expression or a murder stare
>>662861 Found the Finn >>662860 also, for the record, I don't have anxiety. It's more of a hopeless lethargy.
>>662860 point is you don't even acknowledge them if they ask you anything or try to make cotnact you ignore them or just wave your hand or shake your head or say something quick like "not intrested" or "no" etc very brief point is to prevent them from making any contact and deflecting the first attempt
>>662865 sorry, I wasn't actually trying to get pills you'd actually might take, brain randomiser just picked anxiety
>>662860 if they ask you if you're going to work say you're going to hell and keep walking
Once you become a master of avoiding they will never even approach you, aside some newbs in f2f stuff as they can't see from far that you will never stop or give them time and money
but anyone who has done f2f stuff, can quite quickly learn to pick the type of people who don't give a fuck no matter what you have to say or offer
>>662869 can't do that anymore or uh not as much they're all on these stupid "give $x dollars a month" I'll buy a small thing of raffle tickets or whatever but not that
>>662871 that's fucked man why subscribe to charity when you can subscribe to SsethTzeentach on patreon and generously bankroll supremely entertaining moving picture content on youtube as part of the Merchant's Guild
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>not subscribing to your favorite H artist for customized fetish content
>>662875 woody, with a soft texture and a hint of glue and ink as an after taste bit hard to chew, but if you peel the cover away it becoems a lot more edible 1/1 can eat but 0/1 in terms of wanting to eat
there's jojo 1 with it which I already have but I think eight dollars isn't bad
Yeah. This guy was trained by Dan Inosanto. They teach like 9 martial arts at this place but they use jeet kun do as a core philosophy so it's supposed to be very individualized training and about what works best for your own personal style and body type. That's kind of appealing to me.
Yeah personalization is good. I'm sure people who develop a rigid methodology and philosophy for martial training over a long period of time probably have good reasons for the things they advocate , but in the end trying to fit everyone into that practice is going to be an imperfect procedure.
I was a brown belt in Tae Kwon Do when I was younger and I still have some of the movement and muscle memory, although I don't have the skills anymore.
This place is like some kind of post-modern zen with really calming music and sounds
Looks like a decent enough waiting room too.
>>663097 I don't really know, I think it's feasible to propel yourself even in a vaccum ever so slightly. So I could try to generate force counter to the way I'm rotating to slow myself down.
Also I'm not suicidal I'd be doing this connected by line to some kind of vessel. If it gets too much I could tow myself in and reset.
It's from Warner Animation so it might be 3D CGI. I think they'd use a more traditional title if it was an old-fashioned cartoon movie.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Yeah, that's a fair point.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
This place is zen enough h that I don't mind waiting extra time to meet for this interview
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
I wonder if I have time to read some of my book before they come get me.
Maybe being caught reading a book would give them a good impression of you as a cultured, patient kid.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Maybe It's a weird book though It's Hagakure
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>why is this psychologist reading about the bushido samurai warrior philosophy
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
ill just have to be like "bossu. if i ever dishonor the counseling center, i will commit seppuku. please be my second."
I dunno, I would find the psychological ramifications of being engaged in that philosophy to be interesting. Would prompt a good reason to know it inside out.
oh i def agree it's a fascinating read man if i had started reading already, i could have gotten some in but i know they'll gt me as soon as i open my book
i also got to air some of my complaints about my current clinic to explain why i am interested in a deeper experience which felt great, helped elucidate my points, and made me look good because the pretentious guy tried to acquire that clinic and is apparently still upset about failing to although he didn't seem very pretentious when i met him, he seemed pretty chill
Nah. The way practicum experiences work, I work for a year or so at once place, then I move on to a new place, until I leave for my internship. I'm just going to be at another clinic. This one sees more substance abuse tx than my current one and has clients with deeper needs than the ones here, in terms of substance abuse. So I'm basically just moving to a more advanced site where I'll have more Independence and responsibility.
There's no I in team but there is a we in weapon.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
there's a team in meat
Yes there is. But there's an I in meat pie.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
team pie
Yum Pie
If only it were Pi Day again soo. *soon Unfortunately I have to wait for tau day. Because Tau is 2π So I get two different types of pie on that day.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
What's your favorite pie
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
I've never had it
maybe i'll make rhubarb pie if i ever get to see yall again
aye yi yi make a little rhubarb pie
or make those little baked sea breams that usually have the bean paste filling but i'll use rhubarb and bring em to your wedding the taiyaki things
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
what does rhubarb even taste like
It's kind of an acidic, tart flavour, but it can also be ridiculously sweet at it's peak ripeness. It can store a lot of juice too.
>>663140 Yeah kinda, hah hah. It's a bit like a tart celery. When you cook it, it softens up and takes on a bit of a pleasantly mealy texture, if that makes sense.
sorry that was a meme response when you cook it, it's almost like a mealy fruit or something but it's a vegetable because you're eating the stalks and not the nourishment for the seeds you can make it jammy if you want with a little pectin and use it like jam and people would probably not know that it's not a fruit jam, but would notice it's a bit tart so are a lot of fruits though
And because it's the stalk of the plant a single rhubarb growth will pretty much last forever. All you're realty doing is just doing some trimming. We don't even do upkeep on our rhubarb plants but they're still all stemmy and leafy as fuck each summer.
it would be fun to have a /moe/ harvest with rutabagas or turnips and radishes and strawberry rhubarb pies some taiyaki breams acorn squash and butternut squash fresh grown garlic what else oh persimmons
Some sweet potatoes out Whoops Or yams, fire-roasted in foil.
that sounds good i'll leave those to you there's an african yam used to make fufu which i think is really good alongside a gravy/brothy meal it's not got a lot of flavor on its own but its texture is amazing and it is the biggest flavor sponge in the world maybe do some lamb curry or stew lamb is kosher yes?
Some old guy with an accordion busking the subway interchange today.
does it count as busking if they're just bored and waiting for their train and have their instrument with them i bet that happens a lot and people think they're busking for money but they're not really
I accidentally fell asleep without setting any alarms guess my brain decided to use the same wakeup time from yesterday, luckily
oh I think something with gps is supposed to break soon wonder if our work devices will able to handle it
>>663149 she's holding a ZOMB everybody! she's got a ZOMB run call the pollice
>>663148 I mean I'll confess I don't really know, but I usually take an open instrument case or some kind of coin receptacle to be a sign of a busker. As well, trains at that station run every two to five minutes this time of day, so I can't imagine you set up just to fiddle for a couple minutes. And these busking spots that are actually inside the train platform, past the fair gates require you to be licensed by the transit commission, so if you're going to eat that cost plus transit fare to get in, might as well make money.
One of the questions they asked me at the interview was "what does your ideal client look like?". It felt like a weird question to me because answering it without any caveats would be like saying I want people to be struggling so I can benefit from it somehow. So I said the ideal client wouldn't have any problems, and the interviewers laughed, so then I said I would enjoy working with people who have deep substance related issues the most.
I think I read too much into the question. I don't think it was a trick question, but I think I felt answering the question straightforwardly would misrepresent my feelings about it. Misrepresent them to me, at least. I would feel like I'm saying something I don't believe. I think they would have taken it normally even without me joking and reframing the question.
lol we thought we'd get to the spring and fill up on water but when we finally got signal on the way, i looked it up and the spring was apparently undrinkable
let's turn into mist nobles after drinking the green forbidden waters
When I first moved out on my own, I didn't know how to cook anything for the most part, other than some small things and how to grill and stuff. So I ended up ruining a lot of my pots and pans by not taking care of them properly. When I move in like a year, I'm probably going to get rid of all these fucked up pots and pans and get new stuff. I'm kind of excited about the idea.
When I think about the things that would make me happy to get, it's always stuff like new plates, or high quality cutlery. It feels like I got old in the blink of an eye.
>>663196 i wish i had a nice kitchen and people to cook for
she's got so many cabinets and drawers for storing and organizing everything i'm jealous i have 3 small drawers in my kitchen and a bunch of poorly designed cabinets that don't open fully i want to get rid of my really old toaster oven and replace it because it's so big and takes up so much of my limited counter space
nami in the video has such nice marble countertops
i can't seem to engage with anything or do anything without complaining in some way it's really negative and toxic and i don't like it but i feel like im forced into it by my family eh i had an urge to complain about something here but caught myself and made this post which is now complaining too im just trapped
It's okay to complain. I complain all the time. /moe/ is a great place to complain. It's good and rare to have people who will listen to your complaints seriously, so I think it's fine to complain when you can.
idk where to start and if it feels too cumbersome for me im sure it's inconsiderate and inappropriate for others
it's the kinda shit my mom would do, just call you up at any time no matter what you're doing and dump and dump and dump all her anxiety on you without concern about how badly it disrupts your day, mood, or plans, and shove guilt at you if you didn't coddle her every time, every few days i thought it was terrible and i spent so much time trying to escape the negativity that it causes and just ruins everything but i couldn't and now it's pervaded into me i want it to stop but idk how to be happy with so much garbage
I think it's important to take into account how you affect the people around you, but humans can only live socially by inconveniencing each other sometimes. It's not healthy to let everything build up until you're overwhelmed. It's good to have friends because they're people you can inconvenience a little sometimes when you need to, and they can do the same with you. It's not taking advantage of us if you complain sometimes, and it's not ruining our days, either. In fact, we probably worry about you more when you aren't talking about what's going on and you're clearly in distress.
/moe/ is a good place to complain because it can be very non-committal, too. If people don't want to engage or feel uncomfortable, they don't have any obligation to, but there are usually people who will engage.
Being able to complain to my friends on /moe/ and in private is one of the biggest things that helped me get through Cecila's and /// Teacup's and Saku's deaths. It's what helped me get through living with my mom, too. Social support is really important, but if you won't complain to your friends, you're denying yourself that support you need.
Reminds me I shouldcheck if my olive juices are still valid or have they begun to go bad I never throw away the olive cans when eaten and keep the jar and the water around for some foods
i take it back they are cold afterall im thinking of the ones with the non-edible leaves that you have to unwrap
then how do you explain the sudden bloody gashes that you sometimes leave?
it is clearly a natural 20 #d20 (2)
>>663358 if I scratch myself I always leave marks also if i run my finger along my skin after getting out of a warm shower it's like i can write on my skin it lasts for ~10mins
My microwave has a rotating plate and unless your dish is placed perfectly on it, it makes this wavering wailing sound as it turns. It's not too hard to get the placement right with a larger dish like a plate, but putting a cup in it is nigh-impossible to do correctly.
Finally checking my final exam schedule and I've got two on the first day of the exams, and one on the literal last day. Eleven days in between them. At least I can be thoroughly prepared for the last one.
09:00 and 08:00 starts respectively though, which is ... eugh.
>>663457 at least you didn't burn yourself I ve done that way too many times
i think i've figured it out upgrading yo ur health doesn't increase the damage enemies do but killing bosses increases the strength and type of enemies that spawn (in select locations) the Hirata Estate however does not appear to change whatsoever and the enemies there take like 15 to 20 hits to kill me now
That feels like a bit of a bug, but maybe it's intentional since ... actually wait, yeah you're right, but slightly off. Certain parts of the game change as the plot progresses since there's THINGS going on, but yeah, that happens when you kill certain bosses. If you went running through the mooks at the start of Ashina Outskirts you'll find they They're as weak as they always were too.
you'll be able to start that quest soon if you find it i think i might be the only one who found it here so far yet? actually maybe tilde did too i can't remember after the boss where you are
Hah hah nope I missed it too. There's a certain re-treading you need to do that doesn't really make sense to do so I never activated it.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
it's really hard to find, i found it completely by accident by hitting the wrong button
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i haven't played since sunday i wanna fight the final boss im gonna today i only got one thing i gotta do today, at noon well, two, i gotta go shopping too
What was your strategy for fighting DoH? I guess spoilers would be suitable in case Jan would rather discover tricks by himself. I think I might know some things that make it a much easier fight.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
if you mean malcontent, i figured that one out. i used that and the shield. and attacked the legs. the problem is that i have bad jump timing and doh isn't fun so i wasn't improving
Were you also using confetti? Malcontent's stun only hits apparition-based entities, so confetti will also help you do increased damage. The trade-off is you can't use the umbrella counter attack because using that purges all buffs from you.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i did try confetti by the damage was noticably not increased by anything but sugar
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
DoH isn't an apparition, after all. He's a Shura, the Sculptor. Malcontent works because it's his girlfriend's finger.
I just learned how many hits i could safely do for each attack, learned you can jump the flame wave in phase /, and for everything else the suzaku umbrella does wonders
I just stayed underneath him as often as I could which made most of the worst of his attacks
unable to hit me. At that point I only really had to worry about the stomps and his charge, the stomps which are parryable and the charge which ... honestly I just took the hit because I could never find out a reliable solution. Sometimes I could jump clear of it but it was luck than anything.
my issue with him is that he's actually not a hard boss at all, but he requires very good reaction time, and i have poor reaction time in video games usually with such bosses, i can persevere until i win, and it doesn't bother me, in fact, i like doing that, when the boss is fun but he's not fun and he's also optional so i decided i don't care and i might try again on another playthrough or i might not
i realized that if i'm not having fun there's no point in doing it
The reason I like human and humanoid enemies is because I can read their telegraphs and predict their moves well enough that my slow video game reaction time doesn't become a problem. I can't read non-human telegraphs very well, so it's harder to overcome my reaction time deficit in that case.
The final boss is probably the hardest in the game (and the most fun) but I managed to get good enough to get to the (i assume?) last phase by my sixth attempt or so because he's human and has readable telegraphs. And also because he's fun and it gets my blood boiling hot and I have to rise to meet sich a beautiful foe.
Oh, Impatience is going to sub Bongo Stray Cats s3
Exciting. I wonder if I can get Ika and Jan on for watching it. I think Rika haaaated the series by the end of season two. Though maybe the movie is canonical so that needs to get watched too.
I wanted to watch the non non biyori movie but work got in the way guess I'll do it tomorrow
I still haven't watched Repeat but I figured it wouldn't matter that much >>663495 huh, that's not yours or anyone's fault, I didn't express here interest here anyway I ended up working a 12 hour shift so I didn't have much time on my hande
He said he was going to watch a third movie after the two we watched with him for anime tonight but I don't know with who. That was like four hours ago though so I don't know where he's been since.
i had to be up so early this morning so i didnt get to stay long i should have not scheduled any work for today knowing i'd want to stay up and sulk for longer now i feel robbed of that
>>663497 I'm here! >>663499 >>663500 Yeah I watched this terrible gundam movie with maria and another friend and then played some Sekiro. I was just busy talking shit about classes I don't play in FFXIV on discord.
>>663508 ph it's the old red cabbage acidity test oh
Kirara, the Baseball Mom this album is really good
Oh that reminds me. Do you know how good Spotify is for discovery of maybe more vague or niche genres of things? And does it buffer well, so you don't need a 100% uptime on your connection to play the song?
I've been considering it for listening on the transit, which means I'll be going in and out of network range often enough when I'm in the tunnels.
Oh and do you know how taxing it is on battery life?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
It is actually pretty good at discovery, but it tends to keep you away from the really obscure stuff until you start telling it you like it
You can usually drop connection for a minute or so without losing the song you're on but it won't switch songs without connection unless the next song you have is a downloaded one You can get premium for $5 a month, probably? since you're student
It's not super taxing on battery. I can listen on Spotify for hours and only lose like 15-20% of my battery, usually. It drains more quickly if you have twitter open or something, but Twitter will drain 50% in that same amount of time if you have it open frequently.
i have always looked to soundcloud for discovery but that's probably going to be obscurity on the level of amateur artists which isn't always super high quality but for me thats okay i find out about little pockets of musical taste i never knew existed
I'm more interested in something a little more hands-off. Or maybe actually more manual? Soundcloud's great for amateur projects but I can't tell it if it's being accurate or being inaccurate in what it's recommending me. Too often I don't know what I'm looking for but I can tell if something is or is not what it is. So having something that can work off that would be nice.
Spotify is really good and I think you can use it in conjunction with SoundCloud But Spotify is honestly perfect and it's where I get probably 90% of music, now. It even has tons of Japanese music and anime soundtracks
It is pretty good at making discovery playlists for you and doesn't mix up song tones and stuff very often
And downloading music is easy as hell which is cool because I can put together a playlist and download it before i leave and then remove the downloads later and it takes like 2 minutes
laz lookin like he needs a close shave
I've also got (eventually throttled, but before that normal) unlimited data through my phone plan so even if I don't have time to put together playlist I've got a lot of leniency there.
i have never used spotify so i can't speak to it at all there's this dude that keeps wanting to talk to me about music and tells me to use his spotify account for free or something but i really dont want to
wtf why do you have expliit content turned ON are you trying to join a gang im worried about you
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
im already in a gang it's too late for me
/moe/ Gang represent
>>663530 Seems good, I'll try to look into it when I get home later today. I might need to clean out some photos from my phone for space. I'm no good at remembering to do digital tidying.
>>663534 Haha yeah Space is so limited on phones it feels like the mid2000s sometimes
anyone remember ATRAC cd's i had an atrac player in high school it blew people's minds but then mp3s came out and it was like wtf you use cds still haha idiot
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i used a floppy disc until high school i had a floppy and it didn't work on the computers and then i learned what a usb was and i suddenly needed one for web design class
Hm well it's only 29MBs for the client, I still have 2.5GBs free.
Today is the 25th anniversary of Kurt Cobain's death.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>663539 You'll probably have to clear Spotify cache like once a week if you listen to music a lot It's really easy and quick though
>>663510 Kirby is shaped like a Friend But KOISHI IS SHAPED LIKE MOMMY
Well I ought to clean up the memory on this phone anyway. Just means I don't need to do it preemptive.
I just started using Spotify free, and it's pretty neat so far for kpop, but it's missing tons of my favourite 80s jpop and Japanese ambient artists. or just other obscure stuff I like. I had Spotify playing on my phone all night after I fell asleep and my battery was at like 85% which was impressive, but it's a 2 day old iPhone 8, so that could explain it.
Soundcloud is definitely the best option if you're into electronic music, that's where all the current techno acts publish and probably Bandcamp too. Also Discogs + YouTube is a neat underrated duo.
I think I do most of my music discovery through Redacted collages though.
>>663548 Yeah, I think that's it really. I think Spotify might have issues getting licenses for older non-Anglo music.
i pretty much have to use youtube mixes if i want to pore through 80s jpop that's the only real way i think, for me. it's already organized and it's done so based on taste of some sort, so you can kinda follow what channels upload according to your tastes soundcloud still has stuff that involves old music for samples and remixes and you can learn about new stuff that way but eh thats very roundabout and selection is mostly on popular stuff
That My Analog Journal guy does some pretty neat mixes of old cultural region genres. Like
Like Japanese 80s Funk or Turkish 80s Soul.
Is Spotify region specific like Netflix?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>663551 To some degree, I believe so. I'm not sure to what degree. I know some music is only available in Japan, for example. But as far as I can tell, most music is available everywhere
Also, I'm super disappointed about not being able to add my flac collection to my iPhone. I know I can just convert to ALAC or MP3, but I don't want to make duplicates of music I need to seed.
Kids, stick with Android.
>>663553 get vlc for mobile and you should be fine
>>663554 What I mean is that you're completely unable to add flac files to iTunes, and that's the only way to transfer music to an iPhone, as far as I'm aware, and I don't have a Mac so I don't think I can transfer files at all otherwise. Oh well, I'll free up some space later and convert some stuff I guess, maybe if I can get away with opus files for maximum efficency.
>>663556 Didn't work unfortunately, I need to seed these files anyway.
>>663557 That's Apple for you I guess, you don't to be the first $1t company by being nice and letting your users listen to 40MB lossless tracks with crummy "Ear Pods".
did you try renaming to .ogg you shouldnt have to actually convert
>>663553 Yeah, I remember that being a pet peeve of mine back when I used an iPod Touch. But that was like six years ago; I would have expected them to implement compatibility by now.
well idk apple a shit negligent and abuseful to its customers who for some reason are overwhelming loyal
>>663555 >Only Opus audio in a CAF container is supported. >The Core Audio Format is a container for storing audio, developed by Apple Inc.
>>663558 Yeah, I don't understand brand loyalty, but I guess forming an identity around consumerism is to be expected given our economic model. I think with Apple a lot of it has to do with their ecosystem, and once you're in then it's too difficult to get out, sort of like a cult.
its so cold
Damn lousy phone. I keep forgetting once it drops below 20% charge it enters a state of pure chance to whether it keeps being on or suddenly decides it's got no battery left.
I also wish I hadn't forgotten to charge it overnight but that would require me blaming myself for my faults and we can't have that.s
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>663561 Maybe you should get a battery replacement
Yeah, could probably be nice. I was considering looking into upgrading to a new phone once I have money coming in again but who knows when that would be, and the phones I'd be looking at would probably have the no 3,5 jack so I might wait until that fad either crashes or gets embraced well enough that it's easy to find earbuds with a USB-C jack.
>>663564 You can get a very nice new phone from Xiaomi for cheap. I would have gotten one if I had stuck with Android, but the Pocophone isn't usable in the US of A.
Considering the discussion around Chinese phone manufacturers and how they feed information to government agencies, I'm a little hesitant to get another phone from a Chinese manufacturer.
I would take Western reporting on Chinese companies (or anything at all to do with China) with a metric tonne of salt seeing as they are a huge competitor and it's in the best interest of the US and Korea to make China out to be horrible, and it's disengenuous reporting when they fail to mention that the US spies on their own citizens anyway. If it were true that Beijing could keep tabs on you then in my opinion tha twoul dbe// would be less worrisome than my own government who can detain me indefinitely if they so choose to.
It's worth noting what is at stake when China is able to offer the lastest technology at half or a third of the price that their Western and Korean competitors can, especially when the latter nation has an economy heavily dependent on their resident technology giant.
Look to the latest
>>663567 ... Huawei fiasco to see how serious it has gotten. Also forgot to mention that the US is known to have spied on EU citizens as well, but for some reason when the US does it it's ok, but somehow it can still be a valid criticism of foreign nations.
you know what i think would be a really cool idea to become a market research interviewer and record my interviews, and every time the respondent gets to the point of their sentence im gonna preempt them and finish their sentence for them to see if we're on the right page if we are on the same page it's totally cool but if we're not then i guess i'm totally just speaking over them and now obfuscating the recording from capturing what their actual response was and now it's lost so it's like the whole FUCKING INTERVIEW IS POINTLESS you GOSH DAMN JERK
okay work done i can finally get back to sulking ah shit i forgot to take my sulking meds before work this morning so i guess i gotta wait for those to kick in
Man I feel really good about that final. We had the full three hours of class to do it and I finished with like forty minutes to spare. Probably could have been done in less time but I had the time so I figured might as well be perfect.
It had four questions that we had 250 words max to answer, which honestly ... is not that much space for me, hah hah. I tend to have a hard time being pithy. I reached the end of each question over-limit and had to spend time cutting back on words here and there to fit the limit. The humorous upside to this was that I managed to answer each question with EXACTLY 250 words each. I was really pleased with myself for managing that.
was it done online or something or were you actually there counting each word like a goof
I mean I HAVE actually been there counting each word like a goof before, but yeah, we were required to bring in a laptop to write and submit online a digital submission for the final. It was kind of weird but I can appreciate it. I write a lot faster digitally than by hand.
i must be the only person who prefers handwriting it seems provided the paper isn't cold and rubbing your hand in that really grating sort of way that tingles anyway i think it's faster
If time is not a constraint and I'm not submitting the work in one draft digitally anyway, I prefer to write by hand! I feel it's much more comfortable and engages me better in the creative process. But I'm a really slow handwriter. I can't not write tight and neatly, so I tend to fall behind where others can just dump a lot of words onto a page. The benefits are that I've got an extremely legible hand that almost anyone can read and I generally fit more words into a space than most people, but I just can't do it at a good pace. I inevitably lag behind where space is -where time is an issue.
do you write script? it takes some practice to make it look clean but it's a lot faster than print and a lot more legible in terms of cleanliness though i guess they stopped teachin kids how to read script in school shortly after i went
Oh, they taught us cursive in. elementary school. I never took to it though, it was too difficult to write letters consistently and to the short-sighted pragmatism of my childhood brain the print characters I was already proficient in just made more sense to continue using. By now all I use cursive for is to sign my name, and even that's just my first name and a vague scrawl of the first few letters of my last name into a wavy line.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
writing by hand is annoying because it requires the finished product to exist in your head before it does on paper or requires you to re-write the entire thing multiple times and the text develops it's not efficient at all there are certainly circumstances in which handwriting can be better, but in general writing, it doesn't make sense to write by hand
unless it's something extremely formal and technical like a proof then idk about rewriting ive never had a problem generating a comfortable flow and continuing with it for general purposes of writing and if it's a proof i would need to understand where im going before i start anyway since it's procedural i think saying a medium is inefficient is kind of a personal compatability with that medium
>>663586 yeah i really hated it in school, thought it was ugly wasnt until i started playing with ink and calligraphy that i started appreciating typography and making my own cursive style at that point it became fun to do because it has a lot of personalization to it and i used it any chance i could
I've seen a lot of really personalized and elegant cursive styles and yeah, they can look really pretty at times. But by now I'm content to just stick to my to my print characters. Like I said it's an absurdly neat hand I've got at it, even if it's slow. The amount of writing I'll do digitally or outside of short time constraints far outnumbers the amount I'll have to do constrained by time so I'm not too worried. And I like how the neat, typeset-like characters look.
>>663587 I have a pretty good skill for improv composing a piece of writing if I already have a direction to work towards. So I rarely need much conceptualization work for papers.
When I'm doing creative work though I definitely need to constantly retread the things
I'm writing, tweaking words or sentences here or there to get it just right. Maybe doing it digitally would be more efficient because of that but I'm not really aiming for efficiency there and more really slipping into the creative space. And for me paper and pen in hand just suits that better.
idk if it makes sense but i feel like the tactile stimulation of a ball pen or fountain pen stroking the grain of the paper is a lot more grounding than the takataka of keys i feel i can think clearly on paper, and also the permanence of that writing process kind of funnels my thought process to be consistent too it's when i start backing up and editing and rethinking that i start fumbling ideas and lose my thought
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>663590 improv doesn't help you when you realize you have more to say about a subject you moved on from 30 lines ago
oh good my sulking pills are kicking in i was getting worried
my sister sent me a birthday text yesterday saying "are you celebrating being alive" i dont even know what that's supposed to mean i didn't get my paper published before 30 some italian girl stole my job in zurich that i had wanted for the last few years oh well
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sandalphoooooooooon I love my hella gay angel
>>663597 >winged heir of supreme primarch sanguinius had a son!?!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>663599 Lucifer made a very special boy well hang on I think my lore is wrong here. Because Granblue is VERY CONFUSING Because LUCILLIUS and LUCIFER are different characters And not only that but in JP they're just like fucking Lucifer and Lucfaa
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ok right now I remember Sandalphon was Lucifer's backup made by Lucillius, but since Lucifer was so good he had no purpose so he gets really pissy. So the first event happens. Then the second event happens where Sandalphon gets woken up out of a 1000 years in a purgatory garden where he DID BASICALLY NOTHING EXCEPT MAKE COFFEE AND THINK
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wtf thanks moe
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
so then Sandy is free but Lucifer is dead so Lucifer passes on his power to Sandalphon so then Sandy joins up with the crew to try and see why Luci loved the sky so much and whatnot but then the third event happens while Beelzebub and Belial are resurrecting Lucillius using Lucifer's headless body. And Sandy kicks their asses with the help of all the power of the archangels and luci and shit it was really fun I love sandy
my amazon visa is made of metal, with some fuckin titanium in there for some boguie ass reason, and now that ive been issued a replacement it’s like “do not shred” how tf do i destroy this thing
that's the first thing marsh did when he got here asked us to play age of empires but was really trying to get our ip addresses to hack into each of our webcams he's got like 12 monitors up watching all of them at once
I'm not sure if I want to play Sekiro again and go for a different ending with a character who doesn't have wasted skill points, or if I want to get DMC5 first.
>>663666 dont usually see those out and about in the winter
im startin to feel okay with the nonliteral use of literal being accepted fully into the language officially language changes to suit the times and we are navigating an infoscape with a lot more layers of subtext to distinguish between, so it's definitely got a function of merit i think we'll probably want to come up with a more clear distinction system tho
Language is all made up anyway the word "absolute" shouldn't be an intensifier but it is words are just bullshit so it's natural for them to change
people who get upset about "literal" being used wrong never talk about "you" being used instead of "thou"
because they grew up at a time where thou had gone out of use and had been replaced by you even though it was controversial to say you instead of thou for a long time just let it evolve
same with prepositions at the end of a sentence it's been considered structurally improper and vague but the information we communicate through the channel of language today is different and the needs are different so we need to pack different amounts of information with different amounts of specificity now and it slowly because the more clear / least vague way to express it reliably and intentionally
i used to think the dictionaries were like rules that were made by some guys sitting around and thinking about it and making conscious choices to allow something in or not but ive realized since then that they're not anyone's decisions, they're just archives of the system's evolution it's just documenting what current functions exist within that language it's nobody's decision to give function to a word, it evolves organically in respect to the change of information processing on social and personal levels over time
that's what we measure by mapping the system to an archive like a dictionary it's not like we can bound that system even if we wanted to so we just document it and make models of language that we use to make predictions we update our precisions // predictions to higher precision whenever that information becomes measurable, and update our records the same you would with a lab book in your chemistry lab
>>663689 yeah i do too i have just experienced a wide variety of contexts where people use literally nonliterally it seems that it has purposeful function when clarifying between fields of knowledge like explaining something to a journalist who's not an expert but is writing about something some vague concepts that require multiple layers of distinction
sorry im done idk whats wrong with me i need to stop
>>663695 but you're one of the degenerates! you've had interests in lewding chino! ranko is my daughteru! she's even on my keychain! i will protect my daughteru from weirdos!
>>663694 that's right and the world is fucked up to us because we crave what we can never have that's why we gotta accept the absurd and struggle through it so we can actually learn to live embrace the meaninglessness and live
i have a bep keychain the place i buy “books” from gave me for free with a comiket order, but the keychains i already have on my keyring break off enough as is
>>663697 >embrace the meaninglessness and live my sister sent me a text yesterday saying "hope you're celebrating being alive" i have no idea what that means
>>663701 The earth is real and the sun is real and if you divide the amount of time it takes the earth to orbit the sun into approximately 12 pieces you get consistent units of time that can be used to measure the ins and outs of our daily lives
>>663703 why 12? it doesn't make any sense to use 12 we use 12 arbitrarily because months aren't real they're not based on anything except the egos of the men who decided they wanted a month named after them
>>663706 If they wanted to base it on the cycles of the moon, there's already a moon-based calendar that was more sophisticated and actually adjusts itself to the cycles of the moon.
>>663709 Well that is just the thing it is tied to moon, while the current calendar is inspired that it is in a way "more accurate" as xth of Nth is always Xth of Nth
But anyhow, 12 isn't arbitrary but simple evolution of a time measuring system based on movements of stellar bodies that then was require to be more accurate for the needs of more complex socities and the one that dominated the area was the roman empire and thus their calendar was left to be picked up by people of europe
it's taking one pattern (lunar cycle) and organizing it in relation to a different pattern (seasons) if you had one that perfectly was based on lunar cycles, then you'd have rotating seasons which would also be confusing
im just saying these things as my thoughts to the prompt im not trying to condescendingly talk at people sorry i have no idea
But that once again returns us to the "needs to be accurate" Much easier to keep records when Xth of Nth is always Xth of Nth a calendar that is based on stellar bodies at the time of switching from them to the predecessor of julianic calendar, could enve be that accurate jsut due to lack of measuring instruments etc
My point was never that it wasn't arbitrary. It was that despite being arbitrary, the system should still be carried out in the most logical way possible.
And then you'll just say that logic is subjective and relative. and we'll keep going round and round. I think that's why we stopped talking about this last time.
The roman calendar is damn silly anyhow in the form it exists nowadays, anyhow 7=9 8=10 9=11 10=12
I think this dates back to how when the month names came around, the new year was around in spring time as in march being the first month or something
or simply said, the older calendar only had 10 months, but that would be weird since it was al unar calendar
Anyhow, if my memory serves, by the time they switched to the current "year ends in december" it was too late to just switch the names around. or maybe they tried, but nobody accepted them.
Just like when France post revolution and during napoleon's rule tried to switch to 10 month year, 10 day weeks etc
>>663716 a big issue is it's not really logical to change a calendar system that's already in use as there would be adoption lag and resistance to change and it's going to become more confusing
>>663718 oh yeah for sure It's too hard to change now. THE DAMAGE IS DONE.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
we could fix it if we had an extinction event
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
in the post-apocalyptic future, the Day/Month/Year system shall reign supreme
>>663720 oh remember that ad thing and disabling it worked for like two days and then i started getting more of them, even though it was STILL set to disabled content now there's nothing to remove lol thanx google
>>663723 once spacefaring, we'll prolly do blockchain of relativistic timelike clocks to keep everyone on the same time system and then i would imagine base months and year off human reproductive cycle since that will probably be important when spacefaring only problem is biology will change and then it will need to change i guess
Neat did you know the main cast in KKK were actually all first timers and the age of their characters?
>hanakana as nanako predictable would have wished they'd gone with someone else or >>663736 someone completely new
It is just in my opinion kinda lazy to just look at a chracter and go "hanakana would fit" and then just cast her reminds me when of the time when "if tsundere, it is kugirie"
>>663731 if we are spacefaring by this time, time in terms of light would be only useful locally if you wanted to have a universal time then you'd be using those light values at some arbitrary point then sending it out everywhere might be confusing if you're saying something happened X light units ago, when locally it has been 20 times X that many light units
>>663741 yeah it gets tricky if you use measurements of events that are null separated (communicated at light speed, like photons) then you can always tell which event happened first, but not by how much like you could see what time it is on earth // or rather, what time it was on earth when the photon you're reading arrives to you but if it's had changes in velocity or gravity since then, you won't know what time it is there "currently"
but if you have a whole bunch of these clocks networked together, through light communications you could see the order of events between all the clocks in the path between earth and you and local areas along the way and have it accurate to some arbitrary value however many clocks along the way will have higher time resolution so to speak like a time telescope
>>663762 i mean im not ragging on you when i say this but i dont think anyone else here would think so just wonderin why you're posting it here not a point of frustration but just raw curiosity
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>663764 no one else would think gabe newell's image being used on chinese underwear packaging is funny?
I'm fairly indifferent to the site but you could've just posted the picture and you would've got the ol' haha from me
>>663765 no i mean kiwifarms it's not like the link you have is direct to that article anyway it leads to a thread which just has that and // that link and nothing else as the opening post youre makin people click one extra link it just struck me as odd
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>663767 the article is on sankaku complex which I would get shit for posting a link to or I could post the link to the original reddit thread and get shit for posting a link to reddit
>>663768 im not trying to shit on you im just making subtle stuff not subtle since it just makes things easier idk sorry if you're feeling targeted i didnt mean to
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>663771 kiwi farms is incredibly creepy and gross and it probably shouldn't be linked here tbh
and on that same note, though not what i was thinking about until now they're also the invasive type should anyone backlink to here i'd feel a little uncomfortable
>>663786 I don't like stomping on them ruined too many ones like that
oh I didn't stand on them I turned the shoe around and used it like a hammer >>663782 I think only sam has vr I might be wrong though >>663783 im so fucked up
>>663797 it probably is in some ways but ive seen a lot of people who have really positive experiences in it if you can make some friends im sure it’s wonderful
yeah i need to make some new friends somewhere im leaning on /moe/ way too hard lately and im even complaining about that and not trying to do anything about it i probably have a lot more control than i give myself credit for to make changes but if i go try and it's just really awful people then im probably going to recoil from it so i wanna choose carefully
yeah im really excited about fruits basket it was like my favorite thing ever when it originally aired haha i even watched it in english dub originally
I never watched the first anime but I've read the manga through to completion. It's a very sweet traditional shoujo.
ive been wanting to get a vr headset but my tax return this year was nonexistant unlike last year so with buying various merchandise i havent had the opportunity. that and i dont know how much mileage id get out of it off handm
and which vr? not to mention most of them require quite high end pc
my pc is pretty solid ive heard good things about the vive which also has that full body thing if i wanted it
vive's biggest issue is floor space
Yeah but that issue comes with the benefit of having a more immersive experience.
i do have full claim over the living room
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>663820 noice have you marked it as yours by putting your figure collection on full display yet?
“if i cum during my umbral ice phase, i an punished” >>663821 no thats in my room with the exception of kizuna ai and used to also include chino but she kept jumping off my desk
tasty enough since I made too much of the sauce I will prolly mix it with sausages and something to make a traditional finnish home meal and then eat it with taters havn't had that since... I think the army
well at least i tried i guess im not sure what i expected
Yeah, I don't really know how to engage new social situations either. It means I usually just end up in the communities I'm already in and the rare occasion I have someone else reach out to me.
yeah i hate to be melodramatic but i actually feel im gonna die of loneliness i want some social interaction but whenever i encounter it i get so many feelings of discomfort and like this stuff just felt like garry's mod servers idk not at all very engaging at a deep level
im gonna have to start takng my sedatives again to stymie all these feelings and just go back to being a nonperson
>>663855 I'll be right there in a couple months wait for me
fruits basket already has an english dub how oh well im gettin both
The arrangements that allow CrunchyRoll and other simulcast services to drop episodes shortly after they air in Japan seem to have in recent years made it possible for the localization studios to produce a simuldub at times too. Maybe they're actually getting full scripts of the anime to translate and record English tracks of, maybe they're just translating and dubbing on the fly week to week, I don't really know which it is. But there's a lot of shows that get simuldub releases recently.
I'm not really inclined to most English dubs but I think it's cool that they've arrived at an arrangement like that.
i originally watched the first fruits basket in english dub way back when i was young so im gonna do it for nostalgia, maybe unless it's really unbearable
>>663864 Are you still awake? If you're interested, me and a friend are going to be in 7447