Any is probably good, I have the [35mm] version though. The rips are probably near-identical it's likely more just some slight translation and codec differences here or there.
okay i'm getting 35mm
>>663259 i dont even see that im using 35mm too it was the only reasonably sized file one of them was like 42 gigs ??
Largest one I see is 6.8, though there is a 4.2. 1080p BD movies are always ridiculously chunky files.
>>663262 it's only the english name, Liz and the Blue Bird instead of Liz to Aoi Tori
I prefer the original artstyle but this movie isn't so bad
it's a nice style too
an anime about a girl who is afraid of stairs
Stairs are hella scary man. What if you fall down them.
>>663280 KyoAni's constantly updating their aesthetics. This is kind of a between Hibike and A Silent Voice.
this is really hyouka-poi
I saw subs for I Want To Eat Your Pancreas out on Nyaa today too. That's another movie I've been interested in seeing. But the new season is starting up so it might have to wait until the end of the season.
so NNB is in like an hour and a half?
this has the same composer as ping pong if you couldnt tell btw
hmm so the NNB one is called Non Non Biyori Vacation?
Should be, yeah. Are you having a hard time finding it?
that might be too late for this cowboy i think i oughtta be hittin the hay long before then
Yeah, sorry, I forget you run on a different time schedule as us. I'll check in with you when we're running up to it in case you're awake for whatever reason.
Oh yeah speaking of ribbons here's a Yotsuba for you Jan.
To Star-chan's credit she's trying real hard to become friends with Nozomi.
Hah hah I didn't know the Japanese had their own "dibs on a Coke".
Reed making looks like an interesting procedure. When I did saxophone my school just had ready-made reeds. Though I think Mizore's reeds are a bit more of a different make.
This show looks pretty good
KyoAni's visual effort is pretty amazing.
;_; Hazukashii
Reina and Kumiko can get perfectly in sync with each other. Their gaypower is far superior.
i ran to the store real quick to get shmokes and energy drank whatd i miss in the last 10 mins >>663330 also nice and saved
The emotional rift between Mizore and Nozomi is getting worse. It's making it hard for the two of them to perform to their best potential in the duel solos they're doing for the performance.
I already slept the evening away so if you and Ika aren't worried about sleep I can do it. We're looking at maybe three shows worth of shows both tomorrow and Saturday. Not sure about what's coming up Sunday.
Friday has Fruits Basket, JoJo. Hitoribocchi no ○○ Seikatsu, and two half-length shorts that I really want to watch one of so might as well the other. So I guess that's four. The stuff airing on Sat/Sun are kind of iffy really aside from one or two that I've been interested in.
So yeah, I think tonight's our best chance for Byori if we're gonna watch it before the season starts.
Also the last ten minutes or so will be credits anyway so it's not as long as that.
I think the girls in Colors were a bit older than Renge. At her age kids are pretty much still full retard. My mother teaches kids about Renge's age and the stories I hear from her really line up with these silly antics.
Also speaking of Mitsubishi Colors, Hitoribocchi no ○○ Seikatsu airing this weekend is an adaptation of a manga by the same mangaka. Though it's about a high school girl who doesn't know how to make friends. But it's got a similarly cute style. I've been looking forward to it.
i forgot why japs call cards trump but it always makes me laugh
>>663413 Playing cards used to be called trump cards or something, I think. Or maybe it was that old simple games played with them would be trump games. So for sake of simplicity the Japanese started calling this European import trump.
Kayaking is pretty fun, though I've only ever done it on open water on the lake. Good core workout too.
Seems kinda dangerous just for kids. Oh I guess they do have a supervisor so it's fine.
Well that and think of like summer camps, where kids would go and do canoeing on a lake or something. Kayaking isn't all that much different. A skilled kayaker can even flip an overturned kayak while still sitting in it, upside-down. Though that's definitely above the skill level of kids, hah hah.
Oh bioluminscent algae is really cool too. The oceans are full of amazing organisms.
Home sweet home
tilde i found a really nice way to farm easy sen and xp in Sekiro
Oh that's probably pretty useful in the mid-game. I'm at the rasuto bossu and I've completed most of the upgrades and skills. I guess I could farm experience to round out all the skills but even that's not gonna make my life much easier hah hah./
Well that was a fun movie. More of an OVA style production but still nice.
>>663435 well maybe you could use it to buy everything everywhere
>>663439 I think I've managed to clear out all the valuable limited stocks stuff in the stores. Where is it though? I don't know what you lose on NG+ so I might need it on the second pass around.
>>663441 Oh, yeah, Senpou Temple has some great opportunities for quick money because of how fast the weaponless monks go down. The final two locations of the game probably have higher returns but the final one in particular is a little high risk.
>>663442 yeah the thing I like about the course I'm running is that it's basically zero risk if you're doing it like i am the only risk is near the end, those spinny flippy coneheads might follow you, just jump over them or quickstep under if they do i was doing it without even paying attention while watching this movie haha
There's some good opportunities for kill farming once you reach Fountainhead, lots of clusters of enemies that go down quickly and drop good sen amounts. But you got to be careful a bit and keep moving because standing still can be literally deadly.