>>657359 is it cigarettes >>657358 it reminds me of those big eared cats minus not having big ears though dobby cats or whatever they were called oh yeah the honking cats haha >>>/watch?v=2J1ynsuWcNQ i forgot how creepy they are
some old lady told me "you have nice thighs" today weirdest compliment I've gotten in a while
well you do have nice thighs it's nice that someone noticed
i mean i guess kind of weird to say to a cashier imo
She was cashing in on that old person gratuity. Normal adult says something like that to you? Either they're flirting or they're a creep. Older person says something like that? Oh, it's just those old people doing old people things again!
also gym people do that a lot theyre just like always focused on body stuff idk i had a powerlifter friend that was all he talked about that and sailor moon
Human beans sure are weird.
>>657366 i mean that makes sense people are there to build a strong or aesthetic physique at least so that kind of comment is not out of place or typically unwanted not that I really mind getting complimented anyways it just seemed strange
>>657365 also I've had middle aged almost elderly women flirt with me too so there's some overlap here
Well even some old ladies want to get some.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
oh no
>>657370 fair enough but I'm gonna pass on that her daughter was older than me lol
man spiderverse is so good even in dvd quality it looks awesome
It's really a fantastic movie. We should do a /moe/ watching party or something with the Japanese dub cast some times. Mamoru Miyano as Hobo Parker. Megumin as Peni Parker. Yuuki Aoi as Gwen. They got some great seiyuu to do the roles.
seriously thougha though as you know, i have multiple sclerosis i can only have so many upright hours a day and even gaming takes a lot of energy even with work i have to do about half of the work day from bed and then like 3 hours at a time i can do at a chair im fine walking and stuff but for some reason sitting is the worst i dont really do it unless i have to
sounds tough i couldn't stand that kind of difficulty i guess there's no choice but to handle it as best you can though
it will be better when the seasons change once it's warm i can't stand being stuffy inside and i have to go exercise
oof, but apex though... That will make my blood want to flare up. Ah, I hope tjhey live through 20c+/ It's just so enjoyableeeee
>>657409 just the last few days it's started getting warmer i still run the space heater in my room but it gets just above freezing during the warmer parts of the day
>>657409 yeah same it's been dragging the cold out a lot this winter
It was starting to get warm here but then a bit of a chill blew in. But it does look like winter's up and ending, which is nice. I remember last year we were still getting snowfall that didn't immediately melt into April. So maybe we'll get a month or two of spring this year instead of like two weeks hah hah.
The geography around the Great Lakes usually gets winter - and spring - a bit later than other parts of North America. All that water soaks up a lot of hot and cold and leaks it out into the surrounding land over time.
hey tilde do you got a minute to run through a scenario
I've got a minute. What are you thinking on?
so let's say youve got a friend, there's a few friends in the circle let's say but you've got this one he wants to get everyone to partake in an activity together and yall agree on playing a game together so you go about finding one or he does, rather he's like "have yall played vermintide", nobody has so he links you and everyone to vermintide 2 the steam page for vermintide 2 does anything seem like out of place so far
I don't ... think so. Like he really seems to be leading the charge here but everyone's agreed on wanting to play a game together so if anything, he's just prepared and unless they really don't like the game, it's probably good of him to have something lined up.
like it's 3 ppl buying vermintide 2 like they brokesies or what
Well yeah, that is the one catch I could see. Ideally you'd probably want an activity with a low barrier to entry and a game that you have to buy is a bit of a stumbling block.
okay well let me just put it out there would you think it normal to jump straight into vermintide 2? like nobody's played the first one, i get that it's not serial but there's still a whole era of experience that 2 builds off of regardless, right you gotta play the first one in order to appreciate the changes made in 2 yeah? or do you just jump into 2 because it's new and not old
Of course like Go ahead, kill them fucking orcs. They deserve it believe moi
>>657423 Well I'm only extremely loosely familiar with the Vermintide games but from what I understand the second is more or less an improved version of the first. There might be some kind of story campaign? I really don't know hah hah. But that's also not really relevant to the co-op antics of playing with friends. Like maybe there's some new or expanded mechanics or QoL changes that would make going back to the first if for whatever reason you wanted to put both of them under your belt a bit less fun, but as far as I know the second is just a better take on the first.
Though I also jumped into DotA 2 without ever having played the original DotA, and I've never touched Warcraft III. I know that's not quite comparable but I'm just saying I'm not exactly one to care about legacy or the culture/knowledge established in previous iterations.
Aint nobody gonna give a fuck if you a new player like As long as you're with the jumping shooty mechanics you're gonna have a swell time
i would imagine the 2nd game assumes youve played the 1st if i was new to a series i'd want to play the first err not series, since it's not serial, but the first in the franchise idk maybe im just a purist
I don't know if that's consistently true. I can think of a number of game series or franchises that'll put you through an introductory tutorial at the start of each game. Each Assassin's Creed game will always tell you how things work, for example. The Tales JRPG franchise will have a tutorial zone (albeit these games can change drastically from game to game so it's warranted). If anything a lot of modern game design for serialized games is held back by the fact that there seems to be an insistence that an n+1th game will always be somebody's first experience with the series. So there's often a tutorial that in-game feels like a reach for why your character is back to level one and fighting with a rusty sword. Pokemon games will ALWAYS have an infuriatingly hand-holdy tutorial on how to catch Pokemon at the start of a game. Anyway I digress.
This is something that could be potentially resolved by asking if anyone knows if Vermintide assumes you've played the first to "properly" enjoy the second.
They gone make me suffer through those auto chess lobbies then ill make it
>>657428 okay well imagine if it was dragon age youve played dragon age right? say you're late to the seen and you think "oh i'll just play the new second one that just came out" (well not just came out but yk) then you'd get a big pile of donkey dicks slapping you in the face and it'll ruin the franchise completely for you you won't even want to try to play the first one because it'll remind you of the donkey dicks that the second one was
I actually haven't played any of the Dragon Age games, hah hah. I refuse to buy any EA games. That's a bit of a different case because the games are heavily story-driven and even if the games don't carry the story over game to game like the Witcher kind of does, the world persists and seeing that world out of chronological order might get kind of itchy with my narrative-focused brain. Which is a bit -This is a redundant line. So that's a different case than a game like Vermintide where the carry-over from other games is "how to play" and stuff like that which is tradition and I don't care for other people's tradition in regards to my own.
if any of you finished dragon age tell me about it. oh wait, the game was that fucking shit. oofy
yeah i played the first one to completion i got five minutes into the second one and never touched it again my ex tried to give it a fair chance but i wouldn't even watch because it pissed me off so bad the first one wasn't shit though
i mean the storyline was shit yeah but the mechanics and concept were engaging and immersive enough the difficulty scaling made it super casual for anything but hardest setting, which required the manual control of allies in order to have any control of the combat that's what did it for me, having the full controlability of all units and micromanagement. that was fun and enjoyable second one just trash in every respect though, seemed unfinished and unpolished and disgustingly unpleasant to control
>>657431 well yeah, i get that, but the dragon age issue wasn't the narrative, and it really didn't have much of a storyline to begin with. character storyline was changeable by class/race, and the world storyline was really just a setting. can't recall any part of the storyline to be frank, but i can remember most of the combat encounters it's the mechanics and fluidity, the interface, the customization being lost in the second one that really killed the series well, and EA most importantly, like always dota is different since it's a mod imo, but even those that play the original have better understanding of the mechanics of the game because it's all based in its original mechanics, like pre-heal and post-heal mechanics and those little oddities that dota 2 players think makes no sense at all or is arbitrary stuff to know
idk it was really just getting yall's opinion on whether it seems weird to start with the second in a series, provided the same accessibility like console games have inherent issues in that regard, but on pc idk the first one is also like way cheaper
Yeah, money providing, for a series like that I think I'd take the first. I'm not into the Warhammer universe so I don't have a particular desire to explore the creative nooks and crannies. Er I think I'd take the second, I mean. Whether or not it's weird I think is dependent on the series/franchise. I wouldn't go back and play all the old Tales games to adapt to the new one. Or like Dark Souls, I have all three so I'll probably play them straight through because that just seems the most straightforward thing to do, but I've already skipped the second by going forward and playing some of the third on a friend's machine.
some people are all the way at warhammer 40,000 without touching the other 39,999 i feel like it's such a waste
Yeah but somewhere in the 23400's they rebooted the entire plotline so it's only really worth going back to those ones for nostalgia's sake.
on that kind of note ive been in my head doing a little bit of worldbuilding for maybe some short fiction i think would be interesting about life and consciousness in the universe around a trillion AD or so does that seem like an interesting concept at all or would it just seem generic hogwash you get to a point where it's so far from human perception of scale that it becomes unrelatable, but there's also intrigue in that same vein balancing it can be tricky
I think there's an Issac Asimov short story that's a bunch of little vignettes about human and post-human civilization stretching from the near future into the long, deep history future in about that magnitude. I don't think the concept itself is outright uninteresting. Might be a little niche and catering mostly to readers of hard sci-fi but at the same time that means there would be an appreciation for attention to those fiddly bits and addressing the weird questions that arise from seriously considering the setting. It's also one of the genres where things being unrelatable to the human sense of scale is acceptable I'd say? At the least the readers would be excited to see how the differences and total incompatibilties exist. Like what you were saying with intrigue versus unrelatable. At the least I would say a concept like that definitely has a base appeal. The rest would lie with how you work it.
a lot has changed in our understanding of the universe since asimov has been around i feel like there's probably also a lot of people already doing this kind of thing, but i never look into any of it in general i focus on ai of the near future, like maybe the next couple thousand years but a trillion years after consciousness is a big leap and still the universe is at its infancy at those stages so there's exponentially more to cover it's intriguing but almost feels fruitless at the same time. i think i'd get distracted trying to focus in on any small segment of such power scales
it is a more accessible way to present some concepts i have about shannon entropy though than being rigorous enough to publish an academic paper i feel like that's probably the motivation for a lot of hard sci fi
>>657440 Well science fiction isn't exactly my home turf, and when I do read it, it's usually more in the vein of space opera or science fantasy. And I definitely don't keep up with the short story culture that pervades the genre. That established, I can't say I've ever heard of someone tackling the deep history question of what things would look like. Like, sure, they look at the far future and there's stuff like 17776, but even one and a ... but even fifteen thousand years into the future is a drip in the ocean compared to a trillion.
And yeah, the understanding of things has changed a lot since Asimov. Even in his works he took liberties with scientific realism, little ones maybe, here and there, but even in his time he wasn't perfect. Hell even that short story I referenced, if I remember correctly, ends with all consciousness in the universe merging into one almighty shared consciousness that waits out the heat death and ending days of its home universe, only to find a new one being created in the absence of everything, which the consciousness takes to being God of. So that's pretty hokey. But he was a pretty bang-up writer and he was able to present weird futures and mysteries alongside crisp dialogue and great descriptive narrative.
>>657441 I think you're pretty right on that. Hard sci-fi is a great creative exploration of what-if scenarios that doesn't require the author to build a large database of evidence to provide reference and has a lot more leeway since you can say "sure we don't know for certain this is true, but I can assume it is for the sake of the story", where as assuming a truth without proof would make an academic paper fall apart. I know a lot of sci-fi authors thrive in that "what-if" world that you wouldn't necessarily be able to enter if you were writing straight fiction.
oof, a million AD we would be still arguing about the single string of our resourses. It will always be there. It's just up to us if we take it by the key or not
>>657442 >so that's pretty hokey that's the story i remember most from asimov and what i think of when i think of asimov (that story, not hokey) i think it's actually not as hokey as it seems i think consciousness seems more special to us now because we're in a particularly turbulent era of the universe and also we function at such short time scales we're some of the earliest consciousness around on a universal scale, so we're super low entropy biomechanical things, meaning high ability to perform work, and the substrate of our consciousness being really short timewise makes for this rapidity that we're familiar with it doesnt seem to us like non-life could really be considered conscious because any work it performs is in scales that far exceed one's lifetime really but the conditions for a system to be self aware are (probably) not as special and complex as we think it's just that right now it has to be really in an excited state to fulfill those conditions when in a turbulent environment the universe slows down to a crawl after the degenerate era ends and you get a few leaks of radiation from the remaining couple black holes every few trillion years until it's all evaporated? then yeah, those conditions for self-awareness of the system are probably being met, just extremely slow rate of having "thoughts" that's neither here nor there though thank for the thoughts
i think as far as crisp dialogue and descriptive narrative like asimov, im probably shit outta luck is that the kind of stuff you're good with
The hokiness was less about the merging consciousness or systems being able to acquire consciousness but more about how the story ends with the absolute consciousness discovering how to reverse entropy and becoming a God to a newly born universe.
I think I'm good with descriptive narrative, though I tend to go for more the purple prose side of things that enjoys really getting into the scenery, especially with natural or outdoor locations. As far as dialogue goes I don't know about crisp but I think with a bit of work I can usually make it sound natural. Though it's always hard to get it right when you're working from a fantasy mentality hah hah. I haven't really been doing a lot of writing lately though, so I'm probably getting rusty as it is.
here's a thing from wiki for reference if anyone just wanted to see it
i think my issue might be that i make things sound so natural that they're uninteresting who wants to read stuff that's indistinguishable from the noise of everyday life right? my imagination is too grounded but right after saying my imagination is too grounded im gonna reply about discovering how to reverse entropy and become god haha i dont remember a state of reversing entropy in the story actually, but maybe it was there but i dont think it unreasonable to think of the last entropic structure of the universe as potentially a god starting a new universe, as it may dictate the pattern of disruption that starts the universe like it dissipates and the universe is restored to thermodynamic equilibrium there, with some assumptions that the universe can be at thermodynamic parity if it can't then who knows that might be the mapping for the next iteration of things but it's all superfluous to talk about really since there's nothing to go off of, it could be anything
The story I had in mind was his The Last Question, which revolves around a series of computers built to answer the question of how to reverse entropy. In each vignette, the computers and societies grow increasing technologically advanced, but every time the computer responds that insufficient data is available. Eventually we get to the deep end of time and humanity's entire merged consciousness combines with the most advanced iteration of the computer and the united force continues to deliberate on the question long into the post-heat death and end of space and time, until it finally realizes how to reverse entropy. Without a universe to announce its findings to though, it utilizes it's discovery to, well, undo entropy, and bring the universe back to its origin state. The story then ends with the computer-consciousness announcing "Let there be Light!" which to me is kind of Asimov playing with the concept of even our universe's Judeo-Christian God being of similar origin. Though he was atheist so I would doubt it as him putting forth anything serious.
yeah thats the one the last question
yeah that is definitely the one i remember, now that you mention the details i guess i interpreted it a little bit liberally, but i remember the specifics now an actual constructed computer would obliterate long long long before that, in the proton decay listed in the degeneracy era in that image above but computation hasn't stopped in the natural sense so in order for that story to work in my mind i have to think of this advanced computer as an // as a state arranged by work performed in the universe work is performed all the way to the last tick of the universe and i viewed the message of the story as that the processing and answering of the question of how to reverse entropy is equivalent to the universe proceeding naturally and restarting there are other problems like this too, whereby there exists no answer to a question than the realization of the solution itself, and that the proper formulation of the question requires natural expression in its system state so they aren't things that can be broken down and expressed in reduced forms that's why there's insufficient data, and that's why the computer's answer to the question was the act itself (which announcing let there be light is just a literary device and asimov feeling pretty clever with himself, rightfully so)
and i think the moment of realization for the computer is actually the last performance of work occuring before equilibrium interestingly, the universe itself would have to be the computer in this scenario, i believe, and the constructed state of the universe that humans (or ai or whatever) last left it in would have to be the feed or maybe that's not interesting aannyway that's how i remember the story. i guess i dont remember the writing as well as the concepts explored, which i think is another strong point of asimov's works they're just so poignant in their presentation and have a good feel to them i think i'd probably make everything so convoluted that people wouldn't have any sense of what the
i ran out of characters there but i think im gonna actually just leave it like that i like it that way
Well you. can't know how other people would take your stories until you've written 'em. Anything else is just conjecture and supposition.
well if i can't even follow my own train of thought when reviewing my writing... it's, uh, not too good of an outlook
it's actually really hard, since writing any given excerpt takes far, far longer than reading it you're occupying that thoughtspace for maybe an hour for what someone's presumably gonna read in about 8 or 10 minutes so you need that additive detail to guide their thoughts, but doing so also incurs more cost to the purity you want them to formulate in the same way you did, which means keeping them there a little longer, but not boring them or confusing them im not really sure if this is a practiced skill or if it just comes really naturally, honestly, but it isn't easy
>>657461 hey is there a place i can talk to you about some stuff discord or steam or twitter or something it doesnt have to be right now but when you are free and dont mind
Kirara isnt free because he is shackled down by this imperfect world
and at 30second mark somewhere is the fromsoftware traditional the hyper tracking big move
god they use that atleast ONCE in every game
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
most enemies have a few attacks with high tracking the bosses i mean
>>657494 neither is quicker or rather every situation has one or the other that is better so the speed doesn't matter so much you have to learn which attacks need to be deflected and which should be dodged some attacks can be dodged but it's risky to do so
the bar on top is posture if you fill that bar out, you break their posture and can deathblow them lowering vitality (hp) makes posture regenerate more slowly so you're basically trying to lower their posture and occasionally their HP it's a really interesting system deflecting attacks can help break posture and attacking can too
damn he seems like a solid boss >>657497 yeah but the sword wielding once always have that ONE attack it is or atleast to me it feels like is designed to punish people who react BIT too quickly
From what I looked at it, your weakness is the jump attacks both the smash and arrows
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
the jump arrows are my biggest weakness the tell is him backing off but he does that sometimes when he's not shooting those from the air and he only does it rarely so it's hard to predict >>657504 there's not enough time to get under him usually but you can dodge them pretty effectively if you're ready
wonder if you can dodge under him to avoid them? or will he hyper track
good job i played for an hour one it finished downloading last night and im just before where i was i didnt get the axe the first time because the thieves were like “dont steal frim buddha you idiots” so i figured i was supposed to not touch it
>>657521 do you want tips as you go or do you wanna do it your way
im going to do my best, tips i may ask for later this time though ive picked up makiri counter and might try to practice it
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
👍 makiri counter is really good
honestly hanbei's training is actually really helpful all of them you unlock more if you do all of the four he starts with too he has a makiri counter training too
oh i forgot i could just go back to him instead of doing things hands on
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
hands on is better but he can help you learn the basics of how to do it at least
even with fire the ogre was a dick
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
he was difficult because he did so much damage but i feel like he was pretty easy to dodge most of the time he had one grab with really good tracking though
yeah but like his jump grab has the biggest hitbox though i would try to dodge out of it and it scooped my like an ice cream cone
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah that's where i said dark souls hitboxes lol the hitboxes are generally a lot better though
what exactly was the timing for smacking the torches to get a similar burn effect on him though
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
j didn't even know you could do that i* i assumed there was some way but i couldn't figure it out with the torches i did it before i found fire barrel so i just assumed it meant i missed a tool (which i did)
i had it happen like twice but i couldnt figure out the timing because it only worked sometimes
like i smacked them and it worked once or twice >>657533 oh haha same the first time anyway second time it stuns him for like five seconds
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
did you try with oil
i did not think to do that. i should have tried
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i spammed oil+fire on one miniboss and it did a lot, although it wasn't a red eye
>>657522 >way of tomoe he just activated his SHARINGAN
i will say one thing kirara rushing through what i already cleared run and gun and taking cover was the most thrilling thimg this game probably has crazy ng+ potential
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah, im looking forward to it
ALSO? SHURIKEN ONE SHOTTING DOGS? best fix fromsoft ever though of holy shit
>>657556 It's been all work and no play lately. This was one of the busiest and most insane weeks I've had in months. Next week I should be able to slack off a little though, it's a slow week.
>>657569 Maybe I'll grab it on sale sometime. I liked the multiplayer in dark souls because it felt like there were other people on the journey with you. Generally single player games feel too lonely for me.
>>657575 This game wouldn't really work with multiplayer, I don't think, so I'm glad they left it out.
is there a lot of worldbuilding going on or is it specifically focused on the depth of combat i feel like it's a bit exhibitionary in the skills and lessons learned in the reflection from the souls games but ive only really watched a little bit of blips here and there and ive only seen boss combat action it makes me curious if there are even other parts to the game or if it's just like a boss rush 'cause i havent seen any maybe everyone's just stuck on bosses tho
well it takes place during the sengoku period so a lot of the world building is already done by history but there is definitely lore as to what's going on in the story and side lore that you can explore and gather through items the story is much more straightforward than souls and there are lots of NPCs to talk to and learn from part of the game is the MC recovering his memories as well
i thought networking with other mathematicians would help with that issue of communication ive been having and feeling like i can't communicate with people i was really wrong because they're all the same and now the same issue is on both sides and it takes a whole lot of work from each side to even sort through that abstraction i wonder if that's the drive behind doing mathematical work, feeling so socially anxious that you're willing to spend all that time to figure out how to communicate ok that's enough of my polluting the board with this nonsense drivel
Jus let the robots live, they're the same as us. and water that ish every like 2 days, keep it in sunlight.
>>657590 what kinda plants oh nice i think you will do just fine maybe i should get some houseplants the place feels very meh
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
gardenia and an icy ivy
quite simple don't water too much or too little observation is best key and also knowing what kind of pot they are planted in dry surface soil doesn't actually mean dry plant
fertilise in hmm well around starting now once a month if you wish if not atleast once every odd month
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
put a worm in there if the pot is big enough
shit I should do that with my tree would take care of all the leaves it drops constantly
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>657596 slug might also help although that could escape so maybe not
slugs don't help
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
it would eat the leaves
it would eat the fesh leaves
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
oh yeah forgot about thjat
ghmm 1080 looks bit weird when you r monitor is 50-60 inch
im about to foray into the fate franchise now does it matter where i start, does anyone know? am i fine without the vns and stuff
I think the richest experience would probably come from starting with the Fate/Stay Night VN, but on the other hand I have never read it and I enjoy the franchise a fair bit. There's even the Relta Nua version of the VN if you don't want to read all of Nasu's absolutely trash erotica writing without losing the context and gravity of the story.
If you're going to not read the VN you should still stay away from the Studio DEEN adaptations of the F/SN VN that came out in the 00s', the television anime is a mash-up of elements from the three VN routes and the movie of Unlimited Blade Works is a huge adaptation crunch. ufotable has done a television anime for Unlimited Blade Works which can act as a decent take on one of the routes of the VN, and they're working through a movie trilogy for another one of the routes with the second movie having hit theatres recently. They've also done a anime adaptation of the Fate/Zero novels which is a prequel to the VN routes set ten years earlier. If you want a good chronological starting point this series can definitely be one, but it might also be appealing to play/watch at least one of the F/SN routes and then go back and see the set-up they do in Fate/Zero. The caveat to starting with Fate/Zero would be that it might spoil a twist here or there in the F/SN routes. Ultimately if you don't read the VN you are going to miss out on one of the three routes, but (sourcing from what I've taken from what seems to be common opinion) it's the weakest of the three routes.
There's a fandisk VN Fate/Hollow Ataraxia but to my knowledge that's mostly just goofy non-canonical stuff to reward fans.
Further afield there's the Fate/Apocrypha series which plays with the format of the series a fair bit. It's pretty much wholly separate from the main storyline involving Shirou, Saber, et al., but it's still interesting and the anime adaptation is pretty solid. Fate/Grand Order is a mobage and is kind of a big mess of a story, but I've heard it ...
i want to experience the original tsukihime vn but it's litterly impossible
>>657612 ... can be interesting at times. Again though, it's pretty much entirely separate from the main story. The magical girl spin-off Prism Ilya can get very lolibait-y at times, turned up to eleven in the anime, but there's also a really cool Shirou-focused segment of it. I'd still say you can not bother with it unless you're really feeling like more content.
As far as other games, there's the Fate/Extra and Fate/Extella games, hack'n'slash action games. I think they're consistently written by Nasu, so they're probably canonical, but they're kind of in a vein of their own. You'd also have to either play them or find someone who's playing them that can properly follow the story threads. There is a Fate/Extra anime by SHAFT but while it's kind of artsy and interesting it's also a ridiculously confusing experience to work through.
Beyond that there's the odd novel series or maybe manga that's too niche to get translations or adaptations so far. Kirara might be able to point you towards resources for those.
tldr; The VN is a good place to start but if you don't want to play it, watch the ufotable Unlimited Blade Works and Fate/Zero adaptations, maybe check out the first Heaven's Feel movie (also by ufotable), and if you're still engaged check out Fate/Apocrypha.
thank you for the thorough response, that is certainly a lot of detail and i happen to be fond of information
VNs are definitely my favorite medium, as im a bit of a purist but in that same vein i like to partition that experience off from the usual, and it's pretty high investment on my part ufotable's productions are pretty up there in terms of the experience so i dont mind that route to get a feel for things it it's accessible in that path if there's VN-only stuff that establishes things then i'd probably check that out first basically apocrypha just finished being legally acquired to my computer though so i was considering whether i should check it out right away or exercise a little patience
on that note thouse, mahotsukai no yoru still does not have an english translated VN and it came out in 2012, and tsukihime is litterly unacquirable at the moment without either paying a lot of money or completely installing a different operating system and learning how to use it it is causing me a lot of unhappy feelings it doesnt help that mahotsukai no yome was airing and my friend was talking about it i was like wtf how does it get an anime greenlight, broadcast, and translated before the VN is finished then i realized that it was a different thing the translation is on chapter 7 but that was years ago and it hasn't been TOUCHED since it's got other language translations though for god's sake i know this is how german and portuguese and french speakers feel for every release basically, but gosh damn
but yeah thanks for all that im probably going to gauge how i like the first exposure to it before i commit to continuing with it i know it's got like no overlap with kara no kyoukai but im hoping to at least emulate that experience again with new content if it seems like it's too much drudgery then im worried i'll become distressed
there's a new fruits basket coming out next month ???? what the heck
Yeah, they're doing a new anime that will fully adapt the manga. Since the original anime aired during the manga's run so it was incomplete.
>>657615 It can be rough some times following fan translations. What's weirder is that with how popular Fate has gotten that there hasn't been some retroactive interest in Mahoutsukai no Yoru or a Tsukihime port. I mean there is a new Tsukihime port in the works but that's with updated graphics and probably writing out all of Nasu's utterly garbage sex scenes. But it's weird that no one's just gone "let's put Tsukihime in an emulator shell and sell that".
i need the original tsukihime aaaah
there's a charm to the original work that is going to be lost with the rework it was his first published work, and his second creative work after mahoutsukai no yoru as an archivist and a purist i cant just, you know, watch a revamp and call it sufficient
even outside of purism though this stuff is done in the early 90s, in a much smaller scene the graphics are going to be less pronounced in focus, as is the music and audio probably idk if the original even had spoken dialogue this all is compensated for in the experience through other avenues that's the point of VNs, to combine each medium for an immersive focus with the freedom to move between stuff
alright well i loaded up the first ep of apocrypha and the very first scene is just an army of bones so i think i close it and go for a less bony entry point
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I did i- >phase 2 oh.... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>an actual stealth boss holy shit the actual madmen did it a fuckin stealth boss
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Let me just explore this battlefield a I AM GYOBU THE DEMON oh
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i think i might be about to meet the snake again there's tons of shed snake skin around
>>657631 have fun he's so hard if id known how to play maybe it would have been easier though
You must FACE the snake
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm surprised the gunpowder hint doesn't seem to refer to my uh boomhasnd boomhand
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
sir could you stop anime throwing your spear
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
will I get access to a shop to buy things that aren't origami
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
you probably missed the first one there's one a little bit before the red eyed ogre
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
near the gate path idol i mean a little after it merchants all look like tents so keep a look out for those
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
oh god there's a place called the Gun Fort and it's nothing but mine fields and people with rocket shotguns and rifles shooting at you while you run away
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
get fukt hoers boi
>>657640 great let's go righ-- oh you mean in the game damn
perhaps with my ENHANCED ATTACK POWER I can beat up the elderly
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
man there are these really scary things in this game idk what they're called but one of the miniboss versions is called a "centipede giraffe" and they're scarier than anything in bloodborne or souls just in their appearance
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
they're pretty easy enemies though even the minibosses
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wtf why didn't they have these hat wearing jerks guard the gate
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
axe breaks them
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
True true didn't work the first time though so it threw me off
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
their perilous attack is pretty strong
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Giant Bull Thought: Oh dodge it Reality: PARRY THE FUCK OUT OF IT
something tells me I should come back to this monk place later
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
this boss is going apeshit
The game ain't monkeying around.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
this is serious boss spoilers i cut off this giant ape's head and then it got back up and now it's coming after me with a giant sword and occasionally using its severed head as a weapon
I saw that in a video Dunkey did for the game. What a crazy ape.
how the fuck do I practice part two of granny when part 1 is hard enough
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
where do you even get more snap seeds
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
also is her air unblockable a thrust because I can't even tell
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>657678 there are some in the snake place near where you hid from the snake before stab but they don't regenerate you're limited to 6 altogether right now basically but you don't need them tbh >>657679 she doesn't have anything that can't be deflected except a swipe i think i don't think you can makiri her
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what about the attack where she kickflips and drops you into the ground
that counts as a grab dodge and countah
also just sprint everywhere and she can barely hit you
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
for butterfly you can just dodge and attack dodge attack is really good axe with fang and blade really fucks her up too
also use shurikens as soon a she jumps up to knock her down
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
the snake eyes minibosses are my least favorite enemies i think well any enemies with the long range rocket shot gun i guess
>>657687 I haven't found those yet I don't think I'm very far, I've only found two bosses, unless the armor guy and headless count
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>657689 ive got four bosses down and ive fought a fifth but i gave up and decided to go try elsewhere there's a really cool stealth boss i think ive killed 12 or so minibosses
mini bosses give you prayer beads right? I think I'm at 10 or 11 if that's the case, I'm close to the third vit upgrade I keep running righ // right up to where I think a boss is and then thinking I should go back and explore more
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah they give you those the hardest miniboss for me so far was the seven spear guy at ashina reservoir
that guy fucked me up bad a bunch haha he was the first enemy I decided to leave and come back to instead of bashing my head against him, the overhead slash skill saved my ass after I got it I couldn't get the timing for the counter on one of his stabs and it was always a one hit ko
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah same my favorite combat art is nightjar slash reversal though it's so good and so evasive
I haven't gotten the base form yet the ichimonji double has been working pretty well for me so far but I'll probably need something faster for bosses
i wish games wouldn't come out on fucking friday i don't have time to play shit until sunday night i'm really enjoying the game though i keep FUCKING DYING
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>657696 oh shit, they can die from it? oh man. ive been using a tear when i get to 4 rot things because i feel bad if people are sick because im stealing their life
I've got a paper I've been needing to work on so I haven't gotten the game. I might give it a shot Tues/Wednesday after I'm more free with my time. Though I'll be playing with keyboard controls so that'll be interesting.
>>657699 just look at this i can't even be mad this made me lol
>>657698 I don't know the woman that gives you the bell that takes you to hirata estate was dead after I beat madame butterfly I don't know if it was because of the quest or because she had dragonrot and I beat a boss or what
>>657701 holy shit he did the exact same thing ot // to me the first time I fought him I can't help but love that dude, fromsoft needs to make every enemy do dropkicks and the people's elbow
>>657704 >damn i dodged into his grab i'm retarded >oh well i guess i can survive it though >camera spins around he killed me like 5 times then i fucked off to that other area
wish the shinobi axe was better it's so satisfying to use
maybe the upgrades make it better I like it but it's really only useful agains shield guys and hat guys so far I didn't really like the shuriken but the piercing upgrade makes them a lot better
>>657715 for some reason them naming it BITE DOWN really amused me
>>657721 NOBODY can kill you if you KILL YOURSELF FIRST
just eat one and be like >lol u didn't win >>657723 I think I can get that now, it's the only tier 1 I haven't bought yet the prosthetic tools are pretty fun though, so far I've like them all even though I think some are way more effective than others I still have one or maybe two more to find, I can't really tell from the upgrade screen
>>657725 >pft not wasting time fighting a shit kid like u.
someone told me there's a firebomb tool I can find in that level you access with the prayer bell, where the fuck is it? those guys near the hodor that keeps grabbing me said it's afraid of fire i'm assuming that shit is what i need to use on him
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i have 8 and there is at least 2 more i think
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>657726 there's some dudes talking about a fire barrel near the estate path that hve it it's in the fire
>>657726 the area to the right after crossing the first bridge they're around a big bonfire with some dogs
yeah i would have played a lot more if video games didn't literally always come out on the day where i work for 16 hours game industry hates people who work on the weekend
man what does dragonrot even do i'm scared to use resurrection since the sculptor started coughing up blood and shit
I'm not 100% sure but I do know it's bad and I should start fixing it
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i don't really know exactly but you can fix it with dragon tears i always fix it around 3-4 dragonrot victims
is it reviving or just dying that causes it?
i'm pretty sure it's only reviving cause i've died like at least 20 times without resurrect and nobody else got it
time to never ressurect again
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i think it's reviving yeah because you revive by stealing the life force from people you know
I remember that being said but I wasn't sure if just dying stil triggered it I didn't pay attention to when I revived and when I didn't whenever I got dragonrot
i wa shock it actually was in the fire and the fire doesn't kill you immediately is this even dark souls?
i actually did go straight through this area and killed all these fuckers on my first run through here but I guess I didn't see the glowy thingy
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
found the murder waifu
flame vent acquired i hope this makes killing hodor easier he kept fucking my ass with those grabs
it helps a lot use oil with it if you've got any
i do indeed i have more oil than a turkish wrestler
i also figured out a way to trick him and get the stealth attack damage to knock off one of those bars of health
>>657754 wait hang on I cured the dragonrot now I have the option to give sake to the sculptor also I can actually talk to him now, before he just kept coughing
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>657767 yeah you can give him and one other character ive found booze. they usually just dispense lore when you do
yes hodor is dead and it only took a LITTLE BIT of pussy bitch tactics
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>657773 i think so? im not 100% sure. i think i just finished one? there seem to be a few recurring characters but idk if you need to see them each time to see them the next time
it's amazing how this game makes you feel accomplished just for killing some fucking scrub miniboss
peep my twitter if you want a cheesy way to kill that guy though
>>657795 I've been watching one of the gundam OVAs with maria and one of his friends and his friend keeps referencing this meme but I have no idea what it's from
>>657827 I never drink PLAIN water I drink SPRING water it's enhanced with MINERALS which is a fancy way of saying it has A LITTLE BIT OF DIRT IN THERE
Samu 🌭 !KW2DbpWwls
the dirt from SPRING NYMPHS and the taste of RELAXATION
>>657864 >sticks and vines give them to me and I may make a bow or simple fishing pole depending >rock it's just a rock but we'll need something to hammer with eventually
though depending on the condition of the rock it could be suitable for honing on other stones for simple weapons or using as a firestarting slab post pics of the rock maybe it's a good one
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
i don't have pics but i hit it against another rock and it made some sparks
Harness those sparks to power the future!
>>657888 If it really did then either that rock or the other one isn't actually average stone it's some composite of flint and would be very useful make sure you pack it when we go
I'd definitely join for any kind of trip he'd plan, regardless of what I want to do, haha. But I really want to camp, too. I like camping by myself sometimes. It's really nice to absorb yourself in the beauty of nature and live without luxury. I just can't do it right now because of my finances. I did a lot of dumb ass shit and then compounded it buying nice things as gifts and pretending it wouldn't put me thousands of dollars in credit debt.
At least my credit score's still at 715.
Well hopefully you can get it paid off properly. Life's so much easier when you can keep a good personal finance.
I can definitely pay it off, but it's taking a while and will take a while more provided I keep ending up with extra unaccounted expense. I pay about 250 to 300 dollars off a week but accrue about 50 to 100 if I don't end up helping my family out with their finances. My dad's been missing work and stuff so they requested some from me, I don't mind though. It's not like it's a bad situation in my mind, even if I still owe about $1800, I pay on time every time, never missed any payments and I still have a decent amount of time to do stuff I want to do. My only wish is that I didn't live in this shit ass city with no decent public transit. Or had the money and time to get my car working.
I could be a lot worse off, one of my coworkers lives in a pay by the week hotel 2.8 miles away from where he works and spends about 80% of his check a week on the rent there, and has to walk over 5 miles a day when I'm not there to get him a ride too He seems pretty happy about it I guess
I tried to give that fucker my bike but they don't let you keep bikes inside the rooms and they don't have bike racks to lock them up lol
>>657909 You should move up here! We've got a who le lot of public transit!
>>657922 I've actually thought about it honestly but I'd have to visit once or twice at least before I'd be comfortable doing anything like that
Then also I don't typically do jack shit unless I have a deadline or was instructed to
I've wanted to move to Bensalem for a while now but never put forth any kind of effort to actually do so
Well I know a number of pretty great camping national and provincial parks in the province. You and Kirara and whoever else wants to give them a spin could come up here and visit, and I could give you all a bit of a tour of the city on one of the days.
Well I'd absolutely love to, I'm never so alive as when traveling to places unknown It's my only current goal after all But I'd need to be reminded more often to actually do it If you know a time that would work for you I could see about arranging a trip there, I think I can cross the Canadian/Mexican borders with my current paperwork.
Though keep in mind you'd have to endure being around me for at least a few hours a day! I'm a little less messed up right now but I'm still a bit much for normal people!
Well May through August is pretty free for me. I'm looking to pick up a job over the summer though so I'll have to see where that puts me. The bright side is if we want to go camping, my family has pretty much all the camping gear four to six people need to go at it so on that front you guys could travel pretty light up here. Might even have a car I could borrow from my parents to go places, though I don't know how comfortable they'd be with a relative stranger driving it, hah hah.
I should really get my proper-ish license one of these days.
Alternatively we can just visit my cottage which while not the camping experience is still pretty rustic and offers a charming backcountry experience too.
I really need to get my license too but to do it I have to attend classes that are only held on saturdays in my city and drive a lot I am constantly working all throughout friday-saturday and don't really go anywhere nor want to so I can't work up the willpower to bother Walking to work isn't really that hard anyways Guess that's the defeatist attitude in me
Well I kind of get it. I'd probably need to go to driving classes too before I could take the next test in line for my license. That feels like a pretty intimidating concept to me for little reward considering how easy it is to get around town using our public transit. And there isn't really anywhere I particularly want to go that's within driving distance. So it's hard to find the interest in going for it.
I honestly never bothered because I was kind of intent on destroying myself I think But I've solved that professor's cube of ideation and I'm on more realistic impedence to be considering now My boss hired some new people recently, so maybe now's a good time to be inquiring about changing my schedule? Then again I don't know if it's a good idea to be forfeiting the $120 to $150 I make on saturdays
Maybe I can pick up a shift elsewhere. I could probably work it out, it's stupid to give up without trying, I guess.
I hope you can work it out, there's a lot to gain by having a license under your belt. Especially in a state like Texas.
A normal person could get a lot of use out of it, but I really don't give a shit to go out to any of the attractions and such here, even if I hadn't already seen most of them I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be too interested. The only thing that I'd need it for would be to commute somewhere that was further away, but I make quite a bit for my level of work at the place that's like a little under a mile away from me as is. So I'm not in a hurry to get another job.
would be damn swell if they did construct a bridge or a tunnel over beiring strait
>>657958 How the fuck am I gonna get over the ocean they charge mad fees and I gotta get it licensed and shit since it's got the driver side on the wrong side for a lot of countries don't I?
Not opposed to going to russia though seems like an interesting country
yeah that is just the route through usa through british columbia through alaska through entiretiy of russia
you gotta start at chile up through s.america and cross the panama
I'm scared of getting abducted for Ransom though my family would totally fall for it and pay even though I'm already dead as fuck
oh cool thanks for the info i guess i'll hold you ransom myself then if youse guise eva wanna see yo baby again youse gonna invite me to thanksgivin and theres gonna be stuffing kapeesh?
if you're gonna kill me make sure Iook cool going out light me on fire and push me off a building or something don't wanna die like basic loser here
i dont wanna kill anyone i just want a holiday dinner idk i can't imagine killing someone unless it was like being stranded on a snowy mountain or something don't think i'd eat them though like everyone else does
i got a hand-me-down keyboard from my roommate since mine broke, which im very grateful for dont get me wrong but the entire thing is so sticky and residue-y the same thing happened at home years ago with the computer stuff i bought for family use, everything got that gross grime all over it and was really gross to use my ex's stuff was all like that my last roommate offered me his old gaming mouse and it was so covered in it that it wouldn't even track reliable and his 3DS too
idk what it is that nobody in t he world can keep their shit clean how do people function like this? even after cleaning this thing with rubbing alcohol it still has tactile stickiness upon releasing the keys ugggh how do people just type with something like this and just not think anything is wrong
>>657967 i don't want to kill anyone either but sometimes i feel like nevermind this is a dumb train of thought just reminiscing on ancient history i am a more thoughtful person now >>657968 damn that sucks my dad holds his food over his keyboard and eats at the computer his keyboard is so goddamn nasty i want to pry the keycaps and sanitize it whenever i have to use his pc
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>not wanting to kill people
dont get me wrong i definitely would like to i just dont particularly want to i have no urge to just appreciation for the technique you know
>>657970 ok fucker sometimes i want to kill people but i understand that's a psychotic sociopathic thought and silence it with reason
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i want to shoot a man in reno just to watch him die
you ever wonder if maybe the folks at folsom prison didn't take kindly to johnny cash just portraying them in that light? like wtf man this posh singer celebrity tryin to relate to us but he thinks we just do things for no reason get outta here ya punk
maybe i should be more accepting of that inclination and take up martial arts again or some shit though I'm not sure if it would make any positive impact other than indulging in fighting i used to like it a lot though and could use some more exercise plus it's not like I don't already have brain problems getting knocked in the head should be nbd
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>657974 honestly they were probably just happy that johnny fuckin cash came to play for them
>>657974 it probably felt nice to get literally anyone on the outside to acknowledge their strife
i kinda always assumed that the guy the song is about just really wanted to watch a specific person for die* like it was revenge looking at the lyrics i have no idea why i thought that now
>>657976 yeah i saw the footage from it and they were all so excited but ive thought about it from johnny cash's shoes ive thought about a lot of stuff from johnny cash's shoes tbh i dont know why but i'd feel hesitant and nervous trying to represent the folsom prisoners' plights in a blues song maybe it would actually be more disruptive to them if it was too real though
man i miss when music was populated by tons of fuck ups and criminals rap especially is bad now 18 year olds singing about dealing drugs like it makes them hard and cool b.i.g. on the other hand sang about how living that life was fucking horrible and he actually did it
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>657978 yeah maybe cash really was an amazing dude
>>657979 music by people who aren't fucked up isn't relatable tbh
>>657980 agreed maybe if i practice really hard one day I'll make some music that speaks to enormous fuck ups
that would be cool i would help people feel like there's cameraderie in the world even if they're a goddamn loser and i wouldn't have to exist as a human in their eyes so i could relax someone else enjoying what you created is a lovely feeling
i have one and a half adderalls left i can go to walgreens and get it filled but i dont know if i can get it for free with this MIhealth thing until after it's filled and i can't afford to take the time to go do that if it's not going to be free because i'd have to ask them to hold it for a week and i'd have to use my roommate's car suxx
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
until after it's filled? like, you don't know if it'll cost money or not yet you mean? do they have a number you can call to ask maybe?
like with my wellbutrin, i didnt know how much it would be until i gave them my health card i ended up not paying anything on it that was great or maybe it's copaid later or something i dunno, i'll figure that out so yeah not until i was checking out did i know, but now that it's in the system it might tell me as soon as it's ready for pickup but you know how adderall is paper script every time, gotta take it in by hand
im sure there's a formulary so i can call and ask if it's on the formulary but i dont know that just being on the formulary means it's free like there's prior auth and other stuff, and my prescribing doctor isn't even in michigan
but yeah i'll prolly go check it out after today gotta get through today's workload first
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
it's awesome that you got that card it sounds really helpful
yeah i about cried when i got my wellbutrin free do you know how many times ive had to just stop taking it because i couldn't afford it and have that cascade down even with health insurance last year, they wanted me to pay 90 dollars after insurance covered part of it not to mention the bullshit insurance costs
like just suddenly have your momentum and shit stop and now you've got an even bigger hill to climb but now your depression is back so it's even harder and shit just slips away
buying Adderall on the street was cheaper than buying brand name prescribed from the average pharmacy for me when i didn't have insurance haha
well yeah brand name is ridic teva manufacturer generics are fine there was some bullshit generic manufacturer that i got when i filled it at SHOP N' SAVE PHARMACY LOL in missouri that shit was so bad half of them felt duds and half of them felt neurotoxic
prescription drug costs have gotta be one of the most fake and imaginary things in commerce 380 fuckin dollars for 90 days off Vyvanse fuck you it cost like ten centavos to produce that pill and the machine it's manufactured via could have been paid for by like 20 people buying at that cost >20 actually is probably closer to 50 but you get the point pharmaceutical manufacturers and patent holders for medication should take the Hippocratic Oath and stop killing people with these prices
the thing is that the research and development to originally make the drug is so expensive that if the patent wasn't in place, no company could invest in developing new therapeutic agents because they'd be spending millions of dollars in R&D to come up with something that everyone could make and sell without having invested anything into it
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
my debit card finally got replaced and it has a card now that's so stressful how do i use it chip i mean
>>657992 >stressful brug you just slide the chip end into the bottom of the usual card reader if it’s installed instead of swiping your card
>>657992 yeah i just got one too a couple months ago like i still try to swipe it and the machine and cashiers always get really PISSED about it i dont know why so i have to insert the chip and then do everything but i swear half the time i put the chip in first, the machine beeps and is like CHIP READER DOWN PLEASE SWIPE at least the chip cant be skimmed i guess but idk how people even get skimmed in the first place that shit is kind of obvious
my bank bullshitted me into getting one when they were initially adopting it here they locked my card without telling me, and I only found out when it got declined when I had money in the bank i called them and they said i used it at a suspicious retailer recently but i had only been to work and nowhere else for almost a month when they printed it they didn't activate it either apparently you do so by using it at a bank branch affiliated atm of which there is only one near me within like 10 miles and i find that out after leaving and trying to use it again tomorrow fuckers the chip is a better design for electronic transactions though it's invulnerable to skimming traditionally because it is very sensitive
except on gas pumps where many if not the vast majority of skimming devices are rigged you can pick the pump frontal panel open and install the device behind the chip reader
yeah my bank mailed my chip card out to me at my OLD address in missouri then cancelled my active card like 30 days after it arrived, which i never knew it arrived so i had no card and called them to update my address and send it here and the chick on the phone is like ok done it'll be there in ten days 2 weeks later i called them up and they're like "oh well we have to verify your address before we send it out" wtffff
banks are stupid money is a pain in the ass we should uninstall capital and use anarchy instead rather just barter my shit for the shit i want or do some shit to be compensated with aforementioned shit
by bank i mean paypal i dont have a bank because my life is stupid
i got my new card 2017 because my old one's strip died and they gave me one without a chip but it expires 4/2019 so they sent me a new one and it's got a chip
decade, more like fucking 20 years at this point nowadays it is hard to get a card here that isn't RFID remote reading card hell I bet by 2030, cards are dead and phones are the way to do it
im gonna be pissed if buying a 1000-dollar phone is going to be mandatory to being able to pay for anything and they're prob gonna have a battery life of like two hours too that shit is actually so vulnerable
nah they'll skip phone paying and go straight to chip implant
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
chip cards are easy once you get the hang of it most of the time these days i just pay with my phone tho
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i think im worried about the chip because i see so many people fucking it up somehow
>>658007 wow fancy can't do phone payments in too many places around here
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
it seems to be everywhere here also there are multiple places that don’t take cash at all or a few places where there are no cashiers and you have to order on a screen
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
there are still lots of places that won't take anything but cash here
>>658008 people don't use their brain when they're making a purchase there's a sign taped directly on the card reader here that says to use the stylus pen yet most tap with their fingers then they ask me why tapping isn't working and it's a real struggle to beer polite about it
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
well there are still cash only bars and restzos around here and there too
>>658000 do you guys have the wireless pay where you just tap your card on the reader I don't really like those but it's hard to avoid when the cashier shoves it your face instead of giving you he option to swipe or insert
>>658013 shit maybe if you need someone to imitate a professional customer service hotline hit me up
>>658014 we don't have that in my state yet at least might not get implemented at all considering people already buy those "RFID blocking" wallets despite that being literally impossible and not a concern
>>658014 been here since like 2014 or earlier most stores accept mobilepay now too
>>658013 122 Million just how much of a drone hive are t heir accounting departments?
But back to chip cards thign about them, is that the chip has a damn short lifespan >card expiration is 4 years >chip will be nearly bust by 2 for example I don't have a wireless card and don't use mobilepay and prolly never will unless forced
i stayed awake wasting time on my phone so long that I'm not even tipsy i should know by now that drinking a bit won't help me go to sleep at a proper hour dammit man why you do this to me. fucking asshole me
I once stayed like that so long that hangover hit me
>CD drive F "My CDROM" uuuh >it was a virtual drive to install huawei phone app that is a weird way to do it that totally causes people like moi to freak out
how many hours of darkness do you get in finland at the worst of winter? per day
The guy in this class who sits behind me in -me and just bitches to a friend of his during the break is really in overdrive today. Saying he doesn't like Langston Hughes because all he does is whine, complaining about hating university and asking why he doesn't just drop out and become a mountain man. Oh now he's saying how he wanted to kill an old man for bumping him on the subway, saying he should have taken the old man's head in. Er bashed, not taken. Fuck this guy is toxic.
He was also bitching about what use is an English major. Like, motherfucker YOU'RE the English major get your head out of your ass.
>should have bashed an old guy's head in for bumping into me these kinds of things just make me think that the person insinuating is actually a huge pussy
>turn back you cannot behead the headless >our spears and swords did nothing pfft oh yeah >find the headless >my sword does nothing and i cannot behead him shit
>>658055 i thought maybe there would be something other than a monster i can't hurt right now in a dark dank cave that is ready to plow my anus and didn't find the other route yet
which i proceeded to afterwards whereupon a massive snake erupted from the fucking cliffside and ate me
love this game
I might take a break from sekiro tonight because i was getting hella mad at granny
hey kirara can hypersensitivity -- oh sorry ton i didnt mean to cut you off you weren't making a post when i had an image selected -- can hypersensitivity cause hallucination and disturbances in children
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
>>658019 i can order free replacement cards when that happens shrug
>>658019 i think it depends really i've had my chip debit card for almost 4 years now and it still works they're easy to break though you gotta be careful
>>658060 >>65806 → 1point is that it sucks quite much when it happens WHEN you are paying >oh my card don't work >well... sorry bout that, ill just leave all these groceries here and you know >go order a new one and not buy anything for several days
>It's like when you're trying to host a tabletop game but everyone's schedules keep changing at the last minute and gen you can't do what you intend tondonsmetidnrnfnnjemxmsmm ton2017
>>658064 They don't have swipe as an option just in case?
Or like, manual card input where they type in the number?
oh yeah those exist too last time my card broke due to chip having gotten too worn, I had cash on me so I didn't even think of swipe and shit
damn this boss is creepy drug head insane wanna be satanist who belives to be Fenris wulf
>>658064 yeah you just fall back to swipe or manual entry I have literally like 4 different payment methods on me at all times so the only thing that can go wrong is getting mugged
speaking of which Apple just announced a credit card
Finished Dickens' Hard Times. I really enjoyed reading it, much more than the previous time I tried one of his works.
ive got some qualms with him after great ex shit was pretty wack i have not looked at hard times
Great Expectations was the aforementioned previous read hah hah. I needed to do a Dickens novel for high school and from the premise that one caught me the best. But actually reading it I found it kind of underwhelming at the time. That may just be dumb teenage monkey brain being incompatible with the book though. On the other hand from what I've read Hard Times is a bit of a departure from his usual style found in Great Expectations et al.
can we get a tube of gel that lets you just float in any position you want with an oxygen mask and then virtual reality support and a feeding tube and peeing etc yknow what we could make warehouses plug data directly into people’s spines
>>658082 naw more on your upper back and neck guess is time to switch position
FUCK DAMNIT steam why7 do you change settings between different iterations of you but for the same account >download games during gameplay was not allowed I started playing max payne to pass time while doom was downloading ffs
Well something like data-rationing seems more sensible to have be machine-sensitive rather than account-sensitive.
>>658097 disturbances, yeah hallucinations generally no unless it's hypersensitivity due to psychological trauma which can also result in hallucinations
ok thanx
>some say aesir corporation is going to become even bigger monopoly than *static*microsoft*static* ever was kek they thought we wouldn't hear that
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i think im gettin a migraine
i hope not have you been eatin ok
ngl kinda hurts to breathe right now
Oh no
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i did not eat ok today and i only slept like 4 hours
it's very likely a hypoglycemic headache i fast a lot and get them every time please eat something and drink something with electrolytes thanks in advance
holy shit the newest episode of mob was amazing >>658107 i eated some foodo
Oh right Kirara you should totally check out Boogiepop wa Warawanai. I know you didn't watch Boogiepop Phantom but that series is a hodgepodge adaptation of the original material, where as the new series is a straightforward adaptation. The two series have no bearing on each other. It's kind of extremely chuuni and probably has a lot of pseudo psychoscience but it's also a lot of fun.
I was gonna watch it but I didn't get through the first episode. I don't remember why.
The first episode is by far the weakest episode of the series. It's just a lot of dialogue with pretty much no action and it's all weird naval-gazing and chuuni nonsense. It's definitely a show that picks up by the second or third episode, hah hah. The show's one of my favourites of the season but man it probably has the worst pilot of the watchable stuff from the season.
>>658119 I don't like boogiepop as much as you and jan but i think it's interesting. my picks of the season are mob, endro, tate yuusha oh and dororo and gotoubun
>>658148 dodge right and attack when she summons, go to the far side of the room from her and start killing summons when she dispells them, hide behind a pillar until the butterflies are gone
if you haven't killed all the minibosses you have access to right now, doing so could help, too to get more vitality
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'm playing Fate/stay night right now and trying to get all the bad ends but picking the obviously incorrect decision feels kind of shitty.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>658150 if you're getting frustrated, take a break and go progress elsewhere in the game
everyone is telling me to watch boogie pop hmm honest recommendation? or evil plan to control my mind
>>658167 i am really honest i think the show is really thoughtful and filled with intrigue that segues into incomprehensible Eldritch interference and vague philosophy but they take too long to set up the first arc the following three arcs have been successively better and it gets really 2deep4u with King of Distortion
It also has Yuuki Aoi talking as a smug aesexual supernatural being what more could you ask for.
i havent watched the new boogiepop but the old one from the 2000s was very memorable and among my favorites it started off slow but when the momentum built up it hit all the tingly parts of my brain
>statue that respawns you in enemy sight what the actual fuck
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
huh oh, ashina reservoir? that happens like 1 out of 50 times it's pretty uncommon
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I was spotted by the group every time I've respawned
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
like I load in and they're all yellow
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
that's weird that never really happens to me and ive spawned there probably 50-100 times
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>makiri counter >immediately recovers and stabs me wot
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah lots of bosses and minibosses will do that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but that's like the opposite point of a counter he shouldn't just instantly be fine and stab me I should not be recovering from my own animations
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
you can makiri and then deflect his counter to counter it you gotta learn to forget all the shit you learned in souls and bloodborne if you want to win in this game
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
no I mean dude in this scenario I COULD NOT MOVE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
my other makiri counters have been fine
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i haven't had that experience
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
you will find that many enemies frustrate you very quickly
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
no you're not getting I'm not like mad anymore I'm just pointing out weird shit at this point
I wish the sweep/thrust/grab things were different colors or something tbh
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i thought so at first too but im glad they're not now
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
??? WHY?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
because it would take away from the spirit of the combat besides, they all have the same kanji anyway they're just perilous attacks think of them like your combat arts
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
once you start to master the combat, you'll probably understand this game is pure skill the way it's set up so it's easy to get frustrated especially before you have skill
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>bird men ok >flying high speed bird men Oh ok- >EXPLODING BIRD MEN STOP
I fucking love the divebombing fantastic flaming Tengu corps. Can't wait to take them on myself
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
they're a riot
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
I never got dive-bombed by them Maybe because I move around very sneakily and carefully
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm surprised they wouldn't notice you given how wide open you are in the path I took
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i generally avoid any paths that seem wide open especially in a new area until i know how to deal with any enemies i might find
oh that looks ominous as fuck >>658208 baba and hoers
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i don't think you can get too far then although you can do a little out there >>658212 you're gonna die
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
this is the most ominous looking shit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
he seems a little strong for my level
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah I'll deal with this guy later
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
alright kirara since I don't want to just wander around too much, I found the Ride the Lightning clue, as well as the letter that says talk to Emma but Emma didn't say anything? Did I miss something else or
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
what's the ride the lightning clue
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
The clue about using lightning reversal I'm calling it Ride the Lightning because it's way cooler
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
oh you beat ashina elite already?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah he was awesome
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
then you just have to go up a story from there
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh ok
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh wow
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
have fun
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ah your husband with the best voice
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
let him make you feel the pain
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
he's like what everybody who wants to use a bow in dark souls wishes they could be
so far the craziest boss fight i;ve seen was against a monkey the most interesting was a stealth boss fight with monkeys there was one that was really fucking hard until i figured out the trick but even then it was still pretty hard. that one felt like a dark souls boss, though. it wasn't really up the standard of the others even though it wasn't a bad boss lady butterfly was really fun to me gyoubu can eat shit
there's another boss i gotta kill who seems pretty cool but i only fought him twice the closest idol to him is guarded by a lone shadow miniboss that you can't sneak attack and while you're fighting him there's another lone shadow coming after you, so i haven't gotten that yet. that's what i'm gonna work on next time i play, unlocking that idol, so i don't have to go really far to get to that boss
i found another ogre but this one didn't have red eyes and was in a really small area and also its grabs one-shotted me even though i have five prayer necklaces