>>64649 I'm not a fan of advertising like that. It's funny, but the ads most effective on me are those 90's style ads that just give numbers and facts about what they're selling I just want to know what something is, what it's good for, and how much it costs
>>64646 There are some other things you haven't seen that you should watch first.
bang's new computer
that I also probably won't ever watch*
bang's new computer
all my friends are playing Nier I guess this computer could run Nier holy shit i can run video games EPIPHANY A NEW COMPUTER CAN RUN VIDEO GAMES I FORGOT THIS WAS THE WHOLE REASON I DID THIS
why do you hate anime
bang's new computer
I don't hate anime, I love anime but I love (and hate) work more, and I have other things I do as well. I don't even get to do all the other hobbies as much as I want to I spend 50-60 hours a week on work (counting commutes and other time spent related to work, not just the 40-50 hours I work) and then I spend about 40-50 hours a week sleeping that leaves 60-70 hours a week to cook, do laundry, clean, shower, run, play video games, watch anime, run a dnd campaign, and do random errands that's not a lot of time
I liked the tweet that put that part with the characters getting rattled in the spaceship up against a cutscene from Twilight Princess. And how much more fluid and organic the animation for the characters in Twilight Princess were, despite being a game made to play smoothly on the Gamecube.
I see reports that it's really difficult to make a white character and none of the default faces are white, too The game was headed by anti-white people though
And the lead facial animator was like straight out of college with a portfolio of school projects
The game looks like great amount of comedy content!
I gotta go now. I have to get to the shops to get energy drinks to sustain my existence. Take care moe! Please pray I don't fade away into nothingness from work!
>>64707 she's killing the final boss of the game in that bit this is the big dramatic final blow THIS
>>64714 Even if you fade away your spirit can haunt /moe/ for eternity. Become one with the Wired!
Is EVE Online a power fantasy, despite the power not being fake?
It may not impact the real world in any big way, but if you have power in EVE, that power is over other actual players Human beings you have authority over
It actually does get a little weary at times sometimes i wanna pop in and see what's up but the baseline flow of the board is always keeping that topic afloat so i pop open the tab and i'm just like "eh there's nothin here" and there's also no incentive to spur or stimulate new conversation
IT'S FOR THE 3DS. If they made a RadHis Switch game, I would have bought it. BUT I DON'T HAVE TO SPEND EXTRA MONEY I want it so much. RH was such a great game. I never got the best ending. I should go back and finish all the quests.
>>64799 Since it's a remake you can probably get the new one (granted that the new one makes it here) It should because it's great. Such a fun combat system. Still mad about the final boss killing my super long chain combo before it happened.
>midboss music was better than boss music Red Locus was nice but Edge of Green was intense. Blue Radiance made every fight nice. Although Aht killed things pretty quickly after I got her.
Work was boring as always! Hard to stay awake sometimes and a little annoying that my bosses were literally playing games ( throwing rings of ropes at wooden pegs) while I had to do very boring typing. >>64807 That sounds nice but I lack bath soak and I don't feel like a bath. I'm probably just gonna lounge in my chair for a bit and then sleep. my eyes feel so heavy right now!
They'll do that, yeah But you're in a position now where you'll be tired from caffeine withdrawal if you stop I spend most of my work day in a chair typing too, and personally I'd only drink caffeine if i need to push myself the extra couple hours to make a deadline other than that, i work better and more clear-headed when i just have water and a light snack >>64812 is the flavored water sugary? it's that sugar in the energy drinks that's fuckin ya up your body synthesizes most of the sugar it needs on its own adding extra from sugary drinks (not from the low amounts in natural foods) just messes with your insulin levels boop you don't need me lecturing you though i'm not any better, i have a glass of pepsi right here next to me and ate pizza for breakfast with barbecue sauce
When I have espressos at work they seem to still work but energy drinks just useless now. I usually try to drink lots of water so I carry 1.5 ltr flavoured water around all the time
Nah, I can't drink fizzy drinks or sugared water. It just 0 calorie, almost // actually sugar free I was wrong 2kcal per 250ml serving 0 fat, 0 saturates, 0 sugars, <0.01g salt. Flavoured strawberry water. apparently it uses sweeteners (sucralose, acesulfame K)
I've never been addicted to them. I've always been sort of a casual smoker. >>64817 I had to take a moment to thinking about it. *think
>>64816 i didn't get to make the wordplay if i just said smoking
>>64815 Everything causes cancer. Cancer causes cancer
Yeeah but I just suddenly recalled it being a big debate some decade or more ago Was it just debunked completely or the opposition, i guess sugar imdustry people, just move on Never boight the argument, since >>64818 in big enough amounts oh well it doesn't matter.
I'd link it but I dunno if Samu would be very happy about that
I had to remind my imouto and her friend that a coffee table is a coffee table. The youth of today, man.
>>64832 Wait what They didn't knew what a coffee table was?
My imouto's friend was trying to describe where she'd left a charge cable. >It's on the table >No the table in the middle (At this point they weren't even in the same room as the table it was left on.) >No, the table in the room with the couches I was listening in and thinking "just call it a coffee table, DAMN." So I told them, "you can just call it a coffee table, right." And both of them were kind of like "oh yeah it's a coffee table."
Haah waaw Kids these days
I haven't had a coffee table in forever We use a set of those little wooden foldable tables. I'm sure you've seen the type before.
>>64844 Yeah I figured so too, but damn. Like the fuck does that all mean.
>>64847 "Academic elitusm peon, back to working z'harder not smarter!"
>>64836 Yeah I know what you're saying. Our coffee table is something ancient. We've had it for probably more than two decades now. If anything I'd say it's probably close if not older than three decades. It's survived four kids and at least one house moving. I'm fairly surprised it's in as good a condition as it is.
Mm margarine mixed with chilisauce on bread Da best
I haven't had margarine in ages. When I was really young, there was a time I had a sandwich with margarine, but the margarine was really grainy and had a bad taste to it. Every since then, I haven't used margarine al all, baking or spread or otherwise. Ever since then, even.
i only use butter in baking or cooking really
Margarine isn't thst good in baking and cooking... just buy rapeoil
I eat margarine on toast sometimes but we keep butter for cooking.
We don't even sell butter as a soread really
I think you can find it as a spread here some times, but we pretty much only ever buy it as blocks. It can be tough at times to spread onto bread, but such is life.
Spread here is margarine, cheesestuff or mayo&other stuff like fish paste
>>64859 You gotta shave it off into thin slices to spread it easily.
Yeah I know. But even then that doesn't entirely solve the problem if your bread is untoasted.
You don't really spread butter, you slice chunks of ut to bread Atleast is how i did it when my roomie bought only butter and it made no sense to have two såreads in the housr
>>64878 I just thought it was funny I had a 120 GB SSD that I use for my OS and a few games I play often. And then 2 different 500 GB HDDs that are from old computers used as storage drives Still are. I was thinking I might buy a 500 GB or 1TB SSD at some point but not quite yet. I'm ordering more RAM today, and then my upgrade list goes
1. Mobo + CPU 2. GFX 3. +1 SSD 4. Third Monitor 5. Keyboard 6. MORE RAM
There's a lot which is available through streaming and cloud space in this day and age. And a lot of people don't necessarily care for archival and storage.
Savages Pure savages!
I know eh. Storage and being a filthy packrat are some of the highest pleasures of being a human bean.
is it better to get one stick of 8GB or two sticks of 4GB the great ram conundrum
Two sticks of 8GB.
But if you're set on an 8GB cap just get the one.
Yeah >>64905 this. But when you go to expand your RAM in the future, it's usually a good idea to try and get the same model of RAM as your previous stick.
who needs more than 8 gb anyway idk i don't run VMs or edit video
Just download more rem
>>64906 Yeah you dont really need more than 8 yet Thank you console gaming
>>64906 Maybe I just keep too many browser tabs open, but I sit pretty close to 6GBs of RAM in use without even anything intensive like a VM or a video game. Maybe if you're prim and proper, 8GBs of RAM is still fine for PC usage, but I like having the availability of breaking past that barrier if I need to. RAM isn't particular expensive these days anyway.
I run out of memory when I try and play Warhammer Total War. 8GB just get quickly consumed. I have no idea how to sort it out.
Sausage CA and shitty optimising on every sevond or third title Strategy games are hard to make it seems
Then there is firefox and all my tabs which leaves me constantly at 50%ish If I have firefox and warhammer open. Everything dies >>64913 I have only have 31 tabs open! I look into memoryfox
Maybe dont keep 500 tabs open Also memoryfox is a good app to get
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
shrug I'm not gonna judge if you have more ram I just don't need it I kinda doubt that having 500 tabs open is going to kill your OS though, modern OSes and browsers will flush that out anyway well >windows who knows
it's also pretty hard to accurately measure RAM consumption in a modern OS all them buffers shared buffers especially until you push it to the limit (and can accurately diagnose it as such) it's hard
Yup but i'd say dual or ttiple monitoring, with modern aaa games running with musac browser et al running 16 seems a good move Ram ain't that expensive anyhow
>>64914 It's not particularly killing my OS but there is a visible chunk of RAM usage from my browser. Chrome's various instances are using at least a gigabyte of RAM by their lonesome from a cursory tally.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>64918 yeah if you've got all that running the headroom can't hurt i wonder how much RAM streamers use
I wonder if my memory is enough too. Sometimes I can end up with all my memory consumed especially if I am download lots and lots of comiket music at the same time.
>>64920 Btw got spotify once to use 4gb of ram and increasing >>64923 Yeah, how it preloads songs on a playlist to ram is annoying as fuck at times, though it does allow the high quality seamless pkaying+it uses less hdd space
>turn on memoryfox - all process >instantly 35% instead of 50% wow
I have no idea what hard faults means but I guess they are just things. I wish Warhammer total war didn't crap out my PC. Other people seem to run fine on 8gb.
>>64925 RAM was pretty easily the least expensive part of my PC build. Except maybe the CPU fan and case, hah hah. Least expensive essential part!
>>64931 So you don't have to spend money on it when you do need to use it! Hah hah hah.
Don't do all process if you are gaming or shit. It can causr issues
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>64929 sure, but still like why would i spend extra on something i don't use
>>64934 Poor optimising just don't keep that many tabs open and run noscript
Oh yeah, doesn't a GPU pull memory from your PC's RAM when the VRAM isn't enough to cover the graphical demands of a game?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>64934 like i was saying modern OSes make accurately diagnosing memory usage quite difficult i wouldn't sweat it unless you're actually experiencing issues
hmm curious >>64937 i thought it was only integrated ones that do that, but idk GPU ram is like DDR5 or something ain't it
Well there are a myriad of reasons a game might not perform decently. RTS games especially often demand a powerful CPU because of all the actions and calculations they need to do because of mass units.
Well My CPU doesn't get too high usage but my memory gets pretty scarce.
And here i am with gtx550 or whatever lol Damn burgeouese
This actually one / my second graphics card for most of my life I've been running intel internal graphics on the motherboard. before that I used to run a 800MHZ computer that could just about play pocket tanks
>>64950 Nah am not Ca lies with their sysrqs as do modt companies Well "lies" is wrong word but, it isn't really cut clear how their stated reqs rarely align with what actually runs shit smoothly
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>64949 ah the last moments of purple haired broken wrist private academy girl rest in p
I had a dream about windows in my flat being giant screens that displayed the wallpapers I set to them. being awake make me feel like it would be not as nice as I think /dreamt it would be.
If you don't 100% match recommended reqs don't buy, is my motto in vidya game purchases
bang's new computer
>>64959 i can't wait until i can affordably cover my walls in screens
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
one of the founders of a startup i worked at had akiyama mio on his desktop pretty risque art too and he didn't give a fuck who saw, would start presentations from there good times
>>64961 And bring the world of Fahrenheit 451 into reality.
bang's new computer
I would probably have all of my walls display space like a big planetarium
I collect wallpapers. It is hard to find ones that I like usually.
I use a flat grey tone as my wallpaper.
bang's new computer
gotta get them papes
bang's new computer
when i used to actually see my wallpaper a lot i used to use flat colors with vectors of anime girls now that i always have it covered in applications i just use pretty imagfes
I used to like those single character on solid colour wallpapers but now they are a little bland for me. and ricing windows is such a fucking pain in the arse.
Linux renders images so much nicer, I definately notice a difference in image quality on linux.
>>64963 Couldn't find that in our libraries Made me sad
Yeah that's a real shame. It's one of the few books I'm earnestly grateful for literature classes for. I probably would have never sought out reading it myself if not for a classroom environment requiring it.
>>64962 I admire those that just don't care about stuff like that. I worry too much about how I present myself. Such is the price of growing up in private school, I guess.
bang's new computer
ricing windows is a lot harder than it used to be but windows is honestly good looking now with some minor adjustments to the base settings
>>64971 84 is better setting but 451 is better story and book You actually are invested in it and not just reading the speculative distopia
>>64973 >good looking I have to try really hard to fix the horrible borders. I can't stand thick borders.
>>65012 i don't expect you to use it but my autism flared up when you said you had an image that didn't fit your aspect ratio and you had green bg color behind it
One of the reasons I don't really use wallpapers is because I tend to have windows and apps up pretty much all the time anyway. So it's not like I'm ever actually looking at them.
>President's Choice it just gets better the more I look at it
School stabbimgs dont really hapoen, since you hardly can stab more than one before overpowered Hmm what about axings or swordings have those happened? School chainsawing would be metal
President's Choice makes the best chocolate chip cookies.
bang's new computer
>>65041 on the left the league of legends character
>>65045 A few ... There is a missing box of girl scout cookies in my house.
>>65039 Made in portugal with german steel Sounds sketchy to me more than "wow quality"
>>65046 I have no idea. I found it on the wallpaper board and thought it was a cute majou. I guess I will have to change it if it is from a terrible game!
>>65049 >>65050 I supposr they just don~t carry over to news here
Yeah, the button would be wrong! Make sure to get underwear with a button. Not having something to secure it seems like it would be horrible. Why would you walk around with a big hole in your underwear all day!
>>65104 I'd like to say that I have nice undies with stuff like htat one stuff like that on them but after yesterday I'm not sure I'd notice even with that.
I want to watch an anime where a gaijin girl goes to Japan, does her homework, and hides in a tree so she can fall on the right well-to-do protagonist-kun and impose on him and live the easy life as a super NEET. I also want to live that anime.
And then break his neck.
>>65120 And not get health care because not citizen
>>65119 That makes me think of Golden Time for some reason.
>>65149 I am pretty sure I'd die if I had to do that before working or after working. walking/running 2.6 miles to work is pretty tiring for me. it is a bit of a slope and uneveny muddy ground
My leg doesn't let me do a lot of exercise anymore if I'm taking benzos or drinking alcohol, the nerves don't really spring up and i can take long walks or a run but otherwise walking a half mile causes me left leg to really hurt
I was running and I realized I was really dehydrated so I should have stopped But then JUST ONE LIFE came on and I knew I couldn't stop. So I ran an /// a mile more than I should have haha
>>65286 That is pretty neat pick for a ringtone. I just have VN music from Tsukihime as a my Ringtone. I have an anime girl singing for a my text message
>>65287 >In your mind, what are the barriers preventing the participation of whites in the $5 box >You see, the whites just dont trust popeyes. never have, never will i wish i had a five dollar box
>>65291 >Maybe if they had more whites serving them the chicken, they'd be less wary of it. But it's gotta be the whites they can relate to, not so far obscured that they seem like they're with them
it's actually kinda scary how true it is
>>65292 I have two lamb chops ready Come over and engage in combat with my fish to claim the lamb chop
>>65298 Nozomu tokoro da! LAMB CHOPS are worth dying for. Just thinking about lamb chops is making me seriously hungry. Damn I went from no hungry to full ravenous hungry from you just mentioning lamb chops s
>>65299 And the white man, they trust the burger king you know why? When the last time you seen an african king they only got princes, and they from nigeria
I hear you, i hear you. Preach it brother.
>>65300 At that point we may as well just let them delete their Twitter.
Ah, you've ruined me Kirara, I was happily unhungry a while ago and now I have a uncontainable desire for lamb >>65312 Aidorus take all the comfy for themselves!
>>65310 I know you've already got one mother nagging you, but are you eating enough? Are you taking care of yourself? From the sounds of it, you left work this morning while it was still dark, arrived home when it was still dark, and hadn't even though about eating supper And I'm guessing your lunch during work was maybe a salad and some crackers
and a yogurt for breakfast you can't live like that
>>65315 I had a pita bread with hommus in it! and some chicken slices
Trump got his tweet read in a serious hearing too. Trump made the SNL sketch become a reality by tweeting his complaints as he was watching the proceedings.
i wonder if i could start a fine spirits blog there's a company, flaviar, that's currently charging 20 dollars a month membership and all they do is select a fine spirit and tell you about it, and have a big repository of suggestions on what you'd like based on info you provided you don't even get anything from them you can order through them, but the $20 a month is just a membership cost that does nothing besides tell you about spirits you might not have heard of
Having a channel might be neat. i think I'm interesting enough to have a channel but maybe too low energy. I don't know if I'd be able to come up with content on a regular basis.
>>65337 It's not slander, you said you were going to ruin my comfy and then you did.
>>65361 That's robert duvall he played a very similar and more family-friendly role in that secondhand lions movie we watched the gentleman next to him is tommy lee jones
>>65373 No. I offered to help wash dishes later and she got all weird about it, though.
>>65372 >>>/watch?v=gkccqolaVGg Yeah, but lonesome dove is from the 80s so he's super young in comparison i miss this movie i really love it secondhand lions i mean, lonesome dove is a miniseries
>>65374 Maybe she thought that you were an undercover butler the Fish family were thinking of replacing her with. And your sudden aggression made her feel her job was threatened!
>Ohio accidentally legalizes running red lights Nice.
>>65380 Maybe when I was in middle school or something. I don't really get flustered anymore from anything.
>>65382 Yes! that was right! with plane Ah that was a really good movie. I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks introducing me to it!
>>65384 Wasn't it? It's one of my favorites, despite totally being aimed at a much younger crowd
and the tiger that went romping in the cornfield
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
Gettispag :hurk:
Ah the tiger. I want a pet tiger.
err, lion not tiger hence the name of the movie i'm retarded
I thought it was a lion but I second guessed when you wrong tiger. My memory isn't amazing for a lot of things. I can remember a few things amazingly well but other things go to bits and pieces
>>65383 How do you accidentally legalise anything?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>65391 they wanted to let bicyclists go on red lights and instead allowed everyone else to
>>65392 How long was the law peepated, discussed, put into action Basically lenght of process
apparently jimmy kimmel and stephen colbert showed the video on their shows or something
It really disturbs me how some TV programs just hinge off social media so much i mean there are shows that do just that, and obnoxious as that is, why are late night shows doing it?
i'm not going to lie, whatever Colbert has been doing since after the colbert report, whatever the show is now, it falls so fucking flat it hurts i don't know if he has control over how the show proceeds at all, or if it's just a network thing, but it's awful i don't even mean the particular viewpoints necessarily, but just the bland, obtuse reference frame for humor and trying too hard to make points that are barely funny in the first place there's no sharp wit it really bothers me
I think moon linked it to me and said anyone else can find it interesting too. was that yesterday? this morning? a few days ago? >>65414 BUT it is huge!
>>65413 I didn't really think that many people would be ASTONISHED by a big chicken like, my aunt raises chickens and i like the bird in general i saw it and i thought "Oh, Kannagi'd probably get a kick out of that." i didn't think many other people would care other than "Wow that's a big chicken" and not really appreciate it much more than that i'm weirded out how a chicken video has gone so viral
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>65407 someone told me that colbert got pissed off and decided to go back to the old colbert or something i have only seen one or two videos of his new show though
>>65409 I think he's got some wit and cleverness that was interesting especially if you take the TV programming out of the way and saw him outside of a talk show/late night program or anything political at all
>>65413 it is huge, yeah i don't know, something about just thinking "Oh wow that's huge" and spreading it everywhere it's something strange to me
it's like when discovery channel had like the TOP ENGINEERING MARVELS and talked about the biggest things ever -- biggest buildings, biggest ships, biggest vehicles, whatever none of it really focused on the engineering, it was just people wanting a tidbit of "What's the biggest X" or when the history channel started filling almost ALL of its programming with nostradamus and stories of alien encounter because those were the highest-rated programs on their channel because people are sensationalist and want to hear about extremes
i'm sure there's a lot more meaningful and interesting things that happened yesterday than a video of a big chicken being uploaded and someone consciously made a decision on those late night shows to say "we should show the video of the giant chicken on our show tonight" it's just weird it's not wrong, it's just weird
The way it gets out of the coop and then stumbles toward the camera is part of the charm of the video too like holy fuck.
I think it maybe shows how high-stress everything is right now. The news is nothing but politics and fearmongering these days. People probably are jumping at a chance to freak out over something that's harmless but strange.
>>65420 I'm not sure I buy that information flow It doesn't seem to fit It's still somebody there at the set, production or planning or whatever, doing their job I feel like they're reaching out to social media and grabbing something sensational and sharing it out of competition, of sorts you gotta do it it's already been linked around the office by your interns and your outreach team forwarded it to the rest of the staff it's pervasive in the environment enough that it becomes a tangible idea to put it onto the show which all makes sense, but it's still weird
i guess i see what you're saying after explaining that, but i think it affects the system on that lower level, within the office, and manifests there it's not like the show is making that conscious choice to do that because of the reason you mentioned but that it just causes it to become ubiquitous within the planning environment in the first place
I want to do some decorating some time. Set up a nice clean organised room. >>65427 That one wasn't too bad! You get some hits and some misses with that ...with my fist. thing
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>65421 oh, yeah definitely i thought you were talking about like, people in general
>>65425 I'd like to decorate your face with my fist
>>65426 Naw, when I saw it linked by my chicken-raising aunt, i figured it was already on a path but airing on kimmel or colbert weirds me out it's like they're turning into whatever that show is that just straight up plays funny youtube videos, but instead of letting the videos be funny, some idiot talks over them to explain why they're funny how is that even a thing and it's very popular and successful
I found out I have someone with a bow so I made them a 4*
who is it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
inb4 virion
i meant to say that it was also someone who wasn't virion
oh nice
Oh of fucking course.
Setsuna is like one of the cute girls with bows.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
tilde loves setsuna
There's like two or three female archers in the entire game and I have NONE of them.
I downloaded flame insignia on my tablet just to see what rolls i got and i got 4x4* and 1x5* two summons in a row but my tablet SUCKS and overheats if i use it for more than five minutes rip i didn't know about re-rolling or i'd have done that on my phone
You can make a Nintendo account to keep your characters permanently
but on my phone i had already leveled everyone up and stuff is it worth it to start over with the better rolls
>>65462 Slightly better stats, and access to more native skills. I think if you like your line-up, just grinding out feathers to improve their star rank and rolling for more heroes is easier on the mind than re-rolling.
>slightly It's quite a considerable amount. The difference between a 4 and a 5 is access to the final weapon which is always +4 atk than the previous weapon (unless it's a Brave weapon where it's +3) That + more points in various stats. The weapon access becomes really important at higher levels though. It is incredibly difficult to fight at higher levels when you're using 4* compared to 5s because of your accessibility to both skills and damage.
I also got a 4* effie and i really really wanted effie
>>65480 this reminds me supposedly newborns aren't awake until being born, because the birthing process causes a stress response in the locus coeruleus that wakes them up i'm not sure i believe it but that's pretty interesting
>>65488 Well in the fetal stage most of the neurons haven't yet arrived to their destination and are still in formation it deeply lacks the connectivity needed to make patterns for allow for dreaming or motor awareness any connections that are made during that time would probably quickly become irretrievable by the dynamic environment of their brain the neurons connecting in fetal stage won't be the ones connecting later more importantly, if they havent been awake prior to that, there's not enough activity for somnolescent (sp) activity
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
google says that at 32 weeks, 90-95% of the day is spent sleeping
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
supposedly it's capable of voluntary muscle movements at 16 weeks
The "plan" was to finish level 40 w/green and level 40 w/flying simultaneously with Michalis. But Nino has been doing such a great job. Good job Nino.
Do you believe the people who claim they can remember being in the womb >>65494 My thoughts exactly
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
no because it's literally impossible they either have false memories or are mistaking their memories for it or flat-out lying
>>65494 i'm not sure precisely, but the brain should still be sensative // sensitive to vibrations like heartbeat and fluid during the fetal stage while you're not going to be storing any memories, there's potentially still physiological memory in the brain stem which would all be active prior to wakefulness
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they are able to learn but not retain new memories i don't think anyone would deny that they learn but nobody can remember being inside the womb it's just not possible
remembering what inside of the womb remember is a broad and not very specific term i could imagine being able to recall the comfort of wombhood given the right stimuli
I am reading up about it and apparently some people remember things that their parents had happen to them while in the womb that sounds so unreal.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i think remember is a pretty specific term
that's what we're talking about, recalling sensations from inside the womb which shouldn't be possible
So do you think womb-like situations appeal to our physiology in a natural way which the womb also does, rather than it bringing comfort from recollection from the womb?
i'll use an example of like an isolation chamber with warm salt water which you can float on effortlessly i do think it's an unspecific term though, because that's very much a physiological memory as opposed to "Oh yeah I remember being in the womb temporally" as an event in time or with any spatial reasoning
http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/1372615-pre-birth-memories-can-people-remember-being-in-the-womb-being-born/ >I have a vivid memory of my mother damaging her car on the way back from the grocery store. She got into a yelling spat with my father over it. When I asked my mother about it in my teenage years, she told me that I wasn’t born yet and I was still in her belly at the time. My father corroborated. [I] also have memory of day one. I was in my mother’s lap as she was wheeled out of the hospital after giving birth to me. I remember the building interior and the stained glass, the nurses’ attire, my father’s clothes, and the car they got into. Both confirmed my memory as well.
>>65501 i'm sure that person legitimately believes that but i highly doubt it's true i have very vivid memories of things from my childhood that i know for a fact never occured
most people do the simplest and most likely explanation here is that it's a false memory created by hearing about it rather than having a brain so developed that a person a few years old might be jealous of it
>>65500 i think it's merely learning, we retain those associations from our birth but there's no recollection of it the brain is simply not sufficiently developed before birth to retain recollections of things like that
>>65501 It's easier, I think, for someone to develop and share a story out of a want to feel special than it is for someone whose normality is based out of a foundation that isn't shared with the rest of the world and for them to be able to express their normality from the perspective of others normality whom they have no awareness of
So when I see things like this, I feel like if the person truly had those experiences, it wouldn't feel weird enough for her to be sharing this story as something exceptional It's possible she believes it, or that it's confabulated, but I don't see that being a foundation upon her world experiences which, for something that happened in the womb, seems pretty inevitable if true
I remember a past life as a greek from ancient Athens! It is all unlocked in the memories of my DNA
>>65502 I said it was a sensory recollection though What i mean from that is a physiological response developed from stimuli The brain isn't storing any of this in memory, but it's stored in the nervous interchange between internal and external, without needing executive brain function the limbic system and stem should be enough to manage that >>65506 i chose that word because it seemed more appropriate than learning there's nothing going on within the system other than the affirming of some early neuroplastic foundations being set in place by womblike environments recollection seemed appropriate because you're able to collect the sensation through the stimuli once again learning, i would argue, would suggest that there's causal awareness between the stimuli and sensation
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't think recollection is a good word for that what you're describing is merely a learned association it's just learning
I remember moe talking about epigenetic memory ages ago. At least I feel like it was moe talking about epigenetic memory and past lifes.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't believe causal awareness is necessary for learning it is for punishment to be effective but classical conditioning or reinforcement don't require causal awareness to be effective
when someone uses a word like recollection, it makes me think of autobiographical or episodic memory or something similar the hippocampus isn't sufficiently developed to retain stuff like that until around age 1 not to mention there's insufficient myelination at that point
I think it's our differences in perspective you're looking into the human condition to tease apart information
i'm working ground up from an entropic standpoint of information systems to construct models which the human mind emulates in a biological manner to the best of its ability, which is rarely contiguous with the model because of the complexity of its logical operators
so i think of an informational system being able to recollect something as internally being able to take its input and direct its function for the lowest-energy output and i think of learning and its ability to manipulate the input that it's receiving to utilize one input towards the resolution of any other input(s) it hasn't been able to resolve, even if that means by eliminating noise in its internal environment for less distraction
i think my wording is appropriate for my perspective, but i don't know if my perspective means anything to anyone else in the world but yeah, that's what i meant by it that the womb environment can still condition a response that has // recurs in a later environment, in potentially different conditions, based on the stimuli that's why i got confused by when you said that's what you were talking about
Time for the greatest time of the day! I have to go bed. I didn't intend to stay up since I was tired. Flanally I will hit the hay and dream of Lamb Chops.
Nighty Moes Yes it is a mystery! 3am so early!
>>65511 3AM? not a bad time to go to sleep good night kannagi hopefully we'll figure out why you're TIRED AT WORK EVERYDAY some day soon
>>65513 If you hover over the youtube link, does the line jump to underneath the image for you? or is that just my end and my zoom level? I wish it didn't do that
>>65515 Yeah, I think it is because the abbreviated link is short enough to be beside the image but once you expand it it's long enough that it's too big for the box.
>>65516 the first like 6 or 7 episodes were great but then it turned into crap
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it stayed pretty good the whole time man maybe you watched it wrong
It was kind of sad that he lost so much of his past.
>>65522 The villain was better in the manga but I thought they did a pretty good job in the anime it was supposed to be obvious, it wasn't a detective show
I'll probably take a short little nap soon. I finished one of the books I needed to read tonight. I need to read another later though. There's no anime so I'll have time.
I can think of one way to do it that you would never see coming. Unfortunately it would be a severe case of self-destruction because to keep her up all night I'd have to stay up all night and I have to be up early. So my current plans call for two naps, one now, and one a bit later. I still have more reading to do tonight too unfortunately.
>>65540 I guess since I'm not going to do it, I can tell you the best way to do it. To keep her up all night, I'd just target you and keep you up all night. She'd probably stay up and you'd be oblivious to it. I could just get you into a stupid argument like the one we're having right now and enjoy a fair degree of success.
>>65542 I'll admit I didn't consider that but your plan wouldn't work. As soon as she's ready, I'm going to bed whether you're being interesting or not!
Ive never enjoyed tequila before. I'm almost never had it. I had a little tiny bit of Jose Cuervo once a long time ago and it was so awful i couldn't ever even smell tequila without feeling gross
but i bought some expensive stuff today and it's so smooth it's not harsh, it doesn't sting going down it's like a really heavy agave water and it's delicious
>>65548 not jose queervo apparently that's probably why ive always hated tequila ive never been a mixer
but this stuff is respitado or whatever and it was pretty expensive a shot goes down so smooth and it just feels warm and makes you want some pulled pork
>>65558 We try to get to bed by 9. But my day set us back a little. And now Fish is doing something despite complaining that she wanted to sleep. >>65560 That was that and this is this.
>>65560 spoiler, Kirara set up an email pretending to be fish and baited you into it so you'd stop trying to contact the real fish and the rest is history you've been talking to a ghost
>>65564 I think you'd get bored of that eventually. Kirara could lead me on for months or years before getting bored though.
>>65565 I'm pretty effective. This isn't related, but she asked me if you usurped my position as queen of moe! I hadn't thought about being queen of moe in a long time.
>>65567 nah we've talked about girl stuff Powell is so far removed from the presence of the second X chromosome that he couldn't even fake it.
>>65568 Guys totally can. You're way closer to queen of moe than you are king of moe. don't worry though, I'm definitely the queen of moe so you don't have to worry. The fact that no one has said anything about it lately means that I've got unquestionable control of the spot!
>>65578 You're old news. We've moved on to talking about attitudes towards the help. Seems like they just ignore theirs. We usually treated ours like just another family member.
One day my information theory is going to overtake the world and bring us to a new era and i'm going to be interviewed on a highly publicized program by important people and i'm going to be asked how i feel about it and i'm just going to say that sometimes i wish i was anime
Hey do you remember when I said I could keep fish up all night long right under your nose and you wouldn't even notice? What do you think she's up to in the bathroom?
probably playing fire emblem while on the toilet isn't that what everyone does in the bathroom
I don't spend enough time on the toilet to do anything substantial on my phone I'm not exactly sure why other people have different experiences but I have a pretty good idea
>this dude keeps talking about "networking capital" for 45 minutes straight >wtf is networking capital wash my face NET WORKING CAPITAL OH this is your brain on transcription
oh i was sympathizing or do you mean you don't get what it is
yeah if there's a reference there i'm not getting it if it's not a reference i'm probably just retarded
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
people who drink their own koolaid, people who bullshit for way too long, ugh
haha where the hell does that come from
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
koolaid? when i think koolaid i think microsoft but idk if that's the origin like, goin to one too many corporate events and drinkin all the koolaid
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
why say 'networking capital' when you could just say 'influence' or 'reputation'
a buzzword that grinds my gears: using 'learnings' instead of 'lessons' or 'takeaways'
he was talking about net working capital but he's australian so spacing your words out isn't a thing
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
idk what that's about then
it's a financial advisor just the working capital that's net versus gross i'm just retarded i spent like 45 minutes repetitively typing in NETWORKING capital confused as hell though
>>65619 industry best practices to promote a paradigm shift towards cutting edge insights in business solutions development
>>65622 how can we get aligned on this issue? let's have a meeting to exchange learnings and make sure we're aligned on our goals. and then we'll figure out how to dollarize the product
there has to be a better term than best practices i really really hate that one and it's so ubiquitous
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
it should really just be implied eh like what do you think i'm not trying my best
>Co-opetition oh god who came up with this one i'm looking at a list of corp buzzwords now
I wonder who even reads these fucking transcripts they end up being like 400 pages long i fucking guarantee you these CxOs are not going to be reading ALL THAT SHIT written by (me) i bet the secretary just tucks it away in a drawer in case they get audited or to send out to anyone who wasn't present at the meeting
not that anyone can fucking read transcripts in the first place it makes zero sense without the audio present
super useful in court, for police investigations, and video editing these cxos wouldn't even be able to read the exact things they said it'd make no sense to them
>>65632 i hope i didn't give your little bro dota ptsd the other day i was too hungry and stressed out to be playing dota and shouldn't have opted in on another game
Yeah but i was talkin trash on blue and tilde because they're capable enough in the game to handle it they just play so greedy your lil bro is your lil bro i wasn't harpin on him and i only talk trash on people that i have enough respect for it to mean somethin and i wouldn't do that to someone new at the game
oh you were posting, i was choosing an image yeah, it really is about me though i don't like being a downer on the fun if there's a point where i'm being sore and a downer when people (myself included) are doing something for fun, then that's a flag that something's not okay on my end i don't really like being that way, but stress and other things get that way sometimes
I mean if you want proof of it. You were talking trash about me? Like hell I remember.
>>65638 yeah your support game is wicked shit you should practice playing some carries it pays off a lot more for your play style
i notice you really like to play your supports as very item-dependent, which imp // imo is such a waste just grab a carry or semicarry and do the same thing, having someone who can do more with less supporting you can only amplify that my carry game is pretty awful too unless i'm playing comp because i always want to rally people together towards objectives because i see (at least i believe so) opportunities in the overarching game where the enemy's exposing objective weakness
and straight that's just easier to do as a support or offlaner because i can control that flow if i try to do that as carry, i end up getting the supports tping to the lane to farm an empty wave instead because they're close to a force staff
Carry positions fill up too quickly, and in due respect to Bang's brother, when we're playing with him I pretty much need to do a support role because we're not gonna get sight and map control otherwise. I think my choice of heroes when I play support generally lean towards those that can fill a semi-carry position if the need arises anyway.
I'm really afraid of slowly losing the memories I've acquired over the years but I guess that's more of a sign that I need to start making new memories
It's the last free day before the season finale. I mean there is the dead week between seasons I guess, but it would be nice to finish the series on time, wouldn't it?
>>65663 I have to read up on all sorts of new joysey law while also doing my regular full time job and also a training test for a new contract life is hard work but it's still easier than being dead
>>65665 By acting like it's the only possible opinion of you that I could have.
You can be infuriatingly annoying at times, and yes, I do not find your humour particularly funny. (By the way that doesn't mean unfunny .) But why does it even matter that someone doesn't find you funny? Is you being a clown so integral to your personal identity?
But I enjoy watching stuff with you, that should be more than obvious. And I consider you a friend or else I wouldn't get so worked up like I do. Other kinds of people are a lot easier to just dismiss and put aside.
>>65666 yeah, sometimes you just have to do a bunch of work and there's no avoiding it.
>>65667 >>65668 I think I'm reasonably funny. I was more miffed about being called annoying. Blanket being called annoying is a pretty serious thing to say about someone, it's different than being told you're annoying at times. Perhaps you were going for the latter but my impression of the conversation was that you were going for the former.
It is convincing to me that you're saying you consider me a friend, there are times that I have doubted that. I'm much less angry with you now, but like I said, I can't do it tonight because I'm buried in work.
do yall view being annoying and being obnoxious varying degrees on the same spectrum, or two traits independent of any common spectrum but perhaps with overlap
I think, I think I'd put it as, obnoxiousness is something I register in others, which causes annoyance with them in me. There are myriad things that can annoy me which aren't necessarily obnoxious, but obnoxiousness can pretty consistently annoy me.
With that point being made, things go a lot more smoothly if we express out internalizations as such and don't externalize them Given how much self-concept hinges around our interactions with others, it helps avoid a lot of negativity and stigma too, to recognize that something that bothers or attracts or puts you off about a person or thing sayhs // says more about you than the person or thing that's pretty crucial during high school years and stuff, when someone saying to you "That's weird" or "You're weird" is really degrading but "That seems weird to me" or "I find you weird" is a little more endearing and is expressing something more critical and relevant that's a skill we don't really develop during the years where it's so critical though, so I think you can tell a lot about a person by how they characterize things from their frame of reference there is such a status as being annoying, and it bears a totally different meaning to "i'm annoyed by it" it sounds like this is a critique of the discussion above but it's not because you're not teenagers but those kind of things are the things i notice from simple little posts that don't really say much or simple words said by people while they're going about their day and the fact that it might not be a meaningful occasion tends to make it more relevant, because that subconscious action tells a lot more than something we give a decent amount of thought to
i really really oh wow good morning kannagi you had just went to sleep, uh five hours ago god it's been five hours and i'm not very much further on my work this is bad
>>65690 oh no i'll have to order some and mail it to you along with milkbath for your birthday present i'll toss some of that talenti gelato in the box too
mussamun curry, buttermilk bath soak, and gelato i don't have containers for each so i'm just putting them all in the same container i'll trust you to separate them when it arrives >>65693 No It does inhibit glutamate release from the vesicles -- no, sorry, that's alcohol it inhibits the replenishment of the vesicles of their glutamate, causing less supply to the neuron interchange eventually, without enough, your central nervous system will just be too weak to function and you'll fall asleep because you don't have enough glutamate to fuel more than your brain stem and limbic system and whatever other thresholds for wakefulness are stored up there
that tfw when you need to ash your cigarette but your lips are so dry that you can't remove the cigarette from your mouth without ashing on yourself and burning yourself with hot embers
>>65693 I am already super retarded so I think it does!
bang's new computer
tfw you haven't had a cigarette in long enough that you can't remember how long it's been tfw your memory is so bad you can't remember back a month
That's okay Bang I struggle with memories of a few days back some times.
>>65698 that's quite an image >>65699 i'm doing a double all-nighter ive been getting by on about half a cigarette a day, but nights like this just drag on and on and so i drag on my cigarettes
>>65698 Let's be retarded together >>65692 Interesting, I 'll have to look more into it arigatou
>>65702 i might be wrong in any case, no, you're not killing brain cells by sleep deprivation. Also, you're not killing brain cells by drinking alcohol. I don't know where these rumors came from, or the fiction that brain cells can't be replaced they can your brain is very good at that
>>65705 It can, however, reinforce neural pathways that are used in a sleep-deprived state the more a neuronal path is used to reconcile an action potential the easier your body recognizes it as a suitable solution for the given stimuli so if you're always sleep deprived, your mindset and thought patterns can change nothing's dying, but you're reinforcing a thought pattern it's not necessarily bad, but it's different. and because organic compounds are complicated things, conditions during wakefulness might not be able to access those pathways due to glutamate levels or whatever else is going on biochemically there's no neurodegeneracy going on, but potential behavioral reinforcement
>>65708 I will go full chuunibyou and attempt to make a split personality for when I am sleepy and when I am awake! Although I haven't slept properly in ages and ages so maybe I am already chuuni sleeping inside
the chain link and sheet metal leads me to believe it is in a not-doing-so-well kind of place i would imagine it's being kept in some kind of captivity and being fed wrong it's easy to assume it's also being mistreated but there's no real way to know
all i know is that it's a picture that makes me sad
Being that overweight is being mistreated.
bang's new computer
well i meant like mistreated in other ways as well
>>65716 all the wildlife sanctuaries use chain link fences, but also enclosed habitats where the animals can retreat to, and a variety of different areas for eating, playing, nursing cubs, et cetera i think that cat is just preggers
I'm sure there's a story behind it.
bang's new computer
i thought that too and all the pregnant big cats i see don't look like that
bang's new computerSearch [iqdb](88 KB, 500x253, fat-seal.jpg)bang's new computer
now i don't know the story behind it but that one looks kind funny
>>65723 litter sizes vary, age of mother varies i'm not 100% that that's the case, but i doubt it'd be fat in a chinese exploitative zoo i watch those livestreams of tigers a lot and their cubs and i see some fat mommas they eat voraciously when preggers something like six times their normal daily diet
bang's new computer
it says he's a really fat mountain lion named big bear at the moonridge zoo in san bernadino
maybe he's just a fatty cat that likes to eat or maybe he's got a thyroid problem either way california's probably treating him well enough
bang's new computer
well now that i know he's not in a shithole i'm less worried about his treatment i'm still worried for his health
I looked it up apparently it is a rescued big cat. and is now at a better weight.
This from a bunch of posts on reddit with pictures but I am loathe to post links to reddit
bang's new computer
lynxes look fucking weird they should be ashamed of themselves
Ah It was pregnant at least that is what I got from: >Cascade and Canyon came to us in 2002. Their mother was raiding a goat ranch up north and the rancher shot her. Fish and Game noticed she had been nursing babies and they went to look for them. They found 3, two week old babies, all females, and took them to their facility nearby to care for them. The babies had ringworm and some intestinal problems, but after another two weeks, they were doing well. They were imprinted, however, and could not be released back into the wild. Fish and Game wanted all three to go to a facility together, so our zoo took all of them when they were about 4 weeks old. Unfortunately, we lost the smallest female, Peg, when she was about two years old to a form of cancer. The other two are doing very well and are very large for females. They are probably the most easy going Mountain Lions we have ever had.
bang's new computer
wait but the mother was the pregnant one right and it was shot
bang's new computer
actually i changed my mind some lynxes look really cool they still look weird though
You're just jealous that kitty is fucking /fit/ as.
I did work all night ive got twelve hours to go toooo i'm gonna take a full day nap when i'm done
the biggest issue i have about sitting and working this long is neck support. my neck gets really tired. i wish i had a neckbrace even though my neck isn't broken that seems like it could be cozy to have your head at rest at all times
I've got a small but pointedly sharp headache behind my left brow. I don't know if I've got enough low level painkillers for it so I hope I can just sleep ii off.
>ex-campaign manager for Trump, Manafort, secretly was working to advance Putin interests >Secretary of State does not want to be Secretary of State - wanted to retire it all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling doooown
>>65760 dont you mean trickling down hillarysmugtoadmeme.wav.tar
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
why dont you pokemon GO FUCK YOURSELF
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
my cuck colleague in my cohort was playing pokeman go in class yesterday wwwwwww
what's wrong with that i was playing it at the doctor's office it was telling me there was a pokemon inside the MRI machine
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
catching pokemans in a graduate level lecture is pretty unprofessional
oh i thought you meant in class as a physical placement, not a temporal one
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i should have said during class
this is a CLASS type pokemon shit, i had a wordplay to go off of there with grass type pokemon but it fell out somewhere and now i cant find it
real classy of you moon
i have brisket sandwiches
sounds good whered ya get em
from my fridge yesterdays brisket of tomorrow, today
>During the debate over a budget resolution that would move forward the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as Obamacare, Rep. Drew Ferguson of Georgia used a colorful metaphor for what the law has done to the country. >"A little over six years ago i lived in a pretty decent house," Ferguson said. "And one day I heard a knock on the door and before I knew it my colleagues form the other side of the aisle had let a goat loose in my house." >"Now for six years, that goat has been messing and destroying my house," Ferguson continued.
>>65788 if i didn't have important information for work saved to my clipboard right now, i'd copy the link to the turtle fences youtube video
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>"I want to renovate my house, but before I can I have to get the goat out of the house before it does any more damage," Ferguson said. "It makes no sense to start fixing up my house until we get the goat out."
i am 12 hours in on this project and 10-ish hours to go i'm very tired, but more importantly my hands are very sore but i'm on a crunch for time so i need to keep going
IF i take ibuprofen, is it going to make me more sleepy? i literally never take paint killers so i have no idea
when i was a teenager playing ragnarok online, i had a friend in my guild who lived in a trailer with his dog and his grandma he wasn't real bright but he was incredibly friendly and supportive some of the analogies he'd come up with to try and explain simple ideas were so contorted and awkward that it made me laugh i wish i could remember more detail about them
i do remember one when he was complaining about how his class got nerfed, and he was saying how it's like when you're trying to peel potatoes and you have to wash them off with cold water first, but that makes them slippery and dangerous to cut with a knife, and you end up wasting a whole lot of the potato because you have to cut it off in larger chunks instead of trimming the edge real close in order to not cut yourself with the potato peeler
>>65806 it usually wasn't the analogies themselves but the fact that he'd use an analogy to explain something that is incredibly simple to explain conceptually it was really bizarre
it's like when you're sitting across the table from your crush and you have a boner, and you dont want her to see your boner so you wait for her to get up first so you can see whether or not she has a boner as well
It's like when you're trying to host a tabletop game but everyone's schedules keep changing at the last minute and gen you can't do what you intend tondonsmetidnrnfnnjemxmsmm