Boogiepop wa Warawanai Egao no Daika --Episode 10-12 Endro Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka Persona 5 The Animation - Stars and Ours (Fifty-minute runtime) To aru Majutsu no Index W'z --Episode 5-12
also something so chuuni and meta is a good match for boogiepop since they have such abstract powers and presence too >>657809 i never felt like he was a bad guy since the arc started honestly just seems to me like he's another otherworldly force interacting naturally with humans he's not technically even doing anything bad to these people by just getting them to confront their baggage i guess
And then the twist is the King of Distortion isn;t even the bad guy.
They felt like they'd gotten to the end but they were still only dancing in the palm of his hand.
Oh yeah I discovered this when I was doing a bit of research on Boogiepop last week. The author is a big fan of western music and sneaks references about it into
>>657817 Well that's what I suggested above but I think we should only do four shows tonight. We've hacked down the list of most things worth watching to a much more manageable amount.
in the dex
do you guys wanna watch asuka instead of egao i'll be here tomorrow regardless but i honestly think egao is a bad show
>>657845 Imagine breaker is inside his body but I think flammy doesn't know actually I'm not sure maybe nobody knows at this point but it's not his arm exactly
Yeah I'm a little fuzzy on the details but I'm aware on a couple of the concepts. I knew Fiamma would manage to disarm Touma too. I've seen stuff from threads talking about the LNs.
Fiamma definitely thought Imagine Breaker was in Touma's hand, that's why he went to cut it off. Now he seems a lot more uncertain though hah hah.
>>657849 >>657850 well if you don't mind spoilers it's basically an ancient incarnation that was created when magic and such was initially created as a counterpoint that resurfaces inside specific people throughout the ages, Touma IS imagine breaker, there's no way to strip it from him and it's only "in his arm" because he does not yet understand how to utilize it fully.
>>657853 I'm guessing you mean three or two more. We should do two.
Middle management are so sad Especially when they're old I look at them in their like 40s to 60s working in interim management positions making like 20 bucks an hour and feel such pity
Someone's got to fill the roles. At least until we automate administration and we can get EH AYE to take care of it.
AI can't take that position you need human beans in it so that they can occasionally demonstrate unusual levels of drive and interesting new ideas to drive progress Those people advance to upper management and executive positions The others just stay there content with their decent wage regardless of the lack of advancement and respect from lower level employees
>Assuming Chika ever does anything intentionally and doesn't just make it up as she goes along
that last bit was real good. One of my friends was telling me the festival arc was extremely good and that I should look forward to it.
okay let's endro
well he can catch up we've been orange for awhile
let's start!
It's probably one of the highest points of the series. Though your friend might've been talking about the school festival arc, since that's actually more of an arc and is also EXCELLENT.
But there's also the sports festival arc which is a fantastic arc as well hah hah.
>>657901 Well summer'll be coming up soon. Unless she's taking summer courses maybe she'll have more time to be around.
yas the bwaka show I manipulated my sister's gay "friend" (ONLY A FRIEND LOL) into watching some of this and she fucking loved it Too bad she's too busy with triple major or some shit 95% of the time to hang out >>657900 Yeah maybe She's the type that would pick up a lot of summer work voluntarily though and I don't know her too well She does all kinds of hard work and study and then gets stressed the fuck out but doesn't want to stop haha >>657900 Maybe he dozed or something Or he's distracted No telling
they apparently imitated some animation trick that they did for houseki no kuni where they rendered the characters and the rest of the scene on two different timelines to give the feeling of a cel animated piece in Spiderverse
i thought that was neato explains why that show and spiderverse feel much more like actual anime/cartoons than your typical 3D affair
Oh wow that may be worse than the maid remembering.
Well they still don't know Mao is the Maou. Since they only ever saw her as the big menacing disguise.
>>657933 Houseki also did some great stuff with its camera work that I could definitely see the Spider-Verse creators taking some inspiration from. They did a really good job making the camera mobile in action-intense scenes that, yeah, a lot of 3D anime tends to just keep it stationary and boring.
>>657938 That show from the creator of Blame! that I forgot the name of did some cool stuff too Oh Knights of Sidonia? Cydonia?
Though most of the time it looked horrible, the actual action scenes were really well done I think They mirrored the manga's depictions well and the author of them is a legend at action paneling imo
Just a shame the out of mech/ship scenes that take up like two thirds of the content of the manga looked so horrible
I think it was Sidonia, Cydonia was the Muse album.
The studio that animated Houseki is actually set to work on a new adaptation soon of a series called Beastars. It's a little bit furry with anthropomorphic animals in a human-like society, though more on the side of Zootopia than proper furry stuff. I've read a few chapters it's kind of interesting.