kind of feel like going off to the desert in the summer and seeing if i can survive hmmm i guess that means im feeling self-destructive
remember to set safety nets so if if becomes not, you won't actually join the desert
>>648424 That seems to be a common route you start drifting towards when there's a lot of pressure on you. Try and bear it out.
Oh boy, this week in my Philosophy class we're doing free will and determinism.
>>648424 a fine way to do it forexample is to set out with 2 weeks of rations one to use one for emergencies then set up a goal of say "survive for 2 weeks with the 1 week rations" and that is win goal and if you have to tap into the other 1 week emergency rations, you lose and have to go back the first oppotunity you can
>>648446 manga is pretty much the same as the anime but the anime only adapts up to volume 6 or 7 that volume just got released last week, translated at least
new world arcitechture always looks weird >>648448 a high inquisitor in wh40k and one of the main characters in the text to speech parody btw
Changes a lot depending on where you go in the city. We've got stately Victorian homes, Soviet-esque prefab apartments, industrial redbrick buildings, modern stylistic condo/office buildings; the whole wash really.
i gotta finish kafka's Trial so i can start on a new one ive been trying to read it for a month but I've been so busy im only halfway through ive got 100 pages left of the main story at least
>>648450 and that is why it is so doo just that shot has like 10-20 styles with one townhall being different from the next you have almost every imaginable kind from 20th century lined up there and the front building on the left might be from 19th even atleast the style is
I know, that's kind of why I took the shot. The assortment was just a real nice aesthetic.
and then there is the fact, that the tram runs on concete slab road and next to it is asphalt the tram hasnt been reserved a lane of its own, despite there being room for it and so on
I think I earlier called it something like a ducttape mess of a road, when you psoted a pic of that or av ery similiar crossroad from a different angle
It's the same street just like two intersections east, hah hah
Though one of the main differences between the old and newcontinent, is how old buildings are valued You get a shitstorm in most european cities, when you try to demolish anything that has any age And that isn't even counting that most of buildings, even if not in anyway historical, are protected as such. Just because old Fact is, that people dislike changing the look of a city Especially when the new building is going to just be 4 by 4 block of concrete legos legoes?
like take this building you can even SEE the seams of the construction blocks 70-80s fast construction at its best, when the fact that they were legohouses, was in some twister architects mind a "good thing" older from 60s and newer from 90s, built identically, hide these seams atleast Quite a good change was a let's see
town of malminkartano (lit. Estate of Ore) is pretty much my favourite, because of it 's odd architectural choices having many weird attempts at making "fashinable housing" etc or ressurrecting corner stone businesses
Good chunk of the buildings were built so, that the first floor were minor offices/storefronts that had access directly to the 2nd floor, where the business owners would live the experiment didn't last long, I think they constructed these in the 70s, but by 90s only fewcorner stores or businesses existed and then of course the depression hit
>>648477 it hasa charm to it, like I said "a car crash" but it isjust blocks of concrete give it a paint job or something shees
Oh man delicious pączki. Blessed be the commercialisation of cultural religious traditions.
looks like a damn good level for a video game, though or if you had a whole city made out of those side by side, on top of eachother for klicks and klicks
but give it a little paint job and add greenery to it and it would get a "hanging gardens" look
Kirara I just went to an audiologist to get my hearing tested. I have a super human hearing range. And this test was done while I have ear problems in both ears So if I take it again after they heal I'll have an even better hearing range.
even your ears have autism
For you Wait fuck
I just broke my not saying "for you" streak. Anyways I think I went without saying it here for like 6 days give or take a few.
That's pretty cool. Congratulations. You go to concerts and stuff, don't you? For your hearing to be that good despite that, it's pretty impressive.
>>648503 Yeah, I've only used hearing protection once, and it wasn't one of the many times i was right up at a speaker. I do however intend to wear hearing protection going forward.
>>648520 It might be worth calling customer service just talk abuot how you're a longtime customer and really like the company but *liked the company but now you might consider other airlines
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>648517 not on my device it isn't its uses a shit ton of ram to listen to a live music stream and often crashes
Dates and planning is really hard. It's easy to casually put something on the wrong day. It's easy to forget things too.
>>648532 first of all, how would the website allow that most booking sites here would say 29.2 "invalid date" or have you use a calender view, where you can clearly see the dates second baaaaka third if you do have the time, and motivation, that kindo f error explained well enough could get you a refund or something at the very least
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
you could probably at least get frequent flyer miles
>>648538 depends on how well you explain it if you adamantly say you wrote 29.2 and the system didn't give out "error" you can make it their fault
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
well maybe not yes
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
do it sooner rather than later though
if they have some servicedesk in that aripot, do it there these kinda things work best in person on premise of "god I want to get rid of this guy already"
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
they also can't just redirect your calls endlessly to other people if you go in person
They took one of my favorite albums off Spotify and I can't find any information about why. That's so stupid.
i look forward to the gfl valhalla collav
>>648574 sometimes some albums are taken down temporarily due to rights being essentially renewed say theyh ad a deal for 5 years and that closes down, but for some technical reason the album gets taken down and "reuploaded" to the database depending on how well the spotify system works, a playlist should find the new songs on its own or not at all happened to me several times with say blind guardian songs, and then it permanently killed my playlists for them, when they took down all the old albums and added the digital remasters instead
similiar hiccup happened for everything under Teosto for a day or two due to a slight misagreement between them and spotify
>>648578 Yeah it wouldb e nice if they notified of such changes... Most amusing is how some songs on my mainplaylist have gone from 1 album version to live to best songs edition to the original version to finally again permanently into a live version and they never really infoed me why this happened
Yeah. Spotify is really useful and only $5 a month but stuff like that is frustrating enough to make me want to just buy a big microsd card and fill it with music.
let me spotify this rutracker account
it's $0 a month and has everything spotify does and doesn't
Kirara, the Princess
but also that means i have to plan ahead spotify is great because I can choose music on a whim
the process is like i talk to my mom or sister on the phone // before that even i'll be doing good, unsedated, productive, full of good energy and feeling great talk to a family member on the phone start to immediately feel terrible and full of frustration, begin to feel bad about myself, feel like im in a double bind again go through a long period of bad feelings and having my quality of life suffer finally start to come out of it and just start feeling good about myself again then it's like texting, "hey call when you get a chance to have a chat" n no fuck you im not going to
Kirara, the Princess
yeah you gotta just say no
i have had no work this past two weeks stuff finally came through today but it was all already assigned as soon as it was sent out so i didn't get the chance to claim any my next paycheck is gonna be like 60 bucks it's ridiculous idek
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
emotional distance is not the optimal way to set healthy boundaries in relationships
it's not uncommon for movies to not break even at the box office
Kirara, the Princess
for a movie with hugh jackson to miss the mark by so much is pretty unusual
>>648778 yeah it's not shocking but with the names involved people expected a much better performance the vast majority of a-list movies don't until late in the box office run if they do too unless you're marvel studios or something i guess
Kirara, the Princess
jackman lol autocorrect
i need to get a humidifier or something my room is really dry can't just drink a bunch of water before bed since it makes me wake up i guess
Kirara, the Princess
put a hose into your room
but then my carpet would mold and shit not like i'd be losing much from that but breathing mold every night is worse than having a dry mouth
Kirara, the Princess
what if the mold turns into a cute girl
i will put on my headband and throw holy fire while yelling about monsters that don't belong in this world
i finally got some work last day of the pay period, four hours before invoices are processed sigh so total for this pay period is going to be less than 200 dollars fuck my retarded disabled dysphoric life
It's called Pan so call Pan and ask him for the DVD
my breakfast deito was really fun you know you've got a connection with someone when they're talking about shit you don't care about at all and you're still having fun
not as it stands now i'll have to do some freelancing to catch up to where i need to be but doing that is going to exhaust what little energy i can save up to do regular work so i'll either be hurting mid-month march or start of april probably hurting throughout all of it but im used to being spread thin
not sure what the bills will be like for heating and stuff i can probably spread my meds out through the month and go off the wellbutrin again that shit's so expensive actually it's not too bad with the goodrx coupons
sometimes i just need to express feelings that are nagging at me it's not a veiled plea for help thank you though i probably shouldn't be doing that on /moe/ in the first place but i dont really have anyone so it's the best i can do for myself
wonder into what kind of ape it evolves into >inb4 it is furrygarbage give us primeape 2.0
Kirara, the Princess
it's gonna evolve into a human but with grookey face and colors
it's gonna evolve into ringo starr
Kirara, the Princess
ringo starr should be a jojo
Kirara, the Princess
im skipping my weekend obligations after all i need time off i don't owe those losers anything
what were those supposed obligations?
Kirara, the Princess
i was supposed to give a talk on burnout and self-care as part of an activist convention kind of thing but im on the verge of burning out lol so it would be bad if i went for the weekend and burned myself out because if i go, i don't have any time off until next Friday which will be 5 weeks no days off
just send them a message "sometimes it is necessary to have a break lol"
Hope the weekend's the rest you need then. No need to break your own back.
yeah i gotta prioritize myself sometimes i feel bad about it but i have fish and clients and it'll be worse for them if i burn myself out and ill be miserable too
>>648833 well it's not just a regular xanax it's a contraband xanax those are a lot more dangerous
Kirara, the Princess
>>>/@Iokistiel/1101585226256519174 people are raging at terry crews for saying that it's healthy to have both male and female role models and that those role models take on paternal and maternal roles
How many deaths would you even have to have to make morques be constantly overflowing anyhow?
idk because there's not like a standard morgue they're all built at different times with different infrastructure there are a bunch of reasons a morgue would or could overflow that has nothing to do with disproportionate deaths
but let's say they have a capacity of 100 average and can process about 20 cadavers a day well that would be at least 21 I guess daily, but that wouldn't really lead to overflowing so it would have to be upwards of 40 death per day and even that could be compated with some whip- over working or smart contracting
anyhow seems like ar eally stupid lie to tell or half-truth
Kirara, the Princess
>>648876 it's really amazing how stupid these people are
they go through like strategy meetings and shit to discuss sound bites and the right language and everything it's not a matter of stupid they are as much as how stupid they believe everyone else is they design that stuff
what's an anime with a lot of crying in it not necessarily make-you-cry stuff but just that has a lot of crying in it besides kaiji and clannad
all I canthink of are some idol animus, atleast near the last episodes and jigoku shoujo maybe
Kirara, the Princess
there was an anime a season or two about a girl with pink hair at a retreat for learning how to write better manga i think she cried in like every episode
>>648895 It was fun. Good fights and the occasional good character bit and plot development. It does go a little Shounen Dumb at times but if you liked the first series the second should go over fine.
Something about Twitter's threading that nags me is how it will display a post or two of the start of someone's thread then jump all the way to the last one or two posts in that thread before you expand it. It feels way more intuitive to just fit as many chronological posts in instead of this jumping around.
>>649045 yeah it's a nice convenience and fashion statement at the same time
you're not having a stroke are you
i am fallen i am fading i have lost my phone help me to seeeee
Get someone to call it?
yeah but i have a habit of putting it on vibrate or do not disturb haha
Oh no. Well I'm sure it'll turn up eventually.
yeah, if nothing else it will be found when the alarm goes off i gotta get to sleep so i shouldn't be looking for it too much good thing every device these days has alarm functions on them
Imagine that instead of riot cops or military police, every single protest got shut down by the national guard with TANKS would be way too expensive for even USA to maintain that
and in this scenario USA is occupying basically another USA in terms of size and population
this dating dnd thing is really funny >my character is Dave Bionicle, he's 12.3% dragon he found out on 23 and me and he likes to claim it even though he just looks like a dude
Kirara, the Princess
apparently the dude who strangled that mountain lion is basically a fraud he strangled a mountain lion kitten that was like 3 months old
>get comfy in the bowels of a dungeon >Leviathan trying to get comfy on the stone floor >something // graze something slithery >YELPS >it's not a snake it's a belt this is really cute to imagine Leviathan doing I'm very happy
>>649156 Even if you thought the site okay, you should be aware of how bad a reputation the site has... if you wanted the meme fame, shouldh ave just gone for 4chan or something But 8 chan the white supremacy loliporn site of fame?
>>649162 You can kinda even follow the reasoning >let's do an ama as company >but let's not do it in somep lace that is heavily moderated (basically outrules the usual places) >so what about a chan? and at this point, you have to ask why did they just skip 4chan/v or /vg?
Were they unaware of 8chan's fame in the media? I refuse to believe this Did they simply not care, or thought that people had forgotten the articles about them? Like say even if 8chan has become, dunno anything about it since never been there, a decent place, the past fame wouldstill hit them hard.
All I can think of is that the top branch said "do an ama at some place" and then some guy, who likes 8chan decided that is the place they will do it and whoever okayed it wasn't aware of its fame, whole company being European so not that unlikely.
>>649155 but then you have this... presuming they are speaking the truth, what kind of a company woulda llow its PR team to try bribe the journoes... I mean some do, but they are BIG COMPANIES not thq nordic
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>titania hurts herself dodging another bee
Kirara, the Princess
sasuga hime-sama
>>649169 ikr and bribing them with game codes at that
wuups I nuked finland >>649183 Nah, it was part of the scenario the "science disbelief" the super science country will always at some point discover you and cure you at equal speed if entire world was working on the cure however, if you just wipe out that country, there isn't going to be any progress on the cure kidna amusing scenario
But parasite, if you have the parasite abilities maxed, can even KILL people without being found out unless you play on hardest difficulty
man I havn't played the game in so long time, I end up wasting points in symptoms, cause I Don't remember the evolution tree on memory
I still like parasite and fungus most fungus because its spore mechanic is fun and parasite as you can get so huge without ever being found and then do some funny hijnks like "sudden insanity in everyone"
>fully heals itself at will >can nearly wip the party with every attack >summons ghosts that I don't know what they even DO >is a waifu I don't think the 13a crew can do this
But that aside, the type of person tanya is, is basically the type that would get high in any kind of society capitalist, socialist, feudal etc a socio/psychopath willing to do anything to advance in life
But naw it isn't that good you can see carlos zen? I think it was critique the mentality of the MC, who is basically the "perfect corporate cog" in a way and the kind of guy who was born to succeed in the society japan is right now BUt is it actually capitalist critique or just critique of the weird world we have developed into?
>>649260 in my mind the anti abortion crowd are more likely to use that terminology with the whole SPREAD YOUR GENES mindset
Kirara, the Princess
two gunshots outside tonight
Ballad about worthlessness of everything
a song about two guys going on a shoot out duel and shooting each other dead
>>649280 I dunno, when you hear of some really nutcases talking about "you could abort a baby even after birth", it wouldn't seem that surprising that those types would literally see the woman as a host to some "parasite"
you ever notice in tv shows and movies, whenever people fill a glass, they only fill it halfway or less than half? what's up with that? isn't that weird?
>>649284 I don't think anyone really believes that abort after birth rhetoric
>>649288 I wouldn't say "anyone" but they most likely number in very very tiny minorities >>649287 yeah I usually fill it to the brim and if you move it it spills and then drink it without spilling
>>649290 >didn't show saruman the main villain of first 2 arcs
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I only fill my cup in the morning with juice up to about the halfway point I use these silo cups and there's like a middle ring and it's what I use to gauge
>silo cups >ton drinks a literal SILO of juice a day
If you look at that clip, both situations are perfectly logical situations of "brute force and blunt object is the answer" >labyrinth made of bones >just a door
Heh if memory serves it was Bismarck who once said something like this when asked if he didn't fear a British intervention on germany during some conflict hilighting the fact, that the UK had, while a very capable army, a very tiny army compared to the continental powers. So small infact, that for example the german police OUTNUMBERED THEM in terms of just manpower
While I am an enthusiast scrooge and saving energy whenever possible is a positive, I kinda hate it when my appartment and others too, chooses to dial down the heating due to warm weather, and then get surprised when few days have the temperatures drop by 10 to 15 degrees back into negative 5 to 15 DESPITE US ALL READING/SEEING/LISTENING to the same weather broadcasts God, why do they react tot hese things AFTER they happen and not beforehand
>4 HUMINT standpoint In a nutshell, HUMINT is the gathering of intelligence from interpersonal conversations and the media. There was once an era during which Communism was particularly attractive, and there were Communists milling about all over the place. Recruitment was so easy! By the way, Carlo Zen is hoping to recruit people as “Communthusiasts.” Keep your wits about you! lel
Unless it is the later volumes or he doesn't add it to his work, i am more and more thinking that zen is actually a super capitalist or He is creating another Starship Troopers(film)