Thread #648627
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3D Kanojo Real Girl Bermuda Triangle --Episode 4-7 Boogiepop wa Warawanai --Episode 10-13 Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue Egao no Daika --Episode 6-8 Go-toubun no Hanayome Grimms Notes --Episode 3-7 Mahou Shoujo Tokushuen Asuka W'z --Episode 5-8 Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! Yakusoku no Neverland Kakegurui XX --Episode 4-8
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boogiepop 10 mahou shoujo egao 6 h, hmmm boogiepop 10 mahou shoujo neverland egao 6 (the maybe of the night) go-toubun
Why not an episode of Kakegurui instead of Egao.
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oh that's fine but that's the burner episode
Well better to have something good in that slot than otherwise all the same.
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any sign of ika?
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okay boogiepop 10 okay lets start!
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Looks like we're returning to some of the characters from the first arc.
<Kirima Nagi Oh whoops I got the wrong arrow. But this doesn't quite look like the Kirima Nagi we've seen before.
Well her eyes kind of do. I think they're sharper when we know her in the other arcs.
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Yeah she looks kinda funny this time.
And this is the girl, or one of them really, that got killed in the first arc. So I guess this is a prequel bit.
The strain in her eyes here are definitely more like hers as we've known her though.
kitty on arm typing with one hand>>648647 yes domo arigato
16:00 16:05 16:10 You good?
Wow his hat is a gearpunk hat.
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wow he's got a mark on his hands.
Well that set up a lot and answered little. How interesting.
>>648651 boogiepop in general haha
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mahou shoujo okay lets start!
i cant feel my arm no more>>648655 i never asked for this i cant even move she wrapped her arms around it
RIP your arm. It died to a worthy sacrifice.
this mahou shoujo looks kind of blazblue-ish to me
She's also kind of Kill la Kill-ish. Unless you meant the one that saved her.
>>648658 yeah im talking about the mask girl
War. War never changes.
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lol why
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protagonist-chan is a lot sharper eyed than anyoe else.
Weena caru
Cari even
This show really ping-pongs between being serious and grim and poppy and cheery.
Oh shit it's Putin.
These are some pretty trippy portals.
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wow hardcore fishing
Geez fucking louise they're just slaughtering these guys.
well i mean half of them were in an illegal PMC
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They probably have families and stuff though.
This Battle's On music from this show is really hype though.
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>>648672 and? this is war
Oh no she's still dealing with her PTSD.
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Oh looks like she got disarmed.
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They've got a mahou shoujo that can heal those kinds of injuries though so it's not as big a deal. Good for incapacitating her in the moment though.
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wow this guy really is brutal
Well roasted bear sounds pretty suitable for Hokkaido.
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col mustang chan
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neverland okay lets start!
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this show sure isn't what i expected haha NEVER EVER land
Reaaaady Never say never
should i dl kakegurui for after this or nah
I'd bet against it but who knows.
Oh she got GOT. I guess the demons don't just care for children.
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I guess even the caretakers can be eaten in the end.
I was kind of expecting the intermittent flashbacks to show their Mama bullying Krone while they were in training together, or trashing her doll. Give some explanation for why the two of them are at such odds. Or were, I guess, hah hah
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I think she was just a speedbump in the end.
All this time they were just dancing in the palm of Mama's hand.
Oh boy. All the cards are on the table now.
Well shit.
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Oh wow she's pretty strong.
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okay lets go go-toubun okay lets start!
go go gadget toubun
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i like how his dad bullies him for being a fucking nerd
His dad's exactly the kind of guy you'd expect to bully someone for being a fucking nerd.
Oh yeah he's too poor to have a sense of taste, hah hah.
Miku has a really high pout-count.
>Did someone drug you or something? Kind of accurate really.
I guess Yotsuba is a horrible liar. Oh this is just getting worse and worse.
Hah hah now he's playing into it. Yeah I saw the ketchup bottle on the table earlier.
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the idol one is such a bitch
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she's trying her best
Number Five really has some insane levels of revility for U E SU GI SA N though.
Oh no.
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>>648713 only because she's secretly his old crush
Oh and now the deceit is up.
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yotsuba episode?
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oh wow he got confe nevermind
Holy shit
How does she have this poor object permanence.
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I think headphones girl is cutest and the best waifu for him.
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yotsuba is EVIL
>>648721 she's a cat
>>648724 All these girls are kind of EVIL
Hah hah hah. That's a devious bribe.
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>>648727 Ichika isn't!
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She's a VILLAIN.
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>>648731 she's only trying to help! and its WORKING
Poor Miku's been left along in the library all this time. Though she seemed pretty happy to get U E SU GI SA N's contact so the day was probably a win for her.
Hah hah what. How did he not foresee any situation but this happening.
This is a weird exhange they've got going on.
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uh yeah I don't think I'd trust some random person to do that. what if he does it off center?
Oh shit wow THAT'S what he looked like. Hah hah.
I knew there was a twist like this incoming from lurking manga threads for a while now.
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Oh wow big twist.
But they were all totally identical back then so WHICH ONE
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okay thanks for anime!
Yup yup, thanks.
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>>648743 Or maybe it's a SZS thing and all the girls are just the same person!
i like this show i should read the manga maybe righT NOW
>>648744 what if they used to just switch out!
>>648745 It's an ongoing manga so all you'll be doing is spoiling the last four episodes of the anime for yourself without any real closure. Why not just wait until you've finished the anime?