Thread #648954
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3D Kanojo Real Girl Bermuda Triangle --Episode 4-7 Boogiepop wa Warawanai --Episode 10-14 Domestic na Kanojo Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue Egao no Daika --Episode 6-8 Go-toubun no Hanayome Grimms Notes --Episode 3-7 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Mahou Shoujo Tokushuen Asuka To aru Majutsu no Index W'z --Episode 5-8 Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! Yakusoku no Neverland Kakegurui XX --Episode 4-8
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oh is he? do we have jan at least?
Ika's out partying I believe.
I don't know he's not always around oh shit hi Jan.
yeah I'm about not sure if I'm going in to work tonight or just early tomorrow
Search [iqdb] (534 KB, 800x1000, にしけい - カーニバルだよ!.jpg )
well we have time to watch some stuff right?
I definitely have time
Well we can always cut short if you need to ANSWER THE CALL
the delivery has yet to arrive at the DC it departs from for tonight's shipment so it's most likely not coming until late morning
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okay what do you guys want to learn? er watch
i want to learn how to barre chord without PAIN
Ika said he'd catch up so we can probably throw in a couple shows he'll watch. Also uh that list I copy-pasted is un-updated give me a sec. 3D Kanojo Real Girl Bermuda Triangle --Episode 4-7 Boogiepop wa Warawanai --Episode 11-14 Domestic na Kanojo Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue Egao no Daika --Episode 6-8 Grimms Notes --Episode 3-7 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Mahou Shoujo Tokushuen Asuka To aru Majutsu no Index W'z --Episode 5-8 Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! Kakegurui XX --Episode 4-8
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sme of these we watched yeah like boogie 10 and neverland
We could probably do Asuka and Doukyonin without too much problem. Maybe an episode of Boogiepop. I'm not too sure about JoJo but maaaaybeeee? Same with Index. We could do Kakegurui possibly. I don't think he 's too worried about being along for Watashi ni Tenshi either.
i would be down for any of the shows tilde is talking about yeah i assume ika wants to watch domestic i think he likes that one
Yeah I'd hazard a guess he's fond of that one.
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we watched the latest asuka last night didn't we?
It releases for Fridays, the one we watched was last Friday's.
yeah there's a new episode
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okay boogiepop 11 joho asuka wata tenshi
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boogiepop 11 okay lets start!
oogie boogie
Boogie woogie
the loli show is episode 8 right?
So many people in this show just start talking about really chuuni things. Though ironically in-universe they're actually often accurate.>>648982 To be honest some chuunibyou is like trivialized schiziophrenia.
>>648981 i'd say that guy is more schizoid than chuuni haha
Her hair's kind of cute at this length. It's kind of more generic once she grows it out.
Ooookay lady.
>Brain was sucked out
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spookie boogie
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>>648984 she's perfectly normal
jesus cristo how horrivel
Oh what the shit.
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>>648991 man i've never seen a more normal psych ward doctor in my LIFE
Oh it's time to BOOGIE
Boogiepop/Touka's seiyuu does a good job of distinguishing between the two of them.
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jojo okay lets start!
Bento Oreo Time for more KINGU CURIMSON
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can't wait to see the crazy lady get boogied especially after all that trash they talked in the clinic>>648996 TIME TO WERK
>something's... bizarre
It's like you've been on a bizarre adventure all this time.
Man they're really showing off the weirdness of King Crimson really well with this bit.
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oh no there's blood
that's a lot of crimson
Lots of blood.
Hah hah the boss got Pokeball'd.
zip your shoulder back up dumbass
Yeah I figured he was doing something like that. Bruno's smart enough to not fall for the same trick thrice.
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Oh no ;_;
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oh no this is where things get bad!
Oh okay.
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oh I guess he was okay in the end
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his DIO sense is tingling he feels someone he wants to BETRAY
Narancia is such a dumbass.
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>>649013 yeah but he's a good kid even if he's a dumbass
>Special Program I guess there's no real episode of JoJo next week.
can't believe someone stayed behind that's so fugod up
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asuka! okay lets start!
>>649016 It's unusual for a JoJo part to lose a party member to a fate that's not death. How unusual.
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>>649018 yeah he'll come around surely he was the only one there who made a logical decision though
>Trying to sell your daughter into prostitution What a pleasant human bean.
this fuckin guy drinkin the equivalent of flavored malt liquor puttin cigarettes out on the coffee table and beating his daughter japanese cartoons are so wild
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lots of bad people in this episode
What is this supposed to be, Gorilla Kyuubey.
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hold up she literally doesn't have a choice what else is she gonna do
Well, die.
that's a given i mean until she dies
Kurumi what the fuck.
oh boy here we go
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Oh wow I guess this is going to be something.
Well she's a fucking piece of work.
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holy shiiit
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oh hey but that girl had her arm back so it wasn't all bad.
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i mean she can just make her forget all of this even happened anyhoo so it's probably nbd
A mundane war is bad enough. A full on magical war is probably something beyond nightmares.
time for more SPEC OPS
texas musume
Is being a Texas musume all that great, Jan?
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it would be if i had a magical gun
>voorhees class >greed class >halloween class wait a second
Shi pi aru
These three sure make a motley crew. A girl with a prosthetic leg, a hulking robot in a tracksuit, and a floating penguin demon.
>i wish i was that mannequin nurse-chan is getting more and more degen
Search [iqdb] (285 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo To(…).jpg )
i'm glad she got her genki back
All it cost her was a week of memories too. Considering everything, it's a pretty good trade.
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Oh she's crazy.
Well she did come from a pretty horrible existence before this. And the hulk robot did a good job of seducing her to the idea of being loyal to him.
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good kill good kill
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>>649051 yeah he seems like he's just using her but i guess it's just his orders from on high anyways
Well I think he sees a bit of himself in her. Probably not enough to choose her over his boss but as long as those two don't combat for prevalance I'm sure he'll continue to be a good onii-chan.
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wataten okay lets start!
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doggo shrug shruggo
tilde was still typing haha
I started more or less on time.
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thinly veiled self insert-chan sure is cute
Yeah Mya-nee is adorbs. Should dress a little better though, tracksuits are pretty boring.
Hah hah her mom imitated her almost perfectly in pitch and tone there.
>>649062 yeah that made me laugh
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>>649061 maybe they're really comfy i've never actually worn one
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>>649061 She's cute when she wears normal clothes too.
Or even not-normal clothes like her cosplay outfits.
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her personality is a little fucked up though!
Shop clerks are pretty ridiculous though. Even the ones not working on commission jump on you some times.
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>>649068 that's the job
I'm pretty sure I saw her stalker in the vet shop too. Sasuga.
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such a protective imouto
More like such a FASHIONABLE imouto.
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her mom is really cute
Yeah she's pretty nice too.
Hinata's sheer enthusiasm is terrifying.
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>>649075 she got all the ganbatte that her sister didn't get
Oh wow Mya-nee's stalker named her dog after her. How terrifying.
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what a great puppo
Her imouto was also wandering around in one of the scenery shots this episode. Yeah and these two girls were also earlier on too. There's been some good catch-shots this episode.
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yeah the background characters show up every now and then
Hinata's got such a kid's brain for this kind of thing.
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Matsumoto is the real Dangerous Person of this series.
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>>649084 she's definitely okay
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i knew that was coming
Well they set it up earlier in the episode, yeah. Oh wow Mya-nee had a chuuni phase. I mean it's not surprising but it's still funny.
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that was fun >>649089 imouto magnetism maybe cause she is a sad onee-chan
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She's good at finding little girls
Some people are just people magnets.
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She's a little girl magnet,
Well if someone's got to be one, she's one of better options.
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she even attracts adults too